Private. Lives
JJLJ-L, I ..}u.... t I 4.rl @ THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE 1950·51 Season Films and Plays THE September 6-8: Opm City, Italian .film 21, 22: j ean Cocteau's B.eauty and the Beast, French film UNIVERSITY 28,29: The Dam11ed, French film OF October ~. 6: Antoine and AntoitJette, French film 12, 13: BJ(ape from Yesterday, French film HAWAII 19,20: The Raven, French film 26,27: The Barber of Seville, French Opera Comique film THEATRE November 7, 11: Theatre Group production of Lawrence and Armina Langner's THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS GROUP 14-18: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 24-25: Pagnol's Marius, French film December 1, 2: Pagnol's Cnar, French film 7·9: Cage of Nightingales, French film 30: Theatre Group production of Bernard Shaw's MAJOR BARBARA January 5, 6: MAJOR BARBARA 10-13: MAJOR BARBARA February 8, 9: Jouvet in Between Eleven and Midnight, French film 15, 16: Gigi, French film \ 22,23: Kreutzer Sonata, French film March 15-17: Theatre Group.production of THE HOUSE OF SUGAWARA, a newly NOEL COWARD'S translated Kabuki play 20-24: THE HOUSE OF SUGAWARA 27·29: THE HOUSE OF SUGAW ARA 30, 31: Light of India, Indian film PRIVATE. LIVES April 6: T!Je Ghost Goes Wm, American fil~ 13: Museum of Modern Art film, the Marx Brothers in Dudz Soup 14: Shoeshine, Italian film 21-22: Theatre Group production of William Wycherly's THE COUNTRY WIFE 25-28: THE COUNTRY WIFE May 2, 3, 5: The Soul of ChinR, Chinese film 4: Museum of Modem Art film, Garbo in Annt~ Chrhtie 11·12: Theatre Group production of FOUR ORIGINAL PRIZE PLAYS 17·19: FOUR ORIGINAL PRIZE PLAYS June 1: Museum of Modem Art film, Chaplin's Essanay Comedies 8,9: Theatre Group production of Noel Coward's PRIVATE LIVES 14-16: PRIVATE LIVES JUNE 8, 9, 14.
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