Simplification Orders in Term Rewriting. Derivation Lengths
Ingo Lepper Simplification Orders in Term Rewriting Derivation Lengths, Order Types, and Computability 2001 Mathematische Logik Simplification Orders in Term Rewriting Derivation Lengths, Order Types, and Computability Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften im Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult¨at der Westf¨alischen Wilhelms-Universit¨at Munster¨ vorgelegt von Ingo Lepper aus Munster¨ – 2001 – Typeset with LATEX 2ε using the document class KOMA-Script, the packages babel, AMS-LATEX, amsthm, hyperref, graphicx, url, color, natbib, backref, booktabs, array, ragged2e, acronym, nomencl, thumbpdf, nicefrac, currvita, titletoc, epigraph, and paralist, and the additional font packages amssymb, aeguill, stmaryrd, and pifont. The home page of this text is If you want to contact the author, this is possible by electronic mail via either (expiration date approx. 12/2004) or Dekan: Prof. Dr. W. Lange Erster Gutachter: Prof. Dr. A. Weiermann Zweiter Gutachter: Prof. Dr. W. Pohlers Tage der mundlichen¨ Prufungen:¨ ❖ Mathematische Logik: 04.12.2001 ❖ Reine Mathematik: 29.11.2001 ❖ Angewandte Mathematik: 03.12.2001 Tag der Promotion: 04.12.2001 Fur¨ Anke und meine Familie ❦ Foreword Appreciate true friendship, it is for free! I would like to mention the persons who have significantly contributed to my work. First of all I wish to express my sincere thanks to my thesis supervisor, Prof. Andreas Weiermann, for invaluable help and encouragement. He arouse my interest in term rewriting, he benevolently answered nearly all of my ques- tions from various fields of mathematics, and in turn he asked questions which led to new or improved results.
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