1963 TERM Robert N
the Mountaineer 1964 Entered as second-class matter, April 8, 1922, at Post Office in Seattle, Wash., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly and semi-monthly during March and December by THE MOUNTAINEERS, P. 0. Box 122, Seattle 11, Wash. Clubroom is at 523 Pike Street in Seattle. Subscription price is $4.00 per year. Individual copies $2.00 each. The Mountaineers To explore and study the mountains, fores ts, and watercourses of the Northwest; To gather into permanent form the history and traditions of this region; To preserve by the encouragement of protective legislation or otherwise the natural beauty of North west America; To make expeditions into these regions in fulfill ment of the above purposes; To encourage a spirit of good fellowship among all lovers of outdoor life. EDITORIAL STAFF Betty Manning, editor, Winifred Coleman, Peggy Ferber, Grace Kent, Nancy Miller, Marjorie Wilson The Mountaineers OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES 1963 TERM Robert N. Latz, President John F. Fuller, Secretary John Osseward, Vice-President Ed ward H. Murray, Treasurer Alvin Randall Frank Fickeisen El len Brooker Roy A. Snider Leo Gallagher John Klos Peggy Lawton Leon Uziel Harvey Manning J. D. Cockrell (Tacoma) Art Huffine Gr. Representative) Jon Hisey (Everett) OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES: TACOMA BRANCH Nels Bjarke, Chairman Marge Goodman, Treasurer Mary Fries, Vice-Chairman Steve Garrett Jack Gallagher Gr. Representative) Bruce Galloway Myrtle Connelly George Munday Helen Sohlberg, Secretary OFFICERS: EVERETT BRANCH Larry Sebring, Chairman Glenda Bean, Secretary Gail Crummett, Treasurer COPYRIGHT 1964 BY THE MOUNTAINEERS The Mountaineer Climbing Code A climbing party of three is the minimum, unless adequate sup port is available from those who have knowledge that the climb is in progress.
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