Temperature-Dependent Development of Xyleborus Glabratus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytnae) Gurpreet S
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Temperature-dependent development of Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytnae) Gurpreet S. Brar1,*, John L. Capinera2, Paul E. Kendra3, Jason A. Smith4, and Jorge E. Peña5 Abstract Redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichho Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytnae, is a nonnatve pest that transmits the pathogenic fungus Rafaelea lauricola T.C. Harr., Fraedrich Aghayeva phiostomatales: phiostomataceae, hich causes laurel ilt disease in trees of the family Lauraceae. Laurel ilt is present in the commercial avocado Persea americana Mill.; Laurales: Lauraceae groing areas of Florida and poses a potental threat to the avocado industries of California and Meico. The life cycle of X. glabratus as studied in avocado logs at 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 C. Xyleborus glabratus successfully completed its life cycle at 24, 28, and 32 C, ith the greatest ovipositon and development rate at 28 C. Development of the egg and pupal stages as studied at 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36 C. ne linear and nonlinear developmental models ere used to estmate the temperature-dependent development of both stages. The linear model estmated the loer threshold temperatures for egg and pupal development to be 13.8 C and 11.1 C, respectvely, and the degree-days DD for egg and pupal development to be 55.1 DD and 68.2 DD, respectvely. The Brier-2, Ratosy, Logan, and polynomial models gave the best estmates for the temperature-dependent development of the egg stages, hereas the Brier-1, Logan, and polynomial models gave the best estmates of temperature-dependent development of the pupal stages. ur results suggested that the optmal temperature for development of X. glabratus as around 28 C, and that temperature ill play an important role in the spread and successful establishment of X. glabratus. ey ords: avocado; redbay, temperature; development models Resumen El escarabajo ambrosia del laurel rojo, Xyleborus glabratus Eichho Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytnae es una plaga no natva y el vector del hongo patgeno Rafaelea lauricola T.C. Harr., Fraedrich Aghayeva, ue causa la enfermedad de la marchite del laurel en los rboles de la familia Lauraceae. La marchite del laurel est presente en reas de la Florida donde se siembra el aguacate comercial Persea americana Mill y representa una amenaa potencial para las industrias de aguacate en California y Mico. Se estudi el ciclo de vida de X. glabratus en troncos de aguacate a los 16, 20, 24, 28 y 32 C. Xyleborus glabratus complet con ito su ciclo de vida a los 24, 28 y 32 C, con la tasa de oviposicin y desarrollo ms alto a los 28 C. Se estudi el desarrollo del huevo y pupa a los 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32 y 36 C. Un modelo lineal y modelos no lineales de desarrollo fueron utliados para modelar el desarrollo del huevo y pupa dependiente de la temperatura. El modelo lineal result en un estmado del umbral de la temperatura inferior para desarrollo de huevos y pupas de 13.8 C y 11.1 C, respectvamente, y del nmero de grados-da GD para el desa- rrollo de huevos y pupas a 55.1 GD y 68.2 GD, respectvamente. Los modelos Brier-2, Ratosy, Logan y polinomiales dio las meores estmaciones para el desarrollo del estadio de huevo dependiente de la temperatura, mientras ue los modelos Brier-1, Logan y polinomiales dieron las meores estmaciones para el desarrollo del estadio de pupa dependiente de la temperatura. Nuestros resultados sugieren ue la temperatura ptma para el desarrollo de X. glabratus es alrededor de 28 C, y ue la temperatura va a ugar un papel importante en la propagacin y establecimiento eitoso de X. glabratus. Palabras Clave: aguacate; laurel roo; temperatura; modelos de desarrollo The eotc redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichho the laurel ilt pathogen has been detected in the folloing Lauraceae Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytnae has become a serious pest of species: redbay Persea borbonia L. Spreng., avocado Persea ameri- trees of the family Lauraceae in the United States. The beetle is natve cana Mill., sampbay Persea palustris Raf. Sarg., silbay Persea to Southeast Asia and as introduced accidentally in the southeastern humilis Nash, sassafras Sassafras albidum Nu. Nees, northern United States around 2002 Haac 2003; Rabaglia et al. 2008; Pea et spicebush Lindera benzoin L. Blume, pondspice Litsea aestvalis [L.] al. 2012. The redbay ambrosia beetle transmits the fungus Rafaelea Fernald, pondberry Lindera melissifolia alter Blume, and cam- lauricola T.C. Harr., Fraedrich Aghayeva phiostomatales: phiosto- phor tree Cinnamomum camphora L. Presl. It sometmes causes mataceae, Fraedrich et al. 2008; Hanula et al. 2008 that causes lau- mortality of 0 of infested trees Fraedrich et al. 2008; Mayeld et al. rel ilt, a lethal vascular disease. Since the introducton of the beetle, 2008; Smith et al. 200a, b; Hughes et al. 2013. Eperimental inocula- 1Everglades Research and Educaton Center, University of Florida, IFAS, 3200 E Palm Beach Rd, Belle Glade, FL 33430, USA 2Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida, IFAS, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA 3Subtropical Hortculture Research Staton, USDA-ARS, Miami, FL 33158, USA 4School of Forest Resources and Conservaton, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA 5Tropical Research and Educaton Center, University of Florida, IFAS, Homestead, FL 33031, USA *Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected] 856 2015 — Florida Entomologist — Volume 98, No. 3 Brar et al.: Temperature-dependent development of the redbay ambrosia beetle 85 tons ith R. lauricola indicate that California bay laurel Umbellularia rial Forest Alachua County, rday-Sisher Biological Staton Put- californica Hoo Arn. Nu. and Gulf licaria Licaria triandra S. nam County, and Hammoc Dunes Club Golf Course, Palm Bay Bre- osterm. also are susceptble Fraedrich 2008; Ploet onol 2013. vard County. Infested logs ere collected, and a beetle colony as Identcal rates of development of X. glabratus ere observed in avo- maintained at the University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology cado, redbay, and sampbay logs held at 25 2 C, ith teneral adult Department, Gainesville Alachua County, Florida, USA, by methods stages encountered approimately 1 mo aer gallery initaton Brar previously reported Brar et al. 2013. et al. 2013. The emissions of -cubebene, -copaene, -humulene, and calamenene from host trees ere correlated ith aracton of REARING F X. GLABRATUS FR DEELPMENTAL STAGES adult beetles to the host trees endra et al. 2011, 2014. Laurel ilt currently is present in commercial avocado groves in southern Florida Avocado Booth logs measuring 4.5 to 6.5 cm in diameter and 8 FDACS 2012 and has been the subect of recent revies endra et to 10 cm in length from healthy trees ithout beetle infestaton ere al. 2013; Ploet et al. 2013. procured from the University of Florida, Tropical Research and Educa- Since its introducton, the redbay ambrosia beetle has been report- ton Center, Homestead Miami Dade County, Florida, USA. Logs ere ed in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and soaed in tap ater for 48 h, removed, and individually placed in 46 Mississippi, USA, and its range has epanded more uicly than pre- mL clear plastc containers American Plastcs, Gainesville, Florida, dicted by och Smith 2008. Beetle populaton dynamics studies in USA. Each container as covered ith Planton neng 150 microns, South Carolina and Georgia, USA, have shon that adult beetles ere Biouip, Rancho Domingue, California, USA. To eep the logs moist, actve throughout the year, ith greater fight actvity in Sep compared appro. 100 mL of ater ere maintained in each container through- ith an and Feb Hanula et al. 2008, 2011. In Alachua County, Florida, out the eperiment. Tenty scleroted female adult beetles ere USA, strong actvity of the beetles as recorded in Apr 2010, ct 2010, placed directly on the bar of each log and ere alloed to bore. Logs and Mar 2011, hereas lile actvity as recorded in Nov 2010, Dec ere ept in an incubator Precision® illuminated incubator, Precision 2010, and an 2011 Brar et al. 2012. This suggests that the beetles are Scientc Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA at 25 2 C in complete darness. more actve in the summer months than in colder months in northern The number of logs infested on a given day as dependent on the Florida. ariaton in temperature, along ith other climatc variables, number of adult females available. Infested logs ere divided into 2 might play an important role in the populaton dynamics of this spe- sets, one for collecton of eggs and the other for collecton of pupae. cies Brar et al. 2012. Given the potental impact of the beetlefungus Based on data previously obtained regarding the life cycle of X. glabra- comple on the avocado industry of Florida and California, USA, and its tus on avocado Brar et al. 2013, the logs ere split and galleries care- potental threat to other lauraceous plants throughout North, Central, fully opened ith a hand pruner Fisars compound anvil hand pruner, and South America Gramling et al. 2010; Pea et al. 2012, it is desir- Loes, Gainesville, Florida, USA on the 10th to 13th day aer gallery able to develop phenological and populaton dynamics models to help initaton, and eggs ere carefully etracted ith sterilied needles. In predict pest infestatons, and to initate control measures. lie manner, the logs ere split, galleries carefully opened on the 24th Climate limits the distributon of insect pests, ith temperature to 26th day aer gallery initaton, and pupae ere etracted. being one of the abiotc factors that play a maor role. noledge of insect development in relaton to temperature is critcal in order to un- derstand insect populaton dynamics, but noledge of temperature DEELPMENT F EGG AND PUPAL STAGES AT CNSTANT relatons is also essental to create phenological predictve models.