CORDIO Status Report 2008
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enter for Marine and Fishery Studies of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 2 Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesian Program, Bogor keywords: Coral reef, reef fish, tsunami, Acehnese reef, marine protected area 79,&17.&% than on Aceh Island (9539 ha-1 and 396 kg.ha-1, % respectively). Pomacentridae (damsel fish) had the The coral reefs of northern Aceh, located in western highest abundance and biomass among fish families. Indonesia, are productive marine ecosystems that are Macro-invertebrates numbers, in particular sea important for the economies of local communities. urchins, were highest on Aceh compared to Weh The catastrophic tsunami in December 2004 affected Island, and in open access areas compared to marine local communities, and ways in which they utilized managed areas. The potential for sea urchins to marine resources, while impacts on reef resources were influence coral recruitment and coral reef recovery of patchy. Limited data and information on coral reef Aceh Islands requires further investigation. condition prior to the tsunami has highlighted the need for regular long-term coral reef monitoring to :6&1;<=.&:;6% assess reef recovery from the tsunami and from previous damage caused by destructive fishing and Northern Aceh on the Indonesian Island of Sumatra overfishing.
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