Statedept008478 CO 5 90 3 80 71ED U.S
COS 90 38 03 1ED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-201G-04163 Doc No. C05903803 Date: 12130/2015 RELEASE IN PARTI BS From: Cassidy, Joseph P Sent Tuesday, June 01. 2010 10:25 AM To: Posner. Michael H Cc Fitzpatrick, Kathleen M; DRl-MlGA-Dl; Mayfield. Kay (ORl); Johnstone, Kari A (DRl); lieberman,-Jessica 0 (DRl) Subject FW: URGENT -- Clearance needed Monday afternoon Attachments: statement - 201004 31 - flotilla2.doc; 31 May 2010 . draft SC Chamber statement.docx; 2010-06-01 HRC 14. Flotilla EOV.docx Importance: High Attached are the Wollf statement from yesterday, the draft Donohoe intervention to be delivered shortly (if not already), and the draft EOV as it stands now. --- ----1 85 I would very much appreciate the chance to sit down with you and get your marching orders ifyou have any time at all. Things are moving fast. Thanks. joe . EVIEW AUTHORITY: Sharon Ahmad, Senior Reviewer UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-201G-04163 Doc No. C05903803 Date: 12130/2015 StateDept008478 CO 5 90 3 80 71ED u.s. Department of State Case No. F-2010-04163 Doc No. C05903807 Date: 12/30/2015 RELEASE IN PART I !85,86 from: Fitzpatrick, Kathleen M Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 lq:34 AM To: Posner, Michael H (c: Stanfield, Emily; Rosenthal, Hannah S; Hilton, Olivia P; Kovach, Peter J; Martone, Stephanie l; MaYfield, Kay (DRL); Lieberman, Jessica D (DRL) Subject: .FW: 6/1 Moming meeting- Satloff documentary--Jeff Feltman i 85 From: Berglund, Katherine H sent: Tuesday, June 01,201010:18 AM To: Hussain, Rashad; Pandith, Farah A; Wells, Alice G; Rosenthal, Hannah 5; Feltman, Jeffrey D; Pisani, Kristen l; Schlicher, Ronald L; Waller, Robert P; Posner, Michael H; Fitzpatrick, Kathleen M Cc: Chandler, Karen R; Djerassi, Alexander M; Dennis, Chanel N; Ratney, Michael A; Stanfield, Emily; Reed, Julia G; Kovach, Peter J; Hilton, Olivia P Subject: RE: 6/1 Morning meeting- Satloff documentary Hello all, Just a Quick update· I just got a call from Erin Pelton.
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