Carleton Geology Newsletter Volume XXXVII 2012 Published by The Department of Geology Carleton College Northfi eld, MN 55057 The cover drawing is the 2012 Geology T-shirt design by Taylor LaCasse ‘13 The Carleton Geology Newsletter is edited by Jonathon Cooper Layout by Ellen Haberoth Photo Submissions: Pictures submitted to the Newsletter can be either in traditional print or electronic formats, but electronic pictures should be medium to high resolution in order to reproduce well on paper. The fi le size of electronic pictures should be several hundred KB or more. If you have a change of address or other correction to our address list you may edit it yourself and make sure your listing is done the way you prefer at If you have forgotten your username or password call the Alumni Aff airs Offi ce at 1-800-729-2586. Or You may notify: Alumni Records Carleton College Northfi eld, MN 55057 (507) 222-4195 E-mail:
[email protected] Department of Geology Carleton College One North College Street Northfi eld, MN 55057 June 2012 Dear Friends of the Geology Department, On behalf of the Geology Department, I send you greetings, best wishes and another edition of our Carleton Geology Newsletter. The faculty is busy and productive in their research, teaching and service. You will fi nd detailed accomplishments of each faculty in the pages that follow. As always, there were many fi eld experiences for students and faculty this year. In the fall, we had an over night fi eld trip to Taylors Falls where over 40 students participated.