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See page 88 See page 3 See See page 71 page 10 See See page 88 page 13 WELCOME TABLE OF CONTENTS Bargains, Bulk Buys & Clearance ...32, 33, 46, 47 Dear Pastors, Bestsellers...........................................3, 4, 50–52 Sometimes called the Hall of Faith, Hebrews 11 is one of the most well- Bible Covers & Accessories...............................54 known chapters in the Bible. It famously outlines the lives of Old Testament Bibles.....................22, 23, 40, 46, 47, 54–65, 88 saints—the “heroes of the faith”—of whom the world was not worthy because Amplified, One-Year & Parallel....................55, they trusted God no matter the cost. 56, 58, 62, 65 In our celebrity-driven culture, heroes are often defined by political power, fi- Audio, DVD & Electronic............................54 nancial success, athletic prowess, or acting ability. But, as Hebrews 11 illustrates, that is not how Scripture identifies a true hero. Abel was murdered; Noah Children’s & Teen .........47, 55, 58, 59, 62, 63 preached with no response; Abraham left home for an unknown land; Joseph was ESV............................................58–61, 64, 65 thrown in prison; Moses gave up a royal life for wilderness wanderings; and many HCSB ..............................................55, 57, 59 of Israel’s prophets were persecuted to the point of death. From a worldly per- KJV..........................40, 55–57, 59–61, 63, 65 spective, these biblical characters would hardly qualify as heroes. Life Application......................................61, 63 But from God’s perspective, they are rightly classified as heroes of the faith. What made them heroic? Was Loose-Leaf ...................................................55 it their own wisdom, influence, money, or talent? On the contrary, it was their unwavering confidence in God and His Word—as evidenced by their wholehearted dependence on the Lord and allegiance to Him in spite Message, The ...............................................59 of extreme difficulties.
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