2.1 Site Location 2.2 Land Status and Existing Land Uses 2.3 Surrounding Land Uses 2.4 Accessibility 2.5 Development Constraints


3.1 Statutory Planning Context 3.2 Non-Statutory Planning Context 3.3 Planning History


4.1 Purpose of the Proposed Development 4.2 Automated Parking System 4.3 Conceptual Landscape Design 4.4 Development Programme


5.1 Policy Support for APS Pilot Project 5.2 Implementation of Government Policy Objectives of ‘Single Sites, Multiple Use’ and ‘Smart Mobility’ 5.3 Maintaining the Planning Intention of the Application Site 5.4 Suitability of Location/Land Use Compatibility 5.5 Compliance with TPB-PG No.8 5.6 Meeting the Local Parking Demand in Sham Shui Po 5.7 District Council Consultation

6 Technical Considerations

6.1 No Adverse Visual Impact 6.2 No Adverse Traffic Impact 6.3 No Adverse Environmental Impacts 6.4 No Adverse Sewage and Drainage Impacts 6.5 Preliminary Geotechnical Appraisal (PGA) and Engineering Method Statement



Appendix 1 Architectural Drawings Appendix 2 Landscape Proposal, Public Open Space Plan and Tree Survey Appendix 3 Perspective Appendix 4 Traffic Impact Assessment Appendix 5 Preliminary Environmental Assessment


This S16 Planning Application is submitted on behalf of Transport Department (“TD”) to seek planning permission from the Town Planning Board (the “TPB”) for the Proposed Open Space with Public Vehicle Park at Yen Chow Street West, Sham Shui Po (the “Application Site”).

The Application Site partly falls within an area zoned “Open Space” (“O”), an area shown as ‘Road’ and a minor portion of the Site is zoned “Residential (Group A)” (“R(A)”) on the Approved South West Kowloon Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K20/30 (“Approved OZP”). According to the Notes of the Approved OZP for “O” and “R(A)” zones, ‘Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle)’ is a Column 2 use which requires planning permission from the TPB. It is also stipulated in the covering Notes of the Approved OZP that ‘Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle)’’ on any area shown as ‘Road’ requires planning permission from the TPB. “Open Space” is a use always permitted within the Application Site.

The Proposed Development is initiated by TD in response to the Government’s initiatives to provide public car parking spaces in suitable public open space projects as promulgated in the Policy Address/ Policy Address Supplement from 2017 to 2020. The Proposed Development integrates Public Open Space (“POS”) and public vehicle park which implement the Government policy objectives to develop automated parking system and to maximise the site utilisation under the principle of “Single Site, Multiple Uses”.

The Proposed Development will provide a POS of not less than 1135.5m2, and public vehicle park providing about 200 parking spaces for private cars in the form of underground Automated Parking System (“APS”) and conventional parking at-grade. The Proposed Development involves four building blocks including two underground circular shafts with Automated Parking System (“APS”) and two annex buildings. The main use for annex buildings is to accommodate the electrical and mechanical (“E/M”) equipment; and the two underground circular shafts will provide 2 cores with 9 underground parking levels and 8 underground parking levels for the provision of about 90 and about 80 parking spaces respectively.

In summary:

 The Proposed Development is a pilot project for the application of APS;

 The Proposed Development optimises the use of an underutilised site and implements the Government’s policy objectives ‘Single Site, Multiple Uses’ and “Smart Mobility”;

 The Proposed Development is in line with the planning intention of the Application Site;

 The Proposed Development is compatible with the surrounding developments;

 The Proposed Development is in compliance with TPB-PG No. 8;

 The Proposed Development meets the local demand for car parking spaces; and

 No adverse traffic, visual, environmental and infrastructural impacts are anticipated.

In view of the above justifications and as detailed in this Supplementary Planning Statement, MEMBERS of the TPB are sincerely requested to give favourable consideration to the Proposed Development.


行 政 摘 要 (內文如有差異,應以英文版本為準)

運輸署(下稱「申請人」)根據城市規劃條例第十六條向城市規劃委員會(下稱「城 規會」)呈交規劃申請書,要求於欽州街西(下稱「申請地點」)興建擬議休憩用地 及公眾停車場(下稱「擬議發展」)。

申請地點在《西九龍分區計劃大綱核准圖編號 S/ K20/ 30》(下稱「核准圖」)中 被劃為「休憩用地」地帶、顯示「道路」的地方以及較小部分的申請地點被劃為「住 宅 (甲類)」地帶。其中「公眾停車場 (貨 櫃 車 除 外 )」於「休憩用地」及「住宅 (甲類)」 地帶屬第二欄用途,須先向城規會申請規劃許可,而且在核准圖上顯示為「道路」的 地方,所有用途都須先向城規會申請規劃許可。而「休憩用地」則是申請地點的經常 准 許 用 途 。

擬議發展由運輸署倡導,以回應 2017 至 2020 年 施 政 報 告 及 施 政 報 告 附 篇 於 合 適 的 公共休憩用地新增公眾停車場 的倡議。擬議發展融合了公共休憩用地和公眾停車場, 以期發展自動泊車系統及實踐政策倡議的「一地多用」原則 以 更 有 效 地 善 用 土 地 資 源。

擬 議 發 展 會 提 供 不 少 於 1,135.5 平方米的休憩用地以及公眾停車場,公 眾 停 車 場 的地 下自動泊車系統及地面的泊車位 將 提 供 200 個 私家車泊車位。申請地點的 4 個 構 築 物包括 2 個 地 下 圓 筒 型 自 動 泊 車 系 統 及 2 個附屬大樓。附屬大樓的主要用途為提供機 電設施, 而 2 個 9 層和 8 層 深 的 地 下 圓 筒 型 自 動 泊 車 系 統 分 別 能 提 供 90 和 80 個泊 車位。


 擬議發展是 自 動 泊 車 系 統 的 先 導 項 目 ;  擬議發展能有效地善用空置的休憩用地,實踐倡議的「一地多用」及「智慧出 行」的政策;  擬議發展符合申請地點的規劃意向;  擬議發展與周邊環境兼容 ;  擬議發展符合城市規劃委員會規劃指引編號 8;  擬議發展增加泊車位以應付該區的泊車需要; 和  擬議發展預期不會造成不良的交通、視覺、環境和基建影響 。

基於上述支持理據及補充規劃文件內列出的詳細資料,懇請城規會委員對擬議發展作 正 面 考 慮 。


Townland Consultants Limited Supplementary Planning Statement

Reference: ASD/YCSW/LEOC/01 Date: 5 July 2021






1.1 We are instructed by Transport Department (“TD”) to submit this S16 Planning Application to seek planning permission from the Town Planning Board (the “TPB”) for Proposed Open Space with Public Vehicle Park including underground Automated Parking System (“APS”) and at-grade conventional parking spaces (the “Proposed Development”) at Yen Chow Street West, Sham Shui Po (the “Application Site”/the “Site”).

1.2 The Application Site partly falls within an area zoned “Open Space” (“O”), an area shown as ‘Road’, and a minor area zoned “Residential (Group A)” (“R(A)”) on the Approved South West Kowloon Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K20/30 (“Approved OZP”). According to the Notes of the Approved OZP for “O” and “R(A)” zones, ‘Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle)’ is a Column 2 use which requires planning permission from the TPB. It is also stipulated in the covering Notes of the Approved OZP that ‘Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle)’’ on any area shown as ‘Road’ requires planning permission. “Open Space” is a use always permitted within the Application Site.

1.3 The Proposed Development is initiated by TD in response to the Government’s policies as promulgated in the Policy Address/Policy Address Supplement from 2017 to 2020 to provide public car parking spaces in suitable Government/ Institution or Community (“G/IC”) facilities and public open space projects as well as to alleviate the problem of insufficient public parking spaces through the application of technology as promulgated in 2020 Policy Address. The Applicant is actively taking forward various pilot projects on Automated Parking Systems (“APS”) and targeting to commission the APS pilot projects in batches starting from 2021.

1.4 This Supplementary Planning Statement (“SPS”) provides relevant information on the S16 Planning Application to facilitate the TPB’s consideration. The following sections will provide a description of the Application Site and its surroundings, the planning context, details of the Proposed Development and justifications in support of the S16 Planning Application.

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2.1 Site Location

2.1.1 The Site is situated at the junction of Yen Chow Street West and Tung Chau Street, Sham Shui Po. It is bound by the West Kowloon Corridor to the east, Yen Chow Street West to the south, and Sai Chuen Road to the west and north (Figures 2.1 and 2.2 refer).

2.1.2 The Application Site abuts the West Kowloon Corridor and a temporary non-profit making transitional housing implemented by the Hong Kong Council of the Social Service (“Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project”) to the east and west respectively. A down ramp from the West Kowloon Corridor is situated at the northeast portion of the Site (Figure 2.1 refers), which is anticipated to be removed by Highways Department (”HyD”) prior to commencement of construction of the Proposed Development. Furthermore, an existing Drainage Reserve (“DR”) falls within the Application Site (Figure 2.1 refers). No structure should be erected on the DR and the DR should be accessible by the Drainage Services Department (“DSD”) for inspection, operation and maintenance works. The normal operation of the drainage facilities will not be affected by the construction works or the future operation of the Proposed Development. Relevant parties and Government Departments will be consulted prior to the commencement of any work on the Site.

2.2 Land Status And Existing Land Uses

2.2.1 The Application Site is Government Land that is currently vacant and fenced off. The Short Term Tenancy (“STT”) KX 3095 for the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project is located adjacent to the Application Site.

2.3 Surrounding Land Uses

2.3.1 The Application Site is surrounded by predominately residential, open space and G/IC uses. The major land use characteristics surrounding the Site are summarised as follows (Figures 2.1 and 2.2 refer):

 The areas to the immediate northwest of the Application Site include Wing Cheong Estate and Fu Cheong Estate respectively.

 To the immediate north and north east of the Application Site are Tung Chau Street, the elevated West Kowloon Corridor and a temporary vehicle park under the flyover. To the further north of the Site is a District Open Space, namely . Areas situated to the further north and northeast of the Site across West Kowloon Corridor are largely residential areas zoned “R(A)”.

 To the immediate south and southeast of the Site is Yen Chow Street West and across the road is Nam Cheong Estate and the District Open Spaces known as Tung Chau Street Park and Nam Cheong Park.

 An area to the immediate south of the Application Site is committed for the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project which will provide two blocks of modular housing and approx. 205 flats. This long-term planning intention for this site is Open Space. A Sewage Screening Plant is located to the further south along Yen Chow Street West.

 Further to the southwest is the “Comprehensive Development Area” (“CDA”) development namely Cullinan West and the .

2.4 Accessibility

2.4.1 The Site is highly accessible by road, public transport and pedestrian networks. Nam Cheong MTR station is located approx. 290m from the Application Site whilst Sham Shui Po MTR Station is located approx. 550m away. Buses and minibuses provide services along Yen Chow Street West, Sai Chuen Road and .

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2.5 Development Constraints

2.5.1 The Application Site is subject to a number of development constraints which has directed layout of the Proposed Development (Figure 2.3 refers):

Adjoining Site of Transitional Housing

2.5.2 The Site is located adjacent to the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services, a temporary use being implemented in the remaining portion of the ”O” zone. Design constraints include safety and physical interface, potential visual impact, construction noise, etc. Construction works for the Housing Project are anticipated to be completed in Q1 2022 whereas the construction of the Application Site is anticipated to commence in 2023 with completion in 2026. Provision of POS in the remaining “O” zone could be considered in the long term to integrate with the POS in the Application Site in line with the Planning Intention under the OZP.

Vehicular Access / Right of Way

2.5.5 The proposed vehicular ingress at Yen Chow Street and egress at Sai Cheung Road not only serves the underground parking but also the emergency access to the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project. Right of Way is reserved through the Site to allow for emergency vehicular access to the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project.

Drainage Reserve (“DR”)

2.5.4 An existing DR falls within the Site. No structure should be erected on the DR and the DR should be accessible by the Drainage Services Department for inspection, operation, and maintenance works. The construction works or the future operation of the Proposed Development should not affect the normal operation of the drainage facilities.

Conventional Parking Requirements

2.5.5 According to LandsD Practice Note No. 2/2000 “Car Parking Requirement Mechanical Parking System”, not less than one-sixth of the total number of space shall be accommodated by conventional parking. Such conventional parking spaces shall be provided at-grade.

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Townland Consultants Limited Supplementary Planning Statement

3. Planning Context

3.1 Statutory Planning Context

3.1.1 The Application Site falls mainly within an area zoned “Open Space” (“O”), with a minor portion in an area designated as ‘Road’ and “Residential (Group A)” (“R(A)”) zone on the Approved South West Kowloon Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K20/30 (“Approved OZP”). According to the Notes of the Approved OZP, in “O” and “R(A)” zones, ‘Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle)’ is a Column 2 use which requires planning permission from the TPB. It is also stipulated in the covering Notes of the Approved OZP that ‘Public Vehicle Park (excluding container vehicle)’’ on any area shown as ‘Road’ requires planning permission. ‘Open Space’ is a use always permitted within the Application Site.

3.1.2 There are no Building Height, Site Coverage or Plot Ratio Restrictions imposed on the Application Site by the Approved OZP (Figures 3.1 refers). The planning intention in respect of the “O” zone is “primarily for the provision of outdoor open-air public space for active and/or passive recreational uses serving the needs of local residents as well as the general public.” As for the “R(A)” zone, the planning intention is “primarily for high-density residential developments. Commercial uses are always permitted on the lowest three floors of a building or in the purpose-designed non-residential portion of an existing building.”

3.2 Non-Statutory Planning Context

Policy Address

3.2.1 The Policy Address is the annual address made by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong outlining the policy objectives of the Government for the following year. According to the 2017 Policy Address, the Government will implement a series of short- and medium-to long-term measures to increase parking spaces in various districts having regard to the local situation in order to combat illegal parking. (Para. 217 of the 2017 Policy Address refers). One of the proposed measures is to provide public car parks in suitable new G/IC facilities. The 2018 Policy Address noted Government needed to increase the provision of car parking spaces in response to public aspirations (Para. 261 of the 2018 Policy Address refers). Following the principle of “Single Site, Multiple Uses”, the Government will provide public car parking spaces in suitable G/IC facilities and public open space (“POS”) projects.

3.2.2 According to the 2019 Policy Address, a number of short-term and medium-to-long term measures were drawn up to increase the number of car parking spaces. These measures include designating suitable on-street locations as night-time parking spaces, providing public parking spaces at suitable G/IC facilities and POS projects in line with the ‘Single Site, Multiple Uses” principle and taking forward pilot projects of automated parking system (“APS”). (Page 100 of the 2019 Policy Address Supplement refers). In the 2020 Policy Address, it is stated that the Government has been striving to promote “Smart Mobility” for improving road efficiency. One of the key features of Smart Mobility is to alleviate the problem of insufficient public parking spaces through the application of technology. In this connection, TD is taking forward pilot projects on APS and it is expected that the first APS in Tsuen Wan will be put into service in 2021 (Para. 118 of the 2020 Policy Address and Page 91 of the 2020 Policy Address Supplement refer).

Pilot Projects of APS

3.2.3 To address the serious local shortfall of parking spaces and to increase spatial efficiency, in early 2018, TD commissioned a consultancy study on the pilot use of APS, with a view to identifying suitable sites for providing different types of APS and assessing the technical feasibility and financial viability of the relevant projects. The APS pilot projects include a Short-Term Tenancy Site In Tsuen Wan; an Open Space at the junction of Yen Chow Street and Tung Chow Street in Sham Shui Po; the proposed government building on Chung Kong Road in Sheung Wan; and the proposed government building on Sheung Mau Street in Chai Wan.

3.3 Planning History

3.3.1 There are no previous Planning Applications pertaining to the Application Site.

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Townland Consultants Limited Supplementary Planning Statement


4.1 Purpose of the Proposed Development

4.1.1 Under policy support from the Transport and Housing Bureau, the Proposed Development is one of the APS pilot projects proposed by the Government. The Proposed Development is in line with the policy of increasing parking spaces having regard to the local situation in order to combat illegal parking as set out in the 2017 Policy Address, as well as providing public car parking spaces in suitable G/IC facilities and POS projects as promulgated in the 2018 Policy Address. To promote “Smart Mobility” for improving road efficiency and alleviating the problem of insufficient public parking spaces through the application of technology, TD is actively taking forward pilot projects on APS according to the 2020 Policy Address.

4.1.2 The Proposed Development will provide a POS of not less than 1,135.2m2, and public vehicle park providing about 200 parking spaces for private cars in the form of underground APS and conventional parking at-grade. Among these 200 parking spaces, around 30 parking spaces are provided at-grade for the purpose of contingency in case of system failure of APS and fulfilling the Barrier Free Access requirement.

4.1.3 Vehicular ingress and egress are proposed at Yen Chow Street West and Sai Chuen Road respectively to serve the Proposed Development. Right of Way/ Emergency Vehicular Access to the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project will be maintained at all times.

4.2 Automated Parking System (“APS”)

4.2.1 APS (also known as intelligent or mechanised parking system) can increase the number of vehicles to be parked in a given footprint by stacking up vehicles in a compact manner with mechanical lifting. An APS is generally equipped with mechanical devices such as an express elevator and a revolving/horizontal moving platform for transportation of vehicles, allowing for automatic location and retrieval of parked vehicles. Compared with conventional car parks, an APS can generally provide 30 per cent to 100 per cent more parking spaces within the same footprint.

4.2.2 To optimise the land use efficiency and maximise the area for open space, an underground circular shaft lifting system that requires smaller footprint at the ground level is proposed. The circular shaft lifting system will be operated by an elevator which lifts cars up and down to the corresponding floor. The cars are then transferred to the parking space in radial pattern through pallet. In car parks equipped with APS, drivers and passengers leave their vehicles at the drop-off entrance of the car park. A computerised system with mechanical devices is tailor-made to convey and store the vehicles to a vacant parking space inside the car park. The car retrieval process is basically the reverse of the automated parking process, and drivers and passengers can get into their vehicles at the car park pickup exit. A digital panel will be located in the queuing area to show the number of available parking spaces. According to the information from various APS suppliers, the store and retrieval time (with 50 – 96 parking spaces per shaft) are less than 2.5 minutes per vehicle and in general ranges from 1.5 to 2 minutes per vehicle. In this regard, an average servicing time of 2 minutes per vehicle is assumed.

4.2.3 For urban areas of Hong Kong where space is at a premium, the key advantage of car parks with APS is better utilisation of space when compared with traditional car parks which require bulky ramps, driveways, walkways, passenger lifts and space for car door opening. In addition, compared to traditional car parks, the time required for driving, searching for available parking spaces and walking is eliminated. Car parks with APS are also environmentally-friendly, as there is virtually no vehicle emission inside such car parks with only minimal lighting and ventilation is required for inspection and maintenance.

4.2.4 The design vehicle dimension will be at least 5.0m (l) x 2.0m (w) x 2.0m (h) which accommodates more than 85% of the private cars in Hong Kong. The remaining oversized private cars and light vans can be accommodated in the conventional parking spaces provided in the Proposed Development as needed.

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4.2.5 The Architectural Drawings and Perspectives of the Proposed Development are provided in Appendices 1 and 3 respectively. The Technical Schedule of the Proposed Development (subject to the Design and Build proposal) is provided in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Technical Schedule Development Parameters Proposed Development Application Site Area About 3,650m2 Application Site Area within “O” About 1,558.2m2 Zone under the OZP Proposed Public Open Space About 1,135.5m2 Greenery Ratio No less than 31% Site Volume Underground Circular Shafts: - Core 1 About 6,500m3 - Core 2 About 5,820m3 Site Coverage - At-grade structures Approx. 15% No. of Blocks 4 (including 2 underground circular shafts and 2 annex buildings Maximum Building Height at-grade Not more than 12m for Annex Building 2 Building Height (in MPD) Core 1 About -17.81 mPD (underground structure); 15.15mPD Core 2 (above-ground structure) About -17.81 mPD (underground structure); 15.15mPD (above-ground structure) Annex Building 1 About -0.85 mPD (underground structure) Annex Building 2 About 17.65 mPD (above-ground structure)/ not more than 12m Site Formation and Levels of Developments - 2 underground circular shafts The lowest formation level shall be about 25m (d) measured from site formation level (“s.f.l”) of G/F - Annex Building 1 The lowest formation level shall be about 7m (d) measured from s.f.l. of G/F No. of Parking Levels Underground Circular Shafts: - Core 1 About 9.5m-high above-ground core plus 9 underground parking levels - Core 2 About 9.5m-high above-ground core plus 8 underground parking levels Annex Building 1 1-storey underground for electrical and mechanical (“E/M”) equipment Annex Building 2 Above-ground building for E/M, carpark control and monitoring room, management office, guard booth, pantry and store room (Roof Level at 12m above ground) No. of Car Parking Spaces Underground APS About 170 (Core 1: 90; Core 2: 80) Conventional at-grade Car Parking About 30 Spaces Operating Hour 24-hour basis for both public open space and public vehicle park

4.3 Conceptual Landscape Design

4.3.1 The proposed Open Space within the Application Site has been planned in view of a number of interfaces, including the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project, vehicular access, existing drainage reserve on site and requirements for conventional parking requirement (Figure 2.3 refers). Nonetheless, POS of approx.1,135.5m2 will be provided within the Application Site (approx. 31% of the Application Site). The POS at grade will provide passive landscaped area and recreational uses, including a garden with soft landscaping, planters, seating areas with benches, arbours and sun/rain shelters, children play area, fitness corner, a storeroom and drinking fountains. A Conceptual Landscape Design is provided in Appendix 2. A “Universal Play Concept” is recommended to be deployed in play areas to promote social inclusion of people of all ages and disabilities. In view of the demographic changes in the society, it is suggested to have the elderly

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fitness areas as well as outdoor fitness equipment areas to be located closer to children’s play areas so that family members can communicate with or take care of each other during their exercise. In addition, the northern strip of the Site which is landscape area will provide natural shade along the pedestrian path to improve comfort and amenity.

4.3.2 The extent of the Application Site that falls with the “O” zone is approx. 1 558.2m2. The Proposed Development will provide approx 1,135.5m2 of Public Open Space. While there may be a slight net loss to the overall provision of open space for recreational use (422.7m2/ 27.1%), the Proposed Development will allow for early implementation of the planned open space for public enjoyment. Furthermore, there is future potential for the POS at the Application Site to be integrated with the remaining “O” zone (i.e. site of the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project), in line with the Planning Intention under the OZP.

4.3.3 Furthermore, as the APS is located underground, the Planning Intention of the “O” zone is maintained, which is primarily for the provision of outdoor open-air public space for active and/or passive recreational uses serving the needs of local residents as well as the general public. The Proposed Development will allow for timely implementation of the POS in order to contribute to public space provision in the neighbourhood and enhance the variety of public facilities.

Tree Survey

4.3.4 An Individual Tree Survey conducted on 19 April 2021 has identified approximately 55 living tree specimens within and in close proximity of the Application Site, of which 32 trees have been identified within the Site, 13 trees in close proximity to the Site and 10 trees outside the Site. None of them are included in the Registered of Old and Valuable Trees (“OVTs”). All trees are common species with in general poor tree form, health and structural conditions, and with medium to low amenity value (Appendix 2 refers).

4.3.5 Among the 32 trees within the Site, 28 trees are proposed to be felled, of which 7 trees will be felled by HyD under the downramp demolition project; 4 trees will also be transplanted under Proposed Development (Appendix 2 refers). Details of the Landscape Proposal will be further studied during the detailed design stage.

4.4 Development Programme

4.4.1 Subject to approval of funding proposal by the Legislative Council and timely demolition of the West Kowloon Corridor downramp undertaken by HyD, construction of the Proposed Development (POS and APS) will be undertaken by Architectural Services Department (“ArchSD”) and is anticipated to tentatively commence in 2023 with completion in 2026. Meanwhile, construction on the adjacent Yen Chow Street Social Housing Development commenced in Nov 2020 and is anticipated to be completed in Q1 2022. The demolition of the downramp of the West Kowloon Corridor at the northeast portion of the Site is anticipated to be undertaken by Highways Department and to be completed prior to the commencement of the Proposed Development.

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5.1 Policy Support for APS Pilot Project

5.1.1 The Proposed Development, initiated by TD in response to Government’s initiatives to provide public car parking spaces in suitable public open space projects as promulgated in the Policy Address/ Policy Address Supplement from 2017 to 2020, will be one of the pilot projects adopting the APS model – “Circular Shaft Lifting System” to combat a shortfall of parking spaces. The Proposed Development is also a prime example of the “Single Site, Multiple Uses” initiative, enabling policy objectives to be met while complying with the Planning Intention of the land use.

5.2 Implementation of Government Policy Objectives of ‘Single Sites, Multiple Uses’ and ‘Smart Mobility’

5.2.1 It is the Government’s objective to follow the “Single Site, Multiple Uses” principle to provide public car parking spaces in suitable G/IC facilities and POS projects in response to public aspiration. Also, the Proposed Development is one of the APS projects proposed by the Government. The Proposed Development is in line with the policy initiative of increasing parking spaces having regard to the local situation in order to combat illegal parking as set out in the 2017 Policy Address, as well as to provide car parking spaces in government facilities and public open space projects in 2018 Policy Address. To promote “Smart Mobility” for improving road efficiency and to alleviate the problem of insufficient public parking spaces through the application of technology, TD is actively taking forward pilot projects on APS and targets to commission APS pilot projects in batches starting from 2021 as highlighted in the 2020 Policy Address.

5.3 Maintaining the Planning Intention of the Application Site

5.3.1 The Proposed Development will provide a Public Vehicle Park including APS at the Application Site without diminishing the nature of the “O” zone. The Planning Intention, which is primarily for the provision of outdoor open-air public space for active and/or passive recreational uses serving the needs of local residents as well as the general public, is maintained. The Proposed Development will allow for timely implementation of the POS in order to contribute to public space provision in the neighbourhood and enhance the variety of public facilities. Also, provision of POS in the remaining “O” zone which integrates with the POS in the Application Site could be considered in the long run in line with the statutory planning intention under the OZP.

5.3.2 The provision of quality public open space and landscaped circulation area will enhance public enjoyment and accessibility. Moreover, POS that comprises Children Play Area, Fitness Corner and sitting-out areas will adopt universal design for all users to enjoy. In addition, the northern strip of the Site which is landscape area will provide a better natural sheltered area for pedestrian circulation to improve public accessibly and connectivity.

5.3.3 Meanwhile, the underground public vehicle park would maximise the site utilisation to provide more parking spaces without compromising the open-air public space use at ground level.

5.4 Suitability of Location/Land Use Compatibility

5.4.1 The Application Site is located in proximity to a number of open spaces such as the Tung Chau Street Park, Nam Cheong Park and Sham Shui Po Park. The Proposed POS at-grade will be compatible with the adjoining residential and open spaces environments, provide better pedestrian circulation, and connect the residential developments with the adjacent Tung Chau Park.

5.4.2 The Site is also highly accessible and well-connected to major roads via Tonkin Street West and Yen Chow Street West which makes the Site an ideal location for a public vehicle park, whereas the accessibility to public transportation and existing pedestrian network makes the site a suitable destination for leisure and recreational activities for general public living and visiting the area.

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5.4.3 The Site abuts the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project. The construction of housing project is anticipated to be completed in Q1 2022. There is potential in the future for the POS at the Application Site to be integrated with the remaining “O” zone, in line with the Planning Intention under the OZP.

5.5 Compliance with TPB-PG No.8

5.5.1 The Proposed Development complies with the main planning criteria outlined in the Town Planning Board Guideline for Application for Underground Development of Commercial/ Car Parking Facilities beneath Open Space, Government/ Institution/ Community Zones and Road Under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance (“TPB PG-NO.8”) as discussed below:

5.5.2 The Proposed Development is an integrated development of POS and public vehicle park. The POS at-grade tallies with the planning intention of the “O” zone to provide outdoor open-air public space. Meanwhile, the underground public vehicle park would maximise the site utilisation to provide more parking spaces without compromising the open-air public space use on the ground level.

5.5.3 The Proposed Development is a response to the problem of insufficient carparking spaces in Sham Shui Po and Government’s objectives to provide more public car parking spaces in suitable G/IC facilities and POS projects according to the Policy Address/ Policy Address Supplement in 2017 to 2020.

5.5.4 Relevant technical assessments, as outlined in Section 6 below, have been conducted to demonstrate the Proposed Development will not have any adverse impacts to neighbouring developments. The Proposed Development will comply with relevant standards and guidelines to minimise environmental impacts to the surrounding environment.

5.6 Meeting the Local Parking Demand in Sham Shui Po

5.6.1 The car parking provision in Sham Shui Po district is inadequate. Having regard to the local supply and demand of various types of parking spaces, the parking demand assessment conducted by TD has revealed a shortfall of about 200 public car parking spaces in the area. To meet the identified parking demand in the area, the Proposed Development is suggested to provide about 200 pubic car parking spaces in the form of underground APS and conventional parking spaces at the Application Site.

5.6.2 Furthermore, roadside parking surveys were carried out to identify the parking conditions on the local roads in the vicinity of the Application Site. The survey revealed that majority of the metered parking spaces in the area were occupied and illegal parking by private cars/taxis was taking place along the kerbsides of the surveyed roads. The successful implementation of the PVP will provide around 200 parking spaces for private cars to alleviate the illegal parking problem.

5.6.3 In addition to the provision of underground parking spaces, it is desirable to provide some conventional parking spaces to cater for the parking needs of vehicles that cannot be accommodated in APS. The conventional parking spaces would also serve as contingency in case of system failure of APS and meet the Barrier Free Access requirement. In accordance with the LandsD Practice Note No. 2/2000, it is required that not less than one-sixth of the total number of space provided shall be accommodated in the conventional system.

5.7 District Council Consultation

5.7.1 The Proposed Development was discussed at the meeting of the Transport Affairs Committee (“TAC”) of the Sham Shui Po District Council (“SSPDC”) on 2 April 2019,and the meeting of the Planning and Transport Affairs Committee (“PTAC”) on 25 February 2021 and 22 April 2021. The following points were raised by members:

 Some Members welcomed the proposed automated parking system for implementation of the “single site, multiple uses” principle;

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 Few Members had expressed their concern on the location (adjacent to the residential area, including the transitional housing under construction, Fu Cheong Estate and Wing Cheong Estate) and the potential nuisances (i.e. traffic impact, noise and air pollution etc.) that may be imposed to the residents nearby;  Some members opined a traditional public carpark might be more cost-effective and provide more parking spaces for not only private vehicles, but also commercial vehicles to meet public needs;  Concerns were raised in relation to the why the Application Site was selected for APS Development, and of other potential alternatives sites for the implementation of APS;  Concerns on existing illegal parking issues in the district, and the existing traffic conditions at Sai Chuen Road and Yen Chow Street West and potential further congestion as a result of the Proposed Development;  Members queried required to the programming of the Proposed Development, and potential interfacing with relevant projects, including the adjacent transitional housing development, demolition of the existing down ramp on Site;  Member questioned the rationale of the proposed ingress/egress;  Members queried the details of the APS such as its operation, car retrieval method and ease of use to residents as well as consideration of different types of vehicles; and  Concerns on whether the Proposed Development will result in adverse environmental and traffic impact to the surrounding environment.

5.7.2 Compared to traditional carparks, APS is a more cost-effective option because it saves more land for higher provision of parking spaces. The APS design could maximise the land use efficiency in urban areas. Particularly, the Site is originally intended for open space development. If traditional carpark is proposed, it will limit the opportunity for POS provision. As such, underground carpark is considered as a more beneficial option for vehicle parking.

5.7.3 The Proposed Development is an integrated development of POS and public vehicle park to achieve “Single Site, Multiple Uses” objective. Whilst the POS at-grade tallies with the planning intention of the “O” zone to provide outdoor open-air public open space, the underground public vehicle park would maximise the site utilisation to provide more parking spaces without compromising the open-air public open space use at grade. In addition, the proposed vehicular ingress at Yen Chow Street not only serves the carpark but also the emergency access to the Yen Chow Street Modular Social Housing Project.

5.7.4 Upon the completion of the Proposed Development, parking spaces for private cars will be provided and parking spaces at Short-Term Tenancy (“STT”) sites could be freed up for parking for commercial vehicles. Based on the local situation, TD will request the inclusion of additional conditions stipulating the minimum number of parking spaces for goods vehicles and coaches to be provided at those STT car parks.

5.7.5 Concerns have been fully addressed in the SPS which includes the details of the proposed design, justifications, development programme, potential interface with other relevant project, local parking demand and technical feasibility of the Proposed Development. As demonstrated in Section 6, relevant technical assessments conclude that the Proposed Development will not result in any adverse impacts to the surrounding environment.

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Relevant preliminary technical assessments have been undertaken for the Pilot Study on APS system and the subject site, which includes (1) Study Report on Planning and Technical Assessments (comprising of Preliminary Traffic Impact Assessment; Preliminary Geotechnical Appraisal; Electrical and Mechanical Systems Assessment; Preliminary Structural Assessment; and Preliminary Drainage, Sewerage, Water Supply and Utilities Impact Assessment) and (2) Preliminary Environmental Review. As part of the S16 Planning Application, a further Traffic Impact Assessment and Preliminary Environmental Review were prepared. As outlined below, the Proposed Development will not induce any significant adverse impacts.

6.1 No Adverse Visual Impact

6.1.1 The POS at-grade will provide passive recreational uses and landscaped areas, which are compatible with the surrounding residential mixed open space environment. The underground circular shafts are approx. 9.5m high, which are generally low-rise structures and are compatible with the planned open space. Based on the Preliminary Tree Survey, 28 trees will be compensated and 4 trees will be transplanted. In addition, new trees and plants will be provided in the landscaped area in POS to create better synergy with the surrounding and enhance the pedestrian experience, while also acting as visual barriers to the Public Vehicle Park. As such, adverse visual impact from the Proposed Development is not anticipated.

6.1.2 The underground APS is considered optimal in terms of visual and design practicability. Since the Site is intended for open space provision, at-grade space is preferred to be free up for POS and pedestrian circulation. If APS is provided at-grade, the APS structure will be visually obstructive and incompatible to the landscaped setting of the POS and the surrounding. Therefore, underground APS is preferred in term of visual and design elements.

6.2 No Adverse Traffic Impact

6.2.1 A Traffic Impact Assessment (“TIA”) has been conducted and is provided in Appendix 4. The TIA concludes that the Proposed Development will not induce adverse traffic impact on the road network in the vicinity of the Application Site.

6.2.2 Specifically, the Proposed Development will result in 1) minimal conflicting movements by providing separate Ingress at Yen Chow Street West and Egress at Sai Chuen Road). Only left-in movements from Yen Chow Street West are allowed at the ingress and hence the impact on the traffic on Yen Chow Street West would be minimal. Similarly, basically all vehicles will turn left only at the egress to access Sai Chuen Road without any right turn as the other end of the road is destined to Fu Cheong Estate or nearby car parks only; 2) minimal traffic impact by the PVP traffic on Sai Chuen Road. It is estimated that around 16 and 21 cars, i.e. only 1 car every 3-4 min, would be exiting from the Proposed Development via the egress at Sai Chuen Road in the AM and PM peak hour respectively. The results of the TIA indicate that the capacity of Sai Chuen Road and the junction of Yen Chow Street and Sai Chuen Road would be sufficient to cope with the additional demand without creating adverse traffic impact or extensive vehicle queues; 3) a more direct exit routes via the Junction of Yen Chow Street West/ Sai Chuen Road. Vehicles exiting from the egress of Sai Chuen Road can access West Kowloon Highway more directly via Lin Cheung Road or Sham Mong Road to other parts of Hong Kong. If the egress is located at Yen Chow Street West, vehicles have to turn left at the egress at Yen Chow Street West and then pass through Lai Chi Kok Road and/or Cheung Sha Wan Road, which are heavily trafficked routes; and 4) the proposed PVP will provide more parking spaces for the general public and help to alleviate the illegal parking condition on Sai Chuen Road.

6.3 No Adverse Environmental Impacts

6.3.1 The Proposed Development is not a designated project under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499), and belongs to one of the categories listed in ETWB TCW No. 13/2003 that have very little potential for giving rise to adverse environmental impacts. The Applicant will undertake to implement the standard pollution control measures during construction,

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as promulgated by the Director of Environmental Protection. A Preliminary Environmental Review (“PER”) has also been conducted to assess the environmental impacts which concludes no significant impacts will be caused by the Proposed Development (Appendix 5 refers).

6.3.2 In addition, the Applicant will also follow the environmental guidelines as set out in Chapter 9 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (“HKPSG”) and Practice Note for Professional Person (ProPECC) PN 2/26 “Control of Air Pollution in Car Parks” in designing the proposed POS and Public Vehicle Park.

No Adverse Air Quality Impacts

6.3.3 With the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures and good site practice, adverse impacts during the construction phases are not anticipated. No industrial and odour emissions were identified within 500m Study Area. Vehicular emissions from off-site traffic is anticipated to be insignificant as all the required buffer distances from the site to the nearby major roads are in compliance with the HKPSG guideline. No adverse air quality impact on the Proposed Development is anticipated during the operation phase. Overall, therefore, no adverse air quality impact is anticipated during the construction or operation phases of the Proposed Development (Appendix 5 refers).

No Adverse Noise Impact

6.3.4 Adverse noise impact is not anticipated during the construction stage with the implementation of noise mitigation measures. Mitigation measures including use of quiet powered mechanical equipment, use of movable noise barriers, noise enclosure and acoustic mat, as far as practical, would considerably reduce the noise impacts from construction site activities on nearby NSRs. In addition, potential noise during the construction phase will be minimised with good site practice and implementation of ProPECC PN 2/93 “Noise from Construction Activities – Non-statutory Controls and other relevant regulations as required. During the operation stage, most of mechanical and electrical (“M&E”) equipment will be enclosed or located inside building structures. Hence the noise impacts arising from M&E equipment on nearby NSRs will be minimal. (Appendix 5 refers).

No Adverse Water Quality Impact

6.3.5 During construction, water quality impacts will be properly controlled with the implementation of good site practice. Portable or Container toilets, when necessary, will be provided for constructions workers on-site. Provided these measures are implemented, adverse water quality impact is not anticipated during the construction phase. The Contractor shall apply for a Discharge Licence under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance and the effluent discharged from the construction site shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Discharge Licence. Moreover, there will be no adverse water quality impact due to runoff with the provision and implementation of the recommended mitigation measures for non-point sources during the construction phase and the operation phase of the Proposed Development. Overall, therefore, no adverse water quality impacts are anticipated during the construction or operational phases of the Proposed Development (Appendix 5 refers).

No Adverse Land Contamination Impact and Waste Management Implications

6.3.6 With the provision and implementation of the good site practices recommended, waste generation during construction phase will be reduced. Provided good site practices are followed, there should be no adverse impacts related to the management, handling and transportation of waste during the construction phase. During the operation stage, municipal solid waste generated will be stored in enclosed bins, which will be collected and disposed of regularly by a licensed waste collector and disposed of at an appropriate waste disposal facility. Therefore, no adverse waste management impacts will be arising during both the construction and operation stages with the implementations of recommended mitigation measures and control (Appendix 5 refers).

6.3.7 As no potential land contamination sources and issues were identified, further land contamination

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investigation is considered not necessary (Appendix 5 refers).

6.4 No Adverse Sewerage and Drainage Impacts

6.4.1 The Proposed Development will neither provide any public toilet nor vehicle washing activities on-site based. Sewerage will be mainly generated from the staff toilets and from the pantry. Given the estimated amount of sewage generated will be small (i.e. less than 3m3/day), sewerage impact on the municipal sewerage system induced by the Proposed Development will be minimal. With good site management practice, no sewerage impact is anticipated during operation phase,

6.4.2 No potential adverse drainage impact to adjacent public drainage system is anticipated. Referring to Drainage Services Department’s record, the Site is not on the list of flooding blackspots. Also, in light of around 1.68m depth level difference in between road level of Yen Chow Street West adjacent and the level of APS entrance, foreseeing the proposed development at the Site including basement will not have adverse flooding susceptibility.

6.5 Preliminary Geotechnical Appraisal (PGA) and Engineering Method Statement

6.5.1 The Application Site is located on flat land with no registered slope or retaining wall within or in its vicinity that may affect or be affected by the Proposed Development, and is considered geotechnically feasible for the Proposed Development.

Excavation Method

6.5.2 As one of the feasible construction methods, the underground public vehicle park could be formed by constructing diaphragm walls or secant pile walls to form two independent circular shafts to accommodate the APS, lift core, access staircases and corridors. The diaphragm walls or secant pile walls would be founding on bedrock with 300mm key, and they could be adopted as retaining structure for both temporary and permanent stages. Compared with rectangular shape, circular shape could minimise the ground movement and excavation, providing a strut free environment for excavation and substructure construction.

6.5.3 For foundation, two deep foundation schemes could be feasible. They are rock-socketed steel H-pile and mini pile. With all piles drilling into bedrock to form rock sockets, both foundation schemes could provide compression resistance by load transfer to bedrock and tension resistance for water uplift force due to the high ground water table.

6.5.4 Please note that the above construction method shall not be the only option and it shall be subject to the Design & Build Contractor's proposal in later stage.

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