Installing Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2016 SP1 on Server 2016 with SQL 2016 In this post, I will walk you through the process of installing MIM 2016 SP1 on Windows Server 2016 running SQL 2016. MIM 2016 SP1 will be evaluation version. My home lab consist of: Domain – RAMLAN.CA DC1 & DC2 - Domain Controllers Server 2016 MIM – Forefront Identity Manager Server 2016 SP1 on Server 2016 Create proper OU structure for MIM install. I have created the following to keep everything clean. I will be creating following users and groups within above OU. These accounts will be used during the installation/testing/deployment stages. I have shared PowerShell script to create these users/groups. import-module activedirectory $sp = ConvertTo-SecureString "01Jan2009" –asplaintext –force New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMMA –name MIMMA -path "OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Services,OU=MIM,DC=ramlan,DC=ca" -AccountPassword $sp - PasswordNeverExpires 1 -Enabled 1 -UserPrincipalName "
[email protected]" New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMSync –name MIMSync -path "OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Services,OU=MIM,DC=ramlan,DC=ca" -AccountPassword $sp - PasswordNeverExpires 1 -Enabled 1 -UserPrincipalName "
[email protected]" New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMService –name MIMService -path "OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Services,OU=MIM,DC=ramlan,DC=ca" -AccountPassword $sp - PasswordNeverExpires 1 -Enabled 1 -UserPrincipalName "
[email protected]" New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMSSPR –name MIMSSPR -path "OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Services,OU=MIM,DC=ramlan,DC=ca" -AccountPassword $sp - PasswordNeverExpires