Civic Centre 15 Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas, 7050 Locked Bay 1, Kingston, Tas, 7050 T: (03) 6211 8200 F: (03) 6211 8211 AusDoc: DX 70854 E:
[email protected] 15 October 2020 Our Ref: PSA-2019-3 The Executive Commissioner Tasmanian Planning Commission GPO Box 1691 HOBART TAS 7001 Dear Madam/Sir DRAFT AMENDMENT TO THE KINGBOROUGH INTERIM PLANNING SCHEME 2015 PSA-2019-3 - AMENDMENT TO THE FORMER KINGSTON HIGHSCHOOL SITE SPECIFIC AREA PLAN, “KINGSTON PARK”, LOCATED AT 42 CHANNEL HIGHWAY, KINGSTON Section 39(2) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 requires a report to be submitted to the Commission not later than 35 days after the draft amendment exhibition period. The draft amendment was exhibited from 29 August 2020 to 26 September 2020. Please find enclosed a report comprising a copy of each representation, a statement of the Council’s opinion as to the merit of each representation and our associated recommendations in relation to the planning scheme amendment in general. Please note that TasWater did not submit a presentation during the re-exhibition of the planning scheme amendment. If you wish to discuss the application or seek clarification in relation to the above, please contact Council’s Strategic Planner, Adriaan Stander on (03) 6211 8210. Yours sincerely TASHA TYLER-MOORE MANAGER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 PSA-2019-3 Representations received No. Representor and contact details Comment 1 Department of State Growth The planning authority’s Lucy Thorne, A/Manager Planning Policy response is provided in the 0429 698 118 attached s39 report.