
Emerging Technologies: A Preliminary Analysis

October 1978

NTIS order #PB-291039 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 77-600131

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 052-003-00612-0

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Food marketing technologies in the United States are undergoing major changes with a number of global implications. The purpose of this preliminary analysis was to gain a better perspective of these changes. It has helped to define the need for a major assessment of alternative global food futures. The staff of the OTA Food Group conducted the preliminary analysis with the assistance of the OTA Food Advisory Committee and a 22-member Food Market- ing Technologies Working Group. The analysis is a synthesis of many inputs and does not necessarily reflect the position of any individual. We thank the Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service of the U.S. De- partment of for permitting Dr. William Gallimore to be detailed to the OTA Food Group to assist us with this analysis.

RUSSELL W. PETERSON Director Office of Technology Assessment OTA Food Group Staff

J.B. Cordaro, Food Group Manager Michael J. Phillips, Marketing Cluster Leader

William W. Gallimore, Project Leader ● Robert L. Smith, Jr., Research Associate Ann Woodbridge, Achnim”strative Assistant Phyllis Balan, Administrative Secretary Jane Mason, Secretary* Debra Mears, Secretary4 Elizabeth Galloway, Secretary


Thomas L. Sporleder Professor of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University

OTA Publishing Staff

John C. Holmes, Publishing O~~icer Kathie S. Boss Joanne Heming


iv OTA Food Advisory Committee

Martin E. Abel, Chairman Senior Vice President, Schnittker Associates Johama Dwyer, Vice Chairman Director, Frances Stern Center

David Call Laura Heuser Kathleen O’Reilly Dean, College of Agricultural Member, Board of Directors Director and Life Sciences Agricdtural Council of America Consumer Federation of America Cornell University Arnold Mayer R. Dennis Rouse Cy Carpenter Legislative Representative Dean, School of Agriculture President Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Auburn University Minnesota Farmers Union Butcher Workmen of North Lauren Seth America Eliot Coleman Agricultural Consultant Director Max Milner Thomas Sporleder Coolidge Center for the Associate Director Professor of Agricultural Studv. of Agriculture International Nutrition Planning Economics Program Texas A&M University Almeta Edwards Fleming Massachusetts Institute of Social Program Coordinator Technology Sylvan Wittwer Florence County, S.C. Director and Assistant Dean Robert O. Nesheim College of Agriculture and Lorne Greene Vice President, Science and Chairman of the Board Natural Resources Technology Michigan State University American Freedom From The Quaker Oats Company Hunger Foundation Richard L. Hall Vice President, Science and Technology McCormick & Company, Inc. Working Group on New Technologies

Processing and Packaging Subgroup

William Gallimore, chairman OTA Project Leader

Robert Angelotti Herbert A. Hollender Romeo T. Toledo Administrator Chief, Associate Professor of and Quality Service Division University of Georgia U.S. Department of Agriculture Lab James Wishart Robert Beverly U.S. Army, Natick Research Director Manager James J. Solomon Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Food Research Department Market Analyst Butcher Workmen of North FMA Corporation Corporate Planning Division America Mahlon A. Burnette, III Aluminum Company of America Jane Wyatt Director, Scientific Affairs Dwayne A, Suter Associate Professor of Food Science Grocery Manufacturers of America Associate Dean and Technology Inc. College of Agriculture Oregon State University G. Robert DiMarco Texas A&M University Group Director James Turner Basic and Health Sciences Partner General Corporation Swankin and Turner

Wholesaling, Retailing, Transportation, and Food Service Subgroup

Michael J. Phillips, Chairman OTA Food Marketing Cluster Leader Peter Allstrom Timothy Hammonds Ernie Renaud Food and Beverage Trades Vice President for Research Executive Vice President Department Food Marketing Institute Jerrico, Inc. AFL-CIO Lew Norwood Harold Ricker E. A. Atchley Director of Affiliate Relations Chairman General Transportation Manager National Association of Agriculture Marketing Research General Mills, Inc. Grocers Institute Gordon Bloom Daniel Padberg U.S. Department of Agriculture Senior Lecturer Chairman Don Rothenberg Sloan School of Management Department of Agricultural Consultant Massachusetts Institute of Economics Technology University of Illinois Ellen Haas Gerald Peck Consumer Coordinator President Community Nutrition Institute National-American Wholesale Grocers’ Association vi Contents

Chapter Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... 3

I INTRODUCTION ...... 7 Objectives and Procedures ...... 8

II. PRIORITIES FOR TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT ...... 11 Priority Selection...... 11 Fabricated Foods...... 13 Food Sanitation in Distribution...... 13 Retortable Pouch...... 14 Electronic Checkout ...... 15 Technologies To Reduce Food Loss...... 16 Electronic Food Shopping ...... 16 Returnable and Recyclable Containers ...... 17 Technologies Needing More Research ...... 18

III. SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS ...... 21 Scenarios for the Future...... 21 Energy and Other Raw Materials ...... 23 , ,...... 24 Demand for Food...... 24 Supply of Food...... 25 Food Safety and Nutrition...... 25 Regulations ...... 26 Changing Lifestyles...... 27 Industry Structure ...... 28 Other Institutions ...... 28 FoodWaste ...... 29

IV. PROCESSING AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR ASSESSMENT ...... 33 Preservation ...... 0 . 0 ...... 34 New and Improved Equipment and Processing Techniques ...... 37 New and Modified Food Products...... 42 New Sources of Ingredients ...... 44 Packaging ...... 45

V. DISTRIBUTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR ASSESSMENT ...... 51 Wholesaling...... 52 Transportation ...... 53 Retailing and ...... 56 Technologies Involving the Total Distribution System...... 61 Contents—continued

Chapter Page APPENDIXES A. The Food Marketing System...... 65 B. Procedures Followed in the Planning Assessment...... 69 C, Agenda, Objectives, and Procedures for the Working Group...... 78 D. References ...... 86


TableNo. Page 1. Issue Areas of Food Marketing Technologies With High Priority for Assessment. ...I2 2. Socioeconomic Factors Influencing New Technologies as Indicated in Questionnaire Responses ...... 22 3. Processing and Packaging Technologies With High Priority for Assessment. .., ....34 4. Number of Plants and Employees for ...... 34 5. Distribution Technologies With High PriorityforAssessment ...... 5I A-1. Establishments, Sales, and Employees for Food MarketingFirms, 1967 and 1972.... 68 El. Number of Responses to Letter by Type of Respondent...... 70


Figure No. Page A-1. Major Components of theDomestic ...... 66 A-2. Value,Marketing Bill,and Consumer Expenditures for Food, 1977...... 67 A-3. Components of Bill for Marketing Farm Foods,1976...... 68 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The identification of new or emerging food marketing technologies that will have significant long-range impacts on society and the U.S. food system was the objective of this preliminary analysis. Food marketing is defined as the activities that take place within the food sys- tem from the farm gate to the consumer. These activities include processing, wholesaling, retailing, transportation, and food service. In 1977 consumers spent $180 billion on domestically produced food. The marketing bill was $123.5 billion, or 68.6 percent of this total, which represents more than twice the farm value of that food. Using a mail survey, a working group, and collateral staff work, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) has identified the social and economic factors that interact with and may be expected to influence the emergence and adoption of marketing technologies. The availability and cost of energy, supply of and demand for food (domestically and worldwide), environmental concerns, food safety, nutrition and health, and consumer attitudes are the major factors identified. Other elements include the availability and use of raw materials, importance of preventing spoilage and waste in the marketing system, and the effect of changing lifestyles on consumer preferences and attitudes. These socioeconomic elements and the marketing technologies are outlined and analyzed using two differing scenarios. The first scenario assumes that only minor changes will occur in the socioeconomic climate through the year 2000 and that trends will continue basically the same as they are today. The second, which is felt to be the more realistic and applicable, assumes changes from the current situation that will effect concomitant changes in the food marketing system. Each technology is examined from the following points of view: . Its current state of development;

. The extent to which it will be used; . Expected impacts, both negative and positive, of the technology and where these impacts may be felt; and

● Significant policy issues that may be explored in connection with a given technology and the effect it may have on society. On the basis of the foregoing, seven technologies were judged by OTA as highest priority.

● Texturing, binding, flavoring, and associated technologies that will pr~ duce engineered or fabricated foods to substitute either for a complete food (such as meat or dairy product substitutes) or for an ingredient or in- gredients in currently produced foods. ● Technologies that provide quality assurance in vehicles used to transport food and food products. These include identification, tracking, and clean- ing of contaminated vehicles; freight car design; and the use of certain vehicles to transport only food and noncontaminating, food-compatible commodities.

● Technologies that produce the reportable pouch, a multilayer plastic and aluminum package that will withstand heat processing and produce shelf- stable products in no need of refrigeration before opening.

● Electronic checkout in retail food stores, including systems able to scan the Universal Product Code currently printed on about 80 percent of food packages in grocery stores.

● Technologies to reduce the extent of food loss throughout the marketing system—including processing and packaging, transportation, and retail- ing—and in food service and home preparation.

● Electronic food shopping systems as alternatives to current retailing systems. These include warehouse-to-door delivery, automated mini- markets, and mobile automated markets that would travel to the cus- tomers. The effect of these systems would be to make food available in areas where the retailing system is now inadequate or to supply food in areas of special need.

● Technologies for recyclable and returnable food containers that would ex- tend present technology beyond beverages to other applicable foods. Most of these technologies are directly concerned with preventing food losses in the food system, conserving resources through more efficient processing meth- ods or waste reduction in the delivery system, and producing new foods to substitute for traditional ones. Others, such as the electronic checkout and elec- tronic food shopping systems, reflect concerns over technologies that may be economically justified but that may have undesirable consequences to society’s quality of life. Some of these technologies are in use, some exist in the develop mental stage, and some are identified as areas where technological innovation is needed to respond to an existing, emerging, or potential problem. These technol- ogies will have both positive and negative effects on agricultural producers, food manufacturers, processors, retailers, labor, and consumers. Will steps be taken to attempt to maximize the benefits and to minimize the negative consequences?

4 Chapter I INTRODUCTION Chapter I


There are two futurists’ ideas that have particular relevance to this report. The first is that the future should be viewed not as a single future but many possible ones and that if enough people agree on a desirable future and work toward that end, this will essentially be the future that will unfold. The second idea is from the French futurist Bertrand de Jouvenel, who stated that to preserve the ability to make choices and not become victims of necessity, public policy leaders should identify emerging situations while they are still manageable and not yet at the crisis stage. Although there are many differing conceptions of what the world or the United States may be like in the year 2000, the outlook is in general more opti- mistic than pessimistic. One accepted method of predicting and understand- ing possible changes in the world’s future is to identify present trends. The following are some of those trends that certain futurists believe will, if they continue, make the world different i n the future: ● Increasing world political unifica- . Less industry orientation of devel- tion and cuItural standardization; oping countries; ● Growing affluence for one-half to . Increased longevity and personal two-thirds of the people on Earth mobi I it y; with continued poverty for the re- mai rider; ● Rising educational levels; and ● Decreasing importance of the family as a social unit; ● Greater emphasis on religion. That these trends, if continued into the future, will affect al! segments of our lives is not in question; and since the importance of food in our Iives can- not be questioned either, it is essential that we be aware of changing condi- tions that will affect the food sector. American consumers spent an esti- mated $180 billionl for domestically produced food in 1977, approximately two-thirds of which ($123.5 billion) was for marketing services. Because food expenditures have been increasing and marketing services take such a large share of these expenditures, there is the incentive by industry to develop and adopt technologies that will help lower marketing costs. The development of new products, the need to reduce energy consumption, and concerns over the food supply are other reasons for developing new food marketing technol- ogies. On the other hand, the emergence of change i n certain socioeconomic factors may create a climate that forces or encourages the industry to change, economic incentives to the contrary. Understanding the issues in- volved and their expected impacts on society are important considerations for future legislative and policy deliberations.

‘This represents 25 percent of total consumer expenditures of $7’30 billion excluding energy and serv- ices. Stated another way, Americans spent $2.50 of every $10 at foodstores and away-from-home eating places. Survey 0/ f3uy/ng Power, 1977. OBJECTIVES AND PROCEDURES

Policy issues arise from either perceived or 3. Technologies that will be developed and expected impacts resulting from the adoption possibly adopted by the year 2000, and of technologies. Impacts may be positive, 4. Technological gaps. negative, or a combination of the two; and not all impacts create policy issues. That is, nega- A four-step approach was used in develop- tive impacts that are not severe or wide- ing the information for this preliminary spread may not be brought to the attention of analysis: policymakers, while technologies with pri- marily favorable impacts may create issues 1. Soliciting views on existing and emerg- only as to whether policies should encourage ing marketing technologies and related their development and adoption. policy implications through mail surveys of specialists, The major purpose of this preliminary analysis was to identify and rank by priority 2. Preparing a preliminary report based on food marketing technologies likely to raise present marketing technologies and major policy and legislative issues. Also in- those new technologies revealed through cluded as part of this report is a discussion of the mail survey, social and economic factors that should be 3. Convening a workshop to critique the expected to interact with those technologies. preliminary report and elaborate on the These factors are equally as important to the issues, and execution of assessments in this area as are the technologies themselves. 4. Preparing a final report based on all data. Four types of technologies are discussed: Details of the procedures followed in the 1. Available technologies in food marketing assessment are given in appendix B, and that will be more widely adopted, materials used by the working group are in 2. Technologies in the development phase, appendix C. —



Food marketing comprises the activities that take place within the food system from the farm gate to the consumer. This includes processing, whole- saling, retailing, food service, and transportation. This excludes all functions performed by producers on the farm. (See appendix A for background in- formation on the U.S. food marketing system.) An effective food marketing system should provide an adequate and con- tinuous supply and variety of wholesome, nutritious foods to all consumers at reasonable prices and provide reasonable returns to producers and selIers. While simple to state, assessing performance is complex because cost effi- ciency is a major governing factor, and yet fulfilling other requirements may increase costs. For example, seeing that food meets safety standards may add to its cost. In the short run, a technology may increase efficiency and lower cost to the consumer, while in the longer run it could result in struc- tural changes to the industry that could impede competition and result in less-than-reasonable prices for consumers. Any technology that would re- quire a large outlay of capital and therefore drive out smaller firms could lessen competition and increase prices. Likewise, returns to the various segments of the system must be sufficient to attract needed capital and make changes necessary to meet performance standards. The marketing system breaks down logically into two major segments: processing and distribution. Processing technologies are classified in this report under five headings: 1) preservation, 2) new and improved equipment and processing techniques, 3) new and modified food products, 4) new sources of food ingredients, and 5) packaging. Distribution technologies are classified under four headings: 1) wholesaling, 2) transportation, 3) retailing and food service, and 4) those technologies that cross over the above three i n their application and effects.


Priorities for the processing and distribu- ily on probability of occurrence and expected tion technologies discussed in chapters IV impacts of each technology. and V are based on staff work, literature and research reviews, and contributions from This section synthesizes the priorities and public participants in the Office of Technol- cuts across both processing and distribution ogy Assessment’s (OTA) mail survey and and considers the total marketing system. It workshops. The priorities are based primar- identifies the seven technologies that

11 emerged as highest priority for future assess- bution technologies are expected to affect in- ment (see table 1, which lists the major tech- dustry structure, and in some instances this nologies or technological areas and the areas may affect how firms interact with each on which these technologies may be expected other, with other marketing segments, and to impact). The criteria for setting priorities with consumers. Capital requirements for within this listing include how each technol- many technologies are the prime cause for ogy affects or might affect the total marketing many of the structural changes that take system, the probability of the development or place. Many technologies are adopted to im- adoption of that technology, and its expected prove productivity and substitute for labor impacts in relation to the food system and the (employment), and these generally will give social and economic climate (see chapter III). rise to issues of job loss or labor relocation. The prospects for future increases in energy Several technologies discussed in chapters costs encourage development of energy-sav- IV and V represent technological gaps rather ing technologies, so that the energy-producing than developed technologies. Those technol- industries will be affected. ogies needing further research and develop- ment are identified at the end of this chapter. Many of these high-priority technologies are directly concerned with preventing losses Cross-fertilization occurs and no one im- in our food system, either through more effi- pact can be singled out as the most important cient processing methods or waste reduction or far-reaching. In many cases, the adoption in the delivery system, and with producing of Technology A will impact on Area A, while new foods to substitute for traditional foods. the adoption of Technology B will impact on This reflects the concern that between now Areas A and B and in turn affect the adoption and the year 2000 our food supply will have or limit the impact of Technology A. This in- to be better managed and more efficiently terrelation and interaction of technologies utilized if the United States is to supply food and impacts is, in the end, the most important needed in the rest of the world and keep consideration of a technology assessment. domestic prices at reasonable levels. Nutrition and food safety are affected by What follows is a comprehensive summary processing and packaging technologies but of the seven highest priority technologies. may also be affected by technologies in food They are also discussed in more detail in distribution (wholesaling, retailing, transpor- chapters IV and V, and the reader will be tation, food service) such as those in sanita- referred to the appropriate pages should tion and loss prevention. Many of the distri- more information be desired.

Table 1 .—Issue Areas of Food Marketing Technologies With High Priority for Assessment

Technologies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Technologies Electronic Recyclable, Engineered Sanitation in Retort Electronic to prevent food returnable Impact Areas foods distribution pouch checkout food lOSS shopping containers Marketing functions Processing...... x x x x x Packaging...... x x x x x x Wholesaling...... x x x x x x Retailing...... x x x x x x Food service ...... x x x x x x Transportation...... X x x x x Nutrition...... x x x x x Food safety ...... x x x x x Industry structure...... x x x x Employment...... x x x x x Energy ...... x x x x x x Other resources ...... X x x x


The technologies that are used to produce disagreement, many persons worry that those fabricated, or engineered, foods are con- who consume these products are not being sidered high-priority candidates for assess- adequately protected. Others, however, be- ment because they are already in use, their lieve that these regulations overly restrict the impacts have already been felt, and it is development and acceptance of what maybe highly probable that their development and a viable solution to the problem of maintain- use will continue in the years ahead. Sales of ing an adequate, dependable, and nutritious fabricated foods were more than $6 billion in food Supply. 1972 and are expected to exceed $11 billion Nutritionists and others are concerned by 1980. about the effect consumption of fabricated Fabricated foods may be divided into two foods may have on overall nutrient intake. types: ingredients (extenders and fillers) and While the use of vegetable as a meat analogs (substitutes). extender or analog may be one way of pro tiding an inexpensive source of protein, the The extender used most widely in meat overall consequences of ingesting vegetable, products today is vegetable protein, usually rather than animal, protein (either in part or from soy, in hamburger or meatloaf. Analogs whole) have not been satisfactorily deter- are substitutes fabricated to resemble a mined. On the other hand, these technologies specific traditional food, such as breakfast afford the opportunity to supply specially for- sausage from vegetable protein or non-dairy mulated foods that will meet the dietary coffee whitener, cheese, whipped toppings, needs or improve the nutrient intake of or egg substitute from vegetable oils. selected target populations. Several advantages have been cited for Two other issues that should be considered these products: lower cost, extended food are adequate labeling and resource use. How supply in times of shortages, reduction in should these foods be labeled to properly energy use, better control of nutrient content, identify ingredients and yet not present bar- and more efficient utilization of resources. riers to consumer acceptance? If the use of The issues that surface from the use of these these foods becomes even more widespread, foods, however, are already of serious con- how will this affect the agricultural produc- cern to producers, consumers, and nutrition- tion sector, particularly the meat, poultry, ists, among others. and dairy producers? Because fabricated foods make use of a These technologies raise issues in the number of additives and unconventional in- areas of food safety, nutrition, regulations, gredients about which official standards and labeling, and resource use. (See chapter IV, regulations are frequently incomplete or in p. 42.)


Preventing the adulteration and spoilage of could be used to solve this problem, although food is of concern throughout the food system. development of additional technologies is Since the problem of maintaining adequate needed. sanitation is a serious one in the distribution system, particularly with the railroads, this Contamination of food and food products in area emerges as a high priority for assess- railcars has two major causes: cars are not ment. Technologies and systems exist that cleaned adequately and may be infested with

13 pests, chemicals, or micro-organisms; or cars specific guidelines relative to food safe- used to transport food may have previously ty. transported toxic substances, residues of which remain. 3. Freight cars specifically designed for Several solutions to this problem are possi- food use and a system that will keep ble. Railroads need an efficient tracking track of this “dedicated” fleet and system to monitor cars used to carry tox- schedule the cars efficiently. This must icants so they will not subsequently carry include an effective means of enforce- food or food products. Also, a method for ment to maintain the integrity of the detecting contamination in cars is needed. system. More thorough cleaning techniques must be developed for the rail system to have quality A major policy issue in this area is funding assurance in its freight car fleet. the development of these technologies. At present, the railroads appear unable to Examples of possible technologies that secure the capital needed to initiate and have been suggested are: maintain such a system. Serious attention 1. Freight cars designed specifically for should be given to the desirability of policies food products that will be more resistant that would help railroads finance these to contamination and infestation. needed improvements. If this system is needed and feasible, should it be encouraged 2. Equipment and procedures for decon- through regulations, voluntary cooperation, taminating freight cars. This would in- or some type of incentive arrangement? (See clude trained inspectors operating with chapter V, p. 54.)


The technology that produces the report- Energy savings are possible in processing able pouch, while still being developed, has because of shorter cooking times at lower current applications; the pouch has received temperatures. However, while the pouch limited approval for use from relevant regula- itself would appear to offer savings in energy tory agencies (Food and Drug Administration use, these savings can only be confirmed by a and the U.S. Department of Agriculture). Fur- thorough analysis of different systems that ther adoption and use of this technology can are or might be used commercially. be expected to have strong impacts and far- -reaching consequences throughout the mar- Savings of as much as 50 percent (pouch keting system, particularly in the areas of vs. can) may be projected in the area of trans- energy, , transportation, and the portation owing to improved product-tepack- environment. Owing to these expected im- age weight ratio. One question that must be pacts, reportable pouch technology ranks high answered, however, is the relative durability on the priority list for assessment. of the pouch for transportation purposes. Reportable pouches now in use are protected The pouch is a multilayer, adhesively by an outer protective package, which limits bonded package that will withstand therm~ the potential savings. processing temperatures and that combines many advantages of the metal can and the If this technology becomes widespread and plastic boil-in-the-bag. The quality of foods inroads into the $17 billion frozen-food and processed by this method is said to be $20 billion canned-food markets are as sig- superior to that of foods retorted in conven- nificant as expected, issues to be addressed tional cans, and taste tests indicate that it include loss of revenue to producers of metal may approach that of frozen foods. cans and industries producing raw materials,

14 displacement and relocation of large seg- and raw materials savings. However, report- ments of the labor force, and possibly consid- able pouches can be used as fuel; therefore, erable loss of jobs. even without recycling most of the energy ini- tially expended in their manufacture could be reclaimed, while at the same time minimizing Environmental impacts of this technology solid waste problems. It is essential that these may be considerable, in both a positive and a problems be recognized, and that expected negative sense. The pouches are not recycla- negative consequences be thoroughly assess- ble, as compared to cans and most bottles, ed before industry attempts to revolutionize which would negate some of the initial energy the industry.


Electronic checkout systems are already in Elimination of has created most of the use in about 300 stores, or less than 1 percent public opposition to this system. Bills have of all foodstores, in the United States as of the been introduced in more than 30 State legisla- end of 1977, There is every indication, how- tures and in the U.S. Congress to require that ever, that the development and use of these prices be marked on every item. technologies will continue to expand, with Opponents claim that lack of pricing economic and social consequences for retail- deprives consumers of information they need ers, consumers, labor, and the telecommuni- to make rational purchase decisions and to cations sector. Because of these impacts and assure proper charges. Proponents believe the emotions they have aroused, electronic that this is outweighed by the many economic checkout technologies must be among those benefits that may accrue from the use of this areas considered high priority for assess- system, stressing that this would probably ment. result in lower . At present, two electronic checkout sys- This technology will affect society in a tems have been developed. The first is an broad sense. What particular components of electronic cash register, which may be self- the system generate savings, and how much contained or tied to a central store computer. of the savings are cash savings due to in- It relies on individually price-marked items creased productivity of labor versus second- and manual entry into the register. The sec- ary savings from better management of inven- ond system, which has received the most pub- tory, pricing policies, etc. ? How much of licity and generated the most opposition from these savings would be passed on to the con- consumers, is tied to a central computer and sumer? How, in fact, would this technology uses a seamer that reads the Universal Prod- affect consumer purchase decisions if prod- uct Code (UPC) currently printed on a number ucts were not marked with individual prices? of food packages. This system, like the first, If this is indeed a problem, are there alter- has the potential to improve merchandising native solutions? How would widespread im- decisions resulting from better inventory con- plementation of this system affect industry trol, improved labor scheduling, less need for structure and competition, given the high ini- storage space, more thorough analysis of tial capital required for installation (about sales, increased product movement, and bet- $200,000 per store)? If individual prices were ter use of shelf space. required by law, would this deter the growth In addition, the UPC scanner system elim- of high-volume, low-price discount stores that inates the need to mark prices on individual might offer substantial savings to consumers? packages, since this information would be The adoption of this technology would stored in the central computer and trans- cause a reallocation of labor. How would this mitted to the terminal when the UPC is read. affect the 1.7 million foodstore employees and

15 labor in related industries? Increased use What will be the impact on individual privacy of the electronic checkout may involve in- and liability for losses and errors in the creased use of electronic funds transfer. system? (See chapter V, p. 57.)


Approximately one-fifth of all food pro- of the benefits of damaged, but equally nutri- duced for human consumption is lost annually tious, produce. In addition, technologies are in the United States. Technologies that needed that will reduce the amount of food reduce the extent of these losses can help in lost at the retail level by both pilferage and substantially increasing the food supply damage caused in handling. available from existing resources and will Several questions remain unanswered, become increasingly important as worldwide such as: What is the extent of loss in the pressure increases for more food. Such tech- marketing chain, when does it occur, and nologies include those that reduce waste in what technologies are available to reduce packaging and transportation throughout the this loss? Another consideration has to do marketing system and reduce losses that oc- with the potential for utilizing produce that cur from pilferage and general lack of securi- does not now meet grade standards because ty control. of size or blemishes, what consumer objec- Waste resulting from mechanical harvest- tions would have to be overcome to accom- ing might be reduced by improved harvesting plish this, and would it be economically feasi- technologies or by gleaning the produce left ble? Technologies to reduce losses at retail, by mechanical harvesting. Waste resulting such as the electronic checkout for better in- from spoilage and bruising in transportation ventory control, should be considered, as might be reduced by using such alternatives should better designed locking systems for as bulk packing at the field for shortdistance railcars and trucks to reduce losses during delivery to stores or by educating consumers transportation. (See chapter V, p. 61.)


These technologies are not as likely to be in convenience, and possible safety, particu- widely adopted within the next 10 years as larly to the elderly. An assessment should are the electronic checkout systems, but their analyze these technologies to determine gradual evolution would have very significant whether they can indeed provide the same impacts on the marketing system, hence the services as retail stores at less cost. Auto- high priority accorded them for assessment. mated minimarkets, a convenience store where most items are dispensed automatical- Three electronic food shopping systems are ly, as well as the warehouse-to-door system, considered: warehouse-to-door systems, auto mated minimarkets, and mobile markets. are dependent to a certain extent on some type of credit, probably electronic funds These technologies apply primarily to large transfer (EFT), which would be card-acti- metropolitan areas and the special distribu- vated. Both systems are dependent, there- tion needs of rural areas. fore, on the development and use of EFT tech- Possible advantages of ordering directly nology. from warehouses and delivering directly to the consumer include savings in time to the Mobile markets would move products into consumer, in transportation costs, in fuel use, certain areas on a scheduled basis. Tests in-

16 dicate that this is a high-cost operation, but the consumer would be faced with a limited this cost could decrease if the operation were selection and in some instances would not be to become widespread. able to examine certain foods, particularly fresh produce, before purchase. The main advantage of all three systems is All of these technologies could be exam- that they would make food available in imer- ined in relation to alternative systems, such city and rural areas, where such services as industry-cooperative programs for improv- may be at a minimum. The most apparent dis- ing stores in the inner city, consumer coop- advantage is that with remote ordering or a eratives, and by farmers in smaller amount of food from which to choose, rural areas.


Technologies for recyclable containers, re- estimates a cost of 2 cents more per quart to turnable cans and bottles, and other refill- deliver milk in returnable bottles), but able containers have a high probability of be- whether this cost would be passed on to the ing an important part of our future; the im- consumer has not been determined, although pacts of adoption will be widespread. These it seems a reasonable assumption. Included technologies have developed because of in this issue is the high initial capital cost of socioeconomic pressure, and the pressure converting production lines in bottling plants will in all events continue to build for new to handle returnables. An assessment should solutions through technology to the problems evaluate policies for overcoming such capital of conserving natural resources and reducing problems. the expense of keeping our environment free of pollution from discarded containers. This Delivery problems may also result from a is an instance of social and economic pres- widespread conversion to returnable bottles, sure creating demand that establishes the since by law they cannot be transported in high priority given to these technologies for the same vehicle as new food products. This assessment. may give rise to new products that do not de- pend on bottles (such as powders to be mixed Returnable and recyclable containers are with in the home). being produced today, and many communities have set up collection points for cans, bottles, Recovery and recycling of the materials and other recyclable products. The public from food containers may be one method of definitely seems interested in the concept of extending our natural resources. Various recycling, even if the specific technologies or technologies for collection and processing of systems to date may not have met with their these materials have been initiated—for in- approval. stance, large central high-technology plants These technologies fall into three catego- for separating recyclable metal, glass, and ries: recyclable beverage containers, return- other materials from refuse relative to able and recyclable food containers, and the separation by consumers of these materials before the refuse enters the recycling system. general concept of recycling applied to all There may be no one system applicable for food products. The issues, however, are gen- every situation, but people may have to make erally the same for all and fall into the areas of economics and the most efficient resource a choice of whether they wish to participate by paying for a centrally located or industry- utilization. based system with taxes or fees, or whether Returnables may add to the cost of distri- they would prefer to lower the cost by par- bution and handling of products (one study ticipating directly. (See chapter IV, p. 47.)


Research is needed to further develop for better quality preservation (chapter many technologies identified in this report v, p. 55), that are not now in an adoptable state. The 3 Central cutting and packing of meat list below is not in priority order and does not (chapter IV, p. 37), include those technologies selected for high- priority assessment that would more clearly 44 Solar energy technology in processing specify needs for more research. (chapter IV, p. 40), The listing of these technologies should not 5 Meals-on-wheels and other delivery of imply that they are being advocated but complete meals to the home (chapter V, rather that they are currently not developed p. 60), to the point of adoption or that not enough 6 New analytical instrumentation and research has been conducted to be able to processes for detecting ingredients in assess their potential. foods (chapter IV, p. 39), The processing and distribution technol- 7. [ntermodal terminals constructed in ogies needing further research are: main centers (chapter 1. More efficient utilization of water in V, p. 56), and processing (see chapter IV, p. 38), 8. Moisture reduction processes (chapter 2. Development of containers or railcars [v, p. 41).



This preliminary analysis calls attention to the likelihood of the emer- gence, adoption, and relative importance of food marketing technologies and their impact on and interaction with other such technologies, the marketing system, the Nation, and the world. To do this, one must first have identified those socioeconomic factors that may influence, and be influenced by, these technologies. There is a definite relationship between change in the socio- economic climate and the development and adoption of new technologies. Given socioeconomic conditions may encourage or discourage the develop- ment and/or adoption of new technologies, while widespread adoption of technologies may, in turn, alleviate or exacerbate the conditions that in- fluenced their development or adoption. In order to identify all relevant socioeconomic factors, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) staff generated a preliminary list from a review of literature dealing with elements that may be expected to influence our future way of life. Two mail surveys were then conducted to identify those factors most likely to influence food marketing technologies (see appendix B for methodology). The processing and packaging survey included energy, pollution, health, and the supply and demand for food; the survey on distribu- tion included energy, pollution, regulations, consumer attitudes, and the de- mand and supply for food. Respondents were asked to comment on them and add others they felt should be included. Most respondents agreed with our list but added in- formation and suggested additional factors. A summary of the socio- economic factors most frequently mentioned is shown in table 2. A working group was then formed of specialists in food processing, packaging, and distribution; members represented labor, universities, Gov- ernment, and consumer groups. The initial list of factors was modified to in- clude the ideas and comments of respondents to the survey and was made available to the working group, which made additional comments on the list.


One objective of the group was to estimate kind of environment one would expect if the possible time of development and adop- things evolve much as they have in the past 25 tion of the technologies. To this end, two years. scenarios were presented. The cost of energy and raw materials will Scenario 1 projects that past and current remain about the same relative to other costs, socioeconomic trends will continue without and supplies will remain at the same level. major shocks into the future. It assumes the Shortages will be transitory and will not

21 Table 2.—Socioeconomic Factors Influencing New Technologies as Indicated in Questionnaire Responses

Socioeconomic factors Processing Distribution Total Energy ...... 49 14 63 Pollution ...... 43 5 48 Demand fooda ...... 40 9 49 Supply fooda ...... 41 9 50 Health ...... 44 — 44 ReguIations C ...... 5 12 17 Consumer attitudesC...... 2 9 11 Raw materials shortages ...... 6 1 7 Prevent spoilage and waste ...... 4 2 6 Changing life patterns, eating, lifestyles ...... 4 7 Nutrition education...... 3 1 4 aThese socioeconomic factors werein background materials sent in both letters. bThis socioeconomic factor was in background material sent with processingletteronly. CThese socioeconomic factors were in background material sent with the distribution letter All other faCtOrS supplied by respondents. In some instances, respondents did not evaluate ourlist ofsocioeconomic factors oraddanyoftheir own. cause major disruptions in the economy. The to accept small risks and to use processed demand for food will continue at the same and fabricated foods. Regulations covering rate and prices will not rise drastically. The the testing and approval of food ingredients, food supply will remain stable, with new including additives, will change. Food ingre- sources adding to conventional production to dients will be judged on benefits as well as keep pace with demand. Increased aware- risks. Some lifestyle factors will change, par- ness of the relationship between nutrition ticularly in the area of central food prepara- and health will influence eating habits, which tion facilities. Inflation will increase at a rate will be reflected in concern about food addi- of 7 percent per year, median family income tives. Regulations will remain essentially un- will reach $21,000 by the year 20()(), and con- changed. Lifestyle trends and demographic sumers will have less disposable income for factors will not undergo drastic changes from discretionary use. current trends. Inflation will continue at 5 percent per year, median family income will Participants in this study felt that scenario rise to $25,000 by the year 2000, and consum-” 2 was a more accurate forecast of future ers will enjoy increased disposable income. trends and that it would likely lead to the adoption of more new technologies than Scenario 2 depicts changes in current would scenario 1. trends that can be expected to have more in- fluence on the development and adoptionof For a more comprehensive discussion of technologies to the year 2000 than those in these two scenarios, the reader may refer to scenario 1 above. appendix C on procedures for the working group. Energy and raw materials prices will rise, as will our dependence on foreign imports, The remainder of this chapter addresses and supplies will be subject to periodic the socioeconomic factors identified as a disruption for political economic, and other result of OTA’s selection process. Just as the reasons. Foreign demand for food will in- status of the technologies presented in this crease, causing domestic food prices to in- report should be updated periodically, so crease. Alternative food forms and sources these factors should be reexamined from time will be needed to augment food supply. In to time. This will allow Congress to be alerted view of this, consumers, although concerned to continuations of and deviations from the about health and food safety, will be willing status of these factors as presented here.


The total food system consumes an esti- tions in one area may work for or against mated 17 percent of the total U.S. energy sup- potential energy savings in another. For in- ply. The marketing sector consumes about 8 stance, pollution abatement regulations may percent, the production sector 3 percent, and be energy-consuming. The convenience foods consumption at home the remaining 6 per- and individual packaging that consumers de- cent, 1 An increase in the price of energy has a mand require more energy than unprocessed domino effect through the economy—for in- foods and larger packages. Some studies sug- stance, an increase in the price of energy will gest that central storage and cooking of foods cause an increase in the price of steel that requires less energy than does home prepara- will be reflected in the price of canned goods tion. that will in turn be passed on to the con- , sumer. Certain raw materials shortages may cause future problems in food marketing, The cost of energy will be a key factor especially in packaging. Plastic packaging shaping the development and adoption of food materials based on petroleum have increased marketing technologies. It is felt that energy and will probably continue to increase in costs will continue to rise relatively faster price. Other materials that may be in short than other costs, and this can be expected to supply include tin, aluminum, certain hard- act as an incentive to develop and adopt woods (for pallets), and other raw materials. energy-saving processes throughout the food processing and distribution system as food To overcome these expected shortages will moves through the marketing channels to the require technologies to provide substitute or consumer. Many technologies are presently alternate products at lower prices. Renew- available that have been and will continue to able resources may possibly be used to a be adopted and used in processing as the greater extent than at present. Another pos- price of energy increases. However, in the sibility is the development of technologies long run new technologies will have to be that reduce the need for packaging, developed and used to conserve energy until and unless new sources of energy are avail- Shortages of energy and to a lesser extent able. Packaging is second only to labor as a of other raw materials would mean relatively contributor to food cost, and therefore energy higher prices and would encourage the devel- savings as an economic and technical factor opment of energy-saving technologies, How- must be an important element in assessing a ever, the discovery and/or development of packaging technology. alternate energy sources—e. g., solar, geo- Because of the interrelationships among thermal—could dampen the increase in ener- gy costs and adversely affect the develop- socioeconomic factors, trends and regula- ment of energy-saving technologies. The posi- tive impact of energy may be felt more in the ‘According to Energy Consumption in the Food Sys- tem, processing accounted for 4.4 percent, wholesaling processing and packaging areas than in dis- 0.5 percent, retailing 0.8 percent, and transportation tribution, as there appear to be more viable 2. I percent, for a total of almost 8 percent for the mar- energy-saving technologies available for keting system. adoption in processing than in distribution.


Society seems to agree that our environ- energy systems would make this feasible. ment should be protected from pollution, but Because of the high initial cost of waste-con- there is no consensus on the extent of pollu- verting technologies and the need for large- tion control needed or the price that should volume processing to make them economical, be paid. Most respondents to the survey felt economic incentives may be needed to pr~ that pollution control would bean important mote transporting of wastes to central loca- factor in food processing and packaging but tions for processing. less important in food distribution. New technologies or policies for economic incentives may be needed as well for solid One way of offsetting the cost of pollution waste management, including beverage con- control is to convert polluting wastes to useful tainers and all other types of litter control, products. The consensus appears to be that recycling, and resource recovery operations. while technologies exist to convert normally polluting waste to both animal and human Pollution abatement equipment on trans- foods, even more will be developed. portation vehicles does add to initial cost and in some instances may add to operating costs, Waste may also be converted to energy and but it is felt that food distribution would not recycled back to the processing operations. be materially affected by pollution abatement Research is needed to determine if hybrid requirements.


World population is expected to double The U.S. policy on food and commodity ex- from today’s 4.2 billion by the year 2010, and” ports through commercial channels and Gov- demand for food may be expected to increase ernment programs as the Food for Peace accordingly. If the population increase is (P.L. 480) program will determine the avail- coupled with rising world income, as has ability of U.S. food for export. Our agricul- been predicted, the demand would probably tural trade has shown a positive net balance increase at a proportionately faster rate. of payments of about $12 billion for each year Historically, rising incomes in developing and from 1974 through 1976 that offset the $8.5- developed countries have resulted in an in- to $1()-billion deficit in other sectors.z How- creased demand for animal protein and other ever, even though agricultural trade had a foods requiring higher inputs of grain and positive net balance of $10.6 billion in 1977, it other feedstuffs than vegetable protein, was not able to offset huge deficits in oil and which can be consumed directly. other imports for that year.3 It is clear that continued exports of agricultural products to Domestic demand will reflect population balance the purchase of oil and other imports increase, changes in economic climate and will exert pressure to raise domestic food social values, and export policy coupled with prices, especially in years when supplies are foreign demand for U.S. farm products. The limited. Increased demand for food as out- U.S. population is expected to reach 260 mil- lined in both scenarios will have a very posi- lion by the year 2000, and total demand for tive effect on the development and adoption food will reflect this increase. Some changing of technologies in processing and distribu- economic and social factors—older popula- tion. tion with a large number of retired persons, singles maintaining homes, and more working women—have contributed to trends of less ‘U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research time spent on home preparation of meals and Service, World Economic Conditions in Relation to Agri- cultural Trade, WEC12, August 1977. perhaps a change in types of food and pack- 3U. S. Department of Agriculture, Economics, Statis- aging. However, these factors are not ex- tics, and Cooperatives Service, World Agricultural pected to affect total demand for food. Situation, WAS16, July 1978. 24 SUPPLY OF FOOD

Projections by the U.S. Department of Agri- of disposable income registered in 1976.’ If culture (USDA) indicate that conventional conventional U.S. agriculture is not able to agriculture will be able to supply domestic supply domestic and foreign demand at some needs to the year 2000 and perhaps beyond. acceptable price level, there will be an incen- This projection assumes average weather tive to develop new unconventional food conditions and technologies that will keep sources that depend on new technologies. productivity increases equal to past rates. One example might be the substitution of However, unfavorable weather, a drastic vegetable for animal protein, since the in- energy shortage, or a leveling off of produc- crease in the world demand for beef has been tivity rates could lower our expected food projected to increase 3 percent per year, with supply and mean that either additional land supply increasing only 2.5 percent per year. would have to be brought into cultivation by Supply conditions outlined in scenario 2 (con- 1985 or new technologies would be needed. ventional agriculture could not supply enough food at reasonable prices) would encourage A preliminary OTA staff study projects a the development and adoption of processing U.S. surplus of total grains by 1985. World and distribution technologies. projections indicate a gradual tightening of the supply demand balance from a net sur- 4This statistic is a better indication of change in the plus in 1978 to a slight deficit by 1985. cost of food purchases relative to disposable income than it is an actual measure of individual family food expenditures. Families with low incomes or those with It is possible under these projected condi- large numbers in the family would have to spend a tions that food prices could increase and food much larger share of disposable income for food than purchases will be more than the 16.8 percent this figure indicates.


Consumers are concerned about the rela- esses for evaluating additives were modified. tionship between food and health and are in- Some felt that more concern needs to be given creasingly interested in having more and bet- to the naturally occurring organisms causing ter information on the nutritional and safety foodborne illnesses. qualities of the foods they consume. The other major concern in this area is the Consumers demand food that is free from effect of quantity and kinds of food consumed harmful additives and from organisms that on nutrition, caused by overconsump- may cause illness. Some contend that addi- tion of calories is one of the most serious tives may have an adverse effect on health; health problems in the United States, more so others contend that additives play an impor- than or underconsumption of tant role in food safety by preventing spoilage needed nutrients. and preserving foods beyond their normal life span. Although additional regulations per- Concern about nutrition will likely increase taining to food additives should be based on a in the years ahead. It would be in the best in- risk/benefit analysis, determining risk and terest of consumers to increase and improve benefit for many food additives may be ex- their habits, knowledge, and attitudes about tremely difficult. The consensus of those par- food and its use through educational pro- ticipating in this study was that concern grams. This information should be provided about additives could hinder development of in a form that they can incorporate into their fabricated foods unless criteria and proc- daily lives and that clearly conveys the bene-

25 fits and risks of consuming certain types of A major concern in nutrition is the for- food. mulation of fabricated foods. From a techni- cal standpoint, processed and fabricated The average American has been consum- 5 foods offer the possibility of better control ing steadily more and less . over nutritional intake. On the other hand, Although total per capita consumption of lack of fiber in our and excessive con- sucrose is not much above that for the late sumption of refined carbohydrates by certain 1920’s, the per capita consumption of all age groups has been blamed on increased in- sweeteners (natural and artificial) has in- take of fabricated drinks and foods. One fear creased, and there is concern about the large is that increased consumption of fabricated quantities of refined carbohydrates con- foods may mean decreased intake of sumed by children and teenagers in soft and needed trace minerals. Nutrition educa- drinks and snacks.’ tion may influence the kinds of food consumed in the future and indirectly, therefore, the ‘Since 1910, the per capita consumption of fat has in- technologies needed to produce them. creased from 4.5 ounces per day to 5.5, while per capita consumption of carbohydrates has decreased Workshop participants gener*ally felt that from 17,5 ounces per day to 13,4. However, there has health concerns would have a net positive im- been a small decrease in the consumption of saturated pact on technological development, particu- fat from 3.7 ounces per day to 3,3. ‘Willis A. Gortner, “Nutrition in the United States, larly in the processing and packaging sector, 1900 to 1974, ” Cancer Research, Vol. 35, November and that the impacts would be stronger in the 1975, processing than the distribution sector.


It has been shown many times over that Other regulations affecting technological regulations can act to encourage or deter the development are those on returnable bottles development and adoption of technologies, and on building materials and construction. and the marketing system is no exception. For Conflicting regulations by the Occupational example, the recent regulatory controversy Safety and Health Administration and USDA surrounding the use of has spurred have been cited as detrimental to the full use research into new alternative sweeteners; of new construction technologies and maxi- bills introduced in State legislatures requir- mum in-plant efficiency. ing prices on all items in a retail store have Regulations have also been a factor in rendered the future of the electronic check- hindering development of many processing out/Universal Product Code system uncertain technologies. Regulations are interrelated at best. with health concerns, which in turn affect It is alleged that many current transporta- such technologies as fabrication and irradia- tion regulations discourage the adoption of tion of foods. A recent statement by the Food technologies that would promote efficiency and Drug Administration (FDA) points out and save energy in the transporting of food. that as the technology of fabrication ad- These regulations are administered by a num- vances and as more fabricated foods resem- ber of Federal and State agencies and cover bling traditional foods reach the market, routes, rates, and equipment size and weight. there will be a greater concern over finding The Department of Transportation has stated ways to assure the nutritional quality of that “Very substantial improvements in fuel food.’ economy and overall transportation efficien- cy can be achieved by moderate increases in 7 Stephen H. McNamara, “Nutrition Regulations by truck size and weight by the introduction of a FDA in the Brave New World of Fabricated Foods, ” simplified single nationwide size and weight speech delivered to the Food and Drug Institute Food code, ” which does not exist today. Update 1977, Apr. 27, 1977. 26 Regulations in the processing area will nologies, while in the distribution sector the have an overall negative impact onthedevel- impact of new regulations will be positive opment and adoption of new marketing tech- relative to technological development.


Data on changes in household and family and trends may be extrapolated, attitudes characteristics give a measure of changing and beliefs are varied and often conflicting lifestyles, From 1970 to 1977, the number of and of short duration. They are perhaps the households increased 17 percent to a total of hardest to predict with any degree of 74.1 million. Households composed of persons accuracy. living alone or with nonrelatives increased 49 Consumers may want more convenience percent, the greatest increase of any cate- foods but may not like food additives or gory of households. Persons living alone in- higher costs (although some convenience creased 43 percent, one factor in reducing foods cost less than their home-prepared average household size from an estimated counterparts).]’ Some want home gourmet 3.14 persons in 1970 to 2.86 persons in 1977. cooking, yet many consumers prefer to eat out The most rapidly growing segment of persons living alone is in the 12 to 24 years old age at fast-food outlets. Reacting to fads of unpre- dictable duration and dealing with what ap- group, and the most rapidly expanding age a pear to be contradictory trends are among group is from 18 to 44 years old. the problems faced by food processors and More wives are working, therefore de- distributors. manding more convenience foods and in- There is no doubt that consumers are bet- creasing the amount of food consumed out- q ter educated and more concerned; they also side the home. Two-income families are bet- appear to be more willing to join others in ter able to afford these two more expensive group actions such as cooperative buying types of food. clubs and cooperatively owned stores. Since A recent USDA survey found that persons retail stores are consumers’ direct contact over 50 eat out less frequently than those with the food marketing system, they must under 50 and that the younger group uses have consumer acceptance of or be able to fast-food outlets more frequently .10 overcome resistance to new retail technol- ogies. Consumers may be more willing to try It is difficult to assess the overall effect of new foods, but they are also more willing to changing lifestyles on technology because express their opinions of products and while demographic statistics are measurable services. There is little doubt that under certain con- 8Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, ditions changing lifestyles will affect the Population Characteristics, Households and Family by development and adoption of technology in Type: March 1977, Series P-20, No. 313, September the years ahead. Changing lifestyles will 1977. probably have a small but positive effect on ‘One recent study estimates a lo-percent annual growth rate in away-from-home eating establishments the development and adoption of food market- between 1976 and 1981, which compares to a 13-per- ing technologies, especially under scenario 1 cent annual growth rate between 1971 and 1976. See and particularly in the processing and William C. Hale, “Rationalization of the U.S. Food Serv- packaging sectors under both scenarios. This ice Market and Opportunities for Supply Industries, ” paper presented to American Paper Institute, Tissue Division, Oct. 17, 1977, ‘OAlden D. Manchester, Eating Out, National Food 1lLarry G. Traub, Convenience Foods-1975, Cost Up- Situation, Economic Research Service, USDA, date, Family Economic Review, USDA, Agricultural September 1977. Research Service.

27 may reflect, in part, the visible changes in place to produce the many convenience foods processing and packaging that have taken now available.


Structure as used here refers to the size of taken place in the nature of wholesaling since firms, market shares, and the way firms in an 1960. Most large chains operate their own industry are linked together. warehouse facilities and have integrated the wholesaling and retailing functions. In some It is difficult to characterize the food in- areas, however, some chainstores have found dustry as a whole, since it encompasses it advantageous to discontinue their whole- everything from giant to small firms. The four largest food processors had about 8 percent sale operations and have nonchain whole- of sales in 1975, and the eight largest had salers supply their operations. Wholesalers about 13 percent. In 1976, the four largest have affiliated with their customers either in voluntary arrangements or as cooperatives, chainstores had about 19 percent of the and wholesalers and distributors are becom- chainstore and independent ing fewer and larger. sales (excluding convenience stores), and the eight largest about 27 percent. The trend over the years has been toward fewer and larger firms, and consumers and Government have Participants in this study felt that industry expressed concern about the dominant mar- structure would have a net positive impact on ket share of the large food chains in some geo- the adoption of technologies (although less on graphical areas. This trend may become even the distribution technologies under scenario stronger if ‘‘superstores, retail foodstores 2). Since many technologies in this area re- that also sell a large volume of non-food quire large capital investments and large items, are successful. volumes to operate economically, smaller firms may find it difficult to make such in- While the number of wholesalers has re- vestments and compete effectively with the mained steady, considerable change has large firms.


Individual concerns may be expressed as a major impetus to wage increases, which through acts that over time become institu- tend to rise as prices increase; this can be ex- tionalized. pected to impact on the marketing of food as well as on other segments of the economy. One such institution is organized labor, Other institutions that may influence tech- whose principal concern is with the adoption nologies are those that come about through of technologies that threaten to reduce the the organization of individual concerns—e.g., number of jobs available or to change job consumer groups—that may themselves exert status. The degree of concern and possible influence on other groups or may influence opposition depends on the severity of job loss local, State, and Federal institutions to work or relocation, the union’s ability to gain sup- in their behalf. There is no doubt that such port for its view, or the relative strength of groups can have an effect, directly or in- the unions versus the industry involved. This directly, on the types of technologies that may may or may not, therefore, act as a deterrent be developed or introduced into the market- to the development and adoption of certain ing system and the extent to which they are technologies. In addition, union contracts act accepted and used.


Approximately one-fifth of all food pro~ other institutions, restaurants, and in the duced in the United States is never con- home. 12 sumed. It is wasted. This waste occurs Reducing this wastage should be of con- throughout the production and marketing cern to all those involved in setting policy in chain and may result from poor methods of harvesting, damage during transportation, in- the food sector, and interest in this area should stimulate new technologies in harvest- efficient utilization in processing, or spoilage. ing, waste conversion, and reduction of spoil- Spoilage leading not to total waste but to deterioration in quality may be caused by age in the marketing charnels. poor methods of preservation, rough han- Increasing the amount and quality of food dling, improper storage and temperature con- that ultimately reaches the consumer in pro- trols, or damage from insects, disease, and portion to the amount produced can have the rodents. Significant amounts of food may be beneficial effect of decreasing the energy wasted at point of service in schools and used in both processing and transportation, reducing pollution through conversion of 12U. S. Congress, General Accounting Office, Food now-polluting wastes, and increasing the Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use, nutrient intake and therefore raising the CED-77-1 18, September 1977, nutritional status of Americans.



The processing and packaging technologies that the Office of Technol- ogy Assessment (OTA) considers of highest priority for assessment are listed (in priority order) in table 3. The list emphasizes those technologies with a strong probability of early occurrence and significant expected impacts. Given highest priority were those where the probability of adoption is con- sidered high and that would be expected to have considerable impact if adopted. Technologies where probability of occurrence by 1985 is considered high but with moderate impacts or technologies where impacts are expected to be high but probability of adoption is considered low were given lower priority. OTA staff ranked the technologies based on the information developed in the workshop and by collateral staff work. Detailed workshop discussions provided much of the information on impacts and issues for each technology and brought out additional points on development and adoption that aided in placing a general priority order for intended technology assessments on each of the technologies. (See appendix D.) Technologies in this chapter have been divided into the following classifications: preservation, new and improved equipment and processing techniques, new and modified food products, new sources of ingredients, and packaging. Processing is one of the series of operations performed on a product that aids preservation, makes it more convenient to use, produces a new food form, produces an ingredient for use in further processing, or produces a more palatable food. The number of plants and employees engaged in food processing is shown in table 4 under five broad classifications for 1963 and 1972. These data show the total size of the food processing industry and that the plants are becoming fewer and increasing in size, since the total quantity of foods processed has increased. Data for 1975-76 show that the top 100 food processors had food sales of almost $16 billion. ’ Total industry ship- ments of food and beverages, including imports, totaled about $193 billion. Almost 4.4 percent of U.S. energy output is used in manufacturing food and kindred products, with about one-half of this consumed in the production of processing inputs. (The estimate may be conservative, as energy con- sumed on many capital inputs could not be estimated.)2

“’The Top 100 Food Companies, ” Food Processingr December 1977. 2Energy Consumption in the Food System, prepared for the Federal Energy Administration by Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Report No. 13392-007-001, December 1975.

33 Table 3.—Processing and Packaging Technoiogies Table 4~ .—Number of Plants and Employees With High Priority for Assessment for Food Processing

Technologies with high priority of adoption Number Employees* and high impact Type plant 1963 1972 1963 1972 1) Fabricated foods (p. 42) Dairy products. . . . 7,885 4,590 257” 189 2) Retort pouch (p. 46) Meat packing. . . . . 5,300 4,437 300 308 3) Recyclable and returnable containers (p. 47) Bakery ...... 5,366 3,633 280 235 Technologies with high priority of adoption & freezing 3,969 2,557 245 233 and moderate impact Grainmill products 3,555 3,080 113 111 1) Aseptic processing and packaging (p. 35) Total ...... 26,075 18,297 1,195 1,076 2) Development of new sweeteners (p. 43) 3) Conversion of waste to human food and animal “ Number of employees In thousands SOL’RCE Olan D Forker and James L Pearson, The Food and Fiber Market feed (p. 44) System — Its Magnitude and Contrlbutlon, ‘ speech presented at a workshop on 4) Central cutting and packaging of meat (p. 37) Coord(nat[on of Market Research, May 9 ;977, Washington, D C Technologies with low probability of adoption and high impact 1) More efficient water utilization (p. 38) 2) Irradiation (p. 36)


One major aim of processing is to extend pletely suppress. Techniques fall into three the storage life of foods through preservation categories: removal, destruction, or suppres- techniques. Some methods preserve food in a sion. state near the fresh form, while others pro- duce drastic changes in shape, taste, and Removal may be accomplished by filtration other characteristics, Preservation may when the product is water-soluble, and in cer- change the form of the food very little, as in tain instances by centrifuging, Such tech- freezing, or completely, as in making cheese. niques generally must be combined with Regardless of the end purpose of processing, other methods in order to be effective, preservation is a part of any process where The most widely used and effective tech- the product is to be stored. nique for destruction of micro-organisms is heating, the only negative result of which is Preservation is not limited to the process- that beyond certain temperatures the quality ing function; even fruits and vegetables to be of the product may be affected. Radiation is sold fresh are handled by processing equip another method, although it may, at high ment designed to minimize bruises. In same levels, cause undesirable chemical reactions. cases special washes and controlled-environ- ment storage are used to aid preservation. Other than destruction through heating, suppression of microorganic activity is the The principal techniques to extend shelf most prevalent method of preserving and in- life and retard spoilage are those that act to creasing the shelf life of foods and food prod- remove or destroy potentially harmful micr~ ucts. Techniques for suppression include biological organisms or suppress the activity cooling (refrigeration), freezing, and reducing of micro-organisms. Adverse changes in foods water content. Freeze-drying, a method gain- [spoilage) are caused by micro-organism or ing acceptance but with economic disadvan- enzymatic activity, chemical reaction, or tages still to be overcome, combines the latter such physical or physiochemical changes as two techniques. Suppression by additive is a drying or crystallization. Microbial spoilage method used extensively in food processing, is the easiest to control, enzymatic conver- The additive generally changes the native sions are more difficult to prevent, and chem- characteristics of the food or food product— ical reactions are almost impossible to com- for instance, jellying, curing, and by 34 adding or salt; fermentation; stabiliza- plants for further processing, Products have tion by adding alcohol or acid, In addition, also been stored and shipped in aseptic rail such chemical or biological substances as tank cars. This method shows promise for or antibiotics may be added to overcoming some of the difficulties asso- a product to act specifically against micro- ciated with products that must be harvested organisms. and processed in a short time, and it will have Modifications to and combinations of these its greatest application in high-acid foods. preservation techniques are constantly being This discussion focuses primarily on the developed, and several specific processes, UHT pasteurization of milk in aseptic pack- such as freeze-drying, that offer potential for ages. The technology is currently in use and greater use, are discussed in this chapter. offers some concrete possibilities for an im- proved milk processing and distribution sys- Aseptic Processing and Packaging tem, provided the taste of the product is made acceptable to U.S. consumers. Aseptic processing brings together a pas- teurized or sterilized product with a sterile If widely adopted, the system would prob- package in a sterile environment, The process ably have a great impact on the production, may be classified into three technologies: 1) processing, and distribution of milk. The im- ultra-high {temperature (UHT) pasteurization pact is considered moderate, however, in that of liquids, combined with aseptic packaging, it concerns only one product and would not 2) aseptic canning of particulate foods such substantially affect the entire marketing as fruits and vegetables currently frozen or system. canned, and 3) aseptic bulk storage of prod- A smaller dairy herd would be needed for a ucts. given level of demand, since the long shelf life Milk is the most common liquid sterilized would permit carrying milk produced in the by UHT processing and combined with asep- flush season over into succeeding months, tic packaging. The product will keep for when seasonal declines in production take several months without refrigeration and is place. Interregional production might be currently available and used in many coun- affected—for example, more milk might be tries where refrigeration is at a premium. produced in Wisconsin and less in Texas than After opening, the product has to be refrig- at present. This also raises the possibility erated. It is being commercially marketed in that producing and processing firms would Canada and test-marketed in the United become more concentrated and that smaller States. Recent reports indicate that accept- miik producers and distributors would be at a ance of the product in Canada has not been competitive disadvantage. as good as expected, with being the Distribution charnels would also be af- major problem. In addition to taste, the total fected, since UHT milk could be handled in energy use of this system must be assessed in regular warehouse channels rather thari as a relation to that used by other available vendor item (such items are delivered fre- systems. quently and on a regular basis to individual Technologies are being developed that will stores). This would have implications for permit heat sterilization of particulate foods labor contracts and potential shifts in labor so they can be aseptically canned. However, concentration from drivers to warehouse these technologies are not yet commercially workers or other occupations. developed. Presumably the products would Consumers spent about $12.1 billion for be superior in taste and nutrition to conven- fluid milk and cream in 1976. Because of the tionally retorted foods. Currently, only pud- dings and other nonparticulate foods are size of the industry, the fact that some cream aseptically canned. is currently aseptically packaged, and the severity of market disruptions likely to occur, Aseptic bulk storage has been used for the first assessment of aseptic packaging holding vegetables at field locations and in should be on fluid milk and cream.

35 When technologies are developed that per- able to consumers when the Food and Drug mit aseptic processing and packaging of solid Administration (FDA) approval is received. foods, the impacts of these would need to be There are two irradiation procedures for assessed relative to other technologies such purposes of preservation: 1) low-dose irradia- as the retort pouch. tion used for pasteurization or in combination Bulk storage and transportation of fruits with another technology to prolong shelf life; and vegetables would impact primarily on the or 2) high-dose irradiation to produce a shelf- processing and transportation system. The stable product. The probability that shelf- processing of fresh produce is now con- stable foods produced through high-dose ir- strained by the period of harvest, and aseptic radiation will be used extensively in the near bulk storage would permit better and more future appears remote. Should it occur, the flexible scheduling of processing operations, military would probably be the first user. better utilization of facilities, possible decen- While there is considerable potential in tralization of final stage processing, reduc- this process, several obstacles must be over- tion in processing and transportation costs, come before this will become significant. Ir- and better utilization of the processing labor 3 radiation is defined as a , there- force. fore bringing it within FDA’s jurisdiction, and Bulk storage would cause relocation in each irradiated item must be proven whole- labor, would require an upgrading of the rail some. Irradiation may also cause undesirable transport system, and could result in better chemical changes in foods. A potential obsta- utilization of energy in transportation. cle to overcome is the public’s possible appre- hension about radiation. Although real prog- ress has been made in the irradiation of food, Irradiated Foods the technology does not appear ready as a major method of preservation until the whole- Irradiation involves the exposure of foods someness and safety questions have been to certain ionizing radiations—namely, either resolved. gamma rays or electrons. Irradiation is steri- This technology has a low probability of oc- lization without heat and avoids many of the currence but will have considerable impact if problems encountered with the use of heat. adopted. The implications for the food Foods sterilized by irradiation can be stored marketing system and the safety issues of at room temperature indefinitely. concern to consumers place this technology Irradiation of foods offers considerable high on the list of technologies expected to potential for the preservation of products have strong but negative impacts. where refrigeration and other preservation Lowdose irradiation has the best chance methods are limited. Currently, food irradia- of near-term adoption. The shelf life of prod- tion is approved in many Western European ucts could be extended with the possibility of countries for extending the shelf life of cer- reducing loss in the distribution of food. Low- tain perishable products, for controlling dose irradiation in combination with other ripening of fruit, and for inhibiting sprouting methods of preservation, such as refrigera- of potatoes, and has been approved in this tion, may offer the greatest chance for suc- country for limited use to control sprouting of cess. potatoes in storage and to eliminate insects from wheat. Irradiation significantly reduces High-dose irradiation produces shelf- the levels of nitrate and nitrites required to stable products and would impact on the total maintain color in cured meats. Currently, a marketing system. Consumer concern over variety of shelf-stable meat and poultry prod- the safety of the product from the irradiation ucts superior to thermally canned products process is an issue. If the process becomes has been developed and could be made avail- economical and irradiation becomes a major method of , firms process- 3“Purdue and Bishopric Share IFT’s Industrial ing canned, dried, and frozen foods would be Award, ” Food Technology, June 1976, affected. 36 Freeze-Drying another is the large amount of energy the process uses. This is one reason for the Freeze-drying is contact drying which search for new methods of freeze-drying. takes place at such a low vapor pressure that Currently, a method for gaining the volume- the temperature of the water drops below the reduction advantages of compression without freezing point. Freeze-dried products shrink the need to use conventional freeze-dried very little and retain their original shape and starting materials is being evaluated, These much of their flavor. methods have changed, but there have been For purposes of discussion, freeze-drying is no dramatic technologies to change the basic divided into two technologies: freeze-drying cost picture. Because of the high quality of combined with compression, and new meth- the product and the potential for saving in ods of freeze-drying. Freeze-drying combined transportation and marketing costs through- with compression will probably not be widely out the system, research is needed to find adopted by 1985, but it ranks about in the new methods that will lower the cost, middle of all technologies based on impacts, The major issue surrounding this technol- with the negative about equal to the positive. ogy is whether the process will become When freeze-dried foods are compressed, the economically feasible. There are no known reduction in volume is from 4 to 2o times, sav- health hazards associated with the product. ing space in storage, shipment, and display. The technology is capital-intensive and, as This process is currently in limited use. A with many such technologies, could increase big disadvantage has been its high cost; concentration in the industry.


These technologies replace a present tech- (which includes beef, pork, veal, lamb, and nology with little or no resulting change in the mutton). Red meat accounts for 25 percent of product but with a saving of inputs such as the consumer food dollar. Any technology energy, labor, or water; a reduction in pollu- that would reduce meat marketing costs tion; or an increase in output with less waste could have a significant effect on consumer from the same quantity of raw material. income.4 Technologies that enable greater line speed in processing or reduce the degree of heat or Central cutting of beef involves cutting the time required in canning would be examples. carcass into smaller units before the beef is Caustic peeling of fruits and vegetables moved to retail outlets. An estimated two- thirds of the beef entering in reduces water consumption and waste in s processing. Redesigning the washing equip- 1974 were broken down from the carcass. ment in poultry processing plants reduces This included beef precut at the packing water consumption and loads on the process- plant, at wholesale centers, and at retail ing systems. New visual or electronic technol- chain warehouses. There are different com- ogies for checking quality of food products binations of procedures and technologies. fall in this classification. Boxed beef—where the packer breaks the carcass into primal cuts, vacuum-packs them,

4U. S. Department of Agriculture, Economics, Statis- Central Cutting and Packaging of Meat tics, and Cooperatives Service, Livestock and Meat Situation, LMS-219, Washington, D, C., February 1978. In 1977, expenditures for beef were 2.1 5John W, Allen, “A Look at Trends in the Meat In- percent of disposable consumer income and dustry, ” 1975. Paper presented at the In- 4.5 percent for expenditures on all red meat stitute Convention Workshop, May 6, 1975.

37 -—..—..—.

and ships them to the retailer in boxes—is critical to assess potential changes in the about one-fourth of the movement to retail safety of the meat in relation to any change in stores. Other combinations of technologies in the procedure for cutting and packing. systems generally involve retail store facil- ities or local wholesalers, Central cutting of beef may impact on other areas as well. The number of meatcutters Central cutting and boxing of beef is felt to needed could be reduced, or relocation of be economically feasible, and it is possible workers might result as more meat is cut at that opposition from labor unions has kept it central locations. Central cutting of beef into from more widespread use. A recent U.S. De- retail cuts raises the potential of loss at retail partment of Agriculture (USDA] publication if the demand from day to day is not as ex- supports the contention that it is more eco- pected. Once packaged as retail cuts, the nomical to cut beef into retail cuts at central meat must be sold within a limited time, locations. The report, however, points out although this could be up to 7 days if the meat that present “boxed beef” is not the most effi- is handled in a sanitary manner and stored at cient method and that in fact in some situa- the proper temperature. Frozen retail cuts tions the more traditional methods of cutting would eliminate this problem but world add the carcass at retail maybe more efficient.’ t. the cost and in most instances meet with In view of the many differing systems and consumer resistance. The effect on energy combinations of technologies involved in cen- consumption of a shift to frozen beef would be tral cutting of beef, each major system should an important consideration. be assessed separately. The health and economic impacts may be More Efficient Utilization of Water quite different between systems. Dr. Robert in Processing Angelotti, formerly of USDA, indicates that research is under way in the Department to This is an area of technological need determine the degree of contamination in rather than of specific technologies. These beef cut in primals and vacuum-packed at technologies could reduce the amount of central locations. Preliminary findings in- energy used in processing plants and the dicate that, “. . . vacuum-packaging of beef pollution from them. The probability of suc- draws a purge of the body fluids which col- cessfully developing these technologies is lect in the bottom of the bag and support a low, although specific technologies have been very different kind of microbial flora from developed to reduce water consumption in that which is supported when meat is dry- poultry processing plants and in fruit and hung in a refrigerator. Because the product vegetable processing and packaging opera- has a 60- to 90-day shelf life in distribution, tions. the organisms grow in the bottom of that bag The positive impacts of these technologies and contaminate the muscle fibers which are would be on conservation of water and ener- separated, creating internal contamination gy, resources expected to be scarce in the which would not have happened if the meat future; thus the impact of such technologies, had been hung dry.”* should they be adopted, is considered high, Appropriate questions may not have been since processing of most food products con- asked during the development of this technol- sumes vast quantities of water. Water-con- ogy concerning product contamination as a serving technologies are not expected to raise result of this practice. The problem is not one many negative issues, but technologies that of central cutting but of the type of packaging recycle water raise the possibility of contami- and the length of time the meat is held. It is nation and associated health issues. 6L,A. Deuwer and T.L. Crawford, Alternative Beef One needs to define the processes where Handling Systems, Economic Research Service, USDA water consumption is high and then deter- ERS-661, report from AER, Vol. 29, No. 3, June 1977. mine what, if any, action is needed to encour- *Working Group Proceedings on Emerging Food age development of water-saving technol- Marketing Technologies, Oct. 4, 1977, p.237. ogies.

38 Analytical Instrumentation Rapid expansion m the home use of micro- and Processes for Detecting wave energy impacts on a number of areas, raises issues unique to home use of micro- Ingredients in Foods wave energy, and reiates to other issues that A technological process or series of proc- are part of changing lifestyle. esses that will identify ingredients in food Improvements have been made in design plays an important role in food processing and production procedures of these units to and safety. It need not be restricted LO a prevent leakage of radiation. The issue is not single ingredient and is obviously needed to completely dead, howeverf and consumers detect toxic substances in food. This technol- may resist buying microwave appliances or ogy could complement the conversion of raise new issues associated with safety. waste to food, where a major copncern is the safety of these foods and the kinds of residues The rapid increase in home use of micro- that might be present. wave ovens has spurred the development of Instrumentation of the type that will new food formulations and packaging special- speedily and accurately detect ingredients in ly designed for microwave cooking, such as feed could have a positive effect in monitoring new paper trays and Ceramic containers spe~- the processing and fabrication of certain cially designed for micrcwave or conven- foods because it would be capable of identify- tional oven use. Allthough it was developed as ing not only toxic substances but also mois- an answer to the speedy preparation of con- ture, fat, and ai protein content. venience foods, microwave cooking may in turn encourage the consumption of more con- Instruments capable of monitoring proc- venience foods. This could mean more pack- essing lines would provide a means of check- aging and a consequent increase in energy ing fabricated foods for possible toxic sub- use. Also, the effect of increased consumpt- stances or contaminants and ingredient con ion of highly processed foods on nutrition tent. They would, therefore, be a positive in- and health should be considered. fluence on the development of, and possibly remove much of the concern about, the ‘ ‘un- If microwave units substitute for rather knowns” in ersatz or fabricated foods. than supplement conventional ranges, there The adoption of this instrumentation will will be an impact on stove manufacturers. add impetus to the existing policy dilemma of Many microwave units are built in foreign acceptable to!erance levels of certain addi- ccuntries and many electronic parts for ‘J. S, tives, toxic substances, and carcinogens in makes are foreign products, This may con- food. tribute to an unfavorable balance of pay- ments at a time when there is a deficit. Micro- Microwave Ovens and wave units use less energy, therefore energv use may decrease, and there may be possible Special Packaging savings in home wiring compared to conven- More than a quarter of the homes in the tional ranges due to the decrease in energy United States are expected to have micro- needs. wave units by 1980. Available data projects over 6 million units in almost 10 percent of Aquaculture the homes in 1977. This trend could accel- erate, since microwave cooking has been Aquiculture as used here refers primarily shown to save up to 70 percent of the energy to the systematic cultivation of animal life in in home cooking of some foods. a water environment (in a broader sense it could also include plants). Catfish farming in Microwave cooking in the home is compati- the South is one example of aquiculture; ble with convenience foods and fits in with crawfish, salmon, trout, and other fish are the changes in lifestyles already under way also produced this way, Recent experiments such as the desire to spend less time in home and pilot projects show promise for farming preparation of foods, shrimp and other species.

39 Economics may discourage widespread ex- Unless a technology is developed that ap- pansion in the United States through 1985, plies solely to food processing, specific im- although catfish and other species have been pacts on food processing would be those asso- well accepted. Aquiculture could, however, ciated with all processing plants, such as make a positive contribution to the food sup- choice of location and level of energy re- ply and nutrition status were it to become quirements.a That is, conversion to solar more widespread. (One problem has been energy in food processing would impact on consumer acceptance of many species of fish energy suppliers in much the same way as and fish products made by aquiculture conversion to solar energy in any large in- methods.) dustry if the power from solar converters were supplied from central powerplants. If Development of aquiculture is expected to technology were developed that permits on- evolve slowly, and the impacts on resource site generation of solar power, however, adjustments should be minimal. Technologies large firms would probably be able to convert are needed to lower processing costs and before smaller firms and thus gain the com- more efficiently utilize the marine animals petitive advantage. Large processing plants produced. Marine products are subject to might also be more able to locate in areas contamination and spoilage, and new meth- with high probability of clear, sunny days. ods are needed in processing, preservation, and storage to minimize spoilage. Initial Preparation of Fruits and In some locations, toxic substances such as Vegetables in the Field mercury have accumulated in fish at levels in excess of State or Federal levels established Much packing of fruits and vegetables is to protect human health. When this occurs, already done in the field. The original concept consumption of the contaminated fish is was to reduce the amount of waste produce banned in the affected area, with an adverse shipped and to reduce work and pollution at economic impact on those directly involved. the receiving site. In aquiculture, the economic effects of such One facet of this technology that concerns contamination would be more widespread loss prevention involves packing in bins that and severe because of the large amounts of could be moved untouched through the sys- capital invested in the growing operations tem to retail outlets. Technologies for im- and processing facilities. proved packing methods, better shipping con- tainers, and controlled-atmosphere shipping Solar Energy in Processing should be considered. Aseptic bulk storage The concept of solar energy as a technol- and transportation of processed tomatoes is ogy in food processing includes dehydrating an existing system that has potential for food with solar energy as well as utilizing greater use. Waste is left at the production solar energy to supply heat and power for site, and the product is held and transported processing operations. The U.S. Department to a central point for further processing. of Energy (DOE), (formerly the Energy Re- According to participants in the working search and Development Administration), is group, these technologies have a high prob- supporting a number of projects on the feasi- ability of adoption. The impacts will probably bility of solar energy in industrial heat proc- be positive. However, more information is re- esses, including heating water for washing quired to determine which technologies may food cans. Other studies are investigating the be the best under given circumstances, con- feasibility of using solar energy in industrial sidering waste, cost, consumer preference, drying and dehydration, including prunes, and other impact areas. For instance, bulk soybeans, and onions.7 handling may be best for local and inter- 7U.S. Energy Research and Development Administra- ‘A comprehensive discussion of solar energy is found tion, Solar Energy for Agricultural and Industrial Proc- in Volume I, Application of Solar Technology to Today’s ess Heat, Division of Solar Energy, ERDA 77-72, Wash- Energy Needs, Washington, D. C.: U.S. Congress, Office ington, D. C., June 1977. of Technology Assessment, June 1978.

40 mediate distances, while some produce press prices unless new products were devel- should be shipped in consumer packs with ex- oped that would increase demand, tensive secondary packaging. (See chapter II, Technologies to Reduce Food Loss. ) Major issues or concerns are product qual- ity and the effects of long-term ingestion of pulverized bone. The labeling of mechanically Mechanical Deboning of Beef deboned meat called for by consumers is a While poultry has been mechanically specific example of a labeling issue common deboned for several years, approval for to many ingredients derived from byproducts mechanically deboned beef (the bone and and waste. meat are pulverized together and the meat This technology exists and is used today. than separated from the bone particles) was The regulatory issue of ingredient labeling withdrawn after objection by consumer and the implications of this product on food groups. They did not appear to oppose the safety, health, and nutritional status are ccncept of mechanical deboning but wanted serious concerns, as is its economics versus the label on the end product to clearly in- alternative deboning technologies. dicate that it contained mechanically de- boned meat. The consumer groups were also Hot-Boning of Beef concerned that meat deboned mechanically was more prone to bacterial contamination Hot-boning of beef involves cutting the car- and would contain a small amount of pulver- cass into primals and removing the bones ized bone. Consumers worried about the lack before the meat is chilled. This technology is of information on the effect on health of in- considered to have a low probability of wide- creased intake of calcium from these bone spread adoption with relatively high negative particles. impacts. USDA has proposed a new regulation re- Advantages claimed for the technology are quiring that the product be labeled as reduced energy costs for cooling, less space “mechanically deboned [type of meat) prod- needed for storage, and less waste to ship. uct , ‘ ‘ which wou!d require that there be not However, hot meat is claimed to be more dif- more than 20 percent of a meat-and-bone ficult to cut than cold meat, and the change is mixture in the product and placing certain resisted by the meatcutters, although this other restrictions on use of the product. allegation has not been documented. In addi- There were objections from the industry and tion to energy and transportation aspects, others to this new proposal, which was then health and safety, because of the possibility revised by USDA, Consumer spokesmen have of contamination of the beef during hot-bon- questioned the research data attesting to the ing and associated procedures, are important safety of the product, and industry groups societal issues. have objected to the proposed name. Never- theless, the regulations became effective in Moisture Reduction Processes July 1978. This particular technology and the opposi- Technologies exist that can dehydrate tion to its adoption underscore the need to in- foods or reduce their moisture content (pro- clude consumer concerns in the regulatory ducing intermediate moisture foods) through process and to accurately identify where the one or a combination of treatments. The aim benefits will occur or where the disad- of these technologies is to produce a shelf- vantages will be felt. stable product. Mechanical deboning of beef will provide New dehydrated foods are being produced more edible beef or less waste from a car- through new applications or modifications of cass. The impact on producers is not clear; the drying processes. Vacuum foam-dried more edible products from a carcass make it milk is one example. Another is continuous more valuable, but better utilization of this explosion puffing, a new system developed technology would increase supply and de- for processing fruits and vegetables which 41 could substantially reduce preparation time ess could be to reduce energy use throughout and save energy. tlie food marketing system, but these possibil- ities have yet t. be explored commercially. The aim in producing intermediate-mois- If more foods are made shelf-stable ture foods is to reduce the water activity so through moisture reduction processes, this the product will be shelf-stable yet have a would imply some change in consumption moisture content higher than dehydrated habits, For consumers it would mean less products. A number of technologies are avail- need for freezer or refrigeration capacity able that will produce intermediate-moisture with a corresponding saving in energy. If foods SUCh as fruitcake. The most common method decreases the water content and then foods infused with salts or become a infuses the product with soluble salt and significant part of consumers’ diets, iheir im- sugars This changes the flavor and texture pact on health and nutrition must be con- sidered. of the product, and consumers may consider some products to be of inferior quality. Dehydrated or partially dehydrated foods mean a saving in transportation and also in Other possible techniques include reducing storage space. Energy needed for storage water activity and then applying a mild heat would be less than for frozen or refrigerated treatment. ‘i’he immediate impact of this proc- foods,


These products genera!ly have been de- lion by 1980. 9 These are important technol- signed, engineered, or formulated from vari- ogies with important policy implications; for ous ingredients including additives. They are instance, vegetable protein, a major ingre- made by structuring, texturing, shaping, or dient in engineered foods, has a high prob- blending ingredients and in most instances ability of increased use as a meat extender use a combination of technologies. They may and to a lesser degree as a substitute for be made to resemble traditional items, they meat by the year 2000. may be new forms of snack foods, diet foods, Fabricated foods include many dairy sub- or other products, or they may be a new sub- stitutes such as coffee whiteners, toppings, stance used as one ingredient in an otherwise whey-soy blends, imitation cheese, and imita- traditional food product, such as non-caloric tion milk drink. Meat substitutes include fab- sweeteners. ricated ham and sausage and steaks engi- neered from flaked meat and textured soy. The nutritional value of new and modified (Soy protein is the major ingredient in fabri- foods and ingredients depends on their for- cated meat and soybean oil in dairy prod- mulation and may be nutritionally equal to or ucts. ) Other fabricated foods include substi- quite different from the food for which they tutes for eggs and citrus products. substitute. Fabricated foods fall into two categories, analogs and ingredients, which should be dis- cussed separately. Analogs are those foods Fabricated Foods g]n 1 g76, fabricated dairy substitutes such aS coffee The marketing of engineered or fabricated whiteners and toppings had sales of $1 billion. Fabri- cated snack foods such as chips had $2.5 billion, fabri- foods is widespread and will increase. Sales cated cookies and candy had $1 .’7 billion, vegetable pro- of engineered foods were more than $6 billion tein had $35o million, and fabricated beverages had in 1972 and are expected to exceed $11 bil- $212 million.

42 fabricated to resemble a specific food in foods and tbe effect on nutrient content of our taste, texture, and color. They include com- total diet. On the other hand, fabricated foods plete substitutes foil meat 1, synthetic drinks, may be formulated to supply special dietary and such substitute dairy produsts as cheese, needs or fortified to improve inadequate diets coffee whiteners, etc. Ingredients refer to ex- of selected population groups. tenders, fillers and emulsifiers intended, for Tastes change slowly, and for fabricated example, to replace part of the ground beef in foods to gain cofisumer acceptance they are a hamhurger with soy or to extend natural manufactured to resemble the food for which chocolate with a substitute These definitions they substitute. How should these foods be are not mutually exclusive: in some instances, labeled to properly identify them and yet not textured soy might totally replace ground present acceptance barriers’? This is a label- beef and become an analog, ing issue in food service operations, where Although the level of use will determine the consumers may not know they are eating a degree arid severity of impacts these prod- hamburger extended with soy protein or ucts wi!l have on lhe marketing system, sev- meatloaf containing a vegetable protein ex- eral general advantages of fabricated foods tender. The latter is already in use. are the possibility of lower focal costs, ex- Extensive use of fabricated foods affects tended food supply in times of shortage, bet- agricultural resource use. The increased con- ter control of nutrition, better utilization of sumption of margarine, for example, has de- products, and reduction in energy use. creased the demand for butterfat, affected Many impact and issue areas are common the dairy industry, and necessitated new poli- to a large number of fabricated products, cy decisions. The substitution of soy for while other products raise issues unique to animal protein can be expected to raise simi- themselves. In general, fabricated foods raise lar issues. issues of food safety, consumer acceptance, Two fabricated products that will raise nutrition, and labeling: and specific fabri- many of the issues cited above and that are cated foods raise suc]i issues as resource use highest on the list for assessment include soy and effect on the protein as both analog and extender for meat system. products and imitation cheese fabricated Food safety is an issues with many fabri- from vegetable oil and other ingredients, cated foods because they use a number of in- gredients and additives for which different standards and regulations exist on which there is frequent disagreement. Some seg- New Sweeteners ments of the food system feel that the stand- Since a major health and nutrition concern ards are restrictive and discourage the devel- in the United States today is obesity arid in- opment of new foods, while others fee! con- creased sugar consumption, there is strong sumers are not adequately protected from the incentive (economic and nutritional) to devel- effects of these ingredients and additives. op and produce new low-caloric sweeteners The nutrition issue depends to a great ex- for use in food processing and the production tent on the specific foods, their intended use, of diet foods. and how they are formulated. For example, Some low-caloric sweeteners exist, and it vegetable protein extenders that substitute is felt that the search for others will continue. for only a fraction of protein intake are of less Xylitol, an extremely potent sweetening agent concern than a meat analog that would sub- made from the rhine of grapefruit, has fairly stitute for all or a major part of protein intake specialized uses; others would have wider ap- and would not raise the same nutrition issues. plications. New corn sweeteners have been The FDA has proposed different nutrient standards for analogs and meat extenders. developed that, although they produce the same sweetness level with fewer calories At issue also is the proportion of our intake than other sugars, do contain calories in some that might eventually be from fabricated uses. 43 The only legal non-caloric sweetener on the Delaney amendment to the Food, Drug, and market today is saccharin. The recent con- Cosmetic Act, raises the very important poli- troversy over the use of this substance may cy question concerning the use of massive have sparked some of the current interest in doses in animal testing for carcinogens. developing new sweeteners. Currently, sac- The safety of any newly developed non-cal- charin labeling regulations require that foods oric sweetener will be a major issue, par- containing this substance carry a warning of its possible hazards. This restriction will be ticularly concerning the type and length of carried for 18 months, at which time the safe- tests undertaken before and after approval. An assessment of a new sweetener should go ty question will be reevaluated. The outcome of this review may well determine the future beyond the health issue, however, and assess use of other such sweeteners. the markets likely to be penetrated, the effect on total intake of different sugars, and the There is preliminary evidence that xylitol consequences to the processing industries. is a carcinogen. It is different from other The cost of particular forms, whether liquid sweeteners, such as cyclamates and sac- or solid; the sweetness; and other functional charin, in that it is a naturally occurring characteristics determine market use. Corn sweetener. A closely related compound, xylu- sweeteners have captured significant por- lose, is produced in the body during normal tions of the cane and beet sugar markets, ; and there is a potential, through with repercussions to domestic and foreign one simple chemical reaction, for the forma- producers; and new sweeteners are expected tion of xylitol from xylulose in small amounts. to cause similar impacts and raise similar This issue of carcinogenicity, mainly related policy issues concerning support prices and to the zero-tolerance levels established by the import quotas.


New technologies have resulted in new tions may be considered a food under other sources of ingredients for use in food process- circumstances. For example, whey is a waste ing. New methods of crushing combined with if there is insufficient volume to justify the centrifuging now permit production of edible fixed costs required to purchase equipment protein from cotton seeds. Certain membrane that will convert it to edible protein. Addi- processes allow for the separation of edible tional economically feasible processes could protein from whey. Solvent extraction and produce useful products from wastes such as texturizing give a variety of soy protein prod- fruit and vegetable pulp and peelings and ani- ucts. Processes using produce high- mal byproducts, which would reduce food fructose corn syrups and other corn sweeten- losses in the marketing system. ers. Single-cell organisms produce protein from a variety of processing wastes and other Because of the different course materials sources. and different technologies, there could be many different issues, However, in a discus- Conversion of Waste to Food and Feed sion of waste conversion, three issue areas emerge: 1) getting approval as food products, Research and development should continue 2) labeling for consumers, and 3) consumer on a wide range of processes to convert waste acceptance. to edible products or feed and to better utilize agricultural production. Under the regulatory procedures in effect today, approval will be difficult to secure for The first problem is defining waste. What foods generated from many wastes. The sci- is considered waste under one set of condi- entific base regarding the effects of

44 concentration in waste recycling is not very basis for accepting or rejecting these prod- well known. The degree of difficulty depends ucts. in part on the source material; utilizing waste This entire area offers possibilities in the from a food product would not be expected to years ahead for providing more food and for generate as many problems as converting a alleviating pollution; however, there are traditional nonfood waste to a food. Possible many problems and many issues. wastes mentioned for conversion to food or feed include vegetable pulp and peel, blood from animal slaughtering, waste from sea- Processing Using Single-Cell food processing, and trash fish. * Vegetable Organisms wastes would probably have fewer problems Agricultural waste can pollute, and be- in product approval than many other wastes cause of this considerable research has been but could have problems due to possible resi- conducted on using single-cell organisms to dues on the pulp or peel. convert these wastes to protein for humans Labeling the products presents another and animals. For example, certain yeasts area of concern to consumers. The possibility have converted byproducts from papermills of using a plasma fraction from blood col- to a food protein. lected during animal slaughtering as a func- There is a greater chance of adoption if tional ingredient or binding agent is a case in waste is converted to animal feed rather than point, Labeling the ingredient as blood would directly to edible products for humans. The probably discourage consumer acceptance. major problem is that it would be easier to Should the product be labeled as to specific secure approval if these products are used in origin or just by the final ingredient name? animal feeds. Even so, the probability of This issue will be common to many of the food adoption by 1985 is low. products produced from waste materials. A very positive impact would come from Consumers may reject many of these foods providing additional food from waste prod- or food products, even when the foods have ucts. The negative impacts would be the same been approved, because of custom, taste, as those for converting any waste to food: the fear, or a number of other reasons. A factual, possible health hazard presented and the straightforward consumer educational pro- problem of labeling so that consumers would gram prior to the introduction of these new know the source and yet not reject the food, foods would give consumers a more rational Also conversion of petroleum substrates to protein by certain single-cell organisms has *Trash fish are any of various sea fishes that have no produced concentrations of nucleic acids, market value as human food but may be processed for which can cause adverse reaction when fed oil or meal for domestic animals. to humans.


Packaging materials may be developed in Packaging represented 13 percent of the conjunction with and be an integral part of a almost $123.5 billion marketing bill in 1977.10 new processing technology, or the attributes In order of use, food packaging is in the form of a new package or material may lead to the of paperboard packages, followed by metal development of new products. In some in- cans, flexible packaging, and foil containers. stances, packaging innovations may simply be 1oU. S. Department of Agriculture, Developments in a new way of packaging a traditional Marketing Spreads for Food Outlook, ERS Report No. product. 398, March 1978.

45 Changing lifestyles have contributed greatly materials produced by three firms have to the increase in packaging and packaging recently been approved by the FDA; and costs (more working women, the increase in [JSDA, which has jurisdiction over the in- one- and two-person households, and the tegrity of the pouch system, has approved growth of special activities such as camping]. retortable pouches made from these materi- als. The weight limit for the pouches ap- Modern packaging materials, innovative proved for use is currently set at 16 ounces. designs, and sophisticated packaging ma- When relevant test data are available, USDA chines have played an important part in the will give consideration to removing the weight success of the food marketing system. For in- restriction or increasing its limit. The quality stance, new packaging technologies such as of food processed by this method is said to be the oxygen scavenger packaging material, ” superior to that of foods retorted in conven- can reduce the need for food additives or pre- tional cans, and taste tests indicate that it servatives. However, there is considerable may approach that of frozen foods. criticism of the packaging cost component of food marketing (13 percent, second only to There have been problems in sealing the labor.’ as a contributor to marketing costs). pouches, and the ability of the pouch to retain Changing conditions, such as increasing its integrity in commercial applications has energy costs and the need for recycling of not been tested in the United States. Thus, the resources in limited supply, are expected to reason for limited approval by USDA. Prob- influence the types and extent of future food lems have also been encountered with slow packaging. These developments could include filling times compared to cans. With growing commercial adoption of the retortable pouch use and application, however, technical inno- and recyclable or returnable containers in vations are expected to overcome such prob- food. lems as these. The technology is still in its in- fancy, and many questions cannot be an- Retortable Pouch swered with hard data at this time. The reportable pouch technology, while still An extension of retort pouch technology is being developed, has current applications the steam table “tray pack, ” which uses a and has received limited approval for use metal tray instead of a pouch and which uses from the relevant regulatory agencies. Fur- the same container for processing, transport- ther adoption of this technology can be ex- ing, storing, and reheating the food. Food pected te have strong impacts and far-reach- prepared in this way generally consists of a ing consequences throughout the marketing complete meal. The size and shape are de- system, particularly in the areas of energy, signed to fit on an institutional steam table, food storage, transportation, labor, and re- and institutions are expected to be the first tailing. For this reason, the reportable pouch major market for the tray pack. The shape technology ranks as a top priority for assess- saves energy in processing and produces a ment. superior product. In addition, serving food directly from the tray pack further reduces The pouch is a multilayer (plastic laminate the need for labor and energy that would nor- with a middle layer of aluminum foil), adhe- mally be used for cleaning steam table trays. sively bonded bag that will withstand thermo- processing temperatures. It combines many Data on energy savings in the manufacture advantages of the metal can and the plastic of the retortable pouch over that used for boil-in-the-bag. Use of retortable pouch metal cans, glass jars, and certain containers are preliminary and do not “This is a laminate consisting of a polyester outer yet answer the question of energy consump- layer, an adhesive layer, aluminum foil, a Surlyn” * tion for each total system. While the report- sheet, a layer of palladium as a catalyst, and an inner able pouch appears to offer savings in energy layer of SurlynL? Oxygen travels through the inner Surlyn ” layer and reacts with hydrogen in the pres- over containers for frozen and canned prod- ence of the catalyst to form H20, which is trapped be- ucts, these savings can only be confirmed by tween the two SurlynT’ layers. (* Surlyn? registered an analysis of the different systems that are trademark by E.I. du Pent de Nemours & Co. ) or might be used commercially. Energy sav- 46 ings are possible in processing because the Recyclable and Returnable system uses a shorter cooking time at lower Containers1 2 temperatures. Technologies for recyclable containers. re- Savings may be projected in the area of turnable cans and bottles, and other refill transportation owing to the !mproved prod- able containers have a high probability of be- uct-to-package weight ratio; savings in weight ing an important part of our future and that may be as much as 50 percent for the pouch the impacts of adoption will be widespread. versus the can. Although comparative tests These technologies have developed because have shown pouches to be as durable as cans, of socioeconomic pressure, and the pressure questions will continue to be raised regarding will in all events continue to build for new the handling of this package unti! experience solutions through technology to the problems has been obtained under actual use condi- of conserving natural resources and reducing tions. Initially, an outer package is being used the expense of keeping our environment free to safeguard against breaks due to flexing from pollution caused by discard ’xl con- and abrasion. Eventually, it may be possible tainers. to move the pouch through the marketing system without an individual cover for eacli A discussion of these technologies falls into pouch. Thought should also be given to the three categories: recyclable beverage con- fact that, if not individually packaged in an tainers, the returning of all food containers, outer carton, the reportable pouch would and the general concept of recycling applied probably prove more difficult to price-mark to all products. and display in retail stores. Recycling of beverage containers Elas In its early stage of development, the repor- received the most attention to date. Four table pouch technology will become a viable States have passed laws requiring deposits one for packaging food and will probably on all beverage containers, anti the major compete at first with frozen rather than aluminum producers have initiated systems canned food. If inroads into the $17 billion for buying back aluminum cans. Localities frozen-food market and ultimately into the have set up collection points for cans, bottles, $20 billion canned-food market are as signifi- and other recyclable products. There have cant as they are expected to be, there are been mixed results in all these enterprises- substantial implications for these two indus- for instance, reduced pollution and litter ver- tries. Producers of metal cans (and industries sus inconvenience of traveling to the collec- producing the raw materials) would be af- tion site—yet the public seems intercsted in fected in terms of loss of revenue, displace- the concept of recycling even if the initial ment or relocation of labor, and possibly con- specific technologies or systems may not have siderable loss of jobs. met with their approval, The availability and prices of the petro- Returning containers to the processor for chemicals needed to produce the plastics reuse is another concept relative to this tech- used for the pouch may also bear on the adop- nology. Reverting to a returnable packaging tion and success of this technology. system is not a panacea for sanitary prob- lems; indeed, some new problems may be cre- Environmental impacts of this technology ated by this system. The beverage or food may be considerable in both a negative and a residue in returnable containers readily sup- positive sense. If methods are not found that port the growth of insects and other undesir- permit the pouches to be recycled, the impact able vermin, or harmful microorganisrns, would be negative compared to that of metal which contribute to unsanitary conditions in cans, bottles, and other recyclable containers (which result in savings in raw materials and energy). However, retortable pouches can be used as fuel, and even without recycling most “The OTA hlateria]s Group has been studying some of the issues .aised in this swtion, a~~ is preparing + of the energy initially expended in their repOrt on “M~terials and ~ner~~ From Municip~l manufacture could be reclaimed, at the same J4’aste” which is ex~ecte~ !O be publisbed in the latter time minimizing solid waste problems. part of 1978, 47 a store selling food products. The issue of containers and may foretell a trend towards food safety and sanitation needs to be eventually recycling many food containers assessed. and packaging materials. Returnables may add to the cost of dis- Several large projects for reclaiming and tribution and handling products. One study utilizing materials from garbage have been estimates it would cost 2 cents more per initiated. These are high-technology plants quart to deliver milk in returnable bottles. for separating recyclable metal, glass, and Whether the total cost of the delivered prod- other materials and then burning the re- uct would be greater for other products is not mainder to produce heat. There have been clear. If cost did increase, this would un- both successes and failures with these proj- doubtedly be passed onto the consumer. Part ects. An alternative would be to have con- of this cost increase is because of the high ini- sumers separate material before the refuse tial cost for converting production lines in enters the recycling system. This is a system bottling plants to handle returnables. Esti- that has been in limited use since the early mates of this cost have run into billions of 1970’s. There may not be one system appli- dollars. Larger companies would be better cable for every situation, but people may able to afford the expense of this conversion have to choose whether they wish to partici- and thus could put the smaller firms at a com- pate by paying for a centrally located or in- petitive disadvantage. An assessment should dustry-based system with taxes or fees or evaluate policies for overcoming these kinds whether they would prefer to lower the cost of capital problems resulting from the adop- by participating directly. tion of technologies. If recycling becomes an important system, Carton-Can new forms of delivery may result to alleviate The carton-can is a square container with the inconvenience of, and dissatisfaction a flexible inner bag. The inner bag may be with, returnables and recyclable; for in- foil, plastic, or a combination. Advantages stance, a syrup or powder that could be claimed are that its square shape saves space mixed with carbonated water at home (both and material in shipping, it can be incin- technologies are available). erated, and some versions are retortable. It is Most soft drinks are vendor-delivered, and being used in Europe for processed foods but returnables would deter a consolidated deliv- is still considered experimental. The prob- ery system, since by law empty bottles cannot ability of widespread adoption in the United be carried in the same truck with food prod- States is considered very low, and impacts ucts. This may provide the incentive to bottle are difficult to judge primarily because of in- beverages in larger units, which would run sufficient information on cost, where the counter to the recent trend for smaller bottles carton-can is likely to be used, and whether and cans. food safety issues are involved. Recycling of all glass food containers has This technology is important only insofar been proposed in the Oregon legislature for as it may be a part of an alternative packag- two legislative sessions. This is an extension ing system that could affect materials and of the recycling concept beyond beverage energy use and the transportation system.



Consumers have become accustomed to having most foods they desire available any time of the year and throughout the United States. To provide this availability requires specialized production areas and elaborate transpor- tation, storage, and distribution facilities. ’ Trucks, trains, barges, and in some instances airplanes for highly perishable fresh produce move food products from producer to processor, wholesaler, retailer, and in some in- stances on to the consumer. Those food distribution technologies the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) considers of highest priority are listed in table 5. The list emphasizes those with a probability of early occurrence and significant expected impacts.

Table 5. —Distribution Technologies With High Priority for Assessment

Technologies with high probability of adoption and high impact 1) Technologies to improve food sanitation in transportation (p. 54) 2) Electronic checkouts in retail stores (p. 57) 3) Computer systems that improve retail store management (p. 59) 4) Technologies to reduce food loss (p. 61) 5) Electronic food shopping systems (p. 59) Technologies with high probability of adoption and moderate impact 1) Improvement in traiIer design and use (p. 56) Technologies with low probability of adoption and moderate impact 1) Development of raiIroad cars or containers for better quality preservation (p. 55) 2) Technologies to enhance warehouse automation (p. 52) 3) Technologies for delivery of complete meals to home (p. 60)

As in the previous chapter, those technologies where the probability of adoption is considered high and expected to have considerable impact if adopted are rated the highest; technologies where the probability of oc- currence by 1985 is considered high with moderate impacts and technologies whose impacts are expected to be high but probability of adoption is con- sidered low are rated lower. Other technologies discussed in this section are considered of lower pri- ority because of insufficient data on economic feasibility or impacts. These priorities may change in the future as conditions arise that may influence their development or adoption. The technologies discussed in this chapter are divided into: 1) wholesal- ing, 2) transportation, 3) retaiIing and food service, and 4) those technologies applicable to two or more of the above.

‘The 1972 census reported 39,137 wholesale g!zcery establishments. 194,246 grocery stores, and 73,006 food stores not class I fled as grocery stm es In acfditlon. there were 253,136 eating places for away from- home food consumption. 51 WHOLESALING

Wholesalers receive food products from allow greater modularization and would producers or processors/manufacturers, tem- make technology easier to apply to the sort- porarily store them, and then distribute them ing, assembling, and shipping of orders. to retail stores or other food outlets. Food Mechanical systems exist whose handling retailers have integrated extensively into capability starts at 300,000 cases per week, a wholesaling and to some extent wholesalers tremendous volume that in many instances into retailing, but regardless of ownership ar- would be feasible only through the consolida- rangements, the basic functions must be per- tion of volume from several firms or as a formed. z public warehouse. General line wholesalers, those who carry This concept has a low probability of adop- a full line of groceries, and specialty whol~ tion, but if adopted, it would cause negative salers, those who carry a special line of items impacts. The major issues would probably such as frozen food and meat products, share arise from the impact of consolidation on in- the market. Specialty wholesalers represent dustry structure and conduct. Consolidation about 90 percent of all wholesalers and ac- of physical operations could result in con- count for about 60 percent of wholesale solidation of other management functions. grocery sales.3 Consolidation of this type suggests a lessening of competition at the wholesale level. In addi- According to a survey by the Food Market- tion, the possibility of consolidated ware- ing Institute (FMI), in 1976 the typical whole- houses building and operating stores might saler in their survey serviced 273 retail act to the detriment of small, independently stores and operated a single distribution owned stores without access to the financing center. In addition to food distribution, the of the consolidated groups; and the competi- wholesaler provided such services as engi- tive relationship between smaller suppliers neering, store design, product movement and the larger consolidated warehouses may data, and accounting. Almost 87 percent of be affected. the wholesalers surveyed depended on man- ual selection and picking operations, 3 per- Other issues are the effect on geographic cent operated fully computerized centers, distribution and possible legal problems with and the remaining 10 percent used belts and State laws and regulations. 4 conveyors in a manual operationo Warehouse Consolidation of Items Technologies To Enhance Warehouse Normally Supplied by Vendors Automation Vendors supply such items as beverages, Automating warehouse operations allows bread, snacks, tobacco, and candy directly to for faster handling of larger volumes of mer- stores. In many instances, the quantity deliv- chandise with less labor. Productivity in ered at each stop is small and the cost very wholesaling could be improved by standard- high. ization in shipping containers, which would It would be possible to lower delivery costs 21ntegrated wholesale facilities (owned by the retail- if these vendor products were consolidated er) offer the possibility of better utilization of certain technologies between wholesaling and other distribu- and delivered along with other grocery items. tion functions. Other advantages could include better con- 3U.S, Department of Agriculture, Economic Research trol of shelf space by store managers and Service, The Food and Fiber System—How It Works, elimination of the commission charge on Agriculture Information Bulletin 383, Washington, many items, Continued increases in the cost D, C., March 1975. 4Timothy Hammonds, “Food Marketing Industry of gasoline could push delivery costs higher, Speaks 1977, ” speech at Food Marketing Institute Con- increasing even more the importance of deliv- vention, 1977. ery cost-reduction benefits.

52 One deterrent to consolidation might come abling robot units to do many of the ware- from labor, as many labor contracts include a housing tasks. (Industrial robots are already commission on deliveries. Many store oper- widely used in the automobile industry for ators feel that the drivers perform services welding and other relatively complicated beyond actual delivery of products by main- operations.) taining the displays in an attractive manner. Computer-controlled automation is part of Store operators may not be willing to forego the large concept of warehouse automation, this kind of service. raises the same basic policy issues, and This technology could work to the disad- should be assessed in concert with other vantage of the smaller stores, who may not automation systems. Labor would likely be have daily deliveries from the warehouse, so displaced; firms with available capital would that products that have to be delivered fresh be the first to automate, possibly to the disad- almost every day (such as bakery items) could vantage of smaller firms. Competition in the not be included in regular grocery deliveries. warehousing industry could become a policy issue; however, such automation is expected Computer-Controlled Automation to evolve gradually. i n Warehouses Electronic Interface Between Experience to date has shown that slower the Retail Store and Warehouse moving items are the first to be automated in warehouses; the fast moving items are han- This technology would result from compu- dled in bulk with a forklift. Order picking, ter-aided store management and computeri- about 30 percent of the warehouse function, zation by warehouses or other suppliers. One is currently automated; and some inbound such technology permits a retail terminal to functions that account for approximately 20 place orders directly to a warehouse com- percent of the system are being automated. puter. Eventually the ordering could be Since only the slower moving items are being accomplished by a store computer, which automated, it has been estimated that “the keeps track of inventories without human in- most sophisticated system we have today is tervention. An extension of this technology probably less than 15 percent of the ware- would permit communication between the house operation. But it’s growing . . . it’s com- warehouse and the manufacturer-processor ing. computers. To date, many of the “automated” ware- Electronic interface should improve effi- house systems have not been cost-effective. ciency in ordering by reducing store inven- However, the development of computers, tories and minimizing the risk of running scanning capability, and other supporting short of supplies. The effect on competitive mechanization would probably result in the relationships among firms in warehousing development of “industrial robotism, ” en- and distribution would have to be assessed. One issue would be possible discriminatory pricing against firms that could not use the 5Gerald Peck, OTA workshop, Nov. 12, 1977. electronic-ordering system.


The food transportation system has served percent in 1974. The figures do not include us reasonably’ well in the past. Intercity rail air and water transportation or intracity and truck transportation was 8 percent of the distribution, which would significantly in- marketing bill for domestically produced agri- crease the transportation component of the cultural products in l977, an increase from 7 marketing bill.

53 The system, however, is currently being The basic problem is that much of the Na- criticized for not being as efficient as it tion’s food, which moves by rail, is held in un- should be. Critics charge that it is over- sanitary conditions during transportation. burdened by regulations that discourage the Boxcars may be infested with rodents and in- adoption of technologies which would pro- sects and may contain microbiological and mote efficiency and save energy. These regu- chemical contamination. There are docu- lations are administered by a number of mented cases of pets dying from pet foods Federal and State agencies; they regulate whose ingredients were contaminated with routes, rates, and equipment size and weight. toxic substances during shipment. Food in- gredients are frequently rejected by the proc- Other factors also contribute to railroad essor because they have become contami- and motor carrier inefficiencies. For exam- nated during shipment. Users frequently re- ple, an estimated 20 percent of railcars are idle much of the time. Concurrently there ject railcars or must decontaminate them before use. have been spot shortages of railcars for haul- ing agricultural products. Inferior record Several factors contribute to the problem. systems that cannot locate idle cars in time The railroads do not have the technology for a. and/or lack of priorities in freight car national commodity tracking system capable assignments are cited as reasons for this of identifying toxic substances or other con- problem, taminants that are transported in boxcars, nor of tracking contaminated boxcars to pre- Trucks travel the highways empty because vent their selection and use for the transpor- of poor scheduling and/or regulations that tation of edible food products. Currently rail- prevent them from picking up loads on back- road boxcar classification procedures do not hauls (return trips). Another part of the assure the selection of “” box- transportation problem is one that also hampers other sectors of the distribution sys- cars for food transportation. Railroad inspec- tors determining classifications almost never, tem—lack of standardization in containers if ever, have academic training in food and associated equipment. science and are generally not qualified to In addition to the issue of efficiency, sani- determine the suitability of a freight car for tation is a major factor in our food trans- the transportation of food or food ingredients portation system. Inadequate cleaning of rail- destined for human consumption. cars and trucks has led to food spoilage and Beyond the boxcar classification problems, waste that could be eliminated by the in- troduction of certain technologies or the use a technological breakthrough in freight car of existing ones. cleaning techniques is needed. The principal boxcar cleaning technology of most railroads continues to be basically unsophisticated; un- fortunately, it is best described as still in the Technologies To Improve Food “garden hose and straw boom era. ” If the Sanitation in Transportation railroad industry is to have quality assurance The subject of maintaining adequate levels in its freight car fleet, it must develop of sanitation in food as it moves through the industry-wide techniques to clean freight food marketing system emerges from this cars that have been used for the transporta- study as one of the top priority areas for tion of bulk commodities, corrosives, or assessment. Adulteration and spoilage of or to detect insects, vermin, or other con- food, as has been pointed out, occurs at all taminants having a deleterious effect on steps; however, the problem is of particular freight quality. concern from the point of view of transporta- An overriding problem is that railroads do tion, specifically of the rail system. Appli- not have sufficient capital to refurbish or cable technologies exist to correct this prob- renew the freight car fleet. Part of the prob- lem, although additional development of tech- lem may have been that neither public offi. nologies may be needed. cials, the railroads, shippers, nor the public

54 have shown sufficient concern. The fact that A major policy issue will be the funding of no loss of human life has been traced to con- these technologies. The railroads appear un- tamination by toxic substances in railcars able to secure the needed capital to initiate does not minimize the problem. and maintain the system needed. Serious at- tention should be given to the desirability of One solution to this problem would be to policies that will be needed to help railroads have a fleet of “dedicated cars. ” The best finance these needed improvements. cars in the fleet would be designated to han- dle food only; a fine would be levied if a Cooperation will be needed among the rail- dedicated car were not returned to the roads and between railroads and ingredient assigned pool. A repair fee could be assessed suppliers and users. There is a need to deter- against a railroad that allowed a car to be mine whether this should be through regula- misloaded, which would permanently down- tion, voluntary cooperation, or some type of grade it to a non-food use. This system, when incentive arrangement. tried, has not worked very well because the railroads do not enforce the assessment penalties. Examples of possible technologies are sug- Development of Containers or Railroad gested for three specific areas: Cars for Better Quality Preservation 1. Freight cars, designed specifically for Technologies are needed to develop rail- food products, that will be more resist- road cars for quality preservation of foods in ant to contamination and infestation. the marketing system, Certain technologies may be applicable to trucks as well. Devel- 2. Equipment and procedures for decon- opments might include special controlled- taminating freight cars. This would in- atmosphere containers, specially designed clude inspectors trained and operating cars using ambient air for cooling perishable with specific guidelines. products, solar-powered car~, or a central 3. Freight cars specifically designated for refrigeration unit for several cars that draws food use, with a system that will keep power from the train axle. These technologies track of the cars and schedule them in will upgrade equipment primarily for cooling an efficient manner. There should be an fruits and vegetables in railcars and trucks. effective enforcing system to maintain Besides improving the quality of both long- the integrity of the system. and short-haul shipments, these technologies Technologies that improve sanitation in are viewed as a means of moving food prod- food distribution should lessen the chance of ucts through marketing channels with food contamination and reduce the concern greater labor productivity and lower costs. over possible illness from this contamination. The food service industry is interested in the container concept for deliveries to units, The cost resulting from lack of sanitation in which would allow for better scheduling of railroad cars is considerable. In addition to delivery vehicles to keep them off the road the chance the food will become contami- during peak traffic hours. (These containers nated, there is an economic cost of preventing would probably be smaller than truck-size. ) it under the present system, When a full car is rejected, it must be returned to the shipper The various technologies mentioned above and the load reconditioned, restricted to an should be assessed to determine economic inferior use, or perhaps completely de- feasibility, energy consumption, and the ef- stroyed. There is the cost of the return as well fect on food quality or safety. The only major as extra handling of cars. If the shipper finds policy issue expected to result from the poten- a car unsatisfactory, time is lost in securing tial adoption of these technologies will likely additional cars, or the shipper bears the cost come from labor. Containerized shipments of decontaminating and preparing the car. could affect the entire marketing system as New technologies should reduce this econom- different delivery methods, equipment, and ic loss. labor requirements would likely surface. 55 Improvements in Trailer Design and labor can be expected to oppose this and Use change. This would probably affect only drivers; loading and unloading rates should Adoption of technologies to improve truck not be affected. However, further informa- trailer design and use should result in im- tion would be needed to pinpoint these tech- proved efficiency and lower transportation nologies’ justification relative to savings in costs. Specific improvements include greater fuel, increased labor efficiency, the negative truck widths, increased capacity, and multi- impacts on highway safety and increased ple trailers hauled by a single cab. maintenance cost, alternative funding Increasing the normal truck width by a few methods, and the expected impact on and op- inches would allow standard 48-inch pallets position of labor organizations representing to be positioned side by side. This standard truckdrivers. pallet size is already compatible with freight car loading but is impossible in nearly all ex- Intermodal Terminals Constructed isting trucks. These loading problems contrib- in Main Food Distribution Centers ute to much space being wasted. The possibil- The intermodal terminal would be a large ity also exists of reducing the size of the facility designed to receive unit trains of pro- pallets instead of enlarging the trucks. The duce or manufactured goods, truck lots, and empty space left in freight cars would be shipments by water. To be successful, the more than compensated for by the increased operation would require some type of stand- efficiency in truck loads. ardized or containerized shipments allowing The adoption of these technologies depends for easy intermodal transfer. The purpose in large part on changes in the regulations would be to handle large quantities in an effi- that control most aspects of the transporta- cient manner, eliminating much of the delay tion industry. These regulations are currently of intracity or area delivery. not uniform among States; varying bridge and This concept would probably be a replace- axle loads pose the major hurdles, and many ment for rather than an addition to our pres- States have restrictions limiting loads to ent delivery system, and adoption is much single trailers. further in the future than many of the other If policies are set to encourage the develop- distribution technologies. (The Agricultural ment of more uniform standards and regula- Research Service has some preliminary work tions, certain adverse impacts may be ex- on a similar concept for a site in New Jersey. ) pected, such as an increase in the number Terminals would impact on all facets of and severity of accidents as truck weight and commercial food distribution and possibly size increase. The cost of maintaining roads even on international trade. The expected use capable of handling increased tonnage would of containers on ships, trains, and trucks increase, and the distribution of these costs would impact on the number of workers among Federal, State, and local agencies needed. In the absence of specific technol- would have to be decided. ogies and because the concept is unlikely to Adoption of these technologies would be adopted for some time, this technology is reduce the number of truckdrivers needed, not highly ranked.

RETAILING AND FOOD SERVICE Grocery stores account for more than 90 fewer and larger stores and more conven- percent of all retail food sales for at-home ience foodstores. Although the size, type, and consumption. The remaining 10 percent in- vocation of stores have changed, until very eludes other foodstores such as meat mar- recently there were few technological kets, retail bakeries, and produce and dairy changes in retail operation. product stores. Recent trends are toward 56 Adoption of the self-service concept substi- about $44.1 billion (79 percent) was spent in tuted customer labor for that of the store commercial eating places and $11.7 billion employee. Shelves are still loaded by hand, (21 percent) was-accounted for by institu- and the price of each item is marked individ- tions. ually, although in some instances dairy, cured Fast-food service is expected to be the meats, poultry, and other products may be in- fastest growing segment of the food service dividually price-marked at central processing industry over the next 5 years, with an an- plants. In meat stores, cashiers still ring up nual growth rate averaging 15 percent. Since each item, but automated checkout systems most of these outlets are of the drive-in type, using the Universal Product Code (UPC) have however, any restriction of gasoline supplies been introduced on a limited scale. Although could dampen this prediction. the UPC system eliminates the need for price marking, most items are still individually The fast-food service industry has readily priced to overcome consumer objections. adopted new technologies such as centralized controlled onsite cooking. This has allowed According to the FMI, a survey of their the use of relatively unskilled labor instead of members in 1976 showed average weekly trained chefs and yet has maintained accept- sales of $72,425 and an average of over 9,000 able food service. Preparing food in central items per store. FMI also reported that for plants and limiting menus have minimized the the first time in 5 years, there was a general space and labor needed onsite and con- increase in real sales per square foot, per tributed to the labor productivity increases of transaction, and per man-hour. Profit mar- these operations. gins remain low, however, and if retail stores are to increase their productivity and profits to any extent, new technologies will have to Electronic Checkout in Retail Stores be adopted, The electronic checkout system is a tech- The most recent publicized technology is nology currently in use. Although approx- electronic seaming at checkout and its possi- imately 300 U.S. stores presently have elec- ble use in conjunction with electronic funds tronic checkouts with the capability of transfer. Technologies for improving produc- reading the UPC, there will be continued ex- tivity in stocking shelves are being developed, pansion of this new technology in retail but their success depends in part on stand- grocery stores. ardization of containers and packages There are two basic checkout systems with throughout the distribution system. Until many variations. The system using the UPC there is more industry standardization on and seamers has received the most publicity such items as packaging shape and size, im- and generated the most opposition. A scanner provements in retail store productivity will be reads the product identification, weight, etc. somewhat limited. from the UPC printed on the product and Food service comprises both public and in- transmits this information to a central com- stitutional feeding. Public organizations in- puter where prices are stored. The computer clude commercial cafeterias, catering, and does all computations and relays this in- all other eating places serving the general formation back to the checkout unit in the public. Institutions include schools of all store, which usually displays the price on a types, airlines and other transportation sys- screen and prints it on the customer’s receipt tems, penal institutions, and other non-public tape. Advantages claimed for the system are eating places. speedier checkout, no necessity to price-mark The Economics, Statistics, and Coopera- individual items, readily available informa- tion on inventory, and sale information on all tives Service of U.S. Department of Agricul- items. ture (USDA) reports that in 1977, of the $180 billion spent by consumers on domestically The other system is an electronic cash produced foods, $55.8 billion was spent on register which may be self-contained or tied food consumed outside the home. Of that in with a central computer. Items would be in-

57 dividually marked and entered manually into the system generate savings, how much of the the system. If connected to a central com- savings are cash savings resulting from in- puter, this system would have the same capa- creased productivity of labor versus the bility of inventory control and price and quan- secondary savings from better management tity transactions as the system with scanners. of inventory, pricing policies, etc. How much The UPC scanner system theoretically additional savings result from using the UPC would allow greater savings than the elec- scanners versus the electronic cash register tronic cash register because it would elim- system. inate individual pricing and increase produc- Second, the effect on consumer purchase tivity of checkers. Both systems have poten- decisions from the elimination of individual tial for improved merchandising decisions prices versus having a printed tape identify- resulting from better inventory control, im- ing ‘prices and products needs assessing.G proved labor scheduling, less need for There may be other alternatives to solving the storage, more thorough analysis of sales, in- pricing problem, such as providing con- creased product movement, and better use of sumers with the means for price-marking or shelf space. better shelf price-marking. Eliminating the need for individual pricing opens up possi- Most public opposition to the UPC scanner system has centered on the elimination of in- bilities for automated or semiautomated dividually priced products. Opponents claim stocking of supermarket shelves. that elimination of prices deprives customers A third is the effect on industry structure of information they need to make rational and performance. The cost of installing a UPC purchase decisions. Bills have been intro- scanner system now may run as high as duced in more than 30 State legislatures to $2OO,OOO per store. This will probably require the price to be marked on every item, decrease with volume production but still re- while allowing for exceptions regarding size quires a tremendous amount of capital. It and type of store. However, the passage of could become more difficult for smaller firms bills requiring price-marking could prevent a to compete, especially in the short run when test to a system just being introduced. Also, larger firms have the capital to experiment not all consumers react the same to these and are the first to adopt the innovation. The systems. Some might prefer the UPC scanner electronic checkout system could accelerate system even without price marking, and these the trend toward fewer and larger stores laws would restrict the choices available to and fewer companies. This raises the issue of them. increased concentration in retailing and the impacts on competition and consumer prices. Underlying much of this consumer opposi- There may be a sociological impact as we tion is doubt about the benefits of the UPC move toward larger units that could become scanner system over other systems and just more impersonal and further alienate con- where the positive and negative impacts sumers. Also, if the adoption of the electronic would fall. Part of the problem is that con- checkout involves laws requiring individual sumer groups felt left out of the planning and price-marking, the growth of high-volume, introduction of the systems and felt instead low-price discount or warehouse-type food- that a system was being pushed on them. stores could be adversely affected. Also, industry disagreements and uncertainty over benefits and costs may have contributed Adoption of the UPC scanner system could to consumer unrest. However, consumer con- impact on small suppliers who might have dif- fidence may grow if the system reduces ficulty meeting a requirement that all prod- checkout errors and stems the increase in ucts have a UPC marking. food prices. ‘For a study on the effect of removing individual There are a number of issues to be con- prices, see Gilbert D. Harrell, Michael D. Hutt, and sidered: John W. Allen, Universal Product Code: Price RemovaJ The first is determining what the economic and Consumer Behavior in Supermarkets, Michigan State University Business Studies, 1976. impacts are, what particular components of 58 . —

Fourth, labor would be adversely affected ing of power use during offpeak hours has im- if there were increased productivity as ex- plications for the generating capacity of pected. The latest census data show more power companies. The impacts should be than 1.7 million employees in foodstores, and positive, but if consumption were to be re- many of these positions could be affected by duced below the long-range planning demand widespread use of the electronic checkout. curves, the power companies could have ex- Checkers and stockers would lose positions, cess generating capacity and would have to and the magnitude of these job losses needs to increase rates. be determined. It may be possible to alleviate the impacts during a transition period by Electronic Food Shopping Systems eliminating positions only through attrition or retraining these persons for other jobs. Three electronic food shopping technol- ogies are considered: warehouse-to-door Finally, electronic checkout suggests the systems involving ordering by telephone; possibility of increased use of electronic automated minimarkets; and mobile aut~ funds transfer, which raises the associated mated markets. These technologies are ap- issues of invasion of privacy and liability for plicable primarily to large metropolitan areas losses and errors in the system. and to meet special distribution needs in rural areas. They are not as likely to be Computer Systems To Improve adopted by 1985 as the electronic checkout RetaiI Store Management system, but their gradual evolution would have very significant impacts on the market- A retail storewide computer system that ing system. uses data derived from an automated check- out system and controls physical facilities for Increased recognition of the cost of driving heating, lighting, refrigeration, scheduling of to stores and the increase in high-density labor, and interfaces electronically with sup metropolitan living might contribute to the in- pliers will likely be adopted by 1985 and can crease in these retailing innovations, be expected to have implications throughout the marketing system. (Electronic interface A number of warehouse-to-home ordering between wholesalers and retail stores is dis- systems have been tried, with both successes cussed as a separate technology in the whole- and failures. Possible advantages include saling section of this chapter. Seep. 53.) savings in time to the consumer, savings in transportation costs, and a possible increase Adoption of such a computer system would in safety to the elderly and others. Whether be expected to greatly increase the efficiency this system would provide these services at of retail stores, including managing inventory less cost than conventional supermarkets is to decrease retail storage needs, minimizing not known. The warehouse operators must do transportation, more efficiently utilizing shelf the picking that supermarket customers do space, and improving labor scheduling and for themselves, but there is the possibility management. Labor would be affected in that that labor-saving innovations would lower it may involve more night shifts, split shifts, costs. relocation, or job loss. Would the savings generated by this effi- The automated minimarket is basically a convenience store with most, if not all, of the ciency be passed on to consumers, or would items dispensed automatically. The ware- the computer technology be used by stores to increase their profit margin? house-to-home and minimarket systems imply a system of payment based on some type of What would be the consequences of re- credit, probably related to electronic funds duced energy consumption in retail stores? transfer (EFT), which in the case of the auto- Energy is becoming an increasingly larger mated minimarket could be card-activated. share of the retail operation. Computer-con- The minimarket concept, therefore, is de- trolled lighting, refrigeration, and other pendent on the development and use of EFT power savers should reduce costs. Schedul- technology.

59 Mobile automated markets would move nutrients in storage and preparation. This products into certain areas on a scheduled concept, however, affords the opportunity to basis. Tests of this system have indicated provide highly nutritious meals that could be high-cost operations, but cost would probably tailored to supply the special nutritional decrease if the operation were large-scale. needs of targeted groups. Specific programs would have to be assessed to determine the The principal advantage of all three sys- effect on nutrition and health. tems is that food would be made available in areas where services are at a minimum. In Meals delivered to homes could have an some metropolitan areas, for instance, super- adverse effect on the social life of the aged markets have closed, restricting food outlets and handicapped, especially if going out for to small chains or individually owned stores. meals were a major social activity. This would be especially important if the delivery One disadvantage is a restriction in the concept were the only practicable alter- choices available to consumers and in their native. Conversely, there should be an eval- ability to examine produce before purchase. uation of the benefits to recipients and to The question is whether consumers would be society of letting these people remain in their better off with limited choices under these homes rather than being cared for in an in- automated systems than with a gradual stitution. decline in the present system. All three systems should be judged against Home delivery of meals could impact on the other possibilities, such as industry-coopera- traditional marketing channels if a signifi- tive stores in the inner city or direct market- cant amount of food were delivered in this ing by farmers in the rural areas. Growth in manner. The growth of the fast- types and size of retail foodstores has in the has affected the traditional way in which past depended on population density, income, foods are distributed. These technologies do and specific preferences and tastes. not have a high probability of occurrence by 1985, but the impact of such a shift would be Technologies for Delivery substantial, and developments in this technol- of Complete Meals to the Home ogy should be closely monitored. The delivery of complete meals to the home Ordering Systems and Equipment is a possible extension of electronic food To Minimize Intermediate Order shopping and could be the result of changing Breakdown Before Shipping lifestyles already under way. Special groups, such as the elderly or handicapped, may look to Retail Stores toward the benefits of home delivery of com- Intermediate breakdown involves subdivid- plete meals rather than the purchase of sepa- ing bulk shipments received from a manufac- rate ingredients or commodities. turer or processor into smaller lots for deliv-

The concept has been tried with several I ery to individual retail stores. Adoption of variations for feeding elderly or incapaci- new ordering systems and equipment technol- tated persons and children in special pro- ogies would allow the processor-manufac- grams. The School Lunch Program in many in- turer to package items and move them on pal- stances is a special application of meal lets directly to the retail store. This system is delivery. Much of the institutional feeding is currently being used in Europe for very large catering on a meals concept. “warehouse” retail stores, and a reasonable assumption is that use in the United States The meals concept could result in poorer or would also depend on the development of better nutrition depending on the type of pro-, such large, limited-item stores. gram or the meals themselves. Nutrition would be poor if the meals contained less Widespread adoption of this marketing fresh fruits and vegetables, consisted of concept will be slow because of the historic highly processed or fabricated foods, and lost development of our food distribution system.

60 The major advantages could not be realized private system of units large enough to obtain within the major part of our existing system. the economic benefits of the special packag- ing systems. Government-controlled stores If the development of large retail stores is should be examined from the standpoint of assumed, the impact of adopting such a available services and product choices and of system would be considerable because a ma- responsiveness to consumer wants and jor shift to larger and more concentrated needs. A system of privately owned stores marketing units would be required. Such should be assessed with regard to a possible units might be Government-controlled or a increase in industry competition.


The two technologies discussed in this sec- damage and waste that inevitably results, tion—technologies to reduce food loss and and customers are given an attractive prod- standardization in retail packages and whole- uct at a lower price. This marketing method sale containers—are both extremely impor- might not be adaptable to long-haul shipment, tant to the marketing system. The concepts where the emphasis needs to be on shipping underlying both of these technologies, how- containers and transportation methods that ever, by their nature do not fall neatly into the reduce damage in transit and storage. Much three other distribution categories; rather, of the loss in retail stores is a result of inter- they impact with equal emphasis in all three. nal bruising that starts with picking and For this reason, we have separated them transportation and continues to the retail from the other categories. shelf. Technologies are needed to harvest and move more produce through the food system Technologies To Reduce Food Loss with less waste. However, in marketing cer- tain fruits and vegetables the extent of loss These technologies include those that and where the loss occurs must be deter- reduce waste in packaging and transporta- mined first. tion throughout the system and reduce losses that occur from pilferage and general lack of Alternative methods of harvesting and security control. Loss-prevention technol- transporting should be assessed under differ- ogies will become increasingly important as ing production, storage, transportation, and worldwide pressure increases for more food. retailing conditions. For example, field pack- ing, transporting, and retail display of pro- Loss occurs in field waste from mechanical duce in bulk bins may be feasible under cer- harvesting, at the processing dock, in ship- tain conditions but would impact the entire ment to grocery stores, and in the retail marketing system. The bins would have to be stores. Another type of loss is the waste from returned, salvaged for other uses, or de- not utilizing undersized or misshapen prod- stroyed. Displaying loose produce would ucts that are nutritionally equivalent to pro- cause changes in retailing methods, including duce graded higher. Consumers should have pricing and packaging. the choice of a nutritious product at a lower cost or perhaps of a food processed from Gleaning produce left in the field by me- waste. chanical harvesters is one way of reducing field waste. However, securing dependable There are divergent views on how waste labor at a price that makes this technology reduction could be accomplished. In Califor- economical may not be possible. nia some produce has been harvested, packed in wooden bins, and transported Another concern is utilizing produce that directly to the store for display. This elim- does not meet grade standards because of inates intermediate order breakdown and the size or minor blemishes. Although this pro-

61 duce may be equally nutritious, consumers Standardization in Retail Packages, may not readily accept “second-best” pro- Cases and Pallets duce or produce not in familiar packages. Since the cost of transporting lower grade The concept of standardized packages has produce may equal that of moving higher been advocated as a means for improving ef- grade produce, the sale of lower grades might ficiency in handling products moving through be discouraged. the food marketing system by reducing the number of different sizes and shapes, improv- Waste in food preparation and on the ing modularity, and making palletizing more plate, both in the home and in food service efficient. operations, should be assessed. An assess- A determination of the extent of the bene- ment of the value of open dating on food fits that would accrue from this system is packaging to help prevent waste would be a needed. Standardization would result incest starting point in reducing waste in the home savings in packaging due to the need for less through using the date in inventory control on inventory and a possible saving in materials. home shelves. However, standardization of retail packages might restrict the choice of available mer- Pilferage loss occurs primarily in retail chandise by presenting problems for manu- outlets and to some extent in truck and rail facturers whose products might not conven- shipments. Supermarkets have claimed losses iently fit those sizes. New technologies in from pilferage as the reason they have closed handling food products might also negate stores in inner city areas. The different mar- some of the benefits. keting alternatives discussed under elec- tronic food shopping systems could possibly The problem is complex, involving many be an answer to the problem. Better designed segments of the food marketing industry. Un- railcars and trucks with more reliable locking less new incentives or initiatives are forth- systems would be a deterrent to theft in food coming, technologies for standardization do shipments. Technologies that would reduce not have a high probability of adoption by pilferage losses in stores and other segments 1985, and the issue is likely to remain dor- of the marketing system are needed. mant.





Food marketing is defined as the activities The definition used here for a marketing that take place within the food system be- system is suited for this report because it is tween the farm gate and the consumer. This general enough to include most marketing includes processing, wholesaling, retailing, functions yet does put manageable bound- food service, and transportation functions aries on the areas being considered. and excludes all functions performed by pro- ducers on the farm. Figure A-1 shows the ma- jor components of the domestic food system in The marketing system performs the serv- the United States, The marketing components ices necessary to move food from the pro- of the total food system are identified sepa- ducer to the consumer. Most products are rately. processed, packaged, stored, and trans- ported as they move through the marketing In certain instances, lines between produc- channels. The extent and type of these opera- tion and marketing are somewhat blurred. tions depend on the nature of the product and When marketing functions are vertically its location relative to the consumer. In addi- linked and controlled by producers with facil- tion to farm production, energy, labor, and ities located on , they would by defini- other inputs are utilized by firms to perform tion be excluded from what normally would marketing functions. Finally, there must be a be considered the marketing system, An flow of information to facilitate the orderly example would be egg producers who clean, exchange of goods and services among firms size, grade, and pack eggs on the farm and in the marketing system. then sell to wholesalers, retailers, or directly to consumers. Direct marketing covers pro- ducers who perform the necessary process- Private firms generally perform the mar- ing and packaging functions, if any, and retail keting function, but other institutions such as the product. Farmers who sell their own pro- local, State, and Federal governments usually duce at a roadside stand or “pick your own provide inspection and grading services. produce” operators would be included in this Private and governmental agencies may also definition and would, therefore, not be a part undertake research to increase efficiency at of the marketing system as defined.1 the individual firm level and in the system.

‘H,R, Linstrom, Farmer to Consumer Marketing, U.S. Cooperatives Service, Report No. ESCS-01, February Department of Agriculture, Economics, Statistics, and 1978.


The food marketing system is large. Esti- duced food, the marketing bill was $123.5 bil- mates for 1977 show that out of the $180 bil- lion (see figure A-2). This is more than twice lion consumers spent on domestically pro- the farm value of the food. Processing at

65 I


66 — .—

Figure A-2.— Farm Value, Marketing Bill, $35.8 billion accounted for the largest and Consumer Expenditures for Food, 1977 (billions of dollars)* amount, followed by retailing at $32.1 billion. Sales of domestically produced foods were 25 percent of the total consumer expenditures Farm value 56.5 (excluding energy and service) of $73o billion 1’ I I in 1973. Stated another way, foodstores and away-from-home eating accounted for $2.50 of every $10 worth of consumer expend- itures. Components of the marketing bill as broken out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) include transportation, packaging, Marketing bill 123.5 labor, profits, etc., and are shown as a per- Processing 35.8 cent of the total marketing bill in figure A-3. Wholesaling 18.5 Labor costs are the largest at 47 percent, and Retailing 32.1 packaging is second at about 13 percent of Public eating places 27.2 marketing costs. Transportation 9.9 Census data for 1967 and 1972, the latest available, show the size of the marketing sys- tem and changes that are taking place. These data are not comparable to USDA data on the marketing bill because they include food and kindred products rather than just data for domestically produced food. In 1972, there were 588,000 food marketing establishments with $356 billion in sales and 5.7 million Consumer expenditures 180.0 employees (table A-l). The decrease in the At home 124.2 number of establishments occurred primarily Away from home 55.8 with processors and food retail stores, with Public eating places (44.1) only a slight decrease in the number of whole- Institutions (1 1.7) ) sale grocers.

“ Domest(c farm food only SOURCE U S Department of Agriculture, Economics, Sta!lstlcs, and Coopera- tives Sew Ice, Agricultural Economic Report 398, Washington, D C., March 1978.

67 Figure A.3.—Components of Bill for Marketing Farm Foods, 1976*

Corporate Profits” Other A


SOURCE: U.S. Departrnmt of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Agricultural Outlook, AO.26, Washington, DC,, October 1977.

Table A.1 .—Establishments, Sales, and Employees for Food Marketing Firms, 1967 and 1972

Kind of business Establishments Sales Employees and year (number) (thousands of $) (thousands) Processors 1967 ...... 37,521 $83,975 1,650 1972 ...... 28,184 115,060 1,085 Wholesale grocersa 1967 ...... 40,055 74,391 534 1972 ...... 39,137 109,815 585 All foodstoresb 1967 ...... 294,243 70,252 1,444 1972 ...... 267,352 100,719 1,722 Eating placesb 1967 ...... 236,563 18,897 1,737 1972 ...... 253,136 30,385 2,317 Total—1967. , . . . . . 608,382 $247,515 5,365 Total—1972...... 587,809 $355,979 5,709

aprocessors of food and kindred products from U.S. Bureau of Census, Census of Manufactures, 1972. Sub series, General Summary MC 72(1)-1, Washington, D.C. bus. Department of Agriculture, Market Structure of the Food /ndustries, Economic Research Service, fvIRR No. 971, September 1972.



Specific procedures followed in preparing shaping emerging technologies, along with a the planning assessment are listed below. list of technologies, was given in the second The sequence is chronological. part. Respondents were asked to select from the technologies on the list, and from those I. Individuals familiar with the writing of they suggested the five most important emerg- futurists were consulted for references that ing technologies and the reasons for their project what the future may be through the selection. year 2OOO and beyond. From the futurists’ general views of the future, a preliminary set 4. A preliminary paper drew on data ob- of socioeconomic factors likely to influence tained in the literature review plus an anal- the technologies that might emerge or be ysis of information on the returns from the needed to fill certain gaps in marketing tech- mailing. The socioeconomic factors were ex- nology was generated. This basic set of fac- panded by adding details from research re- tors was the foundation on which the rest of ports and other sources. These factors were the planning assessment was built. used to develop two scenarios for the future. 2. Studies on present and emerging tech- 5. A workshop of specialists was given the nologies in food marketing were reviewed. preliminary paper to study. The working This review gave the status of currently used group, convened in a structured setting with technologies, those available but in limited the paper as background material, added in- use, and those in the development stage. depth discussions on the technologies with special emphasis on the issues they raised, 3. Two letters were sent to selected in- the urgency of these issues, and the need for dividuals. One letter covered technologies in assessment. processing and packaging; the other, technol- ogies in transportation, wholesaling, and re- 6. The planning assessment report utilized tailing. The first part of each letter included the panel data along with all other informa- an explanation of the project and general in- tion to make a priority listing of technologies structions for the respondents. A list of socio- for assessment. Issues raised by the priorities economic factors considered important in were listed and discussed.


Steps I and 2 for completing this assess- objectives: to provide a broad coverage that ment were outlined in the introduction chap would identify emerging technologies across ter of this report. The third step was to send a the marketing system and provide informa- letter to specialists in food processing and tion on stage of development and expected distribution. The mail survey had two major issues.

69 A letter covering processing and packaging Replies were received from 38 percent of was sent to 127 individuals and one covering those receiving letters. The percentage of food distribution to 94 (see appendix C). response was higher for those receiving the These letters were sent to selected food tech- processing and packaging letter than for nologists, economists, extension personnel those receiving the distribution letter (see and others in schools and universities, in- table B-l). dustry and trade associations, Government representatives, consultants, and writers for Table B-l .—Number of Responses to Letter trade publications. by Type of Respondent

The processing and packaging letter con- Processing Distribution tained a list of socioeconomic factors ex- letter letter pected to influence the development of proc- Total letters mailed . . . . 121 94 essing and packaging technologies, and the Respondents distribution letter included those socioecon- Total responses . . . . . 58 23 omic factors expected to influence whole- University ...... 25 7 saling, retailing, and transportation technol- industry...... 15 9 ogies. Each letter also contained a partial list Government ...... 13 3 of technologies that were in limited use or in Consultants, writers 5 4 the developmental stage. Respondents were asked to comment on the relevance of the socioeconomic factors and The mail survey provided information for add to the list any others they considered ap- the workshop sessions. Twenty-six process- propriate. They were to comment on the list ing and packaging technologies and 16 dis- of technologies, add to the list, and then tribution technologies were identified for con- based on their evaluation of the socioecon- sideration in the workshop. A background omic factors, to select in priority order the paper containing the two lists was given to five technologies they expected to raise the participants prior to their attendance at the most substantive policy issues. workshop.


The purpose of the workshop sessions was interest. A list of these participants can be to provide information that would help place found at the beginning of this report. in priority order those marketing technologies The two subgroups followed the same pro- expected to raise policy issues needing con- cedures and used the same materials, except congressional attention. Twenty-one specialists that each group had the list of technologies in various fields participated in the work- shop. appropriate for its area of work. The work- shop consisted of an evening session (Session After a general orientation session, par- 1), one full day with Session 2 in the morning ticipants were divided into two subgroups. and Sessions 3 and 4 in the afternoon, and a One subgroup of 11 concentrated on technol- concluding session (Session 5) the next ogies in processing and packaging, and the morning. other subgroup of 10 discussed distribution technologies. The participants represented Session 1: Orientation. This session cov- industry, labor, research, trade, consumer, ered workshop objectives and procedures. and Government organizations. They were Session 2: Priorities based on probability of assigned to either distribution or processing adoption. The processing and packaging sub- subgroups, depending on their knowledge or group and the distribution subgroup met in

70 . . .

separate sessions. The first hour was spent in pacts on Worksheet B (appendix C). These discussing the technologies and socioeco- scores were used to rank the technologies nomic factors and adding technologies work- based on impacts and issues. ing group members felt should be given con- sideration. The objective for both groups was Session 4: Integration of results from Ses- sions 2 and 3, All members of the workshop to place a priority order on the technologies met together in this session, before which based on the probability of occurrence and adoption by 1985. In this priority ordering the OTA staff had evaluated Worksheets A and B subgroups did not consider impacts. Probabil- and selected the technologies with the highest ity of adoption was estimated for each tech- probability of adoption and those with the nology under two scenarios, each with dif- highest expected impacts for processing and ferent assumptions about the socioeconomic distribution. In Session 4, impacts and issues factors. Scenario 1 basically projected a set for the highest priority processing and pack- of socioeconomic factors that would not devi- aging technologies were discussed in detail. Worksheet C (appendix C) served as a guide ate from established trends. Scenario 2 indi- cated that energy would increase relative to for discussing the impacts and issues across most other costs and that the supply and the marketing system. price of other raw materials would be subject Session 5: Continuation, Discussion was to disruption. Supply and demand conditions concluded on the processing and packaging would cause an increase in domestic food technologies. Most of the session was devoted prices, Consumers would turn toward a meal to discussing the impacts and issues for the rather than a commodity concept. Worksheet distribution technologies with a high prob- A (appendix C) provided the means for con- ability of adoption and those expected to have verting the impact of each scenario to the widespread impacts. Both Sessions 4 and 5 probability of development and adoption of were designed to maximize the synergism of the technologies. Time limited the exercise to the specialists as they interacted. estimating the probability of adoption only to 1985. Some workshop members voiced concern over trying to determine a priority ordering of Session 3: Priorities based on impact. The technologies with such a small number of two subgroups met separately to determine a workshop participants. However, the fact priority rating for technologies based on ex- that they had access to the mail survey pected impacts, entirely separate from prob- results and were selected for their individual ability of adoption. A technology might have a knowledge covering most if not all marketing low probability of adoption but could have areas should compensate for the small num- severe and widespread impacts if adopted. ber in the workshop. Probability of adoption and impacts are both important criteria to consider in ranking The OTA staff utilized all the material technologies for priority assessment. The ob- from the workshop for a final priority list of jective was to study the impacts and issues technologies for assessment. for each technology and then score the im-


The Off ice of Technology Assessment (OTA) is a scientific advisory arm of the Congress. Created by Congress in 1972, OTA is one reflection of this Nation's maturing realization of the need for new institutional approaches to assure that our national public policy is based to the fullest possible extent on a clear understanding of the potential consequences, beneficial or adverse, of the use of technology.

We believe that consumers, industry, and society as a whole will benefit from looking ahead and identifying possible issues associated with emerging technologies before they become crises. Being ahead of the issues should provide the necessary time and understanding between Congress and affected parties for developing sound and equitable solutions.

In the food area, OTA is attempting to identify and analyze emerging technological and policy issues for the Congress. You are one of a select group asked to help in this effort.

As an initial step, we need your help to identify processing and packaging technologies. Your response should include existing, emerging, or needed technologies. Others will be asked to respond to other areas of food marketing, including wholesaling> retailing, and transportation. We are primarily interested in technologies that exist but have not been adopted or those most likely to be developed and adopted under the socioeconomic and institutional conditions expected to exist during the remainder of this century.

To provide a framework for your thinking on emerging technologies, we have identified a number of socioeconomic factors that should influence the development of technologies in food processing and packaging or that would be affected by the adoption of new technologies (see attachment). In

72 developing this preliminary list of factors, we reviewed a number of publications by futurists speculating on the future by the year 2000 and beyond. We isolated a number of common factors that may shape the kinds of technologies emerging in food processing and packaging. As work progresses, factors may be added to or deleted from this basic list.

These socioeconomic factors should be viewed as important influences in the development of new technologies or adoption of existing technologies.

For example, one study estimates that manufacturing of food and kindred products accounts for about 4 percent of the total U.S. energy consumption. An increase in the cost of energy would probably result in increased money for research and development on technologies to save energy in processing and packaging. Similarlyj changes in the other factors would be expected to influence processing and packaging technology.

With this brief explanation of conditions that will probably affect the adoption of technologies up to the year 2000, we are asking your help in the following ways:

1. Look at the socioeconomic factors we have included plus those you may wish to add, and give us your evaluation of the potential for each factor to promote or deter the development of technologies in processing and packaging.

2. A list of technologies is enclosed to stimulate your thinking. In the context of the problems indicated by your evaluation of the socioeconomic factors, criticize our list of technologies and then add to our list technologies that are currently developed but not widely adopted or those which will be needed to fill deficiencies in marketing technology in the years ahead. In the latter case, feel free to contribute technologies which may appear "far out” or "blue skytl but which conceivably could be part of food marketing in the year 2000.

3. From the technologies on our list combined with those you added, select the five technologies you consider should raise the most substantive policy issues for Congress. Briefly give the reasons for your selections.

4. Make any additional comments, suggestions, or explanations YOU feel are in order. The areas of food production, nutrition, and consump- tion are being given similar attention by others in OTA’S food program and the studies will be closely coordinated. —-

At this time we are primarily interested in brief responses to be sure we have explored the major avenues where marketing technologies may emerge and to get an indication of the priority ordering of these technologies. Responses will be analyzed and incorporated in a preliminary paper which will serve as the starting point for further input and analyses by a panel of experts. Your response within 30 days will be most valuable to our analysis. If you have any questions, please call one of us at 202-225- 5949.

We thank you for your cooperation.


Michael J. Phillips William W. Gallimore Marketing Projects Leader Staff Economist Food Program Food Program


The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) is a scientific advisory arm of the Congress . Created by Congress in 1972, OTA is one reflection of this Nation's maturing rea1ization o f the need for new institutional approaches to assure that our national public policy is based to the fullest possible extent on a clear understanding of the potential consequences, beneficial or adverse, of the use of technology.

We believe that consumers, industry, and society as a whole will benefit from looking ahead and identifying possible issues associated with emerging technologies before they become crises. Being ahead of the issues should provide the necessary time and understanding between Congress and affected parties for developing sound and equitable solutions.

In the food area, OTA is attempting to identify and analyze emerging technological and policy issues for the Congress. You are one of a select group being asked to help in this effort.

As an initial step, we need your help to identify technologies in food distribution, including wholesaling, retailing, and transportation. Your response should include existing, or needed technologies. Others will be asked to respond to other sectors of food marketing, including processing and packaging. We are primarily interested in technologies that exist but have not been adopted or those most likely to be developed and adopted under the socioeconomic and institutional conditions expected to exist during the remainder of this century.

To provide a framework for your thinking on emerging technologies, we have identified a number of socioeconomic factors that should influence the development of technologies in wholesaling, transportation, and retailing or that would be affected by the adoption of new technologies (see attachment).

75 In developing this preliminary list of factors, we reviewed a number of publications by futurists speculating on the future by the year 2000 and beyond. We isolated a number of common factors that may shape the kinds of technologies emerging in wholesaling, retailing, and transportation. As our work progresses, factors may be added to or deleted from this basic list.

These socioeconomic factors should be viewed as important influences in the development of new technologies or the adoption of existing technologies.

For example, one study estimates that wholesaling, retailing, and trans- porting of food and kindred products accounts for about 6.6 percent of the total U.S. energy consumption. An increase in the cost of energy would probably result in increased money for research and development on technologies that would save energy in these marketing areas. Similarly, changes in the other factors would be expected to influence wholesaling, retailing, and transportation technology.

With this brief explanation of conditions that will probably affect the adoption of technologies up to the year 2000, we are asking your help in the following ways:

1. Look at the socioeconomic factors we have included plus those you may wish to add, and give us your evaluation of the potential for each factor to promote or deter the development of technologies in retail- ing, wholesaling, and transportation.

2. A list of technologies is enclosed to stimulate your thinking. In the context of the problems indicated by your evaluation of the socioeconomic factors, criticize our list of technologies and then add to our list technologies that are currently developed but not widely adopted or those which will be needed to fill deficiencies in marketing tech- nology in the years ahead. In the latter case, feel free to contribute technologies which may appear “far out” or “blue skytl but which con- ceivably could be part of food marketing in the year 2000.

3* From the technologies on our list combined with those you added, select the five technologies you consider should raise the most substantive policy issues for Congress. Briefly give the reasons for your selections.

4. Make any additional comments, suggestions, or explanations you feel are in order. The areas of food production, nutrition, and consump- I tion are being given similar attention by others in OTA S food program, and the studies will be closely coordinated. —

At this time we are primarily interested in brief responses to be sure we have explored the major avenues -where marketing technologies may emerge and to get an indication of the priority ordering of these technologies. Responses will be analyzed and incorporated in a preliminary paper which will serve as the starting point for further input and analyses by a panel of experts. Your response within 30 days will be most valuable to our analysis. If you have any questions, please call one of us at 202-225- 5949.

We thank you for your cooperation.


Michael J. Phillips William W. Gallimore Marketing Projects Leader Staff Economist Food Program Food Program APPENDIX C



The objectives of the working group will be raise substantive policy issues for Con- to: gress. 1. Identify those technologies with the 3. Identify, in detail, the severity of im- highest probability of development and pacts, The groups most affected by the adoption. impacts, and the issues arising from these impacts. 2. Identify those technologies most likely to


For the initial session on October 12, the factors on the technologies will be evaluated working group will meet together. For part of under two different scenarios. The group will the session on October 13, the working group then give their estimate of the probability of will be divided into two sections, one on proc- development and adoption of each technology essing and packaging and the other on food by 1985 and the year 2000 for each scenario. distribution, including wholesaling, retailing, This information will be used to select the food service, and transportation. technologies with the highest probability of emerging by 1985 and 2000. October 12,1977 Materials supplied: a) background paper, 6 b) Worksheet A, and c) two scenarios of soci~ to 7pm. Orientation meeting, with a brief economic factors. explanation of the Office of Technology Assessment and presentation of the objec- Session 3: 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The two sub- tives and procedures for the working group. groups, meeting separately, will make a cur- sory study of the impacts and issues for each October 13, 1977 technology. There will be group discussion and interaction, then the subgroups will use Session 2: 8 to 11 a.m. The processing and Worksheet B to score the technologies based packaging, and distribution subgroups will on the expected positive and negative impacts meet in separate sessions. Each group will be and issues the technologies are expected to given a list of technologies for their assigned raise. area of work and spend approximately an hour discussing the technologies and socio- Materials supplied: a) background paper, economic factors, clarifying questions, and and b) Worksheet B. adding information. The positive or negative Session 4: 3 to 6 p.m. The working groups effect of a selected number of socioeconomic will meet together and will consider those 78 .

technologies from processing and distribution for beef, poultry, and other meats will in- which have been selected as the most likely to crease less rapidly than in the past but will emerge based on previous work by the sub- probably increase, groups. The group will discuss in detail the expected impacts and issues for each tech- Supply of Food, The supply of food from nology. Worksheet C will serve as a guide for traditional agriculture will be adequate, this discussion. although there will be new products intro- duced in response to changes in price of food Materials supplied: a) background paper, from traditional sources. These new products b) priority list of technologies based on prob- or ingredients will still be from traditional ability of emergence, and c) Worksheet C. sources, augmented to a small degree from unconventional sources. October 14, 1977 Health Concerns. There will be an in- Session 5: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The work- creased awareness of the relationship be- ing group will be given two lists of technol- tween nutrition and health, and this concern ogies, one on processing and packaging and is expected to influence eating patterns. The the other on distribution. These will be the major concern will be over food additives, technologies ranked by the subgroups as hav- and this will be reflected in careful con- ing the greatest impacts and raising the most sideration of processed foods and foods substantive issues. Some of these technol- fabricated from new ingredients. ogies may have been discussed in the previ- Regulations. Regulations regarding the ous session if they were also the ones with a testing and approval of food ingredients will high probability of emergence. Using Work- remain essentially as they are now. The sheet C, the group will discuss the impacts Delaney amendment will be the guide for ap- and issues for each technology. proving new additives. Regulations regarding Materials supplied: a) background paper, transportation will remain essentially the b) list of technologies ranked by expected same, although there will be changes that will issues, and c) Worksheet C. allow for increased efficiency. Efforts will continue to curb pollution of the environment. Attachment to Worksheet A: Scenario 1 Changing Lifestyles. This scenario projects socioeconomic fac- ● Older persons will make up a larger per- tors that would show no major shocks either cent of the population. economically or socially and is the kind of socioeconomic environment expected if o People will retire at an earlier age. things continue to evolve much as they have ● The proportion of working wives will re- in the past 25 years. main the same as at present. Energy and Raw Materials. The cost of ● people will have more leisure time. energy will remain about the same relative to other costs. New sources of domestic oil will ● Away-from-home eating will continue to be discovered, and other energy sources will increase. be developed. Our dependence on foreign oil ● The family will remain the basic social will be decreased slightly, and imports of oil unit, but - there will be fewer meals will not continue to grow as in the past. Short- prepared in the home, and the family ages of other raw materials will be transitory will eat together less often. in nature and will not cause major disrup- tions in the economy. Economics. Demand for Food Domestic and foreign de- ● Real median family income (yearly): mand will not cause an unusual rise in food 1975: $14,000 prices. There will be a continual demand for 1985: 20,000 convenience foods in this country. Demand 2000: 25,000

79 ● Inflation rate: 5 percent per year. Regulations. Regulations regarding the testing and approval of food ingredients, in- ● Consumers will have more disposable in- cluding additives, will change. Food ingre- come and more income for discretionary dients will be judged on the basis of benefits use. as well as injurious effects. Regulations Industry Structure. Structure refers to size regarding transportation will be changed so and number of firms, market shares, and that maximum efficiencies may be achieved. coordination among firms in an industry. The Efforts to curb pollution will be slowed, and current trend toward fewer and larger firms lower standards will be accepted. in the food industry will continue. Changing Lifestyles. Other Institutions. Labor’s influence re- ● Older persons will make up a larger garding the development and adoption of percentage of the population. technologies increases.

● Attachment to Worksheet A:’ Scenario 2 Retirement age remains the same as at present. Changes depicted for the socioeconomic factors in this scenario would be expected to ● The proport on of working wives will in- have more influence on the development and crease. adoption of technologies up to the year 2000 than those in Scenario 1. ● In addition to the traditional eating Energy and Raw Materials. The cost of establishments, central facilities will be energy will increase substantially relative to located in neighborhoods where meals other costs. Additionally, the supply of may be eaten or taken home. foreign oil and other strategic raw materials will be subject to periodic disruption for ● Families will prepare and serve their political, economic, and other reasons. Our meals on an individual basis, either by dependence on imports of oil will increase, buying them at central preparation facil- and the need to export agricultural materials ities or as convenience foods from retail to help decrease the deficit in our balance of outlets. payments will increase. Demand for Food. Foreign demand for food Economics. will increase, causing domestic food prices to ● Real median family income (yearly): increase to the extent that alternative food 1975: $14,000 forms and sources will be needed to augment 1985: 18,000 the supply. The demand for convenience 2000: 21,000 foods will continue in the face of rising prices. The per capita consumption of beef ● Inflation rate: 7 percent per year. and pork will decline slightly. Supply of Food. New sources of food from ● Consumers will have a lower percentage nontraditional sources will be developed. of their disposable income for discre- Traditional agriculture will be the main tionary use. source but will not be sufficient to keep prices at acceptable levels. Methods will be sought Industry Structure. Food industry struc- to better utilize available food supplies. ture will be under close scrutiny by the Fed- eral Government, resulting in less concentra- Health Concerns. Consumers are con- tion, cerned over nutrition and food safetv but are willing to accept small risks and to use more Other Institutions. Labor’s influence re- processed foods and foods fabricated from garding development and adoption of technol- new ingredients. ogies lessens.

80 ———————

Attachment to Worksheet B: if the technology increases the amount of pol- Explanation of Criteria for lution or congestion generated by production Determining Impact Scores and/or consumption of the goods or services, it gets a negative score, or, conversely, a Short-Term Economic Effects. Short term positive score if the opposite is true. would be up to 5 years after adoption of the Effect on Nutrition and Food Safety. The technology. Refers to the net effect on employ- direction and degree of impact on food safety ment, cost to the industry and to consumers, by adoption of the technology. The score and other effects of a transitory nature. If should reflect a judgment of the net effect. both beneficial and harmful effects are oc- Nutrition refers to whether the nutritional curring equally and at the same time, they quality of the food is increased or decreased, should balance out. However, the negative while safety indicates whether a technology impact may receive the greater weight, since, would increase or decrease the safety of for example, the simple balancing of jobs lost food. and gained ignores the problems of disloca- tion. Effect on Conservation of Resources, This measures the net effect of the technology on Long-Term Economic Effects. Long term resources, especially energy and others in would include effects after 5 years from critical supply. This would include efficient adoption and refers to the extent to which the use of nonrenewable resources plus substi- technology will result in a net increase or tuting renewable for nonrenewable re- decrease in the total quantity of economic sources, such as packaging material from cel- goods and services produced in the long term. lulose instead of petroleum products. A favorable impact would generally reflect a more efficient utilization of resources, in- creased productivity of labor, or increased Worksheet C: Guide for Assessing productivity of capital. An unfavorable the Impacts and Issues From Adoption economic impact would mean the contrary. of Technologies Effect on Quality of Life. Quality of life in- The following guide is presented in matrix cludes equity of income distribution, social form to show the possible impact of a technol- mobility, diversity of opportunity and free- ogy adopted in one sector of food marketing dom of choice, the propensity of various over the whole system and extending to other groups to be cooperative or disruptive, and primary segments of society and secondary the general morale of society as a whole. Also or more long-term effects that should be con- included are improvements or declines in cer- sidered. The major purpose of the guide is to tain aspects of the standard of living such as assure that as many issues and impacts as convenience, variety, quality, etc. These are possible will be covered in the time allowed. related to income and employment but are Additional impacts and issues may emerge considered separately for assessment. and be added to those listed as the technol- ogies are discussed. Effect on Quality of the Environment. Re- fers to externalities, or public and private The guide sheet may be used initially to disservices resulting from economic activ- check the important impact areas. The group ities. Pollution, urban congestion, and worker discussion will then bring out the exact safety are the major categories. For example, nature of the impacts and the possible issues.

81 Changing 5 Probability of Occurance by 2000 Life Industry Other d Styles Structure Institutions Development Adoption Development Adoption

I :0,+

1, ! II I 1 I , 1, !, 1, ,, ! ,1 , ! 1 ! I I 1 11 , II I , 2. II I1,, , , I I I 3. ,, 1, I I I I I I 1 1 4. !, t II 1, 1 —. r — , 5. 1, ,, II I ,, ,, 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 f , ! 1 1 I 1 I 1 6. ,, 1 11 1, t 1, 1 1 ! I 1 I 7. II 1 II 1, 1 I 1 I 1 1 I ---–~ ——- - 1 , 1 s. ,, ,(, ,, , 11 II , , , I —L. J 1 J l— .J 1 , 9. ,, I ,, 1, I 1 I 1 I I ,, ,, t, ~. . 1, 1 1, II 1, 10. I ,, 1 II 4, ,,

,, 1 1, 1, ,, 11. 1 1, 1 1, II ,, 12. II II 1, ,, II I II II 1, — — 13 1, ,, !, , II II II

(1 0 It II II 14. , 11 I II II II -—. —.- —..— II , II II !, 15, 1 ,, I ,, 1, 1, , 1 , I ,, 1 1, II 11 ( I t 16, 1 , 1, Ill It 1 1, ,, II — 1 1 I - 17. ,, 1 II ,, It , , —- 1 I 1 I I 19. II I II I I 1 .-L — 19. 1 1, , 1, II — I 1, , II II t 20. 1, 1 I DIRECTIONS: . n

# c o

. -.——— -- ——




FOOD MARKETING SEGMENTS -— Processing Packaging I Wholesaling Retailing Food Service Transportation Consumers Effects , , F , Impact ; Issue Impact ~ ISSUE Impact , Issue Impact ‘ Issue Impact , Issue I 1 , 1


Economic Effects 1

I ,

1 1 , Scale I 1 , Location 0 , , 1 1 , Employment I I

I Demand for Food


supply of Food 1

I Qua1ity of Life

Workers Safety 1 I 1

1 0

Structures and Institutions 1 4 1

1 t I I ,

Qua1ity of Environment I , I

1 1 Pollution 1 1 ,

I ,

I ,

Nutrition and Food Safety 1 1 ,

, 1 1 1 1

Product Quality ! 1 1 1

1 # I I

Nutrition 1 1

1 1 I Safety I I 1 1 1 f 1 1

1 I 1 , t Conservation of Resources I 1 1 1 I I # , 1 Energy I 1 1 1 1 1

1 I I Other 1 APPENDIX


Allen, John W., “A Look at Trends in the Meat Industry, 1975,” paper presented at Supermarket Institute Convention workshop, May 6, 1975. Anderson, Dale L., “Changes Needed in the Organization of the Nation’s Food Industry to Meet Challenges Ahead, ” speech given to Food Distribution Society, San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 14-17, 1976. Back, W. B., Technology Assessment: Proceedings of an ERS Workshop, Apr. 20-22, 1976, Washington, D. C., Economic Research Service, AGERS-31, September 1977. Ball, Daniel, Toward the Year 2000: Work in Progress, Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1976. Bloom, G. F., Productivity in the Food Industry, Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: The MIT Press, 1972, Brody, Aaron L., “Impact of External Influences on Food Packaging, ” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 9, No. 3, May 1974. Cain, Jarvin L., “Alternative Futures for the United States Food Industry,” Journal of Food Distribution Society, Vol. V, No. 2, May 1974. Doering, Otto C., Agriculture in the Year 2000: An Energy Perspective, West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue Uni- versity, paper presented to the American Agricultural Economics Association, Aug. 2, 1977, San Diego, Calif. Doering, Otto C., et al, “Trimming Agriculture’s Energy Appetite, ” Farm Index, Vol. XVI, No. 9, Septem- ber 1977. Duewer, L. A., and T. L. Crawford, Alternative Beef Handling Systems, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, ERS-661, reprint from EAR, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1977. Feaster, Gerald, Gerald Grinell, and Terry Crawford, “Changes in Store for Food Marketing,” Farm In- dex, April 1977. Forker, Olan D., and James L. Pearson, “The Food and Fiber System—Its Magnitude and Contribution, ” speech presented at a workshop on coordination of market research, Washington, D. C., May 9, 1977. Gortner, Willis A., “Nutrition in the United States, 1900 to 1974, ” Cancer Research, Vol. 33, November 1975. Greig, W. Smith, The Economics of Food Processing, Westport, Corn.: The AVI Publishing Company, 1971. Hale, William C. (Arthur D. Little, Inc.), “Rationalization of the U.S. Food Service Market and Op portunities for Supply Industries, ” paper presented at American Paper Institute, Tissue Division, Oct. 17, 1977. Hammonds, Timothy, “Food Marketing Industry Speaks 1977,” speech presented at the Food Marketing Institute convention, 1977. Harrell, Gilbert D., Michael D. Hutt, and John W. Allen, Universal Product Code: Price Removal and Con- sumer Behavior in Supermarkets, Michigan State University, Business Studies, 1976. Inglett, George E., Fabricated Foods, Westport, CoM.: the AVI Publishing Company, 1975. International Atomic Energy Agency, Radiation Preservation of Food: Proceedings of a Symposium Jointly Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bombay, India, Nov. 13-17, 1972, Vienna, Austria, 1973. Kahn, Herman, and Anthony J. Wiener, The Year 2000, New York: MacMillan Company, 1967. Kline Guide to the Packaging Industries, Fairfield, N. J.: CIT Kline and Company (no date). Krochta, J, M., T, R. Rumsey, and D. F. Farkas, “Defining Food Research and Development Needs as a Guide for the Future,” Food Technology, October 1975. Leniger, H. A., and W. A. Beverloo, Food Process Engineering, Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, Mass.: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1975. 86 Linstrom, H. R., Farmer to Consumer Marketing, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, ESCS-01, February 1978. Mai, Klaus L., “Energy and Petrochemical Raw Materials Through 1990,” Chemical Engineering, June 6, 1977. Manchester, Alden C., “Eating Out,” National Food Situation, Washington, D. C., U.S. Department of Agri- culture, Economic Research Service, September 1977. Mattil, Karl F., and Carl M. Cater, A Workshop on Food Engineering to Establish Priorities of Research to Insure Adequate, Nutritious, and Interesting Foods jor All Consumers, proceedings of a workshop conducted by the Food Protein Research and Development Center, Texas A&M University, for the National Science Foundation, May 1975. McNamara, Stephen H., “Nutrition Regulation by FDA in the Brave New World of Fabricated Foods, ” speech delivered at the Food and Drug Law Institute “Food Update 1977, ” Apr. 27, 1977. National Commission on Productivity, Productivity in the Food Industry, report by the staff of the National Commission on Productivity (no publishing data available). Peck, Gerald, OTA workshop, Nov. 12, 1977. “Purdue and Bishopric Share IFT’s Industrial Award, ” Food Technology, June 1976. Robbins, Philip M., Convenience Foods— Recent Technology, Park Ridge, N. J.: Noyes Data Corporation, 1976. Steinhart, John S., “Energy Policy, Alternatives, and Food Cost,” Energy Policy Perspectives, Oak Brook, 111,: The Farm Foundation, 1976. Toothman, James S., and Harold S. Richer, An Analysis of Small Food Store Supply Systems, Bulletin 809, University Park, Pa.: The Pennsylvania State University, June 1976. “The Top 100 Food Companies: Sales, Subsidiaries, Products, ” Food Processing, December 1976. Traub, Larry G., Convenience Foods—1975, Cost Update, Family Economic Review, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office, Economic Growth from 1976 to 1986: Prospects, Problems, and Patterns, Technological Change (Volume 9), prepared for the use of the Joint Economic Committee, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, Jan. 3, 1977. U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office, Food Waste: An Opportunity to Improve Resource Use, CED-77-1 18, September 1977. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Application of Solar Technology to Today’s Energy Needs, Vol. I, Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1978. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Materials and Energy From Municipal Waste, draft report, Washington, D. C., 1978. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technology in Food Marketing, Agriculture Monograph No. 14, Washing- ton, D, C., 1952. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Agricultural OutJook, ERS AO-26, Washing- ton, D. C., October 1977. U.S, Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Developments in Marketing Spreads for Food Outlook, Report No. 398, March 1978. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research, The Food and Fiber System— How It Works, ERS Agricultural Information Bulletin 383, Washington, D. C,, March 1975, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Market Structure of the Food Industries, Marketing Research Report No. 971, Washington, D. C., September 1972. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, World Economic Conditions in Relation to Agricultural Trade, ERS WEC-12, Washington, D. C., August 1977. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, Livestock and Meat Situation, LMS-219, Washington, D. C., February 1978. U.S, Department of Agriculture, Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, World Agricultural Situation, WAS-16, July 1978. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Population Characteristics, Household and Family by Type: March 1977, Series P-2o, No. 313, Washington, D. C., September 1977, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, “Processors of Food and Kindred Products,” Census of Manufactures, Sub Series, General Summary, MC 72(1}1, Washington, D. C,, 1972. 87 U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Solar Energy for Agriculture and Industrial f-feat Processes-Program Summary, ERDA 77-72 UC-59, Division of Solar Energy, Washington, D. C., June 1977, U.S. Federal Energy Administration, Energy Consumption in the Food System, report prepared for the Federal Energy Administration by Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Report No. 13392-007-001, Washing- ton, D. C., December 1975. Ward, J. D., et al., Toward 2000: Opportunities in Transportation Evolution, Report No. DOT-TST-77-19, Washington, D. C., Office of R&D Policy, March 1977.