Prima Neighbourhood Toxteth & Dingle Plan

Putting customers and communities first

Click here to enter our gardening competition! Your Neighbourhood about the area local facilities Toxteth & Dingle are both diverse and multi-cultural areas. They’re very Toxteth and Dingle are vibrant communities with a wide range of local close to the City Centre of and many local amenities including facilities. Some of these include: Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Our properties in this area consist 72 2-bedroom terraced houses and 1& 2-bedroom flats. • Granby Toxteth Development Trust - An organisation in L8 providing a range of projects and services to the local and wider Community Events & CLubs community. Services and projects include helping people to get online, find employment and access volunteering opportunities, There are many community events and clubs within the area that host a and much more. range of events throughout the calendar year: • Lodge Lane & District Credit Union - offer a range of services to its members including saving accounts, loans, pre-paid Toxteth Town Hall Community Resource Centre - Their aim debit cards and co-op electrical. is to create a state-of-the-art, community resource to promote the • Leisure Facilities - Lifestyles Road provides a pool, gym, physical, social, cultural and economic betterment of the Toxteth area. gymnastic sessions, out door football pitches and disabled access. The Florrie - Offers a wide variety of participatory activities for people • Health facilities - several local health centres all in walking of all ages, multi-purpose event spaces available for hire and fully inclusive distance including Smithdown children’s walk in centre. Liverpool workspaces for businesses. Women’s Hospital and Royal Liverpool hospital are both close by. Kuumba Imani Millenium Centre - Multi-functional convention • Local schools - Several primary & secondary schools in the centre located in Liverpool 8 that plays host to a number of community local area. based events throughout the year. • Transport Links - Excellent Bus routes into the city centre and CLT - Creating a thriving, vibrant, mixed Edge Hill train station is easily within walking distance. community, building on the existing creativity, energy and commitment • Local - The idyllic and Princes Park are both within the community, where people from all walks of life can live, work close by. and play. Also host a monthly street market. • Lark Lane - The bustling Lark Lane plays host to a wide range of independent shops and restaurants. • Range of local shops including - local food stores, takeaways, pharmacy, optician, hair salons, cafés. • Range of nearby supermarkets - Iceland, Aldi, Asda, Tesco. Your Neighbourhood residents groups Community Action Days Liverpool Community Spirit - A place for community cohesion Prima staff will review local needs, conduct area audits and develop and immersive learning of faith and culture. action plans as appropriate.

Our next door knock/area audit in Toxteth/Dingle is on 13th Planned improvements June 2019. Our next regeneration clean-up day is on 28th June A full list of any planned, cyclical and capital works can be found here. 2019 in Ritson Street and Asbridge Street.

We will soon be undertaking a stock condition survey on all PHA housing to identify any neccessary improvements. Local Councillors Councillor Tomas Logan Councillor Lawrence Brown Councillor Timothy Moore Councillor James Roberts If you are looking for a property Councillor Anna Rothery Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins in this area then please click here to join our waiting list. get in touch with us 8 Columbus Quay Liverpool @PrimaGroupHousing L3 4DB @prima_grp 0151 227 1001

Prima-Group-Housing Our properties in Toxteth and Dingle. Neighbourhood indicators

The information shown on the next few pages show different measures of people’s satisfaction with their neighbourhood, education levels, tenure of housing, crime rates, population and the sense of community cohesion in the neighbourhood. The data included here is taken from the postcodes in which we own homes only.

All crimes “I’m satisfied with the local 71.3 November 2017 to December 2018 79.2 area as a place to live” 79.3 261 “I belong to the 55.3 57.7 neighbourhood” 58.2

“People from different 69.8 backgrounds get on well 76.2 76 together in the local area” Anti-social behaviour incidents November 2017 to December 2018

Aged 65+ 76.1 “I am satisfied with both my 82.4 83 54 home and my neighbourhood”

“I can influence decisions in 27 29.9 the local area” 28.9

% Car crimes 0 20 40 60 80 100 November 2017 to December 2018 Toxteth & Dingle Social Housing Areas 23 Neighbourhood indicators

Social rented households Owner occupied households Rented from private landlord Other rented dwellings 365 119 216 13 51.2% (England average - 17.7%) 16.7% (England average - 64.1%) 30.3% (England average - 15.4%) 1.8% (England average - 2.8%)

Local authority rented Owner occupied Housing Association rented Other

70 64.1 60

50 46.3

40 38.5 32.1 32.4 30

% Of households 19.6 18.2 20 16.7

10 9.5 9.4 8.3 4.9 0 Toxteth & Dingle Social housing areas England Neighbourhood indicators

Education Population

Toxteth & Social Housing Areas England Aged 0-15 Working age Aged 65+ Dingle

40 100 36.5 8.3 90 15.1 17.9 30 27.4 80 25 22.5 70 20 60 68.4 50 64.7 63.1 15 40 % Of population % Aged 16-74 10 30 20 5 10 23.3 20.2 19.1 0 0 People with no qualifications Toxteth & Dingle Social housing areas England

Business Admin & Support Education Health Services 25.7% of all people in 21.4% of all people in 14% of all people in employment employment employment Largest Industry Sector Second largest industry sector Third largest industry sector Action plan 2019 - 2020

Action Partners/Staff Resources Details Outcomes Date

To undertake area audits • Local Councillors and Local • Undertake a rolling programme of • Develop an action plan from each March as identified by Housing Authority Staff intelligence led estate walkabouts with key walkabout, with agreed outcomes 2020 Officers and the local • Police partners and local residents. They will target and organisational responsibilities to community • Not for profit local issues/areas of concern to residents and we resolve organisations will work jointly with partners to seek local • Monitor progress on action plans on • Tenancy Sustainment Staff solutions i.e. fly-tipping hotspots, potholes, a quarterly basis • Housing Officers illegal parking, etc. • To work with partners to resolve • Tenants solutions

To undertake regeneration • Local Councillors and Local • Undertake a rolling programme of • Improve the environment in local areas March clean-ups as identified by Authority Staff intelligence led estate clean up days with key by reducing fly tipping and targeting 2020 Housing Officers and the • Police partners specific areas of concern to local local community • Not for profit local residents • Promote the availability of local services organisations available to residents • Tenancy Sustainment Officers • To engage with residents and the • Housing Officers wider community to promote positive • Tenants engagement to improve the local • Schools environment

Engage all residents in • Prima finance team • Undertake annual satisfaction survey with • Review service costs and deliver Jan improving communal • Housing Officers residents who pay a service charge for value for money in the services we 2020 services communal services regarding the quality and provide to all residents costs of those services