Fatal Venous Air Embolism During Upper Endoscopy in a Patient with Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (PTC) Catheter
UCTN – Unusual cases and technical notes E111 Fatal venous air embolism during upper endoscopy in a patient with percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) catheter Venous air embolism is a rare complica- created a vasculobiliary fistula. The pres- tion of endoscopic procedures reported ence of a widely patent hepaticojejunos- with colonoscopy, esophagogastroduode- tomy, blind intestinal limb, and air insuf- noscopy, endoscopic ultrasound with fine flation created a pressure gradient allow- needle aspiration and endoscopic retro- ing air flow into the venous circulation. grade cholangiography with sphincterot- The fluoroscopic images confirmed air – omy [1 5]. We report a case of a fatal within the hepatic veins and inferior Fig. 1 Endoscope advanced through the venous air embolism during upper endos- vena cava (●" Fig. 2). General endotracheal afferent limb to the hepaticojejunostomy. copy in a patient with prior pancreatico- anesthesia and close monitoring of endo- duodenectomy and recent percutaneous tracheal carbon dioxide in patients with transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) cath- known risk factors may improve clinical eter placement. outcomes. A 52-year-old man underwent pancreati- coduodenectomy for pancreatic adeno- Endoscopy_UCTN_Code_CPL_1AH_2AB carcinoma and PTC catheter placement Endoscopy_UCTN_Code_CPL_1AK_2AH for ascending cholangitis. An upper en- doscopy under fluoroscopy was per- C. B. Meier1, A. J. Moser2, M. K. Sanders3 formed after the patient developed mele- 1 University of Colorado Health Sciences na. The endoscope was advanced to the Center – Gastroenterology, Hepatology, hepaticojejunostomy (●" Fig. 1), when the Aurora, Colorado, USA patient suddenly became hypoxic, brady- 2 Department of Surgery, University of cardic, and developed pulseless electrical Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, activity. Despite prolonged cardiopul- Pennsylvania, USA monary resuscitation, the patient expired.
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