Ring Chromosome 5 with Dental Anomalies
PEDIATRICDENTISTRY/Copyright -~ 1981 by The American Academyof Pedodontics/Vol. 3, No. 4 CASE Ring chromosome 5 with dental anomalies Katherine Kula, DMDShivanand Patil, PhD James Hanson, MD Arthur Nowak, DMDHans Zellweger, MD Abstract Although ring chromosomesare observed in ahnost all manent molars is reported in one case2 autosomalgroups in man, they are rare. Wedescribe a male Although,~ some patients survive to adulthood) patient exldbiting cd du chat syndromein which most patients die in infancy due to severe respiratory cytogenetic studies demonstratethe presonse of a ring and feeding problems2 chromosome5. Deletion o£ the ring chromosome5 is found between the p15 and q35 bands. Dental, medical and Diagnosis is based on clinical features, abnormal cytogenetic findings are comparedto other ring chromosome crying during infancy, chromosomal studies, and der- 5 cases descMbedin literature. matoglyphic features. Diagnosis based soley on clini- cal features is difficult in somecases due to phenoty- Introduetion pic variability and to characteristics changing with Cri du chat syndrome, first described in 1963,~ is age. Clinical features are used, however, as indications characterized by a shrill high cry similar to that of a for confLrmatory chromosomal studiesY young cat. The cry is attributed to a hypotonic, dys- Cri du chat syndromeis usually attributed to a par- morphic larynx noted in some patients. ~ The cry may tial deletion, either terminal or interstitial, of the not be pathognomonic of the syndrome since it is ab- short arm of chromosome57 in the area of p14 to p15 sent in some patients and is reported in other chromo- band?~ The most commonly reported cause is de novo somal abnormalities? deletion occurring in approximately 85 percent of the The~,~ following traits may be found during infancy: cases, m~There are eight reported cases of ring chromo- microcephaly, round facies, apparent ocular hypertel- someu,l~ 5.
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