1 Heavy-mineral provenance signatures during the infill and uplift of a foreland basin: an example 2 from the Jaca basin (Southern Pyrenees, Spain) 3 4 XAVIER COLL1, DAVID GÓMEZ-GRAS1, MARTA ROIGÉ1, ANTONIO TEIXELL1, SALVA 1 2 5 BOYA , AND NARCÍS MESTRES 6 1Departament de Geologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain 7 2Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC, Campus de la UAB 8 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain 9 e-mail:
[email protected] 10 ABSTRACT 11 In the Jaca foreland basin (Southern Pyrenees), two main sediment routing systems merge from the late 12 Eocene to the early Miocene, providing an excellent example of interaction of different source areas with 13 distinct petrographic signatures. An axially drained fluvial system, with its source area located in the 14 eastern Central Pyrenees, is progressively replaced by a transverse-drained system that leads to the 15 recycling of the older turbiditic foredeep. Aiming to provide new insights into the source-area evolution 16 of the Jaca foreland basin, we provide new data on heavy-mineral suites, from the turbiditic underfilled 17 stage to the youngest alluvial-fan systems of the Jaca basin, and integrate the heavy-mineral signatures 18 with available sandstone petrography. Our results show a dominance of the ultrastable Ap-Zrn-Tur-Rt 19 assemblage through the entire basin evolution. However, a late alluvial sedimentation stage brings an 20 increase in other more unstable heavy minerals, pointing to specific source areas belonging to the Axial 21 and the North Pyrenean Zone and providing new insights into the response of the heavy-mineral suites to 22 sediment recycling.