65 1 Journal of Molecular H O D Critchley and SPRMs in gynaecological 65:1 T15–T33 Endocrinology R Chodankar therapies THEMATIC REVIEW 90 YEARS OF PROGESTERONE Selective progesterone receptor modulators in gynaecological therapies H O D Critchley and R R Chodankar MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, The University of Edinburgh, The Queen’s Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh Bioquarter, Edinburgh, UK Correspondence should be addressed to H O D Critchley:
[email protected] This review forms part of a special section on 90 years of progesterone. The guest editors for this section are Dr Simak Ali, Imperial College London, UK, and Dr Bert W O’Malley, Baylor College of Medicine, USA. Abstract Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a chronic, debilitating and common condition Key Words affecting one in four women of reproductive age. Current treatments (conservative, f abnormal uterine medical and surgical) may be unsuitable, poorly tolerated or may result in loss of fertility. bleeding (AUB) Selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRMs) influence progesterone-regulated f heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) pathways, a hormone critical to female reproductive health and disease; therefore, f selective progesterone SPRMs hold great potential in fulfilling an unmet need in managing gynaecological receptor modulators disorders. SPRMs in current clinical use include RU486 (mifepristone), which is licensed (SPRM) for pregnancy interruption, and CDB-2914 (ulipristal acetate), licensed for managing AUB f leiomyoma in women with leiomyomas and in a higher dose as an emergency contraceptive. In this f fibroid article, we explore the clinical journey of SPRMs and the need for further interrogation of this class of drugs with the ultimate goal of improving women’s quality of life.