ECARES Université Libre de Bruxelles 50 Avenue F. Roosevelt CP 114 1050 Belgium

Phone: (32-2) 650-2345 Fax: (32-2) 650-4475 E-mail: [email protected]


Professor of Economics at ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Senior Fellow at the Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory (BRUEGEL)

Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Member of President Barroso’s Group of Economic Policy Analysis


Economic Adviser to European Commission President Prodi, 2001-2004

Chairman of the High-Level Study Group appointed by European Commission President Prodi to review all EU economic policies, 2002-2003

Executive President of European Commission Prodi’s Group of Economic Analysis, 2002-2004

Economic Adviser to the Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission, 1990-1993 and 1995-2001

Visiting Professor at the Advanced Studies Program in International Economic Policy Research, Kiel Institute of World Economics, 2001-2002

Visiting Professor at the , 1995-1996 and 1996-1997

Visiting Scholar at the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund, 1998

President of the Institute of European Studies, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1992-1998

Visiting Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain, 1988-1989

Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 1986-1987

Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, 1983-1987

Associate Professor of Economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1980- 1986

Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1977-1982


Member of the International Scientific Advisory Council of the Kiel Institute of World Economics, the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW), and the Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII)

Member of the Steering Committee of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (European University Institute, Florence), and the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) in Europe, World Bank

Chair of the Selection Committee, King Baudouin International Development Prize

Member of the Euro 50 Group


Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade

Member, Editorial Board: World Trade Review; Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique

Member, Editorial Advisory Board: Open Economies Review; The World Economy



Chaire Francqui, Facultés Universitaires de Namur (1992-93); Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis (2002-03).

Prix des Alumni, 1985 (awarded every five years to the best Belgian academic economist below the age of 40).

Phi Beta Kappa honour society, elected 1977.

CRB Graduate Fellowship, Belgian American Educational Foundation, 1973- 74.


Ph.D., Economics, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (USA), 1977 M.A., Econometrics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1973 B.A., Economics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1972


Date of birth: June 13, 1950

Marital status: Married to Debarati Guha

Citizenship: Belgium


A. Books and Monographs

Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics 2005, Europe: Doha, Monterrey, and Johannesburg, Are We On Track?, World Bank Publications, Washington (DC), 2005 (co-edited with François Bourguignon and Boris Pleskovic).

An Agenda for a Growing Europe: The Sapir Report, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004 (co-authored with Philippe Aghion, Giuseppe Bertola, Martin Hellwig, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Dariusz Rosati, José Viñals, Helen Wallace and Marco Buti, Mario Nava, Peter M. Smith). Italian translation published by Societa editrice Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004.

Economic Policy-Making in the European Union, Proceedings of the First Four Meetings of the Group of Economic Analysis, European Commission, 2003 (co-edited with Mario Nava).

EMU and Economic Policy in Europe: The Challenge of the Early Years, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2002 (co-authored and co-edited with Marco Buti).

Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999 (co-edited with Richard Baldwin, Daniel Cohen and Anthony Venables).

Trade and Jobs in Europe: Much Ado about Nothing?, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999 (co-authored and co-edited with Mathias Dewatripont and Khalid Sekkat).

Economic Policy in EMU, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998 (co-authored and co-edited with Marco Buti). Italian translation published by Societa editrice il Mulino, Bologna, 1999.

Flexible Integration: Towards a More Effective and Democratic Europe, Monitoring European Integration 6, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 1995 (co-authored with Mathias Dewatripont, Francesco Giavazzi, Jürgen von Hagen, Ian Harden, Torsten Persson, Gerard Roland, Howard Rosenthal and Guido Tabellini).

European Policies on Competition, Trade and Industry - Conflict and Complementarities, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1995 (co-edited with Pierre Buigues and Alexis Jacquemin).

Trade Theory and Economic Reform - North, South and East, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1991 (co-edited with Jaime de Melo).

The European Internal Market: Trade and Competition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989 (co-edited with Alexis Jacquemin).


Europe-United States Trade Relations, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1988 (co-edited with Robert Baldwin and Carl Hamilton).

Economic Impact of Generalized Tariff Preferences, Thames Essay No. 49, Gower Publishing, London, 1987 (co-authored with Rolf Langhammer).

B. Articles & Book Chapters

“European Strategies for Growth”, Chapter 16 in M. Artis and F. Nixson, Economics of the European Union, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2007).

“Global Governance: An Agenda for Europe”, Bruegel Policy Brief 2006/07, Bruegel, Brussels (with Alan Ahearne, Jean Pisani-Ferry and Nicolas Véron).

“Some Ideas for Reforming the Community Anti-Dumping Instrument”, Bruegel Policy Contribution 2006/3, Bruegel, Brussels.

“Fiscal Policy in Europe: The Past and Future of EMU Rules from the Perspective of Musgrave and Buchanan”, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5830, CEPR, London, 2006 (with Marco Buti).

“La globalisation et la réforme des modèles sociaux européens”, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique XLV (2006) 117-130.

“Ultima fermata per Lisbona”, Economia Italiana (2006) 201-231 (with Jean Pisani-Ferry).

“Last Exit to Lisbon”, Bruegel Policy Brief 2006/02, Bruegel, Brussels (with Jean Pisani-Ferry).

“Globalisation and the Reform of European Social Models”, Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (2006) 369-390.

“Is the € Ready for a Global Role?”, Europe’s World 2 (2006) 56-61.

“Un programa para una Europa en crecimento: El informe Sapir”, Papeles de Economia Española 107 (2006) 2-12 (with the other members of the Sapir Group).

“Globaliseringen och de europeiska sociala modellernas reformering” in S. Gustavsson, L. Oxelheim and N. Wahl (eds.), En gränslös europeiska arbetsmarknad?, Europaperspektiv 2006, Santérus Förlag, Stockholm, 2006.

“Politiche Sociale Efficaci al Passo della Globalizzazione”, Il Mulino 55 (2005) 1003-1018.

5 “Un Modello Obsoleto? Crescita e Specializzone dell’Economia Italiana” in T. Boeri, R. Faini, A. Ichino, G. Pisauro and C. Scarpa (eds.), Oltre il Declino, Societa editrice Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005 (with Riccardo Faini).

“An Agenda for A Growing Europe: The Sapir Report”, Special Symposium on The Report of the Sapir Group, Regional Studies 39 (2005) 958-965 (with the other members of the Sapir Group).

“Europe: des réformes plutôt que des “champions” industriels”, Sociétal, 4 (2004) 93-96.

“Structural Reforms and Economic Growth in the EU: Is Lisbon the Right Agenda?” in Growth and Stability in the EU: Perspectives from the Lisbon Agenda, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Vienna, 2004.

“The Sapir Report”, Finance Foundation Review 3 (2003) 47-77 (with the other members of the Sapir Group).

“Political Cycles, Fiscal Deficits and Output Spillovers in Europe”, Pubic Choice 111 (2002) 195-205 (with Khalid Sekkat).

“European Economic Integration: It Was All in Balassa”, in R. Grawe and A. Inotai (eds.), Trade, Integration and Transition, World Bank and Institute for World Economics, Budapest, 2002.

“De Seattle à Doha”, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique XLI (2002) 5-8.

“EMU in the Early Years: Differences and Credibility”, in M. Buti and A. Sapir (eds.), EMU and Economic Policy in Europe: The Challenge of the Early Years, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2002 (with Marco Buti).

“Who’s Afraid of Globalization? Domestic Adjustment in Europe and America”, in R.B. Porter, P. Sauvé, A. Subramanian and A.B. Zampetti (eds.), Efficiency, Equity, and Legitimacy: The Multilateral Trading System at the Millennium, Harvard University and Brookings Institution Press, 2001.

“Domino Effects in Western European Trade, 1960-92”, European Journal of Political Economy 17 (2001) 377-388.

“EC regionalism at the turn of the Millennium: Towards a new paradigm?” The World Economy 23 (2000) 1135-1148.

“Trade Regionalism in Europe: Towards an Integrated Approach”, Journal of Common Market Studies. March 2000. Reprinted in J. von Hagen and M. Widgren (eds.), Regionalism in Europe: Geometries and Strategies After 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2001.

“The Impact of the Single Market on the Big European Countries”, in P. Coffey (ed.), Europe-Toward the Next Enlargement, International Handbooks on

6 Economic Integration, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 2000 (with Pierre Buigues).

“L’Impact du Marché unique sur les Grands Pays européens: Spécialisation, Efficacité et Concurrence”, Revue d’Economie Politique 109 (1999) 177-197 (with Pierre Buigues).

“The General Agreement on Trade in Services: From 1994 to the Year 2000”, Journal of World Trade 33 (1999) 51-66.

“Optimum Electoral Areas: Should Europe Adopt a Single Election Date?”, European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1595-1619 (with Khalid Sekkat).

“The Role of Articles 37 and 90 ECT in the Integration of EC Markets: The Case of Utilities”, in T. Cottier and P. Mavroidis (eds.), State Trading in the 21st Century, World Trade Forum Series No. 1, Michigan University Press, Ann Arbor, 1998.

“The Political Economy of EC Regionalism”, European Economic Review 42 (1998) 717-732.

“Labour Market Effects of Trade with LDCs in Europe”, in M. Dewatripont, A. Sapir and K. Sekkat (eds.), Trade and Jobs in Europe, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

“Economic Evaluation of the Internal Market”, European Economy, Reports and Studies No. 4, 1996 (with Pierre Buigues and Jordi Gual).

“The Effects of Europe’s Internal Market Program on Production and Trade: A First Assessment”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 132 (1996) 457-475.

“The Harmonization of Social Policies: Lessons from European Integration”, in J. Bhagwati and R. Hudec (eds.), Fair Trade and Harmonization, MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1996.

“The Interaction Between Labour Standards and International Trade Policy”, The World Economy 18 (1995) 791-803.

“Is a European Hard Core Credible? A Statistical Analysis”, Kyklos 49 (1996) 105-117 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Exchange Rate Regimes and Trade Prices: Does the EMS Matter?”, Journal of International Economics, 1995, 75-94 (with Khalid Sekkat).

“The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on European Union Trade”, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 1041, CEPR, London, 1994 (with Khalid Sekkat and Axel Weber).

“The Europe Agreements: Implications for Trade Laws and Institutions. Lessons from Hungary”, in L.A. Winters (ed.), Foundations of an Open

7 Economy: Trade Laws and Institutions for Eastern Europe, CEPR, London, 1994.

“The Logic of EC Commercial and Industrial Policy Revisited in 1992”, in M. Dewatripont and V. Ginsburgh (eds.), European Economic Integration: A Challenge in Changing World, Contributions to Economic Analysis 224, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Services Trade”, in D. Greenaway and L.A. Winters (eds.), Surveys in International Trade, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1994 (with Chantal Winter).

“What future for European growth?”, International Economic Insights, 1994, 15-17 (with Khalid Sekkat).

“Market services and European integration: Issues and challenges”, European Economy, Special Issue on “Market Services and European Integration”, 1993, ix-xx (with Pierre Buigues).

“Sectoral dimension”, European Economy, Special Issue on “Market Services and European Integration”, 1993, 23-39.

“The structure of services in Europe: A conceptual framework”, European Economy, Special Issue on “Market Services and European Integration”, 1993, 83-97.

“Emploi et chômage: vingt ans d’expérience suédoise”, Economie Internationale, 1993, 91-114 (with Philippe Bouyoux).

“Le régionalisme et la nouvelle théorie du commerce international sonnent-ils le glas du GATT?”, Politique Etrangère, 1993, 277-293.

“Regionalism and the New Theory of International Trade: Do the Bells Toll for the GATT? A European Outlook”, The World Economy, 1993, 423-438.

“European Competition Policy in Manufacturing and Services: A Two-Speed Approach?”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1993, 113-132 (with Pierre Buigues and Alexis Jacquemin).

“Les Politiques Industrielles de la Communauté”, Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 1993, 242-260 (with Pierre Buigues).

“From Fragmentation to Restructuring of Service Markets in the European Community” (in Spanish), in C. Martin (ed.), Politica Industrial, Teorie y Practica, Economistas Libros, Madrid, 1992.

“Community Industrial Policies”, in P. Nicolaides (ed.), Industrial Policy in the European Communities: A Necessary Response to Economic Integration?, Martinus Nijhoff, Amsterdam, 1992 (with Pierre Buigues).

“Regional Integration in Europe”, Economic Journal, 1992, 1491-1506.

8 “A Code of Conduct for Inter-State Trade”, Centre for Economic Performance Occasional Paper No. 3, 1992, London School of Economics, London (with Richard Layard).

“Commerce et Transition vers le Marché dans l'ex-URSS”, Revue d'Economie Financière, 1992, 129-150 (with Jean Pisani-Ferry).

“New Issues in the Uruguay Round: Services, TRIMs and TRIPs”, European Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 1992, 509-518 (with David Greenaway).

“Inter-State Economic Relations in the Former Soviet Union”, CEPS Working Document No. 63, 1992, CEPS, Brussels (with Daniel Gros and Jean Pisani- Ferry).

“Europe 1992: The External Trade Implications”, International Economic Journal, 1992, 1-15.

“Trade Policies of Belgium”, in D. Salvatore (ed.), International Handbook of National Trade Policies, Greenwood Press, New York, 1992, 275-283.

“Europe Post-1992: Internal and External Liberalisation”, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 1991, 166-170 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Le Commerce International des Services Audiovisuels: Une Source de Conflits entre la Communauté Européenne et les Etats-Unis”, in G. Vandersanden (ed.), L'Espace Audiovisuel Européen, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Brussels, 1991, 163-170.

“The Internal and External Opening-Up of the Single Community Market: Efficiency Gains, Adjustment Costs and New Community Instruments”, The International Spectator, 1991, 29-48 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Competition and Imports in the European Market”, in L.A. Winters and A. Venables (eds.), European Integration: Trade and Industry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, 82-91 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“The discipline of imports in the European Market”, in J. de Melo and A. Sapir (eds.), Trade Theory and Economic Reform - North, South and East, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1991 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Monitoring European Integration: The Impact of Eastern Europe, A CEPR Annual Report, 1990 (with nine other economists).

“La Perspective 1992 et l'Après Uruguay Round”, Economie Perspective Internationale, 1990, 47-67 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Exchange rate volatility and international trade - The effects of the European Monetary System”, in P. De Grauwe and L. Papademos (eds.), The European

9 Monetary System in the 1990's, Macmillan, London, 1990 (with Khalid Sekkat).

“Les Aspects Extérieurs du Grand Marché Européen”, Revue d'Economie Politique, 1989, 692-719.

“Does 1992 Come Before or After 1990 ?”, in R. Jones and A.O. Krueger (eds.), The Political Economy of International Trade, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1989, 197-222.

“Le Commerce International de la Communauté Européenne dans la Perspective de l'Achèvement du Marché Intérieur”, in D. Laussel and C. Montet (eds.), Commerce International et Concurrence Imparfaite, Economica, Paris, 1989 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“Les Transactions Internationales de Services: Aspects Positifs et Normatifs”, in P. Messerlin and F. Vellas (eds.), Conflits et Négociations dans le Commerce International, Economica, Paris, 1989, 241-51.

“Trade Among Developing Countries in Investment-Related Technological Services”, in V. Ventura-Dias (ed.), South-South Trade: Trends, Issues and Obstacles to Its Expansion, Praeger Publishers, 1989, 165-196.

“International Trade and Integration of the European Community: An Econometric Analysis”, European Economic Review, 1988, 1439-49 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“European Integration or World Integration?”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1988, 127-39 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

“International Trade in Telecommunications Services”, in R.E. Baldwin, C. Hamilton and A. Sapir (eds.), Europe-United States Trade Relations, University of Chicago Press, 1988, 231-43.

“Tariffs on Foreign Prices in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, 1987 (September 19), 1617-18.

“Tariff Preference”, chapter 14 in J.M. Finger and A. Olechowski (eds.), The Uruguay Round : A Handbook on Multilateral Trade Negotiations, The World Bank, Washington, DC, 1987, 101-109 (with Sam Laird).

“India's Exports of Manufactures to the EEC: Recent Performance and Constraints”, Development Policy Review, 1987, 379-98 (with Christopher Stevens).

“Economic Growth and Factor Substitution: What Happened to the Yugoslav Miracle? : Further Comments”, Economic Journal, December 1986, 1089-90.

“Intra-EC Trade: A Sectoral Analysis”, CEPS Working Documents, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, October 1986 (with Alexis Jacquemin).

10 “Trade in Investment-Related Technological Services”, World Development, May 1986, 605-22.

“India's Exports to the European Community: Recent Trends and Future Prospects”, in W.M. Callewaert and R. Kumar (eds.), E.E.C.-India: Towards a Common Perspective, Peeters, Leuven, 1985, 170-80.

“Late Industrialization and Technological Acquisition in Newly Industrializing Countries”, Mondes en Développement, 1985, 147-54.

“The Employment Impact of Shifts in the Composition of Commodity and Services Trade”, in OECD, Employment Growth and Structural Change, 1985, 115-27 (with Dieter Schumacher).

“North-South Issues in Trade in Services”, The World Economy, March 1985, 27-42. Reprinted in H.W. Singer, N. Hatti and R. Tandon (eds.), New World Order Series, Volume IV : New Protectionism and Restructuring, Ashish Publishing, New Delhi, 1987.

“Some Aspects of Population Growth, Trade and Factor Mobility”, World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 694, August 1985.

“Determinants of Trade in Services”, in J. Waelbroeck, P. Praet and H.C. Rieger (eds.), ASEAN-EEC Trade in Services, Institute of South-East Asian Studies, Singapore, 1985, 1-17.

“The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences and Its Impacts”, in R.E. Baldwin and A.O. Krueger (eds.), The Structure and Evolution of Recent U.S. Trade Policy, University of Chicago Press, 1984, 195-231 (with Lars Lundberg).

“Issues in International Service Transactions”, Foreign Trade Review, UNCTAD Special Number, July-September 1984, 298-304.

“India and the Tokyo Round”, World Development, July 1983, 65-74 (with Robert Baldwin).

“Foreign Competition, Immigration and Structural Adjustment”, Journal of International Economics, May 1983, 381-94.

“Alternative Estimates of India's Transportation Cost Profile: A Reply”, Journal of Development Studies, April 1983, 390.

“On the Incidence of Transportation Costs on India's Exports”, Journal of Development Studies, January 1983, 244-49.

“Trade in Services: Policy Issues for the Eighties”, Columbia Journal of World Business, Fall 1982, 77-83.

“European Imports of Manufactures under Trade Preferences for Developing Countries”, in E.P. Reubens (ed.), The Challenge of the New International

11 Economic Order, Westview Special Studies in International Economics and Business, 1981, 113-31.

“Economic Reform and Migration in Yugoslavia: An Econometric Model”, Journal of Development Economics, November 1981, 149-81. Reprinted as “Ekonomska Reforma i Migracije u Jugoslaviji”, in Discussions on Migration No. 81, Centre for Migration Studies, Zagreb, Yugoslavia.

“Trade in Services: Economic Determinants and Development-Related Issues”, World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 480, August 1981 (with Ernst Lutz).

“Trade Benefits under the EEC Generalized System of Preferences”, European Economic Review, March 1981, 339-55.

“A Growth Model for a Tenured-Labor-Managed Firm”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1980, 387-402.

“Trade in Non-Factor Services: Past Trends and Current Issues”, World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 410, August 1980 (with Ernst Lutz).

“Economic Growth and Factor Substitution: What Happened to the Yugoslav Miracle?”, Economic Journal, June 1980, 294-313.

“Use of the Durbin-Watson Statistic with Lagged Dependent Variables”, Metroeconomica, June-December 1977, 169-72.

“A Note on Input-Output Analysis and Macro-Econometric Models”, Journal of Development Economics, December 1976, 377-83.

“A Note on Short-Run Labor Emigration to Germany”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1974, 356-61.

“L'Emigration Grecque vers la CEE”, Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 3e trimestre 1974, 423-47.

C. Book Reviews and Comments

“Reorientation of the Stability and Growth Pact”, Comment on “Fiscal Policies in EMU at the Crossroads” by Paul van den Noord, in F. Breuss (ed.), The Stability and Growth Pact: Experiences and Future Aspects, Springer, Wien New York, 2007.

Final Remarks in T. Boeri, M. Castanheira, R. Faini and V. Galasso (eds.), Structural Reforms without Prejudices, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.

Comment on “The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries” by D.K. Brown, A.V. Deardorff and R.M.

12 Stern, in R.E. Baldwin and L.A. Winters (eds.), Challenges to Globalization, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 2004.

Comment on “International Policy Spillovers” by M.B. Canzoneri, R.E. Cumby and B. Diba, in M. Buti (ed.), Monetary and Fiscal Policies in EMU, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.

Comment on “European Integration, Liberalization, and Labor-Market Performance” by G. Nicoletti, R.C.G. Haffner, S. Nickell, S. Scarpetta and G. Zoega, in G. Bertola, T. Boeri and G. Nicoletti (eds.), Welfare and Employment in a United Europe, The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.) and London, 2001.

Comment on “The Impact of the Euro on the International Monetary System” by Robert Raymond, in A. Lamfalussy, L.D. Bernard and A.J. Cabral (eds.), The Euro-Zone: A New Economic Entity?, Bruylant, Brussels, 1999.

Comment on “Regionalism and the Global Economy” by Alan Winters, in R.E. Baldwin, D. Cohen, A. Sapir and A.J. Venables (eds.), Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.

Review of The Political Economy of Trade Policy - Papers in Honor of Jagdish Bhagwati edited by Robert Feenstra, Gene Grossman and Douglas Irwin and published by MIT Press, The World Economy, 1999.

Comment on “Trade Liberalisation and Factor Mobility: An overview” by Anthony Venables, in Riccardo Faini, J. de Melo and K. Zimmermann (eds.), Migration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.

Comment on “Policy Implications of the Size of EMU for Europe and the United States” by Fabio Ghironi and Francesco Giavazzi, in P.R. Masson, T.H. Krueger and B.G. Turtelboom (eds.), EMU and the International Monetary System, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.

Comment on “Export Performance in Transition Economies” by B. Kaminski, Z.K. Wang and L.A. Winters, Economic Policy 23, 1996.

Comment on “Austria in the European Union: Dynamic Gains from Integration and Distributional Implications” by C. Keuschnigg and W. Kohler, Economic Policy 22, 1996.

Introduction to the Mini-Symposium on “Does Free Trade Require Fair Trade and Harmonisation?”, The World Economy, 1995.

“Sweden: Effects of EU Membership on Investment and Growth - A Comment”, The World Economy, 1994.

Review of Trade Protection in the European Community by Ludger Schuknecht, European Journal of Political Economy, 1994.

13 Comment on “The European Community: A Case of Successful Integration?” by Alan Winters, in J. de Melo and A. Panagariya (eds.), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.

Comment on “Free Trade Areas and Europe 1992”, in J. Schott (ed.), Free Trade Areas and U.S. Trade Policy, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., 1989.

Comment on Bhagwati, in O. Giarini (ed.), The World Services Report, Pergamon Press, 1987.

Review of Yugoslav Socialism: Theory and Practice by Harold Lydall, Economic Journal, September 1985.