

◥ itational stresses and regional tectonic stresses. REPORTS Theoretical calculations have shown that the presence of topographic features such as ridges and valleys can cause vertical and lateral var- iations in the shallow subsurface stress field (15) and that these stress perturbations can be large enough to alter patterns Geophysical imaging reveals (14, 16). Some observational evidence suggests that topographic stresses influence near-surface fracture distributions (9, 17, 18)andgroundwater topographic stress control flow (19–21), but it is unknown whether topo- graphic stresses systematically affect the spatial of bedrock weathering distribution of bedrock weathering. In this study, we used geophysical surveys of seismic velocity J. St. Clair,1*† S. ,2*†‡ W. S. Holbrook,1 J. T. Perron,2 C. S. Riebe,1 S. J. Martel,3 and electrical resistivity to image the thickness of B. Carr,1 C. Harman,4 K. Singha,5 D. deB. Richter6 the weathered zone in three landscapes with similar topography but different tectonic stress Bedrock fracture systems facilitate weathering, allowing fresh surfaces to interact conditions, and we tested whether the geometry with corrosive and biota from ’ssurface,whilesimultaneouslypromoting of the weathered zone in each landscape matches drainage of chemically equilibrated fluids. We show that topographic perturbations to the modeled topographic stress field. regional stress fields explain bedrock fracture distributions, as revealed by seismic velocity Acalculationofthestressesbeneathanideal- and electrical resistivity surveys from three landscapes. The base of the fracture-rich ized topographic profile in the presence of re- zone mirrors surface topography where the ratio of horizontal compressive tectonic gional tectonic stress illustrates how topographic stresses to near-surface gravitational stresses is relatively large, and it parallels the stress might influence the geometry of the - surface topography where the ratio is relatively small. Three-dimensional stress ed zone (Fig. 1). We calculated the total stress calculations predict these results, suggesting that tectonic stresses interact with field as the sum of the ambient stress due to topography to influence bedrock disaggregation, flow, chemical weathering, and tectonics and the stress perturba- and the depth of the “critical zone” in which many biogeochemical processes occur. tion due to topography (22). From the stress on October 29, 2015 field, we calculated two scalar quantities that act as proxies for two mechanisms that could eathered bedrock and are part of the how rapidly groundwater flowing toward the influence the abundance of . As a proxy life-sustaining layer at Earth’ssurface channels can drain bedrock pores of chemically for shear fracturing or shear sliding on existing commonly referred to as the “critical equilibrated (1). Another hypothesis, based fractures, we calculated the failure potential (F) zone.” Its thickness depends on the on reactive transport modeling, predicts that the (23), defined as (smc – slc)/(smc + slc), where s W competition between , which re- propagation of the weathered zone depends on indicates a stress, and the subscripts denote the moves weathered material from the land surface, the balance between mineral reaction kinetics most compressive (mc) and least compressive (lc)

and weathering, which breaks down mechan- and groundwater residence times (2, 6). These principal stresses, with compression being posi- www.sciencemag.org ically and chemically and thus deepens the inter- mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, and both tive. As a proxy for opening-mode displacement face between weathered and fresh bedrock (1–3). emphasize the importance of fluid flow through on fractures, we used the magnitude of slc. Erosion at the surface can be studied both di- bedrock. This implies that the development of Because we do not have prior knowledge of the rectly by observation (4)andindirectlyusing fracture systems, which provide preferred fluid- orientations or abundances of existing fractures isotopic tracers (5). In contrast, weathering at flow paths in bedrock (7, 8), should help regulate in a given landscape, we used both quantities depth is generally obscured by overlying rock the downward propagation of weathering. to represent the propensity for generating open and soil, making it more difficult to study. In Bedrock fractures may be inherited from past fractures. A larger F indicates that new shear

this Report, we combine results from landscape- tectonic or thermal events, but the common ob- fractures are more likely to form and that exist- Downloaded from scale geophysical imagingandstress-fieldmodel- servation that fracture abundance declines with ing fractures oriented obliquely to the smc and ing to evaluate hypotheses about the relationship depth (9) suggests that near-surface processes slc directions are more likely to dilate as a result of subsurface weathering to surface topography. are capable of generating new fractures or reacti- of sliding on the rough fracture surfaces (24). A One hypothesis is that weathering at depth vating existing ones. Examples of potential near- smaller slc indicates that fractures oriented near- is regulated by the hydraulic conductivity and surface fracturing mechanisms include wedging ly perpendicular to the slc direction will be more porosity of bedrock and the incision rate of river due to growth of (10), salt crystals (11), likely to open (20, 25). Given that open fractures channels into bedrock, which together determine or roots (12); volume expansion due to weather- permit water to flow more quickly through bed- ing reactions of certain (13); and stress rock and enhance the rate of chemical weather- 1Department of and and Wyoming perturbations associated with surface topography ing, we expect that zones of larger F or smaller Center for Environmental and Geophysics, (14). Some of these mechanisms require specific slc correspond to zones of more weathered University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA. conditions that only occur in certain geographic bedrock. 2 Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, regions, rock types, or parts of the subsurface. In a scenario with a horizontal land surface Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 3Department of Geology and Geophysics, For example, ice weathering requires repeated and a stress field determined by both gravity University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. 4Department freeze-thaw cycles and is therefore limited to and a low, uniform ambient horizontal compres- of Geography and Environmental Engineering, The Johns depths of a few meters, and volume expansion sion, F declines and s increases with depth 5 lc Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA. Hydrologic due to mineral weathering is most effective in beneath the land surface (Fig. 1, A and D). If to- Science and Engineering Program, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA. 6Nicholas School of the rocks containing abundant or . pography is added and the ambient horizontal Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA. In contrast, surface topography always perturbs compression remains low, contours of F and slc *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (J.S.C.); the bedrock stress field. Here we focus on this generally parallel the surface (Fig. 1, B and E). [email protected] (S.M.) †These authors contributed equally to potentially widespread control on bedrock fractures. This surface-parallel pattern occurs because s this work. ‡Present address: Department of Earth, Planetary, and lc Space Science, University of California–Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Bedrock stress fields can be evaluated by con- is determined primarily by the overburden in CA 90095, USA. sidering the effects of local topography on grav- this scenario, and therefore it increases with

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depth similarly beneath ridges and valleys (fig. lowest F or highest slc at which fractures open To test our conceptual model, we investigated S1A). However, if the ambient horizontal stress enough to accelerate chemical weathering. After three field sites in the United States with similar becomes strongly compressive—so that smc at crossing this boundary, rocks will only experi- topography but different ambient tectonic stress shallow depths parallels the topographic sur- ence higher F and lower slc and should become regimes. Gordon Gulch (Fig. 2B), in the Boulder face, and slc becomes small relative to smc (fig. even more weathered. Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado (3), is S1, E and F)—then contours of F and slc resem- A dimensionless ratio of tectonic stresses to underlain by Precambrian gneiss and has weak ble mirror images of the land surface, plunging gravitational stresses that accounts for topographic tectonic compression (st =1MPa;s* =0.2). below ridges and rising beneath valleys (Fig. 1, perturbations captures the difference between Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, South Caro- CandF).Thismirror-imagepatternoccurs the surface-parallel scenario (Fig. 1, B, E, and lina (Fig. 2C) (26), is underlain by Neoproterozoic because slc becomes much smaller beneath ridges H) and the surface-mirroring scenario (Fig. 1, or Cambrian gneiss and has stronger tec- than beneath valleys, whereas the fractional de- C, F, and I). This ratio is defined as tonic compression (st =4.7MPa;s* =1.2).Pond crease in smc is relatively minor. In all three Branch, Maryland (Fig. 2D) (27), is underlain by scenarios, spatial variations in slc are the dom- s b=a s Precambrian schist and has the strongest tectonic s* t t 1 inant cause of the spatial variations in F (Fig. 1, A ¼ rgb ¼ rga ð Þ compression of the three sites (st =8.4MPa;s* = to F, and fig. S1). 3.2). At each site, we selected a valley with a Where contours of F and slc are generally where st is the magnitude of the horizontal cross-sectional relief of 20 to 40 m and used a parallel to the land surface, we expect to find tectonic stress perpendicular to the ridges and three-dimensional stress model to calculate the azoneofabundantopenfracturesandweather- valleys, which we refer to as the tectonic com- topographic perturbation to the ambient stress ed bedrock with a roughly uniform thickness, pression; b/a is the characteristic slope of a field in the vicinity of the valley (22). Our model underlain by less weathered bedrock with fewer topographic feature with height b and horizontal calculations include ~1 to 15 km2 of the topog- open fractures (Fig. 1, G and H). Where contours length a; r is rock density; and g is gravitational raphy surrounding our field sites (Fig. 2). Ambient of F and slc mirror the land surface, we expect to acceleration. Our model predicts that a landscape stress magnitudes, directions, and depth gradients find thick weathered zones beneath ridges and with s* <~1,correspondingtolowtectoniccom- were constrained from compilations of regional thin zones beneath valleys (Fig. 1I). This con- pression or widely spaced ridges and valleys, measurements (fig. S2) (22). ceptual model assumes that the geometry of the should have a zone of large F,smallslc,and Transects of F and slc across the valleys (Fig. 3, weathered zone reflects the present-day stress weathered rock that parallels the surface topog- AtoF)showpatternsconsistentwiththeideal- field. In an eroding landscape, a parcel of rock raphy (Fig. 1, B, E, and H). Conversely, a landscape ized calculations shown in Fig. 1, A to F. A zone of experiences a time-varying stress field as the with s* >~1,correspondingtohightectoniccom- high F and low slc,withroughlyuniformdepth, eroding surface draws nearer. However, given pression or closely spaced ridges and valleys, parallels the land surface at Gordon Gulch (s* = that F increases and slc decreases toward the should have a zone of large F, small slc,and 0.2) (Fig. 3, A and D), whereas the zones of high surface (provided that the ambient horizontal weathered rock that thickens under ridges and F and low slc at Calhoun (s* =1.2)andPond tectonic stresses are compressive) (Fig. 1, A to F), thins under valleys (Fig. 1, C, F, and I). The surface- Branch (s* =3.2)aredeeperbeneathridgesand the bottom boundary of the weathered zone is mirroring pattern is most pronounced for land- shallower beneath valleys (Fig. 3, B, C, E, and F). likely to be demarcated by the contour of the scapes with b/a >0.05. Sensitivity tests accounting for uncertainties in

Failure potential, Φ Least compressive stress, σlc (MPa) Bedrock with many open fractures 0.4 1 0 1.5 Bedrock with few open fractures

*= 0.25

*= 2

50m 50m Fig. 1. Hypothesized influence of topography and tectonic stress on surface is 0.25rga in (A) and (B) and 2rga in (C), where r is rock density, g is weathering zone geometry. (A to C)Cross-sectionalplotsoffailurepotential gravitational acceleration, and a is the horizontal distance from the valley (F)computedwithanumericalstressmodel(22). Arrows indicate the mag- bottom to the ridge top in (B) and (C). This corresponds to s*valuesof0.25 nitude of ambient horizontal compression. (A) shows a horizontal surface in (B) and 2 in (C) (Eq. 1). Topography is horizontally periodic. (D to F)The under weak compression, (B) shows ridges and valleys under weak com- same scenarios as in (A) to (C), but showing the magnitude of the least pression, and (C) shows ridges and valleys under strong compression. The compressive principal stress, slc.(G to I)Conceptualdiagramsofbedrock magnitude of the horizontal compression at the mean elevation of the land fracture abundance in the three scenarios.

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-105.49° -105.48° -105.47° the ambient stress estimates and variations in topography across the sites confirm that these patterns are robust (fig. S3 to S5) (22). We performed seismic refraction and electrical 1 resistivity surveys along the same transects to Gordon Gulch investigate whether topographic stresses influ- Pond 40.02° ence the geometry of the weathered zone (22). Branch 3 The seismic velocity structure reflects varia- 2 tions in rock damage such as chemical weather- Calhoun Elevation (m) 4 ing and fracturing (28), both of which contribute 2800 to an increase in porosity and a decrease in seis- mic velocity (29). Velocity in fractured rocks can 2500 250 m 40.01° also increase with higher water saturation, which increases the effective bulk modulus of the com- 34.614° posite medium (28, 30), or higher confining stress, which closes microfractures formed during the rock’sthermalandtectonichistory(31). We ob- 39.49° served steep velocity gradients with depth, with P-wave velocities (nP)increasingdownwardfrom 5 5 ~0.3 km/s near the surface to ~4.0 to 4.5 km/s at 34.611° 3 10 to 40 m depth (Fig. 3, G to I), consistent with a 39.48° transition from soil regolith to unweathered bed- Elevation (m) Elevation (m) rock (28). The rapid increase in velocity with 230 230 250 m 250 m depth is likely also due in part to closure of frac- 100 100 tures with increasing confining stress (31). At -81.695° -81.69° -76.69° -76.68° depths greater than the 4-km/s velocity contour, Fig. 2. Maps of study sites. (A)LocationsofthethreeU.S.sites.Colorsindicateelevation,withgreens fractures are likely to be effectively closed, and being lowest and browns being highest. (B)GordonGulch,Colorado.(C)Calhoun,SouthCarolina. the velocity gradients are greatly reduced. Bore- (D)PondBranch,Maryland.Geophysicalsurveylinesarenumbered.Whitelinesmarkthetransects hole observations, including velocity measure- shown in Fig. 3. Elevation data are from the U.S. National Elevation Dataset and the National Center for ments at fine depth increments (fig. S7B) and Airborne Laser Mapping. fractures mapped in optical image logs (fig. S10)

Failure potential, Φ Least compressive stress,σlc (MPa) P-wave velocity (km/s)

0.5 1 0 0.7 1 2 3 4 5

Gordon Gulch * = 0.2 20m


Calhoun * = 1.2 20m


Pond Branch * = 3.2 20m


Fig. 3. Comparisons of topographic stress and seismic velocity. Modeled failure potential (A to C), modeled magnitude of the least compressive stress (D to F), and measured P-wave velocity (G to I) for Gordon Gulch [(A), (D), and (G)], Calhoun [(B), (E), and (H)], and Pond Branch [(C), (F), and (I)]. Transect locations are marked in white in Fig. 2. The topographic surface was smoothed for stress calculations (17). Vertical exaggerations are 3.6× at Gordon Gulch, 3.7× at Calhoun, and 2.3× at Pond Branch.

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(22), support the interpretation that faster veloc- content and more weathered rock. Rocks be- velocity and resistivity variations; more abundant, ities correspond to less abundant open fractures. come less electrically resistive with increasing open, and connected fractures should promote The variations in seismic velocity are highly water saturation, connectedness of pores, and faster groundwater flow and chemical weather- similar in shape to the variations in modeled content (32). The resistivity images show ing, which would enhance the connection be- F and slc,particularlyinthezonesoflowve- structures similar to those in the seismic ve- tween topographic stress and bedrock damage. locity (nP <4km/s;Fig.3,GtoI),whichgenerally locity images and reveal additional details about Our results suggest that topographic perturba- correspond to zones of high F (F >0.75;Fig.3,A the hydrology of the weathered zone. For exam- tions to gravitational and tectonic stress fields to C) and low slc (slc <0.5MPa;Fig.3,DtoF). ple, resistivity at Calhoun increases with depth, control the distribution of open fractures, per- The 4-km/s velocity contour rises to within 10 and we identified three regions that roughly meability, and water storage potential in a weath- mofthesurfacebeneathvalleybottomsand correlate with the seismic velocity structure ered subsurface zone with a thickness comparable plunges to depths of 40 m beneath ridgetops at (Fig. 4). Where seismic velocities exceed 4 km/s, to the topographic relief. We propose that the the sites with strong tectonic compression and resistivity is generally high (>4000 ohm·m), con- base of the weathered zone is the depth above s* > 1 (Fig. 3, H and I). This is very similar to sistent with low water content and poorly con- which stresses allow abundant fractures to grow the mirror-image pattern of F and slc contours nected pores in intact bedrock. The upper 10 m or open, providing pathways for water and biota that is predicted by the stress model (Fig. 3, B, of the weathered zone has low resistivity (100 to to invade the bedrock and initiate weathering. C, E, and F). In contrast to these sites, both the 700 ohm·m) and velocities < 1.5 km/s, consistent The stress field thus sets the physical stage for the 4-km/s velocity contour and the zones of high F with a highly porous, water-saturated regolith. interacting geochemical (2), hydrological (1), bio- and low slc roughly parallel the land surface at Between these zones is a zone of intermediate logical (33), and climatic (3)processesthatdrive Gordon Gulch (Fig. 3, A, D, and G), which has resistivity (700 to 4000 ohm·m) and velocity weathering and nutrient cycling in Earth’scritical weak tectonic compression and s* <1.Theve- (1.5 to 4.0 km/s), consistent with fractured, zone, which in turn help regulate the global car- locity fields contain some fine-scale structures that slightly weathered bedrock with intermediate bon cycle (6). Lateral variations in stress-mediated do not appear in the modeled stress fields, but water content. We additionally observed a re- weathering may also lead to variations in bedrock the stress models do predict some secondary fea- sistive body roughly 10 m beneath the ridgetop erodibility and the production rate of mobile soil. tures of the velocity structure. For example, the that has higher seismic velocity than the sur- Topographic stress may ultimately govern the zones of high F and low seismic velocity at Pond rounding rock and is in close proximity to a re- evolution of through its influence on Branch are both thicker beneath the right-hand gion of locally reduced F and elevated slc (Fig. subsurface weathering and, thus, on erosion at side of the valley bottom (Fig. 3, C and F), and 3, B and E). the surface. the zone of low slc shows this asymmetry for The geophysical observations support the hy- slightly smaller values of s* (fig. S4D). The bases pothesis that topographicstressinfluencesbed- of these three zones slope down to the right be- rock weathering by modifying the abundance of REFERENCES AND NOTES neath both ridges at Calhoun (Fig. 3, B, E, and H). open fractures. This interpretation is consistent 1. D. M. Rempe, W. E. Dietrich, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, 6576–6581 (2014). At all three sites, F and slc correlate well with with the borehole sonic velocity log at Calhoun seismic velocity (fig. S8). The trends of s versus (fig. S7B) and the borehole image logs at Gordon 2. M. I. Lebedeva, S. L. Brantley, Earth Surf. Process. Landf. 38, lc 1793–1807 (2013). nP for the three sites are very similar (fig. S8, D to Gulch (fig. S10) (22), both of which show lower 3. R. S. Anderson, S. P. Anderson, G. E. Tucker, Earth Surf. F), whereas the trends of F versus nP vary (fig. S8, velocities where fractures are more abundant. Process. Landf. 38,299–316 (2013). AtoC),particularlyatGordonGulch.Thismay However, it is important to consider how factors 4. J. D. Milliman, K. L. Farnsworth, River Discharge to the indicate that opening of fractures oriented per- other than fracture abundance might influence Coastal : A Global Synthesis (Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2011). pendicular to the slc direction is a stronger con- seismic velocity and resistivity. Higher water sat- 5. J. L. Dixon, C. S. Riebe, Elements 10,363–368 trol on seismic velocity than shear fracturing or uration can elevate seismic velocity, but our re- (2014). sliding at these sites, or it may reflect differences sistivity maps show the opposite: a near-surface 6. K. Maher, C. P. Chamberlain, Science 343,1502–1504 in rock properties among sites that influence the layer with high water content but lower velocity (2014). 7. J. C. S. Long et al., Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 28,121–142 relationship between stress and seismic veloc- (Fig. 4). 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MAGNETISM given lattice, there are two and only two distinct variations of the order: all-in-all-out (AIAO) and all-out-all-in (AOAI). They represent opposite mag- Mobile metallic domain walls in an netic octupoles and are interchanged with each other by time-reversal transformation; by con- all-in-all-out magnetic insulator trast, their electronic properties should be identi- cal in the absence of external perturbations. Eric Yue Ma,1,2* Yong-Tao Cui,1* Kentaro Ueda,3,4* Shujie Tang,1,5 Kai Chen,6 Nonetheless, abnormal conduction can happen Nobumichi Tamura,7 Phillip M. Wu,1 Jun Fujioka,3,4 at the boundaries between AIAO and AOAI do- Yoshinori Tokura,3,4† Zhi-Xun Shen1,2† mains (i.e., magnetic DWs), as hinted by macro- scopic transport measurements (10): The resistance Magnetic domain walls are boundaries between regions with different configurations of of the same polycrystalline sample at 4.5 K after the same magnetic order. In a magnetic insulator, where the magnetic order is tied to its cooling from above TN in zero field (ZFC or bulk insulating property, it has been postulated that electrical properties are drastically “untrained”) can be more than a factor of 200 different along the domain walls, where the order is inevitably disturbed. Here we report smaller than that cooled in a 9-T field (FC or “trained”)(Fig.1A).Onemayattributetheextra the discovery of highly conductive magnetic domain walls in a magnetic insulator, Nd2Ir2O7, that has an unusual all-in-all-out magnetic order, via transport and spatially resolved conduction to DWs, with field cooling resulting microwave impedance microscopy. The domain walls have a virtually temperature-independent in fewer magnetic domains, fewer DWs, and thus sheet resistance of ~1 kilohm per square, show smooth morphology with no preferred higher overall resistance. However, alternative orientation, are free from pinning by disorders, and have strong thermal and magnetic field explanations, including history dependence of responses that agree with expectations for all-in-all-out magnetic order. the bulk and grain boundaries, cannot be ruled out by these macroscopic measurements. We confirm the existence of highly conductive agnetic order, in particular antiferro- research dedicated to understanding the funda- magnetic DWs by direct imaging with MIM, a magnetism, often accompanies metal- mental mechanism, as well as making practical scanning probe technique that senses local insulator transitions (MITs), during which DW-based devices (6–9). However, among the conductivity by measuring tip-sample impedance metallic materials abruptly become in- vast array of magnetic insulators, no conductive at ~1 GHz (20–22): More conductive regions screen M sulating or semiconducting at certain magnetic DW has been firmly identified so far. the microwave electric field better, resulting in a critical temperatures (1). Whether metallic be- Recently, bulk measurements have provided sig- smaller tip-sample impedance. Working at high havior can be recovered in these magnetic in- of DW conduction in the low-temperature frequency eliminates the need of a back electrode sulators at magnetic domain walls (DWs), where insulating phase of Nd2Ir2O7 (10), a candidate and a complete current path, making MIM ideal the order is inevitably disturbed, is a long-standing for the exotic “Weyl semimetal” with an unusual for bulk insulating samples (23). Figure 1C is an question that is widely addressed theoretically all-in-all-out magnetic order (11–16). Here we com- 18 mmby18mmMIMscanofapolishedNd2Ir2O7 but remains elusive experimentally (2–5). A re- bine bulk measurements with local-conductivity– polycrystal surface (fig. S1A) at 4.7 K after cooling lated but distinct situation is that of conductive measuring microwave impedance microscopy in zero field (untrained). Smooth curvilinear fea- ferroelectric DWs in ferroelectric insulators, the (MIM) to directly resolve highly conductive DWs tures that are much more conductive than the discovery of which has opened a broad field of in Nd2Ir2O7 in real space. These results rule out bulk exist in all grains, with an apparent width alternative contributions and thus provide evi- of ~100 nm, similar to the spatial resolution of dence for a realization of conduction due to the MIM in this particular experiment (fig. S2). They 1Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), discontinuity of magnetic order. are continuous within individual grains, show no Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 2Department of Nd2Ir2O7 is a pyrochlore iridate in which the preferred orientations, and either form closed loops Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. electronic states near Fermi energy are dominated or terminate at the grain boundaries, but they 3Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 4RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), by t2g electrons from Ir atoms (17). It undergoes a never form vertices. As a result, each grain is di- 5 Saitama, Japan. State Key Laboratory of Functional MIT at a Néel temperature TN ~32 K (Fig. 1A), vided into regions that can be assigned using Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem with a concomitant all-in-all-out (AIAO) mag- only two labels, as expected for AIAO order, which and Information Technology (SIMIT), Shanghai, China. netic order developing for the Ir magnetic mo- has only two variations. Interestingly, many DWs 6Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-Nano), State Key Laboratory for ments (14, 18, 19): The Ir moments at the four from adjacent grains are in close proximity at the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, vertices of each corner-sharing tetrahedron all grain boundaries (yellow arrows in Fig. 1C). Such Xi’an, China. 7Advanced Light Source (ALS), Lawrence point either inward or outward in an alternating proximity may facilitate transport across grain Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA. manner (Fig. 1B). This unusual magnetic order is boundaries and enhance the DW contribution to *These authors contributed equally to this work. †Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (Y.T.); [email protected] aferroicorderofmagneticoctupoleandpreserves the measured conductance in macroscopic poly- (Z.-X.S.) the symmetry of the underlying lattice (13). For a crystalline samples (10). We stress here that the

538 30 OCTOBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6260 sciencemag.org SCIENCE Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering J. St. Clair et al. Science 350, 534 (2015); DOI: 10.1126/science.aab2210

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