DELTA PHI OMEGA SORORITY, INC. National Handbook Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. National Handbook Table of Contents I. National Council II. General Policies and Guidelines a. Risk Management b. Crisis Management c. Chapter Articles of Association of Delta Phi Omega d. National Deadlines e. General Body Meeting Guidelines f. Mandatory Apparel g. National Conference h. Chapter status requirements i. Travel Reimbursement for Recruitment Teams III. Executive Board Guidelines a. President i. Semesterly/Quarterly Reports ii. New Membership Forms b. Vice President c. Treasurer d. Secretary i. Chapter/Colony Officer Form ii. New Alumna Form e. Historian i. Newsletter f. Webmaster g. Chair Positions 1. Sisterhood 2. Community Service 3. Recruitment 4. Fundraising i. Donation Form 1 ii. Donation Form 2 – Literacy Through Unity Week 5. Social Chair i. Introduction Form h. Mid Year Officer Evaluation Forms “We Dreamt, We Saw, We Conquered” Updated August 2010 Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. National Handbook Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. I. National Council Founded on February 1, 2002, the National Council became the administrative and governing body of Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc., possessing jurisdiction over all component parts of the sorority. The purpose of the National Council is to ensure that the original mission, principles and ideals formulated by our Honorable National Founding Mothers is continued and fortified by all existing and future chapters. Furthermore, the National Council also serves to facilitate chapter operations, oversee chapter compliance with National Policies, and presides over matters of controversy and to implement and coordinate all national-level programs and activities. Please refer to the National Council and Director Roster for details of individuals holding National positions in the current year.
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