Scotland's Creative Industries the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE)
Scotland's creative industries The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) is pleased to respond to the Scottish Funding ˪Councils (SFCs) request for advice on Scotlands current position in research relevant to the creative industries. This response has been prepared under the direction of the General ˪Secretary, Professor Geoffrey Boulton, and has been approved by the Vice-President ˪˪(Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences), Professor Janet McDonald. In preparing the ˪paper, we have been grateful for comment and information provided by those listed in ˪Annex 1, but the views expressed are those of the RSE.˪ Definition of Creative Industries There is considerable debate about the ˪scope and nature of the phrase creative industries. In the UK, the concept of creative ˪industries dates back to 1998, when the Westminster Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) first published its mapping ˪document on this topic1. Currently, thinking in the UK ˪government about the creative industries is shifting significantly under the influence ˪of newer ideas about the creative economy, that is, in effect, thinking of the economy as a ˪whole as having creativity at its heart. The first question for research in the creative industries, which potentially includes a wide ˪range of activities related to design, architecture, digital media, fine art, performance and promotional culture as well as media and heritage industries, is definitional, and an agreed definition is important for the organization of academic ˪research units and for the disbursement of focused research funding.˪ There is in practice a continual process of merging and demerging of the creative ˪industries category, i.e. through the manner in which specific interests are pursued (e.g.
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