Czech Forest (Site) Ecosystem Classification

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Czech Forest (Site) Ecosystem Classification Czech Forest (Site) Ecosystem Classification Jiří Viewegh 1 Introduction Ecosystem (site) classification of forests in Czech Republic is among those based on environmental factors. Initially, it was developed using a phytosociologal basis, but later, in view of operational application, the emphasis was placed on the environment of forest ecosystems. Climatic and soil studies helped to characterize environmental conditions and their relationships to forest communtieis. As the development of a true ecological classification is difficult, existing forest ecosystem classifications are driven either by vegetation or environment. These two different approaches influenced the development of forest classification (commonly referred to as forest typology) in former Czechoslovakia. "Typological System of Forest Management Planning Institute" is the name of a recently established forest site classification. Taking into consideration extensive changes in forest cover, which have resulted in profiound changes in forest communities and the associated forest floor and soil properties (degradation stages), the classification system is based upon relatively stable environmental conditions. In addition to characterizing humus forms and plant communities of climax (potential) vegetation, the systen also attempts to quantify potential production of forest ecosystems (e.g., yield class and canopy position of trees). This typological system, which was developed by Plíva and Průša (Plíva 1971-1976) has been applied in Czech forests since 1970. As the composition of most of the original forests was changed to Norway spruce (Picea abies) monocultures in last 200 years, two environmental (site) factors were used in organizing the system. These are soil and climatic properties, the latter are represented by forest vegetation zones which express altitudinal zonation of forest vegetation in Czech Republic. These factors make up a two-dimensional, ecological grid (Table 1). 2 Units A forest site type is a unit with a narrow range of environmental conditions for the establishment and growth of tree species; thus it represents the basic unit of growing conditions. Zlatník (1956) defined a forest site type as "…an aggregate of natural geobiocenosis and all geobiocenoses originating from them, from the view-point of development, and partly geobiocenoses (geobiocenoids) changed to a certain degree, including development stages." (Randuška 1982, p. 162). Each forest site type includes all original geobiocoenoses with homogenous ecological or growth conditions and with a certain amplitude of the potential autochthonous and allochthonous forest productivity. Thus, a given forest site type includes all forest communities regardless of the existing vegetation and development stage. For operational application, forest site types are characterized by a diagnostic combination of plant species, soil properties, habitat, and measures of forest productivity (i.e., potential yield class of one or more tree species). Forest site type complexes are classes at a higher level of generalization of the typological system. Forest site types are grouped into forest site type complexes based ecological (climatic and edaphic) relationships. Each forest site type complex is characterized by a unique combination of edaphic and climatic conditions. On the ecological grid, edaphic conditions (referred to as edaphic categories) are displayed along the horizontal axis, and climatic conditions represented by forest vegetation zones are displayed along the vertical axis. Floristically or environmentally closely related edaphic categories are grouped into edaphic series (Table 1). 2.1 Forest vegetation zones Forest vegetation zones manifest categorical relations between climate (using elevation as a proxy for climatic change) and the tree layer composition of forest stands along an altitudinal gradient. Forest vegetation zones are named by one or more tree species tree associated with rich edaphic series. The rationale for the mesotrophic edaphic series is that it reflects the climatic influence more strongly than other edaphic series in which this influence is confounded by other environmental factors. The proportion of Fagus sylvatica in the tree species composition of mesotrophic edaphic series is the key to forest vegetation zones determining natural spread on habitats not influenced by water. Proportion and canopy position of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus patraea agg. at lower elevations, and Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies at higher elevations often determine a forest vegetation zone. As strongly gleyed and wet soils do not support a competitive groth of Fagus sylvatica, it is important to to know the distribution and abundance of Abies alba which may extend from the Oak to BeechSpruce zone. As under these edaphic circumstances the climate elevation relationships are not strongly refelected in the composition of tree species, framing forest vegetation zones will depend on the natural proportion of Abies alba and Quercus robur or Abies alba and Picea abies. Detection of climatic changes with elevation on wet, organic soils dominated by Picea abies, or Pinus sylvestris is problematic. 1st - Oak zone (Quercus spp. mainly Quercus petraea agg.) Climatic characteristics: mean annual temperature 8°C; mean annual precipitation <600 mm; growing season >165 days. Quercus petraea agg. is the dominant climax species; Quercus cerris, Q. pubescens, and Fraxinus angustifolia are often abundant. Fagus sylvatica is absents or rare on wet habitats. This zone includes warm and water-deficient sites, with the exception of deep sands dominated by Pinus sylvestris and floodplains. The Oak zone covers 8.3 % of the forested area in Czech Republic. 2nd - BeechOak zone (Fagus sylvatica–Quercus petraea agg.) Climatic characteristics: mean annual temperature 7.5 to 8°C; mean annual precipitation 600 to 650 mm; growing season 160 to 165 days. Quercus petraea agg. is dominant. Carpinus betulus and Fagus sylvatica are very abundant in the lower tree layer. Quercus pubescens and Quercus cerris occur only on dry sites. Carpinus betulus is the dominant species in coppice stands, where Fagus sylvatica and Q. petraea agg. were eliminated by coppicing. This zone covers 14.9 % of the forested area in Czech Republic. 3rd - OakBeech zone (Quercus petraea agg.–Fagus sylvatica) Climatic characteristics: mean annual temperature 6.5 to 7.5°C; mean annual precipitation 650 to 700 mm; growing season 150 to160 days. Fagus sylvatica dominates grassy-like communities. The associated Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus have a production optimum in the zone. Coppice silvicultural system has changed Fagus sylvatica and Quercus petraea agg. by Carpinus betulus. Quercus robur and Abies alba who were commnon on water-surplus soils are advancing back. Pinus sylvestris is associated with nutrient-poor sites. OakBeech zone covers 18.4 % of the forested area in Czech Republic. 4th - Beech zone (Fagus sylvatiaca) Climatic characteristics: mean annual temperature 6.0 to 6.5°C; mean annual precipitation 700 to 800 mm; growing season 140 to 150 days. This zone, represnting the climatic optimum for Fagus sylvatica, featured a large area of pure beech stands which occur at the present in the Carpathian area. Quercus petraea and Abies alba may be minor associates in the lower tree layer. In the Hercynicum area, localities with gleyed soils (sites with a strongly fluctuating water table) and wet soils within the Beech zone are substituted by the OakConiferous zone. As these edaphic conditions are not tolerated by Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba and Quercus robu dominate these localities. Beech zone covers 5.7 % of the forested area in Czech Republic. 5th - FirBeech zone (Abies alba–Fagus sylvatica) Climatic characteristics: mean annual temperature 5.5 to 6°C; mean annual precipitation 800 to 900 mm; growing season 130 to 140 days. Depending on local conditions, either Fagus sylvatica or Abies alba are dominant species in forests stands, while Quercus petraea agg. is absent. Abies alba occurs more frequently on fine-textured soils and ridges where beech litter does not accumulate. Conversely, habitats with beech litter accumulation and hence with compacted forest floor are more suitable for Fagus sylvatica. Also present, albeit to a much greater extent than in the past, is Picea abies who reaches a production optimum in the FirBeech zone. Throughout the zone, Fagus sylvatica is accompanied by several understory species considered to be diagnostic of the zone and faithful companions of the species. Tree species of water-surplus sites from the lower zones ascend to this zone; similarly, some subalpine plant species descend to cool sites. FirBeech zone covers 30% of the forested area in Czech Republic. 6th - SpruceBeech zone (Picea abies–Fagus sylvatica) Climatic characteristics: mean annual temperature 4.5 to 5.5°C; mean annual precipitation 900 to 1,050 mm; growing season 115 to 130 days. Three dominant tree species, i.e., Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba, and Picea abies, are referred to as a 'hercynian mixture'. Fagus sylvatica, however, does not occur on water-surplus sites. Several understory species considered to be companions of Picea abies occur sporadically the in herb layer, such as Prenanthes purpurea (ascended from relatively wetter sites in the FirBeech zone and yet wetter in the Beech zone to relatively drier sites in this zone), Polygonatum verticillatum, and Festuca altissima. Calamagrostis villosa is the understory dominant and Pinus sylvestris
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