Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being
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^-^^ - ^ m M^^...^ m^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES i TOPOGRAPHY OF (great MxiUin, OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER S POCKET DIRECTORY BEING AN ACCDRATE AHD COMPREHENSIVB TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN •WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS; ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. VOL. XIX. CONTAINING STAFFORDSHIRE AND CHESHIRE, HottUott: i§a& Printed, hy Assignment Jrom the Executors of the late C. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW ? AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. : : A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD Containing an Account of its Sitaatiotij Minerals, Agricultare, Extent, Fisheries, Curiosities, Towns, Manufactures, Antiquities, Roads, Trade Natural Rivers, Commerce, History, Civil and Ecclesiastical^Jurisdiction, &c. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, The Direct and Princiipal Cross Roads] Distances oj Stages, Inns, and Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats. ALSO A LIST OF THE MARKETS AND FAIRS, And an Index Table^ ExLibiting at one View, the Distances of all the Towns from London and of Towns from each other :| Tbc "Whole forming A COMPLETE COUNTY ITINERARY. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. Illustrated witli a MAP OF THE COUNTY. HonUon Printed, by Aitignmentfrom the Executor/ of the latt G. Cttke, FOR SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. PATERNOSTER-ROIV. SOLD BY ALL BQOWELLERJ. G. Sidney, Printer, Nortlinmberland-street, Strand. A TABLE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE COUNTY, Their distance from London, Markets, Number of Houses and InhabitantSy with the time of the arrival and departure of the Post. Towns. H to tl £5 ; : : r : : : >» s- ill <u - ^ ;t^ ^ :^ ^ ; J ^ Hi « 'X ^ r- P ^ s?«s » 42 41 .-^2 es &S o a: s? il IS- O Q O II ^S Is 3 a e- si S 2 « - O " O 2 8 >8 ^ AN ITINERARY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS IN STAFFORDSHIRE. In which are indnded the Stages, Inns, and Gentlemen's Seats. ^.B. the first Column contains the Karnes of Places passed through; tbt Fi- gures that folloiv sbo'^v the Distances from Place to Place, Town it town, and Stages: and in the last Column are the names of Gentlemen's Seats, and Inns. The right and left of the Roads are distinguished by the Utters R and L. LONDON TO STAFFORD. From Hicks's Hall to Islington Ch. About half a miU Near Hollotc^cj Turnpike before Holloxi'ay at Highbury, Highbury Turnpike, a T. R House, E knight, Esq. on R. by High Highbury Hill, — Wil- bury, Croiichejidy son, Esq. ; and Highbury Mus%oell-hill,a7id Lodge, —' Haslope, Esq. Colney Hatch, ayidfalls into this road again at Whetstone Holloway turnpike 2f Archway, J- Hunter, Esq. Junction of the R. Kentish Town Road — — li 3i On L. a T R to Kentish Toton Highgate Archway Fit:^roy Farm, A. Robarts, Esq. ; and Caen fVood, Earl of Mansfield, L. Gi^een Man 21 6i Beyond, on L. Elm Place, A. Murray, and Moss Hal/f T. H. Audrey, esq. ; ROADS IN STAFFORDSHIRE. 7 half a mile on R. Wood Homey Sir N. Conant, Bart. Whetstone —- 2| 9 On L. at Totteridge, E. Arroxvsmithy Esq. ; and the Priori/ J F. Hollrook, Esq. Green Hill Cross 1 10 Underhilly Keane Fitzfpc raldy Esq, L. Green Hill Grove, R. Nicholy Esq. ; Lion's Dowji, A, Reid, Esq. Barnet, Herts'^ 11 Through, at Hadlet/y CoL Staplefon ; and Hadley Houscy Mrs. Vere, R. The Obelisk, Mid dlesex HI OnR.aT.R.toHai- jield and Hert- ford, on L. to Kiits End Kitt's End — 12J Derem Park, J, Trotter, Esq. ; L. Neio Lodge, Mrs. Baronneau ; afid Wrotham Park, George Bj/ng, Esq. R. Be/ore, see Laurel Lodge, South Mims 2§ 141 Capt. Ellis ; Li. entrance of South Mims, Bridge- foot, E, Vincent, Esq* R. Near, on R. Potterells. Sir William Weller Pepys, Pidge Hill, Herts H 16 Bart. 1 mile distant, on L. Shenley Parsonage, Rev. Thos. Newcome L. at 17 m, Tittenhang- er Park, Earl of Hard- wick, R. ; 8 ITINERARY OF THE Beyond, London Colney 1| n Colney Housey P. Cross the Colne Ri- HaddotDf Esq. ver St. Albans 31 21 If mile before New Barns, On R. a T. R. to J. Timperton, Esq. ; at FlaffeldandLu' St. AlbanSy Holywell toTif on L. to House, J. Reidf Esq. Watford and at 23 mileSt Gor- hambury. Earl Verulam, L. 2 miles beyond St. Albans, in the Road to L?ifon, Childwick House, J. Lorn axf Esq. Redburn — — H 25| 1 mile distant, on R. Rot- At the 26 mile- homstead, J, B. Lawes, stone a T. R, on Esq. opposite the 27 m. s. L. to Hem el on L. Flamstead House, Hempstead J. Lambert, Esq. Market-street 29f Near on R. Market Cell, late J. Howell, Esq. 1 mile distant, on h.Beech. wood Park, Sir John Se, bright, Bart. Dunstable 4^SSf Beyond, on L. see Hough- On L. a T. R. to ton House, H. Brand- Berkhampsteadf reth, Esq. hy the 'Earl of Bridgetoaier's new Road Hockliffe — — S|S7| Hockliffe Grange, R. Gil. On L. a T. R. to pin. Esq, L. ; beyond, LeightonBuzzard BMttlesdenFark,Sir Gre- gory Osborne Page Tur- ner, Bart. WoBURN ^— — 4i 41f Woburn Abbey, Duke of On R. a T. R, to Bedford, R. Ampthill Wavendon, Bucks 31 45 Wavendon Hall, H. H. Hoare, Esq. R. Broughton — 471 ROADS IN STAFFORDSHIRE. Cross the Ouse lil ver I^ewportPagnell 2| 50 Half a mile beyond^ on\j. 0)1 R. a T. E. to haihbury. Col. Mans- Olney, thence to field Wellingborough, half mile before Stoke Goldiyig ton on R. to 01- ney Stoke Goldington 4i 541 2 miles distant^ Hanslape Park, — Watts, Esq. L. Ilorton Inn, JVor- thampton 58| Horton House, Sir G. W. Gimningy Bart. R. about 3 miles beyond Horton Inn, Castle Ashby, Mar- quis of Northampton Hackleton — 60 Beyond, at Preston, L, Christie, Esq. Queen's Cross 64 i ?nile before, on L. Cour- On L. a T. R. to teen Hall, Sir JVilliam Stoney Stratford Wake, Bart. At Dela- pre Abbey, E. Bouverie^ Esq. R. Northampton m On L. a T. E. to Daventri/y on R. to Wellingbo- rough Kingsthorpe — n 671 Near, see Althorpe Park, On "R. a T. R. to Earl Spencer, L. Market Harbo- ro\ on L. to Chapel Brampton 70} Cxeaton — •— 731 Near is Tceton Home, — Longton, Esq. ; 1 mile beyond, Holywell, W. Lucas, bsq. L. ; at 75 mile stone on R. Cottes- 10 ITINERARY OF THE brooke House^ Sir James Langhamy Bart. Thurnby 3§77l Thurnby Hall, Th. Bishop, Esq. Two miles beyond is Naseby, supposed the highest ground in the Kingdom. VVelford — — Si 80§ 1 7nile before, Sulby Abbey, On R. a T. R. to John Paine, Esq. R. Leicester^ Cross the Avon R, on R. a T. R. to Market Harboro North Kilworth Leicestershire 83| Walcote — — 87 Beyond, at Misterton, Mis- terton Hallf — Franks, Esq. R. Lutterworth 89 On R. a T. R, to Leicester^ on L. to Rugdj/ andCo- ventry Bitteswell — Clajbrook — Frolesxaorth Hall, < Boultbee, Esq. L. High Cross Nexonham Paddock, Earl of On R. a T. R. to Denbigh, L. Leicester Smockington 96 Burbage — — 98i Near Hinckley ^ on R. a T, iK to Leicester Hinckley «— 991 2 m. beyond, on L. Wed- On R. a T. R. to dington Hall* — Place, Ashhy ' de ' la • esq. Zouch, and to 4 m. beyond, see Lindley Market Bosivorth, Hall, Rev. — Hemings, on L, to Nunea- R. ton ROADS IN STAFFORDSHIRE. 11 VVithei ley — 7 lOO* a m. beforcy Andey Housvy Cross the Anker R. J. Newdigate Ludfordy On L. a T. R, to esq. L. ; atySee Wither- Nuneaton ley Hall^ S, Owen, esq. and Oldbury, R. Oke- overf esq. Li. Atherstone War- tvickshire 1071 Beyondy on L, is Merevale OnR,aT.R.toBur- Courty Stafford Dug^ ion - upon-Trentf daUy esq. ; and about 2 and to Tamtvorth miles farther, Baxterley by Grendon, on Hall,' J. Boultbee, esq. L. to Coleshill Hall End — — nil Wilnecote lis Onl^aT.R. to Co- ventry, through the fVhitacres. Hereyou may go forv^ard, across the river Tame and canal to Fazeley, 1§ mihy At Fazeley see "Drayton then turn on R. Manor Houscy Sir Ro- to Tamworthy in bert Peely Bart.; and oil 2| miles ; or Bonehill House, Edm, leave Fazeley on Peel, esq. L. L. and turn on R. to Tamwortu, Staff. 2§ Tamtvorth Castle, Lord OnR.aT,R. to Ash- Charles Townsend ; 1 by - de -la-Zouchy 7nile distant, Bofiehill and to Burton- Cottage, W. Peel, esq. upon-Treni 5 on L. ; § mile distant from L. to Coleshill Tamivorthy on R. see and to Sutton Millfieldy Rev. F.Blick; Coldfield ; cross beyond "which is Wig- the Tame River, gington Lodge, Mrs. and Grand Junc- Clarke. tion Canal y- ; IS ITINERARY OF THE Hopwas n 1 17|: Before Hopxvas see Com- berford Hally William Tongue^ esq.; \\ mile beyond HopwaSt Pack- ington Hally Rev. T. Levet, R. 2 m. beyond, on L. at Stiinsen, Szvin- sen Hallf J. Stvinsen, esq. Litchfield 123 1 2 miles before, Freeford On R. a T. R. to Hally R, Dyotty esq. Ashborn and to 1 7nile before Lichfield, Abbots Bromley Berry Hill CottagCy — on L. toBirming- Stanley, esq. ; beyond it ham and to Wal- Knowie House, — Hol- sall land, esq,; and in the Road to fTalsall, Alder. shau\ — Hill, esq. L. Through the town of Litchfield, on R. the Pa- lace, Sir C, Oakley, bart. 1 7n. beyond Lich- field, at a distancefront the road, Elmhurst Hall, J. Smith, esq. 3 m. be- yond Lichfield, Lisiriss Hall, jyirs, Tyson, and near it. Haunch Hall, Gen.