NEWSLETTER Editor: Francis Knights Volume i/2 (July 2017) Welcome to the second issue of the NEMA Newsletter , a new online publication for members of the National Early Music Association UK, which appears twice yearly. It is designed to share and circu- late information and resources between Britain’s regional early music Fora, amateur musicians, pro- fessional performers, scholars, instrument makers, early music societies, publishers and retailers; and contributions and news items are welcomed. As well as the listings section (including news, events, obituaries, and listings of international conferences and festivals) there is an interview and a number of articles, including work from leading writers, scholars and performers. INDEX Interview with Peter Holman, Part 2 p.2 Remembering Thurston Dart , Greg Holt p.7 The spinets of the Hitchcock dynasty: names, numbers, and dates , David Hackett p.14 Handelian performance practices in the recorded legacy: prelude to a revolution , Graham Pont p.22 Regarding the Chromatic Ricercar formerly attributed to Carel Luython , Glen Wilson p.29 Notes on NEMA’s history: a personal perspective , Jonathan Ranger p.32 Then and now: changing times. 40 years of the York Early Music Festival , John Bryan p.34 Reports SRP National Festival 2017, April Munday p.36 Handel Singing Competition 2017, Mark Windisch p.37 (Index continued overleaf) The NEMA Newsletter is produced twice yearly, in January and July. Contributions are welcomed by the Editor, email
[email protected] NEMA is a Registered Charity, website News & Events p.39 News p.39 Obituaries p.40 Early Music Fora & Events p.41 Societies, Organizations & Events p.45 Conferences p.47 Festivals p.49 NEMA Conference 2017 p.50 2 Interview with Peter Holman, Part 2 NEMA President Professor Peter Holman was interviewed by Francis Knights in Cambridge in Novem- ber 2016, to mark Peter’s 70th birthday.