HAWES, NORTH YORKSHIRE, DL8 3NP Tel: 01969 667207 Email:
[email protected] SWALEDALE SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SALE ooofofff 424242 Crowned Swaledale In Lamb Ewes, Shearling Ewes & Gimmer Hoggs Comprising 17 Ewes, 21 Gimmer Shearlings and 444 Gimmer Hoggs Saturday 23rd January 202022221111 SaleSale:: After BFL Ewes Ballot to be drawn on Sale day ALL SHEEP MUST BE SCANNED ON SALE DAY. Scanning to take place between 9.30am and 11am prompt. COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS The following protocols are in place for your safety and for us to be allowed to operate effectively. Social distancing is paramount and this guidance must be adhered to at all times for us to continue to satisfy the local authority and retain our licence to operate. WE REGRET THAT ABSOLUTELY NO VISITORS, ONLOOKERS OR CHILDREN ALLOWED ON SITE PLEASE. FACE MASKS/COVERINGS ARE NOW COMPULSORY IN THE SALE RING, OFFICE & CAFÉ & ANY OTHER ENCLOSED SPACES (Please bring your own). VENDORS Vendors will be allowed to attend sales and represent their stock providing they abide by the following;- 1) Maximum 2 vendor family members per consignment of stock. (no onlookers please) 2) Vendors may stand by their pens before the sale but must respect social distancing. 3) Vendors can follow their stock to the sale ring and show their animals as normal. 4) Vendors must leave the sale ring immediately after the sale of their stock and not return. 5) Vendors wishing to deduct luck money can do so in the office immediately after selling. 6) Vendors must maintain social distancing at all times.