1Xintroduction Xx
CONNECTIVITY AND PREDICATE INVERSION IN HEBREW 1 SPECIFICATIONAL CLEFTOIDS ILONA SPECTOR SHIRTZ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1xIntroduction xx Since Higgins (1973), it has been known that copular sentences come in a variety of types, namely predicational, specificational, identity/equative and identificational copular sentences. The family of specificational sentences, including specificational pseudoclefts, received much attention in the literature. In this paper it is argued that Hebrew exhibits a special type of specificational copular sentence, prima facie very similar to specificational pseudoclefts, exemplified in (1): xx (1) a. ze Se ohev lir’ot hisardut hu/ze Aviv 2 the-one that likes to-watch Survivor PronH/PronZ Aviv ‘The one who likes to watch ‘Survivor’ is Aviv’. b. Aviv hu/ze ze Se ohev lir’ot hisardut Aviv PronH/PronZ the-one that likes to-watch Survivor ‘Aviv is the one who likes to watch ‘Survivor’. 1 I would like to express my gratitude to Edit Doron for her invaluable help, comments, examples and encouragement. Great thanks also to Ivy Sichel, Nora Boneh, Caroline Heycock, Yael Sharvit, Adriana Belletti, Andrea Moro, Yael Greenberg, Tali Arad and Olga Kagan. Special thanks go to Aviv Spector Shirtz. In addition, I wish to thank the audiences of IATL 28 (October 2012, Tel Aviv University, Israel) and WoSS9 – The 9th Workshop on Syntax and Semantics (November 2012, University of Siena, Italy), where parts of this paper were presented. This work was supported by the President’s Scholarship for Outstanding PhD Students in Humanities. 2 PronH is the pronominal copula hu/hi/hem/hen, PronZ is the pronominal copula ze/zot/ele.
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