RESEARCH ARTICLE A glimpse into the genetic diversity of the Peruvian seafood sector: Unveiling species substitution, mislabeling and trade of threatened species 1¤ 1 1 2 Alan MarõÂnID *, Jose SernaID , Christian Robles , Beder RamõÂrez , Lorenzo E. Reyes- 3 3 4 5 Flores , Eliana Zelada-MaÂzmela , Giovanna SotilID , Ruben AlfaroID a1111111111 1 Biodes Laboratorios Soluciones Integrales S.C.R.L., Tumbes, PeruÂ, 2 Laboratorio Costero de Tumbes, Instituto del Mar del PeruÂ-IMARPE, Tumbes, PeruÂ, 3 Laboratorio de GeneÂtica, FisiologõÂa y ReproduccioÂn, a1111111111 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional del Santa, Chimbote, PeruÂ, 4 Laboratorio de GeneÂtica a1111111111 Molecular, Instituto del Mar del PeruÂ-IMARPE, Lima, PeruÂ, 5 Laboratorio de BiologõÂa Molecular, Facultad de a1111111111 Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru a1111111111 ¤ Current address: Laboratorio de GeneÂtica, FisiologõÂa y ReproduccioÂn, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional del Santa, Chimbote, Peru *
[email protected] OPEN ACCESS Citation: MarõÂn A, Serna J, Robles C, RamõÂrez B, Abstract Reyes-Flores LE, Zelada-MaÂzmela E, et al. (2018) A Peru is one of the world's leading fishing nations and its seafood industry relies on the trade glimpse into the genetic diversity of the Peruvian seafood sector: Unveiling species substitution, of a vast variety of aquatic resources, playing a key role in the country's socio-economic mislabeling and trade of threatened species. PLoS development. DNA barcoding has become of paramount importance for systematics, con- ONE 13(11): e0206596. servation, and seafood traceability, complementing or even surpassing conventional identifi- journal.pone.0206596 cation methods when target organisms show similar morphology during the early life stages, Editor: Shilin Chen, Chinese Academy of Medical have recently diverged, or have undergone processing.