Planning, Policy & Development Control No. 1 Staffordshire Place (2nd Floor) Stafford ST16 2LP NOTIFICATION OF PLANNING APPLICATION Postal Address: Staffordshire County Council The Occupier Block A, Wedgwood Building Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH Telephone: (01785) 27 7273 Email:
[email protected] Web site: Please ask for: David Bray Our Ref: SM.13/05/171 M 4 July 2013 Dear Sir/Madam, APPLICATION NO. SM.13/05/171 M: CHANGE OF USE OF REPAIR WORKSHOP TO MANUFACTURE CONCRETE PRODUCTS AT CAPTAINS BARN FARM, LEEK ROAD, WESTON COYNEY I write to inform you that a planning application has been submitted for the above proposal. Copies of the application, the plans and any other documents submitted with the application are available for public inspection at the above address, the offices of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, Head of Development Control & Building Control, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street , Leek, Staffordshire or at Werrington Library, Ash Bank Road, Werrington, Stoke on Trent. The documents are also available on the Staffordshire Planning web page . Go to the Application Register, enter the application number and click on the ‘documents’ tab. Should you wish to make representations you should write within 21 days of receipt of this letter, quoting the application number and providing your full address and post code, to Planning Policy & Development Control, Staffordshire County Council, No. 1 Staffordshire Place (2nd Floor), Stafford, ST16 2LP, marked for my attention, or by email using the comment form available at the Staffordshire Planning Portal .