YOUR NO. 1 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 34 NO. 4 JANUARY 21, 2020 TEL: 031 459 8300 email:
[email protected] THE RISING SUN, MEREBANK, JANUARY 21, 2020 - THE RISING SUN, MEREBANK, JANUARY 21, 2020 - THE RISING SUN, MEREBANK, JANUARY 21, 2020 - YOUR NO. 1 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Distributed in: Austerville, Clairwood, Jacobs, Isipingo, Lotusville, Merebank Central, Merebank Ridge, Navy, Merewent, Wentworth, South Coast Road, Edwin Swales, Fynnland, Lotus Park, Orient Hills, Isipingo Hills, Isipingo Rails, Prospecton and CBD and Isipingo Beach 22 500 VOL. 34 NO. 4 JANUARY 21, 2020 TEL: 031 459 8300 email:
[email protected] Ragavello Naidoo who is grateful to be alive after a horrific house robbery shows the entry point through which the robbers came Rising Sun journalist, Mpumelelo Nsibande, interviews residents Ragavello Naidoo and Ismail Moola. through. Pensioner strangled during home invasion After a month of deadly shootings bers during a house invasion, last was about to go to bed. “Three men an incident of this nature has hap - no action,” he said. on Dinapur Road in Merebank, 85- Saturday. stormed into the house and de - pened to him. Another neighbour, Community activist, Yusuf Vawda, said that year-old Ragavello Naidoo is Speaking to the Rising Sun, a dis - manded money from me. I told Ismail Moola (77), said he is house break-ins are still on the rise and crimi - thankful for his life after being pep - traught Naidoo said the incident oc - them that I didn’t have any money shocked and traumatised after hear - nals are now targeting senior citizens because per sprayed and throttled by rob - curred at around 8:30pm just as he and I tried to run away because I ing what happened to the pensioner they are soft targets.