Pocahontas Alias Matoaka, and Her Descendants Through Her

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Pocahontas Alias Matoaka, and Her Descendants Through Her POC A H O N TAS S T O ALIA MA AKA, A N D H ER DESC EN DA NTS T H R OUGH H ER MARR IAGE AT am esto w n Vir inia in A ril 1 6 1 J , g , p , 4 , WITH OH N R OLFE GEN T LEMAN J , ; I N C LUDING TH E N AM‘ES O F ALFR IEN D E B E LE BE B L BOLL B , ARCH R , NT Y , RNARD , AND, ING, RANCH , B E LL LE I E I' "O O L ' V L CA , CAT TT , CARY, DANDR DG , D N , D UG AS , DU A , E L E E LLE E O IE L LE M GAY O DRIDG , TT , F RGUS N , F D , F ING , , GORD N, F S O I O B LEW LO M K GRI FIN , GRAY N , HARR S N , HU ARD , IS , GAN , AR H AM M E DE M C E M E O E RA N , A , RA , URRAY, PAG ], P YTHR SS , OL OBE O N K W ST ANA R D TAZEWELL D PH , R RTS , S IP ITH , , , W LK WE W A N D T S E LE O E . A , ST , HITT H R WIT H Biographical Sketch es N D O SO WY H AM R BERT N , AN ’D I L L U ST R AT IV E H IST OR I CA L N OT ES A B K . R . R O O D w . O G S J . RAN LPH EN LI H , P B LI H ER A N D B K SELLE U S S OO RS, 1 02 M IN ST . IC H MOND VA 3 A , R , 1 887 . P R E FA C E . I ofTer ma to the narrow circle it y interest , as well as I have of and been able to restore it , the Tree Pocahontas Rolfe , as i t has grown from them as its root to its seventh season (inclusive) f m i of ruitage . I acco pany t with illustrative sketches of some of b d m its nota le pro ucts , within y reach , in order to relieve the n of m n f bla kness it , by revealing so ethi g o its inward succulence as as d f m well its outwar or . I have condensed them as m uch as m d m in y view consiste with y object , knowing how insignificant the whole matter is am id the great surges of the world it is thrown upon . The notice of Pocahont as is exceptionally long for f of d i n reasons apparent on the ace it , involving , as it oes , cidentall d of C Sm y , the vin ication aptain ith against the unfriendly of m m d an d of strictures so e o ern critics , which all lovers justice ‘ me for d f . ew will thank intro ucing In a other instances , where d ma m d d d u n ue space y see to have been accor e , can or, I hope , will set down my departure from brevity from larger opportuni of d m ties knowle ge rather than to unworthier otives . To this consideration of relieving the book from unnecessary e ncu m few m d f m brance I have , with exceptions , o itte ro the Register m b of of m mb na es arren progeny , as also , the al ost nu erless “ i eces u st catz s d b m e aid of m n p j ifi f obtaine y in y labors . O d m of m the other han , I have to la ent the want the co pleteness I for b f d of so ught it as a genealogy , a fle in part by ignorance the and b d ff of sources to apply to , in large part , also , y the in i erence m m any to the object in view . To these causes are owing the any and u l mb d bare nsightly i s it exhibits , that isappoint the eye by f of . 0 want their proper oliage I h pe , however , that these very m m m d efects the selves will serve to sti ulate any , who will regret m m f re to see the , to yet supply these waste places , in so e uture n . m print, with their proper gar iture I sub it it as it is , however , i V F E PRE AC . d f b d m t with all its e ects , as yet the est I coul ake it , hoping tha what I have gathered with m uch pains m ay be accepted as an ff for w b If i d o set hat I have been una le to reach . , as I have tr e do d i n f to , I have succeede lay ing a sa e fou ndation w hereon m a m m . others y raise a ore co plete structure , I shall be content d of . I wish to acknowle ge , exceptionally , the courtesy R A . f Es . d o Brock , q , who has supervise the printing the book , m dd an d d d m dis aking a itions to the text . who kin ly place at y d “ m d posal the illustrate Bolling Me oirs , as publishe and d d th e m . an annotate by late Tho as H Wynne , which consti b of t u tes . d the asis this Register ; as , also , to M r Alexan er istance I am m d d ass . Brown , to whose active uch in ebte The F ron tispiece is from a photograph taken recently in Eng d f m of d lan ro the original portrait Pocahontas (Lon on , de d m b . yiel to y request y its present possessor , M r Elwyn , one o f f m of f an d f m m m m m the a ily Rol e , now , ro ti e i e orial , resi d d of f C . ents Nor olk ounty , Englan ’ The work was execu ted by one of Eng land s best photog ra h ers and d of . p , u n er the personal supervision Mrs Herbert ‘ ” — of S d m m m m of j ones author an ringha , a char ing e oir the m f f m m f and any Nor olk a ilies , containing a ost grace ul graphic description of the original pictu re — to whose kind and judiciou s co - f d m m operation in orwar ing y views , I wish to express here y warm est acknowledgements . f d m d b an The Pocahontas oun in any In ian pu lications , d ’ few f m De a in oil , while authentic , are ro Passe s al most contem oraneou s f m and p engraving ro the original the only one known . so - d of m f Except such , all calle portraits her are ere ancies of the - . and artists The Eng raving necessarily inexact , th e copies m ore d so , the only accurate as well as au thentic repro uction of that painting ever published in the United States is that of the Frontis ’ ' ’ of b . S be f piece this ook The u n s work can never alse , m an s never true . V O U IN T H E ABBRE IATI NS SED GENEALO GY . ' — — m — m d . ed d d . Q born . ie arri - m b o f th e o s of 2 . B . e e ess H M r H u e Burg es . — f De a D embe us o s . 2 . H . M r Ho e leg te — b r Se e m . 2 Se n . e Va . M er Vi ginia nat — 2 em b o f C n ess . C . M er o gr — m be d S es Se e 2 S. S . e . U . M r Unite tat nat 4 — f . — P . u s i ce o e c k J t P a e P F RE ACE . ETTER FROMREV L . PHILIP SLAUGHTER D D. , ' ’ H zst on o r a k er g p qf th e P r otestan t E isco a l D i ocese r p p Qf Vi g i n i a . d m I gla ly avail yself of the liberty accorded me b y the vener able writer to adorn m y little book with the following letter C OU N ovember 1 1 . EDAR M NTAIN , 3 , 886 H on . N O O T/ze Meadow WY DHAM R BERTS N , s M Y DEAR SI R : I am glad that you h ave undertaken to d “ elineate the peerless Pocahontas according to the truth of hisfor f d a y, since a ter you r right han sh ll have lost its cunning , be f com eten t from e no one wil l le t so p , _ a thorough acquaintanc w of an d d of ith the history Virginia in general , a sp ecial stu y do an d w b th is particular subject , to the work , hose lood relation m l f m do can am or e he to her ust naturally qua i y the to it . S d m m m for n eserves co e oration , not only intrinsic worth a d her b f m m pu lic services , but also because ro her have sprung so any of ou r best people .
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