BRISTOL. - • Weight Robert Inkermall, Esndown Villa, Wheell'l' Charles, Rosemont, Leigh Woods Whiting J Oseph, Brent Wood, Bandy Park Rd' Summerhill Road, St

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BRISTOL. - • Weight Robert Inkermall, Esndown Villa, Wheell'l' Charles, Rosemont, Leigh Woods Whiting J Oseph, Brent Wood, Bandy Park Rd' Summerhill Road, St 220 WEt BRISTOL. - • Weight Robert Inkermall, Esndown villa, Wheell'l' Charles, Rosemont, Leigh Woods Whiting J oseph, Brent Wood, Bandy Park rd' Summerhill road, St. George WheelerEdwd.21Winsfordstreet,Stapletonrd Whiting Thomas, .Albert cottage,' .Albert Weir Norman, S Glentworth road, Redland Wheeler John 0.117 Hampton road villas, Cotham. Weir Norman, 35 Sydenham road, Cotham Wheeler MiI8, 86 Henleaze gardens,Westbury- Whitlock George, 10 Newton st. Stapleton rd Weir Preston B.A. 21 Fembank rd. Redland on-Trym Whitlock Miss, ChaseJield Laundry Home, Weiss Thos. Laurence,4 St. RODlID'S av. Rdlnd Wheeler Mrs. Providence Cottage, Hockey's Fi~hpondsroad ""'-' Welch Henry, 28 Hampton park, Cotham. lane, Fishponds rood Whitman John, 44 Stll.('kpool rd. Bedminster Welch, 28 Elgin park, Redland Whereat Arthur, 49 Alma road, Clifton Whitmore Miss, 3 Oaktield place, Clifton Welchman Rev. WlIliam, M.A. St. Mar,'s Whereat Mrs. 65 Hampton park, Cotham Whittaker Alien George, 83 Efflingham road, vicBrBll;e, Fishponds road Whetter HIUTY, 8 Stirling road, l?andy Pt. rd St. Andrew's Welchman Henry, 19 Zetland road' Whetter Wm.l'.88 ChestRrtield rd.Montpelier Whittaker Chas.Henry,12Tyne rd.Bishopston Welchman Mrs. 63 Cnelsea road, Easton Whibley Mrs. Dunmorevilla, Alexandra park Whittaker Herbert Fredk. 86 Shaftesbury av Welchman Stanley Lyne, Elton house, Lans- Whidbome Rev. George F. MoA.. The Priory, Whittaker }{isses, Durley rark, Keymhllm down road, Stapleton road Westbury-on-Trym Whlttaker Mrs. 19 Edgecumbe road, Cotham WelchmRD William, 23A, North road Whippey William, 06 Belmontrd.St.Andrew's Whittard Daniel M. 129 Coronation road, Welham Wm. Henry, 46 Henleaze avenue, Whippie William JIerman, Glenwood villa, Bedminster Westbury-on-Trym Ashley Down road Whittard Hubert Rother, 142 Coronation Weller Hobert, 22 }'airlawn road, Montpelier Whitehurch Oliver, 18 Glen p&rk, Eastville road, Bedminster , Wellings Benjamin O. Woodmancote,Dongola Whitcomb William, Olive house, All Hallows Whittard J oseph, 7 Ash ro<td,. Gloucester rd road, Asbley Down road road, Upper Easton Whitting Hor~tio H. 23 All Saints' rd.Clifton Wellington Arthur, 154 North street Whitcombe Fredk. Rosebery house, Ranham Whitting Mrs. 78 Belmont road, St.Andrew's Weils Bert, 18 Khchener terrace, Bath road road, Kingswood Whitting Ml'!l. 119 North road, St. Andrews Wells Charles,l34 Cromwell rd. St. Andrew's Whitcombe Levi, Grove road, Fishpo~ds road Whitting Mrs. 13 York av. Ashley Down rd Wells Frank, 13 Kitchenerterrace, Bath road White .Albert, Myrtle house, CloUlkhill road, Whitting Robert, 44 Elton road, Bishopston Wells Frederick, 71 Grobvenor road St. George Whittingback Homtio Charles, 90 Belmont Wells Harry, lH Eftlngham road, St. Andrews White Alfred V. 72 Pembroke road, Olifton road, St. Andrew's Wells Henry, 14 Easttield road, Cotbam White Arthur, 3 Goldney road, Olifton Whittington Alfred, 10 Acraman roarl Wells John,o Ridgeway terrace, Ridgeway, White Arthur, 6 Thomas street, St. Paul's Whittle Mrs. 13 Rokeby avenue, Redland Fishponds White Berry, 67 Worrall road, Olifton Whittle william, 21 Lower Ashley road Wells John Thomas, 32 Kitchener ter. Bathr'.l White Caleb James, Rockville, Burghley rd Whittles Rev. Jas. [United Methodi~t], 18' Wells :Mrs. 1 Victoriasquare, Ootham White ChaIJen, Grove house, Grove road, Belgmve terrace, Ridgewuy, Fishponds Wells Robel't Napier,75 Brynland av. B, hpstn Fishponds road Whittuck Frederick Edward, Keynsham hOe Wells Thu. The .Pine,Downendrd. Fishpnds White Charles, 65 Berkeley road, Bisb.opston Keynsham Wells Thos.Edwd.131 Brynland av.Bishopstn White Charles, Jundiaby hoUBe, Easton road Whitty Irvine J. 24 Rokeby avenue, Redland Welsh Joseph Henry, 67 Ashley road White Charles, 12 Logan road, Bisbopston Whitwell Geo. The Reformatory, Kinllswood Wensley DavidJohn, 16 Verrierrd. St.George White Chas. Wm. 82 York road, Montpelier Whitwell :Mark, 2 Berkeley square, Clifton Wensley WalterWilliam, Surleyvilla,Surn:y White Comelius, 27 Wells road Whitwell Thomas Charlwood, 33 Camarvon . street, Portland square White Edmund, 19 .Albert Park place road, Redland Wertbeimer Prof. Julius B.A., B.Sc. Unity st. White Edward, 52 Stackpool1"(,ad, Bedminstr Whitwham Mrs. 7 Clifton vale, Olift-on College green & 31 St. John's road, Clifton WhiteEdwd.Woodcote,Robertsonrd.Eastvlle Whitwill George C. 12 Duchess road, Clifton Wessen James, 21 Sussex place, Ashley road WhiteEdward Colston, 1 Fairfield rd.Montplr Whltwill Mark, 19 Hanbury road, ClJfton West Rev. John O. M.A. [rector of SS Philip White Francis, 30 Henleaze gardens, West- Whitworth EdwinJames, 29 Upper Belmont & Jooob] St. Philip's rectory, King's square bury-on-Trym rood, Bishopston ' We8tEdward, 20Chatsworthroad,Arno'svale White Frederick John, Kensington lodge, Whookey Roland, Langford houEe, Summer West John, 23 Richmond road, Montpelier Greenmore road, Upper Knowle Hill road, St. George West In. Goldsmith, 63 Hampronpk. Cotham White George, 21 Olyde road, Redland Whyatt Henry, 22 Campbell street West Mrs. 2 Alton vils. Warwick rd. Redland WhiteGeorge, Cotham ho. Cotham hI.Cotham Wbyatt Henry John, 4'Nevil rd. Bishopston West Mrs. Cerne viI. Upper Knowle,Wells rd White George, Si Daisy road, Easton Whyatt John, 47 Dove street West WaIter, EVelyn, Grove terrace, Bath WhiteGeo.4Southfld.vils.We8tbury-on·Trym Wicketts Henry,5Homesdaleroad,Bedminstr road, Brislington White Gco. Uley villa, Ridgeway, Fishpond!! Wickham John C. 7 Belgrave villas, Cotbam Westbury Ernest, 17 Heron road, Easton White George Edward, Pembroke house, grove, Cotbam Westbury Thomas, 17 Davey iltreet, St. Paul's Bamabas street, City road Wickham Mrs. 10 Glentworth road, Redland Westcott George William, Lilllan house, White Hy. Jsph. 94 Cromwell rd.St.Andrew's Wicks (leo. Hosking, 21 Westtield pk.Redland ViIliers road, Slapleton road White James, 6 Churcbhill place, Easton Wicks John R. George, 21 Se>mour avenue, Westoott Herbert, 50 Seymour av. Horfield road, Upper Easton Hortleld Westcott John, Noremac hon~e, Villiers road, White James, 71 Waverley road, Redland Wicks Richard, Prior house, Montague hill Stapleton road White JanlesAlbert,3Broadway rd.Bishopstn Widgery Alfred, 134 North road Westoott John Alfred, 22 Priory rd. Wells rd White Jamlls Waiter, Warnham, Woodland Widgery George John, 10 Stanley avenue, Westcott Mrs. 220 York road, lledminster road, Tyndall's park . Sefton park WestcottWilliam, 51 Fremantleroad, Cotham White J oseph Aubl"ey, 67 Logan rd.Bishopstn Widgery J oseI:h, 37 Arley hill Westel1 Henry, 7 Oranbrook road, Cotham White Joseph Francis, 240 Upper Eastville Widgery William Henry, 10 Apsleyrd. Cliftn Westem Mrs. 18 Gloucester road White Joshua, 47 Woodstockroad, Redland Wigan Chas. A. M.D. Deepdene, Portishead WestlakeChas. ll'rncs.26 Westfield pk. Redlnd White Lewis, 31 Zetland road Wigan George Oharles Henry M.D. Clarence Westlake John, 143 Oxford street, Totterdwn White Miss, 8 York place, Olifton home, Portishead Westlake :MIs. 16 Belvoir road, St. Andrew's White Miss A. M. 22 Tyne road, Bishopston Wigens George, 127 York road, Montpelier Westlake :Mrs. 63 Coronation rd. Bedrninster White Mrs. 8 Argyle road Wiggall James, 21 Armoury IIQ.. Stapleton rd Westlake Mrs. Mary Ann, Colston Villas, White Mrs. 12 Ashley road WiggingbothamCharles,Downend rd.Horfield Armoury square, Btapleton road White Mrs. 171 Cheltenham road Wiggins Bidney Arthur, 6 Newbridge road, Weetlake Wm. A. 2 Obester1leldrd.Montpelier White Mrs. 51 Oity road New Brislinllf;on . Westly Charles, Orwell lodge, Julins road, White Mrs. 14 Longtleld road, Bisbopston Wigham Thomas, 46 Cambridgest.Totterdwn Bishopston White Mrs. 2 Oxford street, Ashley Wightman James C. Tay-bank, Ridgeway, Weston A. R. Miralai, 206 Redland road White Mrs. Park cottages, Elliston rd.Red1nd ~'ishponds Weston Fred.A. Hillview, A.hley Down road White Mrs. 61 St. Michaers hill Wigmore Mrs. 34 North road Weston Fredk. T.75 Egertonroad,Bishopstu White Mrs. 2 Somerset street, Kingsdown Wigmore Mrs. 7 Woodland villas, Downend WestonJohn, Amberleyldg. The Aven. Cliftn White Mrs. 1 Upper Belgrave road, Clifton road, Fishponds Weston Miss, 24 Woodborough street, St. White Mrs. A. 56 Wolseley road, Bishopston Wilby Mrs. J. 1.. 46 Up. Belgraverd. Clifton Mark's road WhiteRichardOliver,3 Fairtield rd.Montpelier Wilcocks Wm. Thos. 16 Fembank rd. Redlnd Weston Mrs. 2 Amor villas, Shlrehampton White Samuel, 6 Cotham road Wilcox Rev. Joseph [Congregational], South Weston Mrs. 269 Coronationroad, Bedminster White Samuel, 16 Upper Eastville street, Kingswood WestonStephen,TheKnoll,Cotham pk.Ootham White Samuel David,l Avon viIs. Portishead Wilcox Fred J. M. 71 Ashley bill We8ton ThOB. Rowe, 111 Redland road White Sidney, Clanna ho. Sneyd pk. Clifton WilcoxJohn, 10 Effingbam road, St.Andrew's We&ton WilIiaw, 81 Belmontrd. St. Andrew's White Sidney, 23 Downtield road, Clifton Wllcox John, 192 Wells road Westover Herbert, 11 MorIey sq. Bishopston White f:lydney C. 23 Waverley road, Redland Wilcox Mrs. 33 Alexandra park Wethered Henry, FernclitIe, Woodland road, White Sydney John, lOO York rd. Montpelier Wilcox WaIter Buller, 3 Hillside, Bellevue Tyndall's park White Thomas, 2 Princes st. Grosvenor road crescent, Clifton Wethered Hy.Llewellyn, 41 Oanyngerd.Clftn White Thomas B. 8 Kensington vills.Bathrd Wilcox William Dow, 4 Tyndall's Park road Wethered Joseph, 48 St. John'!! road, Clifton WhiteThos.Francis,4RandaUrd.Clifton wood Wild Oliver Yates, 33 Kitchener tel'. Bath rd Wethermin George Harold, 33 UpperBelgrave White Tom, 76 Egerton road,
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