19.02.2014 1 C O N T E N T S Fifteenth Series, Vol. XXXVII, Fifteenth Session, 2014/1935 (Saka) No.20, Wednesday, February 19, 2014/Magha 30, 1935 (Saka) S U B J E C T P A G E S ORAL ANSWER TO QUESTION ∗ Starred Question No.361 2-4 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos.362 to 380 5-59 Unstarred Question Nos.3999 to 4060 and 4062 to 4228 60-487 ∗ The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 19.02.2014 2 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 488-505, 519 COMMITTEE ON ABSENCE OF MEMBERS FROM THE SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE 11th Report 506 COMMITTEE ON SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION 39th and 40th Reports 506 COMMITTEE ON MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT LOCAL AREA DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 13th Report 506 STANDING COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS 176th to 180th Reports 506-507 STANDING COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY 257th to 259th Reports 507 STANDING COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND CULTURE 210th to 213th Reports 508 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 509-515 (i) Need to sanction Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme Polyclinic for Chamarajangar district in Karnataka Shri R. Dhruvanarayana 509 (ii) Need to issue smart cards to BPL families under Rashtriya Swsathya Bima Yojana in Pratapgarh parliamentary constituency, Uttar Pradesh Rajkumari Ratna Singh 510 19.02.2014 3 (iii) Need to amend the Food Security and Standard Act, 2006 to rescind the provision prohibiting farmers to sell their crop damaged due to adverse weather conditions Shri Ijyaraj Singh 510 (iv) Need to impress upon the Government of Haryana to redress the grievances of guest teachers in the State Shri Avtar Singh Bhadana 511 (v) Need to ensure expeditious completion of four laning of Indapur-Zarap stretch in the Mumbai-Goa section of the National Highway No.
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