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[email protected] VOL 8, ISSUE NO. 07 JAMMU & KASHMIR MONDAY JANUARY 07, 2019 DAILY 8 PAGE Re. 1/- IInnssiiddee RSSrSina gaarl w: aMyehsbo owba anmatjoerityd ( 6t1h per cdenit)v toi sa ioalnrea doy fi nK athes hanmds ior f India adds more teeth in Infiltration, south Kashmir remain a Mufti had only to ask for a minority (30 per cent) by Pakistan. “In our part of mere “divisional status” for 1961. It is not a regional, but a (Kashmir), there were three Andamans, Indian Navy to get the Chenab Valley and the Pir highly communal resurgence, clear divisions — Jammu, new airbase 'INS Kohasa' Panjal areas for Karan Singh that we now witness. which was Hindu, Kashmir, New Delhi : The Shrinaegar a: Faidlure ato ccurb hpeeak w infteors asr we lls. ecuspokre aibotut ybrin gfingo in mrilci - emenst cr osisend th e J10K 0 mark to scream that she was trying The scholar Christopher which was Sunni Muslim and Andaman and Nicobar island infiltration from across the "It is not only the Line of tant groups successfully, the from four districts of South to break up Jammu.