Wildlife Conservation Board 1807 13Th Street, Suite 103 Sacramento, California 95814 (916) 445-8448 Fax (916) 323-0280
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‘‘‘‘‘‘‘STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD 1807 13TH STREET, SUITE 103 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 (916) 445-8448 FAX (916) 323-0280 www.dfg.ca.gov/wcb The Resources Agency Department of Fish and Game WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD Minutes August 30, 2001 ITEM NO. PAGE 1. Roll Call ...............................................................................................................................1 2. Funding Status–Informational ................................................................................................... 4 3. Special Project Planning Account–Informational ............................................................... 6 4. PROPOSED CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 5 - 8, 10 - 38 and 58) ................................ 7 *5. Correction of Minutes – August 10, 2000 Meeting ............................................................ 8 *6. Approval of Minutes - May 18, 2001 ................................................................................. 8 *7. Recovery of Funds ...............................................................................................................9 *8. Riparian Habitat Restoration, American River Parkway, Sacramento County ..................12 *9. Riparian Habitat Restoration, Lower Owens River, Inyo County .....................................14 *10. Wetland Habitat Restoration, Joice Island Wildlife Area, Solano County ........................15 *11. Wetland Habitat Restoration, Coast Cattle Ranch, Merced County ..................................16 *12. Wetland Habitat Restoration, Wingsetter Ranch, Stanislaus County ................................18 *13. Wetland Habitat Restoration, Honey Lake Valley (Wild Goose Club), Lassen County ....................................................................................................................20 *14. Belden’s Landing Public Access, Phase 3, Augmentation, Solano County .......................22 *15. Lake Shastina Public Access Improvements, Siskiyou County .........................................23 *16. Lake Siskiyou Fishing Access, North Shore, Siskiyou County .........................................24 *17. Lake Tahoe Public Access, Augmentation, Placer County ................................................26 *18. Bair Island Restoration Plan, San Mateo County ...............................................................27 *19. San Francisco Bay Wildlife Area, Baumberg Tract, Alameda County ............................. 29 *20. Cosumnes River Wildlife Area, Expansion 10, Sacramento County ................................30 *21. Feather River Wildlife Area, Marysville Unit, Yuba County ............................................31 *22. San Joaquin River Riparian Habitat (SJRC 6 - 11), Fresno and Madera Counties ...........33 *23. Allensworth Ecological Reserve, Expansion 23, Tulare County .......................................43 *24. Irish Hills Conservation Area, Expansion 1, San Luis Obispo County .............................44 i *25. Del Mar Mesa Vernal Pool Preserve, Expansion 1, San Diego County ............................46 *26. Los Banos Wildlife Area, Mud Slough Unit, Expansion 3, Merced County .....................48 *27. Redwoods to the Sea Corridor, Expansion 2, Humboldt County ......................................49 *28. Oceanside Linkages, San Diego County ............................................................................51 *29. Iron Mountain Wildlife Area, Expansion 1, San Diego County ........................................53 *30. Camp Cady Wildlife Area, Expansion 7 (Augmentation), San Bernardino County ..........55 *31. Northern California - North Coast Region Property Exchange, Shasta County ................55 *32. Humboldt Bay Wildlife Area, Jacoby Creek Gannon Slough Unit, Humboldt County ...............................................................................................................56 *33. Jacoby Creek Forest, Humboldt County ............................................................................58 *34. Kern County Valley Floor Habitat Conservation Plan (VFHCP), Kern County ...............60 *35. Old Dutch Cleanser Mine (Red Rock Canyon State Park), Kern County ..........................61 *36. Stone Corral Ecological Reserve, Expansion 2, Tulare County ........................................63 *37. Battle Creek Wildlife Area Water Rights Acquisition, Tehama County ...........................64 *38. Sacramento Prairie Vernal Pool Preserve, Sacramento County .........................................66 39. Rasmussen Donation - Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Los Angeles County ...........................................................................................................68 40. Bixby Ranch Donation, Monterey County ...............................................................................70 41. Wetland Habitat Restoration, Butte Valley Wildlife Area, Siskiyou County ..........................74 42. Wetland Habitat Restoration, East Grasslands (San Felipe Ranch), Merced County ...................................................................................................................75 43. Riparian Habitat Restoration, Lower Colorado River (Imperial Division), Imperial County .................................................................................................................78 44. Riparian Habitat Restoration, Cache Creek, Lower Reach, Yolo County ...............................80 45. Habitat Restoration, White Point Nature Preserve, Los Angeles County ..........................83 46. San Joaquin River Parkway, Lewis S. Eaton Trail, Fresno County .........................................86 47. Bolsa Point Ranches, San Mateo County ...........................................................................90 48. Marina Coastal Dunes, Monterey County ................................................................................92 49. Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Expansion 2, San Diego County......................................94 50. Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Ecological Reserve, Riverside County ..........................................96 51. San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Expansion 20, Riverside County ..................................................98 52. Dillonwood Grove, Tulare County ........................................................................................100 53. Big River Conservation Area, Mendocino County ................................................................102 54. Arroyo Hondo Preserve, Santa Barbara County ....................................................................105 55. Chorro Creek Ecological Reserve, San Luis Obispo County.................................................107 56. Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, Expansions 3 and 4, Yolo County ............................................110 57. Jepson Prairie Ecosystem Conservation Area, Solano County ..............................................118 58. East Merced Vernal Pool Grassland Preserve, Exp. 2 and 3, Merced County.......................121 59. Staff Report–Easement Transfers ..........................................................................................125 Program Statement .....................................................................................................................126 ii STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD 1807 13TH STREET, SUITE 103 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 (916) 445-8448 FAX (916) 323-0280 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD August 30, 2001 The Wildlife Conservation Board met at the State Capitol, Room 112, Sacramento, California on August 30, 2001. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Mr. Michael Chrisman, President of the Fish and Game Commission and Chairman of the Board. At this time he introduced Mr. Robert C. Hight, Director of the Department of Fish and Game, Mr. Michael Endicott representing Assembly Member Hannah-Beth Jackson, and Mr. Al Wright, Executive Director of the Wildlife Conservation Board. Mr. Chrisman welcomed the large audience and commented that the Board would be considering a full agenda. Mr. Chrisman then turned over the meeting to Mr. Wright. Mr. Wright stated that Board Member Annette Porini, Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Finance, would be joining the meeting in a few minutes. Mr. Wright thanked the audience for their attendance and their input on the projects being considered. 1. Roll Call WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD MEMBERS Michael Chrisman, Chairperson President, Fish and Game Commission Robert C. Hight, Member Director, Department of Fish and Game Annette Porini Vice, B. Timothy Gage, Member Director, Department of Finance JOINT LEGISLATIVE INTERIM ADVISORY COMMITTEE Michael Endicott Vice, Assembly Member Hannah-Beth Jackson Gavin Payne Vice, Senator Jack O’Connell iii EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Al Wright Staff Present: Al Wright, Executive Director Jim Sarro, Assistant Executive Director Georgia Lipphardt, Assistant Executive Director Jan Beeding, Office Technician Ron Boeck, Senior Land Agent Pat Butcher, Office Technician Gary Cantrell, Staff Services Analyst Tony Chappelle, Public Land Management Specialist Scott Clemons, Public Land Management Specialist Marilyn Cundiff, Public Land Management Specialist John Donnelly, Senior Land Agent Linda Drake, Senior Land Agent William Gallup, Senior Land Agent Dave Means, Senior Land Agent Terri Muzik, Assistant