Eco-Communities in Denmark a Possible Model for Transition to a Sustainable Society in the Economic Growth Oriented Reality
Eco-communities in Denmark A possible model for transition to a sustainable society in the economic growth oriented reality Aalborg University Environmental Management & Sustainability Science Magdalena Trifonova Erik Péter Párdi Cover pictures: The photo at the top left of the cover page depicts a dwelling in the eco-community of Hjortshøj. Picture was taken by the authors of this paper in 2017. Other pictures: People work together on the strawberry fields of Svanholm: Common dining in Svanholm: Building process in Karise Permatopia: Dwelling in Fri & Fro: Preface The current research has been developed by two master students from the Environmental Management and Sustainability Science study program at Aalborg University, under the semester theme: “Master’s thesis”. The report was written between the 1st of February 2017 and the 1st of June 2017. Acknowledgment During the conduction of this thesis, we came over many barriers and challenges, and fortunately, we were able to solve these issues with the support of various people with diverse backgrounds. We greatly appreciate the continuous assistance and support of our master’s thesis supervisor, Ole Busck, whose advices have been playing a crucial role in the successful completion of this current scientific paper. Most of the utilized valuable data and information about eco-communities in Denmark and the Danish Ecovillage Network came from our interviewees, namely Freja Nygaard Rasmussen, Kennet Harpsøe, Ziggie Jensen, Christian Lausen, Niels Aagaard, Peter Larsen, Gitte Jakobsen and Michael Skands - we would like to express our gratitude to them for their significant input to our research.
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