NPDES RGP Notice of Intent March 4, 2008 Hess Gasoline Station #21316; 354 Main Street, Gloucester, MA



-1,000’ 0’ 1,000’ 2,000’ 3,000’ 4,000’

SCALE: 1:12,000 (1” = 1,000’)

Hess Station #21316 FIGURE 1 Coordinates: 354 Main Street Gloucester, MA 01930-3041 42o 37’ 00” North SITE LOCUS MAP o UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 70 39’ 17” West ROCKPORT AND GLOUCESTER, MASS. QUADRANGLES Contour Interval: 3 m

NPDES RGP Notice of Intent March 4, 2008 Hess Gasoline Station #21316; 354 Main Street, Gloucester, MA


B. Suggested Form for Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Remediation General Permit

1. General site information. Please provide the following information about the site: a) Name of facility/site: Facility/site address:

Location of facility/site: Facility SIC code(s): Street: longitude:______latitude:______b) Name of facility/site owner: Town:

Email address of owner: State: Zip: County:

Telephone no.of facility/site owner:

Fax no. of facility/site owner: Owner is (check one): 1. Federal____ 2. State/Tribal_____ 3. Private______4. other, if so, describe: Address of owner (if different from site):


Town: State: Zip: County: c) Legal name of operator: Operator telephone no:

Operator fax no.: Operator email:

Operator contact name and title:

Address of operator (if different from owner): Street:

Town: State: Zip: County: d) Check “yes” or “no” for the following: 1. Has a prior NPDES permit exclusion been granted for the discharge? Yes___ No___, if “yes,” number: 2. Has a prior NPDES application (Form 1 & 2C) ever been filed for the discharge? Yes___ No___, if “yes,” date and tracking #: 3. Is the discharge a “new discharge”as defined by 40 CFR 122.2? No___ Yes___ 4. For sites in , is the discharge covered under the MA Contingency Plan (MCP) and exempt from state permitting? Yes__ No__

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 10 e) Is site/facility subject to any State permitting or other action which is causing the f) Is the site/facility covered by any other EPA permit, including: generation of discharge? Yes___ No___ 1. multi-sector storm water general permit? Y___ N___, if Y, number: If “yes,” please list: 2. phase I or II construction storm water general permit? Y___ N___, 1. site identification # assigned by the state of NH or MA: if Y, number: 2. permit or license # assigned: 3. individual NPDES permit? Y___ N___, if Y, number: 3. state agency contact information: name, location, and telephone number: 4. any other water quality related permit? Y___ N___, if Y, number:

2. Discharge information. Please provide information about the discharge, (attaching additional sheets as needed) including: a) Describe the discharge activities for which the owner/applicant is seeking coverage:

b) Provide the 1) Number of 2) What is the maximum and average flow rate of discharge (in cubic feet per second, ft3/s)? Max. flow______following discharge Average flow______Is maximum flow a design value? Y___ N____ information points: For average flow, include the units and appropriate notation if this value is a design value or estimate if not available. about each discharge:

3) Latitude and longitude of each discharge within 100 feet: pt.1:long.______lat.______; pt.2: long.______lat.______; pt.3: long.______lat.______; pt.4:long.______lat.______; pt.5: long.______lat.______; pt.6:long.______lat.______; pt.7: long.______lat.______; pt.8:long.______lat.______; etc.

4) If hydrostatic testing, total volume of the discharge (gals): 5) Is the discharge intermittent______or seasonal______? Is discharge ongoing Yes ____ No______? c) Expected dates of discharge (mm/dd/yy): start______end______d) Please attach a line drawing or flow schematic showing water flow through the facility including: 1. sources of intake water, 2. contributing flow from the operation, 3. treatment units, and 4. discharge points and receiving waters(s).

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 11 3. Contaminant information. In order to complete this section, the applicant will need to take a minimum of one sample of the untreated water and have it analyzed for all of the parameters listed in Appendix III. Historical data, (i.e., data taken no more than 2 years prior to the effective date of the permit) may be used if obtained pursuant to: i. Massachusetts’ regulations 310 CMR 40.0000, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (“Chapter 21E”); ii. ’s Title 50 RSA 485-A: Water Pollution and Waste Disposal or Title 50 RSA 485-C: Groundwater Protection Act; or iii. an EPA permit exclusion letter issued pursuant to 40 CFR 122.3, provided the data was analyzed with test methods that meet the requirements of this permit. Otherwise, a new sample shall be taken and analyzed. a) Based on the analysis of the sample(s) of the untreated influent, the applicant must check the box of the sub-categories that the potential discharge falls within. Gasoline Only VOC Only Primarily Metals Urban Fill Sites Contaminated Sumps Mixed Contaminants Aquifer Testing

Fuel Oils (and VOC with Other Petroleum with Other Listed Contaminated Contaminated Hydrostatic Testing of Well Development or Other Oils) only Contaminants Contaminants Sites Dredge Condensates Pipelines/Tanks Rehabilitation b) Based on the analysis of the untreated influent, the applicant must indicate whether each listed chemical is believed present or believed absent in the potential discharge. Attach additional sheets as needed. PARAMETER Believe Believe # of Type of Analytical Minimum Maximum daily value Avg. daily value Absent Present Samples Sample Method Level (ML) of (1 min- (e.g., grab) Used Test Method concentration mass (kg) concentration mass (kg) imum) (method #) (ug/l) (ug/l)

1. Total Suspended Solids

2. Total Residual Chlorine

3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

4. Cyanide

5. Benzene

6. Toluene

7. Ethylbenzene

8. (m,p,o) Xylenes

9. Total BTEX4

4 BTEX = Sum of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, total Xylenes.

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 12 PARAMETER Believe Believe # of Type of Analytical Minimum Maximum daily value Avg. daily value Absent Present Samples Sample (e.g., Method Level (ML) of (1 min- grab) Used Test Method concentration mass (kg) concentration mass (kg) imum) (method #) (ug/l) (ug/l)

10. Ethylene Dibromide 5 (1,2- Dibromo-methane)

11. Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether (MtBE)

12. tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA)

13. tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME)

14. Naphthalene

15. Carbon Tetra- chloride

16. 1,4 Dichlorobenzene

17. 1,2 Dichlorobenzene

18. 1,3 Dichlorobenzene

19. 1,1 Dichloroethane

20. 1,2 Dichloroethane

21. 1,1 Dichloroethylene

22. cis-1,2 Dichloro- ethylene

23. Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride)

24. Tetrachloroethylene

5 EDB is a groundwater contaminant at fuel spill and pesticide application sites in New England.

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 13 PARAMETER Believe Believe # of Type of Analytical Minimum Level Maximum daily value Avg. daily Value Absent Present Samples Sample (e.g., Method Used (ML) of Test (1 min- grab) (method #) Method concentration mass (kg) concentration mass (kg) imum) (ug/l) (ug/l)

25. 1,1,1 Trichloroethane

26. 1,1,2 Trichloroethane

27. Trichloroethylene

28. Vinyl Chloride

29. Acetone

30. 1,4 Dioxane

31. Total Phenols

32. Pentachlorophenol

33. Total Phthalates 6 (Phthalate esthers)

34. Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate [Di- (ethylhexyl) Phthalate]

35. Total Group I Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) a. Benzo(a) Anthracene b. Benzo(a) Pyrene c. Benzo(b)Fluoranthene d. Benzo(k) Fluoranthene e. Chrysene

6 The sum of individual phthalate compounds.

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 14 PARAMETER Believe Believe # of Type of Analytical Minimum Maximum daily value Average daily value Absent Present Samples Sample (e.g., Method Used Level (ML) of (1 min- grab) (method #) Test Method concentration mass (kg) concentration mass (kg) imum) (ug/l) (ug/l) f. Dibenzo(a,h) anthracene g. Indeno(1,2,3-cd) Pyrene

36. Total Group II Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) h. Acenaphthene i. Acenaphthylene j. Anthracene k. Benzo(ghi) Perylene l. Fluoranthene m. Fluorene n. Naphthalene- o. Phenanthrene p. Pyrene

37. Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

38. Antimony

39. Arsenic

40. Cadmium

41. Chromium III

42. Chromium VI

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 15 PARAMETER Believe Believe # of Type of Analytical Minimum Maximum daily value Avg. daily value Absent Present Samples Sample (e.g., Method Level (ML) of (1 min- grab) Used Test Method concentration mass (kg) concentration mass (kg) imum) (method #) (ug/l) (ug/l)

43. Copper

44. Lead

45. Mercury

46. Nickel

47. Selenium

48. Silver

49. Zinc

50. Iron

Other (describe):

c) For discharges where metals are believed present, please fill out the following: Step 1: Do any of the metals in the influent have a reasonable potential to exceed the If yes, which metals? effluent limits in Appendix III (i.e., the limits set at zero to five dilutions)? Y____ N____ Step 2: For any metals which have reasonable potential to exceed the Appendix III limits, Look up the limit calculated at the corresponding dilution factor in calculate the dilution factor (DF) using the formula in Part I.A.3.c) (step 2) of the NOI Appendix IV. Do any of the metals in the influent have the potential to instructions or as determined by the State prior to the submission of this NOI. exceed the corresponding effluent limits in Appendix IV (i.e., is the What is the dilution factor for applicable metals? influent concentration above the limit set at the calculated dilution Metals:______factor)? DF: ______Y____ N____ If “Yes,” list which metals:

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 16 4. Treatment system information. Please describe the treatment system using separate sheets as necessary, including: a) A description of the treatment system, including a schematic of the proposed or existing treatment system:

b) Identify each applicable Frac. tank Air stripper Oil/water separator Equalization tanks Bag filter GAC filter treatment unit (check all that apply): Chlorination Dechlorination Other (please describe):

c) Proposed average and maximum flow rates (gallons per minute) for the discharge and the design flow rate(s) (gallons per minute) of the treatment system: Average flow rate of discharge______Maximum flow rate of treatment system ______Design flow rate of treatment system ______

d) A description of chemical additives being used or planned to be used (attach MSDS sheets):

5. Receiving surface water(s). Please provide information about the receiving water(s), using separate sheets as necessary: a) Identify the discharge pathway: Direct_____ Within facility__ Storm drain____ River/brook____ Wetlands_____ Other (describe):

b) Provide a narrative description of the discharge pathway, including the name(s) of the receiving waters:

c) Attach a detailed map(s) indicating the site location and location of the outfall to the receiving water: 1. For multiple discharges, number the discharges sequentially. 2. For indirect dischargers, indicate the location of the discharge to the indirect conveyance and the discharge to surface water The map should also include the location and distance to the nearest sanitary sewer as well as the locus of nearby sensitive receptors (based on USGS topographical mapping), such as surface waters, drinking water supplies, and wetland areas.

d) Provide the state water quality classification of the receiving water______,

e) Provide the reported or calculated seven day-ten year low flow (7Q10) of the receiving water______cfs Please attach any calculation sheets used to support stream flow and dilution calculations.

f) Is the receiving water a listed 303(d) water quality impaired or limited water? Yes____ No____ If yes, for which pollutant(s)? Is there a TMDL? Yes____ No____ If yes, for which pollutant(s)?

Remediation General Permit - Notice of Intent 17

NPDES RGP Notice of Intent March 4, 2008 Hess Gasoline Station #21316; 354 Main Street, Gloucester, MA


e-Hardcopy 2.0 Automated Report



Technical Report for

EnviroTrac Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA O3.HSM316.DL Accutest Job Number: M70959

Sampling Date: 02/21/08

Report to: EnviroTrac

[email protected] ATTN: Patrick Corcoran

Total number of pages in report: 15

Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements Reza Tand of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Lab Director and/or state specific certification programs as applicable.

Client Service contact: Kristen Blanchard 508-481-6200

Certifications: MA (M-MA136) CT (PH-0109) NH (250204) RI (00071) ME (MA136) FL (E87579) NY (23346) NJ (MA926) NAVY USACE This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Accutest Laboratories. Test results relate only to samples analyzed.

New England • 495 Tech Center West • Building 1 • Marlborough, MA 01752 • tel: 508-481-6200 • fax: 508-481-7753 • 1 of 15

M70959 Sections: 1 Table of Contents

-1- 2 Section 1: Sample Summary ...... 3

Section 2: Sample Results ...... 4 3 2.1: M70959-1: TPG ...... 5 Section 3: Misc. Forms ...... 12 3.1: Chain of Custody ...... 13

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M70959 1

Accutest Laboratories

Sample Summary EnviroTrac Job No: M70959 Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA Project No: O3.HSM316.DL

Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID

M70959-1 02/21/08 14:00 RS 02/21/08 AQ Ground Water TPG

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M70959 Accutest Laboratories Section 2 2

Sample Results

Report of Analysis

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M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8270C SW846 3510C Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 I52015.D 1 02/25/08 AT 02/25/08 OP15273 MSI1626 Run #2

Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 940 ml 1.0 ml Run #2


CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 5.3 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 5.3 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 5.3 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 5.3 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.3 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.3 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.3 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.3 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 5.3 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 5.3 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 5.3 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 5.3 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.3 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.3 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.3 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 5.3 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 5.3 ug/l

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 81% 30-130% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 82% 30-120% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 66% 30-120%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: EPA 504 EPA 504 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 BB18223.D 1 02/26/08 CZ 02/26/08 OP15285 GBB754 Run #2

Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 30.8 ml 2.0 ml Run #2

CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.017 ug/l

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

460-00-4 Bromofluorobenzene (S) 125% 26-158% 460-00-4 Bromofluorobenzene (S) 142% 26-158%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8015 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 AB40114.D 1 02/25/08 AP n/a n/a GAB2199 Run #2

Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2

CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

TPH-GRO (VOA) 0.179 0.10 mg/l

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

615-59-8 2,5-Dibromotoluene 90% 44-134%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8082 SW846 3510C Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 YZ45848.D 1 02/25/08 CZ 02/25/08 OP15275 GYZ1964 Run #2

Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 850 ml 5.0 ml Run #2

PCB List

CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 ND 0.29 ug/l 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 ND 0.29 ug/l 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 ND 0.29 ug/l 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 ND 0.29 ug/l 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 ND 0.29 ug/l 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 ND 0.29 ug/l 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 ND 0.29 ug/l

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

877-09-8 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 76% 35-136% 877-09-8 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 89% 35-136% 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl 78% 30-143% 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl 81% 30-143%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

8 of 15

M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846-8015 SW846 3545 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 GH54051.D 1 02/25/08 DG 02/25/08 OP15274 GGH3835 Run #2

Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 970 ml 1.0 ml Run #2

CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

TPH-DRO (Semi-VOA) ND 0.21 mg/l

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 109% 37-140%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

Metals Analysis

Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method

Antimony <6.0 6.0 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Arsenic <10 10 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Cadmium <4.0 4.0 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Chromium <10 10 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Copper <25 25 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Iron 1070 100 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Lead <5.0 5.0 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Mercury <0.20 0.20 ug/l 1 02/23/08 02/25/08 MA SW846 7470A 1 SW846 7470A 4 Nickel <40 40 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Selenium <10 10 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Silver <5.0 5.0 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3 Zinc 99.0 20 ug/l 1 02/22/08 02/23/08 PY SW846 6010B 2 SW846 3010A 3

(1) Instrument QC Batch: MA8973 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA8975 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP11505 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP11508

RL = Reporting Limit

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M70959 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1 Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

General Chemistry

Analyte Result RL Units DF Analyzed By Method

Chromium, Hexavalent <0.010 0.010 mg/l 1 02/22/08 08:20 MA SW846 7196A Cyanide <0.010 0.010 mg/l 1 02/25/08 11:09 MA EPA 335.4 Solids, Total Suspended 12.0 4.0 mg/l 1 02/25/08 BF SM21 2540D Total Residual Chlorine <0.050 0.050 mg/l 1 02/21/08 17:20 MA SM21 4500CL F

RL = Reporting Limit

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M70959 Accutest Laboratories Section 3 3

Misc. Forms

Custody Documents and Other Forms

Includes the following where applicable:

• Chain of Custody

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M70959 3.1 3

M70959: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 3

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M70959 3.1 3

M70959: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 3

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M70959 3.1 3

M70959: Chain of Custody Page 3 of 3

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M70959 e-Hardcopy 2.0 Automated Report



Technical Report for

EnviroTrac Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA O3.HSM316.DL Accutest Job Number: M70959R

Sampling Date: 02/21/08

Report to: EnviroTrac

[email protected] ATTN: Patrick Corcoran

Total number of pages in report: 12

Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements Reza Tand of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Lab Director and/or state specific certification programs as applicable.

Client Service contact: Kristen Blanchard 508-481-6200

Certifications: MA (M-MA136) CT (PH-0109) NH (250204) RI (00071) ME (MA136) FL (E87579) NY (23346) NJ (MA926) NAVY USACE This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Accutest Laboratories. Test results relate only to samples analyzed.

New England • 495 Tech Center West • Building 1 • Marlborough, MA 01752 • tel: 508-481-6200 • fax: 508-481-7753 • 1 of 12

M70959R Sections: 1 Table of Contents

-1- 2 Section 1: Sample Summary ...... 3

Section 2: Sample Results ...... 4 3 2.1: M70959-1R: TPG ...... 5 Section 3: Misc. Forms ...... 10 3.1: Chain of Custody ...... 11

2 of 12

M70959R 1

Accutest Laboratories

Sample Summary EnviroTrac Job No: M70959R Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA Project No: O3.HSM316.DL

Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID

M70959-1R 02/21/08 14:00 RS 02/21/08 AQ Ground Water TPG

3 of 12

M70959R Accutest Laboratories Section 2 2

Sample Results

Report of Analysis

4 of 12

M70959R 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1R Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8260B Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 M22983.D 1 02/28/08 PB n/a n/a MSM701 Run #2

Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2

VOA 8260 List

CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

67-64-1 Acetone ND 5.0 ug/l 71-43-2 Benzene 3.6 0.50 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 5.0 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 1.0 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 1.0 ug/l 74-83-9 Bromomethane ND 2.0 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 5.0 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide ND 5.0 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride ND 1.0 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 2.0 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 1.0 ug/l 74-87-3 Chloromethane ND 2.0 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 ug/l 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 5.0 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 1.0 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 2.0 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 2.0 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1.0 ug/l 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.0 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.0 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 2.0 ug/l

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959R 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1R Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8260B Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

VOA 8260 List

CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.50 ug/l 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.50 ug/l 123-91-1 1,4-Dioxane ND 25 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 ug/l 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 5.0 ug/l 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 5.0 ug/l 74-88-4 Iodomethane ND 5.0 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 5.0 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 1.0 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 5.0 ug/l 74-95-3 Methylene bromide ND 5.0 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene chloride ND 2.0 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.0 ug/l 994-05-8 tert-Amyl Methyl Ether ND 2.0 ug/l 75-65-0 Tert Butyl Alcohol ND 100 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene ND 1.0 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene 7.3 1.0 ug/l 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethene ND 1.0 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1.0 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 5.0 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 5.0 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride ND 1.0 ug/l 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 5.2 1.0 ug/l

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959R 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1R Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8260B Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

VOA 8260 List

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 114% 79-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 99% 80-120% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 110% 84-115%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959R 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1R Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8270C SW846 3510C Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA

File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 E32074.D 1 02/28/08 PN 02/26/08 OP15288 MSE1538 Run #2

Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 900 ml 1.0 ml Run #2


CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 5.6 ug/l 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 11 ug/l 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 11 ug/l 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 11 ug/l 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 22 ug/l 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 11 ug/l 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 11 ug/l 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 22 ug/l 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 11 ug/l 108-95-2 Phenol ND 5.6 ug/l 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 11 ug/l 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 5.6 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 5.6 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 5.6 ug/l 92-87-5 Benzidine ND 22 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 5.6 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.6 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.6 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.6 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.6 ug/l 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 5.6 ug/l 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 5.6 ug/l 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 5.6 ug/l 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 11 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 5.6 ug/l 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 5.6 ug/l 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 5.6 ug/l 108-60-1 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether ND 5.6 ug/l 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 5.6 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.6 ug/l 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 5.6 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.6 ug/l

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959R 2.1

Accutest Laboratories 2 Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2

Client Sample ID: TPG Lab Sample ID: M70959-1R Date Sampled: 02/21/08 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 02/21/08 Method: SW846 8270C SW846 3510C Percent Solids: n/a Project: Hess:#21316 354 Main St. Gloucester MA


CAS No. Compound Result RL Units Q

106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.6 ug/l 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 11 ug/l 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 11 ug/l 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 5.6 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 5.6 ug/l 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 5.6 ug/l 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl phthalate ND 5.6 ug/l 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate ND 5.6 ug/l 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate ND 5.6 ug/l 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 7.1 2.2 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 5.6 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 5.6 ug/l 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 5.6 ug/l 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 5.6 ug/l 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 11 ug/l 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 5.6 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.6 ug/l 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 5.6 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.6 ug/l 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 5.6 ug/l 62-75-9 n-Nitrosodimethylamine ND 5.6 ug/l 621-64-7 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND 5.6 ug/l 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 5.6 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 5.6 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 5.6 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.6 ug/l

CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits

367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 43% 15-110% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 36% 15-110% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 61% 15-110% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 79% 30-130% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75% 30-120% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 66% 30-120%

ND = Not detected J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound

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M70959R Accutest Laboratories Section 3 3

Misc. Forms

Custody Documents and Other Forms

Includes the following where applicable:

• Chain of Custody

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M70959R 3.1 3

M70959R: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2

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M70959R NPDES RGP Notice of Intent March 4, 2008 Hess Gasoline Station #21316; 354 Main Street, Gloucester, MA


Index by State and City, page 1, time 02/21/2008 10:19:58 Page 1 of 1

Index by State and City National Register Information System 02/21/2008 10:19:58

No filter Include filter in navigation RESOURCE Row STATE COUNTY NAME ADDRESS CITY LISTED MULTIPLE 1 MA Essex ADVENTURE State Fish Pier, Gloucester 1989-12-11 (schooner) Gloucester Inner Harbor 2 MA Essex Annisquam Address Restricted Gloucester 1983-06-23 Bridge 3 MA Essex Annisquam Wigwam Pt. Gloucester 1987-06-15 Lighthouses of Harbor Light Massachusetts Station TR 4 MA Essex Babson--Alling 245 Washington Gloucester 1996-04-26 Gloucester MPS House St. 5 MA Essex Beauport Eastern Point Blvd. Gloucester 1976-04-26 6 MA Essex Beauport 75 Eastern Point Gloucester 2003-05-27 Boulevard 7 MA Essex Central Roughly bounded Gloucester 1982-07-08 Gloucester by Middle, Main, Historic Center, Hancock, District Short, Prospect and Pleasant Sts. 8 MA Essex Davis-- 302 Essex St. Gloucester 1990-03-09 First Period Freeman Buildings of Eastern House Massachusetts TR 9 MA Essex Dyke--Wheeler 144 Wheeler St. Gloucester 1990-03-09 First Period House Buildings of Eastern Massachusetts TR 10 MA Essex East E. Main St., Gloucester 1996-04-26 Gloucester MPS Gloucester roughly bounded Square by Inner Harbor, Historic Smith Cove, District Woonson Cove, and Mt. Pleasant Ave.

Page 1 02/21/2008 Macris Search Results

Search Criteria: Towns: Gloucester ResourceType: Area, Building, Burial Ground, Object, Structure

Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.508 37 Salt Island Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.573 Washington St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1002 5 Marsh St Gloucester 1780

GLO.32 14 Gould Ct Gloucester 1850

GLO.1067 30 Concord St Gloucester

GLO.96 43 Warner St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1131 4 Maple Rd Gloucester 1925

GLO.296 53 Western Ave Gloucester 1800

GLO.1198 213 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.372 41-43 Pleasant St Gloucester

GLO.684 19 Chester Sq Gloucester 1825

GLO.748 Beach Rd Gloucester 1915

GLO.519 2 Mason Sq Gloucester 1860

GLO.5 28 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.113 11 Harold Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.1013 437 Washington St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1078 256 Concord St Gloucester 1840

GLO.241 20 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1142 Shore Rd Gloucester 1840

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 1 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.308 2 Spring St Gloucester

GLO.631 11 South Kilby St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1209 5 Angle St Gloucester 1930

GLO.383 39 Pleasant St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1294 11 Pleasant St Gloucester 1892

GLO.759 638 Washington St Gloucester 1895

GLO.770 540 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1381 171 East Main St Gloucester 1950

GLO.530 Butman Ave Gloucester 1875

GLO.596 1061 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1089 581 Essex Ave Gloucester

GLO.252 10 Knowlton Sq Gloucester 1730

GLO.320 21 Dale Ave Gloucester 1770

GLO.642 887 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1224 8 Gould Ct Gloucester 1851

GLO.394 58 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1800

GLO.706 5 Arbor St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1307 82-84 Prospect St Gloucester 1900

GLO.781 525 Washington St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1457 6 Pirates Ln Gloucester 1900

GLO.135 12 1/2 Cross St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1035 81 Wheeler St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1100 237 Western Ave Gloucester

GLO.1241 92-94 Main St Gloucester 1892

GLO.717 4 Leonard St Gloucester 1800

GLO.477 12 Beach Rd Gloucester 1895

GLO.488 53 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1905

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 2 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.488 53 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1905

GLO.553 1114 Washington St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1468 15A Plum St Gloucester 1920

GLO.12 19 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.76 14 Dodge St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1111 622 Western Ave Gloucester 1855

GLO.600 1032 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.664 Leonard St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1252 123-129 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.728 26 River Rd Gloucester 1865

GLO.1339 4 Maplewood Ct Gloucester

GLO.499 Way Rd Gloucester 1910

GLO.1415 259 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.564 1092 Washington St Gloucester 1860

GLO.23 1 Dexter Pl Gloucester 1760

GLO.157 247 East Main St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1058 407 Essex Ave Gloucester 1860

GLO.87 29 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.611 8 Mount Locust Pl Gloucester 1872

GLO.1187 189 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.675 Walnut St Gloucester 1825

GLO.739 3 Adams Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.510 4 Palfry Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.1426 1 Highland Ct Gloucester

GLO.575 1093 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1004 4 Ashland Pl Gloucester 1870

GLO.34 20 Gould Ct Gloucester 1850

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 3 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.1069 38 Concord St Gloucester 1860

GLO.98 11 Cleveland St Gloucester 1895

GLO.232 17 Hampden St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1133 7 Lake Rd Gloucester 1925

GLO.622 11 North Kilby St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1361 145R East Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.521 1216 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.586 1083B Washington St Gloucester 1855

GLO.7 22 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.115 5 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1015 429-431 Washington St Gloucester 1820

GLO.1080 58 Sumner St Gloucester

GLO.243 16 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.310 6 Acacia St Gloucester

GLO.633 922R Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1211 11 Angle St Gloucester 1852

GLO.385 40-42 Pleasant St Gloucester 1934

GLO.697 Bridgewater St Gloucester 1851

GLO.457 52R Decatur St Gloucester 1888

GLO.761 628 Washington St Gloucester 1915

GLO.772 7 Stanwood St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1383 178 East Main St Gloucester 1830

GLO.532 50 Langsford St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1448 80 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1840

GLO.1026 134 Wheeler St Gloucester 1855

GLO.1091 125 Western Ave Gloucester 1920

GLO.254 14 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 4 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.254 14 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1155 8 Fuller St Gloucester 1880

GLO.644 873 Washington St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1228 12 Gould Ct Gloucester 1851

GLO.708 5 Union Ct Gloucester

GLO.1309 88 Prospect St Gloucester 1890

GLO.468 17 Saint Louis Ave Gloucester 1906

GLO.783 506-508 Washington St Gloucester 1835

GLO.1394 226 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.543 4 Langsford St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1459 3 Pirates Way Gloucester 1880

GLO.137 2 Cross St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1037 15 Wheeler St Gloucester 1870

GLO.1102 583 Western Ave Gloucester 1820

GLO.265 1-3 Myrtle St Gloucester 1875

GLO.655 152 Leonard St Gloucester 1815

GLO.719 8 Arlington St Gloucester 1775

GLO.795 364 Washington St Gloucester 1870

GLO.14 23 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.78 16 Millett St Gloucester 1875

GLO.278 109 Pleasant St Gloucester 1740

GLO.602 1041 Washington St Gloucester 1835

GLO.666 129 Leonard St Gloucester 1845

GLO.1254 128-134 Main St Gloucester

GLO.730 15 River Rd Gloucester 1905

GLO.501 Way Rd Gloucester 1920

GLO.1417 262 East Main St Gloucester 1880

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 5 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.566 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.25 31 Elm St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1060 433 Essex Ave Gloucester 1717

GLO.89 33 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1124 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1930

GLO.613 3 Plum St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1189 25-29 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.677 77 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

GLO.1265 178 Main St Gloucester 1947

GLO.741 Highland Ave Gloucester 1920

GLO.512 1273 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1428 5 Highland St Gloucester 1925

GLO.577 1091 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.106 106 Centennial St Gloucester 1895

GLO.1006 8 Ashland Pl Gloucester 1870

GLO.234 13 Hampden St Gloucester 1885

GLO.624 1 Colburn St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1202 204 Western Ave Gloucester

GLO.688 54 Leonard St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1278 34-36 Middle St Gloucester 1970

GLO.752 Squam Rock Rd Gloucester

GLO.523 1212 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.589 1058 Washington St Gloucester 1870

GLO.9 11 1/2 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.117 9 Harvard Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1017 32 Reynard St Gloucester 1875

GLO.47 8 Perkins Rd Gloucester 1790

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 6 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.47 8 Perkins Rd Gloucester 1790

GLO.1082 567 Essex Ave Gloucester 1750

GLO.245 45 Hartz St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1213 6-8 Center St Gloucester

GLO.459 54 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1910

GLO.763 553 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1374 158R East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.774 14 Gee Ave Gloucester 1750

GLO.1385 187-189 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.534 15-17 Norseman Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.1028 115 Wheeler St Gloucester 1870

GLO.1093 10 Bond St Gloucester

GLO.256 18 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.324 46 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.1231 15 Gould Ct Gloucester 1872

GLO.481 5 Harbor Rd Gloucester 1908

GLO.785 505 Washington St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1396 228 East Main St Gloucester 1875

GLO.546 1166 Washington St Gloucester 1845

GLO.1461 6 Pirates Way Gloucester 1880

GLO.1039 14-16 Hodgkins St Gloucester 1810

GLO.203 4-6 Alper Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.267 29-31 Myrtle St Gloucester 1750

GLO.657 6-6R Nashua St Gloucester 1728

GLO.1245 103-105 Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.417 Wahington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.721 Arlington St Gloucester 1820

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 7 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.492 95 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1915

GLO.1407 246 East Main St Gloucester 1920

GLO.557 Washington St Gloucester 1877

GLO.1051 Massasoit Rd Gloucester 1920

GLO.80 20 Millett St Gloucester 1875

GLO.280 21-23 Riggs St Gloucester 1884

GLO.604 Rowley Shore Gloucester 1915

GLO.356 31 Middle St Gloucester

GLO.668 119 Leonard St Gloucester

GLO.1256 138-140 Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.503 3 Barberry Way Gloucester 1899

GLO.1419 265 East Main St Gloucester 1935

GLO.568 Andrews St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1062 497 Essex Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.91 50 Warren St Gloucester 1875

GLO.291 6 Tolman St Gloucester 1885

GLO.615 973 Washington St Gloucester 1875

GLO.367 63 Middle St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1267 184-192 Main St Gloucester 1926

GLO.514 1261 Washington St Gloucester 1750

GLO.108 8 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.236 21 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1289 14 Pine St Gloucester

GLO.1365 149RA East Main St Gloucester 1950

GLO.1376 160 East Main St Gloucester 1860

GLO.525 1206 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.591 1054-1056 Washington St Gloucester 1800

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 8 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.591 1054-1056 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.119 5 Harvard Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1019 36 Cherry St Gloucester 1830

GLO.49 16 Pine St Gloucester

GLO.1084 8 Walker St Gloucester 1840

GLO.247 41 Hartz St Gloucester 1885

GLO.637 908 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1215 24 Dale Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.389 5 Short St Gloucester 1900

GLO.461 42 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1904

GLO.765 549 Washington St Gloucester 1900

GLO.776 4 Gee Ave Gloucester 1810

GLO.1387 197 East Main St Gloucester 1885

GLO.536 37 Langsford St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1452 125 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1850

GLO.60 85-87 Prospect St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1095 96 Western Ave Gloucester 1855

GLO.258 24 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.326 33-35 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.648 26 Revere St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1236 40-42 Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.712 17 Leonard St Gloucester 1835

GLO.1313 12 Washington St Gloucester 1900

GLO.472 30 Beach Rd Gloucester 1905

GLO.787 474-476 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1398 230 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.548 1175 Washington St Gloucester 1874

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 9 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.1041 1 Wesley St Gloucester 1700

GLO.205 26 Alper Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1106 371 Western Ave Gloucester 1930

GLO.271 14 Mystic Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.659 150 Leonard St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1247 108-110 Main St Gloucester 1875

GLO.723 Arlington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.494 13 Brier Rd Gloucester 1901

GLO.1409 249 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.559 1112 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.18 13-15 Columbia St Gloucester 1820

GLO.1053 Stanwood Ave Gloucester 1930

GLO.82 6 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1117 745 Western Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.282 19 Sadler St Gloucester 1830

GLO.606 1018 Washington St Gloucester 1825

GLO.1182 Flume Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.358 87 Middle St Gloucester 1785

GLO.670 1 Elizabeth Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.430 14 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1896

GLO.1345 6-8 Caledonia Pl Gloucester 1884

GLO.505 23 Salt Island Rd Gloucester 1920

GLO.1421 269 East Main St Gloucester 1875

GLO.570 6 Andrews St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1064 531 Essex Ave Gloucester 1855

GLO.93 54 Warner St Gloucester 1875

GLO.369 57 Middle St Gloucester 1780

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 10 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.369 57 Middle St Gloucester 1780

GLO.681 13 Chester Sq Gloucester 1810

GLO.745 12 Adams Hill Rd Gloucester 1885

GLO.516 1238 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.110 20 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1010 432 Washington St Gloucester 1915

GLO.238 25 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1139 1 Flume Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.628 24-26 Quarry St Gloucester 1872

GLO.692 50 Leonard St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1291 30 Pine St Gloucester 1790

GLO.452 Highland Rd Gloucester 1908

GLO.756 52 Holly St Gloucester 1780

GLO.1367 150-152 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1378 166 East Main St Gloucester 1830

GLO.527 13 Woodbury St Gloucester

GLO.593 1046 Washington St Gloucester 1851

GLO.1021 368 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1086 26 Walker St Gloucester

GLO.249 28 Hartz St Gloucester 1885

GLO.639 5 Vale Ct Gloucester 1870

GLO.1221 3 Gould Ct Gloucester 1851

GLO.391 15 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.767 541 Washington St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1389 199 1/2 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.538 Langsford St Gloucester 1899

GLO.1454 5 Norwood Ct Gloucester 1860

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 11 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.1032 87 Wheeler St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1097 Western Ave Gloucester

GLO.260 25 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1161 6 Oakes St Gloucester 1895

GLO.650 846 Washington St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1238 82 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1315 27 Washington St Gloucester 1900

GLO.474 24 Beach Rd Gloucester 1905

GLO.485 9 Bass Rocks Rd Gloucester 1901

GLO.789 477 Washington St Gloucester 1855

GLO.1108 429 Western Ave Gloucester 1765

GLO.661 Lane Rd Gloucester

GLO.725 21 Arlington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.496 5 Page St Gloucester 1870

GLO.1411 251 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.561 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.84 19 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.608 1037 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1184 190 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.672 33 Wigwam Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.1260 155-159 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.432 31 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1898

GLO.572 1101 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1001 281 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.31 10 Gould Ct Gloucester 1850

GLO.1066 23 Concord St Gloucester

GLO.95 45 Warner St Gloucester 1850

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 12 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.95 45 Warner St Gloucester 1850

GLO.371 35 Middle St Gloucester 1870

GLO.683 15 Chester Sq Gloucester 1820

GLO.1271 15 Middle St Gloucester 1880

GLO.747 Beach Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.518 1245 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.583 1070 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.4 30 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.112 13 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1012 424-426 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1077 255 Concord St Gloucester

GLO.240 29 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.630 13 1/2 South Kilby St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1208 1-3 Angle St Gloucester 1940

GLO.382 38 Pleasant St Gloucester 1775

GLO.694 46 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

GLO.1293 8-12 Pleasant St Gloucester 1940

GLO.454 4-6 Shapley Rd Gloucester 1910

GLO.758 642 Washington St Gloucester 1915

GLO.1369 154 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.1380 169 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.529 62 Langsford St Gloucester 1884

GLO.595 1044 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1023 150 Wheeler St Gloucester 1870

GLO.641 Washington St Gloucester 1927

GLO.1223 6 Gould Ct Gloucester

GLO.705 21 Walnut St Gloucester 1775

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 13 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.769 544 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.780 526 Washington St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1391 210 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.540 13 Langsford St Gloucester 1835

GLO.1456 5 Pirates Ln Gloucester 1920

GLO.134 12 Cross St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1034 82 Wheeler St Gloucester 1875

GLO.198 17 Rocky Neck Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.1099 211 Western Ave Gloucester 1851

GLO.652 828 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.1240 84-90 Main St Gloucester 1920

GLO.412 Prospect St Gloucester

GLO.716 6 Leonard St Gloucester 1790

GLO.476 13 Beach Rd Gloucester 1895

GLO.487 39 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1935

GLO.791 450 Washington St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1402 239 East Main St Gloucester 1925

GLO.1467 15B Plum St Gloucester 1885

GLO.11 17 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1046 76 Riverview Gloucester 1900

GLO.75 3 Winchester St Gloucester 1730

GLO.1110 614 Western Ave Gloucester 1872

GLO.275 11 Perkins St Gloucester 1851

GLO.599 1038 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.727 28 River Rd Gloucester 1850

GLO.1414 257 East Main St Gloucester 1980

GLO.563 Washington St Gloucester 1800

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 14 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.563 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1057 405 Essex Ave Gloucester 1870

GLO.86 27 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.610 1012 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1186 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1940

GLO.674 30 Wigwam Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.509 3 Warwick Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.1425 277R East Main St Gloucester 1970

GLO.574 42 High St Gloucester 1790

GLO.33 16 Gould Ct Gloucester 1850

GLO.97 9 Cleveland St Gloucester 1895

GLO.231 19 Hampden St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1132 Lake Rd Gloucester 1900

GLO.621 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.373 46 Pleasant St Gloucester

GLO.1273 17 Middle St Gloucester 1860

GLO.520 6 Mason Sq Gloucester 1770

GLO.1436 16 Highland St Gloucester 1930

GLO.585 1064 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.6 26 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.114 7 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1014 433-435 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1079 71 Sumner St Gloucester 1880

GLO.242 18 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1143 53 Shore Rd Gloucester 1880

GLO.632 5 South Kilby St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1210 6 Angle St Gloucester 1890

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 15 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.384 18 Pleasant St Gloucester

GLO.696 4 Bridgewater St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1295 14 Pleasant St Gloucester 1890

GLO.456 52 Decatur St Gloucester 1900

GLO.760 634-636 Washington St Gloucester 1885

GLO.771 538 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1382 176 East Main St Gloucester 1850

GLO.531 54 Langsford St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1447 78 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1850

GLO.597 1042 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1025 138 Wheeler St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1090 1-2 Kent Cir Gloucester 1890

GLO.253 8 Leighton Ct Gloucester 1740

GLO.321 64 Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.643 884 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.707 6 Union Ct Gloucester

GLO.1308 86 Prospect St Gloucester 1920

GLO.782 518 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1393 212 East Main St Gloucester 1980

GLO.1458 1 Pirates Way Gloucester 1880

GLO.136 14 Cross St Gloucester

GLO.1036 79 Wheeler St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1101 Western Ave Gloucester 1691

GLO.414 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.718 2 Arlington St Gloucester 1810

GLO.1319 35 Warner St Gloucester

GLO.478 11 Beach Rd Gloucester 1895

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 16 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.478 11 Beach Rd Gloucester 1895

GLO.489 59 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1880

GLO.1404 241-243 East Main St Gloucester 1925

GLO.554 1135 Washington St Gloucester 1884

GLO.13 21 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1048 54 Riverview Gloucester 1903

GLO.211 9 1/2 Carlisle Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.1112 624 Western Ave Gloucester 1855

GLO.277 71 Pleasant St Gloucester 1870

GLO.601 1043 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.665 131 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

GLO.1253 124-126 Main St Gloucester 1875

GLO.500 Way Rd Gloucester 1910

GLO.1416 260 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.565 1107 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.24 29 Elm St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1059 423 Essex Ave Gloucester

GLO.88 31 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.222 25 Exchange St Gloucester

GLO.288 5 Smith St Gloucester 1730

GLO.612 Washington St Gloucester 1860

GLO.676 81 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

GLO.1264 177-183 Main St Gloucester

GLO.511 30A Rockport St Gloucester 1930

GLO.1427 15 Highland Ct Gloucester 1930

GLO.576 1082 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.105 82 Centennial St Gloucester 1895

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 17 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.1005 6 Ashland Pl Gloucester 1870

GLO.35 9 Gould Ct Gloucester 1850

GLO.99 11 1/2 Cleveland St Gloucester 1895

GLO.233 15 Hampden St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1134 9 Lane Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.300 3 Granite St Gloucester

GLO.623 949 Washington St Gloucester 1845

GLO.687 53 Leonard St Gloucester 1770

GLO.751 Squam Rock Rd Gloucester 1900

GLO.522 1214 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.587 1062 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.8 18 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.116 3 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1016 22 Reynard St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1081 4 Sumner St Gloucester 1800

GLO.244 14 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.634 Mechanic Pl Gloucester 1860

GLO.1212 5 Center St Gloucester

GLO.386 52 Pleasant St Gloucester 1770

GLO.698 Leonard St Gloucester 1851

GLO.1373 158R East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1384 184 East Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.533 11 Norseman Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.1027 121 Wheeler St Gloucester 1780

GLO.1092 169 Western Ave Gloucester 1870

GLO.255 16 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.323 48-50 Main St Gloucester 1831

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 18 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.323 48-50 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.1229 12 1/2 Gould Ct Gloucester 1884

GLO.709 25 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

GLO.469 22 Saint Louis Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.784 502 Washington St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1395 227 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.545 1185 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.1460 5 Pirates Way Gloucester 1900

GLO.138 4 Cross St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1038 13 Wheeler St Gloucester 1830

GLO.202 2 Alper Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1103 259 Western Ave Gloucester

GLO.266 20-22 Myrtle St Gloucester 1740

GLO.656 4 Nashua St Gloucester

GLO.416 Elm St Gloucester

GLO.480 3 Beach Rd Gloucester 1900

GLO.1406 245 East Main St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1050 159 Essex Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.79 18 Millett St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1114 727 Western Ave Gloucester 1872

GLO.279 4 Quarry St Gloucester 1730

GLO.603 Rowley Shore Gloucester 1925

GLO.667 121 Leonard St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1255 136 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.502 1 Barberry Way Gloucester 1920

GLO.1418 263 East Main St Gloucester 1980

GLO.26 33-33 1/2 Elm St Gloucester 1840

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 19 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.90 48 Warren St Gloucester 1875

GLO.224 17 Friend St Gloucester 1851

GLO.366 65 Middle St Gloucester 1918

GLO.678 75 Leonard St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1266 180-182 Main St Gloucester 1935

GLO.742 Adams Hill Rd Gloucester

GLO.513 1263 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.578 1089 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.107 6 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1007 246 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.235 11 Hampden St Gloucester 1885

GLO.302 284 Main St Gloucester

GLO.1203 29 Commonwealth Ave Gloucester

GLO.1364 147RB East Main St Gloucester 1950

GLO.524 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.590 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.118 7 Harvard Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.48 9 Perkins Rd Gloucester 1830

GLO.1083 4 Walker St Gloucester 1730

GLO.246 43 Hartz St Gloucester 1885

GLO.314 78-80 Middle St Gloucester

GLO.1214 7 Center St Gloucester

GLO.388 13 Short St Gloucester 1820

GLO.460 48 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1931

GLO.775 9 Gee Ave Gloucester 1775

GLO.1386 193-195 East Main St Gloucester 1892

GLO.535 51 Langsford St Gloucester 1884

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 20 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.535 51 Langsford St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1451 82R Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1925

GLO.1029 110 Wheeler St Gloucester 1910

GLO.1094 7 Marshfield Gloucester 1930

GLO.257 22 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1234 22 Gould Ct Gloucester 1851

GLO.400 48 Leonard St Gloucester

GLO.1312 10 Washington St Gloucester 1884

GLO.471 34 Beach Rd Gloucester 1900

GLO.482 Nautilus Rd Gloucester 1900

GLO.1397 229 East Main St Gloucester 1950

GLO.547 1162 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1040 12 Hodgkins St Gloucester 1855

GLO.204 20 Alper Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1105 272 Western Ave Gloucester 1872

GLO.270 33-35 Myrtle St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1170 51 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.658 7 Nashua St Gloucester 1785

GLO.1246 107 Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.722 12 Arlington St Gloucester 1815

GLO.1325 4 Hovey St Gloucester

GLO.493 16-18 Souther Rd Gloucester 1909

GLO.798 311 Washington St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1408 248 East Main St Gloucester 1855

GLO.558 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1052 Winniahdin Rd Gloucester 1920

GLO.81 22 Millett St Gloucester 1875

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 21 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.281 23 Riverside St Gloucester 1920

GLO.605 Rowley Shore Gloucester 1925

GLO.357 33 Middle St Gloucester 1880

GLO.669 115 Leonard St Gloucester

GLO.1257 142-144 Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1344 5-7 Caledonia Pl Gloucester 1884

GLO.1063 500 Essex Ave Gloucester 1920

GLO.92 52 Warner St Gloucester 1875

GLO.226 83 Gloucester Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.292 4 Tolman St Gloucester 1885

GLO.368 61 Middle St Gloucester 1840

GLO.680 4 Chester Sq Gloucester 1820

GLO.744 4 Adams Hill Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.515 1259 Washington St Gloucester 1835

GLO.109 10 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1074 231 Concord St Gloucester 1880

GLO.237 23 Harrison Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.304 45 Mannsfield St Gloucester

GLO.627 23 Quarry St Gloucester 1860

GLO.379 48 Pleasant St Gloucester 1870

GLO.691 52 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

GLO.451 30 Decatur St Gloucester 1907

GLO.755 122-130 Dennison St Gloucester 1775

GLO.1377 164 East Main St Gloucester 1830

GLO.526 1202 Washington St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1442 30R Highland St Gloucester 1900

GLO.592 1067 Washington St Gloucester 1850

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 22 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.592 1067 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.120 32 Beacon St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1085 16 Walker St Gloucester 1750

GLO.248 26 Hartz St Gloucester 1885

GLO.316 96 Middle St Gloucester 1860

GLO.638 1 Vale Ct Gloucester 1855

GLO.1216 2 Duncan St Gloucester 1880

GLO.702 28 Leonard St Gloucester 1740

GLO.462 34 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1930

GLO.766 545 Washington St Gloucester 1885

GLO.777 1 Gee Ave Gloucester 1875

GLO.1388 199 East Main St Gloucester 1850

GLO.537 31 Langsford St Gloucester 1840

GLO.1453 2 Norwood Ct Gloucester 1870

GLO.1031 98 Wheeler St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1096 Western Ave Gloucester

GLO.259 23 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1160 4 Oakes St Gloucester 1899

GLO.649 9 Revere St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1237 76 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1314 16 Washington St Gloucester 1870

GLO.473 26 Beach Rd Gloucester 1905

GLO.484 27 Bass Rocks Rd Gloucester 1895

GLO.788 468 Washington St Gloucester 1910

GLO.549 1142 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.1042 6 Hodkins St Gloucester 1910

GLO.72 59 Western Ave Gloucester 1740

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 23 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.206 1-5 Alper Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1107 290 Western Ave Gloucester

GLO.660 Leonard St Gloucester 1790

GLO.724 22 Arlington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1327 Lenard St Gloucester

GLO.495 8 Brier Rd Gloucester 1907

GLO.1410 250 East Main St Gloucester

GLO.560 1113-1115 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.83 8 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1118 110 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.607 1039 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.671 84 Elizabeth Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.1346 10-12 Caledonia Pl Gloucester 1884

GLO.506 24 Salt Island Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.100 5 Derby St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1065 2-4 Concord St Gloucester 1790

GLO.94 47 Warner St Gloucester 1875

GLO.618 967 Washington St Gloucester 1875

GLO.370 45 Middle St Gloucester 1880

GLO.682 11 Chester Sq Gloucester 1905

GLO.1270 13 Middle St Gloucester 1880

GLO.517 1257 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.3 3 Centennial Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.111 19 Harold Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1011 428 Washington St Gloucester 1910

GLO.1076 243 Concord St Gloucester

GLO.239 27 Harrison St Gloucester 1885

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 24 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.239 27 Harrison St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1140 67 Shore Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.629 34-38 Quarry St Gloucester 1870

GLO.381 33 Pleasant St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1292 32 Pine St Gloucester 1884

GLO.453 17 Brightside Ave Gloucester 1905

GLO.1368 153R East Main St Gloucester 1950

GLO.1379 167 East Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.528 63 Langsford St Gloucester 1885

GLO.594 1063 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.52 24 Pine St Gloucester

GLO.1087 19 Lincoln St Gloucester 1820

GLO.250 1 Hawthorne St Gloucester 1790

GLO.318 18 Dale Ave Gloucester

GLO.640 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1222 5 Gould Ct Gloucester 1851

GLO.392 9-11 Washington St Gloucester 1810

GLO.704 4 Walnut St Gloucester 1750

GLO.768 546 Washington St Gloucester 1855

GLO.779 528-530 Washington St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1390 201 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.539 25 Langsford St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1455 6 Norwood Ct Gloucester 1950

GLO.133 30 Chapel St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1098 Western Ave Gloucester 1905

GLO.261 27 Liberty St Gloucester 1865

GLO.329 31 Main St Gloucester 1928

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 25 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.651 840 Washington St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1239 83 Main St Gloucester

GLO.411 5 Bond St Gloucester 1700

GLO.715 10 Leonard St Gloucester 1920

GLO.1316 33 Washington St Gloucester 1830

GLO.475 18 Beach Rd Gloucester 1910

GLO.486 Nautilus Rd Gloucester 1901

GLO.551 1122 Washington St Gloucester 1840

GLO.10 15 Chestnut St Gloucester 1840

GLO.74 2 Winchester St Gloucester 1830

GLO.598 1055 Washington St Gloucester 1825

GLO.662 Dennis Ct Gloucester

GLO.1250 115-121 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.497 13 Page St Gloucester 1905

GLO.1413 255 East Main St Gloucester 1985

GLO.85 15 Trask St Gloucester 1875

GLO.673 Lighthouse Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1261 158-162 Main St Gloucester 1975

GLO.218 Adams House 110 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1725

GLO.1172 Adams House 52 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.1141 Adams, Capt. Benjamin House 61 Shore Rd Gloucester 1820

GLO.743 Adams, Dr. Issac House Adams Hill Rd Gloucester 1872

GLO.216 Adams, James B. House 33 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1855

GLO.307 Allen Farm 25 Poplar St Gloucester 1838

GLO.201 Allen, James S. House 11 Allen St Gloucester 1873

GLO.R Alper Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.810 Ancient Burying Ground Centennial Ave Gloucester 1633

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 26 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.810 Ancient Burying Ground Centennial Ave Gloucester 1633

GLO.1348 Anderson, J. House 5 Davis St Gloucester 1850

GLO.213 Andrews, Horatio House 7 Commonwealth Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.711 Annisaquam School House 21 Leonard St Gloucester 1798

GLO.901 Annisquam Bridge Washington St Gloucester 1861

GLO.929 Annisquam Bridge Route 128 Gloucester 1950

GLO.1194 Annisquam Harbor Light Keepers House Wigwam Point Gloucester 1801

GLO.LH Annisquam Harbor Light Station Gloucester

GLO.911 Annisquam Harbor Light Station Walkway Wigwam Point Gloucester 1814

GLO.903 Annisquam Harbor Lighthouse Wigwam Point Gloucester 1800

GLO.1195 Annisquam Harbor Oil House Wigwam Point Gloucester 1801

GLO.912 Annisquam Harbor Seawall Light Wigwam Point Gloucester 1980

GLO.654 Annisquam Village Third Parish Church 834 Washington St Gloucester 1831

GLO.729 Annisquam Yacht Club River Rd Gloucester 1896

GLO.Y Ashland Place Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.434 Atwood, L. P. House 42 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1888

GLO.1022 Babson - Alling House 245 Washington St Gloucester 1740

GLO.964 Babson Boulders Cherry St Gloucester 1935

GLO.731 Babson House 10 River Rd Gloucester 1725

GLO.962 Babson Reservoir Babson Reservoir Gloucester 1933

GLO.968 Babson Reservoir Earth Dam Babson Reservoir Gloucester 1933

GLO.44 Babson, Charles House 12 Middle St Gloucester 1730

GLO.313 Babson, Elwell and Davis Incorporated 94 Middle St Gloucester 1957

GLO.797 Babson, Everett House 341R Washington St Gloucester 1891

GLO.732 Babson, Mary House 6 River Rd Gloucester 1820

GLO.2 Babson, Nathaniel House 8 Angle St Gloucester 1885

GLO.796 Babson, Osman House 347 Washington St Gloucester 1898

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 27 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.17 Babson, William House 10-14 Columbia St Gloucester 1850

GLO.733 Babson, William III House 4 River Rd Gloucester 1810

GLO.1322 Backus, Issac House Plymouth St Gloucester 1748

GLO.50 Bacon - Knight House 10-12 Pine St Gloucester 1760

GLO.1129 Ballou House Ocean Ave Gloucester 1930

GLO.449 Balmaha 26 Edgemoor Rd Gloucester 1909

GLO.699 Baptist Church - Mechanics Hall - Village Hall Leonard St Gloucester 1828

GLO.174 Baptist Parsonage 28 Highland St Gloucester 1880

GLO.581 Barker House 1087 Washington St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1439 Barnett, M. House 24 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.422 Barwick, Walter House Aileen Terr Gloucester 1888

GLO.803 Bay View Cemetery Washington St Gloucester 1728

GLO.616 Bay View Methodist Episcopal Church 964 Washington St Gloucester 1870

GLO.749 Bayberry Ledge Beach Rd Gloucester 1895

GLO.450 Bayberry Lodge 36 Edgemoor Rd Gloucester 1909

GLO.801 Beachbrook Cemetery 390 Essex Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.458 Beachend Cottage 55 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1910

GLO.396 Beauport 75 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1907

GLO.H Bellevue Hights Gloucester

GLO.773 Bennet, Anthony House 41 Gee Ave Gloucester 1679

GLO.653 Bennett House 827 Washington St Gloucester 1867

GLO.187 Benson - Wennerberg House 144 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1873

GLO.735 Bent Estate 2 Cambridge Ave Gloucester 1905

GLO.626 Berry, Lorenzo House 921 Washington St Gloucester 1845

GLO.463 Birdseye, Clarence House 30 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1931

GLO.312 Blackburn Building 289 Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.214 Blatchford House 21 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1812

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 28 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.214 Blatchford House 21 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1812

GLO.215 Blatchford, George House 31 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1850

GLO.286 Blatchford, William House 8 Shepard St Gloucester 1830

GLO.435 Blighty Lake Ave Gloucester 1920

GLO.1120 Blyman School Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1892

GLO.921 Blynman Bridge Route 127 Gloucester 1906

GLO.940 Blynman Canal Western Ave Gloucester 1643

GLO.959 and Railroad Tracks B and M Railroad Gloucester 1861

GLO.295 Bott, James House 40 Washington St Gloucester 1860

GLO.57 Boynton, Charles House 43 Prospect St Gloucester 1830

GLO.65 Boyton, Charles House 29 School St Gloucester 1730

GLO.1020 Brackett, Levi House 372 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1068 Bray School Concord St Gloucester 1851

GLO.20 Bray, Aaron House 19 Dale Ave Gloucester 1869

GLO.306 Brooks House 21 Middle St Gloucester

GLO.225 Brown, Eben House 28 Friend St Gloucester 1851

GLO.210 Brown, Edward House 10 Blyman Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.61 Brown, George House 89 Prospect St Gloucester 1860

GLO.227 Brown, John House 6-8 Granite St Gloucester

GLO.1350 Brown, W. House 9 Davis St Gloucester 1880

GLO.738 Brynmere Hotel Cambridge Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.143 Bullfinch House, The 64 East Main St Gloucester 1800

GLO.59 Burnham, Enoch House 81 Prospect St Gloucester 1890

GLO.22 Burnham, Henry House 28 Dale Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.289 Burns, James House 10 Springfield St Gloucester 1890

GLO.73 Burns, Joseph House 89 Western Ave Gloucester 1869

GLO.1119 Butler House 75 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1875

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 29 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year

GLO.635 Butler, Gen. Benjamin F. House 912 Washington St Gloucester 1866

GLO.740 By-Water Inn Highland Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.421 Calef, Maj. Benjamin S. House Aileen Terr Gloucester 1888

GLO.947 Camp Stella Maris - Baseball Diamond Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.946 Camp Stella Maris - Basketball - Tennis Courts Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1479 Camp Stella Maris - Boathouse Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1472 Camp Stella Maris - Cabin #1 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1473 Camp Stella Maris - Cabin #4 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1474 Camp Stella Maris - Cabin #5 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1475 Camp Stella Maris - Cabin #7 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1478 Camp Stella Maris - Hall #1 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.945 Camp Stella Maris - Hall #2 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.1476 Camp Stella Maris - Hall #3 Massachusetts Ave Gloucester 1938

GLO.AX Camp Stella Maris Catholic Girls' Summer Camp Gloucester

GLO.274 Campbell, Eben House 8 Oak St Gloucester 1860

GLO.928 Cangarda Gloucester Harbor Gloucester 1901

GLO.1259 Cape Ann Bank and Trust 150-156 Main St Gloucester 1962

GLO.625 Cape Ann Granite Company Office 924 Washington St Gloucester 1875

GLO.479 Casa Del Mar 6 Beach Rd Gloucester 1908

GLO.1207 Centennial Avenue, 81 81 Centennial Ave Gloucester

GLO.G Centennial Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.AO Centennial Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.413 Central Fire Station School St Gloucester 1925

GLO.AG Central Gloucester Historic District Gloucester

GLO.A Central Gloucester Historic District Gloucester

GLO.317 Central Grammar School 10 Dale Ave Gloucester 1889

GLO.189 Chambers, M. K. House 19 Plum St Gloucester 1855

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 30 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.189 Chambers, M. K. House 19 Plum St Gloucester 1855

GLO.347 Chandler, Parson House 51-55 Middle St Gloucester 1750

GLO.726 Chard House, Old 32 River Rd Gloucester 1750

GLO.689 Chard, Steven House 49 Leonard St Gloucester 1780

GLO.620 Cheney House Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.814 Cherry Hill Cemetery 13 Marsh St Gloucester 1843

GLO.N Chestnut Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.199 Christian Science Chapel 6 Wonson St Gloucester 1877

GLO.431 Church, Edith House 21 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1893

GLO.905 Civil War Memorial Leonard St Gloucester 1890

GLO.930 Civil War Statue Leonard St Gloucester 1890

GLO.208 Clark Cottage 8 Beacon St Gloucester 1730

GLO.1200 Cleveland Street, 13 13 Cleveland St Gloucester

GLO.AN Cleveland Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.C Cleveland Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.679 Clough House 2 Chester Sq Gloucester 1850

GLO.685 Clough House 71 Leonard St Gloucester 1851

GLO.1190 Clough, Elias House 47 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.163 Coas, James House 4 Eastern Point Rd Gloucester 1865

GLO.153 Coas, Jeremiah House 182 East Main St Gloucester 1840

GLO.425 100 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1715

GLO.1173 Coffin, C. P. House Boulder Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.1430 Coffin, John W. House 7 Highland St Gloucester 1850

GLO.710 Colby House 24 Leonard St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1169 Colonial, The 22-40 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1915

GLO.504 Colonial, The 4 Barberry Way Gloucester 1899

GLO.1168 Colonnade, The 16-20 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1890

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GLO.541 Congregational Parsonage 8 Langsford St Gloucester 1835

GLO.1154 Converse Estate 2 Fuller St Gloucester 1910

GLO.219 Cook, Capt. Jeremiah R. House 112 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1840

GLO.285 Cook, Edward L. House 15 Sayward St Gloucester 1851

GLO.132 Cook, Leonard J. House 25 Chapel St Gloucester 1869

GLO.900 Crafts Road Bridge over Route 128 Crafts Rd Gloucester 1948

GLO.447 Cragmoor 13 Edgemoor Rd Gloucester 1912

GLO.1356 Crane, Samuel R. House 134 East Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.1462 Crentin House 6 Plum St Gloucester 1880

GLO.104 Cressy, Charles House 12 Orchard St Gloucester 1885

GLO.936 Cripple Cove Landing East Main St Gloucester

GLO.1138 Crispen, J. R. House 24 Fuller St Gloucester 1880

GLO.221 Cronin, William House 8 Exchange St Gloucester 1869

GLO.P Cross and Coring Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.1399 Cross, W. H. House 234 East Main St Gloucester 1895

GLO.750 Crown Cottage 6 Squam Rock Rd Gloucester 1868

GLO.125 Cunningham, Sylvester House 12 Hovey St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1075 Currier House 236 Concord St Gloucester 1830

GLO.1003 Curtis, Samuel House 264 Washington St Gloucester 1895

GLO.1244 Cutting Block 100-106 Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.1431 Dagle, Charles House 9 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1227 Daniels House 11 Gould Ct Gloucester 1884

GLO.436 Davidge, Joanna House 81 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1902

GLO.1276 Davis - Dustin House 28-32 Middle St Gloucester 1740

GLO.398 Davis - Freeman House 302 Essex Ave Gloucester 1709

GLO.375 Davis, Elias Sr. House 27 Pleasant St Gloucester 1804

GLO.327 Davis, Judge James House 37-41 Main St Gloucester 1831

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 32 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.327 Davis, Judge James House 37-41 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.1030 Day, J. House 109 Wheeler St Gloucester 1850

GLO.162 Dedcovitch, Matthew House 283 East Main St Gloucester 1854

GLO.1070 Dennen House Causeway St Gloucester 1790

GLO.284 Dennis, George House 10 Sayward St Gloucester 1873

GLO.647 Dennison House 90 Revere St Gloucester 1727

GLO.62 Dodd, Andrew House 110 Proctor St Gloucester 1880

GLO.AA Dogtown Gloucester

GLO.954 Dogtown - Commons Road Commons Rd Gloucester 1741

GLO.955 Dogtown - Dogtown Road Dogtown Rd Gloucester 1741

GLO.956 Dogtown - Old Rockport Road Old Rockport Rd Gloucester 1741

GLO.957 Dogtown - Wharf Road Wharf Rd Gloucester

GLO.966 Dogtown Commons Settlement Pasture Commons Rd Gloucester

GLO.967 Dogtown Commons Settlement Woodlots Commons Rd Gloucester

GLO.961 Dogtown Settlement Stone Wall System Cherry St Gloucester

GLO.960 Dogtown Trail System Cherry St Gloucester

GLO.1167 Donchian Building 15 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1908

GLO.188 Douglass - Merchant House 17 Plum St Gloucester 1850

GLO.151 Douglass House 170 East Main St Gloucester 1760

GLO.1470 Douglass, G. House 22 Plum St Gloucester 1880

GLO.173 Douglass, George House 27 Highland St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1357 Douglass, H. F. House 140 East Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1351 Douglass, J. House 10 Davis St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1465 Douglass, S. C. House 12 Plum St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1355 Dougliss House 132 East Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1445 Downs, S. F. House 72 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.555 Duley House 1133 Washington St Gloucester 1800

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GLO.580 Dustin and Sanders Store 1074-1078 Washington St Gloucester 1860

GLO.562 Dustin House 1111 Washington St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1024 Dyke - Wheeler House 144 Wheeler St Gloucester 1720

GLO.AC East Gloucester Gloucester

GLO.1424 East Gloucester Art Gallery 277-279 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.179 East Gloucester Engine House 75 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1873

GLO.AW East Gloucester Square Historic District Gloucester

GLO.1420 East Gloucester Stage - Gorton's 267 East Main St Gloucester 1915

GLO.149 East Gloucester Universalist Parish Church 153 East Main St Gloucester 1886

GLO.1371 East Gloucester Variety Store 156 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1188 Eastern Avenue School 85-87 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1907

GLO.919 Eastern Point Foghorn Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1951

GLO.418 Eastern Point Light Keepers House Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1879

GLO.1192 Eastern Point Light Keepers House II Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1908

GLO.LS Eastern Point Light Station Gloucester

GLO.918 Eastern Point Light Station Bell Tower Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1193 Eastern Point Light Station Oil House Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1894

GLO.916 Eastern Point Light Station Walkway Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1912

GLO.913 Eastern Point Lighthouse Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1890

GLO.920 Eastern Point Radio Beacon Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1931

GLO.1323 Eaton, Lewis House 227 Plymouth St Gloucester 1830

GLO.448 Eliot, Henry Ware House 18 Edgemoor Rd Gloucester 1895

GLO.298 Ellery, John Stevens House 11 Colonial St Gloucester 1780

GLO.O Elm Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.130 Elwell, Samuel House 6 Chapel St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1263 Empire Clothing Company 167-175 Main St Gloucester 1855

GLO.353 Episcopal Church Parsonage 46 Middle St Gloucester

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 34 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.353 Episcopal Church Parsonage 46 Middle St Gloucester

GLO.1438 Eveleth, Dr. House 20 Highland St Gloucester 1880

GLO.152 Falt - Reed House 172-174 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1181 Farnum Estate Cliff Rd Gloucester 1920

GLO.429 Farrington, Charles F. House 11 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1888

GLO.1176 Faulkner Estate Shore Rd Gloucester 1884

GLO.1299 Favor - Davis House 47 Pleasant St Gloucester 1850

GLO.262 Fears, Otis House 13 Liberty St Gloucester 1864

GLO.415 Federal Building 14 Elm St Gloucester 1928

GLO.1174 Ferguson Estate 89 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.700 Fire Station No. 8 Leonard St Gloucester 1831

GLO.1269 First National Bank 189-193 Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.AR First Period Buildings of Eastern Massachusetts Gloucester

GLO.361 First Universalist Church 50 Middle St Gloucester 1806

GLO.1045 Fisher, Fred A. House 73 Riverview Gloucester 1901

GLO.128 Follansbee, Hazen House 52 Summer St Gloucester 1869

GLO.AF Folly Cove Gloucester

GLO.1317 Forbes School 37-45 Washington St Gloucester 1922

GLO.351 Forbes, Eli House 40-42 Middle St Gloucester 1750

GLO.1274 Foster House 24 Middle St Gloucester 1880

GLO.F Foster Street - Orchard Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.584 Foster's Drug Store 1068 Washington St Gloucester 1880

GLO.646 Foster, Charles W. House 853 Washington St Gloucester 1895

GLO.362 Foster, Col. Joseph House 77 Middle St Gloucester 1750

GLO.325 Foster, Thomas Jefferson House 43-45 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.915 Founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony Memorial Hough St Gloucester 1907

GLO.1055 Freeman - Bray House Essex Ave Gloucester 1709

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GLO.AE Freshwater Cove Gloucester

GLO.251 Friend House 6 Herrick Ct Gloucester 1730

GLO.1201 Friend Street, 14 14 Friend St Gloucester

GLO.126 Friend, Josiah House 29 Summer St Gloucester 1860

GLO.55 Friend, Samuel House 6 Prospect St Gloucester 1860

GLO.341 Front Street Block 65-67 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.343 Front Street Block 55-59 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.340 Front Street Block 69-71 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.AT Front Street Block Gloucester

GLO.342 Front Street Block 61-63 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.1145 Fuller House Norman Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1318 G.A.R Hall 47 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.45 Garland, George House 52 Middle St Gloucester 1851

GLO.1047 Garland, Joseph E. House 58 Riverview Gloucester 1903

GLO.746 Garrigues, Edward House Beach Rd Gloucester 1936

GLO.172 Gerring, Frederick House 25 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.192 Gerring, George Jr. House 9 Plum St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1115 Gilbert - Butler - Stanley House 729 Western Ave Gloucester 1704

GLO.1116 Gilbert House 751 Western Ave Gloucester 1801

GLO.799 Gilbert, Addison Hospital 298 Washington St Gloucester 1897

GLO.70 Gilbert, Samuel House 1 Western Ave Gloucester 1790

GLO.16 Giles - Hough House 23 Church St Gloucester 1790

GLO.161 Gill, Daniel A. House 281 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.158 Gill, Daniel House 252 East Main St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1258 Gillis, John D. Building 146-148 Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.582 Gloucest Engine House 1072 Washington St Gloucester 1859

GLO.328 Gloucester Bank 51-53 Main St Gloucester 1831

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 36 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.328 Gloucester Bank 51-53 Main St Gloucester 1831

GLO.315 Gloucester City Hall 9 Dale Ave Gloucester 1870

GLO.378 Gloucester Cooperative Bank 85 Middle St Gloucester 1929

GLO.931 Gloucester Fisherman's Memorial Stacy Blvd Gloucester 1923

GLO.1243 Gloucester Gas Light Company 96-98 Main St Gloucester 1910

GLO.AU Gloucester Harbor Area Gloucester

GLO.939 Gloucester Marine Railway Harbor Loop Gloucester 1849

GLO.1340 Gloucester Marine Railway Main Building Harbor Loop Gloucester 1880

GLO.1341 Gloucester Marine Railway Storage Building Harbor Loop Gloucester 1880

GLO.AV Gloucester Multiple Property Submission Gloucester

GLO.1268 Gloucester National Bank 185-187 Main St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1343 Gloucester Net and Twine Company 33 Maplewood Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.924 Gloucester Railroad Draw Bridge Annisquam River Gloucester 1911

GLO.950 Gloucester Spanish American War Memorial Prospect St Gloucester 1923

GLO.390 Gloucester Town Hall 6-8 Washington St Gloucester 1850

GLO.937 Gloucester Town Landing 2 Commercial St Gloucester

GLO.963 Goose Cove Reservoir Goose Cove Reservoir Gloucester 1965

GLO.969 Goose Cove Reservoir Concrete Dams Goose Cove Reservoir Gloucester 1965

GLO.958 Goose Cove Reservoir Service Road Reservoir Service Rd Gloucester 1965

GLO.273 Gorman, John House 6 Oak St Gloucester 1860

GLO.1324 Gorton Corporation 327 Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.690 Goss, Madame House 47 Leonard St Gloucester 1728

GLO.AI Gould Court Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.223 Grael, J. F. Jr. House 10 Fair St Gloucester 1884

GLO.427 Green Alley 83 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1905

GLO.426 Greenough, David S. House 95 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1888

GLO.145 Griffin House 130 East Main St Gloucester 1730

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GLO.1326 Guest, Sinclair House Cole's Island Rd Gloucester 1922

GLO.792 Hall, Arthur W. House 446 Washington St Gloucester 1890

GLO.423 Hamilton, J. Kane House Aileen Terr Gloucester 1888

GLO.1196 Hammond Castle 80 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1825

GLO.S Hampden Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.571 Haraden, Nathaniel House 2 Andrews St Gloucester 1845

GLO.AH Harbor Village Gloucester

GLO.345 Hardy - Parsons House 90-92 Middle St Gloucester 1755

GLO.AP Harold Avenue Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.567 Harraden House 1107A Washington St Gloucester

GLO.734 Harraden, Capt. Andrew House 2 River Rd Gloucester 1700

GLO.714 Harraden, Edward House 12-14 Leonard St Gloucester 1660

GLO.569 Harraden, Jonathan House 10 Andrews St Gloucester 1850

GLO.T Harrison Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.U Hartz Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.AQ Harvard Avenue Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.56 Harvey, George House 27 Proctor St Gloucester 1873

GLO.778 Harvey, John T. House 534 Washington St Gloucester 1861

GLO.1056 Haskell - Herrick Tavern 396 Essex Ave Gloucester 1768

GLO.303 Haskell, Howard House 316 Main St Gloucester

GLO.39 Haskell, Howard House 5 Marchant St Gloucester 1869

GLO.40 Haskell, Loring B. House 6 Marchant St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1429 Haskell, Samuel House 6 Highland St Gloucester 1870

GLO.1088 Haskell, William House 11 Lincoln St Gloucester 1700

GLO.J Head of the Cove Gloucester

GLO.77 Herrick, Arthur House 10 Forest St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1072 Herrick, Ella Proctor House 257 Concord St Gloucester 1690

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 38 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.1072 Herrick, Ella Proctor House 257 Concord St Gloucester 1690

GLO.444 Hill, T. Chittenden House 58 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1926

GLO.178 Hillier, Thomas House 62 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1754

GLO.1113 Hodgkins - Storey - May House 636 Western Ave Gloucester 1765

GLO.757 Hodgkins Mill 672 Washington St Gloucester 1834

GLO.1123 Honners - Trout House 27 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1815

GLO.1128 Honners House 9 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1865

GLO.293 Hotchkiss, Edward House 29 Warner St Gloucester 1869

GLO.1171 Hoyle, Charles House Lexington Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.220 Huntress Home Emerson Ave Gloucester 1872

GLO.322 Italian Villa Restaurant 38 Main St Gloucester 1971

GLO.542 Jackson, Daniel House 6 Langsford St Gloucester 1860

GLO.923 Jeanne d'Arc Statue Washington St Gloucester 1915

GLO.124 Johnson, Nelson House 1 Babson St Gloucester 1872

GLO.15 Jones, William House 9 Church St Gloucester 1851

GLO.764 Joslyn - Wharf House 551 Washington St Gloucester 1679

GLO.1159 Joslyn House 17 Fuller St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1157 Kennard, A. W. House Fuller St Gloucester 1899

GLO.Z Kent Circle Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.902 Keystone Bridge Gloucester Ave Gloucester 1861

GLO.X Kilby Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.1279 Knight - Whalen House 38 Middle St Gloucester 1860

GLO.693 Lane Store, The Rogers Ln Gloucester 1815

GLO.720 Lane, Capt. O. G. House 10 Arlington St Gloucester 1833

GLO.301 Lane, Fitz Hugh House Harbor Loop Gloucester 1850

GLO.69 Lane, George House 116 Washington St Gloucester 1851

GLO.695 Lane, Gustavus House 39 Leonard St Gloucester 1820

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GLO.148 Lane, William House 150 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.K Lanesville Center Gloucester

GLO.409 Lanesville Congregational Church 1218 Washington St Gloucester 1828

GLO.552 Lanesville Congregational Church Washington St Gloucester 1866

GLO.805 Langsford Cemetery Langsford St Gloucester 1830

GLO.556 Langsford House 1114 Washington St Gloucester 1760

GLO.1183 Lawton, W. C. House 194 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.701 Leonard School Leonard St Gloucester 1837

GLO.428 Lewis, Albert House 5 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1888

GLO.420 Lewis, John V. House 123 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1888

GLO.L Lexington Avenue Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.932 Liberty Statue Dale Ave Gloucester 1879

GLO.V Liberty Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.AS Lighthouses of Massachusetts Gloucester

GLO.1363 Lish, George House 147 East Main St Gloucester 1830

GLO.917 Little Triton Sculpture Hough St Gloucester 1989

GLO.41 Loring - Fears House 2-4 Mason St Gloucester 1851

GLO.66 Low, Gorham P. House 4 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1175 Lowell Estate 93 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.1073 Lufkin House 229 Concord St Gloucester

GLO.1400 Lund, J. W. House 236 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1136 Lycett Store and Post Office Fuller St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1126 Lycett's Store and Post Office 14 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.1152 Lycett, Arthur M. House 26 Norman Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.376 Mackay, Capt. Harvey Coffin House 19 Pleasant St Gloucester 1842

GLO.1033 Mackey, William H. House 2 Rose Ln Gloucester 1855

GLO.926 Magnolia Avenue Railroad Bridge Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1985

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 40 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.926 Magnolia Avenue Railroad Bridge Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1985

GLO.808 Magnolia Cemetery Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1826

GLO.1137 Magnolia Fire Station Fuller St Gloucester 1931

GLO.1164 Magnolia Library Association 1 Norman Ave Gloucester 1887

GLO.1165 Magnolia Tea Room - North Shore Grill 2 Lexington Ave Gloucester 1900

GLO.1206 Maplewood Avenue, 78 78 Maplewood Ave Gloucester

GLO.1336 Maplewood School 120 Maplewood Ave Gloucester 1899

GLO.139 Marble, David House 6 Davis St Gloucester 1851

GLO.264 Marr, Charles House 32 Mount Vernon St Gloucester 1869

GLO.146 Marston, Charles House 136 East Main St Gloucester 1869

GLO.1446 Martin, C. House 74 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.1435 Martin, G. H. House 15 Highland St Gloucester 1885

GLO.171 Martin, Stephen House 23 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1109 Master Moore House 7 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1752

GLO.147 McCaleb, Vinal House 139 East Main St Gloucester 1869

GLO.1156 McClure House 15 Fuller St Gloucester 1885

GLO.21 McCulloch, Henry House 26 Dale Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.287 McDonald Boarding House 20 Shepard St Gloucester 1880

GLO.63 McIntire House 164 Prospect St Gloucester 1825

GLO.185 McLoud, John House 123 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1860

GLO.1179 McMillan Estate 13-19 Shore Rd Gloucester 1890

GLO.1127 McMillan Stables 6 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1920

GLO.190 McQuin, Herbert House 21 Plum St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1471 McQuin, J. S. House 25 Plum St Gloucester 1850

GLO.906 Meeting House Marker Grant Cir Gloucester 1931

GLO.1151 Melanson House Norman Ave Gloucester 1899

GLO.1125 Men's Club 16 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1910

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GLO.490 Mendell, Ellis House 63 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1896

GLO.491 Mendell, Seth House 69 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1902

GLO.1304 Merchant - Perkins House 79 Prospect St Gloucester 1870

GLO.38 Merchant, Addison House 335 Main St Gloucester 1851

GLO.272 Merchant, Albion House 5 Neptune Pl Gloucester 1884

GLO.965 Merry Boulders Cherry St Gloucester 1935

GLO.1305 Methodist Church 80 Prospect St Gloucester 1883

GLO.617 Methodist Parsonage 962 Washington St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1199 Millett Street, 11 11 Millett St Gloucester

GLO.AK Millett Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.1177 Miramar Shore Rd Gloucester 1905

GLO.297 Moore, Master House Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1752

GLO.550 Morgan, Nathan House 1130 Washington St Gloucester

GLO.1147 Morse - Jones House Dalton Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.419 Mother Ann Cottage 135 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1905

GLO.811 Mount Adnah Cemetery Leonard St Gloucester 1848

GLO.29 Newman, John House 5 Franklin Sq Gloucester 1760

GLO.663 Norwood, Caleb House 146 Leonard St Gloucester 1701

GLO.753 Norwood, Francis - Hyatt, Alpheus House 704 Washington St Gloucester 1664

GLO.754 Norwood, Francis House 100 Dennison St Gloucester 1750

GLO.713 Norwood, George House 16 Leonard St Gloucester 1800

GLO.19 O'Donnell - Usen Fisheries Commercial St Gloucester 1925

GLO.1375 O'Donnell - Usen Freezer Building 159 East Main St Gloucester 1970

GLO.800 Oak Grove Cemetery Washington St Gloucester 1854

GLO.1121 Oak Grove Hotel 29 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1877

GLO.686 Old Castle, The 63-65 Leonard St Gloucester 1717

GLO.1071 Old Story Farm 54 Atlantic St Gloucester 1851

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 42 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.1071 Old Story Farm 54 Atlantic St Gloucester 1851

GLO.498 On-a-Ledge Way Rd Gloucester 1910

GLO.395 Our Lady of Good Voyage Roman Catholic Church 136-144 Prospect St Gloucester 1915

GLO.464 Overlook 24 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1920

GLO.507 Ozone Cottage 30 Salt Island Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.1262 Parkhurst Building 161-163 Main St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1342 Parmenter, Rice and Company Fish Company Harbor Loop Gloucester 1900

GLO.941 Parson's Wharf East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.131 Parson, Eben House 9 Chapel St Gloucester 1869

GLO.1370 Parsons House 155 East Main St Gloucester 1850

GLO.177 Parsons, Charles M. House 50 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1433 Parsons, David House 11 Highland St Gloucester 1870

GLO.181 Parsons, Joseph M. House 79 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1872

GLO.168 Parsons, William House 13 Highland St Gloucester 1846

GLO.364 Parsons, William House 62 Middle St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1423 Patch, Isaac Store 273-275 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.365 Patillo Building 67 Middle St Gloucester 1889

GLO.1251 Patillo Building 120-122 Main St Gloucester 1875

GLO.36 Pattillo, James W. House 6 Hancock St Gloucester 1851

GLO.377 Pearce, David - Somes, John House 26 Pleasant St Gloucester 1800

GLO.1000 Pearce, William House 301 Washington St Gloucester 1780

GLO.1122 Penhallow Cottage 22 Magnolia Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.141 Perkins, George House 44 East Main St Gloucester 1860

GLO.53 Perkins, George House 50 Pleasant St Gloucester 1879

GLO.191 Peterson, C. House 11 Plum St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1349 Peterson, M. House 8 Davis St Gloucester 1890

GLO.290 Pew, John House 7 Taylor St Gloucester 1872

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GLO.445 Pew, John J. House 2 Edgemoor Rd Gloucester 1906

GLO.101 Phillips, Ezra House 30 Gloucester Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.1054 Pine Cone Cabin Stanwood Ave Gloucester 1878

GLO.1185 Pine Knoll - Morrill Estate 184 Hesperus Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.AJ Pine Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.1466 Pingree, E. House 15 Plum St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1372 Pirate Cove Market 158 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.Q Plum Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.645 Poland, William House 867 Washington St Gloucester 1895

GLO.1296 Presson House 16-18 Pleasant St Gloucester 1740

GLO.68 Price, Joseph House 115-117 Washington St Gloucester 1730

GLO.1290 Priestly House 26-28 Pine St Gloucester 1730

GLO.122 Procter House 4 Conant Ave Gloucester 1880

GLO.71 Procter, Addison House 15 Western Ave Gloucester 1851

GLO.807 Proctor Family Burial Ground Essex Ave Gloucester 1827

GLO.1204 Proctor Street, 6 6 Proctor St Gloucester

GLO.813 Prospect Street Cemetery 18-22 Prospect St Gloucester 1830

GLO.703 Pulcifer House 31 Leonard St Gloucester 1829

GLO.263 Pulcifer, Epes House 2 Lookout St Gloucester 1869

GLO.346 Puritan House 2-10 Main St Gloucester 1810

GLO.579 Pythian Hall 1080 Washington St Gloucester 1858

GLO.195 Rackliffe, Amos House 7 Fremont St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1405 Randall, G. L. House 242 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.437 Red Roof 79 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1902

GLO.1392 Reed and Gamage Fish Yard 211 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1337 Reed's Wharf - Robinson's Landing Wharf Building 197R East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.167 Reed, Charles House 8 Highland St Gloucester 1884

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 44 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.167 Reed, Charles House 8 Highland St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1148 Richardson, O. W. House Norman Ave Gloucester 1882

GLO.762 Riggs House Vine St Gloucester 1661

GLO.793 Riverdale Grange 457 Washington St Gloucester 1890

GLO.948 Riverdale Martyrs Monument Washington St Gloucester 1886

GLO.1009 Riverdale Methodist Church 436 Washington St Gloucester 1838

GLO.283 Roach, Patrick House 19 Sargent St Gloucester 1851

GLO.166 Roberts House 23 Haskell St Gloucester 1925

GLO.943 Robinson's Cove Causeway Robinson's Cove Gloucester 1850

GLO.938 Robinson's Cove Landing East Main St Gloucester 1720

GLO.1347 Robinson, Benjamin House 41 Chapel St Gloucester 1875

GLO.180 Robinson, David House 77 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.197 Rockaway House 7 Rackliffe St Gloucester 1896

GLO.636 Rocklawn, Col. Jonas H. French House 9 Washington St Gloucester 1872

GLO.AB Rocky Neck Gloucester

GLO.1272 Rogers - Mansfield House 16 Middle St Gloucester 1730

GLO.350 Rogers - Parsons House 54-56 Middle St Gloucester 1769

GLO.1248 Rogers Block, The 109-113 Main St Gloucester 1872

GLO.904 Rogers Memorial 54-56 Middle St Gloucester

GLO.470 Rogers, George H. House 31 Beach Rd Gloucester 1860

GLO.1043 Rosemere Riverview Gloucester 1917

GLO.949 Rotary Circle - Grant Circle Monument Grant Cir Gloucester 1956

GLO.910 Route 128 Bridge over MBTA Tracks Rt 128 Gloucester 1957

GLO.1403 Rowe, C. House 240 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.144 Rowe, Lewis House 108 East Main St Gloucester 1869

GLO.1354 Rowe, S. A. House 128 East Main St Gloucester 1870

GLO.54 Rowe, Samuel House 13 Proctor St Gloucester 1860

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GLO.1049 Russia Cement Company 147 Essex Ave Gloucester 1876

GLO.M Russia Cement Company Gloucester

GLO.790 Rust, Howard House 473 Washington St Gloucester 1885

GLO.609 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church 1033 Washington St Gloucester 1876

GLO.1488 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Community Hall 1033 Washington St Gloucester 1890

GLO.AZ Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Complex Gloucester

GLO.1489 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Rectory 5 High St Gloucester 1884

GLO.1490 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Rectory Garage 5 High St Gloucester 1940

GLO.1303 Saint Ann School 70 Prospect St Gloucester 1913

GLO.276 Saint Ann's Church Pleasant St Gloucester 1876

GLO.1300 Saint Ann's Convent Pleasant St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1301 Saint Ann's Parish Center 60 Prospect St Gloucester 1897

GLO.1302 Saint Ann's Rectory 64 Prospect St Gloucester 1880

GLO.466 Saint Anthony's-by-the-Sea 2 Saint Louis Ave Gloucester 1925

GLO.360 Saint John's Episcopal Church 48 Middle St Gloucester 1864

GLO.1130 Saint Joseph's Roman Catholic Chapel 17 Ocean Ave Gloucester 1911

GLO.951 Saint Peter's Church - Blessed Virgin Grotto 27 Sayward Ave Gloucester 1947

GLO.1480 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church 27 Sayward Ave Gloucester 1923

GLO.AY Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Complex Gloucester

GLO.1484 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Parish Office 17 Sayward Ave Gloucester 1870

GLO.1481 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Rectory 1 Brightside Ave Gloucester 1915

GLO.1482 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Rectory Garage 1 Brightside Ave Gloucester 1935

GLO.1483 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Rectory Shed 1 Brightside Ave Gloucester 1975

GLO.952 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Retaining Wall 27 Sayward Ave Gloucester 1923

GLO.953 Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church Stairs 27 Sayward Ave Gloucester 1923

GLO.140 Sanders, Capt. Thomas House 10 East Main St Gloucester 1736

GLO.399 Sargent - Lansford House 2 Langsford St Gloucester 1750

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 46 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.399 Sargent - Lansford House 2 Langsford St Gloucester 1750

GLO.363 Sargent - Murray - Gilman - Hough House 49 Middle St Gloucester 1782

GLO.614 Sargent - Robinson House 972 Washington St Gloucester 1690

GLO.1149 Sargent House 22 Norman Ave Gloucester 1899

GLO.209 Sargent, Solomon House 9 Beacon St Gloucester 1872

GLO.1352 Saulnear, H. House 11 Davis St Gloucester 1875

GLO.1441 Saunders, G. D. House 30 Highland St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1 Saville, Fitz Edward House 7-9 Angle St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1242 Sawyer Block 95-101 Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.344 Sawyer Free Library 88 Middle St Gloucester 1764

GLO.1104 Sawyer, James House 268 Western Ave Gloucester 1714

GLO.43 Sayward - Seaver House 21 Mason St Gloucester 1869

GLO.64 Sayward House 23 School St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1449 Sayward, George House 81 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1875

GLO.1153 Scammon House Norman Ave Gloucester 1930

GLO.922 Schooner Adventure Marine Railways Gloucester 1926

GLO.438 Scott, Henry J. House 77 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1888

GLO.914 Sea Harvest 2 Dale Ave Gloucester 1976

GLO.812 Seaside Cemetery 94 Langford St Gloucester 1877

GLO.907 Second Parish Meeting House Marker Bray St Gloucester

GLO.404 Shakespeare House 3 Mason St Gloucester

GLO.455 Shapley, David House 15 Shapley Rd Gloucester 1718

GLO.1135 Sharon House 30 Lane Rd Gloucester 1930

GLO.1146 Shaw Cottage Norman Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.483 Sherman, Judge Edgar House 24 Bass Rocks Rd Gloucester 1875

GLO.1162 Shore View Rehn House 13 Oakes St Gloucester 1896

GLO.159 Smith House 253 East Main St Gloucester 1730

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GLO.121 Smith, David House 7 Bellevue Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.129 Smith, Henry House 1 Blake Ct Gloucester 1869

GLO.294 Smith, Peter House 28-30 Washington Sq Gloucester 1869

GLO.30 Somes House 9-11 Franklin Sq Gloucester 1750

GLO.305 Somes, Capt. John House 20-22 Middle St Gloucester 1770

GLO.348 Somes, Capt. Samuel House 29-31 Pleasant St Gloucester 1796

GLO.165 Spurr, William S. House 4 Gerring Rd Gloucester 1897

GLO.51 Stacey - Nash House 18-20 Pine St Gloucester 1730

GLO.934 Stacy Boulevard Stacy Blvd Gloucester 1925

GLO.352 Stacy House 44 Middle St Gloucester 1840

GLO.442 Stacy, George House 76 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1912

GLO.393 Stacy, George O. House 107 Atlantic Rd Gloucester 1899

GLO.AD Stage Fort Gloucester

GLO.908 Stage Fort Settlement and Park Marker Hough St Gloucester 1985

GLO.1338 Stalls Building 3 State Pier Gloucester 1938

GLO.1158 Stanwood, Bernard House 16 Fuller St Gloucester 1889

GLO.467 Stanwood, John J. House 11 Saint Louis Ave Gloucester 1888

GLO.1205 Staten Street, 7 7 Staten St Gloucester

GLO.58 Steele House 47 Prospect St Gloucester 1730

GLO.380 Steele, Carroll K. Insurance Building 34 Pleasnat St Gloucester 1958

GLO.102 Stevens House 163 Washington St Gloucester 1790

GLO.1422 Stevens, W. Store 271 East Main St Gloucester 1900

GLO.387 Stevens, William House 41-43 Middle St Gloucester 1775

GLO.1401 Stevenson, Charles House 238 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.439 Stone Acres 67 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1918

GLO.183 Story, Amos A. House 115B Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1870

GLO.182 Story, Amos A. House 113A Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1884

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 48 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.182 Story, Amos A. House 113A Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1884

GLO.433 Story, Amos House 27 Fort Hill Ave Gloucester 1720

GLO.1432 Story, Charles House 10 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1434 Story, Charles House 14 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.67 Sullivan House 70 Washington St Gloucester 1740

GLO.1163 Summer Chapel Flume Rd Gloucester 1884

GLO.I Summer Street - Hovey Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.802 Summer Street Burial Ground Summer St Gloucester 1850

GLO.465 Sunset Rock 18 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1914

GLO.27 Swift - Carter House 6-8 Federal St Gloucester 1800

GLO.186 Swinson, John House 141 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.1249 Tappan Block 112-118 Main St Gloucester 1875

GLO.42 Tappan, Charles House 16 Mason St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1359 Tarr and Noyes House 145 East Main St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1360 Tarr and Noyes House 145R East Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.196 Tarr and Wonson Paint Manufactory Horton St Gloucester 1874

GLO.1366 Tarr House 149 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1437 Tarr, C. House 18 Highland St Gloucester 1850

GLO.127 Tarr, George House 42 Summer St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1463 Tarr, Ida F. House 7 Plum St Gloucester 1885

GLO.1306 Tarr, J. G. House 83 Prospect St Gloucester 1872

GLO.B Task Oaks Gloucester

GLO.355 Temple Ahavath Achim Synagogue 82-84 Middle St Gloucester 1828

GLO.909 Ten Pound Island Light Ten Pound Island Gloucester 1881

GLO.446 Tener, George E. House 8 Edgemoor Rd Gloucester 1916

GLO.933 Thatcher Road Bridge Thatcher Rd Gloucester 1921

GLO.441 Three Waters 57 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1919

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GLO.103 Tibbetts - Dolliver House 203 Washington St Gloucester 1895

GLO.W Tolman Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.440 Tower of Four Winds 63 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1928

GLO.207 Town Grammar Schoolhouse 7 Beacon St Gloucester 1794

GLO.1018 Tracy, Timothy House 41 Cherry St Gloucester 1880

GLO.1310 Trask - Harridan House 90 Prospect St Gloucester 1730

GLO.AL Trask Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.28 Trask, Joshua House 10 Federal St Gloucester 1820

GLO.374 Trinity Congregational Church 76 Middle St Gloucester 1855

GLO.354 Trinity Manse 64 Middle St Gloucester 1775

GLO.443 Tucker House 64R Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1720

GLO.786 Tucker, Experience House 490 Washington St Gloucester 1837

GLO.319 U. S. Post Office - Gloucester Branch 15 Dale Ave Gloucester 1932

GLO.1180 Underwood, A. B. House 14 Shore Rd Gloucester 1884

GLO.1144 Union Congregational Church Norman Ave Gloucester 1893

GLO.123 Unitarian Parsonage 15 Conant Ave Gloucester 1890

GLO.D Upper Maplewood Avenue Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.E Upper Washington Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.1464 Varney, Ella F. House 10 Plum St Gloucester 1845

GLO.619 Vicari's Store 963 Washington St Gloucester 1927

GLO.424 Villa Latomia 117 Eastern Point Blvd Gloucester 1912

GLO.1353 Vose, Adolf Store 126 East Main St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1178 Walker Estate 20 Shore Rd Gloucester 1898

GLO.925 Wallace Court Railroad Bridge Wallace Ct Gloucester 1985

GLO.AM Warner Streetscape Gloucester

GLO.806 Washington Cemetery Western Ave Gloucester 1839

GLO.228 Webber, John House 25 Granite St Gloucester 1851

Thursday, February 21, 2008 Page 50 of 52 Copyright 1998,2001 Data Dynamics . This is an evaluation copy. Visit for more information. For support during evaluation please send email to [email protected] Inv. No. Property Name Street Town Year GLO.228 Webber, John House 25 Granite St Gloucester 1851

GLO.37 Webster - Lane House 304 Main St Gloucester 1840

GLO.804 Wesleyan Cemetery Wesley St Gloucester 1865

GLO.1061 West Congregational Church Essex Ave Gloucester 1834

GLO.927 West Parish Road Bridge Essex Ave Gloucester 1985

GLO.1311 Wharf House 92 Prospect St Gloucester 1730

GLO.405 Wharf, Abram House 16 Stanwood St Gloucester 1770

GLO.1008 White - Ellery House 244 Washington St Gloucester 1710

GLO.1150 White Villa, The 15 Norman Ave Gloucester 1899

GLO.212 White, Second Rev. John House 117 Centennial Ave Gloucester 1755

GLO.309 Whittemore House 179 Washington St Gloucester 1700

GLO.737 Whittemore, Martha House 6 Cambridge Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.736 Wilmot, H. B. House 3 Cambridge Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.229 Wilson, John House 6 Grove St Gloucester 1851

GLO.230 Wilson, William House 14 Grove St Gloucester 1860

GLO.349 Wittemore, Samuel House 27 Middle St Gloucester 1760

GLO.935 Wonson's Cove Landing Eastern Point Rd Gloucester

GLO.944 Wonson's Wharf and Sea Walls East Main St Gloucester 1850

GLO.1444 Wonson, A. R. House 68 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1895

GLO.193 Wonson, Addison House 1 Clarendon St Gloucester 1885

GLO.200 Wonson, August House 24 Wonson St Gloucester 1860

GLO.175 Wonson, Charles H. House 32 Highland St Gloucester 1890

GLO.1440 Wonson, Charles House 26 Highland St Gloucester 1865

GLO.150 Wonson, Emanuel House 161 East Main St Gloucester 1825

GLO.1362 Wonson, F. G. House 146 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.176 Wonson, Franklin A. House 37 Highland St Gloucester 1851

GLO.194 Wonson, Gardner K. House 2 Clarendon St Gloucester 1873

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GLO.164 Wonson, George Jr. House 3 Gerring Rd Gloucester 1865

GLO.1450 Wonson, George M. House 82 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1840

GLO.169 Wonson, Henry House 17 Highland St Gloucester 1845

GLO.1358 Wonson, J. F. House 142 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.156 Wonson, John F. and Company Office and Store 233-237 East Main St Gloucester 1860

GLO.184 Wonson, Roger House 121 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1865

GLO.1443 Wonson, Samuel G. House 64 Mount Pleasant Ave Gloucester 1885

GLO.170 Wonson, Samuel House 19 Highland St Gloucester 1860

GLO.154 Wonson, William C. House 183 East Main St Gloucester 1880

GLO.155 Wonson, William E. House 183R East Main St Gloucester 1760

GLO.160 Wonson, William H. House #2 261 East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.142 Wonson, William S. House 49 East Main St Gloucester 1790

GLO.942 Wonson, William Wharf 169RB East Main St Gloucester 1865

GLO.46 Woodward - Parsons House 68 Middle St Gloucester 1756

GLO.217 Yates, Margaret Witham House 67 Eastern Ave Gloucester 1872

GLO.359 Young Men's Christian Association 71 Middle St Gloucester 1904

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