2018 Annual Report State Agencies, Communities, Organizations and Businesses of the State; and to Establish Becoming Public Servants
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Advisory Council Event Committees The commission is assisted by an advisory council whose main function is supporting Annual Kate Barnard Award and Luncheon the commission in meeting the requirements of the Oklahoma Legislative, Executive The Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women established the Kate Barnard and Judicial branches (OLEJ.) The council acts as an advisory entity on equity issues to Award in 1998 to honor the ranks of women that have made a difference in Oklahoma by 2018 Annual Report state agencies, communities, organizations and businesses of the state; and to establish becoming public servants. Nominees are from the ranks of elected or appointed salaried recommendations for action to strengthen, empower and improve the quality of life for public officials in Oklahoma. Oklahoma women. History of the Commission Guardian Award Committee Committees The Guardian Award is presented to an elected official who has made significant governmental contributions to guarding, protecting and preserving the rights of In 1962, President John F. Kennedy created the President’s Council on the women and families. Status of Women with Eleanor Roosevelt as its first chairman. The report The OCSW accomplishes its mission and vision through the works and goals of its issued by that council encouraged each state to create a similar organiza- administrative, standing and event committees. Each committee is comprised of Annual Retreat tion to look at current legal status, potential problems of gender bias and members from the commission and the advisory council. Annual retreats are conducted so that the commission can develop a plan of action key quality of life issues facing women and families. Governor Henry Bellmon established the first Governor’s Commission on the Status of and long-range strategy for effective functioning, Women during his first term as governor in 1965. Each governor thereaf- Administrative Committees ter established either a committee or a commission by Executive Order Community Conversations (ongoing) and appointed a group of individuals to serve. Governor George Nigh es- Executive Committee Community Conversations is a statewide initiative with a goal of providing Okla- tablished the Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame in 1982, as part of the re- The Executive Committee meets on a regular basis to handle issues related to adminis- homa women with an opportunity to discuss issues which directly and indirectly sponsibilities of the Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women. In trative functions of the commission, and reviewing and revising the current strategic affect the communities they live in. As a result of the conversations, we believe 1994, through the efforts of Speaker of the House Glen Johnson, Senate plan for a dynamic and contemporary commission. women will become more reflective of and connected to their communities, and President Pro Tempore Bob Cullison, Senator Angela Monson, Representa- build stronger partnerships with local agencies and businesses in their areas, plus Actions and Activities: tive Laura Boyd and a dedicated group of women, legislation creating the recommend or implement actionable changes to address issues discussed. Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women (OCSW) passed and was Convening standing and event committees. signed by Governor David Walters. Coordinating with OMES, who oversees the efficient management of the finances of Community Conversations serve five important purposes: the commission, the website, personnel and administrative office of the commission. They are a way to authentically engage members of the community Duties of the Commission Assisting the financial officer with developing a budget and monitoring commis- They address concerns of the community sion finances. They generate public knowledge that can be used to inform decision-making of all kinds The OCSW offers advice on equity issues relating to gender bias, state Designing a budget template which accounts for the state budgeting and account- They uncover a sense of common purpose agencies and employees, communities, organizations and businesses of ing system but is flexible to account for and monitor the various committees and pro- They provide a venue to make community change this state which desire the services of the commission. Duties of the com- jects of the commission. mission include, but are not limited to, monitoring legislation as to wheth- er the legislation is discriminatory toward one gender or whether the gen- Defining a developed process for budgeting, grant or project applications, and or- der of an individual would have an effect on the enforcement of the legisla- dering and purchasing the monitored expenditures of the commission against the cur- Women’s Hall of Fame tion, acting as a resource on issues related to women and gender bias, and rent budget. In 2018, the commission vote to host The Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame (WHOF) conducting meetings and seminars within the State of Oklahoma as appro- Proposing a tentative budget for each fiscal year to review and revise the rules, annually. The purpose of the Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame shall be to provide priate to support the goals and duties of the OCSW. In addition, the com- operating guidelines and procedures, and to monitor the revised rules, policies and the highest honor to women who reside in Oklahoma or were former residents of mission shall report to the governor, the president pro tempore of the procedures of commission for feasibility, workability and acceptability. the state, and who provided outstanding service benefiting the lives of women and Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives of its activities. families in Oklahoma, the nation or elsewhere in the world. To date, the commission Standing Committees has inducted over 100 women into the Hall of Fame, acknowledging their contribu- § 74-666 tions in various categories of disciplines, professions or fields. Commissioners Communications/Public Relations The purpose of the Communications Committee is to promote the activities of the com- 2018 Kate Barnard Recipient The commission shall consist of 30 members. The members shall be ap- mission throughout the State of Oklahoma, and to develop and disseminate press re- pointed as follows: 10 members appointed by the governor, 10 members leases, articles, announcements and other items relevant to events, issues, community The Kate Barnard Award is presented to an elected official who have made signifi- appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate and 10 members conversations and/or programs and projects, including updating and maintaining com- cant governmental contributions to guarding, protecting and preserving the rights of appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives. All members mission social media outlets. women and families. This year’s award was presented to the Honorable Melissa shall be appointed by the appropriate appointing authority for a term of McLawhorn Houston, Commissioner of Labor. Melissa McLawhorn Houston serves History and Archiving of Records five years commencing with the date that the previous appointee's term the State of Oklahoma as Commissioner of Labor. Houston is an experienced admin- Purpose of committee: The History and Archiving of Records Committee strives to im- istrator with extensive knowledge of state government and considerable experience expired. In making such appointments to the commission, consideration prove the quality of life of women, girls and families in Oklahoma by creating a history in state agency operational management, public policy, legislative process, and shall be given to making the membership broadly representative of the of the commission and its activities. Activities for the committee are to develop a dy- budgeting. The Commissioner of Labor shares the responsibility of protecting the geographic areas of the state and the several racial, religious and ethnic namic history of the commission, create a virtual and printed archival record system and health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Department groups residing in the state. Each member shall hold office until the suc- identify a site for a permanent Women’s Hall of Fame location. of Labor enforces statutes relating to wage and hour; child labor; asbestos; licens- cessor of the member is appointed and has qualified. A member of the ing; alternative fuels; amusement rides; boilers; welders; alarm and locksmith; ele- commission may be removed by the appropriate appointing authority for Nominating Committee vator inspections; and safety and health in the workplace (OSHA/PEOSH). She was The purpose of the nominating committee is to receive annually the nominees for the appointed to office by Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin on November 20th, 2015. cause. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expira- slate of officers. The chair of the commission is responsible for designating one member to tion of a term of a member separated from the commission for any cause the Nominating Committee. The slate of officers is presented at least two months in ad- shall be appointed for the remainder of the term of the member whose vance of the election. office has been so vacated. Annual Activities and Accomplishments National Association of Commissions for Women Representative During 2018, OCSW along with the NACW presented a Facebook Live Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women is represented by Kitti Asberry, Virtual Community