Volume 17, No.5, October 1983 CALTECH NEWS USPS 085-640

Oppenheimer, "that too many peo­ Scientists' preliminary ple, including young people, had report: no evidence given up hope of comprehending anything about nature, or even about for neutrino mass the everyday gadgets they used, or the history and workings of the In a preliminary report on a com­ society in which they lived." prehensive experimental effort, an This loss of curiosity applied to international team of scientists has many of his students at the Univer­ reported no evidence that neutrinos sity of Colorado. "The curriculum have mass. The scientists - from was so intense," he says, "that they Caltech, the Technical University of resented digressions. They only Munich, and the Swiss Institute of wanted me to teach what they Nuclear Research - presented their needed to pass the tests." findings at the spring meeting of the To create a museum that would American Physical Society. invite digressions - and restore faith Neutrinos have been called the in the ability to understand the world ghost particles of the universe be­ - were among Oppenheimer's goals. cause of their ability to zip through He wanted the museum to communi­ solid matter as if it didn't exist. The cate a "conviction that both nature impact on physics and astronomy of and people can be understandable the discovery of neutrino had even a and full of newly discovered magic." small mass would be profound. For Oppenheimer brought to the en­ example, proof of a neutrino mass deavor a rich and diverse back­ would mean a large increase in the ground. His training, besides his PhD calculated mass of the universe, in physics from Cal tech, includes an enough to settle the debate over undergraduate degree from Johns whether the universe is "open," Hopkins and study at the Cavendish expanding forever, or "closed," mas­ Laboratory in England. In addition sive enough to eventually reverse its to work at Los Alamos, and univer­ expansion and collapse back on itself. sity and teaching posts, his life expe­ The scientists' neutrino studies riences include, during a politically sought to establish that neutrinos difficult post-World War II period, a undergo osci1lations from one form career as a cattle rancher and presi­ of neutrino to another. According to Frar,k Oppenheimer, founder and director of the Exploratorium - and one of tl1e young in spirit dent of the local cattle 'ranchers' well-established physical theories, who find it deligl1tful. . association, and work as a high only particles with mass undergo school teacher in Colorado. such oscillations. He is the recipient of many awards "We believe our results show - among them, the Mi1likan Award conclusively that neutrinos do not The Exploratorl um: from the American Association of undergo oscillation and thus are not Physics Teachers, two Guggenheim mixed states in a quantum mechani­ a playful museum Fellowships, a Caltech Distinguished cal sense," said Felix Boehm, Caltech delights children of all ages Alumni Award, the Distinguished professor of physics and a member of Service Award from the University of the research team. "As a conse­ Colorado, and the American Asso­ quence, we can give tight limits on It is 10 a.m. on a Wednesday Someone said that "discovering the ciation of Museums' Award for neutrino mass parameters." The morning, and several hundred young Exploratorium is like stumbling into Distinguished Service to Museums. In researchers' experiments encompassed people and teachers are visiting the the belly of a giant whale where some 1981 he was the subject of a NOVA Continued on page 6 Exploratorium in San Francisco's mad scientist has found a home." The program. Palace of Fine Arts. Almost as far as man who made that statement was Continued on page 2 one can see, exhibits that twinkle, Frank Oppenheimer (PhD '39), crea­ beep, wail, pound, flash, and bounce tor of the Exploratorium, and one light are being examined from every who, by the twinkle in his eye when angle by the most excited, enthusias­ he talks of it, finds the museum just tic, happy group of kids to be en­ as delightful as do the kids of all ages countered since Christmas morning. who come there. _ Oppenheimer's dream of creating a science museum began when he was teaching physics in the 1960s at the University of Colorado. "It seemed to me then, and it is still true," says 2

Along with his scientific creden­ that good science museums can play tials, he brought a strong apprecia­ an important role in science tion for art - and for what it should education. contribute to a museum. His mother "If people are going to learn about had been an art teacher in New York science through books," he says, with her own studio. His family "they have to be supported by intui­ collected art, and as a young scientist tion-building experiences. They have in Florence, he delved deeply into the to learn to think: 'I wonder what offerings available to him there. A would happen if I tried this?' " talented flutist as a young man, he The Exploratorium is an environ­ still plays the instrument. ment where people of all ages can ask He also brought to the effort a this question. And if they come back prodigious energy and determination. several times, they come to under­ One colleague described him as a stand at least several of the exhibits. person who "has an insatiable curios­ Two young "If we realize that we can under­ ity about all things and a strong visitors learn - stand a group of things, then we compulsion for investigation. Fo­ through experience - become hooked on understanding," cused by a deep conceptual sense, about the he says. "We-think, 'Yes, I could directed by a lean, hard mind, and Bernoulli effect . understand these other things if I accompanied by an awesome capac­ tried .' This is different than feeling ity for work, that compulsion makes we can 't understand them. him extremely productive." "If we feel we can't understand our In his decision to create the Ex­ environment, we go on to feel that ploratorium, Oppenheimer worked we can't understand television, com­ with his wife, Jackie, who died in puters, homosexuality, criminal 1980. Together they built on a behavior, city government .... This shoestring. attitude leaves people with a sense of Initial funding came through a impotence and crankiness and with $50,000 grant from the San Francisco no hope for making the world a little Foundation when the museum leased better." 90,000 square feet in the Palace of One concrete example of the Fine Arts in 1969. The Exploratorium success of Oppenheimer's goal: A today is supported by grants and woman who had visited the museum donations and continues to operate wrote him saying that she had gone on a lean budget that invites ingenu­ home and, for the first time, changed ity and resourcefulness. More than over a dozen exhibit pieces on binoc­ the cord in a lamp. Nothing in the half a million people visit the mu­ ular vision and size distance judg­ museum had taught her how to do seum annually. Many are students, ments. By layering the exhibits, this. She had simply gained confi­ some of whom become "explainers" visitors absorb what they might miss dence that it was possible. or teachers; they constitute about a through one example alone. In creating the Exploratorium, third of the museum's more than 100 "We're continually adding exhibits, full-time and part-time staff. and I hope we will be able to do Inside the museum - a large open so for years to come," says area that looks a bit like an enor­ Oppenheimer. mous warehouse filled with an in­ Among those who find the mu­ credible sound and light show - the seum most enjoyable are scientists - visitors see more than 500 exhibits on including some of Oppenheimer's sensory perception, light and optics, friends at Cal tech. 'They like it," he sound, resonance and wave motion, says, 'because they learn something, electricity, rotation and angular and because the things they know momentum, exponentials, patterns of about are shown in an ingenious and motion and rhythm, the nature of open way." heat and temperature, the behavior Students of all levels of mental of gasses and liquids, nerve encoding, capacity have found the museum a marine animal behavior, simple rich experience - from the gifted to engines, and a modest collection of the retarded or sensory deprived. A visitor miscellany that exists because it Because many of the exhibits involve samples the bicycle intrigues one or another member of aspects of illusion, a school for the wheel gyro exhibit. the staff. sensory deprived has had parents and A common thread connects each staff come to the museum for work­ topic with the starting point: human shops so they can experience how perception. 'The Exploratorium is frustrating and confusing things can about nature, and one of the major become for children when their accomplishments of science has been senses don't work right. to demonstrate that there is a unity In planning the Exploratorium, to the diversity of nature," says Oppenheimer had come to realize Oppenheimer. "We hope that visitors how few good science museums there can sense this connectedness." were in the country, and he believed- To aid comprehension, the mu­ seum displays multiple examples of expecially interesting or important phenomena. For example, there are Oppenheimer has made playfulness a Caltech graduates' salary offers: prime ingredient - along with get­ ting visitors involved with hands as $2,500 higher than the national norm well as minds, and using art and aesthetics as an essential part of the Caltech students graduating in June professional appearance. He com­ traditional pattern than for the class process of learning and teaching. He with BS and MS degrees received municated well in interviews - and of 1982, 56 percent of whose mem­ often stresses the need to make peo­ salary offers averaging a full $2,500 he did a lot of hard work in the job bers with PhD's accepted positions in ple at ease. "We must make it possi­ higher than the national norm, ac­ hunting process," said Asmundson. industry. ble for visitors to feel they are the cording to Sally J. Asmundson, This student's experience was not For the PhD candidates, the eco­ clever and perceptive ones, not the director of placement and career an isolated example. Three other nomic temptations of work in indus­ scientists and engineers. But along planning services. students received more than ten job try are great, Asmundson points out. with the down-playing, we must lead In the past, Cal tech graduates have offers, while last year the highest For example, the salary range for them to the point that they marvel at received salary offers on a par with number of offers was seven. Aware postdocs is $13,000 to $26,700 with and are intrigued by the wonders and those of students across the country. of the tight market, many students most positions paying less than mysteries of nature, enraptured by Asmundson attributes the differential began looking early for jobs, notes $20,000. But the average entry-level the meaning and strength of art, this year to a tight job market in Asmundson, in many cases contact­ salary in industry is $38,000. Two delighted by the ingeniousness of which employers are hiring selec­ ing firms that don't conduct formal PhD candidates accepted salaries at technical inventions - and aware of tively and bidding for top people. campus interviews. the vice presidential level in the the connectedness in time, history, (The average annual salary offers for Down again this year was the $50,000 to $60,000 range. and substance of everything they Cal tech gradutes with BS degrees was demand for graduates in civil and encounter in the museum, as in the approximately $28,000; for graduates chemical engineering - options outside world." with MS degrees, about $31,600.) whose graduates generally enter Oppenheimer likes to think of the Most in demand among the gradu­ petroleum and other energy-related Schaefer elected Exploratorium as a place to sightsee, ates were those with degrees in elec­ fields. and he notes that "sightseeing is more trical engineering and engineering By August 1, 33 percent of the BS MAS Fellow than pleasurable. It can build the and applied science, in line with a degree recipients had accepted full­ experiences and intuitions on which trend across the country. At Cal tech, time positions, 52 percent would William P. Schaefer, senior research other opportunities for learning rely. 17 EE graduates who were looking enter graduate schools, and 9 stu­ associate in chemistry at Cal tech, has And in a broad sense, it can help for job ~ reported receiving 58 job dents had made miscellaneous plans. been elected a Fellow of the Ameri­ people determine where they will One of these has received a Wat­ can Association for the Advancement make their home." son Fellowship and will spend the of Science. He was one of 296 men Science museums have been doing The highest job offer to a B5- and women chosen from universities degree recipient was $24,000 to a year in travel and study of the archi­ that for young people for many tectural and engineering aspects of throughout the country and honored graduate in engineering and years, Oppenheimer believes. He museum design. Another will be for their scientifically or socially notes that many scientists who visit applied science. involved in graduate studies at Ox­ distinguished work on behalf of the the Exploratorium say they became ford, and five have been accepted to advancement of science or its appli­ scientists because of early visits to the cation. Schaefer's research interests offers. (Of the 36 students who grad­ medical school. Two will become Museum of Science and Industry in include X-ray diffraction and the uated with degrees in electrical engi­ science teachers, one in the Los Chicago, and several young people neering, 16 accepted an offer, 16 are Angeles area and another in Japan, structural chemistry of transition who have gone into careers in science metal complexes. going on to graduate school, and 4 teaching English to engineers. lay the responsibility at the doorstep reported miscellaneous plans.) Another expects to begin writing a of the Exploratorium. But for others, Graduates in engineering and novel. the direction has been different. Of the 154 students receiving MS For example, a young man who applied science reported 52 job offers Vol. 17, No.5 October 1983 among 33 students who were looking degrees this year, 89 (58 percent) will worked at the Exploratorium went on continue in graduate school - most to study physics at a University of for employment. Among those grad­ Issued six times a year (Feb., April, remaining at Caltech. Among those June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.) and California campus. After three years, uating with engineering and applied continuing their education elsewhere, published by the California Institute of he switched to the social sciences. science options, 30 accepted jobs and 21 are going to graduate school, one will attend law school, another Technology and the Alumni Asso­ "Only once in those three years," the will enter a plio program at Hebrew ciation, 1201 East California Blvd., student told Oppenheimer, "did a including two who will enter medical school. University in Israel, and a third will Pasadena, California 91125 . Second physics professor mention beauty." class postage paid at Pasadena, The highest job offer to a BS de­ attend the University of Karlsruhe in How does Oppenheimer like his California. Postmaster: Please send gree recipient was $42,000 to a grad­ Germany. One will spend a year job? "llike it fine," he says. "Every­ address changes to Caltech News, 1-71, uate in engineering and applied studying at the University of Bor­ thing I've ever done - cattle ranch­ California Institute of Technology. science. One graduate in electrical deaux in France on a Rotary Founda­ ing, music, going to school, climbing Pasadena, CA 91125 . engineering received 17 job offers and tion Fellowship and then return to mountains, the Manhattan Project accepted a position with a high­ Caltech to complete a PhD. and the expediting it involved - they EDITORIAL STAFF Another is taking time to investi­ Executive editor: Winifred Veronda all seem relevant to what I'm doing growth computer company. gate her creative potential in music, Staff associates: Phyllis Brewster, here." "This candidate had good grades, research experience and an attractive drama, and writing. One will join the Diane Davis, Neil And what Oppenheimer is doing at Air Force, and six French students Saccamano and the Exploratorium is enriching the have returned to France to complete Kay Walker lives of thousands of visitors. Said their military obligation. Photographer: Robert Paz one colleague, 'The Exploratorium Of the MS degree recipients, 43 (28 has become a mecca for all those percent) took jobs - most of these in USPS 085-640 who, regardless of discipline, have an electrical engineering. interest in learning. No one in our Of the 136 PhD candidates 50 (37 years has had a greater impact on percent) took positions in industry, museums." and 78 (57 percent) accepted aca­ demic positions - 15 in teaching or research and 63 as postdocs. This pattern represents a return to a more 4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

dena High School, where their sec­ the reason he was assigned to Balliol sometimes lose track of the impor­ Masterfrom ond daughter, Katharine, is currently was that when he was asked to indi­ tance of other aspects of a university a junior. Son Patrick just finished the cate the colleges of his choice in education." Magherafelt: fourth grade at Loma Alta Elemen­ order, he didn't know about any of In addition to a commitment to tary School. them, so he simply listed them alpha­ preserve and enhance, what other From Magherafelt to Oxford Uni­ betically. "I was lucky to have inad­ reasons does Brennen have for agree­ Irish-born versity, where Brennen studied for six vertently chosen one of such high ing to take on responsibility for the Christopher Brennen years, is a journey of about 400 academic standing," he says.) well-being of some 860 Cal tech miles; but psychologically it was Six years later, by 1966, Brennen undergraduates? heads Caltech's much further for a young man from had earned a BA {with First Class "I think that the enjoyment I get student houses the Irish countryside. "I was just an Honors}, an MA, and a DPhil in from dealing with the 30 to 40 stu­ Irish yokel," says Brennen, "and I engineering science from Oxford. dents I have each year in my intro­ By Phyllis Brewster ductory engineering classes can be extrapolated by an order of magni­ tude to include the entire student Christopher Brennen credits unique body." circumstances for his being at Cal tech Brennen also expresses the desire to - where he has just assumed the role "do something different" from his of Master of Student Houses - regular routine of teaching and re­ rather than in County Derry, North­ search. He is very concerned to do ern Ireland, where, he says, he would what he can to improve the quality probably have been a surgeon like his of life in the student houses, and one father. improvement he has in mind is sure However, a look at the facts indi­ to be popular among Cal tech stu­ cates that the 41-year-old professor dents. "A week's break at Christmas of mechanical engineering has had is really not enough," the new master considerably more input into the believes. "After ten weeks of inten­ direction of his life than have circum­ sive study, students need a longer stances, no matter how unique. rest." Among the contributing factors, in Brennen also hopes to see more addition to scholastic aptitude, are an undergraduate women on campus, engaging personality, high spirits, a though he is not sure how or how fine sense of the dramatic, good soon that might be accomplished. humor, and a sincere regard for other When he was an undergraduate he people. was engaged to Doreen Kerr (now his Admittedly, it is unique that his wife of 20 years), and although relatives are the only en Brennens in Doreen was attending Queens Uni­ the Ulster phone book of two million versity in Belfast, they managed to names. But that isn't one of the see each other often. circumstances that brought him to From Oxford to Cal tech was not as southern California and the Institute. big a step as from Magherafelt to Brennen's earliest memory is - at Oxford, though the mileage is many the age of two - hiding under the Initiating Chris Brennen into the rites of master of student houses is Carmela Kempto~ who has times greater. Brennen was working Anderson table in the living room shared the responsibilities of that office with the past three masters - Sunney Chan, ]1m Mayer, for the National Physical Laboratory when Belfast was being bombed, and David Smith. near London in 1967 when he met before he and his mother were evac­ Caltech's Ted Wu. Wu invited Bren­ uated to safety in the Northern Ire­ surprised the heck out of everyone And he had learned something else nen to "come out for a year." That land countryside. It was 1942 and by getting a mathematics scholarship that he values highly. "There's a great year was 1969, and the Brennens Germany was trying to break the to Oxford." deal more to education than being have been here ever since, though British convoy system, of which Brennen gives credit for that to his able to do the school work," he says. they make regular visits back to Belfast was an important part. high school math teacher, Dr. A. E. "When I look back on my undergrad­ Northern Ireland where Brennen's After the war Brennen's family Gwilliam, who, he says, "gave us a uate experience I realize just how two brothers, one sister, and parents settled in the village of Magherafelt­ tremendous amount of material," and much I learnt from my extracurricu­ are still living. the geographical center of Northern who encouraged the 18-ye~r-old lar activities - rugby, cricket; the Brennen had been fascinated by life Ireland. There young Chris grew up, Brennen to try for the Oxford schol­ Oxford University Dramatic Society; ' in the West a few years before he and there went from the first through arship and then tutored him for the the Experimental Theater Club, and came to Cal tech, however. In the the twelfth grades in the only school competition. the Junior Common Room Commit­ summer of 1963 he worked his way in Northern Ireland where Catholic Settling in at Ba\Jiol College was a tee (student government) of Balliol. across the country, with the help of a and Protestant boys and girls were in culture shock of the first magnitude Love of acting influenced Brennen's travel grant - an adventure which school together. The experience gave for the Irish outsider. "Most people college life considerably. He once included living with a trade union Brennen a high regard for the mix­ barely understood what I said," toyed with the idea of becoming a agitator in Detroit and the owner of a tures that make up the public school Brennen remembers. {He claims that professional actor, and he is still chemical company in Chicago, as system, a regard he continues to attracted to the stage. Last spring he well as a two-week stint as a cowboy have. The Brennens' oldest daughter, dyed his hair white for the role of at Ft. Union Ranch in New Mexico. Dana, now at UCSD, attended Pasa- Mr. Lundie, the schoolteacher, in Cal tech's production of Brigadoon. (Six years ago he played Lt. Branni­ gan in Guys and Dolls .) "The values that can be derived from extracurricular activities are the qualities of education that we need to preserve and enhance at Caltech," says the new master. "We are so academically oriented here that we 5

At Cal tech, Brennen was at first a As the library begins to offer its postdoc, working with Professor Wu new information retrieval technol­ in biological fluid mechanics and on ogy, it will continue with its com­ the behavior of tsunamis. Later he puter-based cataloging and interli­ joined Allan Acosta in developing a brary loan system, which is linked by lab for research on problems of telephone wire to a nationwide com­ pumps for space propulsion machin­ puter consortium. This program ery - work they are still involved in gives its users access to almost 10 together. "Chris has made a number million catalog records across the of significant contributions in this country. area of research that are known A second information retrieval around the world," Acosta says. service is a computer-based literature­ Brennen's current research also search tool, linked by a telephone includes the problems of three-phase line to various national data systems flows - mixtures of air, water, and with access to data bases in most solid material - problems that he is subject areas. working on independently at Cal tech Cal tech's more traditional informa­ and JPL. In 1978 he was awarded the tion system - the inter-campus R. T. Knapp Award by the Fluids station wagon with service between Engineering Division of the American the Institute and USC and UCLA - Society of Mechanical Engineering continues to work well in connecting (ASME) for the outstanding paper in students with needed resources, and fluids engineering in 1976177, and in access to collections at the Hunting­ 1981 he again received the Knapp ton Library broadens resources for Award for his paper on hydraulic Caltech's library system Caltech scholars. . systems. In 1982 he was chosen by In contrast to most university the Caltech students as one of the libraries, where materials are held seven members of the faculty to acquires a new mentor under tight security, Caltech's library receive an award for teaching functions largely on the honor sys­ excellence. Cal tech has created a new position bibliographic information. Brudvig tem. How well does Brudvig feel this Since the master's job is half-time, within its library system - that of anticipates a time when library users ' system works? and Brennen intends .to continue director of information resources - with personal computers can build "It seems to work quite well," he teaching his graduate course in Two and Glenn L. Brudvig (formerly their own information systems by says. "Not many library materials are Phase Flows, and, of course, to keep director of the Bio-Medical Library capturing da ta from the library lost. My experience has been that up his research, " .. . he's going to be and director of the Institu.te of Tech­ system. libraries serving a large amorphous busier than a one-armed paper­ nology Libraries at the University of But he is quick to reassure persons community lose a lot of literature, hanger," Acosta predicts. Minnesota) has been appointed to who want their information straight and that those serving a small com­ So a new scene begins in the drama fill it. from the printed page that he has no munity where people know one of masters at Cal tech . Just as other As head of Cal tech's library sys­ plans in the foreseeable future to another do much better. The users at acts bear the individual stamp of the tem, Brudvig has the responsibility replace books or journals with com­ a small institution feel that the li­ men who were masters here, the new for a unique facility - and one that puterized information. brary is theirs, and that they're one will have traces of influence from places a heavy emphasis on Caltech's Much of Brudvig's work is less sharing it." Rainey Endowed School of County research interests and special glamorous than developing comput­ As the father of a Cal tech alumnus Derry, Balliol College, and even the strengths. The library does a particu­ erized information technology for the (the Brudvigs' oldest son, Gary, stage of the Oxford Playhouse. larly good job of covering journal library system. It involves tasks as received his PhD in chemistry from Curtain going up/ literature of interest to students and mundane as deciding which books to Cal tech in 1981), the director was faculty, says Brudvig. Forty percent keep, which to store - and where to well acquainted with the Institute of its holdings are bound journals, store them - and which to micro­ before moving to Pasadena. "I liked the director notes. film . And of course it involves taking the idea of working on a small The library'S organizational system a long and careful look at the Insti­ campus - and the intellectual atmos­ - with six divisional libraries in tute's collections and making plans phere here appealed to me," he says. Millikan and ten in other locations for new acquisitions. "I felt that this would be a place on campus - provides a challenge in Although Cal tech's collections are where I could make some notable making information convenient to strong in the Institute's areas of contributions to the Institute - and users. Eventually, Brudvig envisions expertise, Brudvig is identifying some to the library field itself." an automated system that will enable "gaps where we need to bring our As director of Minnesota's Bio­ users to locate materials in any of the basic collections up to baseline." Medical Library, Brudvig developed divisional libraries by going to com­ Developing a comprehensive picture automated procedures that put that puter terminals that will be located of these gaps, and then acquiring the institution in the forefront of medical throughout the campus. materials, will be a continuing part of libraries in the country. With such By that time, terminals will have his work. expertise in his background, he replaced the card catalog as the Meanwhile, the humanities collec­ comes well equipped to make those source for information on the loca­ tions are expanding into much­ hoped-for contributions a reality. tion and availability of books and needed space on third-floor Millikan, journals. And eventually the ter­ occupying an area originally intended minals will offer access to journal for them but preempted by the Cal tech administration after Throop Hall was vacated due to earthquake damage. The administration has now settled into its new quarters in Par­ sons-Gates Hall of Administration. There is need for still more library space, Brudvig says, but this may be some time in coming. Scientists find no evidence for neutrino mass

Continued from page 1 The system, about a cubic meter in tor. The detector also contained would alter the data. It did not. the parameters of other neutrino size, consisted of alternate layers of systems to distinguish reactor core Although the current experiments experiments, including those by two kinds of particle detectors. One neutrinos from cosmic rays. gave no evidence for neutrino mass, CERN and Brookhaven National layer consisted of cells of "scintilla­ Neutrinos come in three forms - the scientists have not ruled out the Laboratory, although there are some tion liquid," a chemical that produces electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, possibility that neutrino mass may differences in the other experiments. a tiny flash of light when it interacts and tau neutrinos. The current ex­ exist, Boehm stressed. He said his Other members of the scientific with a subatomic particle called a periment was designed to detect group at Cal tech has begun planning team from Cal tech, besides Dr. positron. This flash of light is de­ electron neutrinos- that is, those that for another experiment that will Boehm, are his research associates, tected by a photomultiplier tube. are associated with electrons. The measure neutrino mass more directly J. L. Gimlett, A. A. Hahn, Heemin The other type of detector is a scientists compared the electron than did the search for oscillations. Kwon, and J. L. Vuilleumier. chamber filled with a helium isotope neutrino spectrum with what was Besides its impact on theories of Neutrinos are emitted when ura­ that interacts with neutrons to pro­ anticipated based on measurements the evolution of the universe, the nium fi ssions, so the Caltech-T.U. duce electrical pulses. These are of the electron spectrum from the discovery of neutrino mass would Munich-Swiss Institute scientists easily detectable by a network of reactor core. In this way they could also solve the enigma of the " missing used a 2,800-megawatt power' reactor wires within the chamber. determine whether the reactor core mass" in galaxies. Astronomers have at Gosgen, Switzerland, as their Although intense streams of neu­ neutrinos undergo oscillation. long been puzzled by observations neutrino source. Near the contain­ trinos emerge from the reactor core, The researchers conducted succes­ indicating that galaxies of billions of ment building that houses the reactor only occasionally does one interact sive studies with the detector placed stars appear to have far less mass per core they constructed a 1,000-ton with the liquid scintillation counter, at 38 and 46 meters from the reactor light emitted than do individual stars. concrete bunker. Inside the bunker resulting in a positron, which pro- . core, essentially to determine Similarly, individual galaxies possess they installed a sophisticated comput­ duces a flash of light, and a neutron, whether giving core neutrinos a less mass per light than do galaxy erized neutrino detector system. which is detected in the helium detec- better chance to undergo oscillation clusters.

Biologist awarded $224,000 - tax free, no strings attached

Caltech biophysicist John J. Hop­ Applications are not accepted, and Recipients are under no obligation Before that he was on the faculty at field has been named the recipient of nominations are made by "scouts" to the foundation to account for how UC Berkeley. He earned his AB, with a $244,000 tax-free, "no strings at­ whose identities are secret, and who they spend their time or their money. highest honors, from Swarthmore tached" MacArthur Foundation Prize are instructed to recommend The purpose of the "no strings" College in 1954, and his PhD at Fellow award, one of the world's "pioneers at the frontier of aspect of the program is to assure Cornell University in 1958. He was a largest single gifts to individuals. knowledge." them an adequate and steady income, member of the technical staff of Bell Hopfield, who is Roscoe G. Dick­ paid in mOf\thly stipends over a Telephone Laboratories from 1958 to inson Professor of Chemistry and period of five years, in order to 1960. He is a member of the National Biology at Cal tech, is one of 14 relieve them of economic pressure. Academy of Sciences and of the "rugged individualists" selected for Hopfield came to Cal tech in 1980 American Academy of Arts and awards from the John D. and from Princeton University where he Sciences. Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation was professor of physics for 16 years. of Chicago. Hopfield will use his award to continue his current research - an Biological systems: understanding them better attempt to understand the relation between structure and function in biological systems. He considers this work a part of his original field of solid state physics. He has been constructing mathe­ matical models of collections of neurons in an effort to determine how the brain functions as a physical system, believing that it is possible that some of the unique mechanisms John Hopfield of the brain can be incorporated into computers to dramatically change This guideline was inspired by the and improve computer capabilities. late John D. MacArthur, founder of The selection process for the Mac­ the MacArthur Foundation - who Arthur Fellows is highly confidential. preferred "risky betting on individual explorers, while everybody else is off on another track."

In Harry Gray's laboratory, Gray (left) and Robert Crutchley monitor the purification of metal­ loproteins that have been modified through binding metal complexes to th eir surfaces. The purifi­ cation is accomplished by ion exchange chromatography. The research contributes to a better un­ derstanding of how electrons are transferred within biological systems - important to a more thorough understanding of how the systems work. Gray is the Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry; Crutchley is a post doctoral research fe llow and a member of Gray's research group. Small freshman class reflects applicant pool shrinkage A talented swimmer from Colo­ through the College Board of stu­ new freshmen fell within the top two Blown fuse aborts rado Springs, a 13-year-old theoreti­ dents who have scored well in science percent in the nation, and about one cal physicist from Thousand Oaks, and math on PSAT tests and who third were valedictorians in their high SSO experiments two students from Delta Junction, form an applicant pool for the fol­ school classes. Alaska, and the daughter of two lowing year, explains Stirling L. Huntley said that the applicants aboard Space Shuttle former Caltech graduate students and Huntley, director of admissions. This this year continued to focus on com­ postdocs (Paul and Viviane Rupert) coming year, the pool of potential puter-related projects as extracurricu­ Two experiments conceived and are among the 187 members of the 1984 freshmen will be down 10 per­ lar science activities rather than more created by members of Caltech's class of 1987. cent for men and 20 percent for diverse projects. This increases the Student Space Organization for flight Cal tech received applications this women - meaning that competition difficulty in evaluating prospective on the seventh mission of the Space year from 1,382 students - and from for top students will be even stronger students with respect to creativity in Shuttle were aborted because of a these, drew the 153 men and 34 next year than this. science. blown fuse. A three-amp fuse neces­ women who will make up its In facing the prospect of a smaller Of the class members, 38 percent sary to carry current to the flight freshman class. With 187 members, applicant pool for some years to are from California, and 19 percent computer and thus activate the ex­ the freshman class is the smallest come, the Institute has chosen to are from other Western states. Six­ periments was replaced before flight since before the admission of women. admit fewer students, if necessary, teen percent come from the Midwest, with a one-amp fuse - apparently Nationally, the competition for top rather than to lower its standards. 12 percent from the South, 9 percent during a safety dieck at NASA. students has become more intense as, SAT scores of the incoming students from the Northeast, and 6 percent None of the students available for through demographic trends, the showed a slight drop in biology from overseas schools. Among these comment were at the Cape for the number of young people of college achievement and a rise in math abil­ are students from Sweden, Hong safety check, but they hypothesize age has declined. The pattern is one ity. Otherwise they remained consis­ Kong, Pakistan, the Philippines, that, as the experiments were disas­ that will continue. tent with those of previous years: India, and Greece. sembled and reassembled under Every year, Cal tech receives names The average aptitude scores of the NASA inspection, a fuse may have been damaged and that an SSO member replaced it with one of the wrong size from a box containing New pool, locker and weight rooms, take shape fuses of several sizes. The two experiments were created About 350,000 gallons of water to investigate (1) how seeds respond will be pumped into the new Cal tech under conditions of very low artifi­ pool early in November as part of a cial gravity, and (2) the formation of testing period for the pumps and the alloys away from the effects of the filtering and circulation equipment. earth's gravity. They were contained The pool, plus a new women's in one of a number of Getaway locker room and a weight room, are Specials aboard the spacecraft - being built thanks to a $700,000 small canisters made available by grant, earmarked for athletic facili­ NASA to anyone with a legitimate ties, from the Carl F Braun Trust and research purpose and $10,000 to rent the Braun Foundation. the five cubic feet of space. The 60 X 70-foot pool is located SSO members Darrell Schlom and immediately west of Caltech's exist­ Connie Bennit said that Hollywood ing pool, and is the same size. With a producer Steven Spielberg - who depth of 71/ 2 to 15 feet it will give contributed funding to the project in Cal tech a regulation water polo pool return for eventual possession of the and a required safe depth for three­ canister containing the radish experi­ meter diving. The building housing ment - has agreed to let the students the 375-space women's locker room keep the canister until after a Space and the weight room will be next to Shuttle flight scheduled for March the new pool on the west. 1984. Both experiments will be re­ Estimates are that swimmers can peated on that flight. take their first dips by the middle of A new experiment, involving January. Richard Barker and George lohnson of Caltech's Ph!lsical Plant department pore over plans for growth of crystal cells, is being devel­ The O.K. Earl Corporation is Caltech's new athletic facilities as construction gets under wa!l. oped under Schlom's direction for a general contractor for the project. flight scheduled for late summer Nadar, Inc., is responsible for the 1984. pool and pool accessories. Nadar Student affairs staff High school science SSO representatives say that thor­ partner Walter F. Weiss (BS '57) is ough precautions will be taken so particularly happy to be working on moves from Dabney classes draw that a similar incident cannot occur a Cal tech pool. to Parsons-Gates 319 to campus again.

The offices of the student affairs On campus this summer, 319 high staff in Dabney Hall have moved to school students from 93 California Parsons-Gates: financial aid, place­ and 17 out of state schools spent ten ment and career planning, secondary weeks taking five-hour-a-day courses school program, graduate office, in Cal tech's summer secondary admissions, registrar, and the deans' school science program. This free and vice president's offices. The educational program has been offered transition took place in August. by the Institute every summer since Some time after the first of the 1968, when 22 students were year new tenants from Baxter Hall enrolled. This summer students chose will settle in the vacated Dabney from biblogy, chemistry, physics, and offices. physics with calculus. 8

Economic issues: how do they influence voters?

By Dennis Meredith "People perceive that traditionally, "We also have to understand the interviews compiled by the Univer­ Democrats tend to worry more about type of economic information people sity of Michigan Center for Political Ever since the first voter cast the unemployment and Republicans tend rely on when they vote. What is the Studies. His results of the studies of first ballot, his choice of candidates to worry more about inflation," says nature of the economic concerns that 17 national elections will not please has been heavily influenced by Dr. Kiewiet. 'Thus, the policy-ori­ move a voter to choose one candi­ those looking for easy answers, but "bread and butter" economic issues. ented hypothesis would predict that date over another?" Here, Dr. they do offer insight into the com­ Questions of war and peace, scandal. people would tend to vote for Demo­ Kiewiet identifies two basic theories plexities of voter behavior. foreign policy, and personality may cratic candidates during periods of that have been supported by evi­ "Basically, I found solid evidence come and go, but the economy is high unemployment and for Republi­ dence from various studies of voting for all the hypotheses," he said. "At always there, always exerting a cans during inflationary periods," he behavior: one time or another voters may vote powerful influence on elections. says. "The 'personal experiences' theory according to either the incumbency­ Thus, political scientists have long But these two theories are not holds that people pay greatest atten­ oriented or the policy-oriented hy­ tried to understand how economic enough to explain what happens tion to what happens to them and pothesis, or bothl" For example, issues affect elections. In one ap­ inside voters' heads in the voting vote on the basis of those personal Kiewiet cites the 1980 election, in proach, they've analyzed large-scale booth. experiences. Whether they lose their which Jimmy Carter lost by a voting patterns. But it is the individ­ job, suffer from cost increases, or see landslide. ual voter that interests D. Roderick their stocks drop - all these things "In 1980, the economy was sput­ Kiewiet, Cal tech associate professor affect their vote. tering and inflation was running at of political science. "Another theory is the 'national an historically high rate. Carter lost In his book Macroeconomics & assessments hypothesis.' " This theory because people were voting both to Micropolitics, published this summer holds that voters' perceptions of 'throw the bum out' and to bring in by The University of Chicago Press, national events and conditions most the Republican Party to cure Dr. Kiewiet reviews past studies of heavily affect their vote. People are inflation." voter behavior and analyzes the constantly bombarded with economic Dr. Kiewiet's studies also showed results of extensive voter interviews news on television and in the news­ that people tended to draw their taken over the last 27 years. His papers. They don't have to pay much economic informa tion both from conclusions offer insight into the attention to understand generally personal experiences and from na­ minds of voters, as well as hints what's going on." tional assessments. Overall, however, about the outcome of the 1984 presi­ To sort out how voters cast their he found that voters tend to be in­ dential election. ballots on economic issues, and what fluenced more heavily by national Of the wealth of theories spun by sources of economic information assessments, rather than by personal political scientists to explain how they used, Dr. Kiewiet examined the experiences. voters considering economic issues D. Roderick Kiewiet results of thousands of in-depth voter "One reason is that voters usually make decisions, Dr. Kiewiet identifies look for causes of their economic two key hypotheses. The first of fortunes close to home. For instance, these, called the "incumbency-ori­ SURFing time = summer research they tend to attribute stock losses to ented hypothesis," might also be bad purchases, or job loss to prob­ called the "throw-the-bums-out lems with their company or theory." Basically, says Dr. Kiewiet, it themselves. holds that voters tend to vote for "Of course, I'm not saying that incumbent politicians when economic voters selflessly vote for what is good times are good, but against them for the country, disregarding their when times are bad. This theory was own interests. They can still be con­ inspired primarily by a 1971 paper by cerned about their own well-being Yale researcher Gerald Kramer, and and be voting for a booming econ­ has been the most heavily favored by omy that would likely benefit them." researchers. (Kramer is now profes­ In applying his theories to the 1984 sor of political science at Caltech.) election, Dr. Kiewiet emphasizes that "The incumbency-oriented theory voting is more than a year away. has a lot going for it," says Dr. However, he sees indications that Kiewiet. "After all, the incumbent's economic issues could favor a Reagan record is a solid piece of evidence the victory. voter can use in deciding, and the "Political scientists have found that results of his policies are obvious." voters tend to have short-term mem­ However, he says a persuasive ories," he says. "Thus, even though alternative view is the "policy-ori­ the current high unemployment ented hypothesis," which holds that would tend to presage doom for voters tend to vote for the party Reagan, it really doesn't. As long as whose policies seem most likely to unemployment is trending remedy the main economic problem downward, people will see this as a of the day. plus. "And inflation is so feared that there will be a large reservoir of support for Reagan because the inflationary spiral has slowed."

Catherine [fu ne is involved in research aimed at leami"g more about hemispheric differences in split -bra;" mOl1keys, as a participant in Caltech's Summer Ul1dergraduate Research Fellowship program . Working full time fo r 10 weeks witll Charles Hamilton, senior research associate in biology, s/Ie conducted research that she conceived. Students w rite their own research pro posals. Participants receive $2 ,400 stipends and faculty spo l1sors provide lab space alld equipment. Black holes linked Edward Lewis lauded to quasar power for contributions by Caltech to genetics graduate student Edward B. Lewis (PhD '42), the The first direct evidence for the Quasars: Thomas Hunt Morgan Professor of widely held theory that quasars are the source Biology, has been awarded the powered by immense whirlpools of of their Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal of the gas falling into gigantic black holes power Genetics Society of America, in recognition of his lifetime contribu­ has been presented by a Caltech has long been graduate student in astrophysics. a mystery tions to genetics. Writing in a recent issue of The to scientists. Lewis's research has concentrated Astrophysics Journal, Matthew A. on the fruit fly, Drosophila. He has Malkan describes measurements of focused on analysis of "complex the spectra of ultraviolet, visible, and loci," that is, genes that are closely infrared light from six quasars using a linked together on the chromosomes combination of ground-based tele­ and have a similar function . scopes and an astronomy satellite. "His analysis contributed signifi­ Together, these observations repre­ cantly to our understanding of how sent the most comprehensive range of new genes evolve, how the genetic wavelengths yet covered in a single material is affected by spatial relation set of quasar studies. They are like to other genes, and how genes func­ pieces of a puzzle; individually they tion during development," said the inefficient an energy source to ex­ ternational Ultraviolet Explorer for society's statement on the award. can't yield enough information to plain the brilliance of the quasars. the ultraviolet spectra, Cal tech's The professorship that Lewis holds allow quasars to be understood, but The most popular theory for the 200-inch Hale Telescope and 60-inch together they constitute a definitive is named in honor of the Nobel energy has been that the cores of telescope at Palomar Observatory for Prize-winning Cal tech biologist who picture. quasars are occupied by immense visible spectra, and the 100-inch used the fruit fly to develop the basic Malkan found that the observed black holes - matter that has col­ Hooker Telescope at Mount Wilson spectra of the quasars' light agreed theory of the chromosome as the lapsed into such density that its for infrared studies. Data on the last basis of heredity. perfectly with those predicted by gravity allows nothing that comes three quasars were obtained from a theories that quasars are powered by close to it, not even light, to escape. number of previous studies. doughnut-shaped disks of gas spiral­ But before trapped matter reaches The foundation for the most recent ing down into immense black holes, this point of no return, it has been study was laid in research described Harry Gray honored some the mass of several billion suns. caught up in a gigantic, rolling in an earlier paper in the March 1982 The largest of these would consume whirlpool called an accretion disk Astrophysical Journal by Malkan by ACS for the mass equivalent of ten of our that rings the hole. Friction among and Wallace L. W. Sargent, the Ira S. research achievement suns per year. the gas streams in this whirlpool Bowen Professor of Astronomy. In Quasars are by far the brightest heats the gas to temperatures of tens this paper, Malkan and Sargent objects in the universe, emitting the of thousands of degrees as it spirals reported on the striking similarities Harry B. Gray (chairman of the energy equivalent of a thousand toward the hole. DUJing this fiery between energy distributions of Division of Chemistry and Chemical galaxies of stars, even though they plunge, the gas radiates prodigiously quasars and those of Seyfert galaxies. Engineering and the Arnold O . appear no larger than our own solar at ultraviolet wavelengths. The Seyfert galaxies are tens of Beckman Professor of Chemistry) is system. The most distant ones are 'The basic idea of a quasar as a big thousands of times less luminous recipient of the American Chemical billions of light years from earth. black hole with gas spiraling into it than the quasars but they also appear SOCiety'S Award for Distinguished Since the discovery of quasars two has been around about a decade, " to be powered by somewhat smaller Service in the Advancement of decades ago, astronomers have tried says Malkan. "But the theory had black holes. Inorganic Chemistry. to explain how they could spew forth never been previously applied to In analyzing light from quasars, He is honored for his accomplish­ such enormous amounts of energy. observations of quasars, mainly Malkan was able to measure the total ments in several areas, including Their emissions were so powerful because it has only recently been amount of energy that the quasars inorganic photochemistry (which that not even thermonuclear fusion, possible to put together quasar obser­ emitted. From this measure, he de­ may contribute to making solar the energy source of the sun and vations at a wide range of ducted the rate at which the black energy more economical) and other stars, could explain them . Even wavelengths." hole is consuming fuel. Then he electron transfer in metalloproteins. fusion was about 1,000 times too In his article, Malkan describes estimated the average temperature of The $3,000 award, sponsored by observations of six distant quasars, the infalling gas by observing at MalJinckrodt, Inc., will be presented those with sky coordinates 0302-223, which ultraviolet wavelengths the at the ACS 187th national meeting 0405-123,1421+330, 1435+638, quasar was brightest. This tempera­ in April. 1011-250, and 1226-023. ture is dependent on the strength of The first three of these were stu­ the gravitational field in which the died by Malkan using NASA's In- gas is moving, and thus yields the mass of the quasar's black hole. "Although the paper only discusses six quasars, there is little doubt that the theory will apply to all of these objects," said Malkan. "Preliminary examinations in the scientific litera­ ture of a wide range of quasars indi­ cate that they all have the same characteristic spectrum." Malkan's research was sponsored by NASA and the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation. 10

By Winifred Veronda the country in our programs. Chap­ Arne Kalm sets goals ter activities are one way to create Arne Kalm (BS '56, MS '57) alleges this involvement." that he may have been one of the few for Alumni Association: But alumni want more than in­ members of his class who entered volvement in chapter activities; they Cal tech convinced that he knew what want to work for the Institute in their he wanted to be. As a sixteen-year­ maintain continuity, . home areas, Kalm believes. For old, Kalm had no doubts that he expand the franchise example, "Some alumni particularly would become a civil engineer, in­ enjoy working with young people," volved in the building industry. he says. "We've had a high school Kalm didn't dream as a freshman relations program for many years, program of diversification. He is now and he says he has drawn on his how his career plans would change. one that gives volunteers in different president of Berry Industries Cor­ Cal tech education ever since he Graduating with a BS degree in civil parts of the country the chance to poration, a public company listed on graduated, even though he went on engineering, he returned the follow­ talk to high school faculty members the American Stock Exchange, but to make his career in another area. ing year for his MS in the same field. or students about the Institute. with a family-owned controlling "At Cal tech I was given the best But meanwhile his goals shifted, "Such a contribution is particularly interest. possible analytical training," he says, "partly because of Horace Gilbert's needed now as the number of poten­ The company has been developed "including a rigorous grounding in economics course." He had begun to tial applicants to Caltech is declining by 12 acquisitions since 1974. It is objectivity and a set of problem­ consider a career in business. because of demographic patterns involved in geophysical services - solving tools that can be applied in A recruiter from the Harvard MBA throughout the country. processing and interpreting data and any situation." program with whom Kalm consulted "This is one way alumni can help. selling results to individuals in the oil The father of three adult children, recommended two years' work expe­ It is important to be able to offer business - and also in the develop­ he lives with his wife in Arcadia, and rience before enrollment there, and other assignments that are challeng­ ment of oil fie ld production equip- he says that a move to that commu- Kalm went into a management devel­ ing and that support the legitimate opment program with Procter & aspirations of the Institute. Creating Gamble in Long Beach. programs for this kind of involve­ "Proctor & Gamble offered a lot of ment should be a priority of the enticement to a graduate who wanted Alumni Association." immediate responsibility, and not two John Fee (BS '51) , the man who years of rotating while he learned asked Kalm to climb onto the what everyone else did," he explains. Alumni Association ladder, describes After completing two years with the new president as "responsible, P & G, Kalm enrolled in the Harvard hard working, and dedicated. He's MBA program, and he has been serious - and fun. He can see the involved in corporate management lighter side of life, and he has a roles ever since in a career that he humorous comment on almost any says has been characterized by "mov­ subject." ing to progressively smaller Some of the fun that Kalm gets organizations. from involvement with the Alumni "I soon realized that I'm not a Associati on is the chance to "interact person for a big organiza tion," he with people whose work is different says. "I want the feel of the big pic­ from those I deal with every day: ture. Almost every Harvard MBA high tech alumni in a variety of emerges this way. We'd rather be at endeavors. My business friends are the top, making the decisions." mostly bankers and investors. Kalm started his move toward "There's also the chance to talk smaller companies with a four-year with faculty members; they're very stint in one of the largest - TRW. ment used at the surface to separate nity eight years ago coincided with approachable, and as interested in Then he was with Sunset Interna­ hydrocarbons into oil, gas, and his renewed involvement with alumni affairs as I am. It is stimulat­ tional Petroleum for four years, water. The corporate headquarters Cal tech and its activities. ing to be a part of the Caltech com­ acquiring his first taste of the oil were moved to a new building in That year he was asked to work munity, and a wonderful experience business and of corporate planning Santa Fe Springs from Long Beach for the Alumni Fund. He refused, but to be involved with the kind of and acquisitions. Over the next 15 about a year ago. was asked again the fo llowing year people who are here." years this would become his A native of Estonia, Ka lm ca me to and accepted. Three years later, in specialty. the United States with his grandfa­ 1979, he was named Alumni Fund Ten years ago, Kalm joined forces ther when he was nine as his country national chairman. with the Berry family, which was was being absorbed by the Soviet At this point he became one of looking for someone to manage its Union. This takeover claimed his only a few alumni who have fo und father's life . He was active for many themselves ascending two volunteer years in Estonian-American activities organizational ladders at the Institute and in ethnic politics and in work for at the same time. In 1979 he was various captive nations groups. asked by a neighbor, John Fee, to A high school teacher in Oakland join the Alumni Association Board of turned his thoughts toward Cal tech, Directors, and in June 1983 he was installed as its president. As Alumni Association president, Kalm says he wants, first of all, to "maintain the continuity of existing programs. They're well attended and generally sold out in southern Cali­ fornia. However I want to expand the franchise . As our alumni popula­ tion has grown, we've developed a need to involve alumni from all over 1948 rocket weapons. He estimates ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Way It Was By spring, southern California will Caltech's wartime contribution at OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS be only 25 miles from the moon, more than 100 million dollars. PRESIDENT 1938 Arne Kalm, as ' 56, MS ' 57 notes the Los Angeles Examiner on Cal tech announces the launching VI CE PR ES IDENT Almost 400 alumni return to Carole l. J lamiiton, PhD '63 January 2. This will happen when the campus for the first Alumni Seminar of a 15- to 20-year program that will SE CRETARY 2oo-inch telescope becomes operable. Paul H , Winter; BS '44 Day weekend, according to the enlist biologists, chemists, and physi­ TREASURER In November, the mirror was ground cists in an all-out attack on the basic Donald P. Wilkinson. BS '48 Pasadena Star-News on March 5. TREASURER EMERITUS The event, intended to be annual, is to 14'12 tons, polished to within two unsolved problems of their sciences. John R, Fee, BS '5 1 millionths of an inch of perfect PAST PRESIDENT so successful that many classrooms Knowledge of the genes, basic studies W illiam J. Karzas, PhD '55 smoothness, and carted to its moun­ DIRECTORS overflow. of miracle drugs that stop bacterial lee T. Ca rleton, BS '33 tain home. A few weeks later, Ira growth, insight into why certain cells TrCni R. Dames, B5 '33, M$ ')4 Shocked by the bombing of civil­ Robert M. Drew, BS '69 combine to become an eye while David J.D. Harper, MS '77 ians by his one-time friends, the Max S, Kreslon, BS '50 Japanese, James A. B. Sherer, former others that are genetically identical Robert B. l eighlon, as '41, MS '44, PhO '47 become an arm, and the nature of the Richard G, l ipes, Ph D '69 president of Cal tech, urges immediate Philip M . Neches, as '73, MS '77, PhD '83 chemical processes occurring in l ee W. Raison, BS '27 action by Congress to stop all ship­ J. Robert Sch reck, as ' 34 ment of supplies to Japan, according matter will be the focus of the search, Adrian C. Smith, Jr., as '70 according to the Times on March 29. Gregory P. Stone, as '74, MS '74 to the Pasadena Star-News on June 6. Samuel N. Vodopia, BS '54 Sherer has lived in Japan for 20 years 1958 and written extensively about the Caltech scientists played a vital Alumni Chapter Officers country. role in the successful launching of the BOSTON ( HAPTER Dedication of the William G. first U.S. satellite, the Explorer. After PrHident I. Kelly Beatty Kerckhoff Laboratories of Biological the combined efforts of JPL and the II Colonial Village Drive 1110, Arlington, MA 02174 CHICAGO CHAPTER Sciences - the second unit of which Army Ballistic Missile Agency, a President Howard E. Jessen has just been cQJllpleted - was held launching vehicle shot the satellite 222 Ridge Road , Winnet ko:l , lL 60093 OALLASlFORT \\ORTH CHAPTER on June 10, notes the Pasadena Post into space on January 31, according Contact Theodore Webb, Ir. the following day. Mrs. Kerckhoff to February Engineering & Science Box 748, Zone 1113, Fort \.o\t)rlh, TX 76101 was present to witness the culmina­ DE NVER. CHAPTE R. magazine. Contad Dr. Cart Gottschall tion of a dream - completion of a Linus Pauling acts as spokesman 17 Bradbu ry ldne, littleton, CO 90120 million-dollar laboratory "for the DETROIT CHAPTER. for more than 9,000 scientists when Contact Thomas I. Noyes benefit of mankind." he presents a petition opposing nu­ 505 S. Edison, Royal O

Alumni Fund area chairmen for Alumni fund area chairman Ken Tenney, a new area chairman, delphia, from 20 to 46 percent; Fred 1982-83 are listed below, according Kamm (BS '69) and Fred Tenney received a Rookie-of-the-Year a'ward Tenney (BS '43), Princeton, from 19 to their geographic regions. Addi­ (BS '43) received top honors for for obtaining gifts from 44 percent of to 44 percent; and Bruce Brown tional area chairmen will be an­ overall achievement during 1982-83 the alumni in his area - Princeton. (MS '47, PhD '50) , Northern New nounced in the December issue. at the Alumni Fund Leadership Con­ With the help of 9 volunteers, Tenney Jersey, from 12 to 36 percent. Region I, Caltech and vicinity, Robert boosted participation from Princeton Honored for achieving the best Brydolf, BS '44, chairman; William L. ference at Cal tech in August. About Deniston, BS '41, Alhambra-South 50 volunteers from throughout the from last year's 19 percent. ratio of workers to prospects (small­ Pasadena; Eugene Dryden, BS '55, country attended the program, de­ Kamm, from the Wilmington­ est number of prospects for each MS '56, San Marino; Brian Muirhead, signed to help Fund leaders present Philadelphia area, with six volun­ worker to contact) were seven area BS '82, South Central Pasadena; Robert Cal tech's needs in their contacts with teers, earned a Pro-of-the-Year award chairman: Larry Ford (PhD '74), Brydolf, BS '44 , East Pasadena; Sidney for increasing participation from 18 West Michigan; Mike Mytels K. Ga il y, BS '41, Northeast Pasadena; other graduates. Frank Dryden, BS '54, MS '57, Arroyo; percent to 51 percent. (MS '68), Menlo Park; Ed Foss Raymond L. Heacock, BS '52, MS '53, Bill Woodson (BS '48, MS '49) was (BS '32), Rancho Santa Fe; Ray JPL; Harold B. Crockett, MS '40, La honored for a high percentage of Richards (BS '40), East San Canada-Crescenta Valley ; Robert M. Attend the annual participation (63 percent) in his area Fernando; Miles Nesman (BS '55), Worlock, PhD '58, Altadena; David - TRW - as were Don Stewart Aerospace; Dan Markoff (BS 'SO) , Kofahl , Ex '44, Arcadia-Sierra Madre. Region 2, South Coast counties, Rose Parade Special (BS '52, MS '53), Pomona-Clare­ San Luis Obispo; Bill Woodson Donald E. Stewart, BS '52, MS '53, mont, with 52 percent; and Ken (BS '48, MS '49), TRW. chairman; Calvin E. Kempton, BS '46, Make plans now to attend the Kamm (BS '69), Wilmington-Phila­ John D . Roberts, the Institute Laguna Beach; Frances Janssen, BS '75, annual Rose Parade Special. The delphia, with 51 percent. Professor of Chemistry and formerly MS '77, Huntington Beach; Ross Bu­ chanan, BS '44, Anaheim; A.E. Thomp­ traditional program features Con­ Twelve area chairman were recog­ Cal tech provost, spoke at the dinner son, BS '34, Newport Beach; F.L. Al­ tinental breakfast in the Athenaeum, nized for improving participation in meeting on "Recollections of drich , MS '47, Irvine-EI Toro; Paul W. 7:30 - 9:30 a.m.; a walk to Colo­ their areas: Bob Tookey (MS '45), Caltech." At lunch, A. Roy Menzies, Tuinenga, BS '77, MS '78, Santa Ana; rado Boulevard to view the parade Northeast Pasadena, from 14 to 39 director of career planning and Martin J. Gould, PhD '41, Long Beach; from reserved seats, 9:30-11:15 a.m. percent; Nigel Brown (MS '51), Santa management internships, the USC Phillip G. Cook, MS '50, Downey­ buffet lunch in the Athenaeum, Barbara, from 12 to 35 percent; Whittier; David B. McCarroll, BS '66, Graduate School of Business Admin­ Covina; Donald Stewart, Jr., BS '47, or bus to the Rose Bowl with a box William Frampton, (BS '39), Bakers­ istration, spoke to the area chairmen Pomona-Claremont; Frank Fleck, BS '42, lunch, 12 noon. Prices will be an­ field, from 24 .to 49 percent; Gene on "What Do I Have to Do and How desert communities; Max S. Kreston, nounced. Nelson (BS '56), Stanford, from 5 to Much Time Does It Take?" BS '50, Riverside-San Bernardino; John 14 percent; Clint West (BS '57), During the morning and afternoon A. Morgan, ~S '45, South Laguna Beach. Sierra, from to 38 percent; Frank Region 3, Western Los Angeles, Gor­ a sessions, participants were involved don B. Weir, BS '40, MS '41, chairman; Caltech Day attracts Woodward (Eng '52), North Sound, in workshops to help them present Reinaldo V Gutierrez, BS '54, Palos Alaska, from 0 to 27 percent; Frank Cal tech's needs. A tour of the Insti­ Verdes; Paul Dergarabedian, PhD '52, 160 to day-long Albini, (BS '58, MS '59, PhD '62), tute's radio telescope facility and a Aerospace Corporation; Carl P. Constan­ Big Sky, from a to 35 percent; Allen presentation by students in the Sum­ ten, BS '72, MS '73, Torrance; Alfred P. Bay Area program . Ormsbee (PhD '55), Champaign­ Fay, BS '48, TRW; Gene H. Beisman, mer Undergraduate Research Fellow­ BS '58, Santa Monica; William B. Hicks, Urbana, from 18 to 51 percent; Ken ship (SURF) program were features of Cal tech alumni in the Bay Area BS '42, Los Angeles-Beverly Hills; Joseph Kamm (BS '69), Wilmington-Phila- the day. Solomon, BS '44, Los Angeles-Holly- carne together September 10 fo r a successful Caltech Day program featuring research seminars, a work­ Yes, but do you know about the others? Legends of Caltech shop for Alumni Fund workers, and an after-dinner talk by JPL Director tells (almost) all Lew Allen. In all, 160 attended the day program and 110, the dinner. The long-awaited publication A Bay Area alumni committee Legends of Caltech, a collection of who made arrangements for the the best of Cal tech pranks co ntrib­ event included Ben G. Burke (BS '61, uted by alumni and published by the M5 '62), Hubert Dubb (B5 '56), Alumni Association, will be ready in Reuben B. Moulton (BS '57), Harri­ late November. Order now for son W. Sigworth (BS '44), Adrian C. Christmas. (Chip) Smith (BS '70) , and Thomas Please send me __ copies of A. Tisch (BS '61). Legends of Caltech at $9.00 each. Name ______

Address ______

Mail your order to: Caltech A lumni Association Mail Code 1-97 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 wood; David S. Rathje, BS '51, Marina Lloyd, BS '56, MS '57, PhD '62, New ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PROGRAM SCHEDULE Del Rey, Los Angeles-Brentwood, and Houston; Dean Rains, BS '50, MS '51, Los Angeles-downtown; Stephen D. PhD '54, Louisiana; David K. Erwin, The Alumni Association would like to know which of the programs that it Flanagin, BS '76, UCLA. PhD '79, Tennessee-Alabama; D.M.W. has planned for the coming year are of interest to you. Please study the program Region 4, Central Coast counties, Lindquist, Eng '60, North Florida; Arthur schedule and return it to the Alumni Office with the programs circled about Terry G. Allen, BS '67, chairman; Ray­ S. Bolles, BS '47, South Florida; Arthur J. mond G. Richards, BS '40, East San Koblasz, MS '73, PhD '77, Georgia; which you would like information. Fernando Valley; Satish Desai, MS '65, William V. Wright, BS '51, PhD '55, PhD '69, South San Fernando Valley; North Carolina. Programs Status Paul K. Salzman, PhD '71, West San Region 10, Midwest, J. Christopher Completed Fernando Valley; Robert O'Connell, Dalton, BS '65, chairman; Ray Cosner, Mt. St. Helens I PhD '70, North San Fernando Valley; PhD '76, Missouri-South ; George August 19-22,1983 John F. McClain, Jr., BS '42, Ventura­ R. Dubes, PhD '53, Central Plains states; Caltech Day (San Francisco) Completed Thousand Oaks; Nigel P. Brown, MS '51, Peter A. Howell, BS '50, Minnesota; Santa Barbara, Bakersfield; Dan David R. Witwer, MS '75, Northeast September 10, 1983 Markoff, BS '50, San Luis Obispo. Chicago; Robert D. Levin, BS '65, Mt. St. Helens II Completed Region 5, San Francisco, Donald L. Southwest Chicago; Allen Ormsbee, Cleveland, BS '34, chairman; Carroll PhD '55, Champaign-Urbana; James H. September 21-26, 1983 Baker, BS '36, Monterey-Santa Cruz; Koontz, BS '56, Indiana; Lawrence C. Hawaii Volcanoes Trip Limited Space Available Murray Hill , MS '69, PhD '73, San Jose; Ford, PhD '74, West Michigan; Don November 13-19, 1983 Robert M. Spencer, BS '72, Santa Clara; Peterson, PhD '55, East Michigan; Fred C. Schneider, BS '49, Los Altos; Edward A. Cuellar, BS '76, Cleveland; Rose Parade Program Space Available Gregory W. Evans, BS '69, Sunnyvale; John S. Jackson, BS '45, MS '54, Cincin­ January 2, 1984 Evan Hughes, BS '62, MS '63 , PhD '69, nati; Fran C. McMichael, MS '59, West Palo Alto; Eugene A. Nelson, BS '56, . Wine Tasting Space Available Stanford; Michael Mytels, MS '68, Menlo Region 11, Mid Atlantic, E.T. Grin­ March 2,1984 Park; Reuben B. Moulton, BS '57, San thaI, PhD '69, chairman; Fred C. Brun­ Mateo; Bill Birdsey BS'34, San Francisco. ner, BS '40, MS '41, ; Edward P. Huntington Library Tour Space Available Region 6, East Bay-Northern Califor­ Myers, MS '69, PhD '74, East Maryland, April 7, 1984 nia, Weldon H. Jackson, BS '54, chair­ District of Columbia; Brian C. Belanger, man; Thomas V. Tarbet, BS '31, MS '32, BS '63, West Maryland, District of Seminar Day Space Available Marin County; Willard Richards, BS '54, Columbia; Richard I. Schoen, BS '49, May 19,1984 Napa-North Coast; Norman Bulman, Northwest Virginia; John S. Showell, PhD '52, Contra Costa; Don K. Jephcott, BS '46, MS '49, Northeast Virginia; Rex Yellowstone-Grand Teton Trip Space Available BS '42, Sacramento; Clinton West , B. Cherryman, Ex '46, South Virginia; June 24-30,1984 BS '57, Sierra. Ken S. Lamm, BS '69, Wilmington-Phila­ Region 7, Southwestern-Sun Belt, delphia; A. Frederick Thompson, Proposed Programs Carleton B. Moore, PhD '60, chairman; MS '65, PhD '68, Eastern Pennsylvania; Palomar Tour Robert E. Foss, BS '32, Rancho Santa Fe; Frederick H. Tenney, BS '43, Princeton; Spring 1984 Thomas E. Oberjat, BS '66, North San Alfred B. Brown, Jr., MS '47, PhD '50, Diego County; George P. Rigsby, BS '48, Northern ; Kenneth F. Drake, Gourmet Dinner at Alumni House MS '50, PhD '53, San Diego; Mabry Van Jr. , BS '71 , Central New Jersey. July 1984 Reed, BS '35, La Jolla; Lang Lao, BS '76, Region 12, New York and New Eng­ MS '76, South Bay-San Diego; C. Crox­ land, Claude Alan Beagle, BS '70, chair­ all LeGrand, BS '40, Hawaii; W. Clifford man; Kenneth N. Easley, MS '60, Long Taylor, BS '46, Phoenix; Larry A. Le­ Island; Ronald S. Douglass, BS '66, Please send me information on the programs I have circled above as soon as it is bofsky, BS '69, Tucson; Dave Kauffman, MS '67, Southeastern New York; Donald available. BS '62, MS '63, Albuquerque. P. Clausing, MS '62, PhD '66, Western Region 8, Northwest, Frank A. New York; Del C. McCune, BS '56, Woodward, Eng '52, chairman; Vernon P. Central New York; Robert N. Hall, Name ______~--~~------Year------Jaeger, Ex '27, Portland; George S. Fenn, BS '42, PhD '48, Eastern New York; J. (Please Print) BS '45, MS '46, Corvallis-Eugene; Fre­ Kelly Beatty, BS '73, Northeast Massa­ Admess ______derick W. Thiele, BS '41, Seattle; Richard chusetts; Norton Starr, Ex '58, Southeast­ G. Merritt, MS '51, MS '53, Boeing; Eliot ern Massachusetts; George C. Munro, ______Phone ______A. Butler, BS '52, PhD '56, Utah; James PhD '33, Upper New England. H. Whitcomb, PhD '73 , Boulder; Tho­ John B. Nelson, BS '44, international mas K. Bjorklund, BS '60, Denver. alumni. o I am a member of the Alumni Association. Region 9, South, Lawrence C. Wid­ does, BS '41, chairman; David Atkinson, BS '75, -Arkansas; Don Hook, o I would like to become a member of the Alumni Association. BS '54, Dallas; Walter L. Moore, BS '37, Caltech alumnus MS '38, Austin-Fort Worth; Thor P. o Enclosed is my check for $25 for annual dues Hanson, BS '64, Old Houston; James R. aboard Space Shuttle (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) as scientist-astronaut , 0 Charge $25 to my Mastercard 0 Visa 0 Account# ______Robert Parker (PhD '63), scientist­ astronaut, was scheduled for launch Exp.Date ______on October 28 aboard the ninth Signature ______Space Shuttle mission. Landing was anticipated, after seven days, at (Return this coupon to the Caltech Alumni Association, Mail Code 1-97, Pasadena, Edwards Air Force Base. CA 91125. Make checks payable to the Cal tech Alumni Association.) Parker -- then with the depart­ ment of astronomy at the University of Wisconsin -- was named to the astronaut program in 1967. He be­ came the sixth. Cal tech alumnus to join the program. Preceding him were Frank Borman (MS '57), Edward G. Gibson (MS '60, PhD '64), F. Curtis Michel (BS '55, PhD '62), and Harrison Schmitt (BS '57). C. Gordon Fullerton (BS '57, MS '58) traveled aboard the Columbia in 1982. and an internationally recognized authority 1951 division in USA. Lived in England; now I on seismic engineering relating to earth­ STUART CAVERS, PhD, on May 27. He am growing avocados in the Algarve, Obituaries quake safety. He joined National Iron was profBsor of chemical engineering at the Portugal." Works in San Diego in 1940 and served as University of British Columbia. 1920 chief engineer until 1955, when he left to H. KENDALL REYNOLDS, MS, PhD '53, 1942 HARVEY W. HOUSE, MS '26, on May 22. work with Associated Architects & Engi­ on November 10, 1982, of complications WOLFGANG K. H. PANOFSKY, PhD, He was retired and living in Pasadena with neers. In 1960 he formed Ferver, Dorland & following cancer surgery. He was professor director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator his wife, Geraldine. He had been a consul­ Associates with Robert Dorland, changing of physics at the State University of New Center, received an honorary doctor of tant with Interpace Corporation in Los the company name in 1970. Ferver served York College at Cortland, where he had science degree from Princeton University on Angeles, previously with R&D Interna­ on professional committees dedicated to become dean of arts and sciences in 1968, June 7. He was recognized because "He has tional Pipe and Ceramics in Los Angeles . seismic safety, including the California resuming full-time teaching in 1981. Previ­ led our quest for the ultimate constituents Governor's Earthquake Council and the ously he spent 15 years at the University of of inanimate nature, using the resources of 1921 seismology committee of the Structural Houston, where he served as chairman ·of modern technology to open the realm of LOUIS KORN on April 26. He had retired Engineers Association of California. He is the physics department for five years. high-energy elementary particle physics and as a consulting architect and planner and survived by his wife, Virginia, a son, a Reynolds is survived by three daughters. to catch glimpses of a fl eeting world of had been living in Los Angeles. He had daughter, and three grandchildren. 'color: 'charm: and 'strangeness.' Knowing been very active in volunteer services for 1955 intimately the awesome power of the atom, the city and had been appointed to several 1936 BASIL ROMAN (formerly VASILE he has counseled us in the arena of nuclear commissions. BRIG. GEN. DON Z. ZIMMERMAN, MS, MURARUL MS, on February 4. He was arms, soberly reminding us of the mutually on May 11 . A meteorologist and educator professor of mechanical engineering at assured destruction that is the most likely 1928 who helped to shape the modern U.S . Air California State University, Long Beach. outcome of their use." WILLIAM M. GOODALL on May 5. He Force, he was the first director of weather CARL SAVIT, MS '43, senior vice president had been an electronics engineer with the for the Army Air Corps and the first dean for technology at Western Geophysical of faculty at the Air Force Academy. He 1958 U.S. Army Electronics Command in Ft. HUGO FISCHER, MS '63,PhD '66, on May Company of America, was presented with took the first command of the Air Weather Monmouth, New Jersey, and in recent years 22 . He was killed in a mid-air sailplane the Award of Distinguished Achievement Service at Army Air Force Headquarters in was a consultant in that field . collision over Bridgeport, California, from the International Association of Washington, D.C., and was one of the first Geophysical Contractors on May 19. Savit, CHARLES HISSERICH in December 1981. members of the high-level Advanced Study during a competition. He was chairman of He had been manager of the electronic the Sanitary, Environmental. Coastal and the first recipient of this award, was recog­ Group, a rotating triad of the military's nized for many outstanding contributions division of H.W. Wright Company in Costa leading theorists who advise the President Hydraulics Division of the Civil Engi­ neering Department at UC Berkeley, a to the worldwide geophysical industry. Mesa, California, before his retirement. and Joint Chiefs of Staff on the future of world authority in his field, and a UC national defense. His book Weather Manual PAUL VEENHUYZEN reports from Simi professor for 17 years. He was a recognized 1929 for Pilots, written in 1939, was the standard Valley, California, "Retired end of February authority on salt-water intrusion, water WILLIAM L. BERRY on March 30. He had text on weather for many years and por­ 1983 after 34 \1, years with Rockwell In­ pollution, and heat dispersion in water­ worked for the California Department of tions of it are still used in pilot training. ternational. (I started with North American ways. He is survived by his wife, Frances, Water Resources since 1938 and has been Upon his retirement from the Air Force in Aviation in 1948.) Have three grown sons and two children. called the "father of the California Water 1958, he moved to Mercer Island, (one with MS from Tech) and stepson and Project." He was one of two state officials Washington, where he was a consultant to stepdaughter. Had two weeks of retirement, assigned to advise Chile on water resources the Boeing Company. He is survived by his 1959 then started consulting in quality control. in 1964, and he worked on the Maule River wife, Marion, a daughter, and a son. EUGENE DOERING, Eng, on January 3 of Wife and I will take a retirement trip to development program while in South a heart attack. He was program manager Greece and Greek islands. with the u.s. Energy Research and Devel­ America. He became chief of planning for 1938 the Department before retiring in 1968. opment Administration in Washington, 1948 MAJ. GEN. RET. SAMUEL S. JACK, MS. D.C. Doering is survived by his wife and After retirement, Berry spent two years as He had retired from the U.S. Marine Corps GEORGE W. ROE , JR., who has been two sons. working out of the country for the last few an international water consultant with the and was living in La Jolla, California. United Nations development program. He years, is now living in San Diego and working in construction management. is survived by his wife, Hazel. of Sacra­ 1940 mento, two sons, and nine grandchildren. ISYDORE HLYNKA, PhD, on May 18. J. FRANK VALLE-RIESTRA, MS '49, senior C. ALLEN GARDENER, Ex, in August One of Canada's outstanding cereal associate scientist with Dow Chemical in 1982. He had retired from his position as chemists, he was an adjunct professor in the Personals Pittsburg, California, has received the research engineer and design specialist with department of plant science, and a member Northern California Section of the Ameri­ Lockheed Aircraft, and was living in North of the board of St. Andrew's College. He is 1935 can Institute of Chemical Engineers' Profes­ Hollywood, California. suvived by his wife, Olga, and two sons. J. HAROLD WAYLAND, MS, PhD '37, sional Progress Award. Valle-Riestra is also professor of engineering science, emeritus, a lecturer in the department of chemical 1932 at Caltech, reports on a busy year: "We engineering at UC Berkeley, and McGraw­ 1945 spent seven months in 1982 in Heidelberg in Hill recently published his book, Project WILLIAM SCHULTZ. He had retired as ELDON C. BEAGLE on June 23 of natural the Institute of Physiology, where I was a Evaluation in the Chemical Process superintendent of the ice and precooling causes in Dhaka, Bangladesh, while on a U.S. senior scientist awardee of the Alexan­ Industries. plant for the Santa Fe Railroad in San consulting project for the Asian Develop­ der von Humboldt-Stiftung. I also gave Bernardino, California. ment Bank. Known internationally as a lectures in France, Belgium, Holland, rice-processing and biomass energy consul­ 1949 Sweden, and Denmark. This spring I tant, he was the author of many technical ROBERT WATERS, MS '50, writes, "Re­ 1935 [lectured] in Japan in Tokyo and Sapporo, GREER w. FERVER on April 17 of a heart papers and of a book, Rice-Husk Corrver­ tired from McDonnell Douglas Astronautics and again in Germany and Holland." in March '83, after 33 years in missile and attack. He was president of Ferver Engi­ sion to Energy, published in 1978. Between spacecraft electronic systems. Building a neering Company in San Diego, California, 1945 and 1974 Beagle owned and managed a family business based in West Sacra­ 1936 home in our small lemon grove in Fallbrook mento, California, that developed pro­ JAMES McCULLOUGH, PhD, who is [California L and will spend full time cesses, technologies, patents, marketing and professor emeritus of chemistry at UCLA, between grove maintenance and continuing production of rice-husk products on a was honored in May by the university, my stoneware pottery design, making and commercial basis. He constructed or de­ when the The James D. McCullough selling." signed nearly all the major rice by-product Laboratory for X-Ray Cystallography was plants in use today in California. In the dedicated. past ten years, Beagle had served as a consultant for the United Nations Industrial 1940 Development Organization, Food and DWIGHT BENNETT writes, "I retired at Agricultural Organization of the United the end of 1982 after 42 + years in the Nations, as well as other organizations, and aircraft manufacturing industry. My posi­ the governments of Uruguay, Malaysia, and tion at retirement was F-18 Program Man­ Pakistan. He is survived by his wife, ager, Northrop, for McDonnell Aircraft Virginia, and four children. Company of St. Louis, Missouri . We retired in Long Beach [California L where I am currently doing full time flight instruction at the Long Beach airport. My wife, Kay, is the girl I dated for three years at CIT. We will celebrate our 43rd anniversary this year." ERIK HEEGAARD, MS, PhD '42, reports, "Retired in 1976 from Abbott Laboratories . I was European research liaison for research 1951 Survey, with his headquarters at the Denver JAMES ISHIDA sends this update: "After 1974 DOUGLAS CALLEY describes his unusual Federal C~nter . Previously central region leaving Tech, I struggled through some VALERIAN CATANZARITE, BS '75, living situati on in Flagstaff, Arizona. coordinator for the former USGS Environ­ years of personal troubles relating to 'drugs, writes, "Now in residency program ob-gyn 'There is 'cheap land' available NE of mental Affairs Office, Schleicher has been sex, the Vietnam War.' Abandoning gradu­ Stanford. Married to Karen Watson in Flagstaff - probably because it is rather with the USGS for 18 years. ate studies twice (UCSF in sociology; August '82 . A little Watson-Catanzarite dry; rainfall is around 25 cm/yr; utilities Stanford in linguistics). I ended up studying production named Thumper due September consist only of fresh air. The power line is 1963 the Russian language on my own, working '83. Still running marathons. Hey - I 15 km awa y, as are the phone and water RICHARD E. PETERSON sends this as a scientific-technical translator, and spent wrote a book, The Valium Medical Cen ter, lines. We built our house and in part, at update: "Since 1973 I have been with some time in a Buddhist seminary. After about internship. Copies available - call least, designed the utilities. Although we Tech University, where a graduate program leaving it, I did on and off work in religious or write." must not waste water, so far we have had in the study of various aspects of thunder­ journali sm for the Buddhist Churches of all we need for personal use and for the storms has developed. This year I was America. This work inspired me to take on 1977 greenhouse - about 3XI0 m of garden. promoted to full professor. We also have an creative writing. Entered the 1982 Ameri­ MICHAEL CRAIG, MS , writes, "I'm a We do not flu sh but use a composting enrollment of about 1000 students per year can-Japanese National Literary Award senior research engineer with Union Oil's toilet. Naturally I have to have electricity in a descriptive meteorology course. This Contest. I became runner-up. In the recent science and technology division [in Brea, for the computer if for nothing else. A year I was also the co-author of a revised past have gotten verses and poems into California). I aid with the design of Union's 200W wind generator + 100W of photovol­ edition of Elements of Meteorology, which print, but mostly in fairly obscure publica­ offshore structures. I'm getting married in taics provide nearly enough electricity. [We for the last decade has been a leading tions. I do have two poems in large anthol­ October and I'm very happy." originally) put in no solar hea ting, but textbook in the field." ogies published by the American Poetry when we moved in we just designed a Association. Presently, I am revising and 1979 greenhouse the south side of the house - nursing along a novelette, a seri es of MARK CRONSHAW, M", writes, "Cur­ sketches tentatively titled Cafe Metropol. three windows in the ground floor and two rently working for ARCO Oil and Gas at 'basement' level - and now, even with Also, I have my first short story on ice Company in Dallas as a !(e ni or reservoir snow on the ground , the heat pours into the awaiting a thaw." engi neer, having worked in R&D and as a first fl oor level all day. If anyone feels like financial analyst. Only five hours to com­ visiting - no phone, but come out the 1970 plete for my MBA. Our son Dominic is Leupp Road from Fl agstaff to milepost 439; TOMMY DOUGLAS, MS, PhD '74, almost two yea rs old . Would any ingenious take the first (dirt) road east, stay on the associate professor at the Medica l Genetics alum please invent a child-proof toy that is south side of Saddle Crater and you'll Center of the Uni versity of Texas Graduate really Dominic-proofl Maureen has worked find us." School of Biomedical Sciences in Houston, in a large Dallas emergency room, and now has been chosen one of six outstanding does volunteer work. Best wishes to all ." 1957 teachers of the year by students at the PETER DEWEES reports, "[ was just HARRISON SCHMITT reports from school's Health Science Center. He was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to study chosen because "he interacts with students Albuquerque, New Mexico, that he is now renewable energy in Kenya starting this fall. consulting on a wide variety of in an open and candid manner that is medical, I have been working at the International devoid of affectation or condescension, technical, and scientific issues. He had Institute for Environment and Development making him easil y accessible to students served as U.S. Senator from New Mexico for the last yea r, after having completed my who turn to him for his insight and for the last six years. MS in forest economics from Duke Univer­ opinions." sity. I recently returned from India, where I 1959 ARDEN STEINBACH writes, "Since July was evaluating a World Bank fin anced RAY BOWEN, MS, professor of mechanical 1982 I have been assistant professor of forestry project in the state of Gujarat." engineering and mathematica l sciences at applied physics and electrical engineering at PAUL THOMPSON, MS, a member of the Rice University, has been named dean of the the Oregon Graduate Center in Beaverton, University of Kentucky College of Engi­ technical staff with Bell Laboratories in Oregon. My wife, Suzanne, is currently Indianapolis, reports that he and his wife, neering. For the past year Bowen has been completing her third and fin al year of Kath y, welcomed a son on February 3, 1982. on leave from Rice while serving as director Tommy Douglas (MS '70, PhD '74) residency in pediatrics at the Universit y of of the division of mechanical engineering Oregon here in Portland." and applied mechanics at the National 1981 Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. 1965. KWANG-J. YU, PhD, member of the 1971 technica l staff for defense and space systems MIKE BALL and STEVE CLAMAGE SANKARAN SRINIVAS, MS, PhD '77, at TRW in Redondo Beach, California, 1960 (BS'66) have formed the TauMetric Cor­ reports from Naperville, Illinois, "1982 was reports the birth of Kai-feng Yu on Jul y 2, CHARLES ANTONIAK writes from poration in Sa n Diego, California. They an eventful year for me. I was promoted to 1982. Ontario, California, "1 have taken a posi­ write, "We specialize in computer system supervisor, network architecture group, at tion with Lockheed-Ontario Co. as chief software and other items aimed at the Bell Laboratories in February. Susana systems engineer, head of the advanced professional computer programmer. Our Araya (originally from Chile) and I were 1982 studies department in the advanced systems current projects include work in Pascal and married in August. My parents and my CHENGI KUO writes, "I wrote 'Word division ," assembly language on DEC VAX, Motorola sister, who had come from India to attend Challenge: which became available for the 68000, and Intel 8086 computers." IBM-PC last November and recently GARY GOODMAN, a senior analyst with the wedding, stayed with us in our new became available for the Apple and the System Development Corporation in home that we bought in October. 1983 Osborne. It is a very elaborate version of Fredericksburg, Virginia, reports that he 1966 proves to be no less eventful - we are Boggle. I now work for Proximity Devices was married on May 14. His wife's name is DAVID CLOSE is the new director of expecting our first child in late September." Corp. in Ft. Lauderdale as a programmer as Glenda. software engineering at Axxa Corporation in Woodland Hills, California. well as being the head of the micro-software 1972 group. That just means I get more hassles ALAN BREAKSTONE has been working 1962 than the other people. During this summer 1969 for the Ames Laboratory at Iowa State JOHN CROSSMAN writes, "As of August we had ten Techers here out of a technical STEPHEN CREEKMORE, PhD, writes University for the past few years and is 1, 1983, our family will be relocating in staff of around 15, eight Lloydies and two from Naperville, Illinois, "Just had twin currently stationed at CERN (European Tokyo, Japan. I will be Ford Motor Com­ Moles. If anyone happens to be in Ft. baby boys born June 2, 1982 - Matthew Center for Nuclear Research) in Geneva, pany's Far East business strategy manager Lauderdale, they're welcome to come and and Benjamin; also Robert, age 4, and Switzerland. and will be working to facilitate many Ford visit." joint ventures in Japan." Elizabeth, age 3. We do have a lot of excitement!" DAVID SCHLEICHER, MS, has been 1973 appointed chief of the Branch of Central WALTER DENEKAS reports that he and DANIEL REICHEL reports, "In March 1983 Technical Reports for the U.S. Geological his wife, Susan, and son, David, li ve in I married Carol Cocuzza, a young lady I Illinois where he is vice president and met while I was at the University of Michi­ controller of Counsellor, Inc., the world's gan. As a result of this marriage, 1 have largest bath scale manufacturer. He adds, moved to Columbia, Missouri, where Carol '" In a vai n attempt to not overstep said is continuing her residency in plastic sur­ sca les, we ski , fly, bike, camp, and hike." gery. I have had the good fortune of obtain­ ing a two-year postdoctoral position at the University of Missouri, Columbia, where I will be studying the lattice dynamics of adsorbed films . I would have liked a better turnout at the ten-year reunion this past June. Maybe at 257" CALTECH N~WS

McCoy a Caltech setllor. was one of 79 undergraduates who cond'jcled re­ search durillg a lO-week summer perIod as a participallt ill the [llstitute 5 Summer Ulldergraduate Research Fellowship program (SURF). The students worked 1'<[/ time ()II research projects that they initiated with their faculty spollsors. McCoy's p'Dlect Termillal Transferase: The ExpresswII of A Eukaryotic Proteill ill a Prokaryctl( Hcst ,,)as ullder supervision of Ellen Rot/wilberg. assistant professor of biology.

Laura Sakamoto from Hila, Hawaii, registers for her first term as a Caltech CALTECH freshman.

NEWS October 1983 California Institute of Technology 1201 E. California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125 Published for Alumni and Friends of the California Institute of Technology Volume 17, No. 5, October 1983