Town Records
SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS COPIED AND EXPLANATORY NOTES ADDED BY J. \VICKHAM CASE. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TOWNS OF SOUTHOLD AND RIVERHEAD. 1882. Co~GJJT, 1882, B'Y rHE TOWNS OF SOUTHOLD AND RIVERHEAD, Nl!:.W \"ORK TOWN CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. This may certify that I have myself compared this printed volume, being essentially a copy of Liber A and of Liber B of the Town Records of Southold, or caused it to be compared, with the original manuscript Records in my office, and that the printed copy is the same as the original, errata excepted, and except also that ab stracts have been made of some documents written in exceedingly verbose and technical language; but in all these cases the fact is indicated that abstracts only are printed. These abstracts, however, give all names, dates and boundaries mentioned in the original entries. HENRY W. PRINCE, Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD, March 14, 1882. INTRODUCTION. This Yolume owes its existence, in rart at least, to the growing appreciation of the faith, wisdom and vir tue of the founders of the Puritan Towns of New Eng land. Southold, in the early years of its history, was one of these civil and religious organizations. These Puritan Towns maintained a large measure of independence and self-government, but they were also united for more general purposes under the several larger jurisdictions of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Con necticut, New Haven, etc. The conditions of the full organization of one of these small but self-conscious republics required a body of freemen for its political life and activity, and a church of Christ for its moral and intellectual culture and its religious welfare and fruitfulness.
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