Sunday, 17, 2021 138 N. 8th Avenue Mission Statement: West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 To bring Christ’s love to our Community through ( 2 6 2 ) 3 3 4 - 3038 • worship, education, service and outreach. 2 Angels of Hope A Personal Approach not having enough help. Early in the Gospel of John, as Jesus begins The scriptures provide us with some great insight if things are to to accumulate followers, you do not find Jesus change. John’s gospel does not simply address how Jesus running around the Sea of Galilee asking all sorts gathered his “inner circle” of followers, the gospel was also of people, “Hey buddy, do you know who I am? speaking to the community of that time and how they were going to He does not place a “groupie wanted” ad in the increase the number of those who would embrace Jesus as the local newsletter, nor does he wear a sandwich board telling folks Messiah. This was about personally inviting others to come to know “the end is near and I am the one to follow.” For the author of John’s Jesus, to be part of the community, to hear the Gospel message, to Gospel the way to attract followers is to have someone point the be baptized and be open to the Spirit. The author of John’s gospel person out or to invite someone to come and see what you have understood that if the community was to grow and the message of personally experienced – there is the rub, the need to get personally Jesus was to be dispersed it had to be done on a personal level by involved if we are to come to know Jesus and to be his disciple. those who were personally involved and committed to that message In my personal experience, when it comes to increasing the and to Jesus. What about us? Are we personally committed to number of volunteers for any kind of project we will do almost Jesus and whom do we need to invite to come and see? anything we can but personally ask someone. We will place ads in We are living in times where we cannot presume a person the bulletin, send out emails, use Facebook, but we will rarely tap knows, cares about or has even heard about Jesus (whether someone on the shoulder and say, “I need your help, will you baptized or not). We must be disciples who are willing to invite consider…? Please understand I am not pointing any fingers here, I others to “come and see” if the command of Jesus, to go to the am just as guilty as others are when it comes to this issue – though ends of the Earth, is to be fulfilled. The ones we need to invite, not I am getting better. (I hope!) We all have our own reasons why we badger, be our own children and so many others we know well. do not ask; fear, ego, rejection and the list could go on forever. The The question is, are you willing to ask? problem is that without the step of asking and/or inviting, the May your new year be filled with many blessings, situation does not change and all we do is continue to complain of Fr. Howard MASS UPDATE Fr. Howard will be taking vacation January 16th-27th. He was able to find help out priests for all weekend Masses however, because of COVID-19, help outs for daily Masses were not so easily found. Because of this, the DAILY Masses on Monday, January 18th through Monday, January 25th are cancelled. Only these five daily Masses will be cancelled. The Mass intentions associated with those days will be moved. In addition, morning Reconciliation on Saturday, will also be cancelled. If you would like to attend a Mass or Reconciliation elsewhere during the week, St. Frances Cabrini has 8am Mass Monday-Saturday and Reconciliation on Tuesdays from 5:30pm-6:30pm and Saturdays at 8:30am. St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception has Mass at 6:15am Monday-Friday and Reconciliation on Thursdays from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Daily Masses will resume at Holy Angels as normal on Wednesday, January 27th.


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr Sunday 8:00am Mass † Glory Loginski Thursday No Mass 9:30am Public/Online Mass † Leo Felix; 7:30pm Pastoral Council Meeting ...... Church Hall † Francis Becker; Living and † Deceased Members of Holy Angels 11:00am Mass † Andrew Zuehlke Day of Prayer for the Friday Monday Weekday Legal Protection of Unborn Children No Mass No Mass

Weekday Tuesday Weekday; BVM; St. Marianne Cope, Virgin; Saturday St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr January 23 No Reconciliation Vigil: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday; St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, 4:00pm Mass † Schuelke and Schaefer Family St. Sebastian, Martyr Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday 10:00am Elevate Family Support ...... Mission Rm. 8:00am Mass † Leo and Dorothy Schweitzer Sunday No Mass 9:30am Public/Online Mass † Roman Pastors Family 6:00pm Reconciliation ...... Church 11:00am Mass † Roman Stoffel; 5:00pm Elevate Family Support ...... Mission Room † Marion Beine; † Harold Disler; 6:00pm Prayer Vigil for Life ...... Shepherds Drive Living and † Deceased Members of Holy Angels Get Involved 3 HELP! Now that we have your attention...We could really use a few volunteers to assist with the lyric slides at Mass. It is a very simple job. Training provided. Attend Mass and advance the slides during the songs. That’s pretty much it. We would happily take anyone in middle school, high school, college, or any adult! If you are interested or want more information contact Lindsey at 334-3038. Thanks!

LOW GLUTEN HOSTS For anyone with a gluten allergy, Holy Angels does have Low Gluten hosts. It is low gluten and not gluten free because to be used at Mass, the host needs to have some aspect of gluten in it. If you need a low gluten host please tell the priest or deacon before Mass so they can have it with them during Communion.

DON’T GET SCAMMED! Just a reminder that if you get an email or text message claiming to be from Fr. Howard and wanting you to buy gift cards it is a scam. Fr. Howard will never ask you to do that, especially over email or text. If you are ever wondering if a message you have received is real or fake, feel free to call the office and check! We would rather people call and verify than get scammed.

SNOW SHOVELING AT HOLY ANGELS Holy Angels is hiring snow shovelers. Hours vary depending on snowfalls. We are happy to work with your schedule! To apply, please download the application at or pick up an application from the Parish Office, fill out the application, and return it to the Parish Office. This position will remain open until filled. For more information, please contact Jim Schmidt at 262-343-0914.

ADORATION IN WEST BEND Adoration will take place in the main church of Holy Angels on Tuesdays for 12 hours, from 8:00am - 8:00pm. A minimum of two people per hour are needed. Additional adorers are welcome, as there will be plenty of distancing available in the main church setting. We will continue to use Flocknote, church bulletin notices and the Mary Queen of Angels Adoration website to keep you informed. If you would like to sign-up for a time to adore please contact Melinda at 262-334-3680 or go to and send an email.

ONLINE GIVING If you are already have a recurring giving amount online it is now very easy to change the amount! 1. Go to our website: 2. Sign In to your profile. 3. Click the “Recurring” tab and then click on the little pencil icon to edit the amount, how many times a month, what date you want it to come out, and if you want to update the card/account it comes from. 4. Click “Save” and then log out! That’s it! Thank you for your continued support of Holy Angels.

HOLY ANGELS HAS A ROKU CHANNEL If you are having problems watching our Masses online on your computer, you can add our “Holy Angels Catholic” Roku channel to your lineup and watch past Masses and events. We try and update the channel with new items every few days. You will not be able to watch the event live on the Roku channel but you can still watch events from your own Parish. On the Roku Channel you will find Weekend Masses, Daily Masses, Special Events, Pause to Worship and Kids’ Liturgy Videos. We hope you check it out!

NEXT PAUSE TO WORSHIP Pause to Worship has a permanent home on the second Wednesday of the month after the 5:30pm Mass! The next Pause to Worship is Wednesday, 10th right after the 5:30pm Mass until 7:30pm. Pause to Worship is an evening of Praise & Worship and Adoration in the Church. Come when you can and stay as long as you want.

We welcome to the Holy Angels Family Phillip Morris and Dolores Lotz through the Sacrament of Baptism: were recently born to Eternal Life. Please keep Phillip, Dolores and their family in your prayers. Martinez, daughter of Jesus and Lucia

Parish Contributions

Last Week Month to date Year to date*

Budgeted $18,000 $50,000 $625,000 Actual 23,274 35,720 602,904 Over/Short + 5,274 - 14,280 - 22,096

*From 1, 2020 - , 2021 4 School and Religious Ed News HOLY ANGELS SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION 230 North 8th Ave. • West Bend, WI 53095 Principal: Anne Weise [email protected]………262-338-1148 Secretary: Stephanie Rychtik [email protected]………262-338-1148 ———————————————————————————— Student of the Week: The Virtue for the month of January is Obedience: assenting to rightful authority without hesitation or resistance. “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:28 K3—Louie Rohlinger 1st—Sophia Reisweber 4th—Jadyn Assmann 7th—Olivia Daute K4—Nolan Lentz 2nd—Hannah Petri 5th—Norah Johnson 8th—Maddee Bell K5—James Theilman 3rd—Hayli-liu Busch 6th—Brady Johnson Music—Nora Sternig Phy Ed—Max Reinheimer

Recent Winners of Calendar of Ca$h: Tom Costa, Karen Gresser, Michael Doll, LeeAnn Davies, Chris Wendelborn, Ben Kohnen, Craig Busick

Hearts for Catholic Schools Week:

Dear Holy Angels Families,

While we can’t physically gather together for our usual Family Fun Night to kick off Catholic Schools Week, we can still come together as a community to share all of the reasons why we LOVE Holy Angels School! Here is how you and your family can help:

1. Create a paper heart of any size or color. 2. Write a reason why you love Holy Angels School on the paper heart. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as many times as you would like! The more hearts, the better our display will be! 4. Send the completed hearts back to school in an envelope labeled: PAC Hearts

PAC will take care of getting all of the hearts hung up in the hallway in time for Catholic Schools Week. Let’s flood the hallways with hearts! Please send your hearts to school by Friday, January 29th.

Please email any questions to: [email protected]

Sincerely, HAS Parent Activity Committee (PAC)

FAITH FORMATION—CHILD THROUGH ADULT CONTACT INFORMATION Director: Hannah Bergland [email protected]……………262-334-9393 Associate Director: Brian Mase [email protected]…………262-343-2370 Administrative Assistant: Katie Talbot…………………………[email protected] Intern: Lydia Bollen ————————————————————————————

Just a reminder that there is no class for K-8th graders today, Sunday. We will resume classes on 1/24. K-6th Graders will be learning virtually as normal and 7th and 8th graders have a parent and student night. If you haven’t already, please sign up and let us know whether you are attending the parent night in person or virtually. Thank you!

Check out for a new Kids’ Liturgy video for this Sunday, the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time.

JOB AT LOCAL PARISH Resurrection Parish of Allenton WI is looking to hire a part time Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper. Key Tasks: Maintain census membership records of the Parish - Provide annual contribution reports to parish membership - Prepare and maintain payroll & insurance recordkeeping - Maintain Accounts payable on a weekly basis - Prepare & Record deposits for the parish - Manage transactional data in Quickbooks Administrative Tasks: Preparation of parish bulletin - Maintain office supplies and technology as needed Qualifications: Ability to understand the Catholic Church mission and social teachings - Knowledge of basic accounting/bookkeeping - Knowledge and experience in office procedures and the use of Excel/MS Word/Publisher/Quickbooks - Ability to cooperatively work with small groups of volunteers in a professional manner - Compensation: Hourly, 10-15 Hours/week, flexible

To apply send a cover letter and resume to: [email protected] or Resurrection Parish, PO Box 96, Allenton WI 53002. NNEWSEWS AND AND N NOTESOTES 5

RECEIVING SACRAMENTS If you have a family member nearing death and they would like an anointing, please call the office (262-334-3038) or email Fr. Howard ([email protected]) so that he can schedule a time to meet with you.

If you are 18 or older and would like to receive Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation OR you have an infant to six year old you would like Baptized, contact: Deacon Mark at [email protected] or 262-334-0140. If you have a child ages 7-17 that is looking to receive sacraments contact: Hannah Bergland, [email protected] or 262-334-9393.

STAY UP TO DATE If you would like the weekly bulletin, Religious Ed updates, or other HA news alerts sent directly to your e-mail sign up for Flocknote now at: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Join Now” button.

FOR RENT There are three apartments for rent at the Holy Angels Convent Apartments. One apartment is an Efficiency and two Two Room Apartments. The Convent Apartments are located on 9th Avenue. The apartments are open to those 60 years of age and up. Apartments include air conditioning. There is a washer and dryer on the same floor, basement storage, and a community room.

FORMED.ORG FORMED is an online platform that provides access to content from trusted Catholic providers. There are movies, enlightening programs, inspiring talks, and a great selection of popular eBooks - all just a click away! It’s FREE to Register: Go to and click “Register” to get started!

SCRIP Scrip is a fundraiser for the school and church and all you have to do is go to stores, restaurants, gas stations and other locations you already visit! Got to to learn more!

EDUCATION AND ACTIVITY CORNER Sunday Family Connection: In today’s Gospel we learn about one of at least two family relations that appear among Jesus’ first disciples. Andrew is the brother of Simon, whom Jesus renames Peter. In next week’s Gospel, we will learn about the brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee. We know from the letters of Paul and other witnesses to the early Church that it was a common occurrence for an entire household to be baptized together. From the very beginning of the Church, families helped one another to know and follow Jesus. We hope and pray that this continues to be true in our family life. Before your family gathers, look around your house and gather some items that your family might have that remind you of your faith. Perhaps you have a cross or crucifix displayed in your home, a statue of Mary, or statues or other art depicting saints. In today’s Gospel we learn about how Andrew led his brother, Simon, to Jesus. Read today’s Gospel, John 1:35-42. In our family life, we also help to lead one another to Jesus. Talk together about the items that you gathered, discussing what these items mean to you and how you might use them during the day for prayer. Pray that your family will continue to help one another grow in our faith in Jesus. Pray together the Glory Be to the Father. Taken from Loyola Press Sunday Connection;

Readings for the week of January 17, 2021 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10c [5]/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25—8:6/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17 [8a and 9a]/Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Ps 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14 [11a]/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Mk 3:20-21 Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 ©LPi 6 MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses: 4:00 pm (Sat.), 8:00 am, 9:30 am (in person I want to schedule an Infant Baptism: Contact Deacon Mark, and live streamed) and 11:00 am Deacon Dave or Fr. Howard. Baptisms usually occur during

Weekday Masses: Monday at 7:30am, Wednesday at 5:30pm, Saturday or Sunday Masses. Baptisms can be scheduled after the Thursday and Friday at 8:00am 11am Mass on Sunday however, the “during Mass” option is

Rosary: Monday after 7:30am Mass, Thurs & Fri at 7:30am preferred. Attendance at a baptism class is required prior to the baptism of your first child. Call Deacon Mark with questions. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays 8am-8pm in the Church.

The Church is open for individual prayer during the week. I want to schedule a Wedding: Arrangements are to be made with a Reconciliation: Saturday at 8am in the Church. Priest or Deacon at least 6 months before the wedding.


Parish Office ...... 262-334-3038 Parish Life: Lindsey VanderWielen ...... ………….262-334-3038 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 4:30pm [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Howard Haase [email protected]………...262-334-3038 Music: Kurt Lulich [email protected] ...... 262-334-3038 Deacon: Mark Jansen [email protected] .... …….262-334-0140 Lindsey VanderWielen [email protected] Deacon: David Young [email protected] ...... ……262-306-1536 Maintenance/Cemetery: Jim Schmidt ...... 262-343-0914 Business Admin.: Barbara VanderWielen ...... ………262-334-3038 [email protected]

PARISH LEADERSHIP Trustee: Richard Geldreich ...... 262-353-9553 Eucharistic Adoration: Deacon Mark ...... 262-334-0140 Trustee: Michael Melaney ...... 262-338-1653 Property & Grounds: Herb Tennies ...... 262-334-2697 Pastoral Council Chair: Brittany Tillman ...... 262-808-7589 Human Concerns: John Ritger………………………262-334-4394 School Committee: Gary Held………………………262-707-6180 Prayer Chain: Barb Laughrin………...... 262-338-8878 Finance Committee: Peter Winkler ...... 414-336-5062 Alice Maney……...... 262-338-0288

Ron Albiero 262-338-1200 (Owner 40 Years)

PROFESSIONALS... AT YOUR SERVICE Electrical Contractor Darrell Gerritson Owner Mike Melaney Owner “The Real Albiero” M.P. #221072 Residential & Commercial • Fully Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 30 Years of Experience 262-338-1653

Office Furniture & Healthcare Products (262) 334-3811 J L Business Interiors, Inc. Schalla Jeweler COMPANIES “Our job is to allow you Fine Jewelry • Custom Design • Goldsmithing 515 Schoenhaar Dr., P.O. Box 303 Giftware • Watch Batteries to do yours...” West Bend, WI 53095 Douglas M. Schalla Accredited Jewelry Professional DESIGN l BUILD l DEVELOP l REAL ESTATE 262-338-2221 235 S. Main St. • (262) 334-2131 • PARISHIONERS [email protected] EyeCare Optical Ray 1411 S. Main St., West Bend Wollner 262-334-2020 Mark Landvatter Excavating, Inc. [email protected] Serving West Bend for over 30 Years 262.346.1PRO Duane Wollner Locally Owned and Operated 600 Schoenhaar Drive, West Bend, WI 53090 262-689-6088 262-334-1906 7259 Sleepy Hollow Rd. West Bend 262-377-1906 N144 W6050 Pioneer Rd. Cedarburg WHERE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Open 7 Days a Week

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Holy Angels, West Bend, WI C 4C 01-1055 Silver Spring ollision enter David Kovalaske, CFP® C C Vice President/Investments 3000 West Washington Street Stop at our West Bend, WI 53095 Jacob W. Bain Financial Advisor Sylvan • Smokercraft Farm - Garden - Store Phone: 262.306.1900 (262) 334-2882 Qwest • Bayliner 1 mile north of West Bend Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, 4339 HWY 33 West Hwy. D & 45 • 262-334-2337 Incorporated 334-9389 Phillip VRANA FRAME Funeral & BODY SHOP INC. Homes Car - Truck Paradise Crematory LLC Wheel Alignment & Balancing 119 Kettle Moraine Dr. S. 1420 W. Paradise Dr. Complete Body Work Slinger, WI 53086 West Bend, WI 53095 262-644-5296 262-338-2050 1405 N. MAIN STREET, WEST BEND 334-2245 The Nowack Group Paradise Gardens Nursery L.L.C. Michael Nowack, CWS® Trees - Shrubs - Annuals Perennials & Landscaping

Senior Vice President Ratzburg Tree Service John C. Rehman ~ Owner Matrix Title Company, LLC Removal - Trimming - Planting & Stumping 2356 W Washington St. • West Bend, WI 1848 Hwy. 33 E. Phone (262) 306-1111 338-8316 Fax (262) 334-5678 WE DELIVER! 262-334-0100 338-7780 • (Across from West Bend Airport) | [email protected] 869 S. Main St., West Bend NR Asphalt & Pavement Maintenance Parking Lots • Driveways Playgrounds Sealing, Striping - Crack Filling Commercial/Residential 334-4994 Thrivent was named one of Cedar Lake Group the “World’s Most Ethical 810 East Paradise Drive Companies” by Ethisphere Schmidt West Bend, WI 53095 Institute 2012–2019. Breakfast Menu on Sun. 262-338-8601 “World’s Most Ethical from: 10am-1pm Funeral Home Joshua Senkbeil Companies” and “Ethisphere” Riverview Dining Available Financial Associate names and marks are registered Open 7 days a week at 11am Parish Member trademarks of Ethisphere LLC. 262-334-BREW(2739) • 255 S. Main St. For details, visit West Bend Jackson Lisa K Senkbeil, FIC, CLTC Historic Downtown West Bend & Financial Associate 27193 R5-19 334-2301 677-4993 STATE BANK SCHNEISS • Duct Cleaning HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • Gas Fireplaces OF NEWBURG “A Name You Can Trust” • Gas Inserts 300 Congress Dr, Newburg • Zoning 262-675-2306 334-3031 Megan Beaver, Parish Member DOWNLOAD OUR MOBILE APP • Air Purification Systems 3424 W. Washington St. • Heating & Air Conditioning (414) 339-3335 Call us Today! NAIL SERVICES • FACIALS • WAXING Member FDIC Call LPi today for advertising info (800) 950-9952 Council #3916 For membership information or to learn more contact: 121 N. Main • West Bend, WI 53095 Terry Hoehn, Grand Knight (262) 306-8052 815-441-1928 Hours: M-F 10-6 Extended Hours Meetings: 1st Tuesday of each month at Sat. 10-4 During the Summer St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Morrison.

Donald Patnode, Agent Located In Saukville, WI * 800-913-7267 262-675-6557 Don Patnode Agency Inc Roofing Sheet Metal WWW.CKSERVICESINC.COM PORT WASHINGTON West Bend, WI 53095 * Bus: (262) 338-3767 Free Estimates A Trusted Name Since 1978 (262) 284-5589 [email protected] COMMERCIAL * RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Holy Angels, West Bend, WI B 4C 01-1055 Paula L. Luba Greg Bohn WOODRIDGE G. THELEN & SONS Owner CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Construction, LLC CONSTRUCTION, INC. Concrete, 262.305.4036 262-334-4847 Dr. James Brugger General Contractor Skid Loader Service #MHGivesBack Dr. Andrew Stopczynski Remodeling 629 Sandy Acre Drive Buy or sell your home Dr. Garrett Brugger Custom Cabinetry Sales, Service and Appraisals through me & I will donate Dr. Janelle Riedl West Bend, WI 0.25% of the final sale price New Building N58 W6189 Columbia Rd. | Cedarburg, WI to a non-profit charity or 262.376.8730 Fax 262.376.8731 262.338.0229 organization of your choice. EHO 1624 Clarence Court • West Bend, WI 911 N. River Rd. • 334-4963 Mark Tennies TENNIES ELECTRICState Certified Commercial, Industrial, Residential COMPLETE CAR & LIGHT TRUCK REPAIR SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 40 YEARS! 905 S. Main West Bend, WI 53095 262-334-7801 644-8940 RENARD LAW OFFICE, LLC ELDER LAW, TRUSTS & ESTATE PLANNING & PROBATE 30th year of practice 262-629-5937 Upgrade your home with beautiful styles Replace now and give your 262-334-5000 home a fresh point of view [email protected] BRING IN BULLETIN FOR 10% VETERAN 1940 N. MAIN STREET DISCOUNT OR 10% OFF FINAL BILL! WEST BEND, WI 53090 (excludes probate administration invoices) Pella Windows & Doors of Wisconsin has all the styles, finishes, and hardware to give your home a new look with upgraded MAYER energy efficiency. Whether you’re interested in wood, fiberglass, or vinyl, Pella has Painting & Decorating, Inc. the windows and doors to enhance your home, inside and out. Interior & Exterior Specialist Visit for our latest offers. Mark R. Mayer Mention this ad when you schedule your 262-334-6286 free, no-obligation consultation and at your appointment, receive a free $50 gift card* good for dining, beverages, or theatre admission for the luxury Silverspot Cinemas at the Corners of Brookfield! *Limit one per household, while quantities last.

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Mike Sterr, ABR Licensed Real Estate Appraiser Family Law • Estate Planning • Real Estate Cell: 262.689.8930 120 N. Main St. #260 Office: 262.365.5349 West Bend Fax: 262.842.9199 Email: [email protected] 334-2331 Ian Prust COMMERCIAL MULTI-FAMILY Attorney RESIDENTIAL VACANT

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