EABS ANNUAL CONFERENce 2021 Exclusive Price List EXCLUSIVE PRIce LIST AND ORDER FORM Free shipping available on all books Sheffield Phoenix Press would like to offer attendees of the EABS Annual Conference 2021 an extra discount price and free shipping on all our books until 31st August 2021. Our new 2020/21 titles and prices are detailed below. All 320+ books listed here are available at a conference discount with free shipping until the end of August. The exclusive extra discount is ONLY available for orders via email to
[email protected] If you would prefer a price list in USD or GBP, please email to ask. The Great Drama of Jeremiah A Performance Reading Val Billingham (2021) In this original work, joining the growing corpus of performance criticism of Hebrew Bible texts, Billingham offers a performance reading of some eleven scenes in the book of Jeremiah, analysing their scripts, actors/ speakers, audiences, settings and improvisation of scripts. x + 272 pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 95 Hardback List Price: €70 Conference price: €32.50 ISBN: 978-1-910928-86-8 Abishag Administrator of King David’s Household Daniel Bodi (2021) Following Daniel Bodi’s previous monographs on the three wives of King David—Michal, Bathsheba and Abigail—here is a fourth one on Abishag, the last woman in his life. It has not been recognized before how decisive a role she played as a palace administrator in David’s final political crisis, Adonijah’s coup d’état, and Solomon’s proclamation as king. xviii + 416pp. Hebrew Bible Monographs, 93 Hardback List Price: €95 Conference price: €37.50 ISBN: 978-1-910928-87-5 EABS ANNUAL CONFERENce 2021 Exclusive Price List Explanations for Exile in Amos Martha Campos (2021) In this forensic overturning of time-honoured readings of Amos’s oracles, and with a fresh eye for his metaphors, Martha Campos outs the successors of Jeroboam (7.9) as the cows of Bashan (4.1), manufacturers of images for non-Yahwistic worship, especially of Ninurta/Sakkuth (5.26), lounging on couches at their banquets (6.4).