FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice Our Sponsors

Thank you!

1st District Salish Sea Chapter Seattle Chapter Snohomish – WA State National Democrats County Federation of Organization for Indivisible Democratic Women Women

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Our Sponsors

Thank you!

Sen. Derek Rep. Shelley Rep. Davina Rep. Cindy Ryu, Stanford, D-1 Kloba, D-1 Duerr, D-1 D-32

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Our Sponsors

Thank you!

Snohomish County Rep. Strom Peterson, Carin Chase Rep. Suzan DelBene Democrats D-21 President, WA CD1 Federation of Democratic Women

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Our Sponsors

Thank you!

Shirley Sutton, Amber King, Candidate for 32nd Candidate Snohomish LD, Pos. 1 County Council Pos. 4

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Your Hosts

1st District Democrats Salish Sea Chapter – WA State Federation of Democratic Women

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2020 COMMUNITY

FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice Legal Voice

“Legal Voice is a progressive feminist organization using the power of the law to make change in the Northwest. We use that power structure to dismantle sexism and oppression, specifically advocating for our region’s most marginalized communities: women of color, lesbians, transgender and gender-nonconforming people, immigrants, people with disabilities, low-income women, and others affected by gender oppression and injustice.”


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Speakers

Passionate and driven


AtWork! National Organization Greater Seattle of Women Business Association

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Speakers

Passionate and driven

KIM CLARK ALISON McCAFFREE HILARY FRANZ Legal Voice League of Women State Commissioner Voters, Politics of the of Public Lands Possible in Action

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Thank you to our MCs

Shasti Conrad Hillary Moralez King County Democrats, Snohomish County Democrats, Chair Chair

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers AGENDA 10:00 Welcome, Introductions 10:05 Land Acknowledgement - Carol McMahon, WSFDW; Blessing - Deborah Parker, “tsicyaltsa,” Former V. Chair, Tribes 10:10 Alicia Crank - AtWork! 10:40 Kim Clark - Legal Voice 11:10 Louise Chernin - Greater Seattle Business Association & Tiffany Wilk Chang - National Organization for Women 11:40 Alison McCaffree - League of Women Voters, Politics of the Possible in Action 12:10 Keynote Speaker - Hilary Franz - WA State Public Lands Commissioner 12:45 Moderated Panel Discussion with all speakers 12:55 Closing Remarks 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Land Acknowledgement

Today I stand in for the white euro Americans who illegally claimed the land we are on now from the Native Nations, and to acknowledge the Peoples of the Salish Sea and the Duwamish.

These Peoples have lived here since the beginning of time and have been stewards of the land and sea around us. We are thankful for the opportunity of growing up in the shadow of Ti'Swaq, living in the waters of the Salish Sea, and benefiting from its bounties.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Blessing

DEBORAH PARKER ”tsicyaltsa”

Former Vice Chair, Tulalip Tribes

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers DEBORAH PARKER

”tsicyaltsa” 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers ALICIA CRANK


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers "Gender Based Violence: How We Are Affected and What We Can Do About It”

Alicia Crank, Chief Development Officer, AtWork!

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers What is Gender-based violence (GBV)? Violence that is directed at an individual based on

his or her biological sex OR gender identity. It includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation, whether occurring in public or private life. 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Black Women & Sexual Violence • On average, 1 in 3 women are victims of intimate partner violence and one in five women are

victims of sexual assault. • Over 18% percent of African American women will

be sexually assaulted in her lifetime* • Unique barriers faced by African American women on a political, economic, and cultural

level. 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Black Women & Sexual Violence • 54 percent of multi-racial women, 46 percent of American Indian / Alaska Native women, and 43 percent of Black women have been the victim of

violence by an intimate partner • Though Black women are as likely, if not more likely, to request assistance as survivors, they are

not receiving the help they need. • 2.3 times more likely to be shot and killed. 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Black Women & Dehumanization Because Black women and girls have historically been dehumanized, considered unrapeable, and left without legal recourse, we become easier targets for abuse and are more reluctant to come forward. Daniel Holtzclaw, a former Oklahoma City police officer convicted of sexual violence in 2015, targeted low-income Black women because he thought they were less likely to be believed. 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Black Women & Brutality • Black women who worked in the field did the same work men did. They were subject to the same punishments male slaves received:

whipping, branding, and mutilations. • Whites believed that Black women did not have the same delicate constitutions that White women

had. • Sojourner Truth’s 1851 women suffrage speech. 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers What Can Be BECOME AN INFORMED ALLY




2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Become an informed ally.

Learn more about the relationship between colonialism and sexual violence. Consider reading more books by black women scholars who are writing about the daily lived experiences of black women, including sexual violence.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Center Black women in your

advocacy. Contact your elected officials and share this data. Ask them what they are doing specifically to improve the sexual violence experienced by black women. It may be helpful to explain how institutions contribute to gendered racism. Ask them to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Support organizations that work

on behalf of Black women

This may require you doing some research, talking with Black women and allowing them to tell you what they need.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Take-Away Message

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Question & Answer


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Thank You!


425 202 5131


[email protected]

SOCIAL Twitter /FB/Instagram:


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2020 COMMUNITY

FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice KIM CLARK

Legal Voice

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers "Sexism, Racism and the Holy War on Reproductive Freedom" - Kim Clark - Legal Voice

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers June 27, 2020

Sexism, Racism and the Holy War on Reproductive Freedom

6/25/2020 © 2018 Legal Voice. All Rights Reserved. Reproductive Oppression - Rooted in Misogyny and Racial Oppression

• Reproductive oppression is rooted in sexism and racism, not “natural law.” • Instead shining a light on this history, we have allowed the anti-abortion movement to cloak itself in religion and claim the moral high ground. • Religion has become weaponized. REPRODUCTIVE OPPRESSION IS MAN MADE - GOD


The failure of white feminism to make the connection between reproductive oppression and systemic racism is killing women – especially black women. June Medical v. Russo (U.S. Supreme Court)

The law being challenged: A Louisiana law that requires physicians who provide abortion care to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of a clinic.

Issues: ● Whether the admitting privileges law is unconstitutional based on the Court’s precedent. In Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt (2016), the Court struck down an identical Texas law because it had no medical benefit. ● Whether clinics and doctors have standing to bring lawsuits on behalf of their patients. June Medical - What is at Stake

Adverse decision could: ● make it extremely hard to challenge restrictions (gutting Roe); ● devastate abortion access across the country ● perpetuate systemic racism (as impact will be especially severe for Black and brown communities who already face greater barriers to care/ systemic racism in health care. ● Significance will not be understood until it is too late. What June Medical could mean for WA

• Rights dependent on the legislature and voters;

• HEARTBEAT BILL (I-1698) may be on ballot this year.

• Access will be burdened as WA absorbs patients from other states;

• Extremist white-supremacist groups (already on the rise in State) will be emboldended;

• Washington must LEAD. Religious Refusals - Part of Larger Campaign Religious Refusals (continued . . . )

Contraception, End of life care abortion, fertility treatment, etc.

Gender affirming care Religious Refusals - Hospitals

• Washington is one of five states where more than 40 percent of acute-care hospital beds are Catholic. • Whole regions of the state have no other facilities; • There is no way for patients to know until it’s too late. • U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops explicitly bans: – Contraception (including EC) – Sterilization – Abortion – Miscarriage management – Prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormality (if intent is abortion) – Participation in surrogacy contracts – In vitro fertilization – Advanced directives if contrary to Church doctrine – Death with dignity related care Protecting Patient Care Act – 2019 (SSB 5602)

Legislature requires hospitals to post a checklist of services that they DO NOT provide.

Includes: reproductive health services related to abortion, contraception, pregnancy, infertility, STDS and HIV. Protecting Patient Care Act - ESHB 1608/ SB 5542 (2020)

Can’t prevent individual practitioner’s from providing information/counseling regarding a patient's health status including: ● diagnosis, prognosis, recommended treatment/alternatives; ● potential risks to the patient's health or life; ● information about available services/resources;

BUT does not require hospitals to provide miscarriage management even where there is a serious risk to life or health. Religious Refusals – Insurance Carriers


Little Sisters of the Poor v. Penn. (Supreme Court) Issue: ACA contraceptive mandate • Obama administration offered a workaround; • The Trump administration disregarded the workaround in favor of flatly exempting any company with a religious or moral objection to the contraceptive mandate.

WASHINGTON: WA law also allows religiously sponsored health insurance carriers to opt out of providing coverage. HB 2554 (passed in 2020) Imposes an assessment on carriers that opt out of providing any legally required benefit. BUT there is nothing in WA law to ensure that the individual receives coverage for the service. Other Battles in The Holy War on Reproductive


Federal: ● Efforts to expand religious exemptions in healthcare, employment, education, public accommodations, homeless shelters, etc. ● Funding for Crisis Pregnancy Centers (and a Supreme Court decision finding that CPCs have a First Amendment Right to Deceive Women); ● Judicial establishment of a right to freedom of religion for corporations

Washington: ● Religious refusals ● Referenda 90, 91; ● Initiative 1698 ● Challenge to RPA ● Rise in Clinic Protests by alt-right extremists w/ties to white supremacist groups THE “CHURCH AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD” (Spokane) Relationship Between Reproductive Oppression and Systemic Racism Alive and Well The Long Road Ahead

• Need to stop ceding the moral high ground; • Litigation essential in short term; • But movement building is what is needed to make a real difference. Our Work

• Ballot Title Challenges to R-90, R-91, and I-1698 (and work on campaigns)

• Lawsuit against “The Church at Planned Parenthood” • Lawsuit protecting employees at UW Birth Defects Research Lab from harassment by David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress; • Lawsuits in AK and ID challenging laws preventing Advanced Practice Clinicians from providing abortion care; • Policy Advocacy to Expand Access to Reproductive Healthcare (and neutralize impact of religious refusals);

• Initiative to exposing Crisis Pregnancy Centers Want More Information?

• Legal Voice (litigation, policy advocacy, legal rights education) – www.legalvoice.org

• SURGE (movement building) - https://www.surgereprojustice.org/

• Safe Healthy Youth Washington (to protect sex ed law), 603 Stewart Street Suite 819, Seattle, WA 98101 Question & Answer


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Thank You!

Kim Clark, Senior Attorney Reproductive Rights, Health and Justice EMAIL

[email protected]

OFFICE ADDRESS Legal Voice 907 Pine Street, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98101

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2020 COMMUNITY

FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice TIFFANY WILK CHANG LOUISE CHERNIN National Organization Greater Seattle Business Association of Women

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers "The ERA: Why we need it NOW"

Louise Chernin - Greater Seattle Business Association

Tiffany Wilk Chang - National Organization for Women

“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the or by any state on account of sex.”

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers The Equal Rights Amendment

“Section 1: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Introduced to Congress in 1923, on the heels of the successful fight for women’s suffrage

It is still not in place today.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers ERA HISTORICAL TIMELINE

Duplicate Me

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Support

1970: Shirley Chisholm Bella Abzug, 1977 (NY) + Martha Griffiths (MO) ran for Congress Feminist leaders like Gloria on platforms of Steinem and NOW made it prioritizing the ERA. their top priority.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 21st Century WHY NOW #MeToo; 2018 Pink Wave; the Kavanaugh Revival hearings & public attention on courts and process

WHAT WE’VE ACHIEVED The needed 38 states have ratified; Court precedent for rescinding the deadline is on our side

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers WHAT’S NEXT?

If the ERA was What is the next enacted today who fight we need to would it protect? tackle? And is this


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Question & Answer

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Thank You!

Louise Chernin

[email protected]

Tiffany Wilk Chang

[email protected]

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers


➔ http://www.eracoalition.org/toolkit ➔ https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opin ion/gop-warming-equal-rights-amendment ➔ https://now.org/issues/constitutional-equality/ ➔ https://now.org/now-and-the-equal-rights-amendment/ ➔ https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-rep orts/equal-rights-amendment-explained ➔ https://nwsidebar.wsba.org/2020/03/09/why-is-alyssa- milano-tweeting-about-the-equal-rights-amendment/

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers


FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice ALISON McCAFFREE League of Women Voters of Washington,

Politics of the Possible in Action

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers ®


Why it matters

Presented By: Alison McCaffree League of Women Voters Politics of the Possible in Action June 27, 2020

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Nonpartisan Nonprofit

1. Inspire action through stories of civic engagement

2. Enhance civic education

3. Create cultural change to honor public service

Director: Alison McCaffree

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Reapportionment & Redistricting

Fundamental processes that strives for ideal representation and ensure a fair distribution of political power

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers • Yes.

• Illegal – fines not inforced

• Cost to send someone out – if don’t return

• If you return – No one comes to your door.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Why is the Census Important?

Allocates Allocates $675 Billion in Guides research and representation federal programs (2015) critical questions

• U. S House of • Estimates say 2020 will be • Businesses Representatives $900 Billion nationally • Nonprofits • State Legislative Districts • Washington State receives $14B federal funds annual • Universities • Local Governments, Schools and Fire Districts

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Redistricting

Changing the boundaries of districts to reflect the change in population

Equal population = One person, one vote

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Reapportionment 2020

+1 -2 -1

+2 +3

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Who Chooses Districts?

Legislative Districts Congressional Districts

** includes results of 2018 Midterms

Legislature Independent Commission Political Commission N/A

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers No elected officials or party officers in prior two-year period No registered lobbyists within the past year

2011 WA Redistricting Commission Established by constitutional amendment in 1983.

Members of the 2011 Redistricting Commission

Democrat Republican


Non-voting Chair


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Gerrymandering Manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class.

Governor Elbridge Gerry 1812

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Hypothetical State

40 Democrats 40 Republicans

Large City in the middle of the state

Split into 4 districts of 20 people each

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Democratic Gerrymander Republican Gerrymander

District 1 14D 6R District 1 8D 12R District 2 14D 6R District 2 20D 0R District 3 12D 8R District 3 6D 14R District 4 0D 20R District 4 6D 14R

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Travis Co, Texas

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Both Parties Do It!

National Republican Redistricting Trust

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Big Data & Statistics

Large data sets processed Computational Models by computer

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Complex model, quick results

Create, manage, share and maintain redistricting plans 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Redistricting in the Courts

Racial Prison Partisan Gerrymander Gerrymander Gerrymander

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers North Carolina Congressional 12th

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers City of Yakima

Population % White

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers City of Yakima - Districts

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers PRISON GERRYMANDERING PROJECT SB 5287 passed and became law July 2019

Washington Prisons 2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Partisan Gerrymander

Is it Constitutional?

How much is too much?

2020 | Women’s Forum Wisconsin Assembly

2018 Winners

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Maryland 6th Congressional District

U.S. Supreme Court Benisek v Lamone

Delegation = 7D:1R

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers No Federal Court Remedy


Rucho v Common Cause (NC)

Benisek v Lamone (Maryland) 5-4 decision

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2021 Speak Up SCHOOLS Training for testifying in front of the Commission

• Learn from experienced citizen lobbyist

• Learn effective testimony

• Practice!

• Create collective strategies

• Be part of a diverse coalition

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Drawing 2021 MAPS

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Redistricting Timeline Speak-Up Schools Attend in session training Feb-April Measure Testify! 2021! success

2020 2021 2022

Public Meetings 2020 Census Census Commission New Primaries

Legislative April 2020 Deadline Appointed May/June Sept/Oct maps March 2022 Session Oct 31, 2020 1/15/21 due 11/15/21

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers No elected officials or party officers in prior two-year period No registered lobbyists within the past year

2031 Redistricting Commission

Proposed Structure

Senate House Citizen Unaffiliated - Citizens



Non-voting Chair

Require Bi-Partisan Simple Majority

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Redistricting: To Do List

✔ Complete Census – Oct 31, 2020

✔ Assist Others to Complete Census ✔ Vote – Primaries + November 2020 & beyond

✔ Attend a Speak Up School

✔ Testify to Commission – June- Sept 2021

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Government only works …

…if we participate.

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Contact Me

Alison McCaffree LWVWA Census & Redistricting Issue Chair 253-720-6813 amccaff[email protected]

[email protected]

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2020 COMMUNITY

FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice HILARY FRANZ

State Commissioner of Public Lands

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Keynote:

"Doing Epic Shit Without Apology"

Hilary Franz - WA State Commissioner of Public Lands

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Question & Answer


For further infornation/questions, please contact [email protected]

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Thank You!


360 902 1000


[email protected]

OFFICE ADDRESS Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands MS 47001 Olympia, WA 98504-1000

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Panel Discussion


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers 2020 COMMUNITY

FORUM Power of Women: Breaking


Fundraiser to Benefit Legal Voice Legal Voice

“Legal Voice is a progressive feminist organization using the power of the law to make change in the Northwest. We use that power structure to dismantle sexism and oppression, specifically advocating for our region’s most marginalized communities: women of color, lesbians, transgender and gender-nonconforming people, immigrants, people with disabilities, low-income women, and others affected by gender oppression and injustice.”


2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Slay the Dragon Movie Showing Jun 30, 2020 06:00 PM Fix Democracy First, FairVote Washington, the League of Women Voters of WA, and the Meaningful Movies Project for an online film screening and panel discussion on gerrymandering. “Slay the Dragon” is a 2019 documentary film about gerrymandering in the United States directed by Barak Goodman and Chris Durrance. The film follows citizens’ groups as they work to end the practice of gerrymandering, which they see as undermining democracy. It features Katie Fahey, the activist who founded Voters Not Politicians and led a successful grassroots campaign to ban partisan gerrymandering in Michigan. Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yXbyA8t_T7mO–fxcEIZ_g

Sponsored by: Fix Democracy First, FairVote WA, and League of Women Voters of WA

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers Thank you for Within the next 48 hours you will receive an email from the 1st District Democrats your with follow-up information. participation! Resource information will be posted at https://1stlddems.org/2020-forum/

and https://wsfdw.org

2020 | Power of Women: Breaking Barriers