Year : 05 Issue : 04 New Delhi Thursday, March 19, 2020 Rs. 1/- Pages - 8 E-mail -
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[email protected] Facebook - Website - BCCI now allows only chief... P6 FIRST COLUMN Coronavirus: 255 Indians Amid coronavirus lockdown, Coronavirus: Govt confirms 276 Indians infected in Iran, 276 across the Indian students in Philippines infected abroad, cases near 150 in country world, Govt tells Lok Sabha stranded in transit New Delhi, Agency. New Delhi, Agency. A total of 276 Indians have been infected The government further informed that 12 people with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) abroad, including 255 in Iran, the and one each in Hong Kong, Kuwait, Sri Lanka and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) haveAfrican been country infected Rwanda. with the A dayvirus after in UAE, the fiveMinistry in Italy, of informed the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. External Affairs stated that media reports claiming a large number of Indians in Iran had tested positive for day after reports emerged that a large Thenumber government’s of Indian pilgrimsclarification in Irancame had a told Lok Sabha Wednesday that 255 Indians had been tested positive for the infection. Out of coronavirus could not be confirmed, the government New Delhi, Agency. By means of lockdowns and shutdowns, countries all and one each from Hong Kong, Kuwait, Sri over are exercising measures to curb the 276,Lanka 12 and are Rwanda.also from Within UAE, five the from country, Italy spread of COVID-19. These restrictions may help limit the pandemic but in the climbed to 147, including 14 who have process, it has taken a huge toll on those therecovered total number and three of confirmeddeaths, the cases Ministry has living abroad, especially students.