110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1 HP0001 An Act to Authorize Vocational- PL 1981, c. 1 technical Institutes to Operate Outside the Specific Municipality Where They are Located.

LD 2 HP0002 An Act to Adopt Federal PL 1981, c. 371 Withholding Requirements for Payments to Certain Nonresident Alien Individuals, Foreign Corporations and Partnerships.

LD 3 HP0003 An Act to Amend the Maine Christmas Tree Law to Include Registration for Transportation.

LD 4 HP0004 An Act Relating to Pesticide PL 1981, c. 112 Registration.

LD 5 HP0010 An Act to Amend the Annual PL 1981, c. 34 Timber Cut Report Requirement to Include Fuelwood under the Annual Timber Cut Report.

LD 6 HP0012 An Act to Overrule Federal PL 1981, c. 218 Preemption of Certain Maximum Rate Ceilings of the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 7 HP0013 An Act Relating to Permits and Inspection for Electrical Installation in Commercial Buildings under the Electrician Law.

LD 8 HP0014 An Act to Simplify the Due PL 1981, c. 248 Process Requirements of Special Education.

LD 9 HP0015 An Act to Clarify the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Laws of Maine.

LD 10 HP0016 An Act to Allow the Transfer of Aquaculture Leases.

LD 11 HP0017 An Act to Regulate the Taking of PL 1981, c. 297 Mahogany Quahogs.

LD 12 HP0018 An Act to Revise the Procedures PL 1981, c. 56 for Regulating Dams.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 13 HP0020 An Act to Amend the Operation PL 1981, c. 8 Provisions of the Maine State Museum to Permit the Award of Stipend Support for Students Engaged in Nongeneral Fund Supported Archaeological and Conservation Projects.

LD 14 HP0021 An Act to Clarify the Definition PL 1981, c. 411 of Resident Individual in the Income Tax Law.

LD 15 SP0017 An Act to Adjust the Standard Width Dimensions for Sawn Shingles.

LD 16 SP0018 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 2 Relating to Engineers to Provide for a Biennial Publication of a Roster of Registered Professional Engineers.

LD 17 SP0019 An Act to Reduce the Tax Lien Redemption Period from 18 Months to 12 Months.

LD 18 SP0020 An Act to Revise the Van Buren P&SL 1981, c. 7 Light and Power District Charter.

LD 19 SP0021 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 9 Pesticide Control Act of 1975 to Fund Research Relating to Public Health.

LD 20 SP0022 An Act Providing for the Maine (Original Title) State Housing Authority Financing of Intermediate Care Facility Group Homes for the Regarded and Persons with Regarded Conditions.

LD 20 SP0022 An Act Providing for the Maine (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 4 State Housing Authority Financing of Intermediate Care Facility Group Homes for the Retarded and Persons with Related Conditions.

LD 21 SP0024 An Act to Revise the Land PL 1981, c. 5 Surveyor Laws.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 22 SP0025 An Act to Provide for a Closed Season on Black Bear from the First Monday Following Thanksgiving to July 1st.

LD 23 SP0026 An Act Relating to the Licensing of Stables where Horses are Maintained for Hire.

LD 24 SP0028 An Act to Permit 10% PL 1981, c. 73 Overweight Tolerance for Certain Material Transported on the Highways.

LD 25 HP0019 An Act to Provide Relocation PL 1981, c. 494 Assistance to Certain Persons Ineligible for Federal Benefits.

LD 26 HP0022 An Act to Appropriate $10,000 to the Firemens Training Program in the Department of Educational and Cultural Services.

LD 27 HP0023 An Act to Allow Cancellation or Nonrenewal of Automobile Insurance Coverage for a Specific Individual under a Family Policy.

LD 28 HP0024 An Act Increasing the Forfeiture for Drinking in Public.

LD 29 HP0025 An Act Concerning the Transportation of Sawdust and Shavings on Public Ways.

LD 30 HP0026 An Act to Provide a State Income Tax Exemption of up to $3,600 for Persons Receiving Military Survivors Benefits.

LD 31 HP0027 An Act to Insure Access to Information which is not Protected by the Criminal History Record Information Act.

LD 32 HP0028 An Act Pertaining to Employment of Minors in Hotels and Motels.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 33 HP0029 An Act to Increase the Exemption from Taxation of Parsonages used by Religious Societies to the Value of $50,000.

LD 34 HP0030 An Act to Create a Real Property Tax Exemption for Veterans of a Military Confrontation Occurring During Peace Time.

LD 35 SP0032 An Act to Increase the Licensing PL 1981, c. 395 Fee for Beano.

LD 36 HP0031 An Act to Amend the Maine Juvenile Code Concerning Emancipation.

LD 37 HP0032 An Act to Modify Certain Rules PL 1981, c. 88 of the Road to Conform with the Uniform Vehicle Code.

LD 38 HP0033 An Act to Make Confidential (Original Title) Certain Documents of the Maine Human Rights Commission.

LD 38 HP0033 An Act to Make Confidential (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 6 Discussion of Settlement Made Prior to a Maine Human Rights Commission Determination.

LD 39 HP0034 An Act to Regulate Variable PL 1981, c. 138 Rate Consumer Credit Transactions under the Consumer Credit Code.

LD 40 HP0035 An Act to Prohibit Voter Registration on Election Day with Certain Exceptions.

LD 41 HP0036 An Act to Place Sewer Utilities under the Regulation of the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 42 SP0041 An Act to Lower Certain PL 1981, c. 33 Distance Restrictions on Enlargement of Cemeteries and Burying Grounds.

LD 43 SP0042 An Act Removing the Union Security Provision in the University of Maine Labor Relations Act and Prohibiting

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

Certain Conditions of Employment.

LD 44 SP0043 An Act to Abolish the Position of (Original Title) County Treasurer in Penobscot County and Replace it with a Full Time Finance Officer.

LD 44 SP0043 An Act to Abolish the Position of (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 287 Elected County Treasurer in Penobscot County and Replace it with an Appointed Treasurer.

LD 45 SP0044 An Act to Increase the Salary of the Cumberland County Treasurer.

LD 46 HP0037 An Act Concerning Damage Done to Sheep by Dogs or Wild Animals.

LD 47 HP0038 An Act to Encourage the University of Maine Law School to Offer Extension and Evening Programs for Part-time Students.

LD 48 HP0039 An Act to Repeal the Prohibition on Importing Live Bait.

LD 49 HP0043 An Act to Dissolve the Howland P&SL 1981, c. 1 Water and Sewer District.

LD 50 HP0044 An Act to Require Legislative PL 1981, c. 51 Confirmation of State Housing Authority Commissioners.

LD 51 HP0045 An Act to Provide for the Use of PL 1981, c. 14 Flashing White Lights on Ambulances.

LD 52 HP0046 An Act to Create a Point Credit System for Violation-free Drivers under the Motor Vehicle Laws.

LD 53 HP0040 An Act to Increase and to Make Mandatory the Fines for Litter.

LD 54 HP0041 An Act Relating to Immunization PL 1981, c. 35 of Children Prior to Entering School.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 55 HP0042 An Act to Provide for the PL 1981, c. 39 Surrender by Grand Falls Plantation of its Organization.

LD 56 SP0045 An Act to Preserve Maine's Archaeological Heritage.

LD 57 SP0048 An Act to Relieve Public Housing Authorities from Excessive Utility Charges.

LD 58 SP0049 An Act to Establish and Limit Deer Hunting to a Northern and a Southern Zone.

LD 59 SP0050 An Act to Require Teacher Evaluation by Persons Outside the School Administrative District.

LD 60 SP0051 An Act to Reduce the Minimum Size for Exempt Lots Subdivided Under the Land Use Regulation Law.

LD 61 SP0052 An Act to Provide for a Special (Original Title) Hunting Season on Bear during the 2nd Week in November.

LD 61 SP0052 An Act to Establish the Open (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 222 Season on Bear.

LD 62 SP0053 An Act to Require Employee Organizations, Unions and Bargaining Agents in the Private Sector to Negotiate on Behalf of Retired Employees.

LD 63 HP0091 An Act Making Additional Appropriations from the General Fund for the Current Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1981, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operation of State Government.

LD 64 HP0089 An Act Relating to Periodic Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 65 HP0051 An Act to Provide Free Access PL 1981, c. 13 for Disabled Veterans to State Parks, Camping Areas and Beaches.

LD 66 HP0052 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 17 Insurance Guaranty Association Act to Increase Liability of Association Member Companies.

LD 67 HP0053 An Act to Require that Barber Shops Post Their Prices.

LD 68 HP0055 An Act to Require the State to Pay its Share of School Funding on the 15th Day of Each Month.

LD 69 HP0056 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 265 Inspection of Ballots on Municipal Questions.

LD 70 HP0057 An Act to Repeal the Statute Dealing with Failure to File Campaign Finance Reports on Time.

LD 71 HP0058 An Act to Exempt Certain Site (Original Title) Evaluations from License Fee Requirements.

LD 71 HP0058 An Act to Exempt Certain Site (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 60 Evaluators from License Fee Requirements.

LD 72 HP0060 An Act Concerning Fishing by Persons Confined to Wheelchairs.

LD 73 HP0061 An Act to Provide that the First Week of Deer Hunting Season in the Northern Zone shall be for Resident Hunters Only.

LD 74 HP0062 An Act to Amend the Eating, PL 1981, c. 203 Lodging and Recreational Place Licensing Law.

LD 75 HP0054 An Act to Require Instructions in the Public Schools on the Ill Effects of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 76 HP0079 An Act to Provide a Sales Tax, Trade-in Credit for Loaders and Chainsaws Used to Harvest Lumber.

LD 77 HP0082 An Act to Increase the Standard (Original Title) Interest Provision for the Tax Laws from 9 Percent to 12 Percent per Year.

LD 77 HP0082 An Act to Change the Method (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 22 by which the Standard Interest Rate is Calculated.

LD 78 HP0083 An Act to Increase the Household Income Eligibility For a Couple Under the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Act.

LD 79 HP0085 An Act to Exempt Skidders from PL 1981, c. 49 the Registration Requirement of the Motor Vehicle Laws for Limited Travel.

LD 80 HP0087 An Act to Repeal the Law (Original Title) Requiring a Taxable Year of April to April for Real Estate Taxes which are Prorated between Seller and Purchaser of Real Estate.

LD 80 HP0087 An Act to Permit Flexibility in (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 23 the Prorating of Real Estate Taxes between Sellers and Purchasers of Real Estate.

LD 81 SP0054 An Act Concerning Eye PL 1981, c. 32 Enucleation under the Anatomical Gift Act.

LD 82 SP0056 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 45 Organization of the Department of Transportation.

LD 83 SP0057 An Act to Remove the Responsibility for Carrying Out Dog Licensing Laws from the Animal Husbandry Specialist.

LD 84 SP0058 An Act to Prohibit Open Burning in Areas Determined as Urban Areas.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 85 SP0059 An Act Repealing Formulas for Adjusting Below and Above Average Per Pupil Operating Costs used in Computing the State-local Allocation.

LD 86 SP0060 An Act to Repeal County Home Rule.

LD 87 SP0061 An Act Relating to the Period for PL 1981, c. 16 Establishing Employer Contribution Rates under the Employment Security Law.

LD 88 SP0055 An Act to Include Money in the PL 1981, c. 46 Law Regarding the Forfeiture of Property Used or Intended for Use in Violation of the Criminal Law Relating to Drugs.

LD 89 SP0062 An Act Relating to the Special Administrative Expense Fund and Errors in Benefit Payments under the Employment Security Law.

LD 90 SP0063 An Act to Amend the PL 1981, c. 152 Manufactured Housing Act.

LD 91 SP0064 An Act to Prohibit Hunting of Bear with Bait.

LD 92 SP0065 An Act to Encourage the Operation of Vending Facilities in Private Buildings by the Blind.

LD 93 SP0066 An Act to Revise the Public PL 1981, c. 418 Drinking Law.

LD 94 SP0067 An Act to Increase the Percentage Retained for the County by the Register of Deeds on Real Estate Transfers.

LD 95 HP0064 An Act Redesignating the PL 1981, c. 10 Bureau of Resource Development as the Bureau of Social Services, and the Bureau of Social Welfare as the Bureau of Income Maintenance.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 96 HP0066 An Act to Amend the Motor PL 1981, c. 11 Vehicle Statutes to Allow the Secretary of State to Enter into the Nonresident Violator Compact.

LD 97 HP0063 An Act to Increase the Eating, Lodging and Recreational Place Licensing Fee.

LD 98 HP0070 An Act to Permit School Bus Drivers to be Eligible for Unemployment Compensation.

LD 99 HP0072 An Act to Change the Method of Apportioning County Sheriffs' Costs Among Unorganized Territories.

LD 100 HP0077 An Act to Establish a Standard of Type for Governmental Use to Assure Readability of Published Information.

LD 101 HP0078 An Act to Exempt Regional Planning Commissions from Real and Personal Property Taxes.

LD 102 HP0084 An Act to Permit a Trade-in Credit Under the Sales Tax Statutes for Utility Tractors.

LD 103 HP0059 An Act to Change the Name of PL 1981, c. 12 Roadside Menagerie to Wildlife Exhibit under the Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Laws.

LD 104 HP0067 An Act to Prohibit the Sale and PL 1981, c. 266 Use of Drug Paraphernalia.

LD 105 SP0068 An Act Creating Security Requirements for Pharmacy Areas.

LD 106 SP0069 An Act to Require Certain PL 1981, c. 29 Notification in the Case of Tax Liens and Mortgages.

LD 107 SP0070 An Act Providing for a Period of Silence in Public Schools.

LD 108 SP0071 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 24 Assignment of Rights of Recovery.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 109 SP0072 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 7 Nonprofit Corporation Act.

LD 110 SP0073 An Act Concerning Appointments to the Maine Veterans Home Board of Trustees.

LD 111 SP0074 An Act to Exempt Certain PL 1981, c. 70 Aquaculture Workers Under the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 112 SP0075 An Act to Index the Income Eligibility Levels Under the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Program.

LD 113 SP0076 An Act to Eliminate County Commissioner Hearings for Tax Abatements.

LD 114 HP0050 An Act Relating to the Licensing PL 1981, c. 139 of Dealers in Certain Agricultural Commodities.

LD 115 HP0086 An Act to Provide a Limited Exemption From Maine Income Taxes on Interest Earned on Accounts in Maine Financial Institutions and on Certain Dividends.

LD 116 HP0065 An Act Relating to Conflict of Interest under the Medicaid Program.

LD 117 HP0068 An Act to Exempt Small Businessmen from the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 118 HP0069 An Act Relating to Safety and PL 1981, c. 15 Health Regulation of Compressed Air Work, Public Sector Farm Workers and Variance Procedures.

LD 119 HP0071 An Act to Establish Guidelines for the Refusal of Concealed Weapon Permits.

LD 120 HP0081 An Act Relating to Appeals by PL 1981, c. 30 Taxpayers from Municipal Assessment.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 121 HP0074 An Act Relating to Bids for Public Utility Construction Projects.

LD 122 HP0076 An Act to Establish the Salary Range for the Director of the Office of Energy Resources.

LD 123 HP0075 An Act Relating to the Protection of Underground Facilities under the Local Highway Law.

LD 124 HP0094 An Act Relating to Dog Licensing Funds.

LD 125 HP0095 An Act to Eliminate Rule-Making Authority Under the Bottle Bill and to Repeal Changes made in the Bottle Bill since it was Approved by the Voters.

LD 126 HP0096 An Act to Remove the Sunset (Original Title) Provision on Regulation of Business between Motion Picture Distributors and Exhibitors.

LD 126 HP0096 An Act to Extend the Sunset (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 18 Provision on the Regulation of Business Between Motion Picture Distributors and Exhibitors.

LD 127 HP0097 An Act Concerning the Selection of Attorneys to Conduct Real Estate Title Searches.

LD 128 HP0098 An Act to Increase the Licensing PL 1981, c. 19 Fees for Chiropractors.

LD 129 HP0099 An Act to Remove Restrictions Preventing the Spouse of a Teacher from Serving on a School Board.

LD 130 HP0100 An Act to Require School PL 1981, c. 68 Districts to Account for Federally Subsidized Pupils as Residents of the District.

LD 131 HP0101 An Act to Prohibit Campaigning Within 250 Feet of Voter Registration on Election Day.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 132 HP0150 An Act to Remove the State Board of Education from the Nominating Process for the Commissioner of Educational & Cultural Services.

LD 133 HP0151 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide that the House of Representatives be Reduced from 151 to 132 Members.

LD 134 HP0073 An Act to Clarify Certain Provisions of the Marine Resources Laws.

LD 135 HP0102 An Act Defining Responsibility over Septic Systems in Municipalities having a Sanitary District.

LD 136 SP0097 An Act to Adjust the Level of Compensation and Certain Statutory Duties of the Senate Secretary and House Clerk and their Assistants.

LD 137 HP0103 An Act Relating to the Raising of PL 1981, c. 81 Wild Waterfowl in Captivity.

LD 138 HP0104 An Act to Set the Length Limit on Salmon in East Grand Lake at 16 Inches.

LD 139 HP0080 An Act to Provide for a Refund of the Sales Tax on Logging Equipment.

LD 140 HP0106 An Act Requiring Traps, Except Water Sets and Killer Types, Under the Fish and Game Laws, to be Checked Every 24 Hours in Unorganized or Deorganized Places.

LD 141 HP0107 An Act to Amend the Subsidized PL 1981, c. 57 Adoption Law.

LD 142 HP0108 An Act to Remove Location Restrictions on Burial Sites.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 143 HP0110 An Act Requiring Certain County PL 1981, c. 40 Officials to Make Monthly Payments of Fees and Charges to the County Treasurer.

LD 144 HP0111 An Act to Increase Funding of the Maine Lobster Advisory Council.

LD 145 HP0112 An Act to Allow the Commissioner of Marine Resources to Lease Rights to Undedicated Alewife Fisheries.

LD 146 HP0113 An Act to Change the Name of the Kennebunk Sewer District to the Kennebunk Sanitary District.

LD 147 HP0115 An Act to Prevent Electric Utilities from Collecting More in Sales Tax than They Pay to the State.

LD 148 HP0116 An Act to Exempt Certain Supplies and Equipment Used in Aquaculture from the Sales Tax.

LD 149 HP0117 An Act to Increase the Rate of PL 1981, c. 71 Tax and Amend the Membership Requirements of the Sardine Council under the Sardine Tax Law.

LD 150 HP0119 An Act to Provide Reimbursement of Sales Tax on Depreciable Machinery and Equipment Used in Aquaculture.

LD 151 HP0120 An Act to Provide that the Amount of Federal Excise Tax on the Sale of Tires not be Included in Calculating the State Sales Tax.

LD 152 HP0118 An Act Providing for PL 1981, c. 364 Administrative Changes in the Tax Laws.

LD 153 HP0121 An Act to Create a Special PL 1981, c. 52 Moped License for Persons 16 Years and Over.

LD 154 HP0122 An Act to Increase the Minimum Age for Motor Vehicle

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

Operators to 16.

LD 155 HP0123 An Act to Establish a Sign on the PL 1981, c. 26 Maine Turnpike for the York Beach Region.

LD 156 HP0105 An Act to Permit Deer Hunting with Muzzle-loading Rifles.

LD 157 HP0109 An Act to Prohibit Fingerprinting by Merchants in Negotiation of Checks.

LD 158 HP0131 An Act Concerning Identification PL 1981, c. 21 and Testing of Equine Infectious Anemia on Horses.

LD 159 HP0132 An Act to Include Cats Under the Humane Laws.

LD 160 HP0133 An Act to Require Notification to Abutting Landowners Upon Correction or Alteration of a Prior Survey.

LD 161 HP0134 An Act to Close the University of Maine on State Holidays.

LD 162 HP0135 An Act to Permit Appointment of Deputies for the Purpose of Registering Voters Under the Election Laws.

LD 163 HP0136 An Act to Provide Free Pheasant PL 1981, c. 58 Hunting Stamps to Disabled Veterans.

LD 164 HP0137 An Act to Change the Raccoon Hunting Season in Maine.

LD 165 HP0138 An Act Concerning Legend Drugs.

LD 166 HP0139 An Act to Increase the Compensation for the Board of Commissioners of the Profession of Pharmacy.

LD 167 HP0141 An Act Concerning the Fees Charged by Persons Involved in Probating Estates.

LD 168 HP0142 An Act Reinstating Littering as a (Original Title) Criminal Offense.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 168 HP0142 An Act to Amend the Litter (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 36 Control Law by Allowing the Judge More Discretion in Imposing Clean-up Penalties.

LD 169 HP0143 An Act Concerning the Use of Force to Protect Property.

LD 170 HP0144 An Act Concerning the Taking of PL 1981, c. 355 Wood without Permission of the Owner.

LD 171 HP0145 An Act to Amend the Disorderly PL 1981, c. 37 Conduct Statutes to Include Instances of Affray.

LD 172 HP0146 An Act to Authorize Municipal Ordinances Preventing Drinking in Public.

LD 173 HP0147 An Act to Prohibit Telephone Charges for Information or Directory Assistance Calls.

LD 174 HP0148 An Act to Revise the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 12 the South Berwick Water District.

LD 175 HP0149 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 14 the York Water District.

LD 176 HP0152 An Act to Remove the Sales Tax from Residential Electricity.

LD 177 HP0153 An Act Concerning Tax Exempt County Property.

LD 178 HP0154 An Act to Coordinate and Assign PL 1981, c. 41 the Responsibility for Conducting Air Search and Rescue Operations in the State Arising from Aeronautical Activities.

LD 179 SP0082 Resolve, Designating the Scenic Resolve 1981, c. 2 Overlook on Interstate 95 in T1- R6 WELS as "The Albert J. 'Allie' Cole Memorial Scenic Overlook".

LD 180 SP0083 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 20 Business Corporation Act.

LD 181 SP0084 An Act to Amend the Short Form Deeds Act.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 182 SP0085 An Act to Prevent Part-time Deputy Sheriffs from Serving as Selectmen.

LD 183 SP0086 An Act Concerning Cruelty to Animals.

LD 184 SP0087 An Act to Require Restitution by a Criminal Offender to his Victim and to Require Payment of Prosecution and Court Costs.

LD 185 SP0088 An Act Requiring the Reporting PL 1981, c. 95 of Reyes Syndrome by Persons Examining or Treating the Disease.

LD 186 SP0089 An Act to Require Liquor Inspectors to be Uniformed before Entering any Licensed Premise.

LD 187 HP0114 An Act to Abolish the Present Structure of the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 188 HP0161 An Act Concerning Information Provided to Veterans by the Bureau of Vital Statistics.

LD 189 HP0163 An Act to Set Standards for Reinsuring Powers of Domestic Assessment Mutual Companies.

LD 190 HP0164 An Act to Increase Registration PL 1981, c. 460 Fees under the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 191 HP0167 An Act Authorizing the Town of P&SL 1981, c. 33 Lincolnville to Employ a Superintendent of Schools and Supervising Principal.

LD 192 HP0170 An Act to Permit Persons who PL 1981, c. 256 Register Voters on Election Day to Vote by Absentee Ballot.

LD 193 HP0171 An Act to Revise the Voluntary PL 1981, c. 61 Training and Certification Program for Installers of Solar Energy Equipment in Maine.

LD 194 HP0173 An Act to Increase the Deer PL 1981, c. 27 Registration Fee.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 195 HP0174 An Act to Amend the Law Concerning Child Support Orders.

LD 196 HP0176 An Act to Revise the Maine PL 1981, c. 66 Medical Laboratory Act.

LD 197 HP0177 An Act Requiring Imprisonment for Persons Refusing to Pay Fines.

LD 198 HP0183 An Act to Prevent Self-insurers under the Employment Security Law from Becoming Liable for Benefits Paid to Certain Individuals.

LD 199 HP0184 An Act to Increase the Licensing (Original Title) Fee for Games of Chance.

LD 199 HP0184 An Act to Increase the Licensing (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 412 Fee for Games of Chance and to Increase the Limit on the Amount that can be Gambled for Any One Chance.

LD 200 HP0187 An Act to Require a Permit for Purse Seining on the Medomak River.

LD 201 HP0188 An Act to Provide Equitable Treatment for Elderly Maine Residents Serviced by New Hampshire Electric Utilities.

LD 202 HP0189 An Act to Equalize Toll Charges For Residents of the Same Community Who Have Different Telephone Exchanges.

LD 203 HP0190 An Act to Establish an Income Tax Credit for Home Based Care Expenses Provided by Families.

LD 204 HP0191 An Act to Grant a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Wind Energy Equipment.

LD 205 HP0192 An Act to Exempt Certain Farm Structures from Municipal Assessments.

LD 206 SP0090 An Act to Make Funding of the "Local Government Fund" Part of the Appropriations Process.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 207 SP0091 An Act to Establish a Presidential Primary.

LD 208 SP0092 An Act to Undedicate Funds Received from Public Reserved Lands.

LD 209 SP0093 An Act to Clarify a Sentencing PL 1981, c. 379 Disposition of Juvenile Offenders.

LD 210 SP0101 An Act Concerning the Uniform Processing of Employer Contributions into the Retirement System.

LD 211 SP0095 An Act to Reimburse Certain Licensed Drivers who Paid a $16 Fee During the Transition to the New License Fee System under the Motor Vehicle Laws.

LD 212 SP0096 An Act to Repeal the Authority of the Bureau of Public Lands to Lease Timber Management Rights to Organized Towns.

LD 213 SP0094 An Act to Conform the Maine PL 1981, c. 243 Consumer Credit Code to the Federal Truth-in-Lending Simplification and Reform Act.

LD 214 SP0099 An Act to Repeal the State Lottery Commission.

LD 215 SP0102 An Act to Revise the Law PL 1981, c. 153 Concerning Discharges into Certain Lakes.

LD 216 SP0103 An Act to Adopt a Lead Emission PL 1981, c. 157 Standard under the Laws for Protection and Improvement of Air.

LD 217 SP0098 An Act to Conform PL 1981, c. 72 Confidentiality Requirements of the Maine Committee on Aging with the 1978 Older Americans Act.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 218 HP0229 An Act Making Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operation of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982, and June 30, 1983.

LD 219 HP0162 An Act to Appropriate $2,500 to the Sanford Parks and Recreation Department to Host the 1981 New England Babe Ruth Baseball Tournament.

LD 220 HP0165 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 74 Relating to the Licensing of Privately-owned Business, Trade and Technical Schools.

LD 221 HP0168 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 62 Relating to the Regulation of Privately Owned Correspondence Schools.

LD 222 HP0169 An Act to Permit Additional PL 1981, c. 250 Polling Places in Municipalities with Large Fluctuations in Voter Turnout.

LD 223 HP0172 An Act to Clarify Plumbing and PL 1981, c. 38 Subsurface Sewage Disposal Laws.

LD 224 HP0175 An Act to Amend the Statutes PL 1981, c. 42 Relating to the Developmental Disabilities Council.

LD 225 HP0178 An Act to Amend the Laws PL 1981, c. 117 Relating to Examinations of Motor Vehicles by Police Officers and to Increase the Penalty for Avoiding a Police Roadblock.

LD 226 HP0179 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish a Right to Privacy.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 227 HP0182 An Act to Protect the Right of Public Employees to Freely Decide Whether to Support Labor Organizations.

LD 228 HP0186 An Act to Provide for the P&SL 1981, c. 4 Surrender by Barnard Plantation of its Organization.

LD 229 HP0140 An Act to Provide a Speedy PL 1981, c. 43 Procedure to Authorize the Demolition of Unsafe and Irreparable Buildings and Structures.

LD 230 HP0166 An Act to Clarify the School PL 1981, c. 209 Construction Law.

LD 231 HP0180 An Act to Provide Collective Bargaining Rights to Court Employees.

LD 232 HP0181 An Act to Protect the Right of Employees to Freely Decide Whether to Support Labor Organizations.

LD 233 HP0193 An Act Pertaining to Public PL 1981, c. 84 Safety on Public Ways.

LD 234 HP0215 An Act to Clarify Residence for Educational Purposes.

LD 235 SP0105 An Act to Remove Certain Time PL 1981, c. 163 Restrictions Exempting Tax on Sales, Storage or Use of Certain Food Products for Human Consumption.

LD 236 SP0106 An Act to Amend the Statutory Limit on Phosphorus in Detergents.

LD 237 SP0107 Resolve, to Designate Certain Parts of Routes 17 and 4 as Scenic Highway.

LD 238 SP0108 An Act to Define Alewives for PL 1981, c. 63 the Purpose of Managing or Leasing Alewife Fishing Rights.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 239 SP0110 An Act to Reimburse Owners of Livestock, Poultry or Beehives which are Destroyed or Damaged by Dogs or Wild Animals.

LD 240 SP0111 An Act to Permit Auctioneers to PL 1981, c. 31 Conduct Auctions for Charitable Organizations without Posting an Additional Bond under the Charitable Solicitations Act.

LD 241 HP0194 An Act Concerning Domestic Animals Running at Large.

LD 242 HP0195 An Act to Require State Bond PL 1981, c. 167 Issues to Include all Interest Involved.

LD 243 HP0198 An Act to Revise, Consolidate and Update Statutes Concerning Certain School Health Services and Practices as they Relate to Communicable Diseases.

LD 244 HP0199 An Act Concerning the Habitual PL 1981, c. 25 Use of Drugs by Podiatrists.

LD 245 HP0200 An Act Relating to Eligibility for License under the Private Investigator Law.

LD 246 HP0201 An Act Concerning Smoking in Public Places and at Public Meetings.

LD 247 HP0202 An Act Converting Lakeville P&SL 1981, c. 5 Plantation into the Town of Lakeville.

LD 248 HP0203 An Act to Establish Statutory PL 1981, c. 47 Compliance with Modern Technology and Procedure for Scoring Examinations.

LD 249 HP0234 An Act to Repeal Provisions for Premiums and Rebates under the Liquor Laws.

LD 250 HP0236 An Act to Provide for the PL 1981, c. 308 Termination of Cable Television Permits Issued Prior to July 1, 1965 without Fixed Termination

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD 251 HP0213 An Act to Permit the Employees P&SL 1981, c. 18 of the Franklin County Community Action Council to Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 252 HP0214 An Act to Provide for Filing of Certain Security Interests, under the Uniform Commercial Code, in Municipalities.

LD 253 HP0216 An Act to Provide for a Course in Consumer Economics in Public High School.

LD 254 HP0217 An Act to Prohibit Taking Antlerless Deer in Certain Municipalities and Townships.

LD 255 HP0218 An Act to Provide a Special PL 1981, c. 461 Muzzle-loading Hunting Season.

LD 256 HP0219 An Act to Promote Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education and Rehabilitation.

LD 257 HP0185 An Act to Revise the Law PL 1981, c. 126 Relating to the Licensing of Private Investigators.

LD 258 HP0221 An Act to Ensure Notification of PL 1981, c. 59 Families and Guardians of Patients at State Mental Health Institutes.

LD 259 HP0222 An Act to Amend the Lien Law PL 1981, c. 183 for Sewer Districts.

LD 260 HP0223 An Act to Clarify and Make PL 1981, c. 28 Corrections in the Personnel Laws.

LD 261 HP0224 An Act to Establish a Maine Set- PL 1981, c. 495 aside Program under the State Purchasing Law to Expand Work Opportunities for Multiple Handicapped Citizens.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 262 HP0225 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 3 Commissioner of Mental Health and Corrections to Convey Land at the Augusta Mental Health Institute to the Augusta Sanitary District.

LD 263 HP0226 An Act Relating to Sales Tax Exemption on New and Used Farm Machinery and Equipment.

LD 264 HP0227 An Act to Allow Municipalities the Option of Charging Reasonable Service Charges on Certain Tax Exempt Property.

LD 265 HP0228 Resolve, Designating a Certain Resolve 1981, c. 4 Bridge being Constructed Across the Androscoggin River as the "James B. Longley Memorial Bridge".

LD 266 SP0112 An Act to Establish the Maine Condominium Act.

LD 267 SP0125 An Act Making Supplemental Appropriations from the General Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 268 HP0231 An Act to Permit Deer Hunting with Muzzle-loading Rifles.

LD 269 HP0232 An Act to Require Interagency PL 1981, c. 260 Licensing of Residential Facilities and Programs for Children.

LD 270 HP0233 An Act to Provide for Service Fees for Nonmembers Represented by Collective Bargaining Agents.

LD 271 HP0235 An Act to Amend the P&SL 1981, c. 44 Waldoboro Sewer District Charter.

LD 272 HP0237 An Act to Establish a Kennebec River Future Commission.

LD 273 HP0238 An Act Concerning the Sales Tax Assessed on the Purchase of Replacement Aircraft.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 274 HP0239 An Act Relating to Trade-in Credit for Special Mobile Equipment in the Sales and Use Tax Law.

LD 275 HP0240 An Act to Enable Taxpayers to Donate a Portion of their State Income Tax Refund to Nongame Management Projects through a Tax Return Checkoff.

LD 276 HP0242 An Act Concerning Pregnancy Testing of Livestock by Artificial Breeders.

LD 277 HP0243 An Act Relating to Class Size in Elementary Grades 1-3.

LD 278 HP0244 An Act to Increase the Amount PL 1981, c. 111 of Expenses Which May be Reimbursed to Members of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Advisory Council.

LD 279 HP0245 An Act to Permit Twilight Hunting.

LD 280 HP0246 An Act to Clarify Appellate (Original Title) Procedure in Adoption Cases and Provide Transition Provisions for Certain Guardians under the Probate Code.

LD 280 HP0246 An Act to Clarify Transition (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 127 Provisions for Guardians under the Probate Code and to Conform Certain Language Concerning Appellate Procedure in Adoption Cases to the Procedures Adopted in the Probate Code.

LD 281 HP0247 An Act to Increase the Penalty for Refusing to Stop for an Officer of the Law.

LD 282 HP0196 An Act to Update and Clarify Legislation Concerning Agencies within or Affiliated with the Department of Business Regulation.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 283 SP0116 An Act Relating to Use of Flashing Lights on School Buses.

LD 284 SP0117 An Act to Appropriate Funds to the Department of Mental Health and Corrections for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1981 for Programs which were Covered under Declining Federal Grants.

LD 285 SP0118 An Act to Establish an Experimental Test for Control of Black Flies.

LD 286 SP0119 An Act to Require Legislative Review of Proposed Agency Rules.

LD 287 SP0122 An Act to Permit More Frequent Accounting and Payment to the County Treasurer of Fees Received by Register of Deeds.

LD 288 SP0123 An Act to Increase the Salary of the Cumberland County Register of Deeds.

LD 289 HP0248 An Act to Establish a Time Limit PL 1981, c. 97 on Identifying Prior Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test for Operating Under the Influence.

LD 290 HP0250 Resolve, Authorizing Arthur G. Powers to Sue the State of Maine.

LD 291 HP0251 An Act to Make the 10-Mile Radius Restriction on Agency Liquor Stores Applicable only to Towns of Less than 5,000 People.

LD 292 HP0252 An Act to Remove the Town of (Original Title) Medford from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 292 HP0252 An Act to Remove the Towns of (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 435 Medford, Osborn and Great Pond and Lakeville Plantation from the Maine Forestry District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 293 HP0253 An Act to Transfer the Power to Issue Concealed Weapon Permits to the Commissioner of Public Safety.

LD 294 HP0254 An Act Relating to Public Utilities Commission Control over Area Transportation Systems.

LD 295 HP0255 An Act to Permit Federal Income Tax Payments to be Deducted under the State Income Tax Law.

LD 296 HP0256 An Act to Require that Loads of Crushed Stone be Secure to Prevent Spillage.

LD 297 HP0197 An Act Pertaining to Used Home PL 1981, c. 75 Warranty and Service Contracts.

LD 298 HP0220 An Act to Make Corrections and PL 1981, c. 464 Clarifications in the Education Laws.

LD 299 SP0127 An Act to Assure Residential Services for Developmentally Disabled Persons.

LD 300 SP0128 An Act to Provide an Open (Original Title) Season on Moose for a One- year Period.

LD 300 SP0128 An Act to Provide an Open (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 118 Season on Moose.

LD 301 HP0265 An Act to Remove the Limitation on Outside Earnings of Disability Retirement Allowance Recipients.

LD 302 HP0268 An Act to Amend Special Education Statutes to Provide for the Computation of Board and Care and to Authorize Rate Approval by the Commissioner.

LD 303 HP0270 An Act to Establish the PL 1981, c. 184 Department of Public Safety as the Lead Agency Regarding Accidental Spills of Hazardous Waste Matter.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 304 HP0271 An Act to Require the Maine State Housing Authority to Consider Life-cycle Heating Costs in Housing Financed or Developed by the Authority.

LD 305 HP0272 An Act Concerning Election of the Members of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Advisory Council.

LD 306 HP0274 An Act to Permit Blood Specimens to be Taken to Determine Blood-Alcohol Level Without the Defendant's Consent when the Defendant is Unconscious or Unable to Give Consent.

LD 307 HP0276 An Act to Amend the Laws PL 1981, c. 64 Relating to Criminal History Record Information.

LD 308 HP0277 An Act Concerning the Process for Collecting Fines Imposed for Civil Violations and Traffic Infractions.

LD 309 HP0279 An Act Relating to Death or Disability of a Law Enforcement Officer Resulting from Hypertension or Heart Disease Suffered in Performance of his Duties.

LD 310 HP0280 An Act Relating to the Per Diem and Case Assignments for the State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation.

LD 311 HP0281 An Act to Permit the Workers' PL 1981, c. 185 Compensation Commission to Grant a Rehearing on the Ground of Newly Discovered Evidence.

LD 312 SP0141 An Act Concerning the Size of Exempt Lots under the Subdivision Laws.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 313 SP0142 An Act to Permit Violations of the Warranty of Habitability to be Asserted in Landlord-Tenant Disputes.

LD 314 SP0143 An Act Establishing Minimum Heating Standards for Rented Residential Dwelling Units.

LD 315 SP0144 An Act to Amend and Clarity (Original Title) and Procedure to File and Appeal Claims by Patients, Inmates or Prisoners.

LD 315 SP0144 An Act to Amend and Clarify the (Final Title) Procedure to File and Appeal Claims by Patients, Inmates or Residents.

LD 316 SP0145 An Act to Provide Collective PL 1981, c. 137 Bargaining Rights to County Employees.

LD 317 SP0146 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 2 the Sanford Sewerage District.

LD 318 SP0147 An Act to Abolish the Legislative (Original Title) Council and Reestablish the Legislative Research Committee.

LD 318 SP0147 An Act to Allow Legislative (Final Title) Override of Legislative Council Action.

LD 319 HP0273 An Act Providing for Pupil PL 1981, c. 140 Screening for Scoliosis and Related Spinal Abnormalities.

LD 320 HP0275 An Act Amending the Child and Family Services and Child Protection Act.

LD 321 HP0282 An Act to Repeal the Law PL 1981, c. 44 Barring Minors from Bowling Alleys, Pool Rooms and Shooting Galleries.

LD 322 HP0283 An Act to Require Reasonable Notice of Rent Increase for Residential Dwelling Units.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 323 HP0284 An Act to Allow Retailers to Sell Brands of Malt Beverage and Table Wine in Addition to Those Distributed by Maine Wholesalers.

LD 324 HP0288 An Act to Limit the Use of Wooden Pot Buoys in the Coastal Waters of Maine.

LD 325 HP0289 An Act to Reallocate Certain Seed Lobster Fund Moneys to Specific Research and Development Programs, as Directed by the Lobster Advisory Council.

LD 326 HP0296 An Act to Eliminate the Length (Original Title) Restriction in the Definition of Camper Trailer under the Tax Laws.

LD 326 HP0296 An Act to Clarify the Length (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 275 Restriction in the Definition of Camper Trailer under the Tax Laws.

LD 327 HP0297 An Act to Amend Current Law PL 1981, c. 89 to Limit Additional Fees Charged to Handicapped Persons for Special Motor Vehicle License Plates that Display Handicapped Symbols.

LD 328 HP0269 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 103 Relating to the Authorization for Degree-granting Authority for Higher Education Institutions.

LD 329 HP0266 An Act to Exempt Guide Dogs PL 1981, c. 193 from Registration Fee Requirements During the Raising Period in Foster Homes.

LD 330 HP0267 An Act to Prevent the Unauthorized Sale of Stripped Cover Magazines and Paperback Books.

LD 331 HP0278 An Act to Define Eviction Procedures During the Winter Months.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 332 HP0285 An Act to Revise the Law PL 1981, c. 113 Relating to the Licensing of Private Security Guards.

LD 333 HP0286 Resolve, Authorizing Gerald Pelletier to Bring Civil Action Against the State of Maine.

LD 334 HP0290 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 52 the York Sewer District.

LD 335 HP0291 An Act Changing the Name of PL 1981, c. 168 the Department of Manpower Affairs and Clarifying the Term of its Commissioner.

LD 336 HP0292 An Act to Provide for Prior Legislative Approval of Administrative Rules.

LD 337 HP0293 An Act to Revise the Maine State Lottery.

LD 338 HP0294 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Maintain and Protect the Integrity of the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 339 HP0295 Resolution, Proposing an Const Res 1981, c. 2 Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Clarifying Residency Requirements for Candidates for and Members of the Maine House of Representatives.

LD 340 HP0307 An Act to Permit Teaching PL 1981, c. 50 under the Fulbright Exchange Program to be Allowed as Creditable Service under the Retirement System.

LD 341 HP0309 An Act to Control Brucellosis in PL 1981, c. 197 Cattle.

LD 342 HP0310 An Act to Permit Reciprocal PL 1981, c. 76 Licensing of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen.

LD 343 HP0311 An Act to Require Installation Manuals for Solid Fuel Burning Equipment other than that Used for Central Heating.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 344 HP0312 An Act Concerning Absentee Voting.

LD 345 HP0315 Resolve, Authorizing the Bureau (Original Title) of Public Lands to Convey the State's Interest in Certain Public Lands in Milford, Penobscot County.

LD 345 HP0315 Resolve, Authorizing the Town (Final Title) Resolve 1981, c. 10 of Milford to Convey its Interest in Certain Public Lands in Milford, Penobscot County.

LD 346 HP0316 An Act to Create a Resident Small Game Hunting License.

LD 347 HP0318 An Act to Repeal Archaic PL 1981, c. 54 Provisions Restricting the Right to Marry.

LD 348 HP0319 An Act to Clarify the Right of Access to a Rental Dwelling Unit.

LD 349 HP0320 An Act to Repeal the Law (Original Title) Preventing Mentally Ill People from Getting Married.

LD 349 HP0320 An Act to Clarify the Law (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 402 Prohibiting Persons under Disabilities from Getting Married.

LD 350 HP0321 An Act to Repeal the Law Concerning the Legitimacy of Children of Certain Marriages.

LD 351 HP0322 An Act to Provide for PL 1981, c. 337 Notification of Employees When a Business Plant Leaves the State.

LD 352 HP0324 An Act to Establish a Minimum Wage for Emergency Service Personnel.

LD 353 HP0325 An Act Relating to Boilers and PL 1981, c. 90 Pressure Vessels and their Operation.

LD 354 HP0327 An Act to Limit Scallop Dragging to Daylight Hours.

LD 355 HP0328 An Act to Limit Scallop PL 1981, c. 96 Dragging.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 356 HP0329 An Act Relating to the Size of PL 1981, c. 91 Scallop Drags in Certain Coastal Waters.

LD 357 SP0149 An Act to Exempt Family Burying Grounds from Property Tax.

LD 358 SP0150 An Act to Clarify Certain PL 1981, c. 86 Provisions of the Municipal Election Laws.

LD 359 SP0151 An Act Pertaining to the PL 1981, c. 108 Retention of Records for Closing-out Sales.

LD 360 SP0152 An Act to Establish a Remedy for Illegal Evictions.

LD 361 SP0153 An Act to Regulate Interest PL 1981, c. 188 Rates on Life Insurance Policy Loans.

LD 362 SP0154 An Act to Amend the Group and PL 1981, c. 147 Blanket Health Insurance Law.

LD 363 SP0155 An Act to Prohibit Voter Registration on Election Day and the 7 Business Days next Prior to Election Day.

LD 364 SP0156 An Act Pertaining to Election PL 1981, c. 87 Officials.

LD 365 SP0157 An Act Pertaining to Ballot Inspections and Recounts in Municipal Elections.

LD 366 SP0158 An Act to Provide one PL 1981, c. 489 Additional Judgeship for the District Court.

LD 367 SP0159 An Act to Allow Persons 60 Years of Age or Over to Vote by Absentee Ballot.

LD 368 SP0160 An Act to Increase the Exemption for Agricultural Employees under the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 369 HP0287 An Act Converting Great Pond (Original Title) Plantation into the Town of Great Pond and Removing Great Pond from the Maine Forestry District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 369 HP0287 An Act Converting Great Pond (Final Title) P&SL 1981, c. 11 Plantation into the Town of Great Pond.

LD 370 HP0330 An Act Extending the Distance Requirement on Connection of Private Sewers.

LD 371 HP0331 An Act to Increase the P&SL 1981, c. 3 Borrowing Capacity of the Winterport Water District.

LD 372 HP0333 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 53 Acceptance of Gifts by State Officials or Members of any Branch of State Government.

LD 373 HP0334 An Act to Exempt Deeds of PL 1981, c. 148 Distribution from the Real Estate Transfer Tax.

LD 374 HP0335 An Act to Provide a Tax Exemption for Veterans under 62 who are Receiving a Disability Pension.

LD 375 HP0336 An Act to Authorize Bond Issue P&SL 1981, c. 63 in the Amount of $12,800,000 for Highway and Bridge Improvements.

LD 376 HP0337 An Act to Establish a Fee for the Purchase of New Number Plates.

LD 377 HP0338 An Act to Prescribe when a Caboose shall be Attached to a Locomotive and Freight Cars.

LD 378 HP0392 An Act Relating to Permits and Inspection for Electrical Installation in Commercial Buildings under the Electrician Law.

LD 379 SP0140 An Act to Change the PL 1981, c. 77 Requirements for Appointment to the Board of Commissioners of the Profession of Pharmacy.

LD 380 HP0308 An Act to Improve Marketing of PL 1981, c. 154 Maine Agricultural Products.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 381 HP0313 An Act to Encourage the PL 1981, c. 122 Establishment of Municipal Energy Commissions.

LD 382 HP0314 An Act to Amend the Hazardous Waste Statute to Meet Certain Requirements for Delegation of the Federal Program and to Provide Internal Consistency.

LD 383 HP0317 An Act to Make Allocations P&SL 1981, c. 50 from the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 384 HP0323 An Act Providing Collective Bargaining Rights to Legislative Employees.

LD 385 HP0326 An Act to Permit Consumption of 3.2% Beer by Persons 18 to 20 Years of Age.

LD 386 HP0332 An Act to Consolidate Highway PL 1981, c. 98 Safety Activities within the Department of Public Safety.

LD 387 HP0339 An Act to Allocate Moneys for P&SL 1981, c. 17 the Administrative Expenses of the State Lottery Commission for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 388 HP0340 An Act to Allocate Moneys for P&SL 1981, c. 19 the Administrative Expenses of the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages, Department of Finance and Administration and the State Liquor Commission for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 389 HP0341 An Act Relating to Certain Types of Indemnity Provisions in Construction Contracts.

LD 390 HP0342 An Act to Require Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 391 HP0343 An Act to Clarify and Amend the PL 1981, c. 257 Investment Provisions of the Maine Insurance Code.

LD 392 HP0344 An Act to Improve Voter Registration Access for Potential Absentee Voters.

LD 393 HP0345 An Act to Make Allocations P&SL 1981, c. 29 from the Maine Coastal Protection Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 394 HP0346 An Act to Establish a Bounty on Coyote.

LD 395 HP0347 An Act Creating the Maine PL 1981, c. 333 Clean Indoor Air Act.

LD 396 HP0348 An Act to Increase the Mileage PL 1981, c. 490 Reimbursement Payment for Jurors.

LD 397 HP0349 An Act Removing the Authority PL 1981, c. 48 of Justices to Retain Certain Publications as their Own.

LD 398 HP0350 An Act to Increase the Per Diem Pay for Services Rendered by Active Retired Judges.

LD 399 HP0351 An Act to Amend the Law Regulating Concealed Weapons.

LD 400 HP0352 An Act to Phase Out County Payments for the Support of the Judiciary.

LD 401 HP0353 An Act to Allow Wardens to Take a Cash Bond from any Nonresident or Alien Found in Violation of the Fish and Wildlife Laws.

LD 402 HP0354 An Act Relating to PL 1981, c. 149 Unemployment Compensation Benefits for Persons Receiving a Pension or Retirement Pay.

LD 403 HP0355 An Act to Amend the PL 1981, c. 104 Employment Security Law Relating to Payment of Extended Benefits of Interstate Claimants.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 404 HP0356 An Act to Provide for Direct PL 1981, c. 125 Payment to Municipalities of Fines Collected under Certain Laws Relating to Animals.

LD 405 HP0357 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide Counties, which have Adopted a Charter, with Home Rule Authority Regarding the Office of Sheriff.

LD 406 HP0368 An Act to Remove Restrictions Preventing Retired Teachers Elected to the Legislature from Receiving Certain Benefits.

LD 407 HP0369 An Act to Give the Maine Association of Retirees Proper Representation on the Board of Trustees for the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 408 HP0370 An Act to Provide for PL 1981, c. 92 Reciprocity with other States under the Cosmetology Statutes.

LD 409 HP0371 An Act to Amend the Municipal PL 1981, c. 338 Securities Approval Act.

LD 410 HP0372 An Act to Amend the Unfair Trade Practice Laws.

LD 411 HP0373 An Act to Revise the Law Concerning Absentee Voting.

LD 412 HP0374 An Act to Permit Hunting of Wild Game upon Certain Lands on Sunday.

LD 413 HP0375 An Act to Require the Use of Hunter Orange Clothing while Hunting.

LD 414 HP0376 An Act Relating to the Use of Snare Traps.

LD 415 HP0377 An Act Relating to Forcible Entry and Detainer Hearings.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 416 HP0378 An Act to Amend the Conditions under Which a Tenant May File a Complaint Concerning the Habitability of a Dwelling Unit.

LD 417 HP0379 An Act Creating Specific Penalties for Theft of Gasoline.

LD 418 SP0164 An Act to Amend the PL 1981, c. 78 Professional Service Corporation Act.

LD 419 SP0165 An Act to Require the Inspection of Hospital Pharmacies Prior to Licensure.

LD 420 SP0166 Resolve, Authorizing James J. McCaffrey to Bring a Civil Action Against the State of Maine.

LD 421 SP0171 An Act Prohibiting Businesses PL 1981, c. 121 from Raffling or Giving Away Live Animals, Fowl or Reptiles as a Fund-raising Device.

LD 422 SP0172 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 293 Consumer Credit Code.

LD 423 HP0380 An Act Concerning Arbitration Involving Municipal Fire and Police Departments and University of Maine Police.

LD 424 HP0381 An Act to Reduce the Multiple Injury Litigation before the Workers' Compensation Commission.

LD 425 HP0382 An Act to Further Competition with New Hampshire in the Liquor Trade.

LD 426 HP0383 An Act to Enable Municipal (Original Title) Governments to Set Speed Limits within Their Own Jurisdictions.

LD 426 HP0383 An Act to Provide for a (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 169 Municipal Hearing on a Speed Limit set by the Department of Transportation.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 427 HP0384 An Act to Amend the Kittery Water District Incorporation Act to Provide Reasonable Compensation for the Trustees of the District and to Authorize the Trustees to Join the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 428 HP0385 An Act to Increase the Surplus P&SL 1981, c. 26 Account of the Kennebec Sanitary Treatment District.

LD 429 HP0386 An Act to Make the Treasurer of State an Ex-officio Member of the State Liquor Commission.

LD 430 HP0387 An Act to Clarify Lobbyist PL 1981, c. 82 Disclosure Procedures.

LD 431 HP0388 An Act to Create a Legislators' Turnpike Pass.

LD 432 HP0389 An Act to Provide a Trade-in Credit for the Sales Tax on Camper Trailers and Camper Bodies.

LD 433 HP0390 An Act to Authorize the Use of Flashing Lights by Passenger Buses.

LD 434 HP0391 An Act to Require Headlights to be Used on Vehicles at Certain Times.

LD 435 HP0408 An Act Prohibiting the Trapping of Bear.

LD 436 HP0393 An Act to Authorize the Merger P&SL 1981, c. 8 of the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District Pension Trust with the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 437 HP0394 An Act to Amend the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 438 HP0395 An Act to Change the Date of the Primary Election to the First Thursday after Labor Day.

LD 439 HP0396 An Act Relating to the Issuance PL 1981, c. 158 of Motorboat Racing Permits.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 440 HP0397 An Act to Provide that Certain PL 1981, c. 123 Licenses Issued by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife be Issued on the Basis of Fiscal Year.

LD 441 HP0398 An Act to Establish Statutory Definitions of Entrapment Under the Criminal Code.

LD 442 HP0399 An Act to Establish Manslaughter as a Class A Offense under the Criminal Code.

LD 443 HP0400 An Act to Permit Rental PL 1981, c. 65 Payments by Tender of General Assistance Vouchers.

LD 444 HP0401 An Act to Increase Job Security for Employees Elected to the Legislature, Excluding Employees Covered under Provisions Dealing with Teachers.

LD 445 HP0402 An Act to Increase the Membership on the Commission on Uniform State Laws.

LD 446 HP0403 An Act to Include Industrial and PL 1981, c. 106 Medical Gas Installations as Personal Property Employed in Trade under Exceptions for Purposes of Personal Property Taxes.

LD 447 HP0404 An Act to Provide for a Graduated Exemption from Sales Tax on Sale of Gasohol and to Encourage State Use of Gasohol.

LD 448 HP0409 An Act to Prohibit Unjust Retaliatory Evictions.

LD 449 HP0410 An Act to Increase the Fee for PL 1981, c. 99 Serving Civil Process.

LD 450 HP0411 An Act to Repeal the Double PL 1981, c. 290 Affirmation Rule under the Employment Security Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 451 HP0412 An Act to Increase the Salary of the Aroostook County Register of Probate.

LD 452 HP0413 An Act to Change the Sales and Use Tax Law to Exempt Purchased and Leased Equipment from Sales Tax when the Equipment is Engaged in Interstate Commerce.

LD 453 HP0414 An Act Requiring Protective Headgear for Motorcycle Riders.

LD 454 SP0174 An Act to Continue the Joint P&SL 1981, c. 13 Select Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Generating Facilities.

LD 455 SP0175 An Act to Establish Minimum PL 1981, c. 234 Standards for Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies.

LD 456 SP0178 An Act Amending the Protection of Underground Facilities Statute.

LD 457 SP0179 An Act to Require Certain Unsuccessful Claimants in Civil Actions to Pay the Other Party's Attorney's Fee.

LD 458 SP0180 An Act Providing Due Process PL 1981, c. 128 when the State Liquor Commission Designates a Location for a State Liquor Store.

LD 459 SP0181 An Act to Provide Cost-of-living Adjustments to Retirement Allowances under the Maine State Retirement System to Parallel those Granted to Active State Employees.

LD 460 SP0182 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 100 Concerning Cremation of old State Bonds.

LD 461 SP0183 An Act Further Amending the PL 1981, c. 195 Planning and Zoning Statute.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 462 SP0184 An Act Amending the Maine Guarantee Authority Revenue Obligation Securities Law to Remove Retail Merchandising Projects.

LD 463 SP0185 An Act to Establish a Revolving PL 1981, c. 496 Fund for the Maine State Library.

LD 464 SP0186 An Act to Change the Head of Tide on the Penobscot River.

LD 465 HP0418 An Act Concerning Appointed PL 1981, c. 306 Chief Administrative Officers of Local Districts under the Maine State Retirement Laws.

LD 466 HP0419 An Act to Amend the Professional Service Corporation Act.

LD 467 HP0420 An Act to Require Prior Notice and an Option to Purchase to Tenants of Buildings Being Converted into Condominiums.

LD 468 HP0421 An Act Providing for Equitable Treatment of Security Deposits.

LD 469 HP0422 An Act to Prohibit the Charging of Users Fees When a Person Purchases a Mobile Home Already Located in a Mobile Home Park.

LD 470 HP0423 An Act to Require a Record of PL 1981, c. 232 Sales to be Kept by Dealers in Used Merchandise.

LD 471 HP0424 An Act to Exempt Auctioneers From Certain Tax and Bonding Requirements when provided by an Employer.

LD 472 HP0425 An Act to Require the Office of Energy Resources to make an Analysis of Sources of Fuel for the Replacement of Maine's Power Entitlement from the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 473 HP0426 An Act Amending the PL 1981, c. 109 Certification of Ionizing Radiation Equipment.

LD 474 HP0427 An Act to Amend the Maine Tort Claims Act to Remove Restrictions on Governmental Liability for Negligent Acts which Result in the Discharge of Certain Toxic Substances.

LD 475 HP0428 An Act to Improve the Administration of Decedent's Estates.

LD 476 HP0429 An Act to Allow Registers of PL 1981, c. 165 Probate to Aid Persons Using Probate Code.

LD 477 HP0430 An Act to Increase the Minimum PL 1981, c. 276 Base Salary for Executive, Administrative or Professional Employees.

LD 478 HP0431 An Act to Clarify the Misconduct Provision of the Employment Security Law.

LD 479 HP0432 An Act to Provide for Enforcement Inspections under the Minimum Wage Rate on Construction Projects Law.

LD 480 HP0433 An Act Concerning the Posting (Original Title) of the Agenda for Meetings of County Commissioners.

LD 480 HP0433 An Act Concerning the Posting (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 170 of Notice of the Regular Meetings of County Commissioners.

LD 481 HP0434 An Act to Amend the Contingency Reserve Fund for Municipal Water Districts.

LD 482 HP0435 An Act to Discourage State Purchasing from Participants in International Boycotts.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 483 HP0436 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Abolish the Office of Secretary of State and to Create the Office of Lieutenant Governor.

LD 484 HP0437 An Act to Amend the Sales Tax Refund Law on Depreciable Machinery and Equipment used in Farming and Fishing.

LD 485 HP0438 An Act to Provide an Income Tax Credit for Oil and Gas Furnace Automatic Vent Dampers.

LD 486 HP0439 An Act to Provide a Trade-in Credit under the Sales and Use Tax for Camp Trailers.

LD 487 HP0440 An Act to Change the Motor PL 1981, c. 79 Vehicle Laws to Allow Operators to Redistribute their Axle Weight Limits while Traversing Maine's Interstate Systems.

LD 488 HP0441 An Act Concerning Registration of Motorcycles which are Returned to the Seller Because of Defect.

LD 489 HP0485 An Act to Prohibit Suppliers PL 1981, c. 3 from Reducing or Discontinuing Supplies of Petroleum Products to Maine Customers.

LD 490 SP0188 An Act Relating to the (Original Title) Employment of Minors and Pay.

LD 490 SP0188 An Act Relating to the (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 407 Employment of Minors.

LD 491 SP0189 An Act to Require the Workers' Compensation Commission to Conduct a Data Systems Study.

LD 492 SP0191 An Act Relating to PL 1981, c. 416 Compensatory Telecommunication Toll Call Rates for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 493 SP0192 Resolve, Authorizing and Resolve 1981, c. 5 Directing the Department of Transportation to Report on the Effect of the 1980 Census in Establishing Compact Areas.

LD 494 HP0446 An Act Concerning Use of PL 1981, c. 80 Aircraft by Aircraft Dealers.

LD 495 HP0448 An Act to Provide Notice to PL 1981, c. 264 Cosigners and Others Similarly Situated in Consumer Credit Transactions.

LD 496 HP0449 An Act to Repeal Continuing Education Requirements for Real Estate Brokers.

LD 497 HP0450 An Act Concerning Certain Practices of Oil and Solid Fuel Burner Technicians.

LD 498 HP0451 An Act to Permit the Use of PL 1981, c. 101 Foam Plastic Insulation in Certain Facilities Without the Required Thermal Barrier.

LD 499 HP0452 An Act Establishing a National PL 1981, c. 516 Guard Scholarship Program in Vocational-technical Institutes.

LD 500 HP0453 An Act to Amend the Eligibility PL 1981, c. 262 Age for Preschool Handicapped Children.

LD 501 HP0454 Resolve, Providing for Revision to the Land Use Regulation Commission's Land Use Handbook, Section 6, "Erosion Control on Logging Jobs".

LD 502 HP0455 An Act to Provide for a Closed PL 1981, c. 224 Season on Black Bear from the First Monday Following Thanksgiving to September 1st.

LD 503 HP0456 An Act to Improve the Nursing P&SL 1981, c. 69 Home Ombudsman Program's Capacity to Respond to Nursing and Boarding Home Complaints.

LD 504 HP0458 An Act to Ease the Enforcement PL 1981, c. 160 of Judgments.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 505 HP0459 An Act to Make Operating a (Original Title) Vehicle under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs an Adult Crime Regardless of the Age of the Operator of the Vehicle.

LD 505 HP0459 An Act to Remove the Authority (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 204 of a Juvenile Intake Worker to Make Informal Adjustments for Juveniles who Operate a Motor Vehicle under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs.

LD 506 SP0193 An Act to Amend the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 1978.

LD 507 HP0445 An Act to Require Individually Marked Prices on Certain Retail Merchandise.

LD 508 HP0447 An Act to Provide for the PL 1981, c. 205 Arbitration of Disputes Between Health Insurers and Policyholders.

LD 509 HP0457 An Act to Prohibit Smoking in Food Stores and Portions of Restaurants.

LD 510 HP0460 An Act to Provide for Forfeiture of Illegally Obtained or Illegally used Property.

LD 511 HP0461 An Act to Prohibit Rent Increases for Dwellings in which there are Violations of the Warranty of Habitability or Housing, Building, Health or Safety Codes.

LD 512 HP0462 An Act to Expedite the Filing of Medical Reports under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 513 HP0463 An Act Relating to Occupational Loss of Hearing.

LD 514 SP0190 An Act to Amend the Group Life PL 1981, c. 150 Insurance Law.

LD 515 SP0194 An Act to Establish Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Standards.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 516 HP0464 An Act Relating to Unavailability Due to Illness under the Employment Security Law.

LD 517 HP0465 An Act Relating to the Notice Provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 518 HP0466 An Act to Repeal the Law PL 1981, c. 83 Preventing Hotels and Restaurants from Permitting Secular Business on Sunday.

LD 519 HP0467 An Act to Establish Guidelines PL 1981, c. 119 for the Issuance of Concealed Weapons Permits.

LD 520 HP0469 An Act to Bring Accountability to the Penobscot County Budget.

LD 521 HP0470 An Act to Improve Integrity of the Voting Process in Town Meetings and Elections.

LD 522 IB0001 An Act to Create the Maine Energy Commission.

LD 523 HP0444 An Act Relating to State- PL 1981, c. 522 municipal Revenue Sharing.

LD 524 HP0471 An Act Concerning the Interest PL 1981, c. 142 Charge on Outstanding County Taxes.

LD 525 HP0475 An Act to Repeal Drag Limits in Blue Hill Bay.

LD 526 HP0476 An Act to Require the Public Utilities Commission to Consider Issues of Operational Efficiency in Rate Cases.

LD 527 HP0478 An Act to Make Corrections in P&SL 1981, c. 9 the Topsham Sewer District Charter.

LD 528 HP0481 Resolve, Authorizing the State Resolve 1981, c. 6 to Convey Certain Land to the Town of Swan's Island for Park and Recreational Purposes.

LD 529 HP0482 An Act to Repeal the Sales Tax on Bird Seed.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 530 HP0483 An Act to Amend the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Act by Increasing the Income Limits.

LD 531 HP0484 An Act to Require Motorists Traveling on Maine Highways to Turn on Their Headlights When Conditions Require Continuous Operation of Wiper Blades and to Require Certain Vehicles to Activate Rear Blinkers at Slow Speeds.

LD 532 HP0472 An Act to Clarify the Authority of Councils of Government.

LD 533 HP0473 An Act to Create a Wholesale Shellfish License.

LD 534 HP0477 An Act to Require Approval by the Public Utilities Commission of Any Transfer of a Controlling Interest of the Stock of a Public Utility.

LD 535 HP0479 An Act to Adjust the Fiscal Year P&SL 1981, c. 15 of the Cobbossee Watershed District.

LD 536 HP0480 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Change the Term of Office of the Attorney General from Two Years to Four Years Beginning December, 1984.

LD 537 HP0468 An Act to Provide for the Regulation and Licensure of Guard Dogs and their Trainers, Sellers and Handlers.

LD 538 HP0474 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 459 Regulation of Atlantic Salmon.

LD 539 HP0487 An Act to Permit Knox County to P&SL 1981, c. 36 Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 540 HP0488 Resolve, to Reimburse the Frenchmans Bay Flying Club for Part of the Sales Tax Paid on the Purchase Price of Replacement Aircraft.

LD 541 HP0489 An Act to Require an Examination for Real Estate Brokers Seeking Credit for Continuing Education Attendance.

LD 542 HP0490 An Act Relating to Credit PL 1981, c. 151 Disability Insurance Under the Consumer Credit Code.

LD 543 HP0491 An Act to Permit Schools to Suspend a Student's Right to Ride a School Bus for Disciplinary Reasons.

LD 544 HP0492 An Act to Amend the Hospital Inspection Law.

LD 545 HP0493 An Act to Protect Works of Art.

LD 546 HP0494 An Act Relating to Certain Zoning Appeals.

LD 547 HP0495 An Act Relating to Clarification of Notices for Rental Arrearages.

LD 548 HP0496 An Act to Amend the Appeals Procedure Regarding Special Entertainment Licenses.

LD 549 HP0497 An Act to Prohibit Drinking in Public under the Criminal Code.

LD 550 HP0498 An Act Providing an Alternative to the Warranty of Habitability Law where Dangerous Conditions Require Minor Repairs to a Dwelling Unit.

LD 551 HP0500 An Act to Encourage Training of Handicapped Workers.

LD 552 HP0501 An Act to Clarify the Spousal- leaving Provision of the Employment Security Law.

LD 553 HP0502 An Act Concerning Workers' Compensation Cost Containment.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 554 HP0503 An Act Relating to the Licensing PL 1981, c. 129 of Pin Ball Machines.

LD 555 HP0504 An Act Relating to Games of PL 1981, c. 130 Chance Sponsored by Charitable Organizations.

LD 556 HP0505 An Act to Permit Liquor Sales on Election Day.

LD 557 HP0506 An Act to Amend the Fee Schedule for the Payment of Appointed Forest Fire Wardens.

LD 558 HP0507 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Abolishing the Second Regular Session of the Legislature.

LD 559 HP0508 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Change the Term of Office for State Legislators from Two Years to Four Years.

LD 560 HP0509 An Act to Authorize Certain PL 1981, c. 210 Crossings of Public Ways under the Highway Laws.

LD 561 HP0510 An Act to Retain the Motor Vehicle Operator License and Examination Fees and Motor Vehicle Title Fees Currently in Effect.

LD 562 HP0512 Resolve, Authorizing Thomas J. Levesque, of Guilford, Administrator of the Estate of Shelby Lynn Levesque, to Bring Civil Action against the State of Maine.

LD 563 SP0199 An Act to Permit the Sale of Dessert Wine at Retail Stores.

LD 564 SP0196 An Act to Create the Budget Stabilization Fund.

LD 565 SP0197 An Act Relating to Cash Reserve PL 1981, c. 155 Requirements.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 566 SP0198 An Act to Forbid Payments for PL 1981, c. 349 Signing or Distributing State Referendum Petitions or Absentee Ballots.

LD 567 SP0200 Resolve, Authorizing the (Original Title) Attorney General to Convey Certain Lands of the State to the Town of Gorham.

LD 567 SP0200 Resolve, Authorizing the (Final Title) Resolve 1981, c. 16 Director of the Bureau of Public Lands to Convey Certain Lands of the State to the Town of Gorham.

LD 568 SP0201 An Act to Provide Funds for the P&SL 1981, c. 67 Provision of the State Cost Sharing of Telecommunication Typewriters for the Hearing Impaired.

LD 569 SP0202 An Act to Continue the Provision of Funding the Telecommunication Services for the Hearing Impaired.

LD 570 SP0203 An Act to Set Forth the Rights and Responsibilities of Hospital Patients and the Responsibilities of Physicians.

LD 571 SP0204 An Act Relating to Payment by an Employer When a Physician's Certification of Illness is Required.

LD 572 SP0207 An Act to Make Changes in the P&SL 1981, c. 41 Kennebec Water District Charter.

LD 573 SP0208 An Act Authorizing Mid-State P&SL 1981, c. 24 Business School to Confer Associate Degrees.

LD 574 SP0209 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 10 the Portland Water District.

LD 575 SP0210 An Act to Increase the Fees of PL 1981, c. 225 the Bureau of Insurance.

LD 576 SP0211 An Act to Provide an Income Tax Credit for Geothermal Energy Systems.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 577 SP0212 An Act to Establish a Sign on the PL 1981, c. 105 Maine Turnpike for the University of Southern Maine.

LD 578 SP0213 An Act Clarifying the Laws Relating to the Registration and Protection of Trademarks.

LD 579 SP0214 An Act to Authorize Municipal and Quasi-municipal Water Districts to Set Rates.

LD 580 SP0215 An Act Appropriating $5,000 for the Caribou High School Band to Represent Maine in the Cherry Blossom Festival.

LD 581 HP0499 An Act to Clarify the Designation of the Practice of Chiropractic under the Chiropractic Licensing Law.

LD 582 HP0515 An Act Relating to Funding and Support for Alcoholism Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers.

LD 583 HP0517 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 175 Availability of Joint Life Insurance in Connection with Real Estate Mortgage Loans.

LD 584 HP0518 An Act Relating to Loans to PL 1981, c. 159 Purchase Foreclosed Properties.

LD 585 HP0519 An Act to Allow Savings Banks PL 1981, c. 198 and Savings Associations to Accept Demand Deposits of their own Funds.

LD 586 HP0520 An Act to Allow Voter Registration and Party Enrollment on the Same Form.

LD 587 HP0521 An Act to Authorize Payment of Overtime Rate for Certain Court Appearances of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 588 HP0522 An Act to Provide Method of Reimbursement to the District Attorney for Collection of Payments Due to the Department of Human Services.

LD 589 HP0523 An Act to Improve the PL 1981, c. 199 Administration of Workers' Compensation Hearings and Appeals.

LD 590 HP0524 An Act to Amend the Workers' (Original Title) Compensation Second Injury Fund.

LD 590 HP0524 An Act to Amend the Workers' (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 474 Compensation Second Injury Fund, to Assist Handicapped Workers in Returning to Employment and to Reduce Multiple Injury Litigation.

LD 591 HP0525 An Act to Abolish the Panel of PL 1981, c. 93 Physicians under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 592 HP0526 An Act Relating to Action by the Public Utilities Commission on Applications by Motor Common Carriers of Freight for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity.

LD 593 HP0527 An Act to Authorize the Public PL 1981, c. 408 Utilities Commission to Adopt Filing Requirements for Utility Rate Changes.

LD 594 HP0528 An Act to Authorize in PL 1981, c. 171 Proceedings before the Public Utilities Commission the Appearance by an Officer or Employee of a Corporation of Partnership.

LD 595 HP0529 An Act to Exempt Fuel PL 1981, c. 135 Adjustment Charges of Electric Utilities from the Requirement that such Charges be Prorated.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 596 HP0530 An Act to Authorize the Public Utilities Commission to Grant the Assignment and Transfer of Special or Charter Licenses.

LD 597 HP0531 An Act Relating to Disposition of Consumer Complaints by the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 598 HP0532 An Act to Authorize and Encourage Private Risk Capital Corporations.

LD 599 HP0533 An Act Relating to the Excise PL 1981, c. 107 Tax Transfer Fee and Excise Tax Maximum.

LD 600 HP0534 An Act to Require a Certificate PL 1981, c. 110 of Salvage for Certain Motor Vehicles.

LD 601 HP0586 An Act to Allow the Exclusion of PL 1981, c. 69 Covered Persons under a Personal Automobile Policy.

LD 602 HP0541 An Act Appropriating Funds to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to Restore an Executive Budget Cut.

LD 603 HP0542 An Act to Increase the Fees and PL 1981, c. 206 Provide for Continuing Education of Podiatrists.

LD 604 SP0217 An Act to Create the Charleston (Original Title) Correctional Center within the Department of Mental Health and Corrections.

LD 604 SP0217 An Act to Create the Charleston (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 382 Correctional Facility within the Department of Mental Health and Corrections.

LD 605 SP0218 An Act to Establish a Direct Payment System under the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 606 SP0219 An Act to Protect Consumer Rights in the Acts and Practices of Public Utilities.

LD 607 SP0220 An Act Concerning Walks and Handrails on Railroad Bridges.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 608 SP0221 An Act to Allow Reasonable Attorneys' Fees as a Remedy in Actions under the Maine Human Rights Act.

LD 609 SP0222 An Act to Reorganize the PL 1981, c. 359 Department of Business Regulation to Insure the Independence of Regulators.

LD 610 SP0223 An Act to Provide for PL 1981, c. 500 Reimbursement under the Education Finance Act for Programs for Gifted and Talented Children.

LD 611 SP0224 An Act to Clarify the Status of Certain Real Estate Easements in the State.

LD 612 SP0226 An Act Relating to PL 1981, c. 208 Reapportionment for Municipal Officers.

LD 613 SP0225 An Act to Stabilize the PL 1981, c. 483 Maximum Weekly Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 614 SP0227 Resolve, Authorizing Jeanette Hodgdon, Administratrix of the Estate of Kenneth R. Hodgdon, to Maintain a Civil Action Against the State of Maine.

LD 615 SP0228 An Act Relating to Interest Rates PL 1981, c. 235 upon Refinancing of Loans under the Maine Consumer Credit Code and Making other Clarifications of the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 616 SP0229 An Act to Exempt the Transportation of Race Horses from Certain Regulation by the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 617 SP0230 Joint Resolution to Ratify an Amendment to the Federal Constitution to Provide for Representation of the District of Columbia in the Congress.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 618 HP0540 An Act to Permit the Town of P&SL 1981, c. 23 Orono to Withdraw from the Group Life Insurance Plan under the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 619 HP0543 An Act to Provide Equality PL 1981, c. 229 between Home Improvement Loans and Other Consumer Credit Loans.

LD 620 HP0544 An Act to Delete Vendor's Single Interest Insurance from Additional Charges in the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 621 HP0545 An Act Concerning Illegal, Fraudulent or Unconscionable Conduct in Attempted Collection of Debts.

LD 622 HP0546 An Act to Allow Parents to Exempt their Children from Health, Safety and Physical Education Courses.

LD 623 HP0547 An Act to Allow Parents to Approve School Absences for their Children.

LD 624 HP0548 An Act Authorizing Reasonable Fees for Nonresident Users of Public Libraries.

LD 625 HP0549 An Act to Create an Interscholastic Athletic Board.

LD 626 HP0550 An Act to Conform and PL 1981, c. 115 Strengthen the Law Concerning the Burning of Debris.

LD 627 HP0551 An Act to Create a Lake PL 1981, c. 509 Restoration and Protection Financial Aid Program.

LD 628 HP0552 An Act to Provide for P&SL 1981, c. 61 Determination of the Engineering Feasibility and the Environmental and Economic Effects of the Cobscook Bay Tidal Power Project.

LD 629 HP0553 An Act to Abolish the Trapping of Bear.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 630 HP0554 An Act to Create the Community Alternatives Act of 1981.

LD 631 HP0555 An Act Relating to Radiological Exposure.

LD 632 HP0557 An Act Concerning Intestate PL 1981, c. 94 Estates.

LD 633 HP0558 An Act to Require Equitable PL 1981, c. 176 Treatment of Electric Charges for Common Areas of Multi-unit Rental Dwellings.

LD 634 HP0560 An Act Relating to and PL 1981, c. 491 Increasing the Appropriation of Funds for Assistant District Attorneys.

LD 635 HP0556 An Act to Amend Provisions PL 1981, c. 475 Concerning the Operation of the Operation after Suspension and Habitual Offender Laws and Certain Nonsentencing Provisions of the Operating under the Influence Law.

LD 636 HP0559 An Act to Create a Land Use Violation Hearing Examiner.

LD 637 HP0561 An Act Concerning Habitability of a Rental Unit under the Rental Property Law.

LD 638 HP0562 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 211 Confidentiality of Communications Between Patients and Dentists.

LD 639 HP0563 An Act Concerning Criminal (Original Title) Trespass by Motor Vehicle.

LD 639 HP0563 An Act Concerning Civil Trespass (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 251 by Motor Vehicle.

LD 640 HP0564 An Act to Allow a 30-Day Deductible Provision in Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage.

LD 641 HP0565 An Act Relating to Attorney's Fees Under the Workers' Compensation Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 642 HP0566 An Act to Repeal the Provision PL 1981, c. 164 Concerning Waiver of an Employee's Rights under the Occupational Disease Law.

LD 643 HP0567 An Act Concerning the Treatment of Asbestosis under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 644 HP0568 An Act Establishing the PL 1981, c. 515 Women's Training and Employment Program.

LD 645 HP0569 An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Act to Permit Rate Deductibles.

LD 646 HP0570 An Act to Clarify the Liability of Employers under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 647 HP0571 An Act Concerning the Manner in which a Municipality Adopts a Development Program.

LD 648 HP0572 An Act to Extend the Period During which Proposed Rate Changes for Common Carriers may be Suspended.

LD 649 HP0573 An Act to Exempt the Operation of Dump Trucks when Transporting Sand, Gravel and Road Construction Materials from some Types of Regulation by the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 650 HP0574 An Act to Require the Public Utilities Commission to Consider Issues of Operational Efficiency in Rate Cases.

LD 651 HP0575 An Act Clarifying the Authority of the Caribou Utilities District to Acquire the Caribou Waterworks Corporation.

LD 652 SP0234 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 120 Qualifications of Licensed Guides Leading Trips Involving Children from Boys and Girls

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD 653 SP0235 An Act to Amend the Social PL 1981, c. 172 Worker Registration Act with Respect to Employment by Nursing Homes and to Foster Coordination with State and Federal Regulations Governing Required Social Services in Nursing Homes.

LD 654 SP0236 An Act Relating to Veterans' Tax PL 1981, c. 523 Exemptions.

LD 655 SP0237 An Act Clarifying the Authority of School Administrative District No. 62, Pownal, to Employ its Own Superintendent of Schools and Supervising Principal.

LD 656 HP0576 An Act to Increase the Assessments upon Certain Public Utilities and to Include Railroad Companies among the Utilities Assessed.

LD 657 HP0577 An Act Relating to the Public PL 1981, c. 452 Utilities Commission Officials' and Employees' Compensation.

LD 658 HP0578 An Act to Promote Greater Efficiency through Alternative Working Hours in State Government.

LD 659 HP0579 An Act to Impose a Luxury Tax on Jewelry.

LD 660 HP0580 An Act Concerning the Rate of PL 1981, c. 384 Return on Investment Factor under the Railroad Excise Tax.

LD 661 HP0581 An Act to Clarify the Real Estate Tax Exemption for Employee Housing at Literary and Scientific Institutions.

LD 662 HP0582 An Act Relating to Affixing of Indicia of Payment of Real Estate Transfer Tax of Deeds.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 663 HP0583 An Act Concerning the Collection of Personal Property Tax on Objects which Require a Permit Prior to their Being Moved.

LD 664 HP0584 An Act to Authorize Municipal PL 1981, c. 85 Agents to Renew Operator Licenses.

LD 665 HP0587 An Act to Remove Restrictions Preventing Retired Teachers Elected to the Legislature from Receiving Certain Benefits.

LD 666 HP0588 An Act Relating to Frozen Dessert Products.

LD 667 HP0589 An Act Relating to the Marking PL 1981, c. 186 of Glassware.

LD 668 HP0590 An Act to Provide for Licensing of Dog Groomers and Grooming Shops.

LD 669 HP0591 An Act to Require Alcoholism (Original Title) Treatment Benefits in Health Insurance Policies.

LD 669 HP0591 An Act to Require that Coverage (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 319 for Alcoholism Treatment be Offered as an Option in Group Health Insurance Policies.

LD 670 HP0592 An Act to Further Free Enterprise.

LD 671 HP0594 An Act Relating to Student PL 1981, c. 385 Expulsion.

LD 672 HP0595 An Act Concerning the Registration of Voters in Small Communities.

LD 673 HP0596 An Act to Include Energy and (Original Title) Economic Considerations in Assessing Proposals before the Land Use Regulation Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and to Provide for Energy and Economic Review of Certain

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

State Standards.

LD 673 HP0596 An Act to Include Energy and (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 194 Economic Considerations in Assessing Proposals before the Land Use Regulation Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

LD 674 HP0597 An Act to Establish Standards and Procedures for Allocating Responsibility among Parties to a Products Liability Action.

LD 675 HP0598 An Act Relating to Theft of Services under the Maine Criminal Code.

LD 676 HP0599 An Act to Provide Statutory Procedures for Grievances Against Attorneys.

LD 677 HP0600 An Act to Remove Artificial Barriers to Benefit Recovery by Workers with Occupational Diseases.

LD 678 HP0601 An Act Concerning Reimbursement Payments for Unemployment Benefits Where Claimants have Resigned, have Retired or have been Discharged.

LD 679 HP0602 An Act to Assist Handicapped Workers in Returning to Employment.

LD 680 HP0603 An Act to Authorize the PL 1981, c. 131 Designation of a Municipal Development District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 681 HP0604 An Act to Amend the Authority Governing License Fees of Victualers.

LD 682 HP0605 An Act to Clarify Certain Provisions of Law Relating to the Method of Voting for School Committee Members of the Wells-Ogunquit Community School District.

LD 683 HP0606 An Act to Authorize the Public Utilities Commission to Grant Temporary Licenses to Applicants for Special or Charter Licenses.

LD 684 HP0607 An Act to Provide for a PL 1981, c. 143 Transition before the Attorney General takes Office.

LD 685 HP0608 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Require that for Certain Counties, a Specific Percentage of the Population be Included in a Separate Senate District.

LD 686 HP0609 An Act to Limit the State's Investment in CETA Programs.

LD 687 HP0610 An Act Concerning Registers of Eligibility for Positions under the State Classified Service.

LD 688 HP0611 An Act to Provide Partial Reimbursement to Municipalities for Revenue Loss due to Property Tax Exemptions on State and County Property.

LD 689 HP0612 An Act to Revise the Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 690 HP0613 An Act to Extend the Use of Red Lights to all Ambulance Service Personnel.

LD 691 HP0614 An Act to Extend Emergency Equipment to Ambulance Service Chiefs.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 692 HP0615 Resolve, to Name the Bridge at Brownville Village which Crosses Pleasant River the Rodney W. Ross Bridge.

LD 693 SP0238 An Act to Exempt Fuels Used to Heat Commercial Greenhouses from the Sales Tax.

LD 694 SP0239 An Act to Provide Cost-of-Living Adjustments to Retirement Allowances under the Maine State Retirement System to Parallel Those Granted to Active State Employees.

LD 695 SP0240 An Act to Repeal the Law PL 1981, c. 144 Providing Reimbursement for Travel Involved in Criminal Cases.

LD 696 SP0241 An Act To Amend the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 1978 with Respect to the Acquisition of Existing Health Care Facilities.

LD 697 SP0242 An Act to Facilitate Recovery under Uninsured Vehicle Coverage.

LD 698 SP0243 An Act to Prohibit the Dissemination of Obscene Material.

LD 699 SP0272 An Act Providing for a Period of PL 1981, c. 116 Silence in Public Schools.

LD 700 HP0617 An Act to Provide P&SL 1981, c. 20 Compensation and Benefits Agreed to by the State and Council #74, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees for Employees in the Institutional Services Bargaining Unit.

LD 701 HP0618 An Act to Establish a Certification Program for Building Energy Auditors in Maine.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 702 HP0619 An Act to Provide for a Solid Waste Management Subsidy Bonus for Municipalities and Counties Engaged in Resource Recovery.

LD 703 HP0620 An Act to Facilitate the PL 1981, c. 132 Distribution of Child Custody Reports.

LD 704 HP0621 An Act to Amend the University of Maine Labor Relations Act to Restrict the Areas of Required Bargaining.

LD 705 HP0622 An Act to Amend the Law to P&SL 1981, c. 25 Provide a Lien for Sewer Rates for the Houlton Water Company.

LD 706 HP0623 An Act to Exempt Used Machinery from the Sales Tax.

LD 707 HP0624 An Act Relating to the P&SL 1981, c. 6 Acquisition of Land and Building for Development of Fish Piers.

LD 708 HP0616 An Act Making Appropriations from the General Fund for Teachers' Retirement and Eliminating Certain Programs Funded from the General Fund.

LD 709 HP0626 An Act to Increase Eligibility PL 1981, c. 535 Levels for the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Act.

LD 710 HP0629 An Act Relating to the Salary of the Executive Secretary of the Workers' Compensation Commission.

LD 711 HP0630 An Act to Specify the Exemptions which will Apply in Bankruptcy Cases.

LD 712 HP0631 An Act to Provide for the PL 1981, c. 380 Limitations of Liability in Regard to Certain Insurance Inspections.

LD 713 HP0632 An Act Relating to the Licensing PL 1981, c. 191 of Hearing Aid Dealers and

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD 714 HP0633 An Act to Change the Probationary Period for Teachers from 2 Years to 3 Years.

LD 715 HP0634 An Act to Permit Applicants for Waste Discharge Licenses and Air Emission Licenses to Request Hearings Thereon before the Board of Environmental Protection.

LD 716 SP0246 An Act to Exempt Residents' Personal Needs Money from Bankruptcy Proceedings.

LD 717 SP0250 An Act Relating to Punitive Damages in Wrongful Death Actions.

LD 718 SP0248 An Act to Amend the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 1978.

LD 719 SP0249 An Act to Encourage Peer Review Activities in Health Care by Protecting Individuals Participating in Peer Review and by Protecting the Records of Peer Review Organizations.

LD 720 SP0251 An Act to Ensure the PL 1981, c. 458 Admissibility of Results of Self- contained, Breath-alcohol Testing Apparatuses.

LD 721 SP0252 An Act Relating to Employer Contribution to the Unemployment Compensation Fund.

LD 722 SP0253 An Act to Further Exempt PL 1981, c. 325 Certain Benevolent Organizations from the Employment Security Law.

LD 723 SP0254 An Act to Revise the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 21 the Richmond Utilities District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 724 SP0255 An Act to Clarify the Law Concerning the Measurement of the One-Year Period Following a Public Utility's Filing for a Rate Increase.

LD 725 HP0635 An Act Relating to Rental Increases.

LD 726 HP0636 An Act to Clarify the Domestic PL 1981, c. 420 Violence Statutes.

LD 727 HP0637 An Act Concerning the Suspension of a Drivers License for Operating a Motor Vehicle under the Influence of Alcohol or Refusing to Submit to a Blood or Breath Analysis.

LD 728 HP0638 An Act to Clarify and Make PL 1981, c. 145 Consistent Appeal Procedures in the Employment Security Law.

LD 729 HP0639 An Act to Prevent Frivolous Appeals in Unemployment Compensation Cases.

LD 730 HP0640 An Act to Strengthen and Clarify the Occupational Disease Law.

LD 731 HP0697 Resolve, Concerning the Resolve 1981, c. 1 Authority of the Attorney General to Seek Adjudication of the Nature and Scope of Cutting Rights Claimed by Private Parties on Public Lots of the State of Maine.

LD 732 HP0642 An Act to Establish Reasonable Limitation on the Recovery of Unemployment Compensation Benefits Overpaid in Nonfraud Cases.

LD 733 HP0643 An Act Relating to Winter PL 1981, c. 215 Closing of Town Ways.

LD 734 HP0644 An Act Relating to Action by the Public Utilities Commission on Applications by Motor Common Carriers of Passengers for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 735 HP0645 An Act to Remove the Exemption for Motor Vehicle Fuel from the State Sales Tax Law.

LD 736 HP0646 An Act to Repeal Portions of the Excise Tax Law.

LD 737 HP0647 An Act to Regulate Passengers Standing in Motor Trucks.

LD 738 SP0256 Resolve, Authorizing and Directing the Board of Pesticides Control to Study and Report on Urban Pesticide Usage.

LD 739 SP0257 An Act to Clarify Food Stamp PL 1981, c. 136 Allotment Calculations in Cases of Immediate Economic Loss.

LD 740 SP0258 An Act Relating to Political Fundraising by State Employees.

LD 741 SP0259 An Act Withdrawing School PL 1981, c. 295 Administrative District No. 62 from Participation in Vocational Region No. 10.

LD 742 SP0260 An Act Relating to Law Libraries.

LD 743 SP0261 An Act to Equalize the Tax PL 1981, c. 502 Burden of Rural Community Health Centers.

LD 744 SP0262 An Act Relating to the Maine Comprehensive Land Use Guidance Plan.

LD 745 SP0263 An Act to Provide for Competitive Bidding on Design of Public Buildings.

LD 746 SP0264 An Act Relating to Standards of the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission.

LD 747 SP0265 An Act Relating to State Participation in Local Leeway under the School Finance Act.

LD 748 SP0266 An Act Relating to the Calculation of State Average Per Pupil Operating Costs.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 749 SP0267 An Act to Prevent Requirements that Returned Beverage Containers be Separated.

LD 750 SP0268 An Act Concerning the Protection of Incapacitated and Dependent Adults.

LD 751 SP0269 An Act Concerning Meetings of County Commissioners.

LD 752 SP0270 An Act to Make Allocations from the Highway Fund and Appropriations from the General Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982, and June 30, 1983, and to Establish a Local Road Assistance Program.

LD 753 HP0648 An Act to Coordinate PL 1981, c. 372 Agriculture and Energy Related Activities in State Government.

LD 754 HP0649 An Act Concerning Application of the Insurance Code to the Nonprofit Hospital or Medical Service Organization.

LD 755 HP0650 An Act to Enable Eastern Maine P&SL 1981, c. 16 Medical Center to File Articles of Incorporation under the Maine Nonprofit Corporation Act.

LD 756 HP0656 An Act to Permit a Person, other than the Superintendent of Schools, to Keep a Record of Meetings of a School Administrative District.

LD 757 HP0654 An Act to Pay School Subsidies on a Sliding Percentage Scale.

LD 758 HP0655 An Act to Increase the Compensation for Substitute Teachers.

LD 759 HP0653 An Act Relating to Special Education, Vocational Education and Transportation Operating Allocations.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 760 HP0657 An Act Concerning Registration and Enrollment of Voters.

LD 761 HP0658 An Act to Reduce the Set Back Requirement from 75 Feet to 50 Feet on Principal Structures in the Resource Protection and Limited Residential Districts.

LD 762 HP0659 An Act to Require Primary PL 1981, c. 134 Suppliers to Report Deliveries of Petroleum Products to the Office of Energy Resources.

LD 763 HP0641 An Act to Protect the Integrity of the Unemployment Compensation Fund.

LD 764 HP0660 An Act to Enable Taxpayers to Support Nongame Management Projects by Donating a Portion of their State Income Tax Refund through a Tax Return Checkoff.

LD 765 HP0661 An Act to Provide for the Development of Mental Health Services.

LD 766 HP0662 An Act Concerning Writ of Possession.

LD 767 HP0663 An Act Relating to Property Abandoned by Tenants.

LD 768 HP0664 An Act to Provide for Recovery PL 1981, c. 284 of Unemployment Compensation Overpayments over a Reasonable Period of Time.

LD 769 HP0665 An Act to Permit the Employment Security Commission Wider Discretion in Determining Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation Benefits.

LD 770 HP0666 An Act to Clarify Application of PL 1981, c. 212 the Workers' Compensation Law to Injuries Received by an Employee who Voluntarily Participates on an Employer-

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

Sponsored Athletic Team.

LD 771 HP0667 An Act to Provide the PL 1981, c. 177 Employment Security Commission Flexibility in Handling Administrative Appeals.

LD 772 HP0668 An Act to Clarify Recovery for Cardiovascular Injury under the Worker's Compensation Laws.

LD 773 HP0669 An Act to Clarify and Make PL 1981, c. 207 Corrections in the Liquor Laws.

LD 774 HP0670 An Act to Establish Uniform Salaries for all Sheriffs.

LD 775 HP0671 An Act to Restructure Electrical Utility Rate Design to Encourage Conservation.

LD 776 HP0672 An Act Relating to Transit Districts.

LD 777 HP0673 An Act to Amend the Public Notice of Rulemaking Requirements of the Maine Administrative Procedures Act.

LD 778 HP0674 An Act Concerning the Publication of Statements of Intent Concerning Referendum Issues.

LD 779 HP0675 An Act to Repeal the Confidentiality Provisions of the Real Estate Transfer Tax Law.

LD 780 HP0676 An Act to Exempt Wood Splitters from Special Equipment Registration Requirements.

LD 781 HP0677 An Act to Exempt Agricultural Workers from Certain School Bus Transportation Laws.

LD 782 HP0678 An Act to Require Removal of Snowplow Supports from a Vehicle when the Plow is

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD 783 SP0274 An Act to Clarify the Application PL 1981, c. 217 of Military Service Credits to Retirement Benefits for Employees of Local Districts under the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 784 SP0275 An Act to Appropriate Funds for Maintenance of the Dead River Dam.

LD 785 SP0276 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 323 Consumer Credit Code with Respect to Consumer Credit Sales.

LD 786 SP0277 An Act Concerning Administrative Fees Paid to Financial Institutions.

LD 787 SP0278 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 114 Commencement of Terms for Members of School Committee and Boards of School Directors.

LD 788 SP0279 An Act to Provide for a 2-year Limitation on Certain Actions Against Attorneys at Law.

LD 789 SP0281 An Act to Place a Maximum Limit on the Inflation Adjustment under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 790 SP0282 An Act to Provide Workers and Communities with Reasonable Notice and Compensation upon Certain Plant Closings.

LD 791 SP0283 An Act to Provide a State Income Tax Credit for Installation of Renewable Energy Systems.

LD 792 HP0651 An Act to Dissolve the Wells- Ogunquit Community School District.

LD 793 HP0679 An Act to Prohibit Contractual Allowance in Health Insurance.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 794 HP0680 An Act to Establish a Maine Energy Efficient School Year Schedule.

LD 795 HP0681 An Act to Create a Nonresident Property Owner Fishing License.

LD 796 HP0682 An Act Relating to Jail Administration.

LD 797 HP0683 An Act Relating to Sums Due for Rent and Claims Damages.

LD 798 HP0684 An Act to Improve the Evaluation of Hearing Loss under the Workers' Compensation Statute.

LD 799 HP0685 An Act to Amend the Workers' PL 1981, c. 485 Compensation Law.

LD 800 HP0686 An Act to Remove the 10-mile Radius Restriction on Location of Agency Stores under the Liquor Laws.

LD 801 HP0687 An Act to Revise the State Personnel System.

LD 802 HP0688 An Act Relating to the State (Original Title) Valuation of the Town of Easton.

LD 802 HP0688 An Act Relating to Funding of (Final Title) Easton Schools for 1981.

LD 803 HP0689 An Act to Equalize Tax Treatment of Health Insurers.

LD 804 HP0690 An Act to Prorate the Excise Tax on Automobiles and Other Vehicles.

LD 805 HP0691 An Act to Repeal the Sales Tax on Fuel Oil and to Enact in its Place an Excise Tax on Fuel Consumed in Industrial and Manufacturing Establishments.

LD 806 HP0692 An Act to Eliminate the Obsolescent Requirement for Red Flags During Daylight Hours for Motor Trucks and Truck Tractors.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 807 HP0693 An Act to Establish a Transit PL 1981, c. 226 License Plate for Movement of Special Off-road Vehicles and Equipment Weighing over 6,000 Pounds.

LD 808 HP0694 An Act to Amend Certain Motor Vehicle Laws.

LD 809 HP0695 Resolve, Designating the Picnic (Original Title) Area on State Route 23 in Dexter as the Harold Keyte Memorial Picnic Area.

LD 809 HP0695 Resolve, Designating the Rest (Final Title) Resolve 1981, c. 8 Area on State Route 23 in Dexter as the Harold Keyte Memorial Rest Area.

LD 810 SP0285 An Act Amending the PL 1981, c. 383 Electricians Licensing Statute.

LD 811 SP0280 An Act to Reorganize Certain PL 1981, c. 324 Chapters of the Maine Criminal Code.

LD 812 SP0286 An Act to Amend the Workers' PL 1981, c. 200 Compensation Law to Facilitate Ridesharing.

LD 813 SP0287 An Act Concerning the Use Tax PL 1981, c. 503 on Used, Damaged or Returned Merchandise Donated to Charitable Organizations.

LD 814 SP0288 An Act to Increase the Maximum Civil Penalties under the Maine Human Rights Act.

LD 815 SP0289 An Act to Require Health Insurance Policies to Expressly State Exclusions.

LD 816 SP0290 Resolve, Authorizing the Bureau Resolve 1981, c. 12 of Public Lands to Convey the State's Interest in a Certain Parcel of Land in Dixmont.

LD 817 SP0291 An Act to Require a Copy of Presentence Report be Furnished to the Defense as Soon as it is Filed.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 818 SP0292 Resolve, Authorizing Richard Potvin, or his Legal Representative, to Bring Civil Action Against the State of Maine and the Maine State Lottery Commission.

LD 819 SP0293 An Act to Appropriate Funds for P&SL 1981, c. 66 the Expenses of the Capitol Planning Commission.

LD 820 SP0294 An Act to Prohibit the Sale of Kegs of Malt Liquor to Nonlicense Holders.

LD 821 SP0295 An Act to Preserve Philanthropic and Charitable Gifts to Hospitals.

LD 822 HP0652 An Act to Provide for State Coordination of Referendums Concerning School Construction Projects.

LD 823 HP0698 An Act to Repeal Certain PL 1981, c. 102 Provisions Relating to Burial Expenses and Reimbursement Under Relief of Poor Veterans.

LD 824 HP0699 An Act Relating to Eligibility for PL 1981, c. 497 World War Assistance.

LD 825 HP0700 An Act Concerning the Tax on Exotic Bets at Harness Racing Tracks.

LD 826 HP0701 An Act to Provide 75% (Original Title) Reimbursement to a Municipality for General Assistance Costs.

LD 826 HP0701 An Act to Change (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 298 Reimbursement to a Municipality for General Assistance Costs.

LD 827 SP0316 An Act to Preserve Maine's PL 1981, c. 55 Archaeological Heritage.

LD 828 HP0704 An Act to Amend the Statutes Relating to Teacher Tenure.

LD 829 HP0726 An Act Relating to Security Deposit Notices.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 830 HP0705 An Act to Permit Straight Party Ticket Balloting.

LD 831 HP0706 An Act to Provide for Meaningful Annual Review of Fees for Dental Services Provided under the Maine Medical Assistance Program.

LD 832 HP0707 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 339 Unfair Trade Practices' Laws.

LD 833 HP0733 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Undedicate the Highway Fund.

LD 834 HP0709 An Act to Stabilize the Maximum Weekly Benefit under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 835 HP0710 An Act to Clarify the Authority PL 1981, c. 386 of Councils of Governments.

LD 836 HP0711 An Act to Amend the Municipal PL 1981, c. 340 Securities Approval Act.

LD 837 HP0712 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 58 the Gardiner Water District.

LD 838 HP0713 An Act to Relieve Maine Landlords from Excessive Utility Charges.

LD 839 HP0714 An Act to Provide that Merit Increases for State Employees will Only Be Awarded for Job Performance that is Meritorious.

LD 840 HP0715 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 24 Governor to Convey by Sale to the Passamaquoddy Tribe and Penobscot Nation the State's Interest in Certain Buildings now Located within the Indian Reservations.

LD 841 HP0702 An Act to Amend the Maine Securities Act.

LD 842 SP0297 An Act Concerning the Reappointment of Sheriffs' Deputies.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 843 SP0299 An Act Concerning Retirement PL 1981, c. 146 and Benefits for State Employees Returning to Work After Attaining the Age of 60.

LD 844 SP0300 An Act Concerning Health PL 1981, c. 178 Insurance Plans under the State Retirement System.

LD 845 SP0301 An Act to Amend the Group Life Insurance Program for State Employees and Teachers.

LD 846 SP0302 An Act Relating to Vehicle Sizes and Weights.

LD 847 SP0303 An Act Promoting the Availability of Health Care Services.

LD 848 HP0716 An Act to Provide for the Retirement of Forest Rangers in Fire Control Work after 20 Years of State Service.

LD 849 HP0717 An Act Pertaining to Willful PL 1981, c. 326 Killing and Injuring of Police Dogs and to Licensing Fees for Police Dogs.

LD 850 HP0718 An Act Relating to the Used Car PL 1981, c. 296 Information Act.

LD 851 HP0719 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 281 Consumer Credit Code to Increase the Availability of First Mortgage Residential Loan Funds.

LD 852 HP0720 An Act to Limit the Profit on the Resale of Tickets for Certain Performances and Events.

LD 853 HP0721 An Act to Provide for Reduced Hunting and Fishing License Fees for Nonresidents Owning Taxable Property in the State for at Least 5 Years.

LD 854 HP0722 An Act Relating to the Jurisdiction of the District Court.

LD 855 HP0723 An Act Concerning Periodic Tenancy.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 856 HP0724 An Act Concerning Causes for 7- day Notices of Termination of Tenancy.

LD 857 HP0725 An Act Relating to Rental Property.

LD 858 HP0703 An Act Permitting School Administrative Districts to Dissolve and Municipalities to Detach Including those Having Outstanding Indebtedness.

LD 859 HP0727 An Act to Amend the Voluntary Quit Provision of the Employment Security Law.

LD 860 SP0298 An Act to Establish the Dental Practice Act.

LD 861 HP0728 An Act Concerning the Method of Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants.

LD 862 HP0729 An Act to Extend the Manager's Position at Popham Beach State Park in Phippsburg from a 9- month Part-time to a 12-month Full-time Position.

LD 863 HP0730 An Act Relating to the Powers of the Maine State Housing Authority.

LD 864 SP0308 An Act in Support of Regional P&SL 1981, c. 70 Library Systems.

LD 865 SP0309 An Act to Exempt Certain Island PL 1981, c. 161 Motor Vehicles from Inspection Requirements.

LD 866 SP0310 An Act Relating to the Costs of P&SL 1981, c. 27 Transporting Persons to Hospitals for the Mentally Ill.

LD 867 SP0311 An Act to Establish Arbitration Procedures and Rules Governing Employee Activities.

LD 868 SP0312 An Act to Require that a School Bus Must Stop and Let Vehicles Pass when 5 or More Vehicles are Behind the Bus.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 869 SP0313 An Act Concerning the Sales Tax Exemption for Air Pollution Control Facilities.

LD 870 SP0314 An Act Concerning Participation of Physicians before the Professional Malpractice Advisory Panel.

LD 871 SP0315 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 15 Exchange by the Department of Conservation of a Certain Parcel of Land in Rockport for a Similar Parcel of Land Adjoining the Marine Park with Gudrun H. Kononen.

LD 872 HP0734 An Act to Require Legislative Confirmation of Harness Racing Commission Members.

LD 873 HP0735 An Act Relating to the Regulation of Business Practices between Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Distributors and Dealers.

LD 874 HP0736 An Act to Require that Retailers who Make More than 200% Profit Notify the Purchaser.

LD 875 HP0737 An Act to Require that Energy Conservation Courses be Taught in Public Schools.

LD 876 HP0738 An Act to Prohibit Petition Drives at the Polls on Election Day.

LD 877 HP0739 An Act to Remove the Provision Exempting Certain Areas of the State from the Air Quality Laws.

LD 878 HP0740 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 213 Limitation on Damages for Loss of Comfort, Society and Companionship in Wrongful Death Actions.

LD 879 HP0741 An Act Concerning Sums Due for Rent and Damages.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 880 HP0742 An Act to Permit the Publication PL 1981, c. 361 of the Names of Juveniles in Connection with Arrests and Court Appearances.

LD 881 HP0743 An Act Relating to Granting Witness Immunity in Criminal Proceedings.

LD 882 HP0744 An Act to Provide a 2-year Statute of Limitation for Attorney Malpractice.

LD 883 HP0745 An Act Concerning Minimum Limits Required under the Financial Responsibility Law.

LD 884 HP0747 An Act to Improve the Financing and Administration of the Second Injury Fund under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 885 HP0748 An Act to Adjust the Weekly Benefit Amount for Dependents of Unemployment Compensation Claimants.

LD 886 HP0749 An Act to Require all Editorials Printed in Maine Newspapers to Include the Name of the Person who Wrote the Article.

LD 887 HP0750 An Act Relating to the Labeling of Alcoholic Beverage Containers.

LD 888 HP0751 An Act to Authorize the Town of P&SL 1981, c. 30 West Bath to Regulate Ice Racing on New Meadows Lake.

LD 889 HP0752 An Act to Exempt Certain Services Provided Counties from Bid Requirements.

LD 890 HP0753 An Act to Authorize County Commissioners to Charge Rent for Space Furnished to Other Governmental Entities in County Court Houses and Other County-owned Facilities.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 891 HP0754 An Act to Partially Deregulate Water Districts from Regulation by the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 892 HP0755 An Act to Provide a Funding Mechanism for Public Interest Staff of the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 893 HP0756 An Act to Reduce the Bonding Authority of the Maine Guarantee Authority.

LD 894 HP0757 An Act to Create a State PL 1981, c. 498 Compensation Commission.

LD 895 HP0759 An Act Concerning the List Price PL 1981, c. 230 of Vehicles under the Excise Tax Laws.

LD 896 HP0760 An Act to Provide Increased Visibility of Emergency Vehicles.

LD 897 HP0758 An Act to Combine the Offices of Justice of the Peace and Notary Public.

LD 898 HP0731 An Act to Abolish the Application Procedure in Absentee Balloting.

LD 899 HP0762 An Act to Require Fishways in all Newly Constructed Dams.

LD 900 HP0763 An Act to Impose Reasonable PL 1981, c. 162 Interest Charges on Judgment Debtors.

LD 901 HP0764 An Act Relating to Arbitration under the State Employees Labor Relations Act.

LD 902 HP0765 An Act Relating to Injured State PL 1981, c. 291 Workers.

LD 903 HP0767 An Act to Amend the Provisions PL 1981, c. 301 for Election as Voter Member of a County Charter Commission.

LD 904 HP0768 An Act Concerning the Taking of Marine Worms in Clam Flats.

LD 905 HP0761 An Act to Create the Maine Energy Authority.

LD 906 HP0769 An Act Concerning the Sale of Certain Off Road Vehicles.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 907 SP0317 An Act to Provide Reimbursement for Parking Costs Incurred by Jurors.

LD 908 SP0318 An Act to Amend the Consumer PL 1981, c. 236 Loan Agreements Law.

LD 909 SP0319 An Act Related to Teacher Standards and Certification.

LD 910 SP0320 An Act Concerning Funds for the Maintenance for the Baxter State Park Perimeter Road.

LD 911 SP0321 An Act to Ensure Worker Access PL 1981, c. 261 to Information Concerning Hazardous Substances in the Workplace.

LD 912 SP0322 An Act Creating the Rangeley P&SL 1981, c. 57 Water District.

LD 913 HP0770 An Act to Provide an Investment Tax Credit for Investment in Qualifying Energy Property.

LD 914 HP0804 An Act to Create an PL 1981, c. 508 Environmental Health Program.

LD 915 HP0732 An Act to Encourage the Development of Renewable Energy Resources.

LD 916 HP0771 An Act Concerning Cost-of- Living Increase for Retirees under the State Retirement System.

LD 917 HP0772 An Act to Permit Free Licenses PL 1981, c. 244 to Trap Fur-bearing Animals to Persons 70 Years of Age and Older.

LD 918 HP0773 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 429 Relating to Foreclosure Proceedings by Civil Action.

LD 919 HP0774 An Act Concerning Availability of Remedy.

LD 920 HP0775 An Act to Encourage Solar PL 1981, c. 341 Easements.

LD 921 HP0776 An Act to Provide Binding Arbitration for State, County and Municipal Employees.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 922 HP0777 An Act to Make Voluntary Any Public Employee Labor Organizations in the State.

LD 923 HP0778 An Act to Permit Supermarkets to Remain Open on Sunday.

LD 924 HP0779 An Act to Regulate Entrance PL 1981, c. 350 Fees Charged by Mobile Home Parks.

LD 925 HP0780 An Act to Abolish the Position of County Treasurer in York County and Create a Finance Officer.

LD 926 HP0781 An Act to Authorize the Public PL 1981, c. 467 Utilities Commission to Allow Undisputed Portions of a Rate Change to Take Effect During the Pendency of a Rate Proceeding.

LD 927 HP0782 An Act to Clarify State-Owned Building Inspection Responsibilities.

LD 928 HP0783 An Act to Grant a Tax Exemption for Energy Generating Systems.

LD 929 HP0784 An Act to Remove Lakeville from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 930 HP0785 An Act to Provide a Property Tax Exemption for Persons 70 Years of Age or Older.

LD 931 HP0786 An Act to Require Trucks PL 1981, c. 237 Carrying Explosive Material to Come to a Complete Stop Before Crossing Railroad Tracks.

LD 932 SP0324 An Act to Continue the Maine Turnpike Authority.

LD 933 SP0325 An Act to Require Home-Based Care as an Alternative to Nursing Home Care.

LD 934 SP0326 An Act to Authorize an Experimental Cost Sharing of New Vocational Programs at the Capitol Area Vocational Center.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 935 SP0327 An Act to Authorize the State Liquor Commission to Establish an Agency Discount Liquor Store at Jackman.

LD 936 HP0766 An Act to Clarify the Duties of PL 1981, c. 279 the Register of Deeds.

LD 937 HP0811 An Act Relating to Motor Fuel Taxes.

LD 938 HP0814 An Act to Provide More Public Accountability for Sewer and Sanitary Districts.

LD 939 SP0334 An Act to Amend the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 1978 to bring Nonconforming Provisions into Conformity with Federal Requirements and to make Technical Amendments.

LD 940 HP0816 An Act Making Additional PL 1981, c. 67 Appropriations from the General Fund for the Current Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1981, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operation of State Government.

LD 941 HP0787 An Act Requiring the Notification of the Specific Location of All Aerial Application of Pesticides Including Herbicides.

LD 942 HP0788 An Act to Provide Funding for Respite Care for the Families of Physically and Emotionally Handicapped and Retarded People.

LD 943 HP0789 An Act Concerning Foreign PL 1981, c. 173 Trade Zones.

LD 944 HP0790 An Act to Require that Insurance Coverage for Outpatient Community Mental Health Services be Provided in Group Health Care Policies and Contracts.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 945 HP0791 An Act to Extend the National School Breakfast Program.

LD 946 HP0792 An Act to Allow for Voters Registering on Election Day to Cast Absentee Ballots in Certain Situations.

LD 947 HP0793 An Act Concerning Residing Prior to Voting in an Election.

LD 948 HP0794 An Act Relating to Silviculture.

LD 949 HP0795 An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $5,000,000 to Assist Municipalities with Resource Recovery of Solid Waste.

LD 950 HP0796 An Act to Remove Private PL 1981, c. 309 Babysitting Arrangements from the Jurisdiction of the Department of Human Services.

LD 951 HP0797 An Act Relating to Limited Access to Adoption Records.

LD 952 HP0798 An Act Equalizing the Retail Price of Alcoholic Beverages Throughout the State to that of the Kittery Store.

LD 953 HP0799 An Act to Amend the Purposes PL 1981, c. 189 for Special Marine Resources Licenses to Include Educational Institutions.

LD 954 HP0800 An Act to Abolish the Maine Inheritance Tax and to Provide for an Estate Tax Similar to Federal Law.

LD 955 HP0801 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 517 Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 956 HP0802 An Act to Place Restrictions on Certain Horses using Roads and Highways.

LD 957 HP0803 An Act Relating to the Registration of Boat, Camper and Utility Trailers.

LD 958 SP0328 An Act to Remove the Political Sign Restrictions from the Billboard Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 959 SP0329 An Act to Include Services (Original Title) Performed by Chiropractors under All Health Insurance Policies and Health Care Contracts which Pay Benefits for Those Procedures if Performed by a Physician.

LD 959 SP0329 An Act to Require that Services (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 282 Performed by Chiropractors be Offered as Optional Coverage under all Group Health Insurance Policies and Group Health Care Contracts.

LD 960 SP0330 An Act Relating to the Calculation of State Average Per Pupil Operating Costs and the Basic Education Allocation for Operating Costs.

LD 961 SP0331 An Act to Include the Term "Sexual or Affectional Orientation" in the Maine Human Rights Act.

LD 962 SP0332 An Act to Require that Certain Town Reports List all Property Owners and Their Taxes.

LD 963 SP0335 Resolve, Providing Support for the Portland West Neighborhood Foster Grandparent Program.

LD 964 SP0336 An Act Concerning the Liability of Land Owners for Recreational or Harvesting Activities on their Land.

LD 965 SP0337 An Act to Authorize a Bond P&SL 1981, c. 28 Issue for Somerset County to Renovate the Existing Somerset County Detention Facility.

LD 966 HP0806 An Act to Establish the Maine Family Protection Act.

LD 967 HP0807 An Act to Establish a Statewide PL 1981, c. 507 Cancer-Incidence Registry.

LD 968 HP0808 An Act to Clarify Requirements for Consent Under the Adoption Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 969 HP0810 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Bethel Water District.

LD 970 HP0809 An Act to Facilitate the Leasing PL 1981, c. 387 of Existing Subsidized Housing Units.

LD 971 HP0817 An Act to Appropriate Funds to the State Library for the Purchase of 50 Copies of "The Journals of John E. Godfrey of Bangor".

LD 972 HP0818 An Act Relating to Boarding PL 1981, c. 520 Cost Payments and Transportation Accounts for Secondary School Pupils in Remote Units under the Education Laws.

LD 973 HP0819 An Act Concerning Motor Vehicles Used in Crimes.

LD 974 HP0820 An Act to Ensure the Rights of PL 1981, c. 179 Privacy of Recipients of Public Assistance.

LD 975 HP0821 An Act Relating to Self- insurance under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 976 HP0822 An Act to Suspend the Annual Escalation in Unemployment Benefits While the State Remains Indebted to the Federal Government.

LD 977 HP0863 An Act to Repeal the Termination Date of the Emergency Petroleum Products Supply Act.

LD 978 SP0340 An Act to Make Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine.

LD 979 HP0823 An Act Providing Collective Bargaining Rights to Judicial Employees.

LD 980 HP0824 An Act to Prohibit the Carrying of Weapons in Places Where Alcohol is Served.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 981 HP0825 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Limit the Frequency with which Items can be Proposed by the Initiative Procedure.

LD 982 HP0826 An Act to Provide an Increase in the Gasoline Tax for a Limited Period of 5 Months.

LD 983 HP0827 An Act to Provide a 3¢ Increase in the Gas Tax Subject to Approval by the Voters in a Referendum.

LD 984 HP0828 An Act to Adjust Annually Individual Income Tax Laws to Eliminate Inflation-Induced Increases in Individual State Income Taxes.

LD 985 HP0829 An Act to Provide a 3¢ Increase in the Gas Tax.

LD 986 HP0830 An Act to Amend the Jobs and Investment Tax Credit Law.

LD 987 SP0343 An Act to Require Disclosure of PL 1981, c. 190 Reserves by Workers' Compensation Insurers.

LD 988 SP0345 An Act Concerning Information PL 1981, c. 471 Provided by Insurers Prior to Rate Approval.

LD 989 SP0346 An Act to Describe, Define and PL 1981, c. 156 Officially Adopt a System of Coordinates for Designating the Geographic Position of Points on the Surface of the Earth within the State of Maine.

LD 990 SP0347 An Act Proposing an Advisory Referendum Concerning the Dickey-Lincoln Hydroelectric Project.

LD 991 SP0348 An Act to Clarify the Security Deposit Law.

LD 992 SP0349 An Act to Provide Equity for Stepchildren in the Inheritance Laws.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 993 SP0350 An Act to Insure Unemployment Compensation for Employees who are Harassed.

LD 994 SP0351 An Act to Require that Legislators Include in their Ethic Reports Whether they are Union Members and Pay Union Dues During the Year.

LD 995 SP0352 An Act to Promote Tourism by P&SL 1981, c. 46 Providing Directional Signs for Publicity Bureau Offices.

LD 996 HP0892 Resolve, Requiring the State Resolve 1981, c. 34 Planning Office to Conduct an Educational Program on Manufactured Housing, and Directing the Committee on Local and County Government to Monitor and Report on the Program.

LD 997 HP0893 An Act to Require Availability of PL 1981, c. 216 Municipal Ordinances.

LD 998 HP0894 An Act to Conform the Definition of Manufactured Housing with Federal Law.

LD 999 HP0832 An Act to Establish Truck PL 1981, c. 288 Volume Labeling for Certain Wood By-Products.

LD 1000 HP0833 An Act to Prevent Certain PL 1981, c. 187 Abuses in Door-to-Door Sales.

LD 1001 HP0834 An Act Establishing the Bonding PL 1981, c. 484 and Excess Insurance Requirements for Self-insuring Workers' Compensation Employers.

LD 1002 HP0836 An Act Creating a Student Seat on the University of Maine Board of Trustees.

LD 1003 HP0837 An Act Concerning Gifted and Talented Education.

LD 1004 HP0838 An Act Concerning Conduct on College Campuses and on Property Used for Educational Purposes.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1005 HP0839 An Act Concerning Equivalent Courses Offered at the Various Campuses of the University of Maine.

LD 1006 HP0840 An Act to Provide Free Fishing (Original Title) Licenses to Mentally Retarded and Chronically Mentally Ill Persons.

LD 1006 HP0840 An Act to Clarify Institutions (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 302 Eligible for Free Fishing Permits.

LD 1007 HP0841 An Act to Permit the Establishment of a One-week Hunting Season for Antlered Deer only.

LD 1008 HP0842 An Act Restricting a Section of the Union River in Ellsworth to Fly Fishing Only.

LD 1009 HP0843 An Act Providing for Minimum Support for All Children of a Responsible Parent under the Alternative Method of Support Enforcement Law.

LD 1010 HP0844 An Act to Authorize Joint PL 1981, c. 174 Custody Orders as Part of Divorce Judgments.

LD 1011 HP0845 An Act to Implement Certain Cost Savings while the State's Unemployment Compensation Fund Remains in Debt.

LD 1012 HP0849 Resolve, Authorizing Rodney W. Ross, Jr. to Bring Civil Action Against the State of Maine.

LD 1013 HP0850 An Act to Permit On-premise Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Persons 18 to 20 Years of Age and to Make the Sale of Liquor to an Intoxicated Person a Class E Crime.

LD 1014 HP0851 An Act to Permit the On- premise Consumption of Beer and Wine by Persons 18 Years of Age or Older.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1015 HP0852 An Act to Exempt the Elderly PL 1981, c. 166 from Beano Licensing and License Fees.

LD 1016 HP0853 An Act to Modify the Contingent Account Requirement for Counties.

LD 1017 HP0854 An Act to Prohibit the Burning of Oil by Utilities for the Generation of Electricity after January 1, 2000.

LD 1018 HP0855 An Act to Provide that Legislative Documents and Senate and House Calendars be Printed on 8 1/2 Inch by 11 Inch Paper.

LD 1019 HP0856 An Act to Insure the Establishment of Clear Standards by the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices and to Amend the Penalty Provisions for Late Filing.

LD 1020 HP0857 An Act to Clarify the Administrative Procedure Act.

LD 1021 HP0858 An Act Concerning Disability Benefits Paid to Veterans Receiving a Property Tax Exemption.

LD 1022 HP0859 An Act to Encourage the Use of Wind Power.

LD 1023 HP0860 An Act to Provide for Payment PL 1981, c. 180 of Interest to the Tax-payer on the Amounts Over-collected by Taxes.

LD 1024 HP0861 An Act to Provide Reduced Toll for Car Pools Using the Maine Turnpike.

LD 1025 HP0864 An Act to Protect Privacy in PL 1981, c. 332 Divorce and Child Custody Actions.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1026 HP0865 An Act to Authorize the Public Utilities Commission to Purchase Electric Energy for Resale on a Nonprofit Basis to Electric Utilities Serving this State.

LD 1027 HP0866 An Act to Require Certain Public Utilities to Submit a Plan to the Public Utilities Commission to Provide Financing to Customers for Energy Conservation and Renewable Resource Measures.

LD 1028 HP0835 An Act to Establish a Program of Funded Self-insurance for Public Schools and Municipalities.

LD 1029 HP0862 An Act to Establish Highway Use Fees.

LD 1030 SP0355 An Act Concerning the Keeping of Wild Animals Purchased from Dealers or Pet Shops.

LD 1031 SP0356 An Act to Provide a One Month PL 1981, c. 299 Grace Period for Expired Motor Vehicle Registrations.

LD 1032 SP0357 An Act to Prohibit Unconscionable or Exploitative Residential Rental Agreements.

LD 1033 SP0358 An Act to Revise Workers' Compensation Disability Payments.

LD 1034 SP0359 An Act to Standardize Death Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Laws.

LD 1035 HP0848 An Act to Clarify the Procedure PL 1981, c. 327 for Waiver of Unemployment Compensation Benefit Overpayment.

LD 1036 HP0867 An Act to Exempt State P&SL 1981, c. 68 Mandated Revolving Fund Accounts at the Maine State Museum from the State Cost Allocation Program.

LD 1037 HP0868 An Act Concerning Secondary Vocational Education.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1038 HP0869 An Act Preventing Candidates in Primary or General Elections, or Members of their Immediate Families, who are Justices of the Peace or Notaries Public, from Registering Voters or Witnessing Absentee Ballots.

LD 1039 HP0870 An Act to Authorize a Limited Hunting Season for Hunters Using Cross Bows.

LD 1040 HP0871 An Act to Require Persons Being Licensed to Hunt for the First Time to Have Completed a Gun Safety Course.

LD 1041 HP0872 An Act Relating to Furloughs for Inmates of County Jails.

LD 1042 HP0873 An Act to Define Force under PL 1981, c. 252 the Sex Offense Provisions of the Criminal Code.

LD 1043 HP0874 An Act to Provide a Mandatory Fine for Illegal Possession of or Attempt to Purchase Intoxicating Liquor.

LD 1044 HP0875 An Act to Exempt Illegal Possession of Liquor from the Maine Juvenile Code.

LD 1045 HP0876 An Act to Update and Revise the PL 1981, c. 181 Validation of Defects Act.

LD 1046 HP0877 An Act to Permit Persons 15 PL 1981, c. 310 Years of Age and Older to Work until 10 P.M.

LD 1047 HP0878 An Act to Revise the Method for Paying Permanent Impairment Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 1048 HP0879 An Act to Provide for an Offset PL 1981, c. 342 for Holiday Pay under the Employment Security Law.

LD 1049 HP0880 An Act to Provide Occupational Safeguards for Operators of Video Display Terminals.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1050 HP0881 An Act to Abolish the Position of PL 1981, c. 401 Elected County Treasurer in Aroostook County and Replace it with an Appointed Treasurer.

LD 1051 HP0882 An Act Concerning the Organization of Certain Unincorporated Townships.

LD 1052 HP0883 An Act Authorizing County Commissioners to Act as an Appeals Board.

LD 1053 HP0884 An Act Clarifying Municipal PL 1981, c. 421 Authority to Invest Funds.

LD 1054 HP0885 An Act Relating to the Provisions of the Charter of the Brunswick Sewer District.

LD 1055 HP0886 An Act to Prohibit Utility Companys from Providing Free or Reduced Rates for Service to its Employees.

LD 1056 HP0887 An Act Concerning Land PL 1981, c. 343 Conveyed by the State to the Town of Bridgton.

LD 1057 HP0888 An Act to Require the Notification of a Municipality when Property in that Municipality Changes Hands.

LD 1058 HP0889 An Act to Provide for Deduction PL 1981, c. 253 of Points from the Driver's License of a Minor Illegally Transporting Liquor.

LD 1059 SP0354 An Act for the Siting, Construction and Financing of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Disposal and Storage Facilities.

LD 1060 SP0360 An Act to Amend the Laws PL 1981, c. 254 Relating to Group and Blanket Health Insurance.

LD 1061 SP0362 An Act to Clarify the Status of Certain Real Estate Titles in the State.

LD 1062 SP0363 An Act to Permit Counties to Change their Fiscal Year.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1063 HP0896 An Act to Provide for an Annual PL 1981, c. 124 Report by the Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System to the Legislature.

LD 1064 HP0897 An Act to Establish a Teacher Certification Board.

LD 1065 HP0898 An Act to Establish a 50¢ Bounty on Porcupines.

LD 1066 HP0899 An Act to Require the Annual Adjustment of Medicaid Dispensing Fees for Pharmacies.

LD 1067 HP0900 An Act to Relieve Emergency Ambulance Services.

LD 1068 HP0901 An Act to Establish a Third-party Prescription Program Act.

LD 1069 HP0902 An Act to Establish a 9-hour Workday and 50-hour Week.

LD 1070 HP0903 An Act to Restore Memorial Day Holiday to its Authentic Historical Date.

LD 1071 HP0904 An Act Relating to the Appointment of the Assistant Adjutant General in the Department of Defense.

LD 1072 HP0905 An Act to Include the Cost of Child Care or Day Care under the Laws Covering Reimbursement of Expenses to Citizens Serving on Boards and Commissions of the State.

LD 1073 HP0906 An Act to Regulate Motorized PL 1981, c. 344 Bicycles.

LD 1074 HP0907 An Act to Adjust Annually Individual Income Tax Laws to Eliminate Inflation Induced Increases in Individual State Income Taxes.

LD 1075 HP0909 An Act to Authorize a School PL 1981, c. 518 Nursing Health Coordinator in the Department of Educational and Cultural Services.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1076 HP0910 An Act to Amend Special PL 1981, c. 373 Education Statutes for Support of Special Education Programs and Services Provided in Excess of the Normal School Year.

LD 1077 HP0911 An Act to Provide for State Enforcement of Plumbing Code.

LD 1078 HP0912 An Act Authorizing and PL 1981, c. 443 Directing the Bureau of Mental Health to Enhance and Protect the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services.

LD 1079 HP0913 An Act to Prohibit Welfare Fraud.

LD 1080 HP0914 An Act to Increase the Penalties for Drug Trafficking.

LD 1081 HP0915 An Act Relating to Unfair Wage PL 1981, c. 285 Agreements under Employment Practices Law.

LD 1082 HP0916 An Act Creating a Priority Concerning Certain Claims of the Maine Insurance Guaranty Association.

LD 1083 SP0361 An Act to Ensure a Free and Appropriate Education for All Handicapped Children.

LD 1084 SP0365 An Act Requiring that Stuffed Furniture Sold in Maine be Fire Retardant.

LD 1085 SP0366 An Act to Permit the City of P&SL 1981, c. 32 Bangor to Increase the Number of Members on the Bangor School Committee.

LD 1086 SP0367 An Act to Bring Noncarbonated Beverages such as Fruit Punch and Iced Tea into Compliance with Maine's Beverage Container Law.

LD 1087 SP0368 An Act to Allow Maine State Retirement System Members a Cost-of-living Increase.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1088 SP0369 An Act to Deregulate the Bag PL 1981, c. 231 Limit and Size Requirements of Striped Bass.

LD 1089 HP0918 An Act Covering Cost-of-Living P&SL 1981, c. 74 Increases for Teachers.

LD 1090 HP0919 An Act Concerning the Transmission of Rabies by Unvaccinated Dogs.

LD 1091 HP0920 An Act to Provide for an Inactive License for Barbers and Beauticians.

LD 1092 HP0921 An Act to Require School Administrative Districts and Community School Districts to Obtain Voter Approval of a Municipality's Voters Before Closing an Elementary School in that Municipality.

LD 1093 HP0922 An Act to Require a Bond in PL 1981, c. 388 Certain Suits Seeking to Enjoy School Construction Projects.

LD 1094 HP0923 An Act to Establish an Emergency Radiological Response System.

LD 1095 HP0924 An Act Concerning Existing Municipal Solid Waste Facilities.

LD 1096 HP0925 An Act Concerning Unemployment Compensation.

LD 1097 HP0926 An Act Concerning Property PL 1981, c. 258 Deposited with Museums and Historical Societies.

LD 1098 HP0927 An Act to Regulate Striped Bass.

LD 1099 HP0928 An Act to Create a Fund to Pay for the Eventual Decommissioning of Any Nuclear Power Plant.

LD 1100 HP0929 An Act to Establish a Municipal Power District Enabling Act.

LD 1101 HP0930 An Act to Exempt State and Federal Retirement Pensions from State Income Tax on the First $10,000.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1102 HP0931 Resolve, Authorizing the State Resolve 1981, c. 13 Tax Assessor to Convey the Interest of the State in Certain Real Estate in the Unorganized Territory.

LD 1103 HP0933 An Act Concerning Television Receiving Equipment.

LD 1104 HP0934 An Act to Enable a Town within a School Administrative District to Withdraw or Change their Participation to a More Limited Community School District.

LD 1105 HP0935 An Act to Amend the Site PL 1981, c. 227 Location Law.

LD 1106 HP0936 An Act to Establish a Hazardous Waste Exchange.

LD 1107 HP0937 An Act to Establish an PL 1981, c. 283 Agricultural Exemption from Workers' Compensation for Certain Wood Lot Operations.

LD 1108 HP0938 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 267 Prohibiting Law Enforcement Officers from Soliciting Funds.

LD 1109 HP0939 An Act to Eliminate the Sales Tax on Clothing.

LD 1110 HP0940 An Act to Replace the Inheritance Act with a Maine Estate Tax.

LD 1111 HP0941 An Act to Provide for Sound Crossing Signals for the Blind.

LD 1112 SP0370 An Act Concerning the Transfer PL 1981, c. 294 of Funds from One Appropriation to Another Appropriation.

LD 1113 SP0371 An Act to Remove the Length Limit on Ice Fishing Catch.

LD 1114 SP0372 An Act to Exempt Certain Agricultural Signs from the Billboard Law.

LD 1115 SP0373 An Act to Clarify the Definition PL 1981, c. 374 of Commercial Applicator in the Maine Pesticides Control Act of 1975.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1116 SP0374 An Act to Repeal the Requirement for Reflective Material on Off-premise Signs.

LD 1117 SP0375 An Act to Amend the Personnel Law as it Relates to Certain Policy-making Positions.

LD 1118 HP0942 An Act Relating to Retirement for Justices and Judges.

LD 1119 HP0943 An Act to Appropriate Funds, on a Local Matching Basis, for an Instrument Landing System at the Sanford Municipal Airport.

LD 1120 HP0944 An Act to Establish a Maine PL 1981, c. 192 Guarantee Authority Reserve Fund.

LD 1121 HP0945 An Act to Authorize a Bond Issue in the Amount of $4,800,000 for Energy Conservation Improvements for State-owned Buildings, Completion of State of Maine Park Facilities and Improvements to Airports in the State of Maine.

LD 1122 HP0946 An Act to Amend an Existing PL 1981, c. 336 Law Pertaining to Conversion of Seasonal Residences in Shoreland Areas.

LD 1123 HP0947 An Act to Eliminate the P&SL 1981, c. 43 Disincentive for Aid to Families with Dependent Children Recipients to Find Employment.

LD 1124 HP0948 An Act to Enhance Public Safety through the Authorization of Suspension of Licenses.

LD 1125 HP0949 An Act Relating to Attorney's Fees and Costs in Certain Lawsuits Arising out of Consumer Transactions.

LD 1126 HP0950 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 286 Clarification, Consistency and Improved Administration of the Employment Security Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1127 HP0951 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 39 the Kennebunk Light and Power District.

LD 1128 HP0952 An Act to Provide for an Increase in Legislators' Salaries.

LD 1129 HP0953 An Act to Give Leaseholders Option to Purchase Lands Acquired by the State in Exchange with Paper Companies.

LD 1130 HP0954 An Act to Permit the Taxation of Certain Athletic Property Owned by Tax-exempt Organizations.

LD 1131 HP0955 An Act to Enable Diesel Fuel Dealers to Pay Fuel Taxes at the Source of Supply.

LD 1132 HP0956 An Act to Require the Licensing (Original Title) of Escort Vehicles.

LD 1132 HP0956 An Act to Require the Escort of (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 413 Certain Oversize Vehicles.

LD 1133 HP0957 An Act Concerning the Use of Blue Lights by Police Officers.

LD 1134 SP0376 An Act to Create a Department PL 1981, c. 493 of Corrections.

LD 1135 SP0377 An Act to Limit the Amount of State Expenditures which may be made from Undedicated Revenues without Voter Approval.

LD 1136 SP0378 An Act to Exempt Certain Signs PL 1981, c. 311 from the Billboard Law.

LD 1137 SP0379 An Act to Reduce the Costs to Counties of Supreme Judicial and Superior Courts.

LD 1138 SP0380 An Act Concerning Cases which PL 1981, c. 201 may be Heard in the District Court for the Division of Western Aroostook.

LD 1139 SP0381 An Act Concerning the Election PL 1981, c. 202 Days in which Courts must Close.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1140 SP0382 An Act to Increase the PL 1981, c. 486 Compensation Paid to Judges and Justices.

LD 1141 SP0383 An Act Requiring Legislative Approval of Administrative Rules and Regulations.

LD 1142 SP0384 An Act to Place Court Clerks and Assistants under the Judicial Department Personnel Classification Plan.

LD 1143 SP0385 An Act to Provide Cost-of-living P&SL 1981, c. 73 Adjustments to Retired State Employees, Teachers and Beneficiaries.

LD 1144 SP0386 An Act to Amend the Law Concerning Bail Commissioners.

LD 1145 SP0387 An Act to Allow Court Witnesses their Reasonable Expenses Subject to Certain Limits.

LD 1146 SP0388 An Act to Authorize Special Development Districts.

LD 1147 SP0389 An Act to Permit the Use of the Drug Dimethyl sulfoxide for Human Consumption.

LD 1148 SP0390 An Act to Make Revenue Losses, PL 1981, c. 271 Due to Tax Credits, Exemptions and Deductions, Part of the Budget Document.

LD 1149 SP0391 An Act to Repeal the Prohibition PL 1981, c. 221 Against Transfer of Birth Control Prescriptions between Pharmacies.

LD 1150 HP0959 An Act Relating to Referendum Campaign Reports and Finances.

LD 1151 HP0960 An Act Concerning the Reporting of Welfare Fraud.

LD 1152 HP0961 An Act Concerning Appellate Review of Certain Criminal Sentences.

LD 1153 HP0962 An Act to Effect Changes in Daylight Saving Time.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1154 HP0963 An Act to Provide for Imposition of Liens to Secure Payment of Water Rates of the Fort Fairfield Utilities District.

LD 1155 HP0964 An Act to Increase the limit of P&SL 1981, c. 31 Indebtedness of the Newport Water District from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000.

LD 1156 HP0965 An Act to Provide Deductions and Credits under the State Income Tax for Certain Foreign Taxes.

LD 1157 HP0966 An Act to Remove the Town of Osborn from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1158 HP0967 An Act to Provide Property Tax Relief for Retired Persons.

LD 1159 HP0968 An Act Requiring Certain Price Information on Certificates of Title Applications and Certificates.

LD 1160 HP0972 An Act to Prohibit Certain Uses of Herbicide.

LD 1161 HP0973 An Act to Require Identification of an Individual Speaking in a Televised Paid Political Advertisement.

LD 1162 HP0974 An Act to Amend the Campaign PL 1981, c. 351 Reporting Law.

LD 1163 HP0975 An Act to Permit Open Burning PL 1981, c. 273 of Brush and Demolition Debris.

LD 1164 HP0976 An Act to Establish Restrictive PL 1981, c. 303 Covenants for Property Affected by Hazardous Waste.

LD 1165 HP0977 An Act to Equitably Adjust Fees for Dental Services Provided under the Maine Medical Assistance Program.

LD 1166 HP0978 An Act to Amend Laws Relating to Ambulance Services and Personnel Licensing.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1167 HP0979 An Act to Preserve Intact Low Income Families by Allowing them to Participate in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program.

LD 1168 HP0983 An Act to Provide Employees in Private Long-term Care Facilities and Service Agencies Wages and Fringe Benefits Equivalent to Wages and Fringe Benefits Paid in State Facilities.

LD 1169 HP0981 An Act to Encourage Decent Wages for Maine Workers Employed by Enterprises Obtaining Public Loans and Loan Guarantees.

LD 1170 HP0982 An Act Concerning Injuries to In- Plant Truck Operators under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 1171 HP0980 An Act to Redefine Certain Long-Term Care Facilities.

LD 1172 HP0984 An Act to Assure the Navigation Channels are Kept Free of Fishing Trap Lines.

LD 1173 HP0985 An Act to Increase the Department of Marine Resources License Fees.

LD 1174 HP0986 An Act Concerning Energy Conservation in Projects Funded by Housing Authority Loans.

LD 1175 HP0987 Resolve, Authorizing and Resolve 1981, c. 28 Directing the Bureau of Public Lands to Convey a Perpetual Easement and Right-of-way in a Certain Parcel of Land in Augusta to Mobil Pipe Line Company, Subject to Certain Conditions.

LD 1176 HP0988 An Act to Exempt Farm Machinery except Tractors from the Personal Property Tax.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1177 HP0989 An Act to Authorize the PL 1981, c. 304 Refunding or Crediting of Fuel Taxes Paid on Worthless Accounts.

LD 1178 HP0990 An Act Concerning Sales Tax on Vehicles Purchased in Foreign Jurisdictions.

LD 1179 HP0991 An Act to Provide Reciprocal Fees and Charges for Trucks from other States.

LD 1180 HP0992 An Act to Regulate the Use of PL 1981, c. 446 Motor Vehicles on Ice-covered Bodies of Water.

LD 1181 HP0993 An Act to Create the Office of Energy and the Public Advocate.

LD 1182 HP0994 An Act to Improve the Quality of Packing and Marketing Maine Potatoes.

LD 1183 HP0995 An Act to Allow the Board of PL 1981, c. 356 Environmental Protection to Authorize and Pay for Oil Spill Damage Studies.

LD 1184 HP0996 An Act to Allow for the State's PL 1981, c. 182 Collection of Aircraft Excise Taxes and to Reimburse these Funds.

LD 1185 SP0392 An Act to Regulate the Alteration of Freshwater Wetlands.

LD 1186 SP0393 An Act Concerning Retirement of Personnel at the Maine Correctional Center and the Maine Youth Center.

LD 1187 SP0394 An Act to Provide an Income Tax Check-off for Voluntary Contributions to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

LD 1188 SP0395 An Act to Increase the Minimum Retirement Allowance under the State Retirement Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1189 SP0396 An Act to Prohibit Segregation Requirements Concerning Returnable Bottles.

LD 1190 SP0397 An Act to Require that Industry PL 1981, c. 312 Wide Taxes be Levied only after Referendum Approval of the Persons who would be Required to Pay the Tax.

LD 1191 SP0398 An Act to Place Restrictions on Closing Costs Charged by Banks on Real Estate Transactions.

LD 1192 SP0399 An Act to License Home Health Agencies.

LD 1193 SP0401 An Act to Improve the PL 1981, c. 525 Community Industrial Building Program.

LD 1194 SP0402 An Act to Ensure that the PL 1981, c. 313 Provision for the Arbitration of Classification and Allocation Determinations in State Employee Collective Bargaining Agreements is not Inconsistent with the Personnel Law.

LD 1195 HP1030 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 7 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Waldo County for the Year 1981.

LD 1196 HP0997 An Act to Appropriate Funds to P&SL 1981, c. 72 Upgrade Facilities of the Maine Center for the Blind.

LD 1197 HP0999 An Act to Increase Certain Fees PL 1981, c. 328 under the Funeral Directors and Embalmers Law.

LD 1198 HP1001 An Act to Repeal the Teacher Certification Law.

LD 1199 HP1002 An Act Concerning Tuition PL 1981, c. 521 Reimbursement to Private Schools.

LD 1200 HP1000 An Act to Require Minimum Safety Requirements in the Construction and Installation of Heating Apparatus.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1201 HP1003 An Act to Prohibit Registration within 72 Hours of an Election.

LD 1202 HP1006 An Act to Clarify the Permit Requirements for Large Hydroelectric Projects and to Protect Environmental Values.

LD 1203 HP1007 An Act to Limit the Storage of Spent Fuel at Nuclear Reactors.

LD 1204 HP1008 An Act Concerning the Payment of Burial Expense for Certain State Wards.

LD 1205 HP1009 An Act Concerning Review of PL 1981, c. 329 Fees for Providers under the Medical Assistance Program.

LD 1206 HP1010 An Act to Limit Liability PL 1981, c. 300 Regarding Donations to Food Banks.

LD 1207 HP1011 An Act to Make Drinking in an Unlicensed Public Place a Class E Crime.

LD 1208 SP0403 An Act to Authorize Revenue PL 1981, c. 320 Bond Financing for the Agricultural and Fishing Industries.

LD 1209 SP0404 An Act Concerning State Contracts for Firms Violating the Maine Human Rights Act.

LD 1210 SP0405 An Act to Amend the Small Claims Law and Conform Related Laws.

LD 1211 SP0408 An Act Concerning Local Voting on School Budgets.

LD 1212 SP0409 An Act to Select Maine Potato Seed Board Personnel.

LD 1213 SP0406 An Act to Provide a Resident State Trooper for the Town of Carrabasset Valley.

LD 1214 SP0410 An Act to Allow a Single Permit for Hunting Animal Predators.

LD 1215 SP0411 An Act Relating to PL 1981, c. 272 Pharmaceutical Services Provided at Rural Health Centers.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1216 SP0412 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 396 Relating to the Public Reserved Lands.

LD 1217 SP0413 An Act to Prohibit the Importation of Spent Nuclear Fuel.

LD 1218 SP0414 An Act to Establish an Income Tax Checkoff for the Arts.

LD 1219 SP0415 An Act to Decrease the Tax on Harness Racing Licensees.

LD 1220 HP1032 Resolve, Appropriating Funds for Attorneys' Fees and Costs in the Case of Thiboutot v. Maine.

LD 1221 HP0998 An Act to Simplify the PL 1981, c. 352 Requirements for the Granting of Permission to Additional Institutions to Use Established Satellite Facilities.

LD 1222 HP1012 An Act to Establish a Voluntary System of Shared-work Unemployment Compensation.

LD 1223 HP1013 An Act to Provide the State Liquor Commission with Discretionary Authority to Refund Liquor License Fees when the Licensee has been Deprived Through no Fault of His Own.

LD 1224 HP1014 An Act Converting Monhegan Plantation into the Town of Monhegan.

LD 1225 HP1015 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Allow Counties which have Adopted a Home Rule Charter to Provide for an Alternate Manner of Selecting the Register of Probate.

LD 1226 HP1016 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Repeal the Status of the Office of Sheriff.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1227 HP1017 An Act Relative to the Jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission over Nonutility Attachments to Public Utility Plant.

LD 1228 HP1018 An Act to Promote Increased Efficiencies in Thermal Electric Generating Facilities.

LD 1229 HP1019 An Act to Provide Photographic Nonalterable Drivers' Licenses and Other State Documents.

LD 1230 HP1020 An Act to Provide Free Access for Legislators to State Parks, Camping Areas, Beaches and the Maine Turnpike.

LD 1231 HP1021 An Act to Make all Drivers' License Information Confidential.

LD 1232 HP1022 An Act to Amend Certain Property Tax Exemptions.

LD 1233 HP1023 An Act to Provide a Tax Credit for Certain Hydroelectric Plants.

LD 1234 HP1024 An Act to Permit Municipalities to Charge a Service Fee on the University of Maine.

LD 1235 HP1025 An Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Law to Provide for Certain Reimbursements.

LD 1236 HP1026 An Act Concerning School Bus Inspections.

LD 1237 HP1027 An Act to Increase the Number of County Commissioners in York County.

LD 1238 HP1004 An Act to Establish Strict PL 1981, c. 375 Penalties for Hazardous Waste Dumping and to Provide Specific Definitions of Hazardous Waste.

LD 1239 SP0407 An Act to Enact the Uniform Parentage Act.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1240 SP0417 An Act to Remove the Customer Charge from Electric Utility Rate Structures.

LD 1241 SP0418 An Act to Increase the Bonding PL 1981, c. 370 Limit on Maine State Housing Authority Bonds Secured by the Housing Reserve Fund.

LD 1242 SP0420 An Act Requiring an Annual PL 1981, c. 424 Report on Safety Problems by Nuclear Power Plants.

LD 1243 SP0422 An Act Concerning Utility PL 1981, c. 415 Deposits.

LD 1244 SP0423 An Act Relating to the Definition of Teacher under the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1245 SP0421 An Act to Facilitate and Improve Decision Making by the Board of Environmental Protection.

LD 1246 SP0424 An Act to Authorize a Water District for the Town of Milbridge in Washington County.

LD 1247 SP0425 An Act to Provide a $500 Fine for Hunting Turkeys.

LD 1248 SP0426 An Act to Authorize the Eastern P&SL 1981, c. 49 Maine Vocational Technical Institute to Operate a Program for Practical Nursing in Ellsworth.

LD 1249 SP0427 An Act to Bring the Maine PL 1981, c. 318 Traveler Information Services Act into Conformity with the United States Constitution.

LD 1250 SP0428 An Act to Facilitate the Removal of Clouds on Title to Proposed Unaccepted Streets in Subdivisions.

LD 1251 HP1005 An Act to Amend the Spruce Budworm Suppression Act.

LD 1252 HP1033 An Act to Expand the Forms of Deferred Compensation Under the Deferred Compensation Plan.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1253 HP1065 An Act to Prohibit Refiners and Distributors from Selling Motor Fuel at Retail.

LD 1254 HP1035 An Act Concerning the Date on Which Local Referenda Questions Should be Voted on.

LD 1255 HP1036 An Act to Encourage Neighborhood Volunteer Programs to Keep Homes Warm.

LD 1256 HP1037 An Act Relating to Bear Hunting.

LD 1257 HP1038 An Act Concerning Clean Indoor Air.

LD 1258 HP1039 An Act to Revise the Debtor- PL 1981, c. 389 Creditor Laws to Facilitate the Legal Collection of Debts.

LD 1259 HP1040 An Act to Provide a Referendum to Abolish County Government and Authorize Reassignment of its Functions and Duties to Appropriate State and Municipal Departments and Agencies.

LD 1260 HP1041 An Act to Amend the Charters P&SL 1981, c. 45 of the Mars Hill Utility District and the Rumford Water District.

LD 1261 HP1042 An Act to Provide for the Scheduled Reduction of Certain Property Tax Exemptions.

LD 1262 HP1043 An Act to Shorten the Holding Period for Abandoned Property, Advance the Due Date for Inheritance Taxes and Revise Business Income Taxes.

LD 1263 SP0419 An Act to Provide Arthritic Drugs to Low Income Elderly.

LD 1264 SP0435 An Act Appropriating Funds toward Reconstruction and Renovation of Leavitt Hall at the Maine Maritime Academy.

LD 1265 SP0436 An Act to Reduce the Length of the Maine Legislative Session.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1266 SP0438 An Act to Clarify the Status of Engineers Regarding the Design of Buildings.

LD 1267 SP0440 An Act Pertaining to Witness Fees Paid by the District Courts.

LD 1268 SP0441 An Act Relating to Lighted Advertising Signs.

LD 1269 HP1034 An Act Concerning the Computation of the State's Share of Operating Cost for Local School Administrative Units.

LD 1270 HP1067 An Act to Ensure that those PL 1981, c. 233 Homes Receiving Fuel Assistance are Winterized.

LD 1271 HP1068 An Act to Improve the Administration of the General Assistance Program.

LD 1272 HP1069 An Act Relating to Child PL 1981, c. 245 Prostitution.

LD 1273 HP1070 An Act to Clarify the Sentencing Statutes under the Criminal Code.

LD 1274 HP1071 An Act to Clarify the Administrative Procedure Act.

LD 1275 HP1072 An Act to Establish Fairer and more Equitable Funding Considerations by the Maine State Commission on the Arts and the Humanities to Well- established Nonprofessional Community Theaters.

LD 1276 HP1073 An Act to Permit Municipalities to Levy a Sales Tax on Meals and Lodging.

LD 1277 HP1066 An Act to Amend the Laws Governing School Administrative Districts.

LD 1278 SP0437 An Act to Establish and Coordinate Training, Education and Employment Programs for Recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1279 SP0439 An Act to Restructure the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 1280 SP0442 An Act to Provide a Tax Exemption for Post-secondary Education Payments.

LD 1281 SP0443 An Act to Amend Certain PL 1981, c. 238 Aspects of Post-Conviction Review.

LD 1282 SP0444 An Act to Amend the Criminal PL 1981, c. 317 Code and Related Criminal Laws.

LD 1283 SP0445 An Act to Help Identify Lobbyists.

LD 1284 SP0446 An Act Concerning Legislative Services.

LD 1285 HP1141 An Act to Establish a Kennebec River Future Commission.

LD 1286 HP1089 An Act Requiring Disclosures of Hiring Policies for Public Schools.

LD 1287 HP1090 An Act to Require a Mandatory, Minimal Commitment of Persons Acquitted of Criminal Charges as a Result of Mental Abnormality.

LD 1288 HP1091 An Act to Formalize the Restitution Process in the Maine District Court.

LD 1289 HP1092 An Act to Clarify the Laws PL 1981, c. 345 Pertaining the Municipal Personnel Records.

LD 1290 HP1093 An Act to Establish an R. B. Hall PL 1981, c. 246 Day to Honor and Commemorate a Great Maine Composer.

LD 1291 HP1094 An Act to Improve the Efficiency PL 1981, c. 406 of County Government.

LD 1292 HP1095 An Act to Improve County PL 1981, c. 403 Budget and Financial Procedures.

LD 1293 HP1098 An Act to Repeal the Sales Tax on Text Books and to Require a Sales Tax on Magazines.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1294 HP1099 An Act Concerning the Payment of Taxes on Watercraft in the Municipality where the Boat is Located.

LD 1295 HP1096 An Act to Adopt the Maine PL 1981, c. 422 Municipal and Rural Electrification Cooperative Agency Act.

LD 1296 HP1087 An Act to Appropriate Funds to PL 1981, c. 499 Support Regional Ride Share Programs.

LD 1297 HP1100 An Act for the Assessment of PL 1981, c. 357 Watercraft.

LD 1298 SP0452 An Act to Prohibit the Sale and PL 1981, c. 249 Promotion of Halogenated Hydrocarbons as Septic Tank Cleaners.

LD 1299 SP0453 An Act to Appropriate Funds to the Maine Geological Survey for Ground Water Aquifer Mapping.

LD 1300 SP0454 An Act to Improve Enforcement PL 1981, c. 376 of the Plumbing Code.

LD 1301 SP0455 An Act to Require Public PL 1981, c. 434 Hearings Prior to Proposing Exchanges of Public Reserved Lands.

LD 1302 SP0456 An Act to Adjust the Rates for Reimbursement to Boarding Homes and Provide for a Cost Reimbursement.

LD 1303 SP0447 An Act to Establish a Fund to Implement the Hazardous Waste Program in Lieu of a General Fund Appropriation.

LD 1304 HP1097 An Act to Incorporate the Cobscook Bay Tidal Power District.

LD 1305 SP0457 An Act to Provide a Right-of- way to Pedestrians Against Drivers Entering Private Ways.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1306 SP0458 An Act to Allow a Licensed Boarding Facility to Charge a Resident or Other Responsible Party the Difference Between the State Maximum Reimbursement Ceiling and the Audited Rate.

LD 1307 HP1088 An Act to Amend the Provisions Relating to the Maine School Management Association.

LD 1308 HP1103 An Act Establishing Procedures for the Approval of Rates for Children Requiring Special Education Services at Residential Treatment Centers and Allocating Financial Responsibility for the Costs of Those Placements.

LD 1309 HP1104 An Act Relating to Burial PL 1981, c. 477 Expenses for Veterans.

LD 1310 HP1105 An Act to Require Builders to Offer Warranties on Homes which they Construct.

LD 1311 HP1106 An Act Concerning Teacher PL 1981, c. 409 Certification.

LD 1312 HP1107 An Act to Provide Additional Radiation Monitoring Capability by the State.

LD 1313 HP1108 An Act Concerning Access by PL 1981, c. 390 Adopted Children to Biological Family Medical Files.

LD 1314 HP1109 An Act to Exempt Small Businessmen from the Worker's Compensation Law.

LD 1315 HP1110 An Act to Authorize the Public Utilities Commission to Require Electric and Gas Utilities to Prepare and File Long-range Demand Forecasts.

LD 1316 HP1111 An Act to Increase Rental Unit Energy Conservation.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1317 HP1112 Resolution, Proposing an Const Res 1981, c. 1 Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Amend the Law and Constitutional Provisions Relating to Consolidating Initiative and Referendum Elections to Dates of the Next General Election.

LD 1318 HP1113 An Act to Provide Sales Tax Exempt Status for Nonprofit Family Crisis Service Agencies.

LD 1319 SP0463 An Act Requiring the Department of Human Services to Implement a Consumer directed Personal Care Assistance Program for Severely Physically Disabled Persons.

LD 1320 SP0464 An Act to Raise Survivors' PL 1981, c. 519 Benefits in the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1321 SP0465 An Act to Prohibit Subliminal Advertising.

LD 1322 SP0466 An Act to Provide Final Offer PL 1981, c. 274 Arbitration for Collective Bargaining in the Potato Industry.

LD 1323 SP0467 An Act to Provide Equal Access to Justice for Small Business.

LD 1324 SP0468 An Act to Establish a Limit on County Government Taxation.

LD 1325 SP0469 An Act to Establish a Small Claims Court.

LD 1326 SP0470 An Act to Provide Loans for Family Farms.

LD 1327 SP0471 An Act to Increase Local Control of Water Districts.

LD 1328 SP0472 An Act to Make Changes in the Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 1329 SP0473 An Act to Increase the Benefits of the Elderly Tax and Rent Refund Act on a Sliding Scale According to Income.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1330 SP0474 An Act to Encourage Small Power Production Facilities.

LD 1331 HP1114 An Act to Amend the Benefit Option Provided upon Death of a Former Member who was Receiving a Disability Retirement Allowance.

LD 1332 HP1134 An Act to Abolish the Office of Energy Resources.

LD 1333 HP1116 An Act Relating to Boarding Home Reimbursement.

LD 1334 HP1117 An Act Concerning Drug Abuse PL 1981, c. 426 by Registered Pharmacists.

LD 1335 HP1118 An Act to Amend the P&SL 1981, c. 34 Incorporation of the Town of Poland School District.

LD 1336 HP1119 An Act Covering Degrees Programs for Real Estate Agents.

LD 1337 HP1120 An Act to Require Periodic PL 1981, c. 410 Reapportioning of Districts for Election of Representatives to Congress.

LD 1338 HP1121 An Act to Create the Nuclear Activity Consent Law.

LD 1339 HP1122 An Act Concerning Certain PL 1981, c. 268 Estates under the Control of Public Administrators.

LD 1340 HP1123 An Act Concerning Plea Bargaining for Cases Involving Operating under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs.

LD 1341 HP1124 An Act Forbidding Questions which Invade Privacy During Public Benefit Program Screening.

LD 1342 HP1125 An Act Concerning PL 1981, c. 269 Qualifications of Law Enforcement Officials.

LD 1343 HP1126 An Act Concerning Performance Standards for Renewing a Liquor License.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1344 HP1127 Resolve, Authorizing Nancy Huber to Bring Suit Against the State of Maine.

LD 1345 HP1128 An Act Relating to Aquaculture. PL 1981, c. 462

LD 1346 HP1129 An Act to Establish and Implement an Electrical Energy Budget for the State.

LD 1347 HP1130 An Act to Establish a State Emergency Electric Energy Conservation Plan.

LD 1348 HP1131 An Act to Assist Homeowners in PL 1981, c. 305 Peak Power Conservation.

LD 1349 HP1132 An Act Providing for Certain Public Utility Bond Financing by the Maine Municipal Bond Bank.

LD 1350 HP1133 An Act Concerning Search and Rescue Operations.

LD 1351 HP1198 An Act to Create the Casco Bay P&SL 1981, c. 22 Island Transit District.

LD 1352 HP1135 An Act to Establish an Employee Award Program for Suggestions for Improving State Government Operations.

LD 1353 HP1136 An Act Concerning Partial Reimbursement for Property Taxes Paid by Certain Fraternities.

LD 1354 HP1137 An Act to Provide a Tax Credit for the Purchase and Use of Studded Snow Tires.

LD 1355 HP1138 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Allowing the Legislature to Impose a Property Tax in Excess of the Cost of Services upon Properties in the Unorganized Territories.

LD 1356 HP1139 An Act to Reform the Regulation of Carriers of Passengers and Freight.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1357 HP1140 An Act Relating to the Board of Harbor Commissioners for the Harbor of Portland.

LD 1358 SP0475 An Act to Authorize the PL 1981, c. 526 Department of Environmental Protection to Provide Technical Assistance to Municipalities and other Quasi-municipal Entities Regarding Solid Waste Management.

LD 1359 SP0476 An Act to Authorize the P&SL 1981, c. 42 Extension of Old Orchard Pier.

LD 1360 SP0477 An Act to Permit the PL 1981, c. 354 Opportunity for Continuing Health Insurance.

LD 1361 SP0478 An Act Concerning Alternatives to Institutionalized Care.

LD 1362 SP0479 An Act to Protect Public and PL 1981, c. 397 Private Property from Ice Jams.

LD 1363 SP0480 An Act Concerning Energy PL 1981, c. 353 Efficiency in Buildings Financed with Public Funds.

LD 1364 SP0481 An Act to Amend the Definition PL 1981, c. 321 of Home Improvement Note Set Forth in the Maine Housing Authorities Act.

LD 1365 SP0483 An Act to Revise Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.

LD 1366 HP1115 An Act to Prohibit State Mandates and Tax Shifts.

LD 1367 HP1145 An Act to Separate the Funding of Old System Teachers in the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1368 HP1146 An Act to Provide for the Protection of the Pension Rights of Injured Maine Workers.

LD 1369 HP1147 An Act to Require Disclosure of Contributions to a Retirement Account upon Request.

LD 1370 HP1148 An Act to Prevent Price Mark- ups on Retail Food.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1371 HP1149 An Act to Amend the Campaign Reporting Law.

LD 1372 HP1151 An Act to Require Restitution by a Criminal Offender to his Victim.

LD 1373 HP1152 An Act Relating to the Transport of State Prisoners in Knox County.

LD 1374 HP1153 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 38 the Maine Historical Society.

LD 1375 HP1154 An Act Relating to the Lobster PL 1981, c. 377 Advisory Council.

LD 1376 HP1155 An Act to Extend the Distance Limitations in the Exemption for Moving Household Goods.

LD 1377 HP1156 An Act to Authorize the Commissioner of Personnel to Study Wage Comparability Between Male and Female Workers in State Government.

LD 1378 HP1157 An Act Concerning the Publication of Official State Highway Maps.

LD 1379 HP1158 An Act to Establish a PL 1981, c. 505 Consolidated Map of the State.

LD 1380 HP1159 An Act to Provide Deductions under the State Individual Income Tax for Necessities.

LD 1381 HP1213 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 9 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Lincoln County for the Year 1981.

LD 1382 HP1214 An Act to Clarify the Statutory PL 1981, c. 346 Provisions for the Registration of Motor Vehicles in Maine.

LD 1383 HP1162 An Act Concerning the Qualifications of Assessors.

LD 1384 HP1163 An Act to Improve the Valuation of Property for Tax Purposes.

LD 1385 HP1164 An Act to Provide an Investment Tax Credit for Farmers and Fishermen.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1386 SP0484 An Act to Include Health PL 1981, c. 239 Education for the General Public as a Medical Education Program Conducted by the Board of Registration in Medicine.

LD 1387 SP0485 An Act to Provide for Identifying PL 1981, c. 314 Natural, Nonimitation Food Products sold in the State.

LD 1388 SP0486 An Act Concerning Gypsy Moth Suppression.

LD 1389 SP0487 An Act Concerning Approval of PL 1981, c. 240 Graduate Educational Programs by the Board of Registration in Medicine.

LD 1390 SP0489 An Act to Create a Bond Issue PL 1981, c. 425 for Energy Conservation and Conversion for Small Business.

LD 1391 SP0490 An Act to Provide Tax Incentives for Alternate Energy Sources.

LD 1392 HP1160 An Act Concerning the Qualifications of Persons and Firms in the Valuation of Property for Tax Purposes.

LD 1393 HP1161 An Act to Revise the Property PL 1981, c. 330 Tax Laws.

LD 1394 SP0493 An Act to Require Registration of Snowmobiles Operated in Maine by Nonresidents.

LD 1395 SP0495 An Act to Adopt Revised PL 1981, c. 334 Standards for Access by the Handicapped to Certain Buildings.

LD 1396 SP0491 An Act to Assure the Appropriate Development of the Hydropower Potential of Maine Rivers.

LD 1397 SP0492 An Act Concerning Sewer Lien Fees.

LD 1398 HP1150 An Act to Provide for Municipal PL 1981, c. 322 Development of Energy Resources.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1399 HP1175 An Act to Protect Farmers' Right PL 1981, c. 472 to Farm.

LD 1400 HP1176 An Act to Add a Class Size Adjustment to the School Finance Act.

LD 1401 HP1177 An Act Relating to Compulsory PL 1981, c. 391 School Attendance and the Enforcement of Truancy.

LD 1402 HP1178 An Act to Create a Blue Ribbon Commission to Study the Public Education Delivery System.

LD 1403 HP1179 An Act to Require Insulation Standards for New Electrically Heated Buildings.

LD 1404 HP1180 An Act to Establish an Energy Conservation Program for Commercial and Light Industrial Buildings.

LD 1405 HP1181 An Act to Require Immediate PL 1981, c. 358 Public Notification of Radioactive Releases and Other Safety Related Events at Nuclear Power Plants.

LD 1406 HP1182 An Act to Revise the Small Claims Law.

LD 1407 HP1183 An Act Recommending Changes PL 1981, c. 392 in the Maine Juvenile Code and Related Provisions.

LD 1408 HP1184 An Act Concerning Probation for Certain Persons Convicted of Driving while Intoxicated.

LD 1409 HP1185 An Act Amending the Statutes PL 1981, c. 360 Relating to Restitution.

LD 1410 HP1186 An Act Regarding Share Fishermen under the Employment Security Law.

LD 1411 HP1187 An Act to Amend the Law Concerning Inherited Liability of Certain Business Firms for Severance Pay.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1412 HP1188 An Act to Reduce the Cost of Workers' Compensation Rates to Maine Employers.

LD 1413 HP1189 An Act Relating to General Health Insurance Benefits for Injured Maine Workers and their Families.

LD 1414 HP1190 An Act Relating to Seeking Work PL 1981, c. 228 and Accepting Suitable Work to be Eligible for Extended Unemployment Benefits.

LD 1415 HP1191 An Act to Prevent Gear PL 1981, c. 427 Conflicts.

LD 1416 HP1192 An Act Relating to the Maine PL 1981, c. 393 Sardine Council.

LD 1417 HP1193 An Act to Amend the Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 1418 HP1194 An Act to Exempt Gasoline and Other Motor Fuels Used for Agricultural or Fishing Purposes.

LD 1419 HP1195 An Act to Provide Deductions under the State Individual Income Tax for Necessities and to Increase the Corporate Income Tax.

LD 1420 HP1196 An Act to Adopt the Multistate Tax Compact.

LD 1421 HP1197 An Act to Index the Maine Individual Income Tax Structure.

LD 1422 HP1199 An Act Concerning Speed Limits in Urban Compact Areas.

LD 1423 HP1208 An Act to Require Retention of Prescription Records.

LD 1424 HP1209 An Act to Create a Maine Film Board.

LD 1425 HP1210 An Act Relating to the Management of the Department of the Attorney General.

LD 1426 HP1211 An Act to Improve Personal Property Tax Collections on Watercraft.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1427 HP1248 An Act to Extend the Time for PL 1981, c. 141 the Apportionment of County Taxes.

LD 1428 SP0488 An Act Authorizing a Bond Issue (Original Title) in the Amount of $29,000,000 for the Purposes of Fostering Agricultural and Economic Development in the State of Maine.

LD 1428 SP0488 An Act Authorizing a Bond Issue (Final Title) P&SL 1981, c. 65 in the Amount of $29,300,000 for the Purposes of Fostering Agricultural and Economic Development in the State of Maine.

LD 1429 SP0494 An Act to Establish a Board of Prison Terms and Supervised Release.

LD 1430 SP0503 An Act to Regulate Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones and Jewelry for Resale and Scrap.

LD 1431 SP0504 An Act to Authorize Either an Engineer or an Architect to Act as a Primer Professional under Certain Circumstances.

LD 1432 SP0505 An Act to Provide for Legislative Review of Agency Rules.

LD 1433 SP0506 An Act to Provide the Supreme PL 1981, c. 241 Judicial Court with Rule-making Authority over Court Records and Certain Abandoned Property.

LD 1434 SP0507 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 242 Investigative Authority of the Attorney General and Related Provision.

LD 1435 SP0512 An Act Relating to the Time of Evaluation of Special Education Students under the Education Laws.

LD 1436 SP0514 An Act Concerning the Consent Requirements and Termination of Parental Rights for Adoption Proceedings.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1437 SP0515 An Act to Curtail the Practice of Plea Bargaining.

LD 1438 SP0516 An Act to Amend the Maine Generic Drug Statute.

LD 1439 SP0517 An Act to Promote the Maine (Original Title) Potato Industry.

LD 1439 SP0517 An Act Making Appropriations (Final Title) P&SL 1981, c. 71 from the General Fund for Operations of the Seed Potato Board.

LD 1440 HP1217 An Act to Improve Agency Rulemaking by Mandating Procedures to Analyze the Availability of more Flexible Regulatory Approaches for Affected Businesses, Organizations and Governmental Jurisdictions.

LD 1441 HP1215 An Act Relating to the Filing of First Reports and the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 1442 HP1218 An Act to Provide for Legislative Review of Proposed Agency Rules.

LD 1443 HP1219 An Act to Change the Method of Taxing Nuclear Power Plants.

LD 1444 HP1220 An Act to Tax Gas Guzzlers.

LD 1445 HP1216 An Act to Authorize a Self- P&SL 1981, c. 62 liquidating Bond Issue for Kennebec County for the Construction of a New Detention Facility.

LD 1446 HP1227 An Act Concerning Payment to the State Retirement System by Elected or Appointed State Officials.

LD 1447 HP1228 An Act Concerning Cancellation of Individual Health Insurance Policies.

LD 1448 HP1229 An Act Concerning Disposal of Material by Certain Waste Disposal Systems.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1449 SP0519 An Act to Limit the Sunday Closing Law.

LD 1450 SP0520 An Act Conserving Nongame and Endangered or Threatened Species.

LD 1451 SP0521 An Act Providing for a Volunteer Lawyers' Board.

LD 1452 SP0522 An Act to Increase the Number PL 1981, c. 280 of Signatures Required to Initiate Rule-making Proceedings under the Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

LD 1453 SP0523 An Act to Include Energy Projects and Agricultural Enterprises in the Guarantee Authority of the Maine Guarantee Authority and to Set Aside $2,500,000 of the Guarantee Capacity for Energy Projects.

LD 1454 SP0524 An Act to Provide Indexing for the State Income Tax.

LD 1455 HP1230 An Act to Establish Rights for Residents of Nursing, Boarding and Foster Homes.

LD 1456 HP1231 An Act Concerning Operation of a Motor Vehicle while under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor.

LD 1457 HP1232 An Act to Amend the Probate PL 1981, c. 365 Laws.

LD 1458 HP1233 An Act to Prohibit Discrimination Against Families with Children.

LD 1459 HP1234 An Act to Provide Group Medical-Health Care Insurance Benefits to Judicial Employees.

LD 1460 HP1235 An Act Concerning Attorney's Fees Under the Workers' Compensation Laws.

LD 1461 HP1236 An Act to Prohibit the Export of Hydroelectric Power.

LD 1462 HP1237 An Act to Increase the Veterans Real Property Tax Exemptions.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1463 HP1238 An Act to Recover Overdue Student Loan and Child Support Payments.

LD 1464 HP1239 An Act to Conform the Existing Sales Tax Exemption for 750 Kilowatts of Electricity to Patterns of Usage.

LD 1465 HP1240 An Act to Establish a Limited Tax Credit to Aid Businesses Providing Day Care Services to their Employees.

LD 1466 HP1241 An Act to Replace the Inheritance Act with a Maine Estate Tax and Provide for Funding through Gradual Elimination of Certain Tax Credits.

LD 1467 HP1242 An Act to Provide for a Local Excise Tax on Watercraft.

LD 1468 SP0518 An Act Requiring the Registration of Professional Counselors in Independent Practice and the Certification of Certain Such Professional Counselors.

LD 1469 SP0513 An Act to Require Employers with Employee Pension Plans to Provide Status Information on Group Pension Plans upon Request.

LD 1470 SP0530 An Act to Protect Persons with Children against Discrimination in Fair Housing.

LD 1471 SP0531 An Act to Permit a Draftsman to Perform Limited Work Without being Registered as an Architect.

LD 1472 SP0528 An Act Relating to the Regulation of Providers of Cable Television Services.

LD 1473 HP1249 An Act Incorporating Federal Funds Directly into the State Budgeting Process.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1474 HP1250 An Act Concerning the Liability (Original Title) of Teachers and School Administrators who Administer Medication to Children in Emergency Situations.

LD 1474 HP1250 An Act to Make the Good (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 378 Samaritan Act Apply to School Employees.

LD 1475 HP1251 An Act to Establish the PL 1981, c. 417 Procedure for Payment for Attorneys' Fees Awards Against the State.

LD 1476 HP1252 An Act to Create an Appellate (Original Title) Division of the Workers' Compensation Commission.

LD 1476 HP1252 An Act to Create an Appellate (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 514 Division of the Workers' Compensation Commission, to Require the Commission to Conduct a Data Systems Study and to Expedite the Filing of Medical Reports.

LD 1477 HP1253 An Act to Clarify that the PL 1981, c. 277 Contract Bar Rule does not Apply to Unit Clarification Proceedings under the State Employee Labor Relations Act.

LD 1478 HP1254 An Act to Diversify Maine's PL 1981, c. 335 Participation in the Eastern States Exposition.

LD 1479 HP1264 An Act to Increase the Salaries and the Limit of Compensation for the several District Attorneys.

LD 1480 HP1265 An Act to Make more Equitable PL 1981, c. 259 the Computation of the Spruce Budworm Pre-project Excise Tax.

LD 1481 HP1266 An Act Concerning Insurance PL 1981, c. 347 Proceeds under the Maine Insurance Code.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1482 HP1267 An Act Concerning Certificates of Contribution under the Maine Insurance Code.

LD 1483 HP1289 An Act to Provide a One-time PL 1981, c. 133 Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans, World War I Veterans and Persons Claiming from World War I Veterans.

LD 1484 HP1290 An Act to Establish the P&SL 1981, c. 56 Municipal Cost Components for Services to be Rendered in Fiscal Year 1981-82.

LD 1485 HP1270 An Act Promoting Alcoholism Prevention, Education, Treatment and Research.

LD 1486 HP1271 An Act Relating to Bail Commissioners.

LD 1487 HP1272 An Act to Establish an Arson PL 1981, c. 404 Reporting Immunity Act.

LD 1488 HP1273 An Act Making Certain Changes in the Law on Boilers and Pressure Vessels.

LD 1489 HP1274 An Act Relating to the Sale of PL 1981, c. 247 Alcoholic Beverages on Vessels.

LD 1490 HP1275 An Act to Increase the Revenue Generated by Power Companies Exporting Electricity.

LD 1491 HP1276 An Act to Clarify Administration of Appropriations Provided to the Maine Human Services Council.

LD 1492 HP1277 An Act to Establish an Efficiency Award Program and a Suggestion Solicitation Program for State Employees.

LD 1493 HP1278 An Act to Amend the Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

LD 1494 SP0533 An Act to Reorganize the Government of Aroostook County.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1495 HP1268 An Act Establishing a Procedure under the Education Statutes for Withdrawal of a Municipality from within Vocational Region I.

LD 1496 HP1269 An Act Relating to Fish and Game Licenses as Issued by Licensing Agents.

LD 1497 SP0538 An Act to Provide a Tax Exemption for the First $3,000 of Savings for Individuals who Invest the Money in a Housing Development Account.

LD 1498 SP0539 An Act Concerning the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission.

LD 1499 HP1285 An Act to Require Certain State Mandated Programs be Funded by the Municipality Involved.

LD 1500 HP1303 An Act to Establish the Cost of P&SL 1981, c. 48 the Maine Forestry District in Fiscal Year 1981-82.

LD 1501 HP1286 An Act to Provide for the Registration of Trail Bikes by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

LD 1502 HP1287 An Act to Establish a Legislative Review of Agency Rules.

LD 1503 HP1288 An Act to Reduce the Subsidy Index for the Local Share of the State and Local Allocation by 50% for Residential Property and Shift the Tax Burden to the Individual Income Tax.

LD 1504 HP1291 An Act to Control the Cost of Workers' Compensation Rates to Maine Employers.

LD 1505 HP1292 An Act to Prohibit Conveyance of Assets to Qualify for Public Assistance Programs.

LD 1506 HP1293 An Act to Provide Greater Local Control over Liquor Licensing.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1507 HP1294 An Act to Revise the County Budget Process to Prevent the Incurrence of Deficits.

LD 1508 HP1295 An Act to Establish a Marine Resources Development Commission.

LD 1509 HP1298 Resolve, to Reimburse Mr. and Mrs. David Condon of Levant for Property Damage and Personal Injury Resulting from Assistance Given the Division of Special Investigation by Mr. Condon.

LD 1510 HP1308 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 11 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Franklin County for the Year 1981.

LD 1511 HP1306 An Act to Create a Board of Review of the Judiciary.

LD 1512 HP1307 An Act Concerning Homestead Tax Relief.

LD 1513 SP0542 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 307 Nonprofit Corporation Act.

LD 1514 SP0543 Resolve, to Reimburse John W. Resolve 1981, c. 20 Churchill of Presque Isle for Property Loss Suffered by John W. Churchill Because of Acts by a Ward of the State.

LD 1515 HP1302 An Act to Recodify the Maine Guarantee Authority Laws.

LD 1516 SP0551 An Act to Facilitate the PL 1981, c. 196 Development of More Placements in Boarding Homes that are Small, Homelike and Safe for Ambulatory and Mobile Nonambulatory Persons.

LD 1517 HP1319 An Act to Define a Loose Cord of PL 1981, c. 219 Wood for Fuel Wood Sold on that Basis.

LD 1518 HP1310 An Act to Prohibit the Importing of Certain Species of Live Fish and to Establish Penalties for such Importation.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1519 HP1315 An Act to Restrict Importation of Hazardous and Radioactive Waste.

LD 1520 HP1316 An Act to Limit Scallop Dragging.

LD 1521 HP1327 An Act to Amend the Tax Law PL 1981, c. 214 Providing a One-time Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans, World War I Veterans and Persons Claiming from World War I Veterans.

LD 1522 HP1322 An Act Assuring Legislative Participation in Nuclear Waste Repository Research and Development Activity within the State.

LD 1523 HP1323 An Act to Require that County Employees be Hired by Merit.

LD 1524 HP1324 An Act to Extend the Territory of the Gardiner Water District and to Enlarge the Board of Trustees.

LD 1525 HP1325 An Act to Create a Tax on Mining Companies and to Amend the Statute on Mining on State Lands.

LD 1526 HP1333 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 14 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Sagadahoc County for the Year 1981.

LD 1527 HP1328 An Act to Provide for the PL 1981, c. 487 Election of Jury Trials in Certain Criminal Cases.

LD 1528 SP0556 Resolve, Appropriating Funds for the Lump Sum Settlement in the Case of the Estate of Edward M. Robinson v. State of Maine.

LD 1529 SP0558 An Act to Expand the Jobs and Investment Income Tax Credit.

LD 1530 HP1334 An Act to Amend the Spruce PL 1981, c. 278 Budworm Suppression Laws.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1531 HP1337 An Act to Amend, Revise and Codify the Landlord-Tenant Laws.

LD 1532 SP0562 An Act Relating to Law Libraries. PL 1981, c. 510

LD 1533 HP1338 An Act to Amend the Northern P&SL 1981, c. 37 Maine General Hospital Charter.

LD 1534 HP1344 An Act to Define Eligibility for School Purposes and to Determine Financial Responsibility for the Education of State Wards.

LD 1535 HP1345 An Act to Reduce the Time Required to Process Routine Environmental Applications by Allowing the Board of Environmental Protection to Delegate to the Staff Approval of Additional Routine Applications.

LD 1536 HP1346 An Act to Limit the State's Retail Liquor Operations.

LD 1537 SP0564 An Act to Recover Amounts Retained by Distributors under the Beverage Container Law.

LD 1538 HP1350 An Act to Amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

LD 1539 HP1353 An Act to Enable Continuation PL 1981, c. 292 of the Highway Safety Defensive Driver Program through an Increase in Student Registration Fees.

LD 1540 HP1358 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 25 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Androscoggin County for the Year 1981.

LD 1541 HP1351 An Act to Reform the Statutes Relating to Driving under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1542 SP0573 An Act to Enable the State of PL 1981, c. 398 Maine to Fund Waste Water Treatment Systems in the Event Federal Funds are not Included or Limited in Future Federal Budgets.

LD 1543 HP1352 An Act to Adjust the Tax Accounting Method Used for Corporations which are Part of a Unitary Group of Affiliated Corporations.

LD 1544 HP1359 An Act to Allow the Export of PL 1981, c. 263 Wood from Public Lands under Certain Circumstances.

LD 1545 HP1360 An Act Requiring Motorists to (Original Title) Protect Children in Motor Vehicles by Use of Approved Child Safety Seats.

LD 1545 HP1360 An Act to Encourage Motorists (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 405 to Protect Children in Motor Vehicles by Use of Approved Child Safety Seats.

LD 1546 HP1361 Resolve, to Authorize Resolve 1981, c. 37 Expenditure of Certain Federal Funds for New or Expanded Programs.

LD 1547 HP1362 An Act to Make Allocations P&SL 1981, c. 35 from the Regulatory Fund, Public Utilities Commission, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 1548 HP1363 An Act to Extend the Deadline PL 1981, c. 223 for the Enactment of Legislation Concerning Education Allocations, Appropriations and Rates.

LD 1549 HP1364 An Act to Establish an Environmental Licensing Fund in Order to Expedite the Processing of Applications Filed with the Department of Environmental Protection.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1550 HP1365 Resolve, Providing for Standards Resolve 1981, c. 31 to Achieve Erosion Control on Roads in Organized Areas under the Site Location of Development Law.

LD 1551 HP1366 An Act to Assure the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons to Family Style Living Units.

LD 1552 HP1367 An Act Creating a Division of Records Management Services within the Department of Finance and Administration.

LD 1553 HP1368 An Act to Exempt Jet Fuel used for International Flights from the 2¢ per Gallon Excise Tax.

LD 1554 SP0561 An Act to Revise the Education Law.

LD 1555 SP0579 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 255 Human Rights Act.

LD 1556 HP1375 An Act to Promote Greater PL 1981, c. 270 Efficiency through Alternative Working Hours in State Government.

LD 1557 HP1380 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 17 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Knox County for the Year 1981.

LD 1558 SP0582 An Act to Reimburse Owners of PL 1981, c. 368 Livestock, Poultry or Beehives which are Destroyed or Damaged by Dogs or Wild Animals.

LD 1559 SP0583 An Act to Amend the Site Location of Development Law to Protect Ground Water.

LD 1560 HP1381 An Act to Implement Certain PL 1981, c. 220 Costs Savings While the State's Unemployment Compensation Fund Remains in Debt.

LD 1561 HP1382 An Act to Recover Certain Refund Values Retained under the Beverage Container Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1562 HP1385 An Act to Provide Optional Local (Original Title) Funding of the State Retirement System Membership by School Administrative Units and to Allow Out-of-state Service Credits to those Units.

LD 1562 HP1385 An Act to Allow Out-of-state (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 362 Credits for Teachers Entering the Retirement System on or After January 1, 1976.

LD 1563 HP1386 Resolve, Reimbursing the Town Resolve 1981, c. 38 of Madison under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 1564 HP1387 Resolve, Reimbursing Certain Resolve 1981, c. 39 Municipalities on Account of Taxes Lost Due to Lands being Classified under the Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 1565 HP1389 An Act to Establish the Open Season on Bear.

LD 1566 HP1395 An Act to Revise the State PL 1981, c. 289 Personnel System.

LD 1567 HP1396 An Act to Extend the National School Breakfast Program.

LD 1568 HP1397 An Act to Facilitate the Development of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities.

LD 1569 HP1398 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 18 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Oxford County for the Year 1981.

LD 1570 HP1399 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 19 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Hancock County for the Year 1981.

LD 1571 HP1406 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 53 the North Yarmouth Water District.

LD 1572 HP1407 An Act Creating the North P&SL 1981, c. 54 Berwick Water District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1573 HP1409 An Act to Require Fire Detectors (Original Title) in All Multiapartment Dwellings and New Single-family Residences.

LD 1573 HP1409 An Act to Require Smoke (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 399 Detectors in All Multiapartment Dwellings and New Single- family Residences.

LD 1574 HP1412 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 29 Transfer of Certain Lands in Webster Plantation to the Heirs of Horace White.

LD 1575 HP1413 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for a Four- year Term of Office for Sheriff.

LD 1576 HP1411 An Act Relating to Periodic PL 1981, c. 456 Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law.

LD 1577 HP1423 An Act to Clarify the Inland PL 1981, c. 414 Fisheries and Wildlife Laws of Maine.

LD 1578 HP1427 An Act Relating to Frozen PL 1981, c. 315 Dessert Products.

LD 1579 HP1424 An Act Increasing Indebtedness P&SL 1981, c. 40 of the Limestone Water and Sewer District.

LD 1580 HP1435 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 21 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Somerset County for the Year 1981.

LD 1581 HP1439 An Act to Provide Reciprocal (Original Title) Fees and Charges for Trucks from other States.

LD 1581 HP1439 An Act to Provide Highway Use (Final Title) Permits for Motor Trucks and Truck Tractors not Registered in Maine and Identification Permits for Those Registered in Maine.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1582 HP1431 An Act to Amend the Definition PL 1981, c. 381 of State Employee under the State Employees Labor Relations Act.

LD 1583 HP1440 An Act Making Appropriations PL 1981, c. 316 and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operation of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982, and June 30, 1983.

LD 1584 HP1441 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 331 Regulation of Business Practices between Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Distributors and Dealers.

LD 1585 HP1443 An Act to Create a Maine Groundfish Association.

LD 1586 HP1445 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 22 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Aroostook County for the Year 1981.

LD 1587 HP1446 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 23 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Piscataquis County for the Year 1981.

LD 1588 HP1447 An Act Making Certain Changes PL 1981, c. 348 in the Law on Boilers and Pressure Vessels.

LD 1589 HP1449 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Amend the Provisions Requiring the State to Reimburse Municipalities and Counties for Losses Caused by Property Tax Revenues and Credits Enacted after April 1, 1978.

LD 1590 HP1450 An Act Establishing a Voluntary Income Protection Program for Shellfish Harvesters.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1591 HP1451 An Act Clarifying the Authority P&SL 1981, c. 47 of the Caribou Utilities District to Acquire the Caribou Water Works Corporation.

LD 1592 HP1452 An Act to Provide Greater Local PL 1981, c. 366 Control over Liquor Licensing.

LD 1593 HP1454 An Act Concerning Secondary PL 1981, c. 363 Vocational Education.

LD 1594 SP0598 An Act to Clarify the Status of Certain Real Estate Titles in the State.

LD 1595 SP0599 An Act to Amend the Short PL 1981, c. 367 Form Deeds Act.

LD 1596 HP1455 An Act Concerning Minimum Limits Required under the Financial Responsibility Law.

LD 1597 HP1453 An Act to Update and Clarify PL 1981, c. 501 Legislation Concerning Agencies within or Affiliated with the Department of Business Regulation.

LD 1598 HP1459 An Act to Allow Municipalities the Option of Charging Reasonable Service Charges on Certain Tax Exempt Property.

LD 1599 HP1460 An Act Concerning Illegal, Fraudulent or Unconscionable Conduct in Attempted Collection of Debts.

LD 1600 SP0602 An Act to Amend the Petroleum PL 1981, c. 441 Liquids Transfer Vapor Recovery Law.

LD 1601 SP0604 An Act Concerning the Consent PL 1981, c. 369 Requirements and Termination of Parental Rights for Adoption Proceedings.

LD 1602 HP1466 An Act to Require Builders to Offer Warranties on Homes which they Construct.

LD 1603 HP1467 An Act to Incorporate the P&SL 1981, c. 51 Cobscook Bay Tidal Power District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1604 SP0605 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 32 Governor, Acting on Behalf of the State, to Execute Certain Quitclaim Deeds.

LD 1605 HP1475 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 27 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Cumberland County for the Year 1981.

LD 1606 HP1474 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 26 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Washington County for the Year 1981.

LD 1607 SP0609 An Act to Make Allocations from the Highway Fund and Appropriations from the General Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982, and June 30, 1983, and to Establish a Local Road Assistance Program.

LD 1608 HP1476 An Act to Amend, Revise and PL 1981, c. 428 Codify the Landlord-Tenant Laws.

LD 1609 HP1477 An Act to Give Leaseholders Option to Purchase Lands Acquired by the State in Exchange with Paper Companies.

LD 1610 HP1479 An Act to Amend the Unfair PL 1981, c. 423 Sales Act.

LD 1611 HP1483 An Act to Control the Cost of Workers' Compensation Rates to Maine Employers.

LD 1612 HP1482 An Act to Provide Occupational Safeguards for Operators of Video Display Terminals.

LD 1613 HP1486 An Act to Promote the Maine PL 1981, c. 513 Potato Industry by Improving the Quality of Packing and Marketing Maine Potatoes.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1614 HP1487 An Act to Require the County PL 1981, c. 394 Commissioners to Oversee the Hiring and Dismissal of County Employees.

LD 1615 HP1488 An Act to Permit the Abolition PL 1981, c. 419 of the Position of Elected County Treasurer and Allow the Appointment of a Treasurer by the County Officers.

LD 1616 SP0611 An Act to Reorganize the Government of Aroostook County.

LD 1617 HP1497 An Act Relating to Retirement PL 1981, c. 488 for Justices and Judges.

LD 1618 HP1498 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 36 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Penobscot County for the Year 1981.

LD 1619 HP1506 An Act to Revise the Law PL 1981, c. 436 Concerning Absentee Voting.

LD 1620 SP0614 An Act to Require the PL 1981, c. 511 Department of Human Services to Provide Home-based Care as an Alternative to Nursing Home Care.

LD 1621 HP1496 An Act to Create an Excise Tax on Mining Companies and to Amend the Statutes on Mining on State Lands.

LD 1622 HP1508 An Act to Revise the Salaries of PL 1981, c. 465 Certain County Officers.

LD 1623 HP1509 Resolve, to Change an Resolve 1981, c. 33 Authorized Expenditure of Franklin County for the Year 1981.

LD 1624 SP0618 An Act to License Community and Home Health Agencies.

LD 1625 SP0620 An Act to Protect Persons with PL 1981, c. 400 Children against Discrimination in Fair Housing.

LD 1626 SP0621 An Act to Establish a Direct Payment System under the Workers' Compensation Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1627 SP0622 An Act to Establish a Direct Payment System under the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 1628 HP1512 An Act to Amend Certain Motor PL 1981, c. 437 Vehicle Laws.

LD 1629 HP1516 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 30 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Kennebec County for the Year 1981.

LD 1630 HP1517 An Act Relating to Self- insurance under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 1631 HP1514 An Act to Amend the Laws PL 1981, c. 442 Governing School Administrative Districts and Community School Districts.

LD 1632 HP1513 An Act to Authorize the Public PL 1981, c. 482 Utilities Commission to Purchase Electric Energy for Resale on a Nonprofit Basis to Electric Utilities Serving this State.

LD 1633 HP1518 An Act to Establish an PL 1981, c. 444 Emergency Radiological Response System.

LD 1634 HP1519 An Act to Establish an Emergency Radiological Response System.

LD 1635 HP1529 An Act to Clarify Certain Provisions of Law Relating to the Method of Voting for School Committee Members of the Wells-Ogunquit Community School District.

LD 1636 HP1526 An Act Assuring Legislative PL 1981, c. 439 Participation in Nuclear Waste Repository Research and Development Activity within the State.

LD 1637 SP0628 An Act to Authorize Municipal PL 1981, c. 438 and Quasi-municipal Water Districts to Set Rates.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1638 SP0629 An Act to Increase Local Control PL 1981, c. 447 of Water Districts.

LD 1639 SP0630 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 527 Protection of Incapacitated and Dependent Adults.

LD 1640 HP1527 An Act to Amend the Hazardous PL 1981, c. 430 Waste Statute to Meet Certain Requirements for Delegation of the Federal Program and to Provide Internal Consistency.

LD 1641 HP1528 An Act to Authorize a General (Original Title) Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $2,500,000 to Assist Municipalities with Resource Recovery of Solid Waste.

LD 1641 HP1528 An Act to Authorize a General (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 528 Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $1,500,000 to Assist Municipalities with Resource Recovery of Solid Waste.

LD 1642 HP1530 An Act to Specify the PL 1981, c. 431 Exemptions which will Apply in Bankruptcy Cases.

LD 1643 HP1531 An Act Relating to Permits and PL 1981, c. 432 Inspection for Electrical Installation in Commercial Buildings under the Electrician Law.

LD 1644 HP1532 An Act to Clarify Certain PL 1981, c. 433 Provisions of the Marine Resources Laws.

LD 1645 HP1533 An Act to Promote Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Education and Rehabilitation.

LD 1646 HP1534 An Act to Equalize the Treatment of all Manufactured Housing.

LD 1647 SP0632 An Act to Amend the Site PL 1981, c. 449 Location of Development Law to Protect Ground Water.

LD 1648 SP0633 An Act to Establish the Dental PL 1981, c. 440 Practice Act.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1649 SP0634 An Act to Provide for a Commission to Propose a Method of Providing Volunteer Legal Services.

LD 1650 HP1538 An Act to Provide for the Setoff PL 1981, c. 504 against Income Tax Refunds of Debts Owed to the State or Collectible by the State.

LD 1651 SP0636 An Act to Authorize a Water P&SL 1981, c. 55 District for the Town of Milbridge in Washington County.

LD 1652 SP0637 An Act to Restructure the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 1653 SP0638 An Act to Encourage Small PL 1981, c. 450 Power Facilities.

LD 1654 HP1539 An Act Promoting Alcoholism Prevention, Education, Treatment and Research.

LD 1655 HP1540 An Act Promoting Alcoholism PL 1981, c. 454 Prevention, Education, Treatment and Research.

LD 1656 HP1541 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 448 Securities Act.

LD 1657 HP1542 An Act to Amend the Rule- PL 1981, c. 524 making and Review Process of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

LD 1658 HP1544 An Act to Phase Down the PL 1981, c. 451 Inheritance Tax and to Replace the Inheritance Tax with an Estate Tax Equal to the Federal Credit for State Death Tax.

LD 1659 HP1545 An Act to Establish Rights for PL 1981, c. 445 Residents of Nursing, Boarding and Foster Homes.

LD 1660 HP1543 An Act Relating to Informed Consent and Determination of Best Interest for those Unable to Give Informed Consent for Sterilization.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1661 HP1548 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 35 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of York County for the Year 1981.

LD 1662 SP0642 An Act to Establish and PL 1981, c. 512 Coordinate Training, Education and Employment Programs for Recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

LD 1663 HP1550 An Act to Authorize Bond Issues P&SL 1981, c. 64 up to the Amount of $4,100,000 for Energy Conservation Improvements for State-owned Buildings, Completion of State of Maine Park Facilities and Equipment Replacement for the Maine Public Broadcasting Network in the State of Maine.

LD 1664 HP1551 An Act to Authorize a Bond Issue in the Amount of $5,100,000 for Energy Conservation Improvements for State-owned Buildings, Completion of State of Maine Park Facilities and Equipment Replacement for the Maine Public Broadcasting Network in the State of Maine.

LD 1665 HP1549 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 59 the Bethel Water District.

LD 1666 HP1555 An Act to Provide Photographic PL 1981, c. 506 Nonalterable Drivers' Licenses and Identification Cards.

LD 1667 HP1557 An Act to Establish a Program of Funded Self-insurance for Public Schools and Municipalities.

LD 1668 HP1558 An Act Providing for Certain PL 1981, c. 473 Public Utility Bond Financing by the Maine Municipal Bond Bank.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1669 HP1559 An Act to Define Eligibility for School Purposes and to Determine Financial Responsibility for the Education of State Wards and Students who are not State Wards.

LD 1670 HP1562 An Act to Provide More Public PL 1981, c. 466 Accountability for Sewer and Sanitary Districts.

LD 1671 HP1563 An Act to Recodify and Amend PL 1981, c. 476 the Maine Guarantee Authority Laws.

LD 1672 HP1577 An Act Relating to the P&SL 1981, c. 60 Provisions of the Charter of the Brunswick Sewer District.

LD 1673 HP1578 An Act to Create the Public PL 1981, c. 479 Advocate to Represent the Interests of Utility Customers.

LD 1674 SP0648 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 455 Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority Act.

LD 1675 HP1581 An Act to Authorize and Encourage Risk Capital Funds.

LD 1676 SP0650 An Act to Continue the Maine Turnpike Authority.

LD 1677 SP0649 An Act to Make Corrections of PL 1981, c. 470 Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine.

LD 1678 HP1576 An Act to Reform the PL 1981, c. 469 Regulation of Carriers of Passengers and Freight.

LD 1679 SP0654 An Act to Remove the Customer PL 1981, c. 457 Charge from Electric Utility Rate Structures.

LD 1680 HP1589 An Act to Maintain and Improve PL 1981, c. 480 Marine Patrol Services.

LD 1681 HP1585 An Act to Reform the Statutes PL 1981, c. 468 Relating to Driving under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1682 HP1586 An Act to Reform the Statutes Relating to Driving under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs.

LD 1683 HP1598 An Act to Fund and Implement (Original Title) Certain Collective Bargaining Agreements and to Fund and Implement Benefits for State Employees Excluded from Collective Bargaining.

LD 1683 HP1598 An Act to Fund and Implement (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 453 Certain Collective Bargaining Agreements and to Fund and Implement Benefits for State Employees Excluded from Collective Bargaining and to Provide Funding to the University of Maine for Collective Bargaining Purposes and to Provide Additional Funding for the Maine Maritime Academy.

LD 1684 SP0660 An Act to Establish a Hazardous Waste Response Fund and to Facilitate the Development of Needed Waste Facilities.

LD 1685 SP0661 An Act to Establish a Hazardous PL 1981, c. 478 Waste Response Fund and to Facilitate the Development of Needed Waste Facilities.

LD 1686 SP0666 An Act Making Supplemental PL 1981, c. 463 Appropriations from the General Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1981, June 30, 1982, and June 30, 1983.

LD 1687 HP1625 An Act Concerning Homestead Tax Relief.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1688 HP1660 An Act to Establish Temporary PL 1981, c. 481 Minimum Prices to be Paid to Milk Dealers and Retailers and to Facilitate Compliance of the Milk Commission with Recent Cases before the Maine Courts.

LD 1689 HP1652 An Act to Create a Fuel Efficiency Adjustment Program and Other Highway Revenue Adjustments.

LD 1690 HP1653 An Act to Fund the Highway Allocation Act for Fiscal Years 1981-82 and 1982-83.

LD 1691 HP1696 An Act to Make Allocations PL 1981, c. 492 from the Highway Fund and Appropriations from the General Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982, and June 30, 1983, to Establish a Local Road Assistance Program, to Continue the Maine Turnpike Authority and to Adjust Highway Fund Revenue.

LD 1692 SP0701 An Act to Make Additional PL 1981, c. 529 Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine.

LD 1693 SP0714 An Act to Amend a Bond Issue P&SL 1981, c. 75 to Increase the Amount by $5,000,000 and to Provide Authority to Construct, Acquire or Improve Drydocks and Other Ship Construction and Repair Facilities.

LD 1694 HP1705 Resolution, Proposing an Const Res 1981, c. 3 Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Decrease the Bonding Limit of the Maine School Building Authority from $10,000,000 to $6,000,000.

LD 1695 SP0715 An Act to Amend a Bond Issue P&SL 1981, c. 76 for Highway and Bridge Improvements.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1696 SP0716 An Act to Amend a General PL 1981, c. 530 Fund Bond Issue for the Purposes of Assisting Municipalities with Resource Recovery of Solid Waste.

LD 1697 SP0717 An Act Making Appropriations, Authorizations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Relating to Federal Grants Necessary to the Proper Operation of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 1698 HP1706 An Act to Clarify the Status of PL 1981, c. 532 Certain Real Estate Titles in the State.

LD 1699 HP1707 An Act to Require State Bond PL 1981, c. 533 Issues Passed at the First Regular Session and the First Special Session of the 110th Legislature to Include all Interest Involved for each Question and to be Placed on the Ballot.

LD 1700 HP1708 An Act Concerning the Sale and PL 1981, c. 531 Use of Drug Paraphernalia.

LD 1701 HP1709 Resolve, to Authorize Franklin Resolve 1981, c. 40 County Commissioners to Expend no more than $120,000 to Subsidize the Farmington Branch of the Maine Central Railroad.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1702 SP0718 An Act Making Appropriations, PL 1981, c. 534 Authorizations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Relating to Federal Grants Necessary to the Proper Operation of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 1703 HP1716 An Act Providing for Conformity PL 1981, c. 536 with the United States Internal Revenue Code as of December 1, 1981.

LD 1704 HP1719 An Act to Revise the Maine State Retirement Law to Provide Local Participating Districts the Option of Paying Employees' Mandatory Contributions to the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1705 HP1720 An Act Relating to Wild Birds and Wild Animals Kept in Captivity.

LD 1706 HP1721 An Act to Eliminate a PL 1981, c. 545 Mandatory Public Hearing for Permits to Locate Solid Waste Disposal Areas Closer than 300 Feet to a Classified Body of Surface Water.

LD 1707 HP1722 An Act Relating to Control of PL 1981, c. 563 Nuisance Wildlife.

LD 1708 HP1723 An Act to Define Open Firearm PL 1981, c. 573 Season on Deer.

LD 1709 HP1724 An Act to Clarify and Make PL 1981, c. 547 Corrections in the Labor Laws of Maine.

LD 1710 HP1725 An Act Relating to Interstate Signing.

LD 1711 HP1726 An Act to Protect Maine Milk PL 1981, c. 574 Producers from Abrupt Loss of Markets.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1712 HP1727 An Act to Revise the Fair Credit PL 1981, c. 610 Reporting Act and to Conform it to Recent Maine Judicial Decisions.

LD 1713 HP1728 An Act to Adjust the Fees for PL 1981, c. 577 Licenses of the Electricians' Examining Board.

LD 1714 HP1729 An Act to Clarify the First Lien Mortgage Exemption in the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 1715 HP1730 An Act to Clarify the Procedure PL 1981, c. 655 for Budget Meetings.

LD 1716 HP1731 An Act Pertaining to Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Laws.

LD 1717 HP1732 An Act to Amend Certain PL 1981, c. 564 Provisions of the Elevator Laws.

LD 1718 HP1733 An Act to Regulate the PL 1981, c. 622 Materials, Construction and Installation of Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuels Burning Appliances.

LD 1719 HP1734 An Act Relating to Emergency PL 1981, c. 649 Closure of Contaminated Shellfish Areas.

LD 1720 HP1735 An Act to Clarify Certain PL 1981, c. 586 Provisions of the Public Advocates Statutes.

LD 1721 HP1736 Resolve, Reimbursing Great Pond on Account of Taxes Lost Due to Lands Being Classified Under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 1722 HP1737 Resolve, Reimbursing Certain Municipalities on Account of Taxes Lost Due to the Veterans Property Tax Exemption.

LD 1723 SP0738 An Act to Address the Potential PL 1981, c. 632 Conflict of Interest of the Board of Pesticides Control.

LD 1724 SP0739 An Act to Adjust the Fees for PL 1981, c. 567 Licenses Issued by the Arborist Examining Board.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1725 SP0740 An Act to Amend the Membership of the Governor's Advisory Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment.

LD 1726 SP0741 An Act to Transfer Certain PL 1981, c. 571 Responsibilities for Insect Nuisance Identification from the Department of Conservation to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources.

LD 1727 HP1738 An Act to Correct Errors in the Education Laws.

LD 1728 HP1739 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 45 Exchange of Certain Public Reserved Lands.

LD 1729 HP1740 An Act to Eliminate Discrimination in the Granting of Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses.

LD 1730 HP1741 An Act Allowing Variations on PL 1981, c. 552 Interest Reflecting Conventional Interest Rates on Overdue Employer Contributions to the Bureau of Employment Security.

LD 1731 HP1742 An Act to Clarify Fish Inspection Responsibilities.

LD 1732 HP1743 An Act to Create a Revolving PL 1981, c. 542 Fund for Publications of the Department of Conservation.

LD 1733 HP1744 Resolve, Authorizing the Bureau Resolve 1981, c. 41 of Public Lands to Convey by Bid Sale of the State's Interest in Certain Real Property in the Unorganized Territory in Knox County.

LD 1734 HP1745 Resolve, Authorizing the (Original Title) Transfer of the Care and Custody of Certain Property to Grand Falls Township to the Bureau of Public Lands.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1734 HP1745 Resolve, Authorizing the (Final Title) Resolve 1981, c. 42 Transfer of the Care and Custody of Certain Property of Grand Falls Township to the Bureau of Public Lands.

LD 1735 HP1746 An Act Providing for Resolve 1981, c. 43 Administrative Changes in the Maine Tax Laws.

LD 1736 HP1747 An Act Providing Greater PL 1981, c. 559 Flexibility in the Use of State Public Transportation Funds for Operating Assistance to Public Transportation Providers.

LD 1737 IB0002 An Act to Adjust Annually Individual Income Tax Laws to Eliminate Inflation-induced Increases in Individual State Income Taxes.

LD 1738 SP0742 An Act Permitting Deaf Persons to Serve on Juries.

LD 1739 HP1749 An Act to Provide an In-state Practice Option as a Loan Forgiveness Factor of the Osteopathic Student Loan Program.

LD 1740 HP1750 An Act to Provide for PL 1981, c. 565 Withdrawal of Certain Lands from the Spruce Budworm Suppression Program.

LD 1741 HP1751 An Act to Allocate Funds from P&SL 1981, c. 89 the Low-level Waste Siting Fund.

LD 1742 HP1752 An Act to Clarify Variable Rate PL 1981, c. 579 Disclosures in the Maine Consumer Credit Code.

LD 1743 HP1753 An Act to Amend the PL 1981, c. 548 Employment Security Law to Include Federal Requirements and Other Options Available to the State.

LD 1744 HP1754 An Act to Regulate the Harvest (Original Title) of Antlerless Deer Within the Western Deer Zone.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1744 HP1754 An Act to Regulate the Harvest (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 624 of Antlerless Deer.

LD 1745 HP1755 An Act to Allow the Chairman to (Original Title) Appoint Members of the Public Utilities Commission to Serve as Hearing Examiners.

LD 1745 HP1755 An Act to Allow the Chairman of (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 642 the Public Utilities Commission to Make Sure that a Commission Member is Present at Certain Hearings.

LD 1746 SP0743 An Act to Establish a Small PL 1981, c. 667 Claims Court.

LD 1747 SP0744 An Act Relating to Property Taxes Prorated between Seller and Purchaser.

LD 1748 SP0745 An Act to Create a Commission to Prepare a Revision of the Public Utilities Law.

LD 1749 SP0746 An Act to Provide the District PL 1981, c. 585 Courts with Concurrent Jurisdiction Over Mechanics Lien Actions.

LD 1750 SP0747 An Act Relating to Detention of Shoplifters.

LD 1751 SP0748 An Act Concerning Declaration of Value for Deeds of Distribution.

LD 1752 SP0749 An Act Concerning Payment of PL 1981, c. 658 School Committee Debts.

LD 1753 SP0750 An Act to Authorize One PL 1981, c. 544 Corporation to Permit its Name to be Used by Another Corporation.

LD 1754 SP0751 An Act Concerning Annuity PL 1981, c. 546 Agreements with the University of Maine.

LD 1755 SP0752 An Act to Require the Recording of Certain Zoning Actions.

LD 1756 SP0753 Resolution, Proposing an (Original Title) Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Limit the Life of Bond Issues.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1756 SP0753 Resolution, Proposing an (Final Title) Const Res 1981, c. 4 Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Limit the Life of Bond Authorizations.

LD 1757 HP1803 An Act to Ensure Funding for the Eventual Decommissioning of any Nuclear Power Plant.

LD 1758 HP1768 An Act to Permit the Town of P&SL 1981, c. 82 Mechanic Falls to Withdraw from the Group Life Insurance Program under the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1759 HP1769 An Act to Provide that Administrative Employees of School Superintendents' Offices be Recognized as Members of the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1760 HP1770 An Act to Permit the Town of P&SL 1981, c. 81 Mexico to Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1761 HP1771 An Act to Increase the Potato Tax.

LD 1762 HP1772 An Act to Clarify License PL 1981, c. 543 Requirements for Municipal Work under the Electrician's Law.

LD 1763 HP1773 An Act to Clarify the Deposit PL 1981, c. 553 Authority and Conversion Procedures of Savings and Loan Associations.

LD 1764 HP1774 An Act Concerning Need Under PL 1981, c. 652 the School Lunch Program.

LD 1765 HP1775 An Act to Establish a Uniform PL 1981, c. 575 Hunting Season for Raccoons.

LD 1766 HP1776 An Act to Require Removal of PL 1981, c. 578 Motor Vehicles from Great Ponds, Rivers and Streams.

LD 1767 HP1777 An Act to Require the Collection of Medicaid Copayments.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1768 HP1778 An Act to Permit the Juvenile Court to Impose Parental Financial Support Orders in Certain Cases Under the Juvenile Code.

LD 1769 HP1779 An Act to Make Intentional or Knowing Default on Payment of Civil Penalties to the State a Class E Offense.

LD 1770 HP1780 An Act to Clarify the Term PL 1981, c. 560 "Account" in the Probate Code.

LD 1771 HP1781 An Act to Revise the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 78 Hebron Academy.

LD 1772 HP1782 Resolve, Authorizing the City of South Portland to Bring a Civil Action Against the State.

LD 1773 HP1783 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Lucerne-in-Maine Village Corporation.

LD 1774 HP1784 An Act Converting West Forks P&SL 1981, c. 77 Plantation into the Town of West Forks.

LD 1775 HP1785 An Act to Prohibit County Departments from Overspending their Budgets.

LD 1776 HP1786 An Act to Require the Department of Environmental Protection to Obtain the Approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources Prior to Issuing a License to Discharge Waste Waters to Tidal Waters.

LD 1777 HP1787 An Act to Clarify the Discharge PL 1981, c. 695 Requirements for the Processing of Certain Marine Resources.

LD 1778 HP1788 An Act to Prevent the Pollution of Burntland Pond.

LD 1779 HP1789 An Act to Establish the Position PL 1981, c. 582 of Director of Engineering Within the Public Utilities Commission.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1780 HP1790 An Act to Eliminate the PL 1981, c. 666 Requirement that Changes in the Public Utility Rates be Prorated.

LD 1781 HP1791 An Act to Clarify the Regulation PL 1981, c. 628 of Sewer Districts.

LD 1782 HP1792 Resolution, Proposing an (Original Title) Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Prohibiting Bond Issues of Less than $2,000,000.

LD 1782 HP1792 An Act Prohibiting Bond Issues (Final Title) of Less than $2,000,000.

LD 1783 HP1793 Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Prevent Combining more than One Bond Issue Item in a Single Bond Issue Bill.

LD 1784 HP1794 An Act to Define the Raising of PL 1981, c. 680 Seeds as Agricultural Production under the Sales and Use Tax Law.

LD 1785 HP1795 An Act Concerning the Rate of PL 1981, c. 682 Return on Investment Factor Under the Railroad Excise Tax.

LD 1786 HP1796 An Act to Remove Wallagrass PL 1981, c. 627 Plantation from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1787 HP1797 An Act to Restore a Property Tax Exemption Previously Granted to the American Red Cross.

LD 1788 HP1798 An Act to Provide Directional Signs on the Maine Turnpike for Westbrook College.

LD 1789 HP1799 An Act to Study the Cost and Feasibility of Constructing Safe Walkway Barriers on the Memorial Bridge in Augusta.

LD 1790 HP1800 An Act to Provide a Directional (Original Title) Sign at Exit 11 of the Maine Turnpike Indicating Sunday River Recreational Area.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1790 HP1800 An Act to Provide a Directional (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 613 Sign at Exit 11 of the Maine Turnpike Indicating Mr. Abram Ski Area and Sunday River Ski Resort.

LD 1791 SP0756 An Act to Clarify the Percent for the Art Law.

LD 1792 HP1807 An Act to Increase the Working PL 1981, c. 607 Capital of the State Liquor Commission.

LD 1793 HP1808 An Act to Provide Emergency PL 1981, c. 539 Powers to the Superintendent of the Bureau of Banking to Expedite Mergers and Consolidations of Financially Troubled State-chartered Financial Institutions.

LD 1794 HP1809 An Act to Adjust Fees for Licenses issued by the Real Estate Commission.

LD 1795 HP1810 An Act to Amend the Law Establishing the Maine Self- Insurance Guarantee Association.

LD 1796 HP1811 An Act to Ensure Consistency in PL 1981, c. 617 State and Federal Laws Concerning Job Opportunities for Welfare Recipients.

LD 1797 HP1812 An Act to Permit the Attorney PL 1981, c. 549 General to Authorize his Deputies to Act in his Place in Certain Situations.

LD 1798 HP1813 An Act to Authorize a Self- liquidating Bond Issue for Kennebec County for the Construction of a New Detention Facility.

LD 1799 HP1814 An Act to Permit Counties to Charge a Service Fee for Use of the County Jail.

LD 1800 HP1815 An Act to Amend the Law Enabling the Supply of Water to the City of Bangor.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1801 HP1816 An Act to Remove Winterville Plantation from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1802 HP1817 An Act to Remove Allagash PL 1981, c. 626 Plantation from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1803 HP1818 An Act to Remove West Forks Plantation from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1804 HP1819 An Act to Require the Towing of (Original Title) Unauthorized Vehicles from Parking Areas Designated for Handicapped Persons' Vehicles.

LD 1804 HP1819 An Act Related to Handicapped (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 587 Parking in Municipalities.

LD 1805 HP1820 An Act to Authorize Lincoln P&SL 1981, c. 84 County to Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1806 HP1821 An Act Relative to the Theft of PL 1981, c. 668 Utility Services.

LD 1807 HP1825 An Act to Authorize PL 1981, c. 602 Governmental Entities to Provide Self-insurance.

LD 1808 HP1826 An Act Concerning Annual Report of Filings for Profit and Nonprofit Corporations.

LD 1809 HP1827 An Act to Permit Municipalities PL 1981, c. 598 to Adopt Contract Zoning under the Maine Zoning Laws.

LD 1810 HP1828 An Act to Repeal the Sunset PL 1981, c. 554 Provision of the Family Abuse Law.

LD 1811 HP1829 An Act to Change the 30-day PL 1981, c. 555 Notice concerning State Agency Liquor Stores.

LD 1812 HP1830 Resolve, Authorizing David Condon to Bring Suit Against the State.

LD 1813 HP1831 Resolve, Authorizing the State Resolve 1981, c. 44 Tax Assessor to Convey the Interest of the State in Certain Real Estate in the Unorganized Territory.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1814 HP1832 An Act Relating to Periodic Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law.

LD 1815 SP0757 An Act to Retain Weight (Original Title) Tolerance for Certain Vehicles under the Motor Vehicle Law.

LD 1815 SP0757 An Act Relating to Weight (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 556 Tolerance for Certain Vehicles Under the Motor Vehicle Law.

LD 1816 SP0758 An Act to Clarify the Tax Status of Time-sharing Condominiums.

LD 1817 SP0759 An Act to Amend the Maine (Original Title) Consumer Credit Code Regarding Second Mortgages and Mobile Homes.

LD 1817 SP0759 An Act to Amend the Maine (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 618 Consumer Credit Code Regarding First Mortgages and Mobile Homes.

LD 1818 SP0760 An Act to Permit the Establishment of Additional Agency Stores on a Seasonal Basis.

LD 1819 SP0761 An Act to Clarify the Fees for PL 1981, c. 557 the Registry of Deeds.

LD 1820 SP0762 An Act to Require Municipal PL 1981, c. 623 Approval Prior to Issuing Permits to Discharge Petroleum Products into the Tidal Waters of the State.

LD 1821 SP0771 An Act Establishing a Directional (Original Title) Sign at Exit 8 of the Maine Turnpike Indicating St. Joseph's College.

LD 1821 SP0771 An Act Establishing Directional (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 566 Signs at Exit 8 of the Maine Turnpike for St. Joseph's College, the University of Southern Maine and Westbrook College.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1822 SP0764 An Act to Provide for Discount Automobile Insurance for 3 Years for Persons 55 Years Old or Older upon Completion of a Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Course.

LD 1823 SP0765 An Act Relating to Guide Dogs PL 1981, c. 584 for Handicapped Persons.

LD 1824 SP0766 An Act to Amend the Maine Medical Compact.

LD 1825 SP0767 An Act Concerning Grandfather PL 1981, c. 561 Provisions with the Oil Burnerman's Licensing Law.

LD 1826 SP0768 An Act to Clarify the Certificate PL 1981, c. 572 of Approval Holder and Maine Wholesale Licensee Agreement Act.

LD 1827 SP0769 An Act to Limit the State's Ability to Make Lease-purchase Agreements.

LD 1828 HP1847 An Act to Regulate the Sound Level of Entertainment on Premises Licensed to Sell Liquor.

LD 1829 HP1848 An Act to Change the Time Limitations for Filing a Claim for Compensation of Occupational Disease.

LD 1830 HP1850 An Act to Provide for the PL 1981, c. 537 Appointment of a Provisional County Treasurer.

LD 1831 HP1834 An Act to Appropriate $5,000 for the National Guard Scholarship Program at Vocational-technical Institutes.

LD 1832 HP1835 An Act to Allow Priority Social PL 1981, c. 608 Service Program Funds to Match Appropriate Federal Funds.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1833 HP1836 An Act to Exempt Portions of PL 1981, c. 580 the Central Maine Air Quality Control Region from Petroleum Liquids Transfer Vapor Recovery Requirements.

LD 1834 HP1837 An Act to Clarify the Statutes PL 1981, c. 641 Pertaining to Search and Rescue.

LD 1835 HP1838 An Act to Provide that (Original Title) Procedures Covered by the Maine Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid and Catastrophic Illness) Shall Be Reimburseable Whether Performed by a Physician or Dentist.

LD 1835 HP1838 An Act to Provide that (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 665 Procedures Covered by the Maine Medical Assistance Program (Catastrophic Illness) Shall Be Reimburseable Whether Performed by a Physician or Dentist.

LD 1836 HP1841 An Act Regulating the Taking of PL 1981, c. 550 Mahogany Quahogs.

LD 1837 HP1842 An Act to Provide that Corporate Reorganization by Public Utilities be Subject to Approval by the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 1838 HP1843 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 591 Publication of a Consolidated Map of the State.

LD 1839 HP1839 An Act to Amend the Child Support Laws to Conform with Federal Statutes.

LD 1840 HP1844 Resolve, Reimbursing Certain Municipalities on Account of Taxes Lost Due to Lands Being Classified under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1841 HP1845 An Act to Establish Municipal P&SL 1981, c. 111 Cost Components for Services to be Rendered in Fiscal Year 1982-83.

LD 1842 SP0770 An Act to Adjust the Rates of Reimbursement for Adult Foster Homes and to Adopt a Cost Reimbursement Payment System for Boarding Care Facilities.

LD 1843 SP0772 An Act to Expand the Territorial Limits of Van Buren Light and Power District.

LD 1844 SP0773 An Act to Prohibit Public Utilities From Including Uncompleted Construction Work Costs in Their Rates.

LD 1845 SP0774 An Act to Permit the PL 1981, c. 606 Superintendent of Insurance to Promulgate Rules Requiring Provisions in Group Health Contracts Providing for Conversion to Individual Coverage Upon Termination of Group Coverage.

LD 1846 SP0778 An Act to Establish the Uniform Take-over Act.

LD 1847 SP0779 An Act to Require Mandatory (Original Title) Reporting of Elderly Abuse.

LD 1847 SP0779 An Act to Require Reporting of (Final Title) Abuse of Elderly or Incapacitated Adults.

LD 1848 SP0780 An Act to Allow the Transfer of PL 1981, c. 558 Venue of Civil Actions Without the Agreement of the Parties.

LD 1849 SP0781 An Act to Amend the Maine Guarantee Authority Act.

LD 1850 SP0785 An Act to Raise the Annual PL 1981, c. 599 Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund Assessments to $1,300,000.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1851 SP0786 An Act Authorizing Husson P&SL 1981, c. 105 College to Confer a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

LD 1852 SP0787 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 638 Consumer Credit Code Regarding Educational Loans and Cosigner Notices.

LD 1853 SP0789 An Act Concerning Municipal Employees under the Employment Practices Act.

LD 1854 HP1840 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 568 Preservation of Archaeological Sites.

LD 1855 HP1861 An Act to Provide for Improved Energy Policy Development Including the Preparation of an Annual Electricity Demand Forecast.

LD 1856 HP1862 An Act Relating to Bail Procedures.

LD 1857 HP1863 An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Act to Permit Rate Deductibles.

LD 1858 HP1864 An Act to Clarify the Boundary P&SL 1981, c. 85 Between the Town of Waterford and the Township of Albany.

LD 1859 HP1865 An Act to Restrict Rate Increase PL 1981, c. 681 Proposals by Public Utilities.

LD 1860 HP1866 An Act Appropriating Funds to the Department of Labor to Operate Offices of the Maine Job Service for Federal Fiscal Year 1982.

LD 1861 HP1868 An Act to Clarify the Provision of the Maine Human Rights Act Relating to Employment Discrimination Which is not Prohibited.

LD 1862 HP1877 An Act to Increase Eligibility PL 1981, c. 538 Levels for the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Act.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1863 HP1869 An Act Concerning Salaries of District Court Judges.

LD 1864 HP1870 An Act to Clarify the Right of Local Housing Authorities to Issue Mortgage Revenue Bonds.

LD 1865 HP1871 An Act Relating to the Frequency of Payments by Certain County Officials to County Treasurers.

LD 1866 HP1872 An Act to Change the Corporate Limits of the Kittery Water District.

LD 1867 SP0791 An Act Clarifying the Laws Governing Bail in Murder Cases.

LD 1868 SP0792 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 93 the East Eddington Public Hall Company.

LD 1869 SP0793 An Act Relating to the Selection and Services of Traverse and Grand Jurors.

LD 1870 HP1890 An Act Making Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 1871 HP1878 An Act to Provide Flexibility with Respect to the School Entrance Age.

LD 1872 HP1879 An Act to Establish Statutory Guidelines for the Planning and Expenditure of Social Service Funds.

LD 1873 HP1880 An Act to Use Receivership Law as an Enforcement Mechanism.

LD 1874 HP1881 An Act Concerning Negotiating a Worthless Instrument.

LD 1875 HP1882 An Act Concerning Look-alike PL 1981, c. 603 Drugs.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1876 HP1883 An Act Concerning Reimbursement of Salaries of Persons Attending the Maine Criminal Justice Academy.

LD 1877 HP1891 An Act to Provide Retired Teachers, State Employees and Beneficiaries with a Cost-of- living Increase.

LD 1878 SP0784 An Act Making Additional P&SL 1981, c. 80 Appropriations to the Work Incentive Program from the General Fund for the Current Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1982.

LD 1879 SP0797 An Act to Authorize the Use of Surplus Proceeds of Municipal Borrowing for Other Purposes.

LD 1880 SP0800 An Act Appropriating Funds and Setting Wage Reimbursement Levels for Employees of Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded.

LD 1881 HP1906 An Act to Create a Defense of Employee Noncompliance with Safety Procedures under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD 1882 HP1907 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 576 Traveler Information Services Act.

LD 1883 HP1911 An Act to Revise the Procedure for Municipalities Withdrawing from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1884 HP1892 An Act Adjusting Appropriations P&SL 1981, c. 83 and Allocations Related to Federal Block Grants for the Department of Human Services and the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1982.

LD 1885 HP1900 An Act to Provide Assistance in the Marketing of Maine Agricultural Products.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1886 HP1901 An Act to Provide a Data Input and Retrieval System for the Workers' Compensation Commission.

LD 1887 HP1902 An Act Amending the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 87 the Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor Community School District.

LD 1888 HP1903 An Act to Modify the Base Period for Purposes of Determining Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation Benefits.

LD 1889 HP1904 An Act to Repeal the Maine Bid PL 1981, c. 592 Preference Law.

LD 1890 HP1905 An Act to Amend the Exemption from Sales and Use Tax for the Sale of Certain Instrumentalities of Interstate or Foreign Commerce.

LD 1891 SP0804 An Act to Make Interstate Bank Ownership Possible.

LD 1892 SP0806 An Act to Regulate the Sale of Franchises and Business Opportunities.

LD 1893 HP1916 An Act to Establish Voluntary PL 1981, c. 597 Certification for Building Energy Auditors.

LD 1894 HP1917 An Act to Regulate Dealers in Used Goods for Resale, Trade or Scrap.

LD 1895 HP1918 An Act to Equalize the Price of Liquor throughout the State.

LD 1896 HP1927 An Act to Require Electric and Gas Energy Forecasts.

LD 1897 HP1908 An Act to Make Additional P&SL 1981, c. 102 Allocations From the Regulatory Fund, Public Utilities Commission for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1983.

LD 1898 HP1912 An Act Governing the Closing of Public Elementary and Secondary School Buildings.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1899 HP1913 An Act to Strengthen the Fire Control Laws.

LD 1900 HP1914 An Act to provide for the Use of Major Credit Cards at the Kittery Liquor Store.

LD 1901 HP1915 An Act Requiring Public Utilities Commission Approval for the Purchase of Portions of Electrical Generating Facilities by Electrical Companies or Fuel Conversion in Electrical Generating Facilities.

LD 1902 HP1920 An Act to Remove the Interstate PL 1981, c. 569 Business Exemption from the Unfair Trade Practices Act.

LD 1903 HP1921 An Act Relating to the Compensation of Public Utilities' Commissioners.

LD 1904 HP1922 Resolve, Authorizing the Maine Resolve 1981, c. 69 Forest Service to Convey by Bid Sale of the State's Interest in Certain Real Estate in the Maine Forestry District and to Use the Proceeds for Energy-saving Improvements to Other Existing Fire Control Buildings.

LD 1905 HP1925 An Act Making Adjustments to the Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 1906 SP0808 An Act to Allow Municipalities to Withdraw from the Maine Forestry District.

LD 1907 SP0811 An Act to Adjust the Eating, Lodging and Recreational Place Licensing Fee.

LD 1908 SP0812 An Act Relating to the Terms of PL 1981, c. 570 the Public Utilities Commissioners.

LD 1909 SP0813 An Act Revising Executive Salary Ranges.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1910 SP0814 An Act to Implement the Single PL 1981, c. 647 Trial Law.

LD 1911 HP1928 An Act Concerning the On-site PL 1981, c. 643 Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel.

LD 1912 HP1929 An Act to Prohibit Public Drinking on School Premises Without Requiring Prior Warning by a Law Enforcement Officer.

LD 1913 HP1930 Resolve, Authorizing Ian M. Walker to Bring Suit Against the State.

LD 1914 HP1931 An Act to Exempt the York (Original Title) Water District from the Revised Statutes, Title 35, Chapter 262, Relating to Local Control of Water Districts in Existence Prior to January 1, 1982.

LD 1914 HP1931 An Act to Clarify the Application (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 541 of the Maine Water District Act to Existing Water Districts.

LD 1915 HP1933 An Act to Equalize the Price of Liquor Throughout the State and to Determine an Appropriate Price Level.

LD 1916 HP1936 An Act to Ensure Continuance of PL 1981, c. 634 the Residential Conservation Service.

LD 1917 SP0820 An Act to Remove Legislators from Membership on Educational Boards Under Multi-State Compacts.

LD 1918 HP1942 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 540 Potato Quality Control Program.

LD 1919 HP1935 An Act to Amend the Uniform PL 1981, c. 604 Commercial Code Regarding Investment Securities.

LD 1920 HP1934 An Act to Create an Independent Health Facilities Review Organization.

LD 1921 SP0817 An Act Relating to Fuel PL 1981, c. 600 Adjustment Clause of Natural Gas Utilities.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1922 SP0818 An Act to Prohibit the Molesting of Fixed Fishing Gear.

LD 1923 SP0823 An Act to Revise the Allocation PL 1981, c. 639 of Funds to Provide Photographic Nonalterable Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards.

LD 1924 HP1953 An Act to Establish Procedures PL 1981, c. 596 for Withdrawal of Participating Local Districts from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1925 HP1948 An Act to Create Manpower Distribution Incentives in the Fields of Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry and Veterinary Medicine.

LD 1926 HP1949 An Act to Create a Cumberland County Baseball Stadium.

LD 1927 HP1955 An Act to Allow the Transfer of PL 1981, c. 609 Aquaculture Leases.

LD 1928 SP0825 An Act to Amend the Banking Code Regarding the Investment and Lending Powers of Thrift Institutions and Regarding Service Corporations.

LD 1929 HP1956 An Act to Encourage Fuel PL 1981, c. 660 Diversity by Increased Use of Natural Gas.

LD 1930 HP1957 Joint Resolution in Favor of Additional Natural Gas Supplies for the State of Maine.

LD 1931 HP1958 Joint Resolution to Establish a State Emergency Electrical Energy Conservation Plan.

LD 1932 HP1959 An Act to Establish Standard PL 1981, c. 694 Procedures Enabling the Formation of Municipal Power Districts.

LD 1933 HP1960 An Act to Amend Laws Relating PL 1981, c. 686 to the Maine Development Foundation and Economic Development.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1934 HP1961 An Act to Protect Freshwater Wetlands.

LD 1935 IB0003 An Act to Repeal the Control of Milk Prices at the Wholesale and Retail Levels.

LD 1936 SP0828 An Act to Provide for Special PL 1981, c. 581 Warehouse Storage Facilities for Liquor.

LD 1937 SP0829 An Act to Amend the Definition PL 1981, c. 589 of Table Wine.

LD 1938 SP0830 An Act to Abolish the PL 1981, c. 594 Mandatory Reporting of Alcoholism Section of the Board of Registration in Medicine Act.

LD 1939 SP0831 An Act to Provide Financial Assistance to Students of Osteopathic Medicine.

LD 1940 SP0832 An Act making Allocations (Original Title) Related to the Alcoholism Prevention, Education Treatment, and Research Fund for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1983.

LD 1940 SP0832 An Act making Allocations (Final Title) P&SL 1981, c. 109 Related to the Alcoholism Prevention, Education, Treatment and Research Fund for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1983.

LD 1941 SP0833 An Act Making Authorizations and Allocations Related to Federal Block Grants for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1983.

LD 1942 HP1967 An Act to Conform the Effective PL 1981, c. 551 Date of the Maine Consumer Credit Code - Truth in Lending (Article VIII) and Certain Other Statutes to Federal Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1943 HP1968 An Act to Amend the Certification Process for Admission into Public Mental Retardation Institutions and to Clarify the Jurisdiction of the District Court.

LD 1944 HP1969 An Act to Clarify the Criminal PL 1981, c. 669 Restraint by Parent Law.

LD 1945 HP1970 An Act to Revise the Greater P&SL 1981, c. 107 Portland Public Development Commission.

LD 1946 HP1971 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Strong Water District.

LD 1947 HP1972 An Act Excluding Wages of PL 1981, c. 635 Certain Temporary Alien Workers from Unemployment Compensation Tax.

LD 1948 HP1973 An Act to Clarify the PL 1981, c. 629 Requirement that an Estimate of Debt Service Accompany Bond Issues Presented to the Voters.

LD 1949 HP1974 An Act to Eliminate the 2¢ Excise Tax Imposed on Jet Fuel Used by International Flights.

LD 1950 HP1975 Resolve, Authorizing the State Resolve 1981, c. 46 Planning Office to Study the Implications for Maine of Canadian Tidal Power Development in the Bay of Fundy.

LD 1951 HP1976 An Act to Revise the Lubec P&SL 1981, c. 91 Water and Electric District Charter to Modify the Requirements for Issuance of Bonds.

LD 1952 HP1981 An Act to Revise the Workers' Compensation Laws Relating to Occupational Hearing Loss.

LD 1953 HP1986 An Act Concerning the Regulation of Atlantic Salmon.

LD 1954 HP1985 An Act to Incorporate the Farmington Falls Water District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1955 HP1983 An Act to Provide for the Direct Election of Community School District School Committees.

LD 1956 HP1984 An Act Relating to State Entitlement of Certain School Administrative Districts.

LD 1957 HP1989 An Act to Increase Capacity at P&SL 1981, c. 79 the Charleston Correctional Facility.

LD 1958 HP2000 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 50 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Kennebec County for the Year 1982.

LD 1959 HP2001 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 49 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Lincoln County for the Year 1982.

LD 1960 SP0837 An Act to Permit the Town of P&SL 1981, c. 90 Freeport to Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1961 SP0838 An Act Relating to the Safety of Herring Spotter Planes.

LD 1962 SP0839 An Act Relating to the PL 1981, c. 601 Installation of Utility Poles.

LD 1963 SP0840 An Act to Revise the State Takeover Bid Law.

LD 1964 SP0841 An Act Relating to Review of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Subscriber Plans.

LD 1965 SP0842 An Act to Establish the Cost of P&SL 1981, c. 100 the Maine Forestry District in Fiscal Year 1982-83.

LD 1966 HP1990 An Act to Reduce Discrimination PL 1981, c. 590 by Allowing Employees of Local Districts which Participate in the Social Security System the Option of Withdrawal from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1967 HP1991 An Act to Permit Maine Employees from the Town of Orono to Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1968 HP1992 An Act to Provide for Matching Funds for Gypsy Moth Control.

LD 1969 HP1993 An Act Regulating Certain Practices Between Television, Radio and Phonograph Manufacturers and Repair Facilities.

LD 1970 HP1994 An Act to Establish Priorities for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program in Response to Federal Cutbacks.

LD 1971 HP1995 An Act Relating to Assigned Risk Plans in Workers' Compensation Insurance.

LD 1972 HP1996 An Act Relating to the Closing of State Liquor Stores in Communities with One Store.

LD 1973 HP1997 An Act to Provide for Fuel Use Identification Decals.

LD 1974 SP0836 An Act to Make Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine.

LD 1975 HP1951 An Act to Increase the Salary of the Governor.

LD 1976 HP2005 Resolve, to Reimburse the Town of Fort Kent for Loss due to Erroneous Increase in the 1981 State Valuation.

LD 1977 HP2006 An Act to Reduce Burdensome PL 1981, c. 583 Fees for Businesses Incorporating or Expanding with No Par Value Stock.

LD 1978 HP2007 An Act Concerning Revisions in PL 1981, c. 619 the Maine Juvenile Code.

LD 1979 HP2008 An Act to Make the State PL 1981, c. 633 Unemployment Tax Exemption for Individuals Engaged in Fishing Consistent with the Federal Unemployment Tax Exemption for such Individuals.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1980 HP2009 Resolve, Authorizing the Director of the Bureau of Public Lands to Convey Certain Lands of the State in Gorham, Cumberland County.

LD 1981 HP2017 An Act to Promote Competitive Pricing in Workers' Compensation Insurance.

LD 1982 SP0847 An Act to Provide State Funding for Literary Volunteers.

LD 1983 SP0850 An Act to Equalize Health Insurance Benefits for Retired State Workers.

LD 1984 HP2014 An Act to Promote Local Control PL 1981, c. 653 of Hazardous Waste Facilities.

LD 1985 HP2015 An Act to Provide for a (Original Title) Comprehensive Carreer and Occupational Information System.

LD 1985 HP2015 An Act to Provide for a (Final Title) Comprehensive Career and Occupational Information System.

LD 1986 HP2021 An Act to Authorize the Treasurer of State to Issue Tax Exempt Commercial Paper.

LD 1987 HP2016 An Act Relating to the Board of Harbor Commissioners and its Powers for the Harbor of Portland.

LD 1988 HP2029 An Act Relating to the Provision of Rehabilitation as Part of the Workers' Compensation Law.

LD 1989 IB0004 An Act to End the Use of Nuclear Power for Producing Electricity in Five Years.

LD 1990 SP0861 An Act Recodifying the Law Regarding Exceptional Students in Residential Placements.

LD 1991 SP0854 An Act to Facilitate the Removal PL 1981, c. 683 of Clouds on Titles to Proposed Unaccepted Streets in Subdivisions.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 1992 SP0855 An Act to Accept P&SL 1981, c. 112 Relinquishment of Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction Over Marshall Point Light Station in the Town of St. George.

LD 1993 SP0860 An Act to Authorize PL 1981, c. 648 Municipalities to Establish and Maintain Employment Offices.

LD 1994 HP2026 An Act to Authorize Sagadahoc County to Withdraw from the Maine State Retirement System.

LD 1995 HP2027 An Act Concerning the Chasing of Wild Animals by Dogs.

LD 1996 HP2030 An Act to Permit Persons PL 1981, c. 593 Employed by Games of Chance Licensees as Bartenders to Operate and Conduct Certain Licensed Games of Chance.

LD 1997 HP2049 An Act to Establish the Cost of (Original Title) the 1982 Spruce Budworm Spray Project.

LD 1997 HP2049 An Act to Establish the Cost of (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 630 the 1982 Spruce Budworm Spray Project and Amend the Spruce Budworm Suppression Act.

LD 1998 HP2052 An Act to Prevent Utilities from Excessive Recovery of Costs of Electric Plants in which they have Cancelled or Abandoned Participation.

LD 1999 HP2053 An Act to Allow for Industrial PL 1981, c. 676 Development Improvements Utilizing Tax Increment Financing.

LD 2000 HP2050 An Act Concerning Maine Emergency Medical Services.

LD 2001 HP2051 An Act to Amend the Concealed Weapons Law.

LD 2002 HP2055 An Act to Provide Staggered PL 1981, c. 631 Expiration Dates for Terms of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Advisory Council Members.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2003 SP0862 An Act to Provide for New Home Construction and Development.

LD 2004 HP2028 An Act to Permit Physicians' PL 1981, c. 615 Assistants to Take Blood Samples in Cases Involving Operating Under the Influence.

LD 2005 HP2060 An Act to Amend the Concealed Weapons Law.

LD 2006 SP0864 An Act Relating to Harness Racing at Agricultural Fairs, the State Stipend and Pari-mutuel Pools.

LD 2007 HP2066 An Act to Clarify Solar Energy Tax Exemptions.

LD 2008 HP2067 An Act to Permit and Regulate the Location of Group Homes in Residential Districts.

LD 2009 HP2068 An Act Converting Grand Lake P&SL 1981, c. 99 Stream Plantation into the Town of Grand Lake Stream.

LD 2010 HP2069 An Act to Clarify the Effect of an PL 1981, c. 687 Attorney's Opinion on the Procedures for Initiating Amendments to Municipal Charters.

LD 2011 HP2070 An Act to Amend the Medical PL 1981, c. 616 Practice Act.

LD 2012 HP2071 An Act Creating the Housing Opportunities for Maine (HOME) Program and Governing Program Funds Appropriated by this Act to the Maine State Housing Authority.

LD 2013 SP0868 An Act to Amend the Terms of P&SL 1981, c. 88 the Directors of the Auburn Water and Sewerage Districts.

LD 2014 SP0869 An Act to Provide for Identifying Seed Potatoes.

LD 2015 SP0867 An Act to Facilitate Acquisition, PL 1981, c. 620 Improvement and Construction of Housing Financed through the Maine State Housing

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD 2016 HP2073 An Act to Prevent Abuses in Certain Land Installment Contracts.

LD 2017 HP2074 An Act to Index Annually the Standard Deduction Provision of the Maine Personal Income Tax and to Provide for a Statutory Referendum.

LD 2018 HP2075 An Act Relating to Maintenance PL 1981, c. 588 and Snow Removal in Compact Areas.

LD 2019 SP0870 An Act to Create the Maine PL 1981, c. 699 Condominium Act.

LD 2020 HP2072 An Act to Revise the Military PL 1981, c. 650 Laws of the State.

LD 2021 HP2079 An Act to Require Safety Information with Wood Stoves and Furnaces.

LD 2022 HP2088 An Act to Create a State Set- PL 1981, c. 664 aside System for Petroleum Products.

LD 2023 HP2084 An Act to Fund and Implement P&SL 1981, c. 95 Collective Bargaining Agreements Relating to Vocational-Technical Institute Employees.

LD 2024 HP2087 An Act Authorizing the County (Original Title) of Cumberland to Raise Funds for the Construction of a Court House, Capital Improvements and Related Facilities.

LD 2024 HP2087 An Act Authorizing the County (Final Title) of Cumberland to Raise and Expend Funds for the Construction of a Court House and for Capital Improvements to and Related Facilities for Certain Court Houses.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2025 HP2102 An Act to Extend the Time for the Apportionment of County Taxes.

LD 2026 HP2103 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 51 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Waldo County for the Year 1982.

LD 2027 HP2085 An Act Enabling the State Planning Office to Administer the Community Development Block Grant Program.

LD 2028 HP2086 An Act Enabling the Department P&SL 1981, c. 101 of Educational and Cultural Services to Administer the Education Block Grant Program.

LD 2029 HP2095 An Act to Provide for Mandatory Jail Sentences for Repeat Offenders who Commit Certain Crimes on or to a Person 60 Years of Age or Older.

LD 2030 HP2096 An Act to Ensure Funding for the Eventual Decommissioning of and Spent Fuel Disposal at Any Nuclear Power Plant.

LD 2031 HP2097 An Act to Revise the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 103 the Brunswick Sewer District.

LD 2032 SP0886 An Act Amending the Code of Fair Practices and Affirmative Action.

LD 2033 SP0887 An Act Concerning Solid Waste Disposal Sites.

LD 2034 SP0888 An Act to Clarify the Authority of the Courts to Remand Persons to Alcohol Shelters.

LD 2035 HP2114 An Act to Extend the Time for PL 1981, c. 562 the Apportionment of County Taxes.

LD 2036 HP2111 An Act to Establish "Free Look" PL 1981, c. 605 Requirements for Medicare Supplement Policies.

LD 2037 HP2112 An Act to Require Installation of Electrical Generators in Nursing Homes for Emergency Use.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2038 SP0900 An Act to Amend the Maine Certificate of Need Law.

LD 2039 HP2118 An Act Relating to the Collection of Signatures at Polling Places.

LD 2040 HP2121 An Act to Eliminate PL 1981, c. 611 Discrimination in Cases of Prostitution.

LD 2041 HP2119 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 104 the Lincoln Water District.

LD 2042 SP0897 An Act to Revise the Education PL 1981, c. 693 Laws.

LD 2043 HP2129 An Act to Create an Excise Tax on Mining Companies.

LD 2044 HP2128 An Act Permitting the Establishment of Student Loan Corporations.

LD 2045 HP2127 An Act Amending the PL 1981, c. 670 Electricians' Licensing Law.

LD 2046 SP0902 An Act to Provide Equal Access to Justice.

LD 2047 SP0905 An Act to Provide for the Storage and Disposal of Illegal and Obsolete Pesticides and Handling Empty Pesticides Containers.

LD 2048 SP0906 An Act to Protect the Atlantic PL 1981, c. 674 Salmon Fishery in the Lower Penobscot River from Veazie to the Southernmost Point of Verona Island.

LD 2049 HP2143 An Act to Revise the Term of Appointment of Legislative Directors and Officers.

LD 2050 HP2144 An Act to Authorize the Repair, Maintenance and Improvement of the Building and Grounds of the Statehouse.

LD 2051 HP2142 An Act to Incorporate the P&SL 1981, c. 86 Farmington Falls Water District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2052 HP2149 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 64 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Sagadahoc County for the Year 1982.

LD 2053 HP2136 An Act to Clarify the 1981 Amendments Relating to the Operating Under the Influence and Habitual Offender Laws.

LD 2054 HP2151 An Act to Amend Charters of P&SL 1981, c. 92 Various Water Districts Organized Under the Private and Special Laws Including Milbridge and Strong.

LD 2055 HP2153 An Act to Remove the Sales Tax Exemption on Motor Fuels.

LD 2056 HP2155 An Act Clarifying the Laws Governing Bail in Certain Capital Cases.

LD 2057 HP2157 An Act to Increase the Sardine PL 1981, c. 614 Tax.

LD 2058 HP2158 An Act to Remove Restrictions Preventing Persons Elected to the Legislature from Receiving Certain Benefits.

LD 2059 HP2159 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 48 Commissioner of Marine Resources to Convey an Easement over Certain State Land.

LD 2060 HP2160 An Act to Revise the Laws Pertaining to Bail in Criminal Cases.

LD 2061 SP0920 Resolution, Proposing an Const Res 1981, c. 5 Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Authorize the Credit of the State to be Loaned to Secure Funds for Loans to Parents of Maine Students Attending Institutions of Higher Education.

LD 2062 HP2162 An Act Relating to the Sale and PL 1981, c. 671 Purchase of Herring.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2063 HP2163 An Act to Provide the Authority PL 1981, c. 684 to the Commissioner of Marine Resources to Register a Trademark.

LD 2064 HP2165 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 595 Turnpike Authority Statutes.

LD 2065 HP2179 An Act Relating to Informed PL 1981, c. 621 Consent and Determination of Best Interest for those Unable to Give Informed Consent for Sterilization.

LD 2066 SP0925 An Act Implementing Certain Recommendations of the Citizens' Commission to Evaluate the Department of Environmental Protection.

LD 2067 HP2183 An Act to Open State Collective Bargaining to the Public.

LD 2068 HP2178 An Act to Revise the Definition PL 1981, c. 625 of Forest Land for Purposes of the Tree Growth Tax Law and to Require Notification of Landowners' Obligation to Reapply.

LD 2069 HP2177 An Act to Establish the Discount PL 1981, c. 636 Rate for the Tree Growth Tax Law.

LD 2070 HP2184 An Act to Amend the Child PL 1981, c. 657 Support Laws.

LD 2071 HP2185 An Act to Clarify and Make PL 1981, c. 696 Corrections in the Motor Vehicle Laws.

LD 2072 HP2192 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 96 St. Mark's Home in Augusta.

LD 2073 HP2193 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 97 Coburn Classical Institute.

LD 2074 HP2194 Resolve, Reimbursing Certain Resolve 1981, c. 47 Municipalities on Account of Taxes Lost Due to Lands Being Classified under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2075 HP2196 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 52 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Piscataquis County for the Year 1982.

LD 2076 SP0931 An Act to Amend the Maine PL 1981, c. 675 Implementing Act with Respect to the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians.

LD 2077 HP2198 An Act Relating to the Board of P&SL 1981, c. 98 Harbor Commissioners and its Powers for the Harbor of Portland.

LD 2078 HP2199 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 53 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Oxford County for the Year 1982.

LD 2079 HP2200 An Act to Clarify and Make (Original Title) Corrections in the Inland and Fisheries and Wildlife Laws.

LD 2079 HP2200 An Act to Clarify and Make (Final Title) PL 1981, c. 644 Corrections in the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Laws.

LD 2080 HP2218 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 54 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Somerset County for the Year 1982.

LD 2081 HP2219 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 55 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Franklin County for the Year 1982.

LD 2082 HP2223 An Act to Amend the Law PL 1981, c. 637 Establishing the Maine Self- Insurance Guarantee Association.

LD 2083 SP0942 An Act to Amend the Banking PL 1981, c. 646 Code Regarding the Investment and Lending Powers of Thrift Institutions and Regarding Service Corporations.

LD 2084 SP0945 An Act Appropriating Funds for the Agent Orange Information Committee.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2085 SP0946 An Act Making Appropriations, P&SL 1981, c. 94 Authorizations and Allocations Relating to Federal Block Grants for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982, June 30, 1983 and June 30, 1984.

LD 2086 HP2228 An Act to Amend the PL 1981, c. 645 Certification Process for Admission into Public Mental Retardation Institutions and to Clarify the Jurisdiction of the District Court.

LD 2087 HP2229 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 56 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Knox County for the Year 1982.

LD 2088 HP2230 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 57 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Hancock County for the Year 1982.

LD 2089 HP2232 An Act to Adjust Salaries of PL 1981, c. 612 Officers of Knox and Hancock Counties for 1981.

LD 2090 HP2231 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 58 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Penobscot County for the Year 1982.

LD 2091 HP2233 An Act to Adjust Levels of (Original Title) Compensation for Constitutional Officers, Members of the Legislature and the Senate Secretary and House Clerk.

LD 2091 HP2233 An Act to Adjust Levels of (Final Title) Compensation for Members of the Legislature and the Senate Secretary and House Clerk.

LD 2092 HP2234 An Act Concerning Maine PL 1981, c. 661 Emergency Medical Services.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2093 HP2235 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 59 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Aroostook County for the Year 1982.

LD 2094 HP2236 An Act to Identify Freshwater Wetlands.

LD 2095 HP2237 An Act to Provide for the Direct PL 1981, c. 656 Election of Community School District School Committees.

LD 2096 HP2238 An Act to Extend the Health Facilities Information Disclosure Act and to Authorize the Charging of Fees for the Dissemination of Information.

LD 2097 SP0951 An Act Deleting the P&SL 1981, c. 106 Requirement of a Federal Matching Share for the Expenditure of Funds for Expansion and Improvement of the Biddeford Municipal Airport.

LD 2098 HP2239 An Act Relating to Periodic Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law.

LD 2099 HP2240 An Act Relating to Periodic Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law.

LD 2100 SP0950 An Act to Make Interstate Bank Ownership Possible.

LD 2101 HP2241 An Act to Provide an Alternative PL 1981, c. 663 Withdrawal Procedure from the Tree Growth Tax Law for the 1982 Tax Year.

LD 2102 HP2253 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 60 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Washington County for the Year 1982.

LD 2103 SP0957 An Act to Revise the State PL 1981, c. 659 Takeover Bid Law.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2104 HP2256 An Act Concerning the PL 1981, c. 662 Regulation of Atlantic Salmon.

LD 2105 HP2257 An Act to Amend the Charter of P&SL 1981, c. 108 the Lucerne-in-Maine Village Corporation.

LD 2106 HP2260 An Act to Remove Restrictions Preventing State Retirees from Receiving Certain Benefits.

LD 2107 HP2261 An Act to Require the Maine Guarantee Authority in Certain Instances to Repay the State for Money Borrowed on its Behalf by the State.

LD 2108 HP2263 An Act Making Appropriations, Authorizations and Allocations Enabling the State Planning Office to Administer the Small Cities Program Community Development Block Grant.

LD 2109 SP0961 Resolve, Authorizing Resolve 1981, c. 66 Washington County Vocational- Technical Institute to Lease the Fishing Vessel, Fish Finder.

LD 2110 HP2262 An Act to Amend the Concealed Weapons Law.

LD 2111 HP2264 An Act to Permit and Regulate PL 1981, c. 640 the Location of Group Homes in Residential Districts.

LD 2112 HP2265 An Act to Clarify the Authority PL 1981, c. 651 of Municipalities to Raise and Expend Money for Athletic Facilities.

LD 2113 HP2266 An Act to Provide that Corporate Reorganizations Affecting Public Utilities be Subject to Approval by the Public Utilities Commission.

LD 2114 HP2267 An Act to Provide that PL 1981, c. 672 Corporate Reorganizations Affecting Public Utilities be Subject to Approval by the Public Utilities Commission.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2115 HP2268 An Act to Provide Appropriations to the Department of Human Services and the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation.

LD 2116 SP0963 Resolve, Authorizing the Resolve 1981, c. 63 Department of Human Services to Direct the Development of an Assessment Tool and Referral System to Assist Persons Considering Boarding Home Care.

LD 2117 HP2270 An Act to Promote the Maine PL 1981, c. 677 Groundfish Industry.

LD 2118 HP2271 An Act to Promote the Maine Groundfish Industry.

LD 2119 HP2272 An Act Requiring Public Utilities PL 1981, c. 673 Commission Approval for the Purchase of Portions of Electrical Generating Facilities by Electrical Companies or Fuel Conversion in Electrical Generating Facilities.

LD 2120 HP2273 An Act to Provide for Improved PL 1981, c. 701 Energy Policy Development and Electricity Demand Forecasts.

LD 2121 HP2274 An Act to Require Public Utilities to Submit a Plan to the Public Utilities Commission to Provide Financing to Customers for Energy Conservation and Renewable Resources.

LD 2122 HP2275 An Act to Amend the Electric PL 1981, c. 697 Rate Reform Act to Require the Public Utilities Commission to Consider Utility Financing of Energy Conservation.

LD 2123 SP0967 An Act to Amend the Maine Certificate of Need Law.

LD 2124 HP2278 An Act to Ensure Funding for PL 1981, c. 688 the Eventual Decommissioning of any Nuclear Power Plant.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2125 HP2279 An Act to Provide for Fuel Use PL 1981, c. 689 Identification Decals.

LD 2126 HP2280 An Act to Revise the Salaries of PL 1981, c. 654 Certain County Officers.

LD 2127 HP2295 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 61 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Cumberland County for the Year 1982.

LD 2128 HP2296 An Act Permitting the PL 1981, c. 678 Establishment of Student Loan Corporations.

LD 2129 HP2297 Resolve, Requiring the State Resolve 1981, c. 67 Planning Office to Conduct a Follow-up Study on Municipal Practices Relating to Manufactured Housing and Report Its Findings to the Local and County Government Committee.

LD 2130 SP0968 An Act Implementing Certain Recommendations of the Citizens' Commission to Evaluate the Department of Environmental Protection.

LD 2131 SP0970 An Act to Require Notification PL 1981, c. 685 of the Victims and the Law Enforcement Officers When a Plea Bargaining Agreement is to be Submitted to the Court.

LD 2132 HP2299 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 62 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of Androscoggin County for the Year 1982.

LD 2133 HP2300 Resolve, for Laying of the Resolve 1981, c. 65 County Taxes and Authorizing Expenditures of York County for the Year 1982.

LD 2134 HP2301 An Act to Correct Errors in the PL 1981, c. 690 Education Laws.

LD 2135 HP2302 An Act Governing the Closing of PL 1981, c. 691 Public Elementary and Secondary School Buildings.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2136 SP0969 An Act to Make Corrections of PL 1981, c. 698 Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine.

LD 2137 HP2303 An Act to Clarify the Right of PL 1981, c. 692 Local Housing Authorities to Issue Mortgage Revenue Bonds.

LD 2138 HP2309 An Act to Clarify the 1981 PL 1981, c. 679 Amendments Relating to the Operating Under the Influence and Habitual Offender Laws.

LD 2139 HP2331 An Act to Allow the Mapleton P&SL 1981, c. 110 Sewer District to Charge the Full Cost Incurred in Filing a Lien.

LD 2140 SP0981 Resolve, to Establish a Resolve 1981, c. 68 Commercial Whitewater Study Commission.

LD 2141 . .

LD 2142 HP2368 An Act Making Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 2143 HP2369 An Act Making Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2144 HP2382 An Act Making Appropriations PL 1981, c. 702 and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 2145 HP2383 An Act Making Appropriations PL 1981, c. 705 and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to Carry out Certain New, Expanded or Revised Programs of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1982 and June 30, 1983.

LD 2146 HP2384 An Act Relating to Periodic PL 1981, c. 703 Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law.

LD 2147 HP2385 An Act Providing for Conformity PL 1981, c. 704 with the Internal Revenue Code for Taxable Years Ending in 1982.

LD 2148 SP1002 An Act to Provide Emergency PL 1981, c. 700 Funding and Other Necessary Authorization for the Operation of the Legislature During the Fiscal Year 1981-82.

LD 2149 HP2406 An Act Providing for PL 1981, c. 706 Administrative Changes in the Maine Tax Laws.

LD 2150 SP1010 An Act to Authorize the State P&SL 1981, c. 113 Director of Public Improvements to Lease a Certain Parcel of Land to the Augusta Sanitary District.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD 2151 HP2419 An Act to Adjust Fees for PL 1981, c. 707 Licenses Issued by the Real Estate Commission.

LD 2152 HP2420 An Act to Designate the Director PL 1981, c. 708 of the Bureau of Medical Services as a Major Policy- influencing Position Within the Department of Human Services.

LD 2153 HP2421 An Act to Fund and Implement PL 1981, c. 710 Certain Collective Bargaining Agreements and Benefits for Other State and Judicial Employees.

LD 2154 HP2422 Resolve, Adjusting the Resolve 1981, c. 70 Authorized Expenditures of Cumberland County for the Year 1982.

LD 2155 HP2428 An Act to Create an Excise Tax PL 1981, c. 711 on Mining Companies and Regulate Mining Activities.

LD 2156 HP2430 An Act to Amend the Banking PL 1981, c. 709 Code to Correct an Omission Regarding the Deposit Authority of Thrift Institutions.

LD NoLD HP0005 Joint Order, That the Speaker of the House is authorized to permit radio or sound television in the Hall of the House of Representatives while the House is in session, or during joint conventions of the Legislature.

LD NoLD HP0006 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maurice Chalifoux, Troop 116 of Lewiston, on achieving Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0007 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Maude Storah, of Auburn on her 100th Birthday.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0008 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, noting the death of Hon. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. of Presque Isle.

LD NoLD HP0009 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Katherine Ribbons of North Vassalboro, on her 89th birthday.

LD NoLD HP0011 Communication from Commissioner, Dep't of Indian Affairs: Naming duly authorized Indian Representatives.

LD NoLD HP0047 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Robert B. Dow, Sr. of Norway.

LD NoLD HP0048 Communication from Director, Dep't of Conservation: Regarding amendments to the Land Use Regulation Commission's land use standards.

LD NoLD HP0049 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Kenneth A. Mills, of Eastport.

LD NoLD HP0088 Communication from the Governor: Unorganized Territory Educational and Services Tax.

LD NoLD HP0090 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Nicholas W. Danton, Chief Judge of the District Court.

LD NoLD HP0092 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Keith Fuller of Sanford High School on his selection to the Class AA All State football team.

LD NoLD HP0093 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Richard Wilkins of Sanford High School on his selection to the Class AA All State football team.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0124 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Florence Steward Jameison, longtime resident of Millinocket.

LD NoLD HP0125 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lynne Hitchcock, valedictorian, Class of 1980, Washburn High School.

LD NoLD HP0126 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lori Blackstone, salutatorian, Class of 1980, Washburn High School.

LD NoLD HP0127 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of David F. Martin, Sr. of Skowhegan, teacher and coach of Lawrence High School.

LD NoLD HP0128 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Elmont S. Tyndale.

LD NoLD HP0129 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the principal, staff and students of Wells High School for bringing the parents of exchange student Pat Velasco of Mexico to Wells for homecoming.

LD NoLD HP0130 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Diane Carney and the York County Corps de Ballet for their professional performances of The Nutcracker, free of charge, to York County audiences.

LD NoLD HP0155 Communication from Commissioner, Department of Conservation: Estimate of the total anticipated costs of the Maine Forestry District for the 1982 fiscal year.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0156 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cony High School field hockey team and coach, winners of the Eastern Maine Field Hockey Championship for 1979-80.

LD NoLD HP0157 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mark Bouchard, valedictorian, Class of 1980, Caribou High School.

LD NoLD HP0158 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Petty Cyr, salutatorian, Class of 1980, Caribou High School.

LD NoLD HP0159 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Stewart of Cumberland, member of Boy Scout Troop 58, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0160 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Maynard E. House of North Turner.

LD NoLD HP0204 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Harry W. Rowe of Lewiston, Dean Emeritus of Bates College.

LD NoLD HP0205 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of former Superior Court Judge Lewis I. Naiman of Augusta.

LD NoLD HP0206 Joint Order, That the Legislative Finance Officer be directed to pay to each member of the Legislature a $200 allowance for constituent services.

LD NoLD HP0207 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Dr. Roger L. Grindle, Professor of History at the University of Maine at Fort Kent.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0208 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jim Dasch of Caribou, who competed in the National Amateur Athletic Union 1980 Junior Olympics.

LD NoLD HP0209 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bob Conner on being selected by the Maine Council of Safety Supervisors as Maine Driver of the Year.

LD NoLD HP0210 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michele Hallett of Mars Hill, who competed in the National Amateur Athletic Union 1980 Junior Olympics.

LD NoLD HP0211 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rosanna Prest of Mars Hill, who competed in the National Amateur Athletic Union 1980 Junior Olympics.

LD NoLD HP0212 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Plissey of Presque Isle, who competed in the National Amateur Athletic Union 1980 Junior Olympics.

LD NoLD HP0230 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sally A. Perkins of Kennebunk, who competed in the National Amateur Athletic Union 1980 Junior Olympics.

LD NoLD HP0241 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Deborah and Gregory Toher of South Windham as the parents of triplets.

LD NoLD HP0249 An Act Permitting Binding Arbitration for Municipal Fire Departments and Firefighters.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0257 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sgt. Janice Hanson of Wells who, with the 6th Aviation Detachment, So. European Task Force, participated in relief flights to Vicenga, Italy, following the earthquake.

LD NoLD HP0258 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Esselyn G. Perkins of Ogunquit for 66 years in public service as a teacher, historian, author and public benefactor.

LD NoLD HP0259 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Dow of Cumberland, member of Boy Scout Troop 58, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0260 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Baier of North Yarmouth, member of Boy Scout Troop 58, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0261 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lt. Daniel J. Flynn of the Portland Fire Dep't, named one of the "Firemen of the Year" by the Cumberland County Firemen's Ass'n.

LD NoLD HP0262 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kenneth A. Fickett, named one of the "Firemen of the Year" by the Cumberland County Firemen's Ass'n.

LD NoLD HP0263 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peter J. Finnemore, named one of the "Firemen of the Year" by the Cumberland County Firemen's Ass'n.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0264 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Local and County Government report such legislation as they see fit to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1981.

LD NoLD HP0298 Joint Resolution on the Inauguration of Ronald W. Reagan as President and George H.W. Bush as Vice-president of the United States of America.

LD NoLD HP0299 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Lorin "Doc" Arnold, Dean of Maine's political writers.

LD NoLD HP0300 Joint Resolution Expressing Appreciation to the Carter Administration for Securing Release of the American Hostages Held in Iran.

LD NoLD HP0301 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sgt. Glen Picard of Frenchville, who was named the Maine Army National Guard's Soldier of the Year in 1980.

LD NoLD HP0302 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ramona Welton of Hodgdon, 1980 valedictorian of Hodgdon High School.

LD NoLD HP0303 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Donald L. Tidd, life-long member and honorary deacon of the Hodgdon United Baptist Church.

LD NoLD HP0304 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Sherman III of Smyrna Mills, 1980 valedictorian of Southern Aroostook Consolidated School.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0305 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Alton E. Springer, life-long resident of Island Falls.

LD NoLD HP0306 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Maine Central Institute "Huskies" Soccer Team, 1980 State Class B champions.

LD NoLD HP0358 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Comm'r J. Edward Marks for 50 years of service with the Maine State Police.

LD NoLD HP0359 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Patricia Fortin of Wales, selected as Maine Dairy Princess.

LD NoLD HP0360 Communication from Secretary of State: Transmitting budget estimates of expenses of the sixteen counties within the State for the years 1981-1982.

LD NoLD HP0361 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Harvard W. Blaisdell, Esq., of Ellsworth, a prominent citizen of that community.

LD NoLD HP0362 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Vera Chadbourne of Sanford on her 90th birthday.

LD NoLD HP0363 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wellington Higgins of Winthrop on his 107th birthday.

LD NoLD HP0364 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Timothy Witham, member of Boy Scout Troop 130, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0365 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Morton, member of Boy Scout Troop 130, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0366 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joel Barker, member of Boy Scout Troop 130, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0367 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Francis L. Bailey of Gorham, former President of Gorham State Teacher's College.

LD NoLD HP0405 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rep. Susan Jane Bell of Paris, who has been designated as "Outstanding Young Woman of America," 1980.

LD NoLD HP0406 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rep. Karen Lee Brown of Bethel, who has been designated as "Outstanding Young Woman of America," 1980.

LD NoLD HP0407 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wiscasset Fire Society on its 180th annual meeting.

LD NoLD HP0415 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Miss Colleen E. Duplissie of Van Buren, who has been selected as Maine's Junior Miss for 1981.

LD NoLD HP0416 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert L. Dow of Vassalboro, upon his retirement after 43 years of state service in the field of marine science and fisheries management.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0417 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Donald D. McIntosh of Farmingdale upon his retirement after 20 years of state service in the Dep't of Marine Resources.

LD NoLD HP0442 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Augusta K. Christie of Presque Isle.

LD NoLD HP0443 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Miss Carolyn Dolan of Fort Kent, winner of the Kraft Hostess Award for 1981.

LD NoLD HP0486 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Paul N. Silverman on his inauguration as 13th President of the University of Maine.

LD NoLD HP0511 Resolve, Authorizing and Directing the Department of Transportation to Report on the Effect of the 1980 Census in Establishing Compact Areas.

LD NoLD HP0513 Communication from Deputy Secretary of State: Transmitting an initiated bill, "An Act to Create the Maine Energy Commission." Ordered Placed in File in Concurrence 2-3-81. (See LD 522)

LD NoLD HP0514 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Vinalhaven on building a municipal owned fish processing facility.

LD NoLD HP0516 An Act Relating to the Subsequent Mortgages Assumed by Savings Banks.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0535 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sanford High School senior David Gardner on being given Honorable Mention Honors for the 1980 National High School Track All-American Team.

LD NoLD HP0536 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Julie L'Heureux, Robert Poitras, Larry Remond, Mary Nobert, Ed Kalinowski, Alden Thayer, and all other participants in the 1980 Sanford United Way Fund Drive.

LD NoLD HP0537 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Carol S. Boyce of Auburn, Maine's Outstanding Young Woman for 1980 as named by the Organization of Outstanding Young Women of America.

LD NoLD HP0538 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jean Goulet of Greenville, Governor of Dirigo Girls State for 1980- 1981, named by Tisbury Manor Chapter as the DAR Good Citizen for 1980-1981.

LD NoLD HP0539 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Ansel L. "Red" Atwater of Cherryfield.

LD NoLD HP0585 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary J. Hayward of Machias on her 101st birthday.

LD NoLD HP0593

LD NoLD HP0625 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Enact Legislation Allowing the Veterans' Administration to Furnish Outpatient Medical Service to Atomic Veterans.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0627 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Greenville, Maine, which has joined towns of the same name from across the Nation in plans to honor the 150th year of its founding.

LD NoLD HP0628 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Honorable Ronald W. Reagan, President of the United States and the United States Senate to Refuse to Ratify the United States/Canadian East Coast Fisheries Treaty.

LD NoLD HP0696 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Jonesport on its sesquicentennial in 1982.

LD NoLD HP0708 An Act Concerning Medical Payments under the Workers' Compensation Act.

LD NoLD HP0731B Communication from Secretary of State: Attaching 1980 Annual Report on activities of charitable organizations within this state.

LD NoLD HP0746 An Act to Amend the Hospital Inspection Law.

LD NoLD HP0805 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert A. Libby of Windham upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP0812 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Margaret L. Ellis of Millinocket, who was active in political and civic affairs.

LD NoLD HP0813 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Roland H. Cobb of Cape Elizabeth, who served 12 years as State Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Game.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0815 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Frank Whitehouse Anderson of Ellsworth, who has served seven terms in the Maine Legislature, 1961-1974.

LD NoLD HP0831 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips of Hermon on the golden anniversary of their wedding.

LD NoLD HP0846 Communication from the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House: Inviting the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court to a Joint Convention on March 10, the Chief Justice to remark on the State of the Judiciary.

LD NoLD HP0847 Communication from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court: Accepting the invitation of the Speaker of the House to address a Joint Convention on the State of the Judiciary.

LD NoLD HP0890 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rockland Lodge of Elks 1008 on its 75th anniversary and dedication of the new lodge home.

LD NoLD HP0891 Joint Order, That the Members of the Maine Congressional Delegation be urged to take any action they can against unfair oil price increases.

LD NoLD HP0895 Joint Order, To amend the Joint Rules by adding Joint Rule 36-A, regarding Bills or resolves introduced at the request of another.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP0908 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Rabbi David Berent of Lewiston.

LD NoLD HP0917 Joint Order, Setting Apart Wednesday, April 15, 1981, as "Welcome Back Day."

LD NoLD HP0932 Joint Order, Setting Apart Wednesday, April 8, 1981, as "Welcome Back Day."

LD NoLD HP0958 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Raymond J. Curran of Bangor, member of the House of Representatives, 102nd-107th Legislatures.

LD NoLD HP0969 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Roland W. Harriman, former Bucksport selectman and Hancock County Commissioner.

LD NoLD HP0970 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Howard W. Call of Cumberland, member of 96th and 97th Legislature.

LD NoLD HP0971 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Roger Michaud, President of American Stabilis, on being selected Maine's Small Business Person of 1981 by the Small Business Administration.

LD NoLD HP1028 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mexico High School Boys' Basketball Team, 1981 Mountain Valley Conference Champions.

LD NoLD HP1029 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Rhoda Olmstead of Limestone, for her work on behalf of senior citizens.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1031 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Father Royal J. Parent of Millinocket, Pastor of St. Martin's of Tours, on the Silver Jubilee of his ordination.

LD NoLD HP1044 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture report out a bill to the House defining a "loose" or "thrown" cord of wood.

LD NoLD HP1045 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing North Haven High School and its girls' basketball team, winners of the 1981 Western Maine Class D Good Sportsmanship Award.

LD NoLD HP1046 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Greely High School boys' basketball team, 1981 Western Maine Class B champions.

LD NoLD HP1047 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Central Aroostook High School and its boys' and girls' basketball teams, winners of the 1981 Class C Good Sportsmanship Awards.

LD NoLD HP1048 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Central Aroostook High School girls' basketball team, 1981 State Class C champions.

LD NoLD HP1049 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Field of Auburn on his 102nd birthday.

LD NoLD HP1050 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mount View High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class B champions.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1051 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Katahdin High School Boys' Basketball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class C champions.

LD NoLD HP1052 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Winthrop High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 Western Maine Class C champions.

LD NoLD HP1053 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Central Aroostook High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class C champions.

LD NoLD HP1054 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Vinalhaven High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 Western Maine Class D champions.

LD NoLD HP1055 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Buckfield High School Boys' Basketball Team, 1981 State Class D champions.

LD NoLD HP1056 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Charles J. Hurley, Esq. of Ellsworth, former judge and prominent citizen.

LD NoLD HP1057 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joseph A. St. Michel of Durham, Commander of the Amvets for the past year.

LD NoLD HP1058 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Bapst High School Girls' Basketball Team, winners of the State Class D championship for 1980-81.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1059 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeff Topliff of Veazie, Most Valuable Player for the Orono Red Riots in the 1981 Class B State championship.

LD NoLD HP1060 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Presque Isle High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class A champions.

LD NoLD HP1061 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Amanda Driscoll of Bangor on her 102nd birthday.

LD NoLD HP1062 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing January 15, 1980 as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in memory of the man and his work.

LD NoLD HP1063 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Orono High School Boys' Basketball Team, 1981 State Class B champions.

LD NoLD HP1064 Communication from State Court Administrator: Transmitting the fourth annual report of the Administrative Office of the Courts for 1980.

LD NoLD HP1074 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing a number of high schools for their achievement in the "Vote '80" voter participation campaign.

LD NoLD HP1075 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael J. Sayward of Farmington, who is representing the State on the Junior National Ski Team, Class 1, Nordic Combined.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1076 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Chris Bean of Farmington, who is representing the State on the Junior National Ski Team, Class 1, Cross Country.

LD NoLD HP1077 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Sarah Staples of North Vassalboro on her 90th birthday.

LD NoLD HP1078 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth Merrifield of Sanford, youngest elected member of the Sanford Town Meeting.

LD NoLD HP1079 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ruth Barberie of Sanford, retiring after 10 years of service in the Sanford Town Clerk's Office.

LD NoLD HP1080 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kristin Spath of Fort Kent, selected as an Outstanding Young Woman of America.

LD NoLD HP1081 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David Berenson, Unit Director of the Maine Youth Center, winner of the Jefferson Award for public service performed by an individual.

LD NoLD HP1082 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Roland H. Carlton of Woolwich, retiring from Bath Iron Works after 25 years of service.

LD NoLD HP1083 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Leroy K. Hawes of Woolwich, retiring from Bath Iron Works after 38 years of service.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1084 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Amy Helene Eesley of Rockport, elected to "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities."

LD NoLD HP1085 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bill Young of Camden, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1086 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Emily Ellis, Mount View High Basketball player who scored 1,284 points in 4 years and 43 points in one tournament game, a state record.

LD NoLD HP1101 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Donald Heath, Sr. of Sherman Mills, selected Southern Aroostook Soil Conservation District Outstanding Conservation Farmer for 1980.

LD NoLD HP1102 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Perkins of Sherman Mills, selected Southern Aroostook Soil Conservation District Woodland 1980 Conservationist.

LD NoLD HP1142 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Clarence Roberts of Old Orchard Beach, named Citizen of the Year by the town's historical society.

LD NoLD HP1143 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Clifford E. Noyes of Wilton on completing 19 years of service as a selectman.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1144 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of David W. Morrison of Mechanic Falls, outstanding citizen and family man.

LD NoLD HP1165 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House establishing the municipal cost component for the Unorganized Territory Tax District.

LD NoLD HP1166 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 2nd Annual Franco-American Day in Sanford.

LD NoLD HP1167 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Parks of Bangor, recently elected President of the Senate for the Model State Legislature.

LD NoLD HP1168 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing a number of officers for police service to the City of Portland.

LD NoLD HP1169 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michelle A.C. Fortin of Lincolnville, named Maine YMCA's 1980-81 all-around gymnast for 10 and under age group.

LD NoLD HP1170 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Karen Anderson of Lincolnville, who received Maine's Music Educators Association's 1980 certificate of honor and 1981 preliminary certificate of honor for accomplishment in piano studies.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1171 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bradford Christie Payne II of Lincolnville, member of Boy Scout Troup 244, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1172 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maine Historical Society.

LD NoLD HP1173 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maine Producers on Agriculture, Food and Rural Resource Day.

LD NoLD HP1174 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Herbert A. Joy of Sherman Mills, retired State Police officer and Past Master of Island Falls Masonic Lodge.

LD NoLD HP1200 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda Marie Dolloff of Waldoboro, selected DAR 1981 Good Citizen of the Year by the faculty and senior class of Medomak Valley High School.

LD NoLD HP1201 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Doris T. Smith of North Scarboro, who has served 50 years as secretary of the North Scarboro Grange.

LD NoLD HP1202 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the launching of U.S. Navy frigate Stephen W. Groves, named for the East Millinocket Navy pilot killed in the Battle of Midway.

LD NoLD HP1203 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Chester J. Morgan, Sherman Mills Democratic chairman for 20 years.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1204 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Dairy Princess, Grange Queen, Potato Queen, Sardine Queen, Junior Miss Rodeo Maine, Broiler Queen, and Miss Rodeo Maine on Agricultural Day.

LD NoLD HP1205 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gary Wheeler of Presque Isle, State President of Maine Association of Future Farmers of America.

LD NoLD HP1206 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Craig Sjoberg, valedictorian of Caribou High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1207 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Shawn Ouillette, salutatorian of Caribou High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1212 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Beverly W. Spence, Esq. on his retirement as Old Town City Attorney after 23 years.

LD NoLD HP1221 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Arlie Keddrel of Bangor, who retired after 21 years of service to the City of Bangor.

LD NoLD HP1222 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Walter Cronkite, who retired as CBS Evening News anchorman.

LD NoLD HP1223 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing J.M.B. basketball team, which won the 1981 Lewiston Tournament of Champions basketball championship.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1224 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Chenard of Kennebunkport, member of Troop 351, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1225 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tom Brown of Northeast Harbor, American Cancer Society's 1981 Honorary Crusade Chairman in Maine.

LD NoLD HP1226 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Mrs. Helen Lavallee of Winthrop.

LD NoLD HP1243 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David McCall of Sanford, who won the State Elks Hoop Shoot and placed second in the New England competition.

LD NoLD HP1244 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kristen Gatz of Auburn, who has been selected to compete as cross country racer in the National Junior Ski Championship.

LD NoLD HP1245 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Heidi Gatz of Auburn, who has been selected to compete as cross country racer in the National Junior Ski Championship.

LD NoLD HP1246 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rusty Young of Auburn, who has been selected to compete as a Nordic Combined Specialist in the National Junior Ski Championship.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1247 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Local and County Government report out a bill to the House to extend the time for the apportionment of county taxes.

LD NoLD HP1255 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Scott Lauze, Lisa DeRosby, Judith Tarr and the Edward Little High School Latin Club for sponsoring the 1981 Maine Junior Classical League Convention.

LD NoLD HP1256 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Harriet Ricker Lovejoy of Turner on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1257 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael R. Plaziak, valedictorian of Hodgdon High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1258 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ellsworth High School, winners of the State Class B wrestling championship.

LD NoLD HP1259 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marion B. Noble, C.M.C., awarded the "certified municipal clerk" award of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.

LD NoLD HP1260 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing State Police Officer Malcolm T. Dow of Patten, named 1980 Trooper of the Year.

LD NoLD HP1261 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Jane Yahn of Farmington for representing Maine in the 1981 Junior Eastern United States Ski Association Competitions.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1262 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth A. Keene, valedictorian of Edward Little High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1263 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Christopher G. Scales, valedictorian of Edward Little High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1279 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top ten students of Oxford Hills High School Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1280 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rumford High School, winner of the State Class A wrestling championship.

LD NoLD HP1281 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Westbrook College on the 150th anniversary of its founding.

LD NoLD HP1282 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Rose Rand of Sherman Mills, member of the Order of the Eastern Star and Washburn Memorial Church.

LD NoLD HP1283 Resolution, in memory of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador on the first anniversary of his assassination.

LD NoLD HP1284 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House establishing the cost of the Maine Forestry District for fiscal year 1981-82.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1296 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Kennebec Valley Squirt Hockey Travel Team, 9-10 year olds, 1981 Maine State Champions.

LD NoLD HP1297 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ewen MacKinnon, a senior at Cony High School, winner of the Class B Unlimited State Wrestling Championship.

LD NoLD HP1299 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Annette Stevens of North Berwick, named outstanding "Energy Woman of the Year."

LD NoLD HP1300 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth Essency of Brownville Junction, chosen Brownville's Outstanding Citizen of the Year.

LD NoLD HP1301 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Maine Division of the American Cancer Society, Dr. John Zerner, Edward Miller, Karen Truemter and the Department of Human Services for their participation in DES Awareness Week.

LD NoLD HP1304 Joint Resolution in Sympathy to President Ronald W. Reagan and to Others Involved in an Attempted Presidential Assassination.

LD NoLD HP1305 Joint Resolution in Recognition of the Centennial Year of American Labor.

LD NoLD HP1309 Joint Resolution in Recognition of the Centennial Year of American Labor.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1311 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Herbert Merrill of Brunswick, recipient of the Jefferson Award and an inspiring friend to the handicapped.

LD NoLD HP1312 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Helen K. Atchison of Houlton, leader in library services, on the eve of her marriage.

LD NoLD HP1313 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Frank Peltier, upon his retirement after serving 18 years as president of Lumberman's Museum in Patten.

LD NoLD HP1314 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Earle R. Hayes of Windsor, former state employee and member of the 105th Legislature.

LD NoLD HP1317 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Stockholm, on the centennial celebration of that town's founding.

LD NoLD HP1318 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Robert L. Taylor of Canton, first selectman of the town for seven terms.

LD NoLD HP1320 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mark Hansen from Sanford High School, 1981 State Class A Wrestling Champ in the 132- pound class.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1321 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House to amend the tax law providing a one-time property tax exemption for disabled veterans, World War I veterans and persons claiming from World War I veterans.

LD NoLD HP1326 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Stags of , State Boys Class A Basketball Champions for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1329 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Youth Aid Officer James J. Bilodeau, of the Scarborough Police Department, for a brave rescue on the evening of March 7, 1981.

LD NoLD HP1330 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Scott Whipkey of Washburn, valedictorian of Washburn District High School.

LD NoLD HP1331 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Karen Blackstone of Washburn, salutatorian of Washburn District High School.

LD NoLD HP1332 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Keith Southworth of New Vineyard, winner of the 1981 2nd Marine Division Powerlifting Tournament, 242-pound category.

LD NoLD HP1335 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Claude L. Allen, Jr., headmaster of Hebron Academy.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1336 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Election Laws study the election laws to determine what errors and inconsistencies exist and how the election laws should be recodified.

LD NoLD HP1339 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Phil Emery of Bangor High School, who has been named swimming coach of the year.

LD NoLD HP1340 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Karen Hunter of Bangor, Junior II Champion in the Women's division of the 1981 United States Ski Association National Amateur Freestyle Championship.

LD NoLD HP1341 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Dean and Deb England, Bangor High School Co-captains, and their team for earning the Sportsmanship Award for 1981 at the State Girls' Class A Championship Meet.

LD NoLD HP1342 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kevin Martin and Konrad Martin of Bangor, who have been named by the Maine Interscholastic Swim coaches to receive all- state swimming awards.

LD NoLD HP1343 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Diane Folsom of Presque Isle, named Schoolgirl Basketball Coach of the Year.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1347 Joint Order, That the Joint Rules be amended by making an addition at the end of Joint Rule 17, regarding legislation filed pursuant to law or resolve.

LD NoLD HP1348 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Patrolman Rodney C. Bonney of the Auburn Police Department, who gave his life attempting to save a drowning youth from the Androscoggin River.

LD NoLD HP1349 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Carroll W. Keene of Clinton, former member of the Maine House of Representatives.

LD NoLD HP1354 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gary Conn, Joes Crespi, Bill Demianiuk, Brian Hughes, Jon Leach, Tom Leblond, Jamie Logan, Marc Son, Jim Tortorella, John Totorella and Paul Wheeler, graduating seniors and founding players of the University of Maine hockey team.

LD NoLD HP1355 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gary Conn, of the University of Maine hockey team, named to the 1981 Eastern All-American team by the ECAC Division I hockey coaches.

LD NoLD HP1356 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the University of Maine hockey team and their coaches for a 23-11 season, qualifying for the ECAC Division I tournament.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1357 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Honorable John R. Block, Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, to Grant a General Moratorium on Principal and Interest Payments on Farmers Home Administration Farm Ownership and Operating Loans Owed by Broiler Growers in the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1369 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Bangor Baptist Church on its 14th anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1370 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Implement Certain Cost Savings while the State's Unemployment Compensation Fund Remains in Debt" (HP 845) (LD 1011) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP1371 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Violet A. White of Oakfield on her 90th birthday.

LD NoLD HP1372 Joint Resolution, in memory of David A. Michaud of Eagle Lake, House Staff Member of the 109th and 110th Legislatures.

LD NoLD HP1373 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD HP1374 Joint Order, Creating a Joint Select Committee on Workers' Compensation.

LD NoLD HP1376 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Rumford High School Mathematics Team, winners of the State Math Bowl in the medium school division for the 3rd consecutive year.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1377 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kelly Reynolds of Farmington, who represented Maine in the slalom and giant slalom in the United States Eastern Ski Championships.

LD NoLD HP1378 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jill Sickels of Farmington, who represented Maine in the down hill, slalom and giant slalom at the United States Eastern Ski Championships.

LD NoLD HP1379 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Constance L. Lougee of Island Falls, 1981 valedictorian of Southern Aroostook Community High School, Dyer Brook.

LD NoLD HP1383 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Local and County Government report out to the House a bill to increase the amount of the real estate transfer tax retained by counties.

LD NoLD HP1384 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Christine Colbath of Presque Isle, crowned Miss Presque Isle.

LD NoLD HP1388 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Fisheries and Wildlife report out a bill to the House to establish the open season on bear.

LD NoLD HP1390 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bob Benson and Glenn Picher of Winthrop High School, Debate Team winners of the State Debating Championship for 1981.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1391 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kathi Richardson of Winthrop High School, winner of the girls' state title for Extemporaneous Speaking for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1392 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Speech and debating coach Dan Bruneau of Winthrop High School, for an outstanding season during 1981.

LD NoLD HP1393 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Scott Bailey Patterson of Sherman Station, recipient of a certificate of commendation while serving on the USS Guitarro SSN.

LD NoLD HP1394 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Steve Martin of Bangor, na+J2501med 1980 Maine Sportscaster of the Year by the National Association of Sportswriters and Sportscasters.

LD NoLD HP1400 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jaye Churchill of Oxford Hills High School, who is included in the 1981 edition of Who's Who in Music.

LD NoLD HP1401 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cheryl Broberg of Oxford Hills High School, who is included in the 1981 edition of Who's Who in Music.

LD NoLD HP1402 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Susan Tame of Oxford Hills High School, who is included in the 1981 edition of Who's Who in Music.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1403 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William Dunlop of Mechanic Falls, who sailed solo from Portland, Maine, to Falmouth, England, and returned.

LD NoLD HP1404 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Susan Hammons of York, State Spelling Bee Champion for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1405 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Edna T. Ewen of York on the 100th Anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1408 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael J. Kogutek of Lackawanna, New York, National Commander of the American Legion, upon an official visit to the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1410 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Margaret Thomas Gardiner of Woolwich, wife of the late former Governor William Tudor Gardiner.

LD NoLD HP1414 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Scott Snively of Bangor, who won first place for boys in the Spear Speaking Contest held at the University of Maine at Augusta.

LD NoLD HP1415 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert "Robby" MacDonald, Bangor High School swim coach, named corecipient of the 1981 "Coach of the Year" award by the Maine Interscholastic Swim League.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1416 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Ralph W. Leavitt, Sr., of Old Town, member of the 90th-95th Maine Legislatures and a pioneer in the labor movements.

LD NoLD HP1417 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Diane Cormier of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine all-star girls' swim team.

LD NoLD HP1418 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Dean of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine all-star girls' swim team.

LD NoLD HP1419 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Farrington of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine all-star girls' swim team, 2nd team.

LD NoLD HP1420 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Deb England of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine all-start girls' swim team, 2nd team.

LD NoLD HP1421 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Danny Pelletier of Fort Kent Community High School, who received the John W. Pelletier Memorial Award as the Outstanding Wrestler at the 1981 Class A State Tournament.

LD NoLD HP1422 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth S. Hoefler of Phillips, named an alternate in the 1981 National Honor Society Scholarship Program.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1425 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lee G. McLaughlin of Houlton, valedictorian of Houlton High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1426 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Kramer, for contributions to the field of journalism.

LD NoLD HP1428 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Catherine Bonis of Millinocket, valedictorian of Stearns High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1429 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sarah McGowan of Millinocket, co- salutatorian of Stearns High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1430 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Susan James of Millinocket, co- salutatorian of Stearns High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1432 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Donna Small of Poland, who was an award winner in the Elementary Education Ecology Poem and Poster Program.

LD NoLD HP1433 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the citizens of Stratton and Eustis for their dedication and long standing commitment to establish a sawmill in their community.

LD NoLD HP1434 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Laura Gowan, President of the National Scoliosis Foundation, for her efforts in educating the public about scoliosis and other spinal abnormalities.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1436 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top 10 students in Sanford High Schools' 1981 graduating class.

LD NoLD HP1437 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Presque Isle High School Shipmates Playhouse case, winners of the 1981 State Drama Festival.

LD NoLD HP1438 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Joseph Adler, prominent Sanford citizen and newspaperman known for his charitable works.

LD NoLD HP1442 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marilyn Burton, language arts teacher, Southern Aroostook Community School District, awarded the 1981 Honor medal of the Maine Teachers Association.

LD NoLD HP1444 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norm Palmer of Bangor, retiring after 25 years of coaching the youth of the greater Bangor area.

LD NoLD HP1448

LD NoLD HP1456 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles Mercer, elected President of the University of Maine-Orono Student Government.

LD NoLD HP1457 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Adele Conkin, elected President of the Husson College Student Government.

LD NoLD HP1458 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeffrey Burgodoerfer, elected Vice- president of the Husson College Student Government.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1461 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeannette Word of Bath, valedictorian of Morse High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1462 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephen Haggett of Bath, salutatorian of Morse High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1463 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Francis and Ellen Foley of Scarborough on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1464 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Joe Louis, the legendary "Brown Bomber," heavyweight champion of the world from 1937-1950, the longest continuous reign in heavyweight title history.

LD NoLD HP1465 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Norman S. Thomas of Lewiston, dean of the Nation's Sports Editors and Writers and Lewiston Journal Sports' Editor Emeritus.

LD NoLD HP1468 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Barbara Libby of Hampden for her many hours of volunteer work operating TTY for the hearing impaired in Northern Maine.

LD NoLD HP1469 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Erskine of Dixmont, who received an outstanding citizen award for his service to the town as constable, bus driver and fire chief.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1470 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Thomas Theriault of Rockwood, valedictorian of Greenville High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1471 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Larabee, salutatorian of Greenville High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1472 Joint Resolution to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Baxter State Park.

LD NoLD HP1473 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Captain Roland O. Melcher, U.S.N., a native of Scarborough, recipient of the 1981 Maine Maritime Academy Alumni Association "Outstanding Alumni Award."

LD NoLD HP1478 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bob Brennan of Bangor on his retirement after 20 years as football coach at John Bapst High School.

LD NoLD HP1480 Communication from Ronald Reagan: Acknowledging receipt of the resolution adopted by the Maine State Legislature.

LD NoLD HP1481 Joint Resolution Congratulating the Eagleton Institute of Politics on its Twenty-fifth Anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1484 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frank and Lillian Pomerleau on their 50th wedding anniversary.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1485 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Richard Saltonstall of Belfast, former White House correspondent and owner of the Republican Journal, Bar Harbor Times and Camden Herald.

LD NoLD HP1488B An Act to Create an Excise Tax on Mining Companies and to Amend the Statutes on Mining on State Lands.

LD NoLD HP1489 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Forrest and Made Nelson of New Sweden on their golden wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1490 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ka-Rim Troyli of Bangor, who won 2nd place for girls in the Spear Speaking Contest held at the University of Maine at Augusta.

LD NoLD HP1491 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Patrolman Edward Gallant of the Bangor Police Department for 20 years of service to the City of Bangor.

LD NoLD HP1492 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Carla Thompson of Limestone, valedictorian of Limestone High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1493 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda Hodges of Loring Air Force Base, salutatorian of Limestone High School, class of 1981.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1494 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the University of Maine, Orono Baseball team, top seed in the ECAC New England championship, and coach John Winkin, for their 26-11 regular season.

LD NoLD HP1495 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Hammond, Jr. of East Stoneham on becoming an Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1499 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Delmar D. Small of Litchfield, valedictorian of Oak Hill High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1500 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Diane L. Johnson of Wales, salutatorian of Oak Hill High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1501 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Vince Cuozzo of Bangor, for his contributions over the years as teacher, coach and friend to the youth of that community.

LD NoLD HP1502 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David Warren, Andrew Osborn, and Aart-Jan Tieleman of Maranacook Community School's mathematic team, who won honors at the University of Southern Maine.

LD NoLD HP1503 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Nancy Anne Evans, salutatorian of the class of 1981 at Lincoln Academy.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1504 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Corson of Albion Boy Scout Troop 446, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1505 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Kanzler, of Albion Boy Scout Troop 446, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1507 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing President Arthur S. Buswell of Machias for a decade of service at the University of Maine at Machias.

LD NoLD HP1510 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Daniel R. Simpson for his years of dedication and distinction to the field of journalism.

LD NoLD HP1511 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Raymond and Christine Palmer, formerly of Portland, on their golden anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1515 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Audit and Program Review report out a bill to the House entitled "An Act Relating to Periodic Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law."

LD NoLD HP1520

LD NoLD HP1521 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David Cox II of Brewer, who has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1522 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jane Longfellow of Farmingdale, valedictorian of Hall-Dale High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1523 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Margaret Arsenault of Farmingdale, salutatorian of Hall-Dale High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1524 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sandra Palmer of W. Gardiner, valedictorian of Gardiner Area High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1525 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michele James of Randolph, salutatorian of Gardiner Area High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1535 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Doral M. Smith of LaGrange, valedictorian, School Administrative District No. 41, graduating Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1536 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rodney W. Russell of LaGrange, salutatorian, School Administrative District No. 41, graduating class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1537 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Angela Porter of Island Falls, selected to attend the Maine Summer Humanities Program at Bowdoin College for talented and gifted children.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1546 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Maine Mariners' Hockey Team and coach Bob McCommon for winning the Northern Division of the .

LD NoLD HP1547 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Authorizing and Directing the Bureau of Mental Health to Enhance and Protect the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services" (HP 912) (LD 1078) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP1552 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Eloise Larlee of E. Millinocket, Valedictorian of Schenck High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1553 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Deborah Belanger of E. Millinocket, Salutatorian of Schenck High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1554 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Louise McAdam of Limerick, who is retiring after teaching elementary education for 30 years, including the last 22 years in Limerick.

LD NoLD HP1556 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Law of Brewer, for many years of service to the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary.

LD NoLD HP1560 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lt. Andrew J. Grant of Houlton, 1981 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1561 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John 'Jock' Coombs of Bangor, named a scholar-athlete by Springfield College.

LD NoLD HP1564 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the University of Maine at Orono Baseball Team, coached by John Winkin, winners of the NCAA Northeast Regionals, placing them in the College World Series.

LD NoLD HP1565 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the University of Maine at Orono Baseball Team, coached by John Winkin, ECAC New England champions for the second consecutive year.

LD NoLD HP1566 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tracy L. Gowen of Scarborough, Valedictorian of Scarborough High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1567 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Nancy J. Littlejohn of Scarborough, Salutatorian of Scarborough High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1568 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Monmouth Academy Girls Softball Team, 1981 Mid-Maine Softball Conference Champions.

LD NoLD HP1569 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Relating to Periodic Justification of Departments and Agencies of State Government under the Maine Sunset Law" (HP 1411) (LD 1576) be recalled from the legislative files to the House.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1570 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Stanley "Tuffy" Laffin of Westbrook on his marriage to Mildred.

LD NoLD HP1571 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lynn Zanchi of Bangor, named 1981 "Athlete of the Year" at Bangor High School.

LD NoLD HP1572 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda Johnson of Sanford, a member of Girl Scout Troop 610, who has been chosen for a 2-week cultural tour of Southern California.

LD NoLD HP1573 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Karen Cheney of Sanford, a member of Girl Scout Troop 610, who has been chosen for a 2-week cultural tour of Southern California.

LD NoLD HP1574 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mark Sutton of Augusta, second basement for the University of Maine at Orono baseball team, 1981 NCAA Northeast Regional Champions.

LD NoLD HP1575 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mattie Parsons of Carmel on the 88th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1579 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mark W. Dearborn of Corinth, Valedictorian of Central High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1580 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael H. Trafton of Corinth, Salutatorian of Central High

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1582 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Miriam Bowden of Penobscot, Valedictorian of Bucksport High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1583 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jennifer Gibbons of Bucksport, Salutatorian of Bucksport High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1584 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mike Fogarty of Sanford High School, who has been named a 1981 All-State Basketball Player.

LD NoLD HP1587 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Authorizing a Bond Issue in the Amount of $29,000,000 for the Purposes of Fostering Agricultural and Economic Development in the State of Maine" (SP 488) (LD 1428) be recalled from the Engrossing Division to the House.

LD NoLD HP1588 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Relating to Aquaculture" (HP 1128) (LD 1345) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP1590 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ed "Poochie" Pickett of Augusta, catcher for the University of Maine at Orono baseball team, 1981 NCAA Northeast Regional Champions.

LD NoLD HP1591 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Renee Baker of Patten as Top Scholar of Katahdin High School, Class

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of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1592 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David Jones of Patten as a Top Scholar of Katahdin High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1593 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kelly Jordan of the John R. Graham School in Veazie, who has 3- years' perfect attendance.

LD NoLD HP1594 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Randy Hogan of the John R. Graham School in Veazie, who has one- year's perfect attendance.

LD NoLD HP1595 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lisa Demaso of the John R. Graham School in Veazie, who has one- year's perfect attendance.

LD NoLD HP1596 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Jonesport-Beals High School Class Team, which won 1st place in the team division of the 1st annual Washington County Chess Tournament.

LD NoLD HP1597 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norman Parsons of Jonesport-Beals High School, who won the overall individual trophy of the 1st annual Washington County Chess Tournament.

LD NoLD HP1599 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 22nd anniversary of Captive Nations Week, in honor of Poland, Ukraine and 25 other captive nations.

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LD NoLD HP1600 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bonnie Cox, voice and music teacher in Sherman Mills and Stacyville, grades K-5, for her contribution to those communities.

LD NoLD HP1601 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rock E. Garande of Limerick, Valedictorian of Massabessic High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1602 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William D. Reed of Limerick, Salutatorian of Massabesic High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1603 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cynthia M. Stocks of Kezar Falls, Salutatorian of Sacopee Valley School District, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1604 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gordon Lea of Old Orchard, Valedictorian of Old Orchard High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1605 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Melissa Desmond, Rhonda Farrington and Tammy Wing, representatives to Girls' State from Old Orchard High School.

LD NoLD HP1606 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing James Tarbox, Randy Geaumont, Eric Begin, Philip Townsend, James Chamberlain and Shawn Boynton, representatives to Boys' State from Old Orchard High School.

LD NoLD HP1607 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Madawaska and the St. John Valley Community on its

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4th Annual Acadian Festival.

LD NoLD HP1608 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Remington of York on their 61st wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1609 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth M. Factor of Bangor, Valedictorian of John Bapst Memorial High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1610 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert M. Quinn, Jr. of Bangor, Salutatorian of John Bapst Memorial High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1611 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, expressing gratitude for the generosity of Charles Shipman Payson, who has made possible a new wing at the Portland Museum of Art.

LD NoLD HP1612 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Joel R. LeBlanc, Esq., of Madawaska, an outstanding public servant.

LD NoLD HP1613 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Establish a Helicopter Search and Rescue Unit in Maine.

LD NoLD HP1614 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Henry C. Wurts of South Hiram, Valedictorian of Sacopee Valley School District, class of 1981.

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LD NoLD HP1615 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Oxford Hills High School "Vikings" Boys' Baseball Team, Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference Class A Champions for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1616 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Revise the Salaries of Certain County Officers" (HP 1508) (LD 1622) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP1617 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Frank J. Murray on his ordination as a Roman Catholic priest at St. John's Church in Bangor and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murray, whose dedication permitted their son to pursue his religious studies at the Catholic University of America.

LD NoLD HP1618 Joint Order, That the Chairman of the Workers' Compensation Commission be directed to study the area of vocational rehabilitation.

LD NoLD HP1619 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill relating to funding the Highway Allocation Act.

LD NoLD HP1620 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elisa Beth Whittier of Auburn, who represented Maine in Seventeen Magazine's Tennis Tournament of Champions, and qualified into the Pro-Am Division.

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LD NoLD HP1621 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ray Thibodeau, Laurie Delano, Mark Durgin, Tina Clark, Brad Limoges and Kathy Pombriant of East Auburn School, who won certificates of honor at the 5th Annual Student Film Festival in Portland.

LD NoLD HP1622 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sheri Chicoine, Jeff Hess, Roland Camire, Lorna Cote, Philip McLean, Debbie MacDonald, Brigitte Poulin, Stuart Beddie, Jennifer Lee, Maurice Bernaiche, Maria Clements, Lynne Hill, Danielle Lemieux, Laura Tyler, Lisa Cyr, Alicia Hubbel, Heidi Merrill, Kellie Sweet and Scott Morris of Central School in Auburn, who won certificates of honor at the 5th Annual Student Film Festival in Portland.

LD NoLD HP1623 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth Chavey, Valedictorian of Ellsworth High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1624 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Moore, Salutatorian of Ellsworth High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1626 Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Endorse the Concept of Providing Health Care Services in a Central Facility in Aroostook County Under the Auspices of the Veterans Administration Center in Togus.

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LD NoLD HP1627 Joint Resolution Regarding the Wages and Benefits of Employees in Private Long-term Care Facilities and Service Agencies.

LD NoLD HP1628 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Mexico High School girls' softball team, which won the 1981 State Class C Championship.

LD NoLD HP1629 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Labor shall study the area of occupational disease and hearing loss.

LD NoLD HP1630 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kevin Albert of Millinocket, Valedictorian of Stearns High School, Class of 1980.

LD NoLD HP1631 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Scott Ingalls, Salutatorian of Stearns High School, Class of 1980.

LD NoLD HP1632 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Beth Debernardi of Portland, Valedictorian of , Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1633 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Camilla Nicholas, Stephanie Lundeen and Sherrie Weeks of Central Aroostook High School, chosen for the Pepsi All Aroostook All- Star Basketball Team for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1634 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Patricia Lynn Daigle of Van Buren, Co- valedictorian of Van Buren District Secondary School, Class of 1981.

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LD NoLD HP1635 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Beth Ann Cormier of Van Buren, Salutatorian of Van Buren District Secondary School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1636 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David John Lebel of Van Buren, Co- valedictorian of Van Buren District Secondary School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1637 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Toni Farrenkopf of Bangor, named Athlete of the Year for 1980-81 at John Bapst Memorial High School.

LD NoLD HP1638 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sherri Weeks of Central Aroostook High School, winner of the most Valuable Player Award for 1981, and member of Central Aroostook State Championship basketball team.

LD NoLD HP1639 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michelle Hallett of Central Aroostook High School, who has established a new state record for the mile and 2 mile run in track and field.

LD NoLD HP1640 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Christopher Jon Delogu of Portland, Valedictorian of Portland High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1641 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Deanna DeSimon of Portland, Salutatorian of Portland High School, Class of 1981.

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LD NoLD HP1642 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ed and Sis Manning on their 25th anniversary as owners of the Shamrock Cafe.

LD NoLD HP1643 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Abraham I. Passman of Portland on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1644 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing , Maine Mariner goaltender, selected as the 1981 American Hockey League Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player.

LD NoLD HP1645 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Alfred N. Savignano, retiring after 31 years of service as a principal and teacher in Auburn.

LD NoLD HP1646 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gerald S. Alden, Sr., retiring after 31 years of service as a principal and teacher in Auburn.

LD NoLD HP1647 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Amy Ashton, Marian Cook, Jean Curtis, Margery Dyer, Frances Fairfield, Bertrand Ferald, Lawrence "Doc" Hersom, Jessie Hosman, Dorothy Hunter, Richard Michaelson, Rose Mottram, Isabel Niles and Marjorie Wellman, retiring after service as teachers in Auburn.

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LD NoLD HP1648 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Brian Kane, Lee Marquis, June LaRoche, Mary Woodman, Suzanne Powers, Susan Flynn, Nancy Rand and Katherine Penley of Auburn, who are among the top 10 students at Edward Little High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1649 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth Keene of Auburn, who is one of the top two students of Edward Little High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1650 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Christopher Scales of Auburn, who is one of the top two students of Edward Little High School, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1651 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Harry P. Glassman of Portland, Associate Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court.

LD NoLD HP1654 Joint Resolution in Support of Efforts to Return American Servicemen Held in Vietnam.

LD NoLD HP1655 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Portland High School and Coach Fred James upon winning their third consecutive State Class A Baseball Championship.

LD NoLD HP1656 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Pamela Beal of Old Orchard, Salutatorian of Old Orchard High School, class of 1981.

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LD NoLD HP1657 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kristin Dinsmore of Portland, Salutatorian of Deering High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1658 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Romkey, class of 1981, Bangor High School, awarded the Charles E. French Medal, given annually to the four seniors with the highest grade-point averages.

LD NoLD HP1659 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jennifer Lown, class of 1981, Bangor High School, awarded the Charles E. French Medal, given annually to the four seniors with the highest grade-point averages.

LD NoLD HP1661 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Major General Robert A. Rushworth of Madison, America's second winged astronaut and noted space exploration pioneer, upon his retirement from the United States Air Force.

LD NoLD HP1662 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Agnes B. Abrahamson, head and assistant librarian, Falmouth Memorial Library for 30 years, on the occasion of her retirement.

LD NoLD HP1663 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joseph E. Buckley, Jr., Falmouth Superintendent of Schools, 1976-1981.

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LD NoLD HP1664 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeannine Irwin, class of 1981, Bangor High School, awarded the Charles E. French Medal, given annually to the four seniors with the highest grade-point averages.

LD NoLD HP1665 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Janet Craig, , class of 1981, Bangor High School, awarded the Charles E. French Medal, given annually to the four seniors with the highest grade-point averages.

LD NoLD HP1666 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephen Nadeau, Class of 1981, Bangor High School, awarded the Charles E. French Medal, given annually to the four seniors with the highest grade-point averages.

LD NoLD HP1667 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bernard E. Littlefield of Hampden Highlands, Valedictorian of Hampden Academy, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1668 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeffrey Garneau of Hampden, Salutatorian of Hampden Academy, class of 1981.

LD NoLD HP1669 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Brewer High School Girls' Softball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class A Champions.

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LD NoLD HP1670 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Rev. Joseph Carrier of Saco, priest at the church of Notre Dame, who is retiring after 45 years in the priesthood.

LD NoLD HP1671 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Coach Jim Ford and the Oak Hill Raiders, who have won 3 consecutive league championships in Class C tennis.

LD NoLD HP1672 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Coach Bill Fairchild and the Oak Hill Raiders upon winning 5 consecutive league titles and 2 state titles in Class C baseball.

LD NoLD HP1673 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Raiders of Oak Hill High School and Coach Bill Fairchild, winners of the State of Maine Class C Baseball Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1674 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lt. Timothy Sherwood from South Paris, 1981 West Point graduate.

LD NoLD HP1675 Joint Resolution Accepting the Capitol Planning Commission Report and Indicating a Willingness to Utilize the Capitol Complex Plan and Public Improvement Proposals as a Guide for All Future Legislation Pertaining to the Capitol Complex.

LD NoLD HP1676 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Education shall study the present delivery system for public education.

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LD NoLD HP1677 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation shall study the future of municipal revenue sources and determine whether legislation should be introduced which would identify potential alternative sources and alleviate the condition of municipal funding.

LD NoLD HP1678 Joint Order, That the First Regular Session of the 110th Legislature shall be extended by one legislative day.

LD NoLD HP1679 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Emmett Stevens of E. Millinocket, upon his retirement after 23 years of service to the community as a teacher at Schenck High School.

LD NoLD HP1680 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Jo Shaw of Mars Hill, who swam a mile to summon help for a family involved in a boating mishap in the frigid waters off Pine Point.

LD NoLD HP1681 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the East Branch Snow Rover Club of E. Millinocket, named the number one snowmobile club in the State by the Maine State Snowmobile Association.

LD NoLD HP1682 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sen. John Kerry of Old Orchard, his children Natasha and Meghan, and Linwood and Cecil Boutet for their efforts in assisting in rescuing 5 individuals from the frigid waters off Pine Point.

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LD NoLD HP1683 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Lyman J. Kane, Sr., of Bar Harbor, Chief of Police of that community for 31 years.

LD NoLD HP1684 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Mary Brown Dickinson, for service as a teacher to the Lisbon and Sabattus Communities.

LD NoLD HP1685 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Glen W. Torrey of Auburn, upon his appointment to represent Maine on the USDA Stabilization and Conservation Commission.

LD NoLD HP1686 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kenneth F. Baily of Harpswell, for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1687 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing JoAnne M. D'Arcangelo of Augusta, for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1688 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dorothy Hall of Sangerville, for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1689 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kathleen Watson Goodwin of Bath, for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1690 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kenneth Allen of Sidney, for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

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LD NoLD HP1691 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Phyllis Stafford of Augusta, for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1692 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Pamela E. Lovley of Whitefield for service to the Legislature and the people of the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP1693 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources shall study the Atlantic salmon fishery and determine whether legislation should be introduced which would establish addition controls on this resource.

LD NoLD HP1694 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary shall study the provisions of LD 1594 and shall develop a procedure which may be used to determine what lands or parts of lands are covered by the provision of that Bill and which will protect owners of such lands, future purchasers of such lands, title attorneys and the State by making it possible to determine if particular lands are covered by that Bill.

LD NoLD HP1695 Joint Order, That the First Regular Session of the 110th Legislature shall be extended by 2 additional legislative days.

LD NoLD HP1697 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Anne D. Stimpson, retiring after 30 years as librarian of the Mark and Emily Turner Memorial Library in Presque Isle.

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LD NoLD HP1698 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Arnold and Lillian Forsman of New Sweden on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1699 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Continue the Maine Turnpike Authority" (SP 650) (LD 1676) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP1700 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frank Stevens upon retirement after 33 years' service with the Kennebunk Police Department, 23 of those years as Chief of Police.

LD NoLD HP1701 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Hanson of Hampden for receiving the National University and Continuing Education Association Award for his work in the area of labor education.

LD NoLD HP1702 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kenneth E. Wormell of Bangor, Former President of the Greater Bangor Labor Council, upon his retirement as Business Agent for Local 621, C.J.A., after 15 years of service.

LD NoLD HP1703 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lucille Audet, Executive Secretary of the Lawrence Alumni Association for her years of service.

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LD NoLD HP1704 Communication from the Governor: Veto message on "An Act to Establish Temporary Minimum Prices to be Paid to Milk Dealers and Retailers and Facilitate Compliance of the Milk Commission with Recent Cases before the Maine Courts" (LD 1688).

LD NoLD HP1710 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing City of Portland firefighters John Bellino, Stephen Newcomb, Harold Stoddard and Stephen Hastings, who risked their lives to save a 17-month old child.

LD NoLD HP1711 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Portland North Babe Ruth team, coached by Ron Lemieux, Maine's first Babe Ruth World Series representative, which finished fourth in the nation.

LD NoLD HP1712 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Dr. Leroy Greenlaw of Auburn, for service as athletic examiner for the Maine Athletic Commission.

LD NoLD HP1713 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Brown, on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1714 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Lankford, on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1715 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael T. Carr, on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

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LD NoLD HP1717 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House to provide additional relief under the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Act and Low Cost Drug Program which will increase by $1,000 the income limitation levels for eligibility under each program and cost the state $1,085,000.

LD NoLD HP1718 Joint Resolution, in memory of Hon. Romeo T. Boisvert of Lewiston, member of the 100th, 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 104th and 110th Maine Legislatures.

LD NoLD HP1748 Communication from the Secretary of State: Transmitting an initiated bill, "An Act to Adjust Annually Income Tax Laws to Eliminate Inflation- induced Increases in Individual State Income Taxes" (IB 2) (LD 1737).

LD NoLD HP1756 Communication from Director, Department of Conservation: Submitting amendments to the Land Use Regulation Commission's land use standards, adopted this past October.

LD NoLD HP1757 Communication from the Governor: Submitting recommendations for funding personnel and program costs in State government with monies from the Maine Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance Agency, noting no funds available.

LD NoLD HP1758 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jim Balmer of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State

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Football Team.

LD NoLD HP1759 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dana Birnbaum, named Maine's "Outstanding Young Woman" for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1760 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peter Durant of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State Football Team's offensive and defensive squad.

LD NoLD HP1761 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robbie Gould of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State Football Team, second team.

LD NoLD HP1762 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Captain Raymond J. Normandeau who is retiring after 20 years of service to Sanford and the State as a firefighter.

LD NoLD HP1763 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Frank Russell Hopper of Caribou, for service to his county and community.

LD NoLD HP1764 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Richard E. McKean of Limestone, Member of the 108th, 109th and 110th Legislatures.

LD NoLD HP1765 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Brewer High School Boys Cross Country Team on winning the Eastern Maine Class A Championship.

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LD NoLD HP1766 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Brewer High School Girls Cross Country Team on winning the Eastern Maine Class A Championship.

LD NoLD HP1767 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Julia Gardner of Hamden Highlands on her 100th birthday.

LD NoLD HP1801 Communication from the Governor: Conveying a bill reflecting his recommendations with regard to the determination of the Municipal Cost Component for services and reimbursements to be rendered in the fiscal year 1982-83.

LD NoLD HP1802 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Amos G. Winter, Jr., of Kingfield, founder of Sugarloaf Mountain ski resort.

LD NoLD HP1804 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Plissey of Presque Isle, who placed 2nd in the 1981 AAU Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship for 15 and 16- year-old boys.

LD NoLD HP1805 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David Mangus of Presque Isle, who placed 5th on the State of Maine 15 and 16-year-old boys team at the AAU Junior Olympic Cross County Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1806 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gardiner High School Football Team on winning the 1981 State Class A Championship.

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LD NoLD HP1822 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michelle Hallett of Mars Hill, winner of the 1981 AAU Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship in Amarillo, Texas for 17 and 18- year-old girls.

LD NoLD HP1823 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Keith Estes, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1824 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Roger Legere of So. Portland, who rescued four stranded Legislators on their journey home from Maine Maritime Academy after the State of Maine Cruise.

LD NoLD HP1833 Joint Order, That the Legislative Finance Officer be directed to pay each member of the Legislature a $200 allowance for constituent services.

LD NoLD HP1846 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Local and County Government report out legislation to the House to revise the salaries of county officers and lay the county taxes for the year 1982.

LD NoLD HP1849 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Cecil H. McNally of Ellsworth, member of the Maine Legislature during the 103rd, 104th, 105th, 106th, 107th and 108th legislative sessions.

LD NoLD HP1851 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Marie- Anna Gilbert of Waterville, mother of Fr. Valmont Gilbert.

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LD NoLD HP1852 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cynthia Wescott of Norway, who has been awarded the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award.

LD NoLD HP1853 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peggy Wolfe of Buckfield, who has been awarded the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award.

LD NoLD HP1854 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Patrick May of Oxford Hills High School, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1855 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Martin Morse of Wells, a certified Maine Tree Farmer since 1976, named Outstanding Forester of 1982 for his record as a woodland manager.

LD NoLD HP1856 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Maude Adams of North Newport on the 80th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1857 Joint Order, Establishing a Joint Standing Committee on Alcoholism Services.

LD NoLD HP1858 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Otis Smith of Hodgdon, selected Outstanding Conservation Farmer for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1859 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Brian Ireland of Veazie, who has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

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LD NoLD HP1860 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Grace "Faulkie" Gilmore of Hampden, as athlete, scholar and educator.

LD NoLD HP1867 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 90th birthday of Pearl S. Bordeaux of Mt. Desert, tax assessor for that town since 1938.

LD NoLD HP1873 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Forest J. Brown of Vassalboro on their 65th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP1874 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gray- New Gloucester High School Boys' Soccer Team and their coach, Alf Ehnstron, in winning the State Class B Soccer Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1875 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Freeport Volunteer Fire Department for successfully evacuating 63 people from a burning apartment house.

LD NoLD HP1876 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wellington S. Higgins of Winthrop on the 108th anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD HP1884 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the dedication of $197,000,000 expansion project at Madison Paper Industries making the plant the largest producer of supercalendered paper in North America.

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LD NoLD HP1885 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kenneth Knowles, town manager of Hodgdon and Linneus, who has received the Lincoln Stackpole Manager of the Year Award for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1886 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mike Taylor of Sanford, most valuable wrestler of the 8th Annual Redskin New England invitational Wrestling Championship.

LD NoLD HP1887 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Sanford High School Wrestling Team, coached by John Caramihalis, for finishing 1st in the 1982 Sanford High School New England Invitational Wrestling Championship.

LD NoLD HP1888 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the team members of Daigle's School of Gymnastics for their showing as representatives of Penobscot Valley in the Down East Open Gymnastic meet.

LD NoLD HP1889 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Francis Roderick, Consultant, Fire Service Training, Bureau of Vocational Education, retiring after 15 years in the Bureau.

LD NoLD HP1893 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Timothy S. Fallon of Thorndike, selected as a delegate to the 20th Anniversary United States Senate Youth Program.

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LD NoLD HP1894 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda Haggerty of Houlton, selected Maine's Junior Miss for 1982.

LD NoLD HP1895 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing firefighter Harold Stoddard and firefighter Stephen Hastings of the Portland Fire Department, selected as Firefighters of the Year for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1896 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, named the Outstanding Fraternal Organization at the University of Maine-Orono for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1897 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Hon. Camille V. Bedard of Saco, who served as a member of the 100th, 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 104th and 105th Legislatures of this State.

LD NoLD HP1898 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kevin and Konrad Martin, seniors at Bangor High School and members of the Bangor Pride Swim Team, for their numerous awards in swimming and diving.

LD NoLD HP1899 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing January 30, 1982, which marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

LD NoLD HP1909 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mark Jumper of Lewiston High School, selected to represent the Lewiston-Auburn Chapter of Junior Achievement at the Regionals in the Catskills.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1910 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Ralph H. Ross of Sanford on his resignation after 14 years of service as Judge in the Maine District Court.

LD NoLD HP1919 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles Michaud of Millinocket, commander of the Fifth Legion District of Maine, named outstanding district commander.

LD NoLD HP1923 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frank Hussey of Presque Isle, chosen to receive the Outstanding Citizens Award by the Presque Isle Chamber of Commerce.

LD NoLD HP1924 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Yvonne Hall of Houlton, named Miss Maine National Teenager for 1981.

LD NoLD HP1926 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rev. Herve F.M. Drouin, O.P.S.T.D., leader and organization founder in the Lewiston-Auburn community.

LD NoLD HP1932 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Ste. Marie, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout, Troop 74, Old Town.

LD NoLD HP1937 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Fred and Ida Rose of West Bath on their 65th wedding anniversary.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1938 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Alexander Dority of Camden, named the recipient of the Man of the Year Award by the Camden Chamber of Commerce for his years of service.

LD NoLD HP1939 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mina Rines of Warren on the 102nd anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1940 Communication from Secretary of State: Transmitting Initiated Bill "An Act to Repeal the Control of Milk Prices at the Wholesale and Retail Levels" (IB 3) Ordered Placed on File in Concurrence 2-10-82.

LD NoLD HP1941 Communication from Secretary of State: Transmitting the budget estimates of expenses of the sixteen counties within the State for the year 1982.

LD NoLD HP1943 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Isabelle L. Knowlton of Rockville, retiring after over 40 years of service in all 3 branches of State Government, including service under 3 Secretaries of State, service on the staff of the Clerk of the House, and service as a Clerk of Courts.

LD NoLD HP1944 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peter Turner of Sanford, for winning the State Elks Hoop Shoot competition in his age class.

LD NoLD HP1945 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Esther Simpson of Sanford on the celebration of her 100th birthday.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1946 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bob McCall of Sanford for winning the State Elks Hoop Shoot competition in his age class.

LD NoLD HP1947 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Merle Gammon of Livermore, on his 100th birthday.

LD NoLD HP1950

LD NoLD HP1952 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Marietta Atwood of Bath, noted entertainer and pianist.

LD NoLD HP1954 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda Alden of Monmouth Academy, who has scored over 1000 points during her 4 years on the Academy Basketball Team.

LD NoLD HP1962 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Bernard "Beaver" O'Neil of Calais, public official of that community.

LD NoLD HP1963 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Margaret H. Gillis of E. Millinocket and Milo, teacher and educator for over 40 years.

LD NoLD HP1964 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John L. Gatcombe of Waldoboro, for his 12 years of public service in the Waldoboro Ambulance Service.

LD NoLD HP1965 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Edith Tibbitts of E. Millinocket, retiring after 19 years of service to the town as Town Clerk and Treasurer.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1966 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing that a new Veterans' of Foreign Wars Post was opened in Sherman Station.

LD NoLD HP1977 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ada Guthrie of Ellsworth, who celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1978 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Women's Hospital Association of Central Maine Medical Center for its production of the 1982 "Red Stocking Review."

LD NoLD HP1979 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Margaret Philbrook of Greene, on the 90th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP1980 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stanley Hackett of Troop 342, Bar Mills, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1982 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Timothy Reed of Augusta, Troop 603, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP1987 Joint Order, Amending the Joint Rules by Amending Joint Rule 32 respecting form of bills and resolves.

LD NoLD HP1988 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lt. Joseph Thomas and Firefighter Louis DeRice for actions in rescuing 2 persons trapped in a fire.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP1998 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Kermit S. Nickerson of Waterville, former State Commissioner of Education and an educator who was widely recognized for the "Distinguished Service to Education in Maine."

LD NoLD HP1999 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Dr. Judson P. Lord of Warren, a family doctor who served the town and area for over 40 years.

LD NoLD HP2002 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Lee on the 150th anniversary of its incorporation.

LD NoLD HP2003 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Bangor Rams Girls' Basketball Team, winner of the 1981 Bangor High School Boosters Club Holiday Basketball Tournament.

LD NoLD HP2004 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Rena Labbe, language arts teacher at Madawaska Junior- Senior High School, who has been selected Maine Teacher of the Year 1981.

LD NoLD HP2010 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Frena of Lisbon Falls, on the 90th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2011 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jane P. Norris of Auburn, 1st woman bank president in Maine.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2012 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rev. E. Richard Wrentzel of Auburn, minister at the East Auburn Baptist Church at the time of the 175th anniversary of that church's founding.

LD NoLD HP2013 Communication from the Governor: Submitting report on recommended allocations for FY 1983 from the Alcoholism Prevention, Education Treatment and Research Fund.

LD NoLD HP2018 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joe Quinn of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD HP2019 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeff Fahey of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State Football Team, second team.

LD NoLD HP2020 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gabby Price of Bangor, coach of the 1981 State Championship Bangor High School Football Team.

LD NoLD HP2022 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kelly Bourbon of North Berwick, a junior at Noble High School and a member of the Girls' Basketball Team, for reaching the 1000 point scoring mark in 3 years.

LD NoLD HP2023 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Noble High School Girls' Basketball Team for their undefeated 1982 season.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2024 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William Follis of Buxton, formerly of Eastport, who celebrated his 100th birthday.

LD NoLD HP2025 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Rose Allain of Madison, Maine Mother of the Year for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2031 An Act to Clarify and Extend Solar Energy Tax Exemptions.

LD NoLD HP2032 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norman R. McPherson of Mars Hill, selected the 42nd Civil Engineering Squadron's Civilian of the Year at Loring Air Force Base.

LD NoLD HP2033 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Harley W. "Wally" Clark of Calais, who has scored 1,000 points in his basketball career at Calais High School.

LD NoLD HP2034 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Leonard M. Nelson, Esq. of Portland, who saved members of the Maine Legislature from a potentially embarrassing oversight.

LD NoLD HP2035 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mal Sibulkin, chosen as the Maine Small Businessperson of the year for 1981 by the United States Small Business Administration.

LD NoLD HP2036 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Daniel R. O'Neil of Fryeburg, chosen by the Guy Gannett Publishing Co. as winner of the Young Columbus XXVI carrier contest.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2037 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Vernon D. Burke of Troop 432, in Skowhegan, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2038 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Fire Chief Earle A. Blake of Pownal, upon his retirement following 23 years of service to his community.

LD NoLD HP2039 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing February 7-13 as United States Jaycette Week for that organization's volunteer service to its fellowmen, communities and country.

LD NoLD HP2040 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dolly Gardiner of Presque Isle, chosen as an Outstanding Young Woman of America for 1981.

LD NoLD HP2041 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Nancy Lougee, a sophomore at Penquis Valley High School, for her first place finish in the school's 14th annual science fair.

LD NoLD HP2042 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Zozus, a senior at Penquis Valley High School, for his first place finish in the school's 14th annual science fair.

LD NoLD HP2043 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jackie Dunham, a freshman at Penquis Valley High School, for her first place finish in the school's 14th annual science fair.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2044 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Pam Mayo, a junior at Penquis Valley High School, for her first place finish in the school's 14th annual science fair.

LD NoLD HP2045 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sheila Jepson of Caribou, chosen Miss Caribou for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2046 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frances Mealey, for years of service to Waterville Assembly #21 of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls.

LD NoLD HP2047 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Florence Milton, for years of service to Waterville Assembly #21 of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls.

LD NoLD HP2048 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Dr. Millard E. "Doc" Nickerson, chiropractor in Sanford since 1923.

LD NoLD HP2054 Communication from Deputy Secretary of State: Transmitting an Initiated Bill "An Act to End the Use of Nuclear Power for Producing Electricity in Five Years" (IB 4) (LD 1989).

LD NoLD HP2056 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Douglas Adams of Boy Scout Troop III of Auburn, who has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2057 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Allen Bell of Boy Scout Troop III of Auburn, who has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2058 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Heather D. Larlee of Southern Aroostook Community School District, chosen as a DAR Good Citizen for 1981-1982.

LD NoLD HP2059 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles Bubar of Hodgdon High School, chosen as a DAR good citizen for 1981-1982.

LD NoLD HP2061 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bryan Courtois of Millinocket, who recently earned the rank of Life Scout, the last step before Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2062 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the members of the Auburn Middle School Ski Team for winning both the Boys' and Girls' State Junior Ski Championship.

LD NoLD HP2063 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of E. Millinocket on the celebration of the 75th anniversary of its incorporation.

LD NoLD HP2064 Communication from Director, State Planning Office: Transmitting annual report of the State Planning Office on housing.

LD NoLD HP2065 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Albert Bradford of Turner for his distinguished career as a dairy farmer which has included the winning of numerous awards, most notably the Maine Dairyman of the Year and the New England Green Pastures awards.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2076 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elsie M. Monroe of Milo, on reaching the 95th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2077 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Katahdin Cougars of Sherman Station, winners of the Eastern Maine Class C Boys Basketball Championship for the 1981- 1982 academic year.

LD NoLD HP2078 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Central Aroostook High School Girls' Basketball Team on winning the 1982 Class C Eastern Maine Championship.

LD NoLD HP2080 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Maine Snowmobile Association on dedicating its first Interconnecting Trail System in Eustis.

LD NoLD HP2081 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing G. Willis Hodson for service to the Town of Camden, covering a period of more than 27 years as assessor, selectman and town manager.

LD NoLD HP2082 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Ralph P. MacKenzie of Machias, longtime merchant and friend of the community.

LD NoLD HP2083 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Richard H. Keene of Mechanic Falls, for 36 years as a Postal Service employee in which he accumulated over 437,000 miles of accident-free driving and 2800 hours of unused sick leave.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2089 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Julie Fritz of Arundel, a sophomore at Biddeford High School, who holds the Girls' State Class A record for the 1,000-yard event and recently won the New England Indoor Championship in that event.

LD NoLD HP2090 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Larry Bolduc of Auburn, elected State Grant Commander of the Military Order of the Cootie.

LD NoLD HP2091 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Gould Academy Boys' Basketball Team, on winning the Western Maine Class D Championship for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2092 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Debbie McQuire of Hodgdon High School, selected for the Eastern Maine Class C Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2093 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Carol Bubar of Hodgdon High School, selected for the Eastern Maine Class C Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2094 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the members of "Le Regiment Soissonais" Rochambeau Expeditionary Corps, who reenacted the historic march of 1781 from Newport, Rhode Island, to Yorktown, Virginia, at the Bicentennial Observance of the Battle of Yorktown.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2098 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wilfred and Theresa Saucier of Fort Kent, upon their retirement following 35 years each of federal service as custodians at the Canadian border station.

LD NoLD HP2099 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Camilla Nicolas of Central Aroostook High School, who received an Honorable Mention for the Eastern Maine Class C Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team selections for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2100 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sherri Weeks of Central Aroostook High School, selected for the Eastern Maine Class C Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2101 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Patti Brewer of Central Aroostook High School, who received an Honorable Mention for the Eastern Maine Class C Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team selections for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2104 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mexico High School Pintos, winners of the Western Maine Class C Girls' Basketball Championship for 1981-1982.

LD NoLD HP2105 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Wells High School Boys' Basketball Team and Coach Dufort for winning a semi- finalist berth in their first year in the Western Class B Championship playoffs.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2106 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tripp Switzer of Bangor, who has received the 1981 NEWS Thom McAn Football Trophy for Athletic and Scholastic Excellence.

LD NoLD HP2107 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Barry Sweeney of Dresden on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2108 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Oscar Hallee of Waterville on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD HP2109 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mildred and Fred McDonald of Milo on the 60th anniversary of their wedding.

LD NoLD HP2110 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Harry R. Carroll, Dean of Admissions at Colby College.

LD NoLD HP2113 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Local and County Government report out a bill to the House to extend the time for the apportionment of county taxes.

LD NoLD HP2115 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephen Craig of Katahdin High School, named to the Eastern Maine All Tournament Boys' Class C Basketball Team for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2116 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Billy Howes of Katahdin High School, named to the Eastern Maine All Tournament Boys' Class C Basketball Team for 1982.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2117 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Regina O'Brien, who lives in Ellsworth, on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2120 Communication from Deputy Secretary of State: Transmitting an Initiated Bill "An Act to Repeal the Control of Milk Prices at the Wholesale and Retail Levels" (IB 3) (LD 1935).

LD NoLD HP2122 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. McCray of Rumford on the 50th anniversary of their wedding.

LD NoLD HP2123 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Hemond of Minot, who is retiring after 30 years of service to the people of Minot as an employee, and for many years as the Commissioner, of the Town Roads Department.

LD NoLD HP2124 Joint Order, That when the House and Senate adjourns on March 2, 1982, it adjourns to Monday, April 5, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2125 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Steve Averill of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD HP2126 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charleen Chase of Norway, named Outstanding Woman of the Year for 1982.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2130 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Chief Warrant Officer Dennis J. Small of Brownville Junction, who saved a 5-year-old boy from drowning at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

LD NoLD HP2131 Joint Resolution, in Memory of Horace S. Libby, Esq. of Augusta, General Counsel to the Public Utilities Commission.

LD NoLD HP2132 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Cougars of Dirigo High School and Coach Robin Marshall, who have won the State Class C Boys' Basketball Championship for the 1981-1982 academic year.

LD NoLD HP2133 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Geraldine Deering of Hartland, Department President of the American Legion Auxiliary of Maine for service to Maine and the Nation.

LD NoLD HP2134 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Central Aroostook High School Cheerleaders, selected for All Eastern Tournament Classes C and D.

LD NoLD HP2135 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Central Aroostook Boys' Basketball Team, winners of the Eastern Maine Class C Sportsmanship Award.

LD NoLD HP2137 Joint Order, Recognizing and Commending Father Joseph S. Marcoux and his followers in founding Northern Maine General Hospital at Eagle Lake on the 75th anniversary of its

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD NoLD HP2138 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dan Philippon of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All- State Football Team.

LD NoLD HP2139 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stu Gerow of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All-State Football Team, second team.

LD NoLD HP2140 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Central Aroostook High School Girls' Basketball Team and coach Dick Barstow for winning the State Class C Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD HP2141 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Central Aroostook High School Girls' Basketball Team, which won the Eastern Maine Class C Sportsmanship Award for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2145 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ray and Phyllis Lemieux for their leadership as volunteers in the development of hockey and youth in the Waterville area.

LD NoLD HP2146 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Senior Citizens' Choral Group of the Multi-purpose Center in Lewiston and their director Paul Emile Belanger, for the group's 14 years of service to the public.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2147 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dan Simoneau of Livermore Falls, who led the U.S.A. to an 8th place finish in the World Nordic Ski Championship in Oslo, Norway.

LD NoLD HP2148 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Caribou High School, which placed 1st in the Aroostook County Telequiz.

LD NoLD HP2150 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Wells High School Boys' Basketball Team, for winning the overall Sportsmanship Award in the Western Class B Championship Playoffs.

LD NoLD HP2152 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing March 7-13 as National Women's History Week with special recognition to Maine women for their contribution to the history of the State and the Nation.

LD NoLD HP2154 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Margie Arnold, for reaching 1000 career points in basketball, the first girl to do so in the history of Waterville High School.

LD NoLD HP2156 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hatch of Bangor on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2161 Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Support a Mutual Freeze on Nuclear Weapons by the United States and the Soviet Union.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2164 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Fr. Leonard LeClair, Chaplain, Veterans Hospital, Togus, recipient of the 1982 Calumet Club Education Foundation Humanitarian Award.

LD NoLD HP2166 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the East Branch Snow Rover Club of E. Millinocket, named the number one snowmobile club in the State by the Maine State Snowmobile Association.

LD NoLD HP2167 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Julius Sussman of Augusta, a recipient of the 1982 Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service to young, retarded, handicapped and elderly persons.

LD NoLD HP2168 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Vena Merrill of Wiscasset, winner of the Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service for greatest public service benefiting local communities.

LD NoLD HP2169 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Garland Street Junior High School's 1981 Girls Soccer Team on winning the Central Division Championship.

LD NoLD HP2170 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ralph Cammack of Bangor, named to the 1981 Maine Class AA All- State Football Team.

LD NoLD HP2171 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda Mae Lauer of Bridgton, included in the 1981 edition of Outstanding Young Women of America.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2172 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Bellavance, Mary Jo Thompson and others of the Scarborough Elementary School Unit, for bringing national recognition to the school in arts education and a $10,000 grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

LD NoLD HP2173 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wayne Proctor of Windham, on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2174 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing J. Robert Feeley, M.D., of Brewer for his career in medical service to the people of Maine.

LD NoLD HP2175 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hollis Ingalls of Machias, winner of the Jefferson Award for public service.

LD NoLD HP2176 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mae Winslow of Randolph on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2180 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Local and County Government report out a bill to adjust the salaries for Knox and Hancock counties for 1981.

LD NoLD HP2181 Joint Resolution Memorializing the United States Environmental Protection Agency Concerning Sardine Processing Waste Discharge Licenses.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2182 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Maine Department of Environmental Protection Concerning Sardine Processing Waste Discharge Licenses.

LD NoLD HP2186 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ella G. Kelly of Island Falls on the 90th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2187 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lyda M. Banton of Island Falls on the 89th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2188 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Ann McCrea of Fort Fairfield, State President of Maine Association of Future Farmers of America.

LD NoLD HP2189 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the following Agricultural Nobility: Tina St. Pierre of Clinton, Egg Queen; Wilma Sawyer of Albion, Farm Bureau Queen; Barbara Hoeffler of Phillips, Miss Rodeo Maine; Trina Lavertu of East Eddington, Jr. Miss Rodeo Maine; Marlayne Corson of Strong, Grange Queen; Christine Colbath of Presque Isle, Potato Queen; and Carol Higgins of Owls Head, Sea Goddess.

LD NoLD HP2190 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maine farmers and the State's agricultural industry on Maine Agriculture Day.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2191 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Melvin "Doc" Simon of White River Junction, Vermont, National Vice Commander of the American Legion, on the occasion of his visit to Maine.

LD NoLD HP2195 Communication from President of the Senate and Speaker of the House: Deadline by which all bills must have been voted upon and reported from committee.

LD NoLD HP2197 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill conforming Maine Tax Law to changes in the United States Internal Revenue Code.

LD NoLD HP2201 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Lewiston Blue Devils Hockey Team for winning the State Class A Hockey Championship.

LD NoLD HP2202 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Sanford High School Wrestling Team, coached by John Caramihalis, which won the 1981-82 State Class A Wrestling Championship, its 13th State Championship.

LD NoLD HP2203 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Andy Caramihalis, member of the Sanford High School Wrestling Team, who won the 1981-82 State Championship at 132 pounds.

LD NoLD HP2204 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Harry Winslow of Harrison, upon his retirement from public service as Public Works Foreman for the community.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2205 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Donald S. Skilling of Old Orchard Beach, selected Citizen of the Year for 1982 by the Old Orchard Beach Historical Society.

LD NoLD HP2206 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bangor High School Girls' Basketball Team for winning the Eastern Maine Class C Championship.

LD NoLD HP2207 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frank and Ida Bruno of Hebron, selected as the Oxford County Outstanding Conservation Farmers.

LD NoLD HP2208 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Wells Junior High School Girls' Basketball Team for winning its first invitational tournament.

LD NoLD HP2209 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert L. Littlefield, retiring after 12 1/2 years as Town Manager of Wells.

LD NoLD HP2210 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing State Deputy Richard D. Blanchard, the officers and members of the Maine State Council of the Knights of Columbus on the 100th anniversary of the founding of that order.

LD NoLD HP2211 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the USS Stephen W. Groves, which will be commissioned on April 17, 1982.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2212 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Savoie of Boy Scout Troop #190 of Madawaska, for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2213 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Cape Elizabeth Boys' Hockey Team for winning the State Class B Ice Hockey Championship.

LD NoLD HP2214 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Presque Isle High School, which was runner-up in the Aroostook County Telequiz.

LD NoLD HP2215 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dewey Wyatt, member of the Greeley High School Swim Team, who set a new state record in the 200-yard breast stroke.

LD NoLD HP2216 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Greeley High School Boys' Swim Team, coached by Bill Pullis, which won the 1982 State Class A Swimming Championship.

LD NoLD HP2217 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lee Jay Feldman of Auburn, who has been named to the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Alpine All Star Ski Team for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2220 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing State Senator Nancy Randall Clark, who was named the 1982 Woman of the Year by the Brunswick Business and Professional Women's Club.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2221 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Myrna Bouchey, well-known educator and Maine poet, for a decade of service to higher education in Down East Maine as an Associate Professor of English at the University of Maine at Machias.

LD NoLD HP2222 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Fred Ricker of Turner, who attended his 75th consecutive meeting of the town, March 13, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2224 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ralph and Irene Griffin of South Windham on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2225 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill or bills to amend the Maine Income Tax Law to reflect recent changes in the United States Internal Revenue Code.

LD NoLD HP2226 Communication from Chairman, Maine State Compensation Commission: Transmitting report of the Commission pursuant to PL 1981, c. 498.

LD NoLD HP2227 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Edward Little High School Girls' Gymnastics Team for winning the Maine State Girls' Gymnastics Championship.

LD NoLD HP2242 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Angie Emery, chosen Franklin County Farm Bureau Queen.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2243 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Richard Meader, head basketball coach at Thomas College, named coach of the year in NAIA District Five.

LD NoLD HP2244 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Carmen Dame of Massabesic High School, the only 1,000-point scorer in the history of the school.

LD NoLD HP2245 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sean Crotty of Kennebunkport, who has been elected governor of the 1982 Model State Legislature at Bates College.

LD NoLD HP2246 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John D. McGuire of Lewiston, who has been named a recipient of the Jefferson Award.

LD NoLD HP2247 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sharlene Hooper of Machias, winner of the Maine finals of the Wrangler Jeans Country Star Search Contest.

LD NoLD HP2248 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top 10 students at Oxford Hills High School.

LD NoLD HP2249 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Hutchins of Buxton, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2250 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Willis Parsons of Otisfield, public servant of that locality.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2251 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Gil "Gilson" Johnson of Old Orchard Beach, former combat marine fighter.

LD NoLD HP2252 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Carroll W. Millett of Norway, who lost his life while on duty as a police officer in South Paris.

LD NoLD HP2254 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Paul Jones of Minot, recently named chairman of the Agricultural Advisory Council and Maine's Poultryman of the Year for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2255 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Flossie Lancaster of Dexter on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2258 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jeff Durand of Caribou, chosen salutatorian of Caribou High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2259 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jane Umphrey of Caribou, chosen valedictorian of Caribou High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2269 Joint Order, to Amend the Joint Rules by Adding a New Joint Rule 27-A, concerning Joint order to report out legislation.

LD NoLD HP2276 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frank and Marguerite Haley of Limerick on the 50th anniversary of their wedding.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2277 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Thomas Joseph Curran, a native son of Portland, for his continuing contributions to the Tiger Athletic Association.

LD NoLD HP2281 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Franz Hurd of Bangor, prominent Penobscot County farmer, upon the celebration of his 100th birthday.

LD NoLD HP2282 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elizabeth B. Chase, named the 1982 Outstanding Citizen of the Year for Brownville.

LD NoLD HP2283 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Clinton Magoon of West Peru, a senior at Rumford High School, who has been awarded a $1,500 prize in a national painting contest, has appeared on the "Today" show and whose painting is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

LD NoLD HP2284 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Romaine Roethel of Novi, Michigan, National President of the American Legion Auxiliary, who will visit Gray, Maine, on April 23, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2285 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mariam Junge of Indianapolis, Indiana, National Secretary of the American Legion Auxiliary, who will visit Gray, Maine, on April 23, 1982.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2286 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing J. Lowell Bowles, who is retiring after 22 years of service to the Town of Livermore as a selectman.

LD NoLD HP2287 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kevin Campbell of Troop 351 of Kennebunkport, on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2288 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gerry Goulden of Troop 351 of Kennebunkport, on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2289 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Tarbox of Perham, who was chosen Valedictorian of Washburn District High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2290 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Darla Baker of Washburn, who was chosen Salutatorian of Washburn District High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2291 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top 10 scholastic students of the 1982 graduating class of Edward Little High School in Auburn.

LD NoLD HP2292 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sue Flynn of Auburn for her showing at the National Nordic Junior Olympics at Lake Placid.

LD NoLD HP2293 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Haskell of Auburn for his showing at the National Nordic Junior Olympics at Lake Placid.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2294 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Becky Flynn of Auburn for her showing at the National Nordic Junior Olympics at Lake Placid.

LD NoLD HP2298 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Rev. Charles Sweron Council #7920 of St. Agatha, which became the 61st Council of the Knights of Columbus in the State of Maine.

LD NoLD HP2304 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing George Shea of Bangor High School, named to the 1982 All-State Boys' Swim Team.

LD NoLD HP2305 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kevin Martin of Bangor High School, named to the 1982 All-State Boys' Swim Team.

LD NoLD HP2306 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Konrad Martin of Bangor High School, named to the 1982 All-State Boys' Swim Team.

LD NoLD HP2307 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ben Isaacs of Bangor High School, named to the 1982 All-State Boys' Swim Team.

LD NoLD HP2308 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Alfred King "Chappie" Chapman, former chairman of the English department, Roberts Professor of English Literature, faculty member for 41 years at Colby College.

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LD NoLD HP2310 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dennis Grover of Monmouth Academy on being named "Coach of the Year" as the top girls' cross- country coach for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2311 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Laurent E. and Dora Y. Nadeau of Biddeford on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2312 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Louise McKenney of Fort Fairfield for her many years of public service to the citizens of Aroostook County in the field of education.

LD NoLD HP2313 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Atlantic Engine Company No. 2, Camden Fire Department, on its 100th consecutive annual celebration.

LD NoLD HP2314 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles Milan III of Brewer, 4-time world champion candlepin bowler and holder of numerous other candlepin bowling records, on his induction into the Maine Sports Hall of Fame.

LD NoLD HP2315 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William W. Sprague of Augusta, awarded the 1982 Outstanding Citizen Award of Le Club Calumet.

LD NoLD HP2316 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Claustin Lawrence, a senior at Cony High School, who won the Class "A" State Championship in Wrestling in the 119-lb. weight class.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2317 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cony High School Boys' Basketball Team for winning the Eastern Maine Class A Basketball Championship.

LD NoLD HP2318 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Fred Shea of Augusta, on the 95th anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD HP2319 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cony center Gregg Cooper, the first recipient of the Phil Harris Award, awarded in recognition of athletic talent, sportsmanship and scholarship for basketball players in the Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference.

LD NoLD HP2320 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert L. and Roger A. Verreault, founders of the Diamond Machine Company of Lewiston for their business acumen and their loyal relationship to their employees and the community.

LD NoLD HP2321 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Revise the Salaries of Certain County Officers" (HP 2280) (LD 2126) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP2322 Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress to Call a Constitutional Convention to Limit the Annual Federal Budget.

LD NoLD HP2323 Joint Resolution Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Order of the Knights of Columbus.

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LD NoLD HP2324 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top 2 scholastic students at Oak Hill High School in Wales for 1982, Peter Pilot of Wales, chosen Valedictorian, and Earl Lamoreau of Litchfield, chosen Salutatorian.

LD NoLD HP2325 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Oak Hill High School Girls' Varsity Field Hockey Team, winners of the first Mid-Maine Conference Championship in this event.

LD NoLD HP2326 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Harland Storey, selected the Eastern College Athletic Conference's 1982 Rookie of the Year in New England Division III.

LD NoLD HP2327 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Belle Williams of Presque Isle, on the 110th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2328 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bob Parker of Auburn, captain of the Edward Little High School Hockey Team, for being named to the 1981-82 Maine Interscholastic Hockey League All-Conference Team.

LD NoLD HP2329 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Baxter State Park acting director, Buzz Caverly, rangers, park staff, and others for their dedication to the principles on which the park was created.

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LD NoLD HP2330 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top 10 scholastic students of the 1982 graduating class of Katahdin High School in Sherman Station.

LD NoLD HP2332 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Ellsworth High School Wrestling Team, coached by Tim Henderson, which won the 1981-82 State Class B Wrestling Championship.

LD NoLD HP2333 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles Allen Bubar of Linneus, chosen Valedictorian of Hodgdon High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2334 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the late Moses Nanigian of Madison, football coach at Madison, Bangor, Edward Little and Lewiston High Schools and highly noted northeastern United States harness racing judge on his election to the Maine Sports Hall of Fame.

LD NoLD HP2335 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Portland High School, the second oldest high school in the United States, on the celebration of the 161st anniversary of its founding.

LD NoLD HP2336 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing James H. Bisson, producer/director and Marvin "Bud" Blumenstock, Extension Forester, Cooperative Extension Service, for excellence, achievement and service to the State of Maine in producing the "Yankee Woodlot" T.V. series.

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LD NoLD HP2337 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Anthony Pellegrini, chosen 1982 Valedictorian of Morse High School.

LD NoLD HP2338 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cynthia Deschenes and John Schneider, Co-valedictorians, and Mark Wilson, Salutatorian, for the 1982 graduating class of Stearns High School.

LD NoLD HP2339 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bill Michaud of Troop 58 of Millinocket, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2340 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Linda H. Harvey, chosen 1982 Valedictorian of Central High School in Corinth.

LD NoLD HP2341 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Scott K. Brown, chosen 1982 Salutatorian of Central High School in Corinth.

LD NoLD HP2342 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mount Desert Island Girls' Swim Team, winners of the State Class B Girls' Swimming Championship.

LD NoLD HP2343 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marilyn Melrose, chosen 1982 Salutatorian of Morse High School.

LD NoLD HP2344 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John E. Ham, Jr., submaster at Deering High School, for his contributions to Deering High School and the educational system in the State of Maine.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2345 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the first team of the Maine Class A Interscholastic Ice Hockey League, of Biddeford.

LD NoLD HP2346 Joint Resolution Commemorating the "Days of Remembrance" of the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

LD NoLD HP2347 Joint Resolution Commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the Greater Portland Area.

LD NoLD HP2348 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joe Stevens, oldest living World War I member of Donald V. Henry Post #80 in Millinocket.

LD NoLD HP2349 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hollis Robbins, oldest living World War II member of Donald V. Henry Post #80 in Millinocket.

LD NoLD HP2350 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing George H. Martens, Jr. of Camden, for his contribution to the community in his work on behalf of charitable causes.

LD NoLD HP2351 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wendy Ann Gilman of Presque Isle, on being chosen Miss Presque Isle for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2352 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Felicity Bean of Brunswick, the top speller in the Brunswick public school system.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2353 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephanie Davis, Kimberly Gibson and Stacy Wojtysiak of Brunswick High School, who are joined as class valedictorians due to their perfect records.

LD NoLD HP2354 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tony Tammaro of Woodland, selected as the sportswriters and college coaches' "Man of the Year."

LD NoLD HP2355 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Heather D. Larlee of Oakfield, chosen valedictorian of Southern Aroostook School District for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2356 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lynn Miller of Jay, member and past chief of the Jay Fire Department, for his contributions to the community as a veteran fireman and life- long resident of Jay.

LD NoLD HP2357 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Neil Kevin Benar of E. Millinocket, as valedictorian of Schenck High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2358 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Laura Jane Shea of E. Millinocket, as salutatorian of Schenck High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2359 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Thomas Griffiths, former Maine State Historian from 1940 to 1955, who celebrated his 94th birthday.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2360 Joint Order, That the 2nd Regular Session of the 110th Legislature shall be extended by one additional legislative day to be held on April 13, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2361 Joint Order, That "An Act to Accept Relinquishment of Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction over Marshall Point Light Station in the Town of St. George" (SP 855) (LD 1992) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House of Representatives.

LD NoLD HP2362

LD NoLD HP2363

LD NoLD HP2364 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Virgil Valente of Milo, who was presented the Alchemists Plaque for his endeavors in the field of science for Maine secondary students.

LD NoLD HP2365 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Norman Nickerson of Greenville on the 90th anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD HP2366 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Bangor High School girls' swim team, coached by Robby MacDonald, which won the 1982 State Class A Championship.

LD NoLD HP2367 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the United Baptist Church of Lewiston on its 150th anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2370 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joseph Barto of Portland, who is celebrating the 102nd

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD HP2371 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Herbert family, descendants of Patriarch Simon Hebert (1764- 1843), which will hold a family reunion in Madawaska on July 2-4, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2372 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing that the St. John Valley will celebrate its 5th Annual Acadian Festival Week.

LD NoLD HP2373 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Captive Nations Week, commemorating the nations under Communist control, with special recognition of the Maine residents who are natives of the captive nations.

LD NoLD HP2374 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bryan Courtois of Millinocket, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2375 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lane Feldman of Auburn, chosen the recipient of the Bobby Orr Youth Hockey Sportsmanship Award and the City of Auburn Recreation Department Sportsmanship Award.

LD NoLD HP2376 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Northeast Combat, consumer education and assistance organization, upon its 10th anniversary.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2377 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Laurie Thibodeau of Bangor, named to the 1982 Maine All-State Girls' Basketball Team.

LD NoLD HP2378 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cheryl Rich of Bangor, named to the 1982 Maine All-State Girls' Basketball Team.

LD NoLD HP2379 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing St. Joseph's Parish of Lewiston on its 125th anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2380 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Alice "Tena" Saunders of Sebago Lake, who will be 101 years of age on May 9, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2381 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ralph and Irene Griffin of South Windham on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2386 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Provide for Improved Energy Policy Development and Electricity Demand Forecasts" (HP 2273) (LD 2120) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the House.

LD NoLD HP2387 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David Pierpont of Washburn, recipient of the 1982 Maine Teachers' Association's Medal of Honor for his "demonstration of outstanding courage in defending academic freedom."

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2388 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Bernard F. Morrill of Portland, recipient of 12 distinguished service awards, who died while in the service of his country in Vietnam on August 10, 1970.

LD NoLD HP2389 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ezra James Briggs of Caribou, a 1982 recipient of the Sol Feinstone Environmental Award presented by the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry, for his lifelong contributions to environmentalism.

LD NoLD HP2390 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing that June 25 to July 4, 1982, will mark the 2nd annual Kennebec Water Whatever Race.

LD NoLD HP2391 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Juliette Lohnes of Waterville, who spent her life helping others.

LD NoLD HP2392 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jo-Ann Hill of Freeport, recipient of the first "Humane Award" given by the Maine Federal of Humane Societies.

LD NoLD HP2393 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Carl Nelson of Colby College, who has served as Head Trainer for the 1972, 1976 and 1980 U.S. Winter Olympic Teams.

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LD NoLD HP2394 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Christina Holt and Stanwood Walker, valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of Ellsworth High School for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2395 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lawrence High School Key Club, which was named the Outstanding Key Club for 1981- 82 in District 24.

LD NoLD HP2396 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Darrell Webber, Lawrence High School Key Club advisor, who received the 1982 Advisors Award for outstanding leadership and service among all New England Key Clubs.

LD NoLD HP2397 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, in memory of Paul E. Merrill of Portland, President of Merrill Trucking, a leading New England industrialist, for his civic contributions to his community and the State.

LD NoLD HP2398 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House dealing with administrative changes in the tax laws.

LD NoLD HP2399 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sharon Clark and her committee colleagues for their volunteer efforts in raising funds to bring David Toma, an anti-drug crusader, to the Lewiston- Auburn area to talk about drug problems with area students and parents.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2400 Joint Order, That a Joint Select Committee be appointed to study the feasibility of using an axial flow bulb-type turbine in Maine and its possible applications.

LD NoLD HP2401 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Edward Adams of Presque Isle High School, highest ranking member of the Class of 1982.

LD NoLD HP2402 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tim Charette of Presque Isle High School, second highest ranking member of the class of 1982.

LD NoLD HP2403 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Brian Sipe, who won the Brother John Award for the outstanding actor at the North East Drama Festival.

LD NoLD HP2404 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Presque Isle Shipmate Playhouse, which has won the top award in the State Drama Festival and the New England Drama Festival.

LD NoLD HP2405 Joint Resolution, in memory of Susan N. Brown, beloved wife of Legislative Assistant Bill Brown.

LD NoLD HP2407 Joint Resolution, recognizing Linda Lorenzen of Rockport, salutatorian of School Administrative District #28, Camden-Rockport.

LD NoLD HP2408 Joint Resolution, recognizing Maria Libby of Camden, valedictorian of School Administrative District #28, Camden-Rockport.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2409 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Henry Cameron, principal of the Garland Street Junior High School, for his dedication to students and their educational development.

LD NoLD HP2410 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Emma L. True of Gardiner, on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2411 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Avril Rough of Augusta, State of Maine Champion Speller of the Year for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2412 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Monmouth Academy Speech Team, coached by Scott Foyt, which won the 1982 Mid-Maine Conference Championship and the All-State Championship.

LD NoLD HP2413 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Shawn Legassie of Millinocket Troop 57, who has achieved the high honor and distinction of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD HP2414 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wayne Thurston of Norway, chosen Maine's Outstanding Farmer of 1982.

LD NoLD HP2415 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wilbur S. Viles, for 48 years of banking services to the people of the Oxford Hills area.

LD NoLD HP2416 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Palmer Libby, master of the arts and a devoted teacher and friend of his students.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2417 Joint Order, that "Resolve, Authorizing the Maine Forest Service to Convey by Bid Sale of the State's Interest in Certain Real Estate in the Maine Forestry District and to Use the Proceeds for Energy-saving Improvements to Other Existing Fire Control Buildings" (HP 1922) (LD 1904) be recalled from the legislative files to the House.

LD NoLD HP2418 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Roy A. Briere of Rumford High School, for his record of scholastic achievement and academic excellence.

LD NoLD HP2423 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the top ten students of Buckfield High School, class of 1982.

LD NoLD HP2424 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jerry Deschambault of Sanford and Kevin Sheehan, Captain John Hunt and Dr. Thomas Chayka, of the York Fire Department, for their heroic rescue of a life from a burning building on March 22, 1982.

LD NoLD HP2425 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Owen Allen, Linwood Peary and Clarence (Pete) Boulier, all of the Washburn Fire Department, in recognition of their service to the community.

LD NoLD HP2426 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Amber Theriault of Washburn, crowned Miss Washburn for 1982.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD HP2427 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rev. Herbert Reid for community service to the town of Fairfield.

LD NoLD HP2429 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ellen Phair of Limestone, chosen Valedictorian of the 1982 graduating class of Limestone High School.

LD NoLD HP2431 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lynn Wunderlich of Limestone, chosen Salutatorian of the 1982 graduating class of Limestone High School.

LD NoLD HP2432 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Nettie Winchenbach of Waldoboro on the 90th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD HP2433 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Winchenbach of Waldoboro on their 65th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD HP2434 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Levasseur, valedictorian, and Michelle Bouchard, salutatorian of the 1982 graduating class of Van Buren District High School, S.A.D. #24.

LD NoLD HP2435 Joint Resolution Concerning Display of the Maine Medal for Honorable Service in the Memorial Amphitheater of Arlington National Cemetery.

LD NoLD HP2436 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ginger Lord of Winslow, who won the 97-pound title at the Women's World Powerlifting Championships in Birmingham,

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD NoLD HP2437 Joint Resolution Memorializing the President and Congress of the United States to Refrain from Reductions in Social Security Budget.

LD NoLD HP2438 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sherry DeRosby of Mechanic Falls for heroism in saving a child from drowning.

LD NoLD HP2439 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William Howes, named to the Class C Basketball All-Maine Third Team.

LD NoLD HP2440 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michele Nelson, named Miss Greater Lincoln for 1982.

LD NoLD HP2441 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Betty Ordway of E. Millinocket, retiring after 19 years as secretary to the selectmen.

LD NoLD SP0001 Joint Order, That there be prepared a Register of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve.

LD NoLD SP0002 Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, respectively, purchase such services, supplies and equipment as may be needed to carry on the business of the Senate and House.

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LD NoLD SP0003 Joint Order, Regarding the Printing of the Legislative Record for the session of 1981 and that an index be prepared.

LD NoLD SP0004 Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House jointly prepare the Senate and House Register.

LD NoLD SP0005 Joint Order, That any Town or City Clerk of Board of County Commissioners may receive without charge copies of all printed bills.

LD NoLD SP0006 Joint Order, That the rooms in the State House and State Office Building used by the One Hundred and Ninth Legislature as hearing rooms be reserved for hearing rooms for the One Hundred and Tenth and succeeding Legislatures.

LD NoLD SP0007 Joint Order, That all printing and binding authorized by the Legislature shall be under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House.

LD NoLD SP0008 Joint Order, That the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate be authorized to furnish postage stamps for each member of the House and Senate.

LD NoLD SP0009 Joint Order, That telephone service may be provided for each member of the Senate and House, and each representative from the Indian Tribes at the Legislature for a reasonable number of calls, of reasonable duration.

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LD NoLD SP0010 Joint Order, That the Legislative Finance Officer be directed to prepare weekly expense rosters showing the entitlement of each members for meals allowance and lodging reimbursement.

LD NoLD SP0011 Joint Order, That 3,500 copies of the Governor's Message be printed.

LD NoLD SP0012 Joint Order, That there be paid to the members of the Senate and House as advances on account of compensation established by statute the amount of $360 bi-weekly.

LD NoLD SP0013 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Bangor High School "Rams" football team, coached by Gabby Price, 1980 Eastern Maine Class AA Champions.

LD NoLD SP0014 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tyler P. Hayes, Troop 301 of York, who has achieved the honor and distinction of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

LD NoLD SP0015 Joint Order, That the Joint Rules of the One Hundred and Ninth Legislature, as amended, be the Joint Rules of this Legislature, with exceptions as stated.

LD NoLD SP0016 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the York High School Wildcats and Coach Ted Welch, Winners of the First Maine Class C Football Championship.

LD NoLD SP0023 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0027 Joint Resolution, in memory of Gilbert R. Boucher, Mayor of Biddeford from 1970 to 1973.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0029 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Westbrook High School Field Hockey Team, coached by Roxanne Mailman, which won the 1980 State Class A Championship.

LD NoLD SP0030 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Gorham High School Soccer Team, coached by George Stevenson, which won the Class A State Championship for 1980.

LD NoLD SP0031 Joint Resolution, in memory of Christopher A. Williams of Winthrop.

LD NoLD SP0033 Joint Order, That any tax supported public library may receive without charge copies of all printed bills.

LD NoLD SP0034 Governor's nomination: Charles P. Harriman of Falmouth for appointment to the Maine Guarantee Authority.

LD NoLD SP0035 Governor's nomination: David W. Bustin of Augusta to serve as Commissioner of the Department of Personnel.

LD NoLD SP0036 Governor's nomination: Sumner J. Goffin of Portland for reappointment as a Superior Court Justice.

LD NoLD SP0037 Governor's nomination: Elmer H. Violette of Van Buren for reappointment as a Superior Court Justice.

LD NoLD SP0038 Governor's nomination: Harriet P. Henry of Standish for reappointment to the District Court.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0039 Governor's nomination: Nathan W. Watson of Bath for reappointment to the Maine State Retirement System Board of Trustees.

LD NoLD SP0040 Governor's nomination: Charles G. Dow of W. Gardiner for appointment to the State Employees Appeals Board.

LD NoLD SP0046 Communication from the State Treasurer: Forwarding letters from Charles E. Downing Co. stating that he has been bonded in the amount of $500,000.

LD NoLD SP0047 Communication from the Governor: Enclosing two bonds for the State Treasurer in the requisite amount of $500,000.

LD NoLD SP0077 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0078 Joint Order, That State House Room 334, presented assigned to the Joint Standing Committee on State Government, also be authorized when not in use by that committee, to be used for Senate Democratic Caucuses.

LD NoLD SP0079 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Joseph Saxl, Superintendent of Bangor Mental Health Institute.

LD NoLD SP0080 Governor's nomination: Julia L. Nault of Machias for appointment as a member of the State Board of Education.

LD NoLD SP0081 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joseph L. Faber of Rockland, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

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LD NoLD SP0100 Governor's nomination: Robert E. Baldacci, Jr. of Bangor for appointment to the Maine Guarantee Authority.

LD NoLD SP0104 Governor's nomination: Maurice Keene of Auburn for appointment to the University of Maine Board of Trustees.

LD NoLD SP0109 Communication from the Director of Legislative Research: Containing the report of the Director of Legislative Research pursuant to statute.

LD NoLD SP0113 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0114 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Craig Holmes, Robert Brackett, John Herrick and the members of the Town of South Berwick's Historic Preservation Committee for successful efforts in preserving the heritage of early architecture.

LD NoLD SP0115 Governor's nomination: David F. Wihry of Orono for reappointment as a consumer member of the Health Facilities Cost Review Board.

LD NoLD SP0120 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norman Hall of Sanford, retiring from the Board of Selectmen after serving 19 years.

LD NoLD SP0121 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Alden Thayer of Springvale, chosen by the Sanford-Springvale Jaycees as Outstanding Young Man of the Year for 1981.

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LD NoLD SP0124 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing James G. Packard of Winthrop, cited by the Maine Jaycees as one of the state's three "outstanding young men."

LD NoLD SP0126 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Laura Snell of Houlton, who has retired after 27 years of dedicated state service.

LD NoLD SP0129 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Coach Mike Landry and the Biddeford High School Tigers Football team, 1980 State Class AA Football Champions.

LD NoLD SP0130 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Coach Mike Landry of Biddeford High School, chosen 1980 State Class AA Coach of the Year.

LD NoLD SP0131 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Claude LeClair of Biddeford High School, recipient of the 1980 James J. Fitzpatrick Award given to the state's outstanding football player who also displays all-around school excellence.

LD NoLD SP0132 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Steve Martin of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0133 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Eric Fournier of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

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LD NoLD SP0134 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Graham Small of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0135 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Claude LeClair of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0136 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gene Gervais of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0137 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mike Gagnon of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0138 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Steve Montembeau of Biddeford High, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0139 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dennis Gadbois of Biddeford High School, selected for the 1980 State Class AA All-State Football Team.

LD NoLD SP0148 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0161 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maurice and Eileen Sharpe of Cape Elizabeth on their 50th wedding anniversary.

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LD NoLD SP0162 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing J. Woodrow Vallely, who has retired as York County Register of Probate after 24 years of service.

LD NoLD SP0163 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Officer Chris Johansen of the Millinocket Police Department, who risked his life to save a mother and child from a burning building.

LD NoLD SP0167 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Walter M. Farren of Cherryfield on his 100th birthday.

LD NoLD SP0168 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mohrman of Damariscotta on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0169 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Acton-Milton Mills Free Baptist Church on its 200th anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0170 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles West of Parsonsfield, named "Outstanding Conservation Farmer for 1980" in York County.

LD NoLD SP0173 Governor's nomination: Harvey E. DeVane to serve as Commissioner of the Department of Business Regulation.

LD NoLD SP0176 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Town of Acton on the celebration of its sesquicentennial.

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LD NoLD SP0177 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sid Snow of Brooksville on the 90th anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD SP0187 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Todd E. Potter of Palermo, a member of Boy Scout Troop 222, named a recipient of the Honor Medal for Lifesaving for heroism in rescuing his father from the Kennebec River.

LD NoLD SP0195 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0205 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Janice Ethel Lytle of Eliot, designated as "Outstanding Young Woman of America," 1980.

LD NoLD SP0206 Joint Order, That the Joint Rules be amended by adding Joint Rule 37-A, regarding bills or resolves requiring continued funding.

LD NoLD SP0216 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing February 2, 1981, as the grand opening of the Bowdoinham Country Store and its owners, Ronald and Marian Bagley.

LD NoLD SP0231 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rebecca Scease of Manchester, winner of the Maine Bicentennial Debate Tournament and representative of the State of Maine in the National Bicentennial Debate Tournament in Williamsburg, Va.

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LD NoLD SP0232 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maurice Tibbetts of Readfield, winner of the Maine Bicentennial Debate Tournament and representative of the State of Maine in the National Bicentennial Debate Tournament in Williamsburg, Va.

LD NoLD SP0233 Governor's nomination: Jean M. Larson of Houlton and Stephen Wessler of Litchfield for appointment to the Health Facilities Cost Review Board.

LD NoLD SP0244 Governor's nomination: Russell A. Webb of Clinton for appointment as an alternate employee member of the Maine Labor Relations Board.

LD NoLD SP0245 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Hon. Ella T. Grasso, former Governor of the State of Connecticut.

LD NoLD SP0247 An Act Relating to Cash Reserve Requirements.

LD NoLD SP0271 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the town of Van Buren on its centennial.

LD NoLD SP0273 Governor's nomination: Marshall Cohen of Harrison for appointment to the State Board of Education.

LD NoLD SP0284 Governor's nomination: Richard Marshall of Old Orchard Beach for appointment to the University of Maine Board of Trustees.

LD NoLD SP0296 Governor's nomination: Richard B. Anderson of Portland to be Commissioner of the Department of Conservation.

LD NoLD SP0304 Joint Order on Adjournment.

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LD NoLD SP0305 Governor's nomination: Evelyn Jephson of Kennebunk for reappointment to the Board of Environmental Protection.

LD NoLD SP0306 Governor's nomination: James H. Tweedie of Mars Hill for reappointment to the Board of Environmental Protection.

LD NoLD SP0307 Governor's nomination: William B. Blodgett of Waldoboro for appointment to the Board of Environmental Protection.

LD NoLD SP0323 Governor's nomination: William R. Malloy of Farmingdale for appointment as Commissioner of the Department of Manpower Affairs.

LD NoLD SP0333 Joint Resolution in Support of a New and Greater Direction for the Economy of the United States of America.

LD NoLD SP0338 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Adaline Flewelling of Gardiner on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD SP0339 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Westbrook High School Girls' Field Hockey Team, coached by Roxanne Mailman, which has won the State Class A Championship for 1980.

LD NoLD SP0341 Governor's nomination: John A. Notis of Saco for reappointment to the Health Facilities Cost Review Board.

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LD NoLD SP0342 Governor's nomination: Spencer C. Fuller of Vinalhaven for appointment to the Marine Resources Advisory Council and James L. Warren of Eastport and Peter W. Kelly, III of Cape Elizabeth for reappointment to the Marine Resources Advisory Council.

LD NoLD SP0344 An Act to Prohibit Refiners and Distributors of Motor Fuels from Engaging in the Retail Sale of Gasoline.

LD NoLD SP0353 Communication from Chairman, State Board of Education: Recommending funding levels, including levels for long-range construction plan and costs of maintenance, repairs and capital construction.

LD NoLD SP0364 Joint Order, That "An Act to Repeal Provisions for Premiums and Rebates under the Liquor Laws" (HP 234) (LD 249) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0400 Governor's nomination: Charles H. Milan, III, of Brewer for appointment to the Maine State Liquor Commission.

LD NoLD SP0416 Joint Resolution Urging the Commissioner of Conservation and the Director of the Bureau of Public Lands to Forego Any Policies and Plans Now Under Legislative Consideration.

LD NoLD SP0429 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the City of Saco and the 350th anniversary of the founding of this settlement.

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LD NoLD SP0430 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rumford High School Wrestling Team, 1981 Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference Champions.

LD NoLD SP0431 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Bapst High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 State Class D Champions.

LD NoLD SP0432 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gorham High School Girls' Basketball Team, 1981 State Class B Champions.

LD NoLD SP0433 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Allagash High School Boys' Basketball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class D Champions.

LD NoLD SP0434 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cheverus High School Boys' Basketball Team, Western Maine Class A Champions.

LD NoLD SP0448 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Westbrook High School Girls' Basketball Team, coached by Archie Manoogian, 1981 Western Maine Class A Champions, their 4th consecutive title.

LD NoLD SP0449 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Annette B. Stevens of Waterville, named Maine Mother of the Year for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0450 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Judy Footer of South Harpswell, named Miss Maine USA for 1981.

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LD NoLD SP0451 Governor's nomination: William C. Hughes of Brewer and Peter A. Cloutier of So. Portland for appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Maine Maritime Academy.

LD NoLD SP0459 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Richard Osgood, who is retiring after many years of service as fire chief of Blue Hill.

LD NoLD SP0460 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maine Maritime Academy on the 40th anniversary of its establishment.

LD NoLD SP0461 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cony High School Boys' Basketball Team, 1981 Eastern Maine Class A Champions.

LD NoLD SP0462 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elmer E. Lawrence, who has retired from Bath Iron Works after 26 years of service.

LD NoLD SP0482 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Kennebec Valley Pee Wee Hockey Travel Team, State of Maine Champions for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0496 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gilbert J. Gaston, Jr. of Yarmouth, winner of the Maine Voice of Democracy Contest of 1981.

LD NoLD SP0497 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David A. Beal of Mount Desert and Bowdoin, who has received an ITT International Fellowship under the Fulbright program for study in Austria.

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LD NoLD SP0498 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elaine Barrett of Independence House in Freeport, one of 15 Maine contestants to enter the International Special Olympics Winter Games at Stowe, Vermont.

LD NoLD SP0499 Joint Order, Making known the Legislature's support to the poultry growers of the State and to the management and employees of our processing firms and deep concern of all the members of the Legislature over the plight of the industry.

LD NoLD SP0500 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Richard V. Paquin of Bath, who has retired from Bath Iron Works after 40 years of service.

LD NoLD SP0501 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Willard F. Cromwell of Bath, who has retired from Bath Iron Works after 43 years of service.

LD NoLD SP0502 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Westbrook High School Girls' Basketball Team, coached by Archie Monoogian, 1981 State Class A Champions, their 4th consecutive title.

LD NoLD SP0508 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gardiner High School Tigers Hockey Team, coached by Norm Gagne, 1981 State Class B Champions.

LD NoLD SP0509 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Shaw's Supermarkets for their decision to sell only Maine-produced chicken.

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LD NoLD SP0510 Joint Order, That the Joint Rules, as amended, be further amended by adding at the end of the next to the last paragraph of Joint Rule 38, a new sentence relating to notifications to the House respecting confirmation or denial.

LD NoLD SP0511 Joint Resolution in Honor of Nigerian Legislative Leaders who are Observing the Maine Legislature.

LD NoLD SP0525 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Alfred M. Senter, President and Treasurer of Senter's in Brunswick, who received the first "Maine Retailer of the Year" award.

LD NoLD SP0526 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norman A. Owen of Brunswick, selected to honor Vietnam veterans at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the American Legion.

LD NoLD SP0527 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bill Provencher, Bowdoin College hockey goalie, named to the 1981 Division Two East All- America team, as selected by the American College Hockey Coaches Association.

LD NoLD SP0529 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert E. Peacock of Lubec, who has been honored by the Maine Extension Association as an outstanding community leader.

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LD NoLD SP0532 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David L. Craig of Durham, named a finalist by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

LD NoLD SP0534 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing C. Charles Lumbert of Moose River for his leadership in the advancement of socioeconomic growth in the Jackman-Moose River Community.

LD NoLD SP0535 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Millinocket All-Stars, State Junior Pro-Champions.

LD NoLD SP0536 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing George Gagnon of Millinocket, selected to honor Vietnam veterans at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the American Legion.

LD NoLD SP0537 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joanne Palombo of Brunswick, winner of the Western Maine Class A girls' tournament's "Red" McMann Award, as its most valuable player-sportsman.

LD NoLD SP0540 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Harold F. Porter of Madison, for his years of leadership and contribution toward the socioeconomic advancement of the community.

LD NoLD SP0541 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the captain and crew of Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Annapolis, a helicopter destroyer escort, which is on an

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official visit to Maine and on display in Portland.

LD NoLD SP0544 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kristen Boynton, a 4th grader at Yarmouth Intermediate School, 8th place winner in the Statewide Poster Contest sponsored by the Office of Energy Resources.

LD NoLD SP0545 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Brent Poulin of Troop 648, St. John's School in Brunswick, who has attained the Eagle Scout Badge.

LD NoLD SP0546 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jill Stanton, member of the Brunswick High School basketball team, who has been named to the Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference all-star squad.

LD NoLD SP0547 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Debbie Shaw, member of the Brunswick High School basketball team, who has been named to the Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference all-star squad.

LD NoLD SP0548 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joanne Palombe, member of the Brunswick High School basketball team, who has been named to the Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference all-star squad.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0549 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Caribou High School Marching Band, selected to participate in the 1981 Cherry Blossom Festival parade in Washington, D.C.

LD NoLD SP0550 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dorothy Arndt, a sophomore at Freeport High School, selected to represent Freeport in the Hugh O'Brien State of Maine Leadership Seminar.

LD NoLD SP0552 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Waterville High School Hockey Team, 1981 Class A State Champions for the third consecutive year.

LD NoLD SP0553 Joint Resolution to Commemorate a Visit of the U.S.S. Portland, LSD 37, to the City of Portland and State of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0554 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Brunswick Naval Air Station, recipient of the Secretary of the Navy's Environmental Protection Award for environmental safeguards against oil spills, groundwater pollution and noise pollution.

LD NoLD SP0555 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William Slupski of Brunswick, a sixth- grader from St. John's School, who won his school's competition in the 33rd annual Maine Sunday Telegram spelling bee.

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LD NoLD SP0557 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Phebe Royer of South Freeport, a finalist in the Presidential Scholars Program for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0559 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Almo J. Sebastianelli, National Vice Commander of the American Legion on his two-day visit to Maine American Legion groups.

LD NoLD SP0560 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Augusta Sharpies Cossack Drill Team, first-place winners in Class B drill team competition at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C.

LD NoLD SP0563 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peter Crosby, Robert St. Pierre and Eddie Mallett of the Augusta Fire Department for their daring rescue of an endangered youth.

LD NoLD SP0565 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sean Donegan and Michael Hastings of Readfield, who received the Bobby Orr Sportsmanship Award for dedication and achievement in the game of hockey.

LD NoLD SP0566 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Irene C. Enrico of Brunswick, selected as a "SupShip Bath Employee of the Year."

LD NoLD SP0567 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Romaine Roethel, National Vice President of the American Legion Auxiliary, who will visit Millinocket.

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LD NoLD SP0568 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Michael J. Kogutek of New York, National Commander of the American Legion, who will visit this State.

LD NoLD SP0569 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peter Douglas, an 8th grader at Brunswick Junior High School and the 1981 Cumberland County spelling champion.

LD NoLD SP0570 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ben Boyington, age 12, 7th grader at Freeport Middle School, who placed 3rd in the Cumberland county spelling championship.

LD NoLD SP0571 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0572 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Limit the Sunday Closing Law" (SP 519) (LD 1449) be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0574 Governor's nomination: Roland A. Cole of Wells for appointment to the District Court.

LD NoLD SP0575 Governor's nomination: Stanley J. Evans of Bangor for reappointment to the University of Maine Board of Trustees.

LD NoLD SP0576 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing His Excellency Jaakko Iloniemi of Finland, Ambassador to the United States, on the occasion of his visit to Madison Paper Industries.

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LD NoLD SP0577 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norma Cole of Sedgwick, winner of the Hancock County Spelling Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0578 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles A. Kilbride of Portland, 1981 winner of the Jefferson Award for outstanding public service to all communities.

LD NoLD SP0580 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Peter C. Hoppe of Bar Harbor, 1981 Overall Distinguished Alumnus and Distinguished alumnus for the School of Agriculture, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

LD NoLD SP0581 Governor's nomination: David Cluchey of Cape Elizabeth for reappointment to the Health Facilities Cost Review Board.

LD NoLD SP0584 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Whitten of Winter Harbor on their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0585 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Macee Turcotte of Durham Elementary School, winner of the 1981 Androscoggin County spelling bee championship.

LD NoLD SP0586 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Thomas S. Squiers of Hallowell upon his retirement as Director of the State Tax Division of the Bureau of Taxation after over 35 years of public service.

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LD NoLD SP0587 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Macee Turcotte of Durham, who won 2nd place in the 33rd annual State spelling bee championship.

LD NoLD SP0588 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Maine citizens who voluntarily give of themselves for enrichment and services in support of residents of our mental and correctional institutions.

LD NoLD SP0589 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing James D. Cassida of Troop No. 37 of Belfast, who received the high distinction of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0590 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Florida Lewin, wife of Hon. Theodore Lewin, former member of the Maine Legislature.

LD NoLD SP0591 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Catherine Agnes Murphy Conley of Portland on the 83rd Anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD SP0592 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Frank A. Howe of Cape Elizabeth, Executive Director of the Maine Turnpike Authority.

LD NoLD SP0593 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing those senior high school students who are recipients of the DAR Good Citizenship Award for excellence in leadership, service, dependability and patriotism.

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LD NoLD SP0594 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Stratton Lumber Company, for its achievement and contribution to the advancement of wood processing in the State of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0595 Governor's nomination: Harold G. Loring of Portland for reappointment as the Labor Representative on the Maine Employment Security Commission.

LD NoLD SP0596 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the recipients of the First Annual Lewiston-Auburn Volunteer Recognition Award.

LD NoLD SP0597 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the University of Maine School of Law faculty and staff for assisting the 110th Legislature through its class in legislative drafting.

LD NoLD SP0600 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Institutional Services report out a bill to the Senate to require the Department of Human Services to provide home based care as an alternative to nursing home care.

LD NoLD SP0601 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kathryn Ruth of Freeport upon her initiation into the University of Maine at Orono's Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.

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LD NoLD SP0603 Joint Resolution Memorializing Congress and the President of the United States to Continue the Public Works Program of the Economic Development Administration so as to Permit Funding of Projects Necessary to the Future Well-being of the State and Nation.

LD NoLD SP0606 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Charles DeWitt of Messalonskee High School, named Elks Teenager of the Year by the Waterville Lodge #905 Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.

LD NoLD SP0607 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Raymond and Richard Hall of Mount Vernon, named Kennebec County's "Dairyman of the Year."

LD NoLD SP0608 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Bombardier of Waterville, named "Volunteer of the Year" by the United Way of Mid- Maine.

LD NoLD SP0610 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Deborah Ames of Winslow High School, named Elks Teenager of the year by the Waterville Lodge #905 Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.

LD NoLD SP0612 Joint Resolution Commending the Maine Publicity Bureau on its 60th Anniversary of Service to the Citizens of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0613 Joint Resolution Expressing Hope for the Recovery of Pope John Paul II.

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LD NoLD SP0615 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Robert G. MacBride of Lubec, honored by the Washington County Child and Youth Board for his many years of community involvement.

LD NoLD SP0616 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Chad Clark of Brunswick, who was initiated into Tau Beta Pi at the University of Maine at Orono.

LD NoLD SP0617 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Andrew Price of Yarmouth, who has been granted membership in the Senior Skulls Society at the University of Maine at Orono.

LD NoLD SP0619 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act Relating to the Employment of Minors and Overtime Pay" (SP 188) (LD 490) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0623 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dana Goodwin's restaurant, the Bowdoin, recipient of the Business of the Year Award by the Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce.

LD NoLD SP0624 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William E. Rittmeyer, who received the Annual Valued Member Award from the Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce.

LD NoLD SP0625 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Edward F. "Ted" Wilson, who received the Annual Citizenship Award from the Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce.

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LD NoLD SP0626 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of William P. Ferguson of Springvale, community leader.

LD NoLD SP0627 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Beverly M. Hancock, named Maine's Business Education Teacher of the Year and Maine Vocational Teacher of the Year, 1981.

LD NoLD SP0631 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the University of Maine School of Law, its faculty, students and staff for assisting the 110th Legislature through its class in legislative drafting.

LD NoLD SP0635 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0639 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lee Young of Auburn, selected as Citizen of the Year for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0640 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Shirley Povich, Esq., of Ellsworth, former municipal judge and outstanding citizen of Ellsworth and Hancock County.

LD NoLD SP0641 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephanie Davis of Brunswick, who captured the 1981 State Schoolgirl Tennis Championship.

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LD NoLD SP0643 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert R. Masterton of Cape Elizabeth, President of Maine Savings Bank, installed as Chairman of the National Association of Mutual Savings Banks. Presented to Sen .Clark of Cumberland; Co-sponsored by Sen. Pierce of Kennebec, Sen. Gill of Cumberland, Rep. Masterton of Cape Elizabeth. Passed in Concurrence 5-28-81.

LD NoLD SP0644 Governor's nomination: Richard I. Morin of St. Agatha for reappointment to the Board of Trustees for the University of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0645 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Stearns Minutemen of Millinocket, who won the North Penquis League Baseball Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0646 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Grace Greene of Brooksville on her 99th birthday.

LD NoLD SP0647 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Lewis A. Callnan, one of Houlton's prominent citizens and farmers.

LD NoLD SP0651 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0652 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Bangor High School "Rams" baseball team, 1981 Penobscot Valley Conference Class A Champions.

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LD NoLD SP0653 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Shaw Mudge, owner of the Pineo Point Fisheries and part-time resident of Harrington, selected as 1981 Small Business Person of the Year in Connecticut.

LD NoLD SP0655 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dawn Flagg, Salutatorian of Deer Isle- Stonington High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD SP0656 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Diana Jordan, Valedictorian of Deer Isle-Stonington High School, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD SP0657 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marjorie Austin, Valedictorian of George Stevens Academy, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD SP0658 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Vogt, Salutatorian of George Stevens Academy, Class of 1981.

LD NoLD SP0659 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 133 foster grandparents in the 2 foster grandparent programs in the State, who serve over 400 children with special needs at more than 50 sites.

LD NoLD SP0662 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bill Conley of So. Portland High School, 1981 State Schoolboy Tennis Singles Champion.

LD NoLD SP0663 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Gerald N. Levasseur of Van Buren, a leader in political and civic affairs.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0664 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tom Jones, Brunswick photographer, who won three 1st place awards at the Maine Professional Photographers annual print competition.

LD NoLD SP0665 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Brunswick Naval Air Station Patrol Squadron 11, awarded the prestigious Battle Efficiency Award for 1980.

LD NoLD SP0667 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0668 Communication from Acting Administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Response to Joint Resolution on problems confronting the broiler industry in Maine and describing response for relief.

LD NoLD SP0669 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Captain Charles L. Mull of Brunswick, who received the Military Community Council's prestigious Joshua Chamberlain award for community service.

LD NoLD SP0670 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Kim Loomis, 11-year-old young lady from Yarmouth, who won the Class 3 gymnastics State Championship.

LD NoLD SP0671 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cynthia A. May of Yarmouth, winner of a National Merit $1,000 scholarship.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0672 Joint Resolution Expressing Concern and Disapproval of the Issuance of an Experimental Discharge Permit to the Bowdoin College Marine Research Laboratory.

LD NoLD SP0673 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William "Bill" Tulloch, formerly of Augusta, on the anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD SP0674 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Matt Loomis of Troop 307, Kittery, upon achieving the high honor and distinction of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0675 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Tim Bryant of Troop 307, Kittery, upon achieving the high honor and distinction of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0676 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rick Stacy of Troop 307, Kittery, upon achieving the high honor and distinction of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0677 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gary Smith of Troop 307, Kittery, upon achieving the high honor and distinction of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0678 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Houlton High School "Shiretowners' girls softball team and coach Steve McDonald, Aroostook League Class A champions for 1981.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0679 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Houlton High School Shiretowners and Coach John Donato, winners of the Aroostook County Class A Baseball League Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0680 An Act to Clarify Exceptions Relating to Security Interests in Residences in Bankruptcy Cases.

LD NoLD SP0681 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Maranacook Black Bears' Track Team and Coach Stan Cowan, upon winning the 1981 Boys Class C State Championship in track and field.

LD NoLD SP0682 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Westbrook High School Boys' Baseball team, coached by Bob Smith, which won the 1981 Telegram League Championship.

LD NoLD SP0683 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Westbrook High School Girls' Softball team, coached by Reggie Grant, which won the 1981 Class A Championship.

LD NoLD SP0684 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Searsport High School "Vikings" who won the 1981 Eastern Maine Class C Boys' Baseball Championship.

LD NoLD SP0685 Joint Resolution Expressing Support for the Adoption of an Infant Formula Marketing Code.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0686 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ronald G. Thurston of West Gray, member of Boy Scout Troop 86, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Presented Sen. Huber of Cumberland. Passed in Concurrence 6-10-81.

LD NoLD SP0687 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Scarborough Police and Fire Departments, and the Old Orchard Beach Fire and Rescue Departments, for their efforts in the rescue of 5 individuals from the frigid waters off Pine Point.

LD NoLD SP0688 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Howard Cutler, Richard Rice, David Goggins, Robert Mitchell, Michael Dickson and Joe Lothrop for their heroic efforts in assisting in the rescue of 5 individuals from the frigid waters off Pine Point.

LD NoLD SP0689 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing T.J. Willett of Auburn, who has reached the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0690 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mrs. Robert A. Austin of Auburn, upon her retirement after 23 years of service to the Y.W.C.A.

LD NoLD SP0691 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Minute Men of Stearns High School, Eastern Maine Class B Baseball Champions for 1981.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0692 Joint Order, That certain specified bills may be retained by the committees to which they have been referred during the course of the interim between the first and second regular sessions of this Legislature and may be considered by those committees during that time.

LD NoLD SP0693 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Brunswick High School Baseball Team, 1981 Southern Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference Champions.

LD NoLD SP0694 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Cathy Curtis of Freeport, winner of the 1981 DAR Good Citizenship Award at Freeport High School.

LD NoLD SP0695 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Gorham High School Rams, coached by Vern Plummer, who won the 1981 State Class B Girls' Softball Championship.

LD NoLD SP0696 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing John Bshara III of Troop 345, upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0697 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Engrossing Staff of the Maine Legislature for their dedicated service engrossing legislation for the 110th Maine Legislature.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0698 Expression of Legislature Sentiment, recognizing the K.J. Printing Company, a Division of the Guy Gannett Publishing Company, for their dedicated service printing documents for the 110th Maine Legislature.

LD NoLD SP0699 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rev. John W. Neff, pastor of the Orono United Methodist Church, and Mrs. John W. Neff, for 13 years of service to the people of Orono.

LD NoLD SP0700 Joint Order, That a committee shall study the retirement provisions contained in LD 1683 to determine if the funding is sound and to make recommendations for corrective action if remedial action is required.

LD NoLD SP0702 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing that the personnel of Reprographics Division of the Bureau of Purchases have provided the professional expertise, dedication and enthusiasm to make this session of success.

LD NoLD SP0703 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Leslie G. Merrill of Stetson, member of the 88th, 94th and 101st Maine Legislatures, on his 94th birthday.

LD NoLD SP0704 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lila G. Lincoln, who is retiring after 40 years of service to the Town of Wayne, including service as town clerk and tax collector.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0705 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wendy B. Brown of Brunswick, Miss Teen Maine for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0706 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rev. John F. Crozier, Pastor of St. Mary's Church, Orono, for his service to parishioners and townspeople of Orono.

LD NoLD SP0707 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert J. Shinners of Millinocket, Vice President of Operations, Great Northern Paper Company, a leader in industry and the community.

LD NoLD SP0708 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Haslam of Eastbrook on their 65th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0709 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Merrilee Monks-Paine, Brunswick Police Department youth aid officer, who was honored by the Kiwanis Club as "Police Officer of the Year" for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0710 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ann Sutherland Riley of Brunswick, who received the Brunswick Kiwanis Club's Citizen of the Year award for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0711 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the birth of Amanda Grace Wood, daughter of State Senator Frank P. Wood and Assistant Clerk of the House Deborah Bedard Wood.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0712 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Portland Press Herald television critic, David A. Williams of Freeport, who has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Television Critics Association.

LD NoLD SP0713 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bruce Lockhart, Brunswick High School baseball pitcher, named 1981 Southern Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference Player of the year.

LD NoLD SP0719 Joint Resolution Honoring George Murray of Millinocket on Completing the First Transcontinental Crossing by Wheelchair.

LD NoLD SP0720 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 150th Anniversary of the Sisters of Mercy.

LD NoLD SP0721 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Thomas Hundley on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0722 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mark Hutchins on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0723 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing James Wright on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0724 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dick Figoli of Hallowell, in appreciation of many years of attention and service to those who are retarded or handicapped.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0725 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Clarify the Status of Certain Real Estate Titles in the State" (SP 598) (LD 1594) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0726 Joint Resolution Honoring Sandra Day O'Connor on her Confirmation as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

LD NoLD SP0727 Joint Order, That "An Act to Increase Eligibility Levels for the Elderly Householders Tax and Rent Refund Act" (HP 626) (LD 709) be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0728 Joint Order, That 275 copies of the Legislative Record for the session of 1982 be printed and that a suitable index be prepared.

LD NoLD SP0729 Joint Order, That the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate be authorized to furnish 100 - 20¢ stamps for each member of the House and Senate.

LD NoLD SP0730 Joint Order, That there be paid to the members of the Senate and House as advances on account of compensation established by statute, the amount of $250 a week, payable bi-weekly.

LD NoLD SP0731 Joint Order, That there be prepared after adjournment of the present session a Register of all the Bills and Resolves considered by both branches of the Legislature, showing the history and final disposition of each Bill and Resolve.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0732 Joint Order, That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House be directed to furnish each morning to each member of the Senate and the House, a copy of a newspaper published in the State of Maine, chosen by the member.

LD NoLD SP0733 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bangor High School Rams Girls' Field Hockey Team, which won the 1981 State Class A Championship.

LD NoLD SP0734 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bangor High School Rams, winners of the 1981 class AA State Football Championship.

LD NoLD SP0735 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marshwood High Hawks State Class C Football Champions for 1981, coached by Rod Wotten and co-captained by Joey Santes, Tobin Gray, Berry Fife and Mark Lyman.

LD NoLD SP0736 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Glenn Wing of Bingham, for his efforts in advancing the socioeconomics throughout the community of Bingham, county of Somerset, and the State of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0737 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hon. Barbara M. Trafton of Auburn, named by the Jaycee Women as Outstanding Young Woman of the Year for Lewiston-Auburn.

LD NoLD SP0754 Joint Order on Adjournment.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0755 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Hon. John H. Needham of Orono, Member of the 97th and 98th Maine Legislatures and distinguished member of the Bar.

LD NoLD SP0763 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Edith Livermore of Brooklyn, on her 99th birthday.

LD NoLD SP0775 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing January 15th, set aside and designated by the Legislature in honor and memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.

LD NoLD SP0776 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Dr. Lincoln A. Sennett of Machias, educator and former president of the University of Maine at Machias.

LD NoLD SP0777 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0782 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing January 18th to mark the eighth anniversary of the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment by the State of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0783 Governor's nomination: Marc S. Plourde of Eagle Lake for appointment to the Advisory Council of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

LD NoLD SP0788 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephens Memorial Hospital on its 25th anniversary serving the health needs of the greater Oxford Hills area.

LD NoLD SP0790 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Master Conor Robert Beliveau, born January 13, 1982, third son of Cynthia and Severin Beliveau of

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter


LD NoLD SP0794 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Roger Michaud, selected by the Maine Jaycees as one of the State's Outstanding Young Men for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0795 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0796 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Philip Gray, named Blue Hill "Man of the Year" for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0798 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs report out a bill to fund the Agent Orange Information Committee.

LD NoLD SP0799 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Waterville Sports Director Bob Woodbury, named sportscaster of the year by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association.

LD NoLD SP0801 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Hon. Armand Duquette of Biddeford, who served as a member of the 85th, 86th, 94th, 95th, 96th, 97th, 98th, 99th, 102nd, 103rd and 104th Maine Legislatures.

LD NoLD SP0802 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Captain Clyde Chapman and Firefighter Gregory Peters of the Westbrook Fire Department, selected as Firefighters of the Year for 1981.

110th Legislature: Documents by Title (In LD sequence, with non-LD House and Senate Papers at end)

LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0803 Joint Order, To Amend the Joint Rules by Amending Joint Rule 24-A regarding Bills or resolves filed on behalf of the Governor or Chief Justice.

LD NoLD SP0805 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the East Auburn Baptist Church and its congregation on the 175th anniversary of its founding.

LD NoLD SP0807 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Annie Allen, a member of the George Stevens Academy Girls' Basketball Team, who has scored 1,000 points in her high school basketball career.

LD NoLD SP0809 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing D. Frank Duris of Jackman, for his contribution towards the advancement of socioeconomics in the Jackman area.

LD NoLD SP0810 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0815 Governor's nomination: Withdrawal of nominations of Roderick E. Farnham of Hampden and Cynthia Murray- Beliveau of Augusta for appointment as members of the State Personnel Board.

LD NoLD SP0816 Governor's nomination: Ronald G. Tardif of Gorham for reappointment to the Health Facilities Cost Review Board.

LD NoLD SP0819 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing that Kristina Caragans Gordon of Yarmouth has been named as Outstanding Young Woman of 1981 by the Maine Jaycees.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0821 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Neva S. Cram, and past and present volunteers of the Ingraham Volunteers, Inc., for 12 years of service to the community.

LD NoLD SP0822 Governor's nomination: John A. Sevigny of Bangor for appointment as a Commissioner of the Maine State Housing Authority.

LD NoLD SP0824 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Marshall Jewell Dodge, III, of Portland, a tragic loss of a great humorist and philosopher.

LD NoLD SP0826 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0827 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rhodes of Bar Harbor, on the 50th anniversary of their wedding.

LD NoLD SP0834 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Pam Gee, a senior and honor student at Nokomis High School in Newport, who is the first student to score over 1000 points in 4 years of basketball as a Nokomis Warrior.

LD NoLD SP0835 Governor's nomination: Peter Bradford of Brunswick for the position of Public Advocate.

LD NoLD SP0843 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Hon. Bernard B. Estey of Portland, who served in the House of Representatives of the 100th Maine Legislature.

LD NoLD SP0844 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Ralph B. Cribby of So. Portland, a local businessman and lifelong friend of the community.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0845 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the River Valley Association of Girl Scouts on the 70th Anniversary of girl scouting in America.

LD NoLD SP0846 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Bangor High School "Ram" Swim Team, winners of the Penobscot Valley Conference Swimming Championship for 1981.

LD NoLD SP0848 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0849 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Willard Kane of Surry, on the 90th anniversary of his birth.

LD NoLD SP0851 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing that the Town of Pembroke, Maine, is celebrating its sesquicentennial.

LD NoLD SP0852 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lilla M. Bowden of Blue Hill, on the 95th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD SP0853 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sanford High School Key Club for its years of public service to the Town of Sanford.

LD NoLD SP0856 Joint Order, Returning Initiated Bill "An Act to Repeal the Control of Milk Prices at the Wholesale and Retail Levels" (IB 3) (LD 1935) to the Secretary of State following the rescinding of his certification.

LD NoLD SP0857 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Earl L. Ormsby, Sr. of Brunswick, honored by American Legion Post 202 as its first annual Outstanding Citizen or Patriot.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0858 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Conrad M. McDuff of Brunswick, upon his retirement after 40 years as a Maine Street Merchant.

LD NoLD SP0859 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dr. Peter H. Mason of Millinocket, chosen the 1981-82 Citizen of the Year by the Millinocket Chamber of Commerce.

LD NoLD SP0863 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Sanford Lions Club for their recognition of Sanford's Franco- American heritage by their sponsorship of the 3rd Annual Franco-American Night.

LD NoLD SP0865 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Pauline Gwadosky, who has served for 27 years as Mother Advisor of Waterville Assembly #21, of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls.

LD NoLD SP0866 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0871 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lura Farr of Brooksville, retiring following 30 years of public service in the United States Postal Service.

LD NoLD SP0872 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the entire legislative family for their support of "Steve Gould Night," a very special event.

LD NoLD SP0873 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the John Bapst Crusaders, Eastern Maine Boys' Class D Basketball Champions for the academic year 1981-1982.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0874 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Harrigan, a freshman at Houlton High School, who received an Honorable Mention in the Eastern Maine Class B Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team selections for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0875 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lisa Collett of Houlton High School, who was selected for the Eastern Maine Class B Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0876 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lauri Dunn of Houlton High School, who was selected for the Eastern Maine Class B Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0877 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Poland Busy Bees on the 50th anniversary of their organization and for their past contributions to charitable causes.

LD NoLD SP0878 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Hattie Pulsifer, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0879 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Annie Pulsifer Gary, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0880 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marion Pulsifer Rowe, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0881 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Emily Bridghan Segers, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0882 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Thelma Bridghan Rollins, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0883 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elvira Birney, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0884 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Martha Birney, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0885 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Margaret Birney Owen, an original member of the Poland Busy Bees, which was organized 50 years ago.

LD NoLD SP0889 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Houlton High School "Shiretowner" Girls' Basketball Team, which won the 1982 Class B Eastern Maine Championship.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0890 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stephanie Lundeen of Central Aroostook High School, selected for the Eastern Maine Class C Girls' Basketball "All Tourney" Team for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0891 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Erwin L. and Helen G. Knowlen of Holden on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0892 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the East Grant High School Girls' Basketball Team and coach Brett Moores, for winning the Eastern Maine Class D Basketball Tournament for 1981-1982.

LD NoLD SP0893 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Lubec High School Girls' Basketball Team and coach Ray Rice, who for the first time in the history of the school made the Eastern Maine Finals.

LD NoLD SP0894 Joint Resolution in Commemoration of the Visit of the French Naval Ship "R.H.M. Centaure."

LD NoLD SP0895 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Albert L. Godfrey, Sr., of Winthrop, selected by the Institute of Transportation Engineers as the recipient of the New England Transportation Engineer of the Year Award for 1982.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0896 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dorothy Crowley Noel of Auburn, on her recent election as President to the Central Maine General Hospital-Central Maine Medical Center Nurses Alumni Association for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0898 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Elinor Multer of Orr's Island, who has been appointed to the Maine Civil Rights Advisory Committee by the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

LD NoLD SP0899 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Eagle of Lincoln Academy and coach Dan Pinkham, winners of the Girls' Class B Basketball Championship for the academic year 1981-1982.

LD NoLD SP0901 Governor's nomination: Louis Scolnik of Lewiston for reappointment as a Superior Court Justice.

LD NoLD SP0903 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the John Bapst Crusaders, who have won the State Class D Boys' Basketball Championship for the academic year 1981-1982.

LD NoLD SP0904 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Captain Bill Brennan of the Maine Maritime Academy, who will retire after 16 years of service to the academy.

LD NoLD SP0907 Governor's nomination: Renominating Cynthia Murray- Beliveau of Augusta for appointment to the State Personnel Board.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0908 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ralph J. Brooks, American Legion Department Commander for his outstanding work for the veterans, widows and orphans of Maine and the Nation.

LD NoLD SP0909 Joint Order, That the Resolve, Authorizing the Exchange of Certain Public Reserved Lands (HP 1739) (LD 1728) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0910 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Gorham High School Rams and coach Tony DiBiase, winners of the State Class B Boys' Basketball Championship for 1981-1982.

LD NoLD SP0911 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Gorham High School Rams and coach Tony DiBiase, winners of the Western Maine Class B Boys' Basketball Championship for 1981-1982.

LD NoLD SP0912 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Steven Skaling and Raymond Hanson of Stratton and Claude Pepin of Coplin Plantation for their heroic efforts in rescuing several snowmobilers when the ice on Flagstaff Lake collapsed beneath the snowmobilers.

LD NoLD SP0913 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Houlton High School Girls' Basketball Team, which won the Eastern Maine Class B Sportsmanship Award for 1982.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0914 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Houlton High School Boys' Basketball Team, which won the Eastern Maine Class B Sportsmanship Award for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0915 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Emman Sawyer of Freeport, who at age 101 received a golden head cane in honor of the community's oldest living resident.

LD NoLD SP0916 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ralph W. "Bud" Leavitt, Jr., outdoor writer and executive sports editor for the Bangor Daily News, who has won the Miramichi Salmon Association's coveted "outstanding journalist award" and more recently the 1982 Arthur Sullivan Memorial Award.

LD NoLD SP0917 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Laura Bouchard of Caribou, a senior at the University of Maine at Presque Isle and captain of the Women's Basketball Team, for being the first woman to be named "Athlete of the Month" by the University.

LD NoLD SP0918 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ron Doody of Fairfield, a senior center on the Lawrence Bulldogs Basketball Team, for reaching the 1000 point scoring mark, only the second person in Lawrence High school history to do so.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0919 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House to update current law to conform the state tax code to the United States Internal Revenue Code and specifying the language to be changed.

LD NoLD SP0921 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Citizens of Poland on the opening of a new wing at the Poland Community School.

LD NoLD SP0922 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation report out a bill to the House to update current law to bring the state tax code into compliance with the United States Internal Revenue Code.

LD NoLD SP0923 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sister Hedwig Michael, leader of Koreshan Unity, on her 90th birthday.

LD NoLD SP0924 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Peter Hemond of Minot, on his election as road commissioner, the 3rd generation of Hemonds to serve in that capacity.

LD NoLD SP0926 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0927 Governor's nomination: Millard E. Emanuelson of Machias for reappointment to the District Court for the Judge-at-Large seat.

LD NoLD SP0928 Governor's nomination: Renominating Roderick E. Farnham of Hampden and Annalee Z. Rosenblatt of Scarborough for appointment to the State Personnel Board.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0929 Governor's nomination: Renominating Ronald E. Russell of Bangor for appointment to the Maine District Court Judge- at-Large seat.

LD NoLD SP0930 Governor's nomination: Richard F. Nellson of Portland for appointment as Chair of the State Health Coordinating Council.

LD NoLD SP0932 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0933 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Joe Graziano of Lisbon, who has earned a statewide reputation of serving the finest Italian cuisine and has been selected as Business Man of the Year by the Lisbon Chamber of Commerce.

LD NoLD SP0934 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Stags of Cheverus High School, winners of the Western Maine Class A Boys' Basketball Championship for the academic year 1981-82.

LD NoLD SP0935 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Stags of Cheverus High School, winners of the State Class A Boys' Basketball Championship for the academic year 1981-82.

LD NoLD SP0936 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Delia Rodrigue of Sanford, recipient of the Jefferson Award for her work on behalf of Camp Waban.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0937 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gladys Newman of Lakeview Plantation, who has been elected to a 42nd term of office as town clerk, for her outstanding record and distinguished service to the community.

LD NoLD SP0938 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing James and Edith McGrath of Brownville Junction on their 40th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0939 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Edward and Virginia Brown of Greenville on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0940 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dale Andrews, State Commander of the Maine AMVETS, and his wife, Myra Andrews, State President of the AMVETS Auxiliary.

LD NoLD SP0941 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Bangor High School Lady Rams, winners of the State Class A Girls' Basketball Championship for the 1981-82 academic year.

LD NoLD SP0943 Governor's nomination: Harold S. Noddin of Augusta and Russell A. Webb of Clinton for reappointment to the Maine Labor Relations Board.

LD NoLD SP0944 Governor's nomination: Patricia M. McDonough of So. Portland for reappointment to the Maine State Retirement System Board of Trustees.

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

LD NoLD SP0947 Governor's nomination: Robert P. Bahre of S. Paris for reappointment to the Maine Guarantee Authority.

LD NoLD SP0948 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Captain Elmer Hadlock of Islesford, public servant in that community.

LD NoLD SP0949 Governor's nomination: Withdrawing nomination of Patricia M. McDonough of So. Portland for reappointment as a member of the Maine State Retirement System Board of Trustees.

LD NoLD SP0952 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the East Auburn Lakers, winners of the Men's "A" Volleyball Championship.

LD NoLD SP0953 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Staci Burgess of Edward Little High School, Auburn, winner of the All-Around Individual Championship for Women in State Gymnastics.

LD NoLD SP0954 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing June M. Prosser of Cundy's Harbor, who placed first in the Maine Voice of Democracy Competition sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

LD NoLD SP0955 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Clarence W. Collins of Freeport for his commitment for over 60 years to the "Collins Campaign for Highway Safety" in Maine and across the Nation.

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LD NoLD SP0956 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ed Genther of Clare's Thirsty Dolphin in Brunswick, who has been named the "Ugliest Bartender in Maine" by the Maine Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for 1982.

LD NoLD SP0958 Governor's nomination: Earl J. Wahl of Calais for appointment to the Maine District Court, Fourth District Seat.

LD NoLD SP0959 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the JNB for winning the South Portland Open League Basketball Championship for 1981-82.

LD NoLD SP0960 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Curt Lovill of Gardiner, the only Lion in New England ever to be installed as President of Lions International.

LD NoLD SP0962 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Stuart R. Dexter of Orono, recipient of the Maine Recreation and Park Association's 1981 "Citizen Award" for his years of volunteer service to Orono youth.

LD NoLD SP0964 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Alice Peabody of Freeport, who, at 80 years of age, was proclaimed the "Matriarch of the Eastland Shoe Corporation" by her colleagues.

LD NoLD SP0965 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the Sisters of the Good Shepard of Quebec in the

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United States.

LD NoLD SP0966 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Wesley Farnum, retiring after serving 24 years as principal of Central Elementary School in South Berwick.

LD NoLD SP0971 Joint Order, That Bill "An Act to Protect the Atlantic Salmon Fishery in the Lower Penobscot River from Veazie to the Southernmost Point of Verona Island" (SP 906) (LD 2048) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0972 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Fire Chief Douglas Hinkley of Jonesport, who was re-elected to his 40th consecutive year as head of the local fire protection unit.

LD NoLD SP0973 Joint Order on Adjournment.

LD NoLD SP0974 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary E. Colson of Gardiner on the 98th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD SP0975 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Perry Wortman of Greenville, a retired school administrator and teacher active in scouting, community volunteerism and service clubs, who is a recipient in the 5th annual Jefferson Awards.

LD NoLD SP0976 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Frederick and Alice Packard of Harpswell on their 50th

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LD Paper Title (Original and/or Final) Law Chapter

wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP0977 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Walter T. Robertson, a very special citizen of the Blue Hill community.

LD NoLD SP0978 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ocena Additon of Leeds on the 90th anniversary of her birth.

LD NoLD SP0979 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Sergeant Paul J. Lessard of Winthrop, who has retired after 23 years of service as a Maine State Police Officer.

LD NoLD SP0980 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Lady Rams of Bangor High School, winners of the Girls' Class A State Swimming and Diving Championship.

LD NoLD SP0982 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 50th anniversary of the death of Biddeford police Honore Dutremble, killed while performing his duties as a law enforcement officer.

LD NoLD SP0983 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congressional Budget Committee and Maine Delegation Regarding Changes to the Railroad Retirement System.

LD NoLD SP0984 Joint Resolution Memorializing the Congressional Budget Committee and Maine Delegation Regarding Changes to the Railroad Retirement System.

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LD NoLD SP0985 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the Kennebec Pee Wees, who have captured the 1982 National Division II Pee Wee Hockey Championship.

LD NoLD SP0986 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the "Sign of the Sunrise" chorus from Cape Elizabeth, and Mrs. Gail Parker, their director, who will represent the United States while on a concert tour in Romania.

LD NoLD SP0987 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Bryant of Minot, winner of the School Union 29 Spelling Bee Contest.

LD NoLD SP0988 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Hon. Howard A. Chick of Sanford, who served as a member of the 106th Maine Legislature.

LD NoLD SP0989 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dora Michaud of Millinocket, chosen President of the Fifth American Legion District of Maine.

LD NoLD SP0990 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee having jurisdiction over State Government with the cooperation of the Department of Personnel, Maine Human Rights Commission, State Affirmative Action Task Force, and representatives of Maine industry, study the currently existing Code of Fair Practices and Affirmative Action for the purpose of strengthening and clarifying its intent, promulgation and enforcement

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LD NoLD SP0991 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Henry W. Pierce, an outstanding citizen of Waterville on his 80th birthday.

LD NoLD SP0992 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Henry N. Deschene of Auburn, on his 50th year as a member of Branch 345 of the National Association of Letter Carriers for his many years of service to the Auburn Post Office which he joined in 1929.

LD NoLD SP0993 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing W. Malcolm Wilson of Waterville, winner of the Elias A. Joseph Award in recognition of his volunteer efforts in the forming of a SCORE/ACE chapter in the greater Waterville area.

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LD NoLD SP0994 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mary Gardner Simcock of Waterville, recipient of the Water Area Chamber of Commerce's 1981 Distinguished Community Service Award for her demonstrated leadership, achievement and dedication to community betterment.

LD NoLD SP0995 Joint Order, That "An Act to Amend the Maine Implementing Act with Respect to the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians" (SP 931) (LD 2076) be recalled from the Governor's desk to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP0996 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Jean Paul Belanger of Gorham, on obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0997 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Robert Estes of Gorham, on obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP0998 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Marcella O'Halloran of Waterville, who has received the Waterville Elks Lodge #905 Citizen of the Year Award.

LD NoLD SP0999 Joint Order, That the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation shall study the subject matter of the LD 1621 and LD 2043 pertaining to the excise tax on mining to determine whether or not the best interests of the State would be served by enactment of a compromise version of this or similar legislation.

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LD NoLD SP1000 Joint Order, That Certain Specified Legislation be held by the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs for the purposes of additional study.

LD NoLD SP1001 Joint Order, That an emergency bill to provide funds and other necessary authority for operation of the Legislature be reported to the Senate by the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs.

LD NoLD SP1003 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing the 125th anniversary of the founding of St. Joseph's Parish in Lewiston.

LD NoLD SP1004 Joint Order, That the "Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Limit the Life of Bond Issues" (SP 753) (LD 1756) be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate.

LD NoLD SP1005 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Mohamed Eastman of Springvale, who has been granted United States citizenship.

LD NoLD SP1006 Joint Order, That "Resolution Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Authorize the Credit of the State to be Loaned to Secure Funds for Loans to Parents of Maine Students Attending Institutions of Higher Education" (SP 920) (LD 2061) be recalled from the legislative files to the Senate.

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LD NoLD SP1007 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William Kurtz of Cumberland, for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop #58 of Cumberland.

LD NoLD SP1008 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dana Kregling of Cumberland, for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop #58 of Cumberland.

LD NoLD SP1009 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Ed Genthner of Clare's Thirsty Dolphin in Brunswick, named the "Ugliest Bartender in Maine" by the Maine Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for 1982.

LD NoLD SP1011 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Warren Davenport of Wayne, recipient of the Kennebec County "Dairyman of the Year."

LD NoLD SP1012 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Leroy Darling, Chief of Police of Westbrook, who is retiring after 23 years of public service.

LD NoLD SP1013 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Hon. Odilon J. Bernier, member of the 104th and 105th Maine Legislatures.

LD NoLD SP1014 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Rev. Antonio Gosselin, Pastor of St. Hyacinth's Church of Westbrook, upon serving 40 years in priesthood.

LD NoLD SP1015 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Dennis J. Patterson of Eliot Troop 340, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

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LD NoLD SP1016 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Michael Thibeau, Jr., of Eliot Troop 340, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP1017 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing William Spiney of Eliot Troop 340, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP1018 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Chris Millar of Eliot Troop 340, who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP1019 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Carl and Marie Bridges of Penobscot on the 50th anniversary of their wedding.

LD NoLD SP1020 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing George McCloud, the father of career education in Maine, who is retiring after 26 years in the South Portland schools, including work with computer programming, CETA and work as teacher, guidance counselor, assistant to the superintendent and assistant superintendent.

LD NoLD SP1021 Joint Resolution in Memoriam, on the death of Catherine A. Conley of Portland, mother of Sen. Gerard P. Conley.

LD NoLD SP1022 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing David N. Sherburne, Troop 158 in Lewiston, upon achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

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LD NoLD SP1023 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Norman Marquis of Boy Scout Troop 158 in Lewiston, who has received the Pope Pius XII Religious Award, the highest religious award in scouting, and who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout.

LD NoLD SP1024 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Aldred and Leona Harris of Bailey Island in Harpswell on their 50th wedding anniversary.

LD NoLD SP1025 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Winifred W. Curtis, M.D., of Harpswell, named Harpswell's 1982 Citizen of the Year by the Merriconeag Grange of North Harpswell.

LD NoLD SP1026 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gilbert Palmer of Freeport, North Yarmouth Academy senior class president and valedictorian, who has been named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist for 1982.

LD NoLD SP1027 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Lisa Hodsdon of Pownal, senior at North Yarmouth Academy, who has been named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist for 1982.

LD NoLD SP1028 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Donald J. McKissock of Topsham, who received the Joshua Chamberlain Award for promoting understanding between the military and civilian communities by the Military-Community Council.

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LD NoLD SP1029 Expression of Legislative Sentiment, recognizing Gerald C. Tipper of Waterville, winner of the Boys' Clubs of America Bronze Keystone Award for Exceptional Service.