Birds South East

Number 64 December 2012

Inaugural Cross Border Campout

Hosted by BirdLife South East SA October 26-29 2012

What a weekend we had, great birds and lots of them, great company and some really nice spots to go birding. Unfortunately the Horsham representatives had to withdraw at the last minute, leaving four of the five groups represented, these being South East SA, Warrnambool, Hamilton and Left-Right: Bob Green, Vicki Natt, Jean Haywood and Gwen Nhill. With the addition of visitors from Adelaide, Young Jamestown and the Fleurieu Peninsula we ended up with 55 people attending the camp in one way or Next was Telford Scrub which was relatively quiet another. while still producing 48 species. Best birds were Jacky Winter in their very predictable favourite Friday saw us do a coastal strip “tour” guided by spot, and the walk ended with nice views of a male Maureen Christie, we visited all the wader hot spots Satin Flycatcher calling and searching for a mate. from the Pt. Mac breakwater through to Pick Swamp. Along the way we picked up a few ticks for Saturday night we had a dinner at the Mt. Gambier people with Golden Plover and Grey-tailed Tattlers, RSL clubrooms, I think everyone enjoyed the meal Hooded Plover that Maureen had checked out the and a relaxing atmosphere, a change of pace from day before were obliging and all five cormorant two days of birding. We took the opportunity to species were seen together at Stony Point. A stop at use the occasion to launch our groups’ new Pick Swamp added Australasian Bittern and a lone banners to a very receptive crowd, we had really Intermediate Egret. good feedback on them and everyone was extremely impressed. Our last stop for the day was the estuary car park at Nelson where we could sit and relax and check out the action with scopes, the surprise highlight Contents was a single Freckled Duck in amongst the other 1. Inaugural Cross Border Campout ducks, to cap off a big day with 114 species the final tally. 3. Swift Watch 4. Pasture Strip, Wandilo outing On Saturday some of the Fri night arrivals did a coastal trip led by Jeff Campbell, the days tally was 4. Postcard from the Alice 74 and added a couple of waders from the Glenelg 5. Wader News estuary in Eastern Curlew and Marsh Sandpiper. The rest of the group headed bush for the day 7. Bird Hide Opening at Robe visiting Penola CP and Telford Scrub CP, Penola (led 7. Nature’s Notes by Peter & Linda Johns) produced very 9. Coming Events and Contacts uncooperative Southern Emu-wrens, but we saw Grey Butcherbird, Restless Flycatcher and good 10. Sightings (Sept to Dec 2012) views of a pair of Crested Shrike-tits. BirdLife South East SA

Inaugural Cross Border Campout cont..

Wayne Bigg

the cars we had one last look across the tussocks and a male Emu-wren came to investigate sitting up nicely in full sun on the fence right in front of us. Peter Johns leading the outing to Penola CP. Heading back towards Mt Gambier we stopped after Sunday morning we headed to Glen Roy CP (led by a couple of kms to look at a pair of Brolga on the Bob Green & Peter Barrand), where we quickly got roadside in a small swamp- what a great way to on to some Buff-rumped Thornbills which gave end the camp. everyone really good views of what can sometimes A very big thanks to our committee who helped put be a very frustrating bird, another highlight was a this camp together!!! Rose Robin not far from the cars, after checking out the North end and having a break for coffee we A special thanks to those that helped over the headed down the west side, the last couple of cars weekend as leaders, guides and just generally to pull away were treated to scope views of a very helped out with whatever we needed doing, it was “lost” Red-backed Kingfisher (lucky people). only because we had such an enthusiastic and pleasant bunch that this camp was such a success. Highlights from the west side were White-winged Triller, Rufous Songlark, White-bellied Cuckoo- The best of luck to BirdLife Warrnambool for when shrike and Restless Flycatcher. they host the 2014 campout and in to the future with Hamilton 2016, Nhill 2018 and Horsham 2020. Bool Lagoon was next (led by Sue Black) and here the good birds were great, Blue-billed Duck, three Intermediate Egrets By Bob Green in amongst Great Egrets allowing for great comparisons and for everyone to have a look at them side by side in the scope, Red-necked Avocets NOTE: We tried to incorporate the bird list for all are always nice to see, a Little Eagle put in an sites into our newsletter but it proved too difficult appearance near Hacks Lagoon, and a nice flock of during formatting. If anyone wishes to see a Sharp-tailed Sandpipers foraged not far from the collated list please contact Bob. cars allowing good views. Monday (led by Bob Green) morning we headed to Princess Margaret Rose Caves and got good views of Rufous Bristlebirds, too brief a view of Olive Whistler, a big flock of mixed woodswallows flew over, and a brief but clear sunlit view of a Pied Currawong calling from the treetops. Last stop for the day we headed to Mumbannar NCR, on the way we managed to lose one person at the back when their caravan got boxed in but luckily they saw our cars just as we were pulling off the main road again. Mumbannar produced quite a few Latham’s Snipe in amongst the bracken and Southern Emu-wrens as ticks for a few, returning to

2 December 2012 BirdLife South East SA

Swift Watch

Fork-tailed swift (17.5cm) Underside view

For those interested in our northern migrants from the ‘swift’ family you may be pleased to know that BirdLife South East SA contributes sightings to a National database through Mike Tarburton on all visiting swifts to our area. Swifts are a particularly interesting group of birds as they breed in the northern hemisphere then choose to migrate south to our part of the world over summer and autumn. We’re delighted to have them of course, but when White-throated needletail (20cm) we tilt our heads back how many species are we Underside view really seeing up there??

White-throated needletails and Fork-tailed swifts are the two dominant species but in recent years it has been said by national experts that we possibly get others as well!! Smaller ones like the House swift and White-rumped swiftlet are also possibilities amongst our summer-sky-soaring- swifts. House swift (15cm) If anyone observes swifts in the coming months Underside view please call others in your area to alert them of their presence so that we can have more eyes out looking for them. A great way to keep in touch with your local bird watchers and hopefully find House swifts or even White-rumped swiftlets. So keep sending in your sightings and take a closer look next time at that flock flying overhead (not while driving of course!!). Our sightings may one day White-rumped swiftlet (11cm) contribute to a climate change monitoring program Top view on a global scale. Here are a few diagrams offering size and marking comparisons, to help with identifying swifts. The sizes given relate to head to tail length not wing span. Source: Simpson and Day (1996) Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. NOTE: If anyone is not currently on the annual report email list from Mike Tarburton, let me know and I will send you a copy.

By Bryan Haywood

December 2012 3 BirdLife South East SA

Pasture Strip, Wandilo Postcard from the Alice

Saturday 17th November, 2012 Bill The bird dog and I finally escaped from the medical (profession?)(industry) on 16 October and made camp first night at Barham, just over the border from Kerang, where we hoped to find feral Ten bird watchers ventured out to the Wandilo area Ostriches. We had gone to Barmah last year, but on Saturday November 17th to survey sites in that proved to be a typo in the article I read. The readiness for rehabilitation by ForestrySA's lady in the caravan park was pessimistic. She had Conservation and volunteer teams. The site more lived there for many years and the Ostrich farm had commonly known as the 'Pasture Strip' will be a gone broke many decades ago and she had ever focal site for ForestrySA, three local schools and seen an Ostrich. The Info centre was far ore numerous volunteers as they attempt to rehabilitate positive. Just get onto the Deni (Deniliquin) Road, 150ha of scattered trees, pastured hills and stop at 30k and the birds are actually on the left. I wetlands over the next four years with funding confirmed this in the morning and at 30k out I coming through the Native Vegetation Council. pulled over and scanned the paddock on the left The aim of the mornings birding (led by Bob Green) with the bins and Bingo!. Six Ostriches. Easy tick. was to capture a list of birds seen in seven 2ha The NSW Atlas says that they are maintaining their areas scattered throughout the site which is nestled numbers over some decades and getting on without between Hackett Hill and Wandilo Native Forest assistance. Even the farmers like them, they eat Reserves (just east of Glencoe). 20min surveys about half a bucket of insects each day. For the were undertaken to provide a baseline list of birds year, the fourth tick and so far all plastics, but currrently using the site. ForestrySA will be they're all still birds. revegetating the site over the next 4 years so they Coober Pedy was a long haul with a three day can monitor improvements in the bird populations. stopover, partly for a scrip for pain killers which are Overall 45 birds were seen on this first visit with the controlled substances, so I need a new scrip every highlights including White-bellied cuckoo-shrikes 14 days. Town waste water of all types at Coober (including a dark morph), White-winged triller, Pedy is spilled into a creek at the edge of town and Blue-winged parrots, Striated fieldwrens, Golden- this was the only worthwhile birdwatching in the headed cisticola, and Little grassbird. area. Best bird of the forst visit was a Pectoral Sandpiper with the Sharpies. Both very confiding, After a quick lunch and meeting we headed into the they came within 12 feet of me by just standing northern end of Wandilo to find a pair White-bellied still. The Pec was in very worn plumage, but its cuckoo-shrikes with one of the pair being a dark taller stance, yellow-green legs and pale base to a morph. bill longer than Sharpies clinched it. The sharp cut- off to the breast striation is not always reliable field guide because it becomes blurred as plumage wears. At 12 foot through the 10X's, the wing and tail feathers were very frayed. I tried William Creek Road, but it was very windy and so few birds. But more visits to the creek produced many Orange Chats, Spotted Crakes including a very young juvenile and many Zebra Finches. Overnight at Kulgera with a real meal (at the pub) and fan belts fraying apart so a very quiet trip to the Alice, where I moved into Temple Bar caravan park, as usual, and had all four belts replaced the next day by a very obliging and over worked mechanic. Dark-morph White-bellied cuckoo-shrike taken by Wayne Bigg I spent Saturday looking for Rufous-crowned We will be returning to this site in 12 months to re- Emuwrens at a 'certain' spot on the Santa Theresa survey and note any changes. Road, but in the windy conditions I couldn't find any birds of any kind at all. I visited Hermannsburg Mission that afternoon and found it tired, dusty and By Bryan Haywood badly preserved historically. I'm not sure whether

4 December 2012 BirdLife South East SA

Postcard from the Alice cont.. the old old mission stations should be conserved or destroyed. Much of the so-called aboriginal problem stems from the missions dispossessing the people of their land (so that governments weren't blamed) and leaving them socially dislocated. I could go on but I won't, I'm qualified in the area and I am fluent in Arnhem pidgin, so I can talk to them. Sunday 28 was a trip to Kunoth Well, once a hot spot. Again windy and about 6k up the Hamilton Downs Youth Camp Road, the Nissan failed to start. I'm back in the caravan park with Bill but the Nissan's still out there. The chairman of the youth camp stopped and gave me a lift home. I had a four hour wait in very windy conditions, there were few birds and I can't walk very far - 100 metres max. Pied oyk walked back and forth, in silence. Halfway through the morning a plaintive call like a slightly inebriated Little Cuckooshrike lured me outside and after a lot of searching in the canopy of a blood wood and finally I was able to piece together views of a tiny honeyeater shaped bird, grey above, white below with a grey wash on the breast, white tail tip and thin white eye-ring. Grey Honeyeater!!! A very big tick indeed. I have searched for it at least six times on this road, so out of disaster some good has come. If I hadn't been trapped there it's doubtful that I would have searched so long. It really is a skulker and very difficult to see. The vehicle still has to be recovered and repaired, (The Nissan only breaks down at Alice) but I have one of the difficult ticks in Australia. It's tick number 699. What will be 700? Will I recover the Nissan? Will I perish in the I reached for my camera – and managed to miss MacDonnell Ranges seeking the elusive Greater the magic moment when the snake turned and Spotted Ouzel-fart? Will I find Rufous-crowned retreated. Emuwren? Watch this space. By John Berggy, Alice Springs, 28 October 2012


Just what were the pair of pied oyks up to? They were both high up the beach, walking back and forth very warily, almost on tippy toe. One raised its wings – from the shoulder – perhaps they were going to mate? But no, it didn’t really look like it. I decided to pass by, and watch from a distance. By now one of the oyks had moved away and was feeding near the water’s edge. It’s mate was still warily pacing back and forth high on the beach. As However, I did capture an incredible sequence of I drew level it became obvious what was causing photos...... oyk facing tiger, tiger ready to strike, the strange behaviour – a 1 metre+ tiger snake!! oyk pacing, hackles raised, tiger retreating, oyk The tiger was poised, head raised, ready to strike. back on nest, nest with 2 eggs.

December 2012 5 BirdLife South East SA

Wader News cont.. NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES: Mine - [email protected] The Campbell Family - [email protected]


The mystery of the vanishing signs – our Port MacDonnell set of signs lasted 2 days! Why? Goodness knows. Perhaps they were just so stunning that someone wanted them for their rumpus room? A replacement set should be Piccaninnie Ponds beach is proving to be a pied oyk installed soon, this time with tamper proof screws. hotspot. On the 14th October there were three Information boards have been installed at Wrights nests with eggs in a 7km stretch. The nest with the Bay and Boatswains Point. An information shelter tiger snake was east of the beach entrance, there at (built as a joint project with Beachport was another nest with 2 eggs near the creek, and a and Lions Club) has a set of three signs. nest with 3 eggs further to the west. There were So too does the information shelter at Blackfellows also several other pairs that looked as if they might Caves (built as a joint project with Friends of Mount have a nest, or were contemplating setting up Gambier Area Parks). We have made signs home! The pair at the creek are particularly good available to the Friends of Butchers Gap for their parents, raising one or two chicks annually. Last bird hide and information shelter, to the Robe November 2 chicks were flagged C3 and C4. And, Coastcare Group for their bird hide and DEWNR for on 28th November this year, I watched as a flock of their information shelter at Piccaninnie Ponds pied oystercatchers fed along the sandy shore just Conservation Park. A ‘tern’ sign has been installed south of Thompsons Beach. C3 was one of the at the Obelisk at Robe – and on 18th November flock! To my knowledge we have never had a Bryan reported that, although there were no Fairy Victorian flagged pied oystercatcher west of the Tern nests, there were seven Fairy Terns present Murray Mouth. I am not sure how much we should and one pair was mating. We have signs on hand read into C3’s move so far from home, but it does for erection at the lookout at Cape Banks encourage us to keep flagging chicks, and Lighthouse. And the landowner at Nora Creina has underlines the importance of always looking out for given us permission to erect an information board flags – even when you don’t expect to see any! on his property. The Long Beach, Robe, Hooded Plover pair got off to a good start this year, with Cath finding the first eggs in September. This nesting attempt failed, but they tried again – on 8th November Cath found a nest with 2 newly hatched chicks and one unhatched egg. By 18th November Bryan reported that they were down to one – fairly independent – chick. But, on 3rd December, Cath reported that both chicks had been lost. However, the pair were trying yet again! The nest is between the first and second ramp. Chicks are expected to hatch around Christmas. Here’s hoping that they can survive Christmas holiday makers. Maureen Christie, Friends of Shorebirds, SE. 08 87380014, mobile 0427380014,

8th December, 2012

6 December 2012 BirdLife South East SA

Wader News cont.. BIRD HIDE OPENING AT Work is almost complete at the bird hide at Danger Point with window flaps the main item outstanding. ROBE The boardwalk is completed and shrubs, grown from locally collected seed, have been planted. SA'S GOVERNOR travelled to Robe last week to Signs are being installed next week. Students of the meet with volunteer groups in the area, as part of a Regional Building Trades program located at Grant High School, Friends of Area Parks tour of engagements to meet with industry and volunteers at numerous towns in the region. As and DEWNR staff, along with our members, have all part of his visit he officially opened the new worked hard to achieve this result. Routed, wooden community bird hide at Fox Lake in Robe. signs were designed and made by Keith Welsby. We have installed a ‘No Parking in Gateway’ sign on Robe Coastcare group, Friends of Little Dip and the gate opposite the hide - please ensure that the invited community members attended the event gateway is clear at all times! It is now up to the opened by his Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce tide to bring in lots of weed to create prime wader AC CSC RANR, Governor of SA, on October 26. feeding habitat – and Fairy and Little Terns to nest in their usual spot! The complete set of signs is available for downloading from the VWSG website – Resident shorebirds – threats What shorebirds can I see in this area? (with different maps for Boatswain Point/Wrights Bay, Beachport, Nene Valley/, Port MacDonnell area) Shorebirds use these beaches Migrants from the North (ruddy turnstone) Little Terns and Fairy Terns nest here

This has been a challenging project and it is with a great sense of relief that I can see the end in sight. The bird hide at Fox Lake was recently completed Thankyou to all who have helped! by the groups along with assistance from local builder Gary Thomas.

The groups received a grant from South East Community Coastal Conservation Initiative as part WADER RELATED ACTIVITIES AND of the the Australian Governments Caring for Country program to complete this project. PROJECTS – FRIENDS OF Robe Coastcare president, Cath Bell, said it was a SHOREBIRDS SE fantastic opportunity to have the Governor officially open the hide for Robe Coastcare and Friends of DOGS BREAKFASTS (9-10.30am each day) Little Dip. Cath said the hide is a fantastic community asset. Saturday, 5th January - KINGSTON - Thredgold Beach adjacent to the BBQ and toilets "It protects the estuary and shorebird habitat whilst providing fantastic opportunities for viewing Sunday, 6th January - ROBE- Long Beach grassy resident and migratory shorebirds, including the Foreshore opp. Discovery Caravan park (Lions Club Lathams Snipe - a migratory species from Japan Rotunda) that is in decline and can be hard to observe in the Saturday, 12th January - PORT MacDONNELL - wild," she said. Shelter east of the jetty

Sunday, 13th January - BEACHPORT - Rotunda By Cath Bell near Bompas - intersection of Beach Rd and Railway Tce.

December 2012 7 BirdLife South East SA

Bristlebirds were still in pines North of Dry Creek Nature’s Notes NFR on the 20th where they have been for about two years. Yellow Thornbills and Brown Quail were in Mount Sightings have reached 7084 observations of Scott CP on the 26th and 27th, with a Horsfield’s common, rare and threatened birds throughout the Bushlark at Lochaber Swamp on the 29th, as well SE of SA and SW Victoria since September 2001. I as 2 Wood Sandpipers at a swamp near Naracoorte. thank you all for your contributions and keep up the good work in reporting the birds you’re seeing and for being part of BirdLife South East SA. November 2012 Well done on another milestone 7000 records - Fantastic. November started with Brown Treecreeper and Australasian Darter at Cockatoo Lake on the 2nd, 2 Seasonal notes over the last 2 months have Banded Lapwings spotted just outside Millicent on included; the 4th, a Spotted Harrier working the drain East of Penola CP also on the 4th, and Crested Shrike-tits on the 5th in Wandilo NFR. Six Red-tailed Black- October 2012 Cockatoos were at Lucindale Golf Course on the 5th and a nice collection of Purple-gaped Honeyeater, This month started with a Peregrine Falcon spotted Rainbow Bee-eater, Black Honeyeater were seen at cruising the cliffs at the Blue Lake, a surprising Ngartkat over the 7th and 8th. guest in a Millicent garden was a Painted Button- quail, on the 3rd, and Blue-faced Honeyeaters in Lucindale’s main street on the 4th. On the 14th 3 Rainbow Bee-eaters were seen on Carthy Rd, Naracoorte, a species not often seen in the South East. On the 18th the most westerly record so far of Pied Currawong in SA with birds calling in pines 400m West of Windy Hill NFR (Millicent people keep an eye open they’re not far away from you now). Brolgas were breeding at Cowarry with the chick hatching on the 20th.

Four Blue-billed Ducks were at the Robe Treatment Ponds on the 18th, breeding Hooded Plovers were at Long Beach, Robe on the 18th also. A White- bellied Cuckoo-shrike was in Honan NFR on the 19th, and a Chestnut-rumped Heathwren was heard at Nangwarry NFR on the 21st. An Olive-backed Oriole was at Square Wheeld Rd on the 23rd, on the 25th a Mistletoebird was in Gower CP (even with lots of Mistletoe flowering we haven’t been seeing many of this species).

R Moorhouse On the 25th an Olive Whistler was heard at Snow Gum NFR, Fifty Banded Stilt and 30 Red-necked White-browed and Masked Woodswallows were first Avocet were at a swamp outside Naracoorte on the seen on the 19th near Keith with a number of 26th, and at Custon CP on the 27th a flock of 9 sightings over the following three weeks. Rufous Cockatiels were seen.

8 December 2012 BirdLife South East SA

Nature’s Notes cont.. Contacts

Convenor, Sightings Coordinator, Conservation Contact Bob Green [email protected] (08) 8725 0549

Secretary Sue Black [email protected] PO Box 7, Glencoe, SA, 5291

Treasurer/Newsletter Editor/IBA Contact Could you please forward your sightings to me on Bryan Haywood [email protected] or phone them through on [email protected] 08 8725 0549. 08) 8726 8112

Deputy Convenor By Bob Green Wayne Bigg [email protected]

Calendar of Events Committee Members Maureen Christie and Gwen Young If you intend to join an outing please register with the nominated person, we sometimes change dates after a newsletter goes out. FUTURE DEADLINES FOR SIGHTINGS/ARTICLES IN OUR 2013 NEWSLETTERS Saturday February 2nd, 2013 – World Wetlands Day. 1 March 2013

Friday February 8th to Monday February 11th, 2013 – Coorong Count. Friday night meeting, Southern Lagoon (Sat), Northern Lagoon (Sun), Ocean Beach (Mon). Contact Maureen Christie or Paul Wainwright [email protected] Venue yet to be arranged.

March and April 2013 activities yet to be determined

December 2012 9 BirdLife South East SA

Date Common Name Abundance Location Observer/s 16-Sep-12 Australasian Bittern 1 Pick Swamp, Piccaninnie Ponds area S Black & BTHaywood 18-Sep-12 Australasian Grebe 1 Earl's Lane, Wandilo BTHaywood 23-Oct-12 Australian Hobby 1 Cocky's Lane, Biscuit Flat BTHaywood 18-Nov-12 Australian Spotted Crake 2 Fox/Pub Lakes, Robe BTHaywood 1-Nov-06 Baillon's Crake 1 Valley Lake boardwalk, Mt. Gambier J. Freundt 4-Nov-12 Banded Lapwing 2 Mullins corner, Adelaide Rd, Millicent Trish Lang 2-Sep-12 Banded Stilt D Opposite Naracoorte sewerage lake R Moorhouse 26-Nov-12 Banded Stilt 50 Sarnia Swamp, 5km w of Naracoorte R Miller 25-Oct-12 Bassian Thrush 3 Bluff to Woolwash corridor BTHaywood, V Natt & T Read 8-Nov-12 Black Honeyeater 1 Ngarkat Conservation Park (Baan Hill track) BTHaywood & A Goodman 30-Oct-12 Black-fronted Dotterel 1 CFS shed Port MacDonnell K Jones 19-Oct-12 Black-tailed Native-hen E Dine Swamp (13km E of Hynam on Wimmera Hwy) N&B Dickins 2-Dec-12 Black-tailed Native-hen 5 Cnr Kangaroo Flat Rd/ Sims Rd, Glencoe B Green 18-Nov-12 Blue-billed Duck 4 Robe Treatment Ponds BTHaywood 4-Oct-12 Blue-faced Honeyeater 3 Main St, Lucindale A Goodman 18-Sep-12 Blue-winged Parrot A Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA15) BTHaywood 23-Nov-12 Blue-winged Parrot C Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA2) BTHaywood & T Horn 23-Nov-12 Blue-winged Parrot 3(b) Cowarry, Killanoola R & B Moorhouse 7-Jul-12 Brolga 3(b) Hamilton turnoff E of Dartmoor N Jans 16-Sep-12 Brolga 3(b) Pick Swamp, Piccaninnie Ponds area S Black & BTHaywood 26-Sep-12 Brolga 2(b) Cowarry, Killanoola R Moorhouse 17-Oct-12 Brolga 3(b) Cowarry, Killanoola R & B Moorhouse 20-Oct-12 Brolga 3(b) Cowarry, Killanoola R Moorhouse 25-Oct-12 Brolga 3(b) Cowarry, Killanoola R Moorhouse 30-Oct-12 Brolga 2 Piccaninnie Ponds CP K Jones 4-Nov-12 Brown Goshawk 1 Penola CP B & Tracey Green 27-Oct-12 Brown Quail A Mt Scott Conservation Park BTHaywood 14-Nov-12 Brown Quail A(h) Picks Plantation, Caroline Forest BTHaywood 16-Oct-12 Brown Songlark 1 Kilsby Rd, Moorak B Green 2-Nov-12 Brown Treecreeper A Cockatoo Lake, Padthaway BTHaywood 19-Oct-12 Buff-banded Rail 1 Guerin Lane, Glencoe S Black 18-Sep-12 Buff-rumped Thornbill B Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA15) BTHaywood 28-Sep-12 Cattle Egret 1 Diagonal Rd, Glencoe S Black 21-Nov-12 Chestnut-rumped Heathwren 1(h) Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA47) BTHaywood & T Horn 27-Nov-12 Cockatiel 9 Custon CP A Goodman & P Tucker 18-Oct-12 Common Sandpiper 1 Robe Marina R Miller 10 December 2012 SectionTitleO

Date Common Name Abundance Location Observer/s 5-Nov-12 Crested Shrike-tit 2 Wandilo NFR (WA2) S, R & P Black, & E Salt 16-Sep-12 Crimson chat 1 Pick Swamp, Piccaninnie Ponds area S Black & BTHaywood 2-Nov-12 Darter 1 Cockatoo Lake, Padthaway BTHaywood 17-Sep-12 Dusky woodswallow 2(b) Kangaroo Flat Native Forest Reserve (KF7) BTHaywood 18-Nov-12 Fairy Tern 7 Obelisk, Robe BTHaywood 30-Sep-12 Fan-tailed Cuckoo 1 Gower CP B Green 6-Oct-12 Fan-tailed Cuckoo 1 Gower CP B Green 14-Oct-12 Fan-tailed Cuckoo 1 Dry Creek corridor B Green 20-Oct-12 Fan-tailed Cuckoo 1 Windy Hill Native Forest Reserve B Green 3-Nov-12 Fan-tailed Cuckoo 1 Windy Hill Native Forest Reserve B Green 16-Sep-12 Grey-tailed Tattler 2 French Point, Port MacDonnell BTHaywood 19-Oct-12 Hooded Plover 3 Lighthouse Bay S Black 18-Nov-12 Hooded Plover 3(b) Long Beach, Robe BTHaywood 14-Oct-12 Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo 1 E of Dry Creek corridor B Green 14-Oct-12 Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo 1 Gower CP B Green 20-Oct-12 Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo 1 Dickins Scrub, Carpenter Rocks N&B Dickins 29-Oct-12 Horsfield's Bushlark 1 Lochaber Swamp BTHaywood 23-Nov-12 Jacky Winter 2 Cowarry, Killanoola R & B Moorhouse 2-Dec-12 Jacky Winter 1 Farm opp. Glenelg River app 9 km NE of Dartmoor N&B Dickins 25-Oct-12 Latham's Snipe 1 Native Wells NFR S Black 14-Nov-12 Latham's Snipe 1 Picks Plantation, Caroline Forest BTHaywood 18-Nov-12 Latham's Snipe 10 Fox/Pub Lakes, Robe BTHaywood 18-Dec-12 Latham's Snipe 1 Mount Lyon S Black 19-Dec-12 Latham's Snipe 1 Long Native Forest Reserve (LO 2) S Black 18-Sep-12 Little Grassbird 1 Earl's Lane, Wandilo BTHaywood 20-Sep-12 Little Grassbird 1 Pick Plantation (swamp), Caroline Forest BTHaywood 19-Oct-12 Masked Woodswallow A Mt Monster Conservation Park D Sando 19-Oct-12 Masked Woodswallow A Two Wells, Keith D Sando 23-Oct-12 Masked Woodswallow A ForestrySA Head Office, Mt Gambier BTHaywood 29-Oct-12 Masked Woodswallow A Bryton Wood, Moorak BTHaywood 8-Nov-12 Masked Woodswallow E Ngarkat Conservation Park (Baan Hill track) BTHaywood & A Goodman 23-Nov-12 Masked Woodswallow C Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA2) BTHaywood & T Horn 25-Nov-12 Mistletoebird 1 Gower CP B Green 2-Sep-12 Mixed ducks 1000+ Naracoorte Sewerage lake (3km W of Naracoorte) R Moorhouse 16-Sep-12 Olive Whistler A Pick Swamp, Piccaninnie Ponds area S Black & BTHaywood 25-Nov-12 Olive Whistler 1 Snow Gum NFR B Green December 2012 11 BirdLife South East SA

Date Common Name Abundance Location Observer/s 23-Nov-12 Olive-backed Oriole 1 Square Wheel Road, SW Vic BTHaywood 3-Oct-12 Painted Button-quail 1 186 Acacia Dr. Millicent P&L Johns 23-Nov-12 Painted Button-quail 4(b) Killara State Forest, SW Vic BTHaywood 16-Sep-12 Pallid Cuckoo 1 ACI Road, Piccaninnie Ponds area BTHaywood 18-Sep-12 Pallid Cuckoo 1 Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA15) BTHaywood 30-Sep-12 Pallid Cuckoo 1 Cowarry, Killanoola R Moorhouse 1-Oct-12 Peregrine Falcon 1 Blue Lake, Mount Gambier B Green 5-Nov-12 Peregrine Falcon 1 cnr Hawkins/ Wireless Rd, Mt Gambier B Green 13-Nov-12 Peregrine Falcon 4(b) Cowarry, Killanoola R & B Moorhouse 14-Oct-12 Pied Currawong X Pines west of Dry Creek NFR B Green 14-Oct-12 Pied Currawong X E of Snow Gum-Dry Creek corridor B Green 3-Nov-12 Pied Currawong 1 Snow Gum NFR B Green 10-Nov-12 Pied Currawong 1 W of Snow Gum-Dry Creek corridor B Green 18-Nov-12 Pied Currawong X Pines W of Dry Creek NFR B Green 25-Nov-12 Pied Currawong A Snow Gum NFR B Green 25-Nov-12 Pied Currawong A Gower CP B Green 17-Oct-12 Pink-eared Duck 100+ Naracoorte Sewerage lake (3km W of Naracoorte) R Miller 27-Oct-12 Purple-gaped Honeyeater 1 Mt Scott Conservation Park BTHaywood 7-Nov-12 Purple-gaped Honeyeater A Ngarkat Conservation Park (Jimmy's Well track) BTHaywood & A Goodman 14-Oct-12 Rainbow Bee-eater 3 Carthy Rd, Naracoorte R Moorhouse & P Walker 19-Oct-12 Rainbow Bee-eater 4 Cuttens Scrub, Mt Monster (Keith) D Sando 7-Nov-12 Rainbow Bee-eater A Ngarkat Conservation Park (Bucks Campsite) BTHaywood & A Goodman 29-Oct-12 Red-kneed Dotterel 15 Sarnia Swamp, 5km w of Naracoorte R Miller 2-Sep-12 Red-necked Avocet 27 Opposite Naracoorte sewerage lake R Moorhouse 26-Nov-12 Red-necked Avocet 30 Sarnia Swamp, 5km w of Naracoorte R Miller 14-Oct-12 Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo 3 Sand Cave, Struan BTHaywood & T Read 20-Oct-12 Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo 13+ Long Native Forest Reserve (LO 2,4,5) S Black 5-Nov-12 Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo 6 Lucindale Golf Course R Moorhouse 25-Sep-12 Restless Flycatcher 1 Rushy Swamp, Biscuit Flat BTHaywood & M DeJong 23-Oct-12 Restless Flycatcher 1 Cocky's Lane, Biscuit Flat BTHaywood 25-Nov-12 Royal Spoonbill 3 Caroline Main Rd, Caroline B Green 2-Dec-12 Royal Spoonbill 1 Cnr Earls Rd/Three Chain Rd, Wandilo B Green 20-Oct-12 Rufous Bristlebird 2 Pines between Snow Gum & Dry Creek B Green 10-Nov-12 Rufous Bristlebird 1 W of Snow Gum-Dry Creek corridor B Green 15-Sep-12 Rufous Songlark A Henders Scrub, Keith D Sando 19-Oct-12 Rufous Songlark 1 Bryton Wood, Moorak BTHaywood 12 December 2012 SectionTitleO

Date Common Name Abundance Location Observer/s 22-Oct-12 Sacred Kingfisher 1 Wandilo Native Forest Reserve (WD2) BTHaywood 23-Oct-12 Sacred Kingfisher 1 Boronga, Youngs Rd, 8 Mile Creek G Young 2-Dec-12 Sacred Kingfisher 1 Glenelg River app 10km NE of Dartmoor N&B Dickins 22-Oct-12 Scarlet Robin 1 Corner Dow Rd and Pear Tree Hill Rd, Glencoe S Black 3-Nov-12 Scarlet Robin 1 E of Snow Gum-Dry Creek corridor B Green 17-Sep-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Kangaroo Flat Native Forest Reserve (KF7) BTHaywood 30-Sep-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Gower CP B Green 6-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Windy Hill Native Forest Reserve B Green 14-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo A Sand Cave, Struan BTHaywood & T Read 14-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 E of Gower-Windy Hill corridor B Green 20-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Windy Hill Native Forest Reserve B Green 20-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Bluff NFR B Green 23-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 15 McGregor St. Mt. Gambier B Green 27-Oct-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo A Mt Scott Conservation Park BTHaywood 3-Nov-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 E of Snow Gum-Dry Creek corridor B Green 3-Nov-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Windy Hill Native Forest Reserve B Green 3-Nov-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Dry Creek NFR B Green 10-Nov-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1 Snow Gum NFR B Green 21-Nov-12 Shining Bronze-cuckoo 1(h) Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA47) BTHaywood & T Horn 16-Sep-12 Southern Emu-wren C Pick Swamp, Piccaninnie Ponds area S Black & BTHaywood 18-Sep-12 Southern Emu-wren 2+ Honeysuckle Native Forest Reserve (HS4) BTHaywood 18-Sep-12 Southern Emu-wren 2 Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA29) BTHaywood 18-Sep-12 Southern Emu-wren 1 Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA15) BTHaywood 20-Oct-12 Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater 1 Dickins Scrub, Carpenter Rocks N&B Dickins 4-Nov-12 Spotted Harrier 1 3 km E of Penola CP B & Tracey Green 7-Nov-12 Spotted Pardalote 1(b) Ngarkat Conservation Park (Jimmy's Well track) BTHaywood & A Goodman 14-Oct-12 Striated Fieldwren 1 Snow Gum-Dry Creek corridor B Green 17-Sep-12 White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike 1 Kangaroo Flat Native Forest Reserve (KF7) BTHaywood 19-Nov-12 White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike 1 Honan Native Forest Reserve (HO18/12) BTHaywood 19-Oct-12 White-browed Woodswallow 40 Mt Monster Conservation Park D Sando 19-Oct-12 White-browed Woodswallow 50 Two Wells, Keith D Sando 23-Oct-12 White-browed Woodswallow c Boronga, Youngs Rd, 8 Mile Creek G Young 23-Oct-12 White-browed Woodswallow E ForestrySA Head Office, Mt Gambier BTHaywood 24-Oct-12 White-browed Woodswallow 16 "Millers" 5km W of Naracoorte R Miller 29-Oct-12 White-browed Woodswallow D Bryton Wood, Moorak BTHaywood 8-Nov-12 White-browed Woodswallow E Ngarkat Conservation Park (Baan Hill track) BTHaywood & A Goodman December 2012 13 BirdLife South East SA

Date Common Name Abundance Location Observer/s 23-Nov-12 White-browed Woodswallow D Nangwarry Native Forest Reserve (NA2) BTHaywood & T Horn 20-Oct-12 White-winged Chough 5 Caroline Main Rd, Caroline B Green 23-Nov-12 White-winged Chough 9(b) Crooked Lane, Bool Lagoon area R & B Moorhouse 2-Dec-12 White-winged Chough 8 Pines S of Windy Hill NFR B Green 29-Oct-12 Wood Sandpiper 2 Sarnia Swamp, 5km w of Naracoorte R Miller 26-Oct-12 Yellow Thornbill B Mt Scott Conservation Park BTHaywood

Abundance Code: A = 1-3, B = 4-10, C = 11-30, D = 31-100, E = 101-300, F = 301-1000, G = 1000+, (r/k) = roadkill, (b) = breeding, (Imm) = Immature, (b/w) = beach washed, (h) = heard only, X = present (no abundance)

14 December 2012