THEPULSEOFYOUNGINDIA Weekly Newsletter from CYDA 11th, September, 2020 Issue No. 5

OntheOcassionofWorldHomelessDay AHomefor'sHomeless

A survey conducted by CYDA shows that the homeless on the streets has increased by 10% during the last one year due to COVID 19 pandemic. We as responsible citizens can contribute towards making their life a safer and better place. Sinjini Mookherjee writes about need for supporting Pune's Homeless.

Introduction Sharanappa, 60 years, living at the Kasarwadi station since the past few months as he has no where to go. A decade ago, Sharanappa who lived with his family in his native village of Karnataka was thrown out by his son who is an alchoholic. Sharanappa boarded the train and landed in Pune in search of work. Initially, Sharanapa worked at a construction site, but his employer exploited him by not paying wages on time and many a times these meagre wages were stolen when he slept on the pavement and has been living in different pavements and stations of Pune.

Owing to lack of adequate nutrition his health deteriorated and he was unable to work. Adding to his woes, Sharanappa got into a hit and run accident and with no access to medical help, his scars are still healing. This left him with no other option but begging. All Sharanapa wants is a safe place to stay in a place with dignity and an assurance of two meals a day!

Homelessness is a complex social problem which affects people of all genders, all ages, races and ethnic groups and result in an array of social problems, including mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, child neglect and abuse, foster care, and criminal justice. Regardless of the personal vulnerabilities that put an individual at risk of homelessness, other structural factors, notably the lack of safe shelter, unemployment and poverty contribute to the growth of homelessness.

Covid 19 pandemic and the lockdown called for staying at home and maintaining social distance but for homeless who live on edge, hygiene and social distancing do not exist. Lack of safe shelter and loss of income increased their vulnerability. The end of the lockdowm meant that they had to leave the temporary shelters provided to them which coincided with the onset of the monsoon. These factors escalated the issue of shelter for homeless and they were back on the streets, forced to poverty and extreme hunger.

Sanjay, 40 years old, came to Pune as a young man lives on the streets of . His story, “My mother died when I was young and my father got remarried. My stepmother illtreated me and I took a train to Pune in search of work and has been living on the pavements ever since.” Sanjay engaged in bigari work to make both How do we provide for the homeless with a ends meet. But Covid 19 has led to loss of safe shelter which is a basic necessity which income and he was forced to beg and depend they can call their “home?” on charity for food. No opportunities for livelihood and no place to stay have worsened Our endeavour is to provide them security and dignity with a safe shelter home with basic his situation. amenities including functional toilets, safe drinking water, clean surroundings and basic In September 2020, a study conducted by information and adoption of critical hygiene CYDA for the homeless, the unseen and practices, and infrastructure. forgotten citizens of India in PCMC area shows majority were migrants from different A small initiative taken up by CYDA was parts of like Osmanabad, Beed, identification of a suitable space. PCMC has a Sholapur, Aurangabad and Beed. Some building with 22 rooms for the homeless migrants were from Delhi, Karnataka and situated near Pimpri Railway station Bihar. established 8 months ago. CYDA proposes equipping the building into a safe shelter Of the respondents, 77% were male while where the homeless can live with dignity for 23% were female. 51% of them have been 100 homeless with access to basic amenities living on the streets for more than 10 years.

1. 10 people can sleep in 300sq feet Access to Makeshift Shelter Arrangements 2. Bedding (blanket, mattress, pillow, bed- sheets) on a use basis, with arrangements to launder these periodically. 39% 3. Personal lockers 61% 4. Potable drinking water 5. Adequate toilet facilities with a minimum norm of one toilet and bathing space for 12 persons including running water, water storage cans, buckets and mugs. Homeless without Shelter 6. Clothes wash place and kitchen /cooking space and necessary equipment such as Homeless without temporary Shelter cooking gas connections and safety measures including first aids etc.

Years of stay without Permanent Shelter? Donate Now 10%

25% 51%


More than 10 years

6-9 years

1-5 years

Lesser than one year You can Scan the Bar-Code by GooglePay/BHIM/PhonePe/PayTM
