®vw*sff*3! i-tfr \n\ í.X_« ^^rà-vMM The Rio News. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Vol. XXII. RIO DE JANEIRO, JANUARY 28tii, 1896. NUMBER WILSON, SONS & CO. AMERICAN (LIMITED) Dávidson & Co. 2, RUA DE S. PEDRO Quayle, 1ank Note Company, 1 j RIO DE JANEIRO. 1 19, Rua da Quitanda 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, NEW YORK. AGENTS OF THE CAIXA NO CORREIO 16 liu.iness Foui-t-_(. 1795. Representatives of IneorporatiMl Pacific Steam Navigation Company umler Laws ur tlio Stiito of New York, 185.. lleorgiiiiizuri 1879. Skaw, Savill & Albion Co., Ld. 'The-New Engravers and Printers of Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. FLINT, EDDY & C<>.. New BONDS, POSTACE & REVENUE STAMPS, York LECAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Repairs to Ships and Machinery AGENTS FOR Foreign Covernments. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, Having large workshops and eftecient plant we are in BANK a to undertake repairs of ali descriptions to ships NOTES, SlIARIi CKKT.FIOATES, KONOS position and FOR «OVKUNMKNTS AM) OOl.POKATIONS, Machinery. IMtAFTS, OHJ.CKS, BJLLS OF EXCHANGE, BROOKS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS; STAMPS, A-c, In thc fln_»t nnd inonl arti.Uu style FItOM STEEL Coal.—Wilson, Sons.& Co. (Limited) have depôts at St. PLATES, Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevidéo, La Plata and at the With 8PKUIAI, _AFK_IUII1I. t<> ÍUIKVKNT COUilTKKFEIXÍN.. Spoclal papers manufactural exoluáiyòly for chief Brazil Ports; and, among others, supply coal under NATHAN MFG. Co-Monitor Injectors, lubricators, etc.; uno of tliu Company. contract, at Rio, to: SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. The Brazilian Government; . > Work Execute. In Flrcproof llull.lngfi. Her Britannic Majesty's Government; The Transatlantic Steamship Companies; HALE & KILBURN MFG.
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