Open Problems on Central Simple Algebras 3
OPEN PROBLEMS ON CENTRAL SIMPLE ALGEBRAS ASHER AUEL, ERIC BRUSSEL, SKIP GARIBALDI, AND UZI VISHNE Abstract. We provide a survey of past research and a list of open problems regarding central simple algebras and the Brauer group over a field, intended both for experts and for beginners. There are many accessible introductions to the theory of central simple algebras and the Brauer group, such as [Alb61], [Her68], [Pie82], [Dra83], [Row91, Ch. 7], [Ker90], [Jac96], and [GS06]—or at a more advanced level, [Sal99]. But there has not been a survey of open problems for a while—the most prominent recent references are the excellent surveys [Ami82], [Sal84], [Sal92], and [Sal01]. Since the last survey, major new threads have appeared related to geometric techniques. As examples, we mention (in chronological order): Saltman’s results on division algebras over the function field of a p-adic curve, see [Sal97a], [Sal07], [Bru10], [PS98], [PSar]; De Jong’s result on the Brauer group of the function field of a complex surface, see [dJ04], [Lie08], and §4; Harbater–Hartmann–Krashen patching techniques, see [HHK09] and [HHKar]; and Merkurjev’s bounding of essential p-dimension of PGLn, see[Mer10], [Merar], and §6. Motivated by these and other developments, we now present an updated list of open problems. Some of these problems are—or have become—special cases of much more general problems for algebraic groups. To keep our task manageable, we (mostly) restrict our attention to central simple algebras and PGLn. The fol- lowing is an idiosyncratic list that originated during the Brauer group conference held at Kibbutz Ketura in January 2010.
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