Legitimate Peripheral Participation: Entering A Community of Practice Matthew Floding Glenn Swier Twenty years ago, Etienne Wenger and Jean Lave coined the term “com- munity of practice” in their book, Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation.1 In the book, they argue that learning occurs as one partici- pates in a community of practice. “Learning involves the whole person; it implies not only a relation to social communities—it implies becoming a full participant, a member, a kind of person.”2 The newcomer’s participation at !rst is legitimately peripheral, but over time is centripetally drawn in- wards and becomes more engaged and more complex. This learning theory holds promise for those of us who wrestle with communicating formational concepts with our respective communities of practice, whether in person or digitally within distributed learning formats. At the time of publication, Wenger and Lave were critiquing educational assumptions that are largely still with us in public education, namely, that learning is an individual process, that it has a beginning and an end, that it is best separated from the rest of our activities, and that it is the result of teach- ing.3 Further, Wenger observes, “To assess learning we use tests with which Matthew Floding, Director of Formation for Ministry and Associate Professor of Christian Ministry, Western Theological Seminary, 101 E. 13th St., Holland, MI 49423 (Email: matt. "
[email protected]). Glenn Swier, Associate Director of Formation for Ministry, Western Theological Seminary, 101 E. 13th St., Holland, MI 49423 (Email:
[email protected]). Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry 194 LEGITIMATE PERIPHERAL PARTICIPATION the students struggle in one-on-one combat, where knowledge must be dem- onstrated out of context, and where collaborating is considered cheating.”4 The approach to education Wenger critiques is, of course, quite out of step with the pedagogical approaches of most readers of Re!ective Practice.