A Systems Analysis and Upgrade of a Small
AA SSYYSSTTEEMMSS AANNAALLYYSSIISS AANNDD UUPPGGRRAADDEE OOFF AA SSMMAALLLL BBUUSSIINNEESSSS EECCOOMMMMEERRCCEE WWEEBBSSIITTEE A SENIOR PROJECT BY PAUL LOUTHAN AA SSYYSSTTEEMMSS AANNAALLYYSSIISS AANNDD UUPPGGRRAADDEE OOFF AA SSMMAALLLL BBUUSSIINNEESSSS EECCOOMMMMEERRCCEE WWEEBBSSIITTEE A SENIOR PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT OREGON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE PAUL LOUTHAN JUNE 10, 2012 KingsMums.Com Upgrade Project Paul Louthan SENIOR PROJECT APPROVALS This senior project, completed by Paul Louthan for the Bachelor of Science degree, was accepted by the evaluation committee and the Department of Management at the Oregon Institute of Technology. COMMITTEE APPROVALS: _______________________________________ _________________ Reviewer 1 Date _______________________________________ _________________ Reviewer 2 Date _______________________________________ _________________ Reviewer 3 Date _______________________________________ _________________ Professor Grant Kirby Date Program Director (Oregon Institute of Technology) June 10, 2012 Page 2 of 78 KingsMums.Com Upgrade Project Paul Louthan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document is a record of the work done by Paul Louthan on a project to improve an existing e-commerce website by migrating to the Magento Go e-commerce software platform. This document describes the project, its objectives, stakeholders, planning and analysis, research results, scope, risk assessment, external inputs, solution outline, management model, success metrics, timeline, and summary of unresolved issues. It also includes an appendix, which contains the project proposal, analysis support documentation, design elements, list of product features and capabilities, cost structure, screenshots, and other resources. The e-commerce website, www.kingsmums.com, is a major asset of King’s Mums, LLC, a small business located in Oregon City, owned and operated by Ray and Kim Gray.
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